
Showing posts from July, 2014

iPhone: add badge to icons internal to my app -

I'm trying to add an icon badge to my app. Like in the Facebook app, the number of pending requests in the home page is shown on the request icon. Thanks, V Itemprop = "text"> I know that This article is a bit old, but it recently helped me create a small class to create custom badges I thought it would be appropriate for everyone to make this category public. So here it is. Best Relationship - Saska

uiimageview - iphone: Text around an image -

Is it possible to go around a single image? Like in the picture? I'm also going to go with UIWebView. You can probably guess what they are doing by scrolling up and down the page. In my experience, a UIWebView scroll is more sluggish than a UIScrollView, and comes at a stop faster. If you actually set your heart to use UIScrollView to create this effect, then you can use this method: CGSize Size = [textView.text sizeWithFont: textView.font constrainedstose: CGSizeMake (frame.ize.width, 99 99) LineBrake Mode: UILineBreakModeWordWrap]; Get your text and place it in a loop. With each repetition of the loop, cut one word from the end Compare the size with the method given above, and if it is long, then go through the loop again. When size.height is smaller than you want, you know how much text to add to the top text view (to the right of the image). Add the remaining text in the text view below the image, using the above method to frame the size.

objective c - Global variables in IPHONE APP -

How to declare and use global variables with extern in Objective-C and other files I want to define defined and global variables in 1.h file and 1.m and want to use it in 2.m file I'm defining < / P> 1.h External Const NSString * str; 1.m NSString * str = @ "hello"; I'm importing 1.h in I want to use the string But give me 2.o error If these are application settings, then you should consider using NSUserDefaults. If this is the constant, you should define them in the prefix header file.

How do I fix line ending issues after migrating from SVN to git? -

I just cloned a subdivision repository to GIT git svn clone - Studied - writer-file = ourcommitters.txt svn: // While doing so, I had 'git flag' core.autocrlf set to 'true' - just In the case of the case. After a long time, the command is over. As a result, I removed the GIT repository a bit (removing unintended branches, preparing tags etc.) and now everything looks great and works well. The repository is hosted on a Linux box, and other Linux Cloning to work on boxes works really well. However, I saw a problem: When cloning the repository on the Windows box, some files are modified while switching the branches. For example, I do this: / P> git clone svn: //our.git.server/foo git position # Everything is clean GIT checkout - original / maintenance # maintenance branch switch to GIT status # Everything is clean GIT checkout Master # Back Master Branch GIT Status # Some files are modified ! While doing a 'git diff', I

user interface - Load Content in the UIWebView on the Iphone -

Hello, I would like to show the content in UIWebView, which I have added to the project. For example, an image I know is how to set a text in UIWebView, but I would like to add images or videos that I have added to the project Best regards, < Okay, I believe that you set your HTML on UIWebView to . To reference images stored in your app bundle, you need to get the right path to keep in your IMG tag. Get path string: NSString * imgPath = [[NSBundle main bundle] Pathfoser resource: nameOfImage ofType: @ "jpg"]; Some HTML formats with an image tag: NSString * html = NSString [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @ "& lt; img src = \ "File: //% @ \" /> ", IMGpath] AutoWrecks]; Then set your HTML on the web view: [self.webView loads HTML string: html baseURL: zero]; You need to add images to your app resources (in the code above nameOfImage ) and it will work fine.

c# - Deleting files on a remote machine -

Is it possible to connect to a remote machine and it is possible to delete files? If not, is there any other approach that can achieve this task? One idea is that I can make a machine that runs on every machine, enforces a method that removes the local files, and then sends the command service. If you can access it through a standard non-network path, this is the easiest way . \\ machinename \ c $ \ . You have to be an administrator on the machine to reach that path. It works with System.IO objects (files, directories, etc)

jQuery - Trying to select element from iFrame (point and click) -

I am trying to get the name of the ID and element from the HTML tag. This code works: jQuery (document) .ready (function () {$ ("*", document.body) .mousemove (function (e) {$ ('# mpos ') .html (e.pageX +', '+ e.pageY); e.stopPropagation (); var domEl = $ (this) .get (0); $ (' # elem '). Html (domEl.tagName ); $ ('# Ide') .HTML (;});}); But I want to work it inside an iframe too. If I try now, it only displays the element name and the element name of the iframe. Thanks in advance! This is because the page only sees iframe as an element. If you want to select different elements in the iframe, you will need to repeat the script on the page inside the iframe. But you will not be able to pass it to the parent page AFAIK. If you have control over IFrame and its contents, then you will be better off right into the original document and using overflow: scroll using the CSS rule.

Capture stills from avi on Windows -

I have to capture pictures from AV files I also need to know the AV file duration I platform is Windows, Language C + + Is (with QT library). I do not know more about DirectShow or QT Phonon and I do not have time to learn any of them. So, I'm looking for solutions that are ready, maybe there is some open source project where I can get some source for inspiration? Or maybe there is some free Dell who can do the job? Windows C ++ sources are - Javascript/DOM Why is does my form not support submit()? -

This is my first time working with and javascript, so I do not know very good web resources, or Much about javascript debugging I have to find out that on line oFormObject.submit (); Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Object does not support this property or method I am using the link to work as a button because I am terrible in aesthetics and I think That link will look more professional than a table of 50 buttons. I have read that this solution can cause problems with browsers due to pre-rendering of my links and many additional traffic and problems, but CSS gives me a button like a link, which has issues of alignment and difference seemed to. & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "defect differen

iphone - HTTPS with NSURLConnection - NSURLErrorServerCertificateUntrusted -

I have an application that is connected to http error when I tried to get Https that the root certificate is not trustworthy is. I have got the URL for my site certificate, its CA certificate, and the CA certificates and they have been added on the phone via Safari. Now when I go to Preferences -> General -> Profile then I can see all my certificates which go all the way to the series. Each certificate has a red signed label even though I get the NSURLErrorServerCertificateUntrusted error when I connect it. Where am I trying to go? Any help will be great. Only the second thing that can affect it is that I am connecting with a strange port, then my URL is Port. Does Port Number One Certificate - Does not Match Domain Name? Now I have used the iPhone configuration feature to add a configuration profile to the phone. It has my original certificate, certificate and site certificate. Profile of this phone is verified. In the details I can see my three certifica

php - achieve effect similar to jibjab cards -

I have a good understanding of all things until the actual embedding in the video. Does anyone know the best way to do this? To play a video in Flex, use Control. If you are using Flash CS3, then control is done.

.net - Linq to SQL Cache Dependency -

I would love to hear people's views on the pros and cons of SQL cache dependency mix with Linq to SQL, as it Article: This works for me, but I know that someone has an option? Cheers, Tim

Arabic letters shown disconnected in Flash -

I am having this problem where in Arabic, Arabic characters are displayed in any component (like label or text input) in Flash. Any suggestions? Flash did not have a good text engine for right-to-left languages, in a version 10 Starting with, the authoring tool has not yet fallen. You can use the next text engine using the components of the new spark in the published assistant (or) Accessories. Flex 4, which by default uses the new text engine.

http post - show "webpage has expired" on back button -

When the user hits the back button, the omnipresent "This page has expired" what the browser needs to show is? text "> OK, default As soon as you are working with a form POST, and then the user hits back and then refreshes, they will show this message that it indicates that the browser is re-depositing the data, but if the page If set to end immediately, they will not need to refresh and they will see that the message ends while coming back to the page 1) Instead of trying to avoid both messages, try: 1) Instead of using a form GET, it depends on you What you are doing but this is not always a good solution because there are size restrictions on the GET request, and the information is passed in the querystrag, which is not the safest of the options. - or - 2) Redirect a server page to a different page After the post. It looks as if the answer to a similar question was given here: As a third option, Can be stopped from going back completel

iphone - How to setup a predicate for this query -

I have a 3 object hierarchy in which the 'division' is original, in which many 'group' items and each ' Group 'has many employees. division [1] ------ [*] group group [1] ------ [*] employee < / Blockquote> I would like to know how to create an NSPredicate for the search of all employees of all groups of a specific division, the creation has been sorted by date / time and classified using their 'group' To know the 'Employee' object and specific division ID as the requested entity. But I'm having trouble translating it into CoreData, so any suggestion would be helpful. i was to create a SQL query, this would be something like this: Select from employee * where - in exampleEdId (select * from group * g.divisionId =: DivisionId ) I tried to do this but did not work: // Create a fetch request for the institution. NSFetchRequest * fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; // Configure the unit of the request and its

Installing python-mysql with wamp's mysql -

(I'm not sure whether it should be asked here or SU. But seeing SO, I'm asking it here I ...) I have wamp (mysql-5.1.33) server setup on my Vista machine, and I use Python-mysql 1.2.3c1 to access mysql version provided by wax I am trying to establish / P> First of all, when I ran the python install \ / code>, I got an error saying that it could not find the location of the mysql bin folder. Looking at , I saw that it was looking for a registry key and so I said that the registry entry and I think it is now able to find it. But now, when I run python install , I get a different error which is saying unable to find vcvarsall.bat . Any help for establishing this appreciation here is the creation of Python installation : Is running bdist_egg is running egg_info MySQL_python.egg-info \ PKG-to write top-level names to INGO Dependency on MySQL_python.egg-info \ top_level.txt_Links write MySQL_python.egg-info \ depe

parameters - Why is PHP not seeing my query string? -

This indicates the problem. I am sending a query string to the URL: ? As a result, I am expecting a list of these two PHP variables: _REQUEST ["Qwerty"] asdfg _get ["qwerty "] Asdfg and also the query string: _SERVER [" QUERY_STRING "] qwerty = asdfg However, none of these extremes is set at all. I am using lighttpd It may not be related to the problem or, but my looks like this because I'm using WordPress for most pages in the domain: # ## Generated by Elliott ### WordPress: url.rewrite + = ("^ / (wp -.). * /?" = & Gt; "$ 0", " ^ / (Blog / wp -.). * /? "= & Gt;" $ 0 "," ^ / (. * .php) "= =>" $ 0 "," ^ / (. * .pdf ) "= & Gt;" $ 0 "," ^ / (. * .png) "= & gt;" $ 0 "," ^ / (. * Html) "=>" $ 0 "," ^ / (. * .co) "= & gt;" $

(Django) Sharing authentication across two sites that are on different domains -

I have two sites: and and both Django based primary registration happens at ( I have to be the main user DB here) and I would like to have three things: 1) Users who log into, automatically use without entering the bar Enabled in 2) Users who log into, are directly certified against the user DB. 3) No need to register directly at for a user. How can I get it? If this simplifies many things, then I can make a subdomain of (like but they should have separate sites. Your third requirement can be easily solved by sharing the same database between the two sites (That is why the same user is the table.) Due to the first requirement difficult cross domain issues (session's cookie will not be shared) What are you actually looking at? You can consider. - HttpWebRequest POST and Cookies -

Hi trying to create an application that posts data to a Joomla login page but the only thing that I I do not have cookies enabled. Function as NewGrid.CookieContainer Dim enc as encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (1252) Bit by default as GetPage (String as ByVal Url) () = Somewhat slow PostData as string = "" if InStr (url, "?") & Lt; & Gt; 0 then PostData = Url.Substring (InStr (Url, "?") URL = Change (URL, PostData, URL = URL.Remind ("?" C) Data = NF Gatebytes (PostData) End and Dim Req Like System .Net.HttpWebRequest = CType (Net.WebRequest.Create (Url), Net.HttpWebRequest) req.AllowAutoRedirect = False req.ContentType = "Application / X-www-Form-URLXode" req.Method = "POST" if no data So the data is not. Lang & gt; 0 then req.ContentLength = Data.Length dim as stream = req.GetRequestStream () newStream.Write (data, 0, data. Length) newStream.Flush () newStream.Close () End if end req.CookieContainer = Cooki

Can we include php file in html file? -

How can we include a php file in an HTML file? I know we can do this: & amp; AddType application / x-httpd-php .html & gt; But I do not have access to the server Any other solution that I can include in my website folder or file? PHP end? The easiest way to do this will be.

c# - Reposition a VLC window programmatically -

I'm sure others have also participated in this problem ... I Watching the video, while working on the second task, a small VLC window, but no matter where the window is kept, in the end I need to reach anything in the GUI, and manually on the video window Must be given first place. Whenever the mouse pointer is moved to it, then the VLC window snap in the other corner can be solved. I have not found an app that does this, I would like to write one, what technology can I use to do this? Cross platform can be tough ... So what if only on Windows? I like something in C # (or Python), but if I'm ready to learn something new when I need to. There is only one window here. And use WM_MOVE. I do not know the name of the window that uses VLC. You can use Spy ++ to find its name. mvc - How to create a custom html tag using the spark viewengine? -

I have heard or read somewhere (where can not remember) that the concept of defining spark view engine custom HTML Supports tags. I want to use it for rounded corners. Which works in conjunction with 6 different divisions wrapped around the actual content in our HTML. If I can change this with or something like it will make things more readable, is it true that it can spark? And if so, how do I use it, do I have some documents for it? The partial spark looks like a custom HTML tag, but this is actually a little syntax Chinese. See for more information.

mysql - IVRS response recorder -

I have a web based system based on PHP; Mysql where we have a complaint box that has 5 different types of complaints which are logged on the phone by an operator. I want to create a system where the caller will press the button on an IVRS system such as a phone, send a complaint and a unique complaint number is sent to the caller. As the complaint calls are made in 1905 and then a language menu is heard. Like English for 1 then please dial your STD code user dials 456, please dial your phone number user, dial 87657672, please dial for phone, 2 for broadband Dial. User Dial 2 Please select the complaint type: 1 for missing link, 2 for link unstable. User Dial 2 I would like to be all over an IVR system and then want to store the selection in the name of a ticket in a monthly database table. How can I get it? Please guide thanks & amp; Abhishek, Abhishek So if I correctly explain your question then you have an operator Uses a web app to register Complaints and

Python: Int not iterable errror -

I am trying to wet my feet with a dragon on Project Oller, but I have a problem with the first problem (See the number of multiples of 3 or 5, up to 1,000). I can successfully print multiples of three and five, but when I try to include the yoga function, I get the following error: Type: Error: 'int object' Any help would be appreciated n = 100 p = 0 while p for-loop for numbers in x in Element in X for each pass through the "number" phase loop, at one time it may be possible to name the "number" Better because you get only one number at a time are doing. "Numbers" is equal to an integer each time through the loop. yoga (numbers) throws a type of error because function totals () expect an iterative object (like a list of numbers ), Not just an integer. So maybe try: DET Newcast (X): for S = 0: If the number% 3 == 0 and the number% 5 == 0 : S + = number print (s) numcheck (category (1000))

sql - Getting all info of the logged in user? PHP -

Hello Can I get all the information from the user when he logs in and stores it To get the user's username, email etc., instead of having a piece of code at the top of all pages, the session will be logged in. $ userq = mysql_query ("Select * User from WHERE id = {$ _ Session ID ']} "); $ Auth_user = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ userq); Log in. PHP $ sql = mysql_query ("Choose where ID from user and username = '$ user name' and password = '$ password'"); If (mysql_num_rows ($ sql) & lt; 1) {echo "incorrect username / password"; } And ($ _SESSION ['id'] = mysql_result ($ result, 0, 'id'); header ("location: index.php");} Yes you (probably) . To consider some things, though: What you only need in the session (do not want to place a huge session file with many useless) Updates the profile, you have to store new data in the database and in session - which means Some other works on the

winforms - Silent failures in C#, seemingly unhandled exceptions that does not crash the program -

In a winforms app, in the load event of a form, add the following line: Throw a new exception (); Run the application and ran without a problem. This is called a silent failure, you can try to add messageboxes before and after, and you will soon find out Instead of crashing the app, the details of the throw just out of the load event. I'm sure there is no need to explain how it is ugly and dangerous. I was still thinking behind this terrible behavior (probably in history) for reasons. I am convinced that this is not a design decision, maybe there is no alternative, or does anyone know laziness? Would be happy if someone could point me in a list of events which could also cause failure failures. This is the snippet of my code - I do not know how it can help - but, here it is: using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Windows.Forms; Namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 {Static class program {/// & lt; Summary & gt;

jquery - removing css style for element by ID -

How to disable the style for the element is already styled with CSS in the name of the element and I Can not make the same style. Is the name of a square in the CSS just a # element name, which is not shown on the HTML code? You can try: $ (selector "). RemoveAttr ("style"); But my question is: Why do you want to remove CSS styles? Usually this is an indication that you are not doing something well. As will write something: $ ("selector") Hover (function () {$ (this) .Css ("background", "red");}, function () {// ???}); The problem is that you do not know what to do to set the background to reset it to normal. This is the reason why you should use the classes: div.highlight {background: red; } with: $ ("selector"). Hover (function {$ (this) .addClass ("highlight");}, function () {$ (this) .removeClass ("Highlight");}); The problem is resolved. That is why I can not comment on yo

php - Building a CMS for bilingual website - need tips -

I am creating really simple CMS for a bilingual website. The website will have 5 + 5 pages, each of which has different content. Like this, you contact us about one page, service page, a news page, and two languages. I was thinking that I am making on the CMS Backend Administrative Panel .. What is a better option? I should make two separate admin panels for two different languages ​​- it seems that finishing It's done, but then what's the preferred way in a case where you have a CMS website in two different languages ​​... or do I consider using a third party's cms for it? I have not done a lot of work in Drupal or Jhoomla and there is very little idea here. Basically my client needs a corporate website, which will have one: About us page, mission statement, product [this should be updated], news and updates [updateable], Contact us, give us feedback, etc. The site should also be bilingual. How should I go to I need to submit fake up early? I have about 10 days

mfc - In C++, how system implement the buffered stream? -

Can someone write some sample code to illustrate this concept? I know that used for a buffed stream, but I would like to know how to implement it. Thanks in advance! You can learn a lot about the implementation of your platform, C ++ standard or Be ready for the state Stream is old and it is a complex matter. (Francis Glassboro)

coding style - PHP Line Indentation -

I'm curious to know how many transfers do you make in PHP code? function one () {$ one; Function space () {$ space; }} Two Tasks () {$ two; Function spaces () {$ spaces; }} Three works () {$ three; Function spaces () {$ spaces; }} Function four () {$ 4; Function spaces () {$ spaces; }} Let's not create more than one answer for the same indentation, but use +1 for answers related to your preferences. One tab per level only the right way!

algorithm - How to implement in Excel: If cell A1 is 0, cell A2 = "foo". Else, let the user specify an input -

This is very straight forward if a certain cell, such as A1, has a value of "0", then I have a Must have arbitrary value. Otherwise, I want the user to be able to enter their own values. The first part is simple: A2 = IF (A1 = "0", "value", "") However, if A2 is empty , And the user goes to edit the value, Excel Formula presents itself to edit. Is there a way around this? There is a need to create slightly different perspectives instead of a formula # .0; # .0; Use something like "value" , then copy the value of A1 to A2 and use the custom number format on A2.

java - Connect database from applet -

क्या एप्लेट से डेटाबेस कनेक्ट करना संभव है ??? सैंडबॉक्स के लिए यह आवश्यक है कि एक ऐपलेट सर्वर और पोर्ट से वापस कनेक्ट हो जो इसे से आया। यदि आपके डेटाबेस कनेक्शन पोर्ट सर्विसलेट इंजन से अलग है, तो यह संभव नहीं है। एप्लेट और डेटाबेस के बीच में एक सर्वलेट डाल करने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ इस तरह से आपका डेटाबेस नेटवर्क पर सीधे सामने नहीं आ रहा है। यह सर्वलेट को प्राधिकरण, बाइंड वेरिएबल्स आदि की जांच करने के लिए एक परिवर्तन देता है।

c++ - Subclass of QGraphicsLayoutItem for stretchers? -

QGraphicsLayout के विशेषज्ञ (जैसे QGraphicsLinearLayout) में एक सम्मिलित स्ट्रेच विधि शामिल है। QGraphicsLinearLayout किस प्रकार का ऑब्जेक्ट करते हैं :: डालेंस्ट्रेच विधि लेआउट द्वारा प्रबंधित मदों की सूची में डालें? बेहतर पूछे जाने पर: QGraphicsLayout :: itemAt विधि द्वारा किस प्रकार की ऑब्जेक्ट वापस की जाती है जब एक स्टॉप की स्थिति के लिए बुलाया जाता है? मैंने कभी इसकी जांच नहीं की है, इसलिए मैं नहीं जानता, लेकिन अगर आप वास्तव में उत्सुक हैं, तो आप उस स्थिति में एक वस्तु के लिए पूछ सकते हैं। मान लें कि यह NULL वापस नहीं लौटाता है, तब आप मेटा जानकारी के माध्यम से अपना काम कर सकते हैं और इसके बारे में बहुत कुछ जानकारी पा सकते हैं। मुझे आश्चर्य नहीं होगा हालांकि, अगर यह कोई स्टॉक QWidget था (खाली, कोई चित्र नहीं)।

qt - Is it possible to have a QWidget as a child to a QObject? -

मेरा मुख्य अनुप्रयोग ऑब्जेक्ट एक QObject है, जो कि QSystemTrayIcon , एक QDialog , एक QWindow और कुछ अन्य घटक एप्लिकेशन ज्यादातर ट्रे में बैठता है, कुछ विकल्प संवाद आदि के साथ। अब, मैं इन वस्तुओं से संकेतों को कनेक्ट करने के लिए QMetaObject :: connectSlotsByName () का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं मुख्य ऑब्जेक्ट में स्लॉट्स यह उनमें से 10-15 है, इसलिए उन्हें हाथ से लिखना कुशल, सही, पेशेवर, आधुनिक, इत्यादि नहीं लगता है। हालांकि, मैं अपना QObject QWidget आधारित ऑब्जेक्ट के अभिभावक के रूप में, और न ही मैं ऑब्जेक्ट को QWidget के वारिस में बदल सकता हूं, क्योंकि वे मुख्य ऑब्जेक्ट दिखाई नहीं दे रहे हैं। विचार? स्लॉट्स पर मैन्युअल रूप से सिग्नल कनेक्ट करना बिल्कुल ठीक है। क्यूटी खुद ही ऐसा कर रहा है, ज्यादातर क्यूटी अनुप्रयोग ऐसा कर रहे हैं। मुझे डर है कि आप connectSlotsByName का उपयोग माता-पिता के मुद्दों के लिए QWidget , लेकिन यदि आप वास्तव में चाहते हैं, तो आपके पास QMetaObject में उपलब्ध सभी मेटाडेटा है, ताकि आप किसी भी जोड़ी / सेट connectSlotsByName कोड> QO

Splitting a Ruby hash into sorted keys / associated values -

मान लें कि मेरे पास रुबी में एक हैश है: d = {1 = & gt; 'एक', 3 = & gt; 'तीन', 2 = & gt; 'दो'} और मुझे प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं x = [1, 2, 3] y = [ 'एक', 'दो', 'तीन'] यही है, मैं सॉर्ट किए गए कुंजी को x में चाहता हूं, और y में संबंधित मान । मैं संभावित रूप से x के लिए कस्टम सॉर्ट क्रम का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। यह करने के लिए सबसे आसान, सरल तरीका क्या है? आसान: x, y = d.sort.transpose या, एक कस्टम प्रकार के साथ: x, y = d.sort_by {| k, v |

system calls - sys_call_table in linux kernel 2.6.18 -

I try to set the sys exit call from a variable in extern zero I am * sys_call_table []; However, when I try to create, the console returns me an error Error: '__nr_ext' is undeclared (first use). Any suggestion would be appreciated :) Thanks Since you are in kernel 2.6.x, sys_call_table does not export any more. If you try to avoid compilation error then include # include & lt; Linux / unistd.h & gt; However, this will not work, so the work around "play" with sys_call_table is to find the address of sys_call_table in this command from the system (located at / boot): grep sys_call X-I will enter this address, then this code will allow you to modify the table: unsigned long * sys_call_table; Sys_call_table = (unsigned long *) simple_strtoul ("0xc0318500", tap, 16); Original_mkdir = sys_call_table [__nr_mkdir]; Sys_call_table [__nr_mkrd] = mkdir_modifference; Hope this works for you, I have tested i

How do I interact with the Amazon Product Advertising API in my Rails app? -

I'm building a Rail Web App and wondering if Amazon should get a list of products coming back What is the best way to search based on the word? For example, if I have sent the Amazon word "iPhone", then I will get a list of iPhone from Amazon. Does anyone know if there is a gem or library for the railways that will fulfill this requirement? I have always used the Amazon-ECS gem, despite the name, it seems that it still Active Development (last updated on August 27, 2009). Here is a blog post that will help you:

Multiple projects with OpenGrok -

I was wondering what is the best way to set up and configure OpenGroup for multiple projects, e.g. Through a single page and a dropdown list. While the documentation for a single project is very straightforward, the instructions for establishing a multi-project environment are not very clear to me. Every directory under the SRC_ROOT directory is a project. Then your directory structure should look something like this: / opengrok | - bin | - Data `- source | --project1 | --project2` --project3 Then update your index, in this phase the configuration.xml file will be updated and each directory will be updated under SRC_RO (or OpenGrak / Source) The project will be considered.

namespaces - Is attaching functions to the jQuery object bad practice? -

Currently I have a jQuery plugin that not only sets my function in $ .fn $ , if (typeof (this) == 'function') to see if it's $ .pliname or $ (Elm). Plugin ... this is bad behavior, and if so, is there a better way to provide alternatives to the element? jquery extension work is appearing on both namespaces: jQuery sources Both define: $ .extend = $ .fn.extend = ... This will inspire me to believe that they Support your intentions to be able to do this. However, if you have established your functions to use both of the way jQuery authors, then you can get a better idea of ​​the best practice. For example, you usually want $ .fn function to call function $ (like $ .data function in jQuery source) $. Expansion ({Data: Function (AMM, Key, Value) {...}}); And (a bit simplified): $ Fn.extend ({data: function (key, value) {return.Each (function () ($ .data (this, key, value);}}}}) this By the way, calls each other and takes care of the check f

urlencode - Form string data url encoded by some browsers .net -

I came with a strange issue on my mobile site, sending some data as a few phone / gateway urls and sending one Text like "How are you?" as stored in DB "O + how + are + you% 3f" with many browsers There is no problem, but the same network from the United States is called Metro. I realize that different phone models working in this way have to pay attention that it is an issue with Proxy / Gateway. Just insert it _msg = HttpUtility.UrlDecode (_msg); Solve my problem? Any other suggestions? Thanks You will not want to url every For example, for example, people who have broken multiple URLs can post. If you can locate a gateway at the time of the request, then it will be added as an alternative solution. But if the mistake you claimed is actually happening, then I would have thought that it would break most of your websites; Probably all the parameters are affected, and things like IDs, which are more brittle than text messages, if workin

Constraint - sql server -

I want to add an obstacle to a column that depends on one column from a different table. For example, if I have string column str1 in table T1, and I have a string cluster strz on table T2, I should be str1 when leaving srt2 - except for "ok". You can not use SELECT in an interrupt, but the user-defined function is allowed. So you can create a function to get strobe from T2. Here is an example setup: Make the table T1 (ID int, Straw 1 curve (max)) Make Tables T2 (Straw 2 Varcharey (10)) Make the Function Debo. Getts tr2 () returns as return curve (10) @ Selection of retala varchar (10) @retval = str2 T2 Returns @ Returns the table by going to end and change the t1 barrier CheckStr2Constraint check (str1 zero or dbo.GetStr2 () = ' Okay'); You can test like this: Insert T2 values ​​('OK') in T1 values ​​(1, 'test ') - Enter the Squeeds T1 values ​​(1, empty) - Update updates T2 set in St 2 =' OK 'T1 values ​​(1,' test ') -

Can't login to SharePoint using WebServices -

I am trying to access files on a SharePoint- server (WOSS, through WebServices, But I do not sign in. ListsService.Lists lists = new list (); List Authentication = new network credentials ("myusername", "mypassword", "mydomain"); Lists.Url = ""; XMLNode node = lists Gate List Collection (); Return node.over xml; But I get 401: Unauthorized on GetListCollection, but the same username and password works perfectly when I use SharePoint through the browser. I found the general question and this: But I am not developing on server server, I am developing on another computer. I found another thread that showed (), but when I use that solution, I am "unauthorized with the HTTP request client authentication 'NTLM'. The authentication header received from the server 'NTLM 'Was.' 'Which seems to be just too confusing to me. Try to follow the steps outlined in the link and you should solve it. T

oracle10g - Insert into oracle database -

Hi, I have a database with the load of the column and I want to insert some records for the test, now to put something in that database I have to write a large query. Is it possible to do something like this < P> Select from Insert Table (table WHERE id = '5') . I try to insert the line with id 5, but I think it will cause a problem because it will attempt to duplicate a record, is it possible to change ID 5, say 1000, then I can insert the data without writing TLX P> You can do something in PL / SQL Like this: l_rec table declared% rowtype; Start selecting * from l_rec in the table where id = '5'; = 1000; Insert table values ​​in l_rec; End;

php - C# and utf8_decode -

क्या कोई सी # समकक्ष है? वर्ग का उपयोग करें। उदाहरण के लिए: बाइट [] बाइट्स = कुछ; स्ट्रिंग str = एन्कोडिंग.UTF8.GetString (बाइट्स);

security - WCF: The incoming message was signed with a token which was different fron what used to encrypt the body. This was not expected -

For any reason, any such important third-peat webservice functions. I can connect, send a request, and get valid feedback, but I still get the error message. It only happens on one server. "The incoming message was signed with token which was used to encrypt the body. This was not expected." (SIC) It is only on one server, but it is important that I get the data. I do not have control over the server and I know what the message means, clearly I do not care. This is their call, how they configure their own servers and send back the appropriate information. I want all the data to be there. Does the security setting in WCF "keep quiet and settle it", so can I get the data properly from the server? What type of token are you using? certificate? If so, this article may be useful: "". Specifically, see the reading section "To Use Multiple Certificates on the Clients" section.

optimization - How can I speed up Perl's processing of fixed-width data? -

We have a mature body of code that loads data from files into the database; there are many file formats; They are all fixed-width areas. Part of the code uses Perl Unpack () function to read fields from the input data in the package variable. Business logic is able to refer to these areas in 'human-readable' manner. File readings are generated from a format description before reading the file format. In the sketch form, the generated code looks like this: while ( & gt;) {# generates the generated code # Here we open 2 fields , The real code is around 200. ($ FIELDS :: transaction_date, $ FIELDS :: customer_id) = unpack q {A8 A20}; # A key place has been removed in some areas # Generated code has a line similar to an affected line. $ FIELDS :: customer_id = ~ s / ^ \ s + //; # End of Generated Code # If we apply business logic for data ... if ($ FIELDS :: transaction_date eq $ today) {push @ fields, q {some or other}; } Write on the standard format for bulk l

Passing JavaScript variable names and values from server script (ASP.NET) -

What are some good ways to deal with this mess of JavaScript and unnecessary and not really dealing with dynamic generation: var , '' lt;% # chart path% & gt; ',' <% # helper; resolve url ("~", true)%>); & Lt;% # JavaScript ID% & gt; Int (); I have come to know this, but the answers do not seem to address the source of odor. I have some specific problems: JavaScript ID is a variable name why should the client-side variable name be defined on the server side? CurrentUserId does not ever change for user ... this is their user id GetBaseUrl () and ResolveUrl (" ~ ") ... why should I get stability at all places? I have to open the Aspx.cs codebehind file to debug, and can not use Intellisense. I have developed some ideas to deal with the above issues (a global "application" object, declaring jQuery + declare classes on DOM elements), but I have more on this I want to hear ideas. I do not know

swing - Listening to all JInternalFrame events - Java -

I am trying to internationalize a Java applet and with it, support scripts written from left to right I want to set component orientations for all Java components added automatically to see. So far my solution is to listen to all AWTEvent users using the window mask: c .getToolkit (). AddAWTEventListener (Audience, AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK); ... and then set the C / O on each window, as well as added to the window to add component listeners to the C / O set on any other component . My point is that JNIrforums do not solve this solution, I want to be able to add another audience for these incidents, like I have done for windows, any ideas? Or alternatively, is there any better way to handle script instructions for all the components in an applet? Add a container listener to JDesktopPane Add a component of the desktop, then you change its orientation You can.

ssh - iPhone interaction between PC app and iPhone app using USB -

I know that since 3.0 sdk we can use the stuff, so my question is simple, make an iPhone app What is the process and interacts with PC (or MAC) app, using USB? I do not ask you any code, but only the path and key to do that work. Can I send data from the iPhone app and get intercepted on the PC app (and can send iPhone data from PC)? Thank you, and if this question is stupid, just tell me, I did not get to the Dev Center (I really do not know what I want ...)! EDIT: I read some news from Microscope, they will synchronize PC and iPhone games (and I can not get it again) They say that the iPhone is connected to the USB , So I think it is possible USB access is only supported on the phone You can not hook the iPhone to irreversible USB devices, the EA Prot To support the call. You can get more information about this program through this program. In addition to this there is no availability on any USB Access applications.

Asp.Net MVC Populate RDLC Report to PDF Directly -

I created a report using SQL Server Report Builder 2008. I was wondering if there is an example in how it runs in an ASP.NET mvc application, I thought setting up datasets and be able to directly stream it in PDF file, but the localRPR render methath is called, so I I keep getting the following error. "{" report definition is not valid. Description: The report definition contains an invalid target name space '', which can not be upgraded. "}" Thanks in advance I have a project on codeplex That's what it does. If anyone is interested ->

apache2 - Rewrite URLs for static content -

I have a problem with fixed file url, which is in the setup on current .htaccess apache2. My app structure is: / siteroot / siteroot / app / siteroot / lib / siteroot / ... / siteroot / public & lt; - All static files (images, js, etc.) stored here / Siteroot / index.php /siteroot/.htaccess Therefore, I like /css/style.css / public / css / Style.css has to rewrite url. I did it in a really easy way, but when the file is not found, it produces 10 internal redirects, which is bad. If no file is found then I need to return the 404 code, or just pass it to the next rule and I have no access to the site configuration file. Only .htaccess The reason I ask this question is that the site was running on nginx and I need to recreate the same configuration on Apache. Here's my Htaccess file. rewriteignin-on-rewritebase / rewriteconconnect% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f RectiteArrill ^. + (.jpg | jpeg | gif | png | ico | css | js | swf) $ / public / $ 0 [L] rewrite cnd% {REQUES

math - What is negative squared euclidean distance? -

to -> xi-xy || ^ 2 has been described as. So for 2 two-dimensional points, do I code it like this? - ((x1-x2) + (y1-y2)) ^ 2 or - ( (X1-x2) ^ 2 + (y1-y2) ^ 2) or - (sqrt ((x1-x2) ^ 2 + (Y1-y2) ^ 2)) Or some other way? correct answer - ((x1-x2) ^ 2 + (Y1-y2) ^ 2) Mathematical descriptions are correct, but not useful for implementation. It is said in the form of the square of the distance between the points, which will be something if it is applied directly: len = sqrt (x1-x2) * (x1- X2) + (y1-y2) * (y1-y2)); Result = - (lane * lane); Which results = - ((x1-x2) * (x1-x2) + (y1-y2) * (y1-y2)) ; That's your # 2.

com - PHP, calling a ADO object method that has optional parameters -

I have found the original set of assisted works to reach ADO through almost PHP I'm running into a problem When trying to perform an archived procedure with the adExecuteNoRecords option set for $ cmd-> Execute (; adExecuteNoRecords); I have tried to tap for the first two parameters, new variants (new), new variant (null), new variant (VDETPT), etc ... I either A "Parameter 1 can not be passed from context" or type-mismatched comm-expansion, and -> Execution (, adExecuteNoRecords) does not pass PHP parsing. I did a lot of searching, but I have not found an example of anyone using it. If there are optional parameters while calling a COM object method in PHP, then how can you not set the initial parameter to anything? Thank you. replace the optional parameter $ missing = new variant (VT_ERROR) Try. In Btw, COM params, there are still types, if there is an optional Ultimate BSTR then except this, it is usually to pass an empty string. What may se

javascript - Prompt-Permission on facebook? -

I'm having trouble understanding that FB: How to prompt-permission work. I can see a link when the user clicks on the FB: login-button or the user is already logging in via Facebook or through our website. On the other hand, without clicking on the login-button, the link or the permission dialog is not render, if the user has already logged on to our page from Facebook This does not mean that the quick-permission Only available when the user clicks the login button ... Is there no way to do this? Use this: & lt; Fb: login-button perms = "publish_stream, email" & gt; Login and install & lt; / Fb: Login button & gt; Source:

.net - Many to Many Relationship Objects in C# Part 2 -

I am using .NET 2.0. I have 2 objects: PhoneService and the second chart chart. The relationship between this is much more than many. Public category phone service (Personal list & chart; Chart account> chartAccounts; Private chart account list account; Public Int64 ID {Get {return ID;} set {id = value }}} Public bool update () {...} public square charts Aaccount {public Int64 ID {get {return id;} set {id = value;}} Public bool Add () {...} public bool Update () {...} public bool allocation () {// This bridge will save data for table}} In your customers, I have the following code: f Neither service = new phone service (Int64.Parse (dataItem.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues ​​[dataItem.ItemIndex] [ "ServiceID"]. ToString))); If (service.ChartAccounts == faucet) {Allocation Allocation = New Chart Accounting (Int64.Parse (drpdwnlstMainChartAccountAllocation.SelectedValue)); Int i = 0; Foreign Currency Allocation (Allotment ITEM Allocation Items in Allocation.) {S

sockets - Setting a timeout when using connect() in C++ -

I'm using Sekets on Linux to connect to a server, but it does not seem like a Timeout value is the easiest / best method to give it for a few seconds time, I will post the code I have in, and to include, the blocked call (): Using namespace std; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {// command line argument string uri_string = "interpretation"; If (argc! = 2) {cerr & lt; & Lt; "Use:" & lt; & Lt; Argv [0]; Serie Lieutenant; & Lt; "& Lt; URI & gt;" & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Return 1; } And {uri_string = argv [1]; } // Create a URI object and parse it URI_STRING URI * YURY = URI: Pars (Yuri_String); If (Yuri == tap) {cerr & lt; & Lt; "Error: URI can not be parsed." & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Return 2; } // Check the specified port number, if you do not use a port 80 unsigned ports = 80; If (uri-> Is_port_defined ()) {port = uri- & gt; Gate_port (); } // Create a TCP socket and connect to the server

Difference between byte and char in C -

I wonder why I can not compile an example from the book. I simplify the examples here so that any copyrighted Could not post example from book #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Byte * data = "data"; Int main () {printf ("% s", data); Return 0; } When compiling with G + +, I get an error, error: 'const char *' to 'BYTE *' Invalid conversion for This program works by transferring BYTE to Bus, but for example, I have to do something wrong with a book. Please help point out the problem. Thank you. BYTE is not a part of C language or C standard library therefore Fully dependent on whether it is defined after adding the standard stdio.h header file. On many systems, the BYTE macro is often a unsigned char . An explicit artist will need to convert from const char * to a unselected four * .

how to upload the File to some location in cakephp -

I am trying to use the file upload feature in my application. Forming text with text, with many types of text, texture and file upload file. I have submitted a form that after the click for the actual value of the text box / Textaria and even the value file upload type. How to obtain the uploaded original file and save it to a location, so that I can see the uploaded file later .. The code I have used , That is: Edit: I've added an antipart in the form tag, but & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div class = "input text" & gt; & Lt; Label = "277" & gt; Name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" value = "" style = "width: 200px;" Id = "277" name = "name" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div class = "submit" & gt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" gt; & Gt; / Div &a

java - open source SDK for fingerprint matching -

I am looking for an open source SDK in Java for fingerprint matching with the correct accuracy. Can anyone suggest me? I know this post is outdated, but I just got a similar reply today and came into this post I did not use this SDK, but the API is straight forward and easy to use to read the documentation.

javascript - targeting a specific form with serialize() -

After the following, which was not a joke, it is now an additional question that submitted a reusable jQuery form. That does not take away the user from that place. Problem The jQuery serialize () function displays all kinds of magic within a page, and the specific form Not who was presented. Example code below. How can I capture the unique name / id of the form, and change the "form" inside $ ("form"). Serialize () with the name of the target form so that only the serial can be done? Form code & lt; Form name = "contact" id = "contact" action = "" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "_ recipient" type = "hidden" value = "" /> & Lt; Input name = "_topics" type = "hidden" value = "title" /> ... & lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Label = "name" id = "name_label" & gt; Name & lt; / Label & gt; &

image - generate "thumbnail" in html while keeping proportions -

Is it possible to downsize the image in html while maintaining the ratio? I know that I can use the height and the width of the IGG tag is the feature, but I do not know the size of the image. Please do not tell me to find the image size on the server, or the right way to do this is to generate thumbnails on the server side and it saves bandwidth and improves page loading time. I know what is the ideal solution but I want quick and dirty ... Quick and dirty: Just set one of the attributes in img. Tags: Or & lt; Img src = "my.jpg" height = "200" />

Tab order VSTO Excel -

I'm looking through some VSTO Excel code and an event handler looks like a key wheel reinvention swtich statement. Based on every control (text box, combos etc.), call the focus (the tab is being used in place of the Ax Property) Is the tab object near VSTO? Controls are sitting on an Excel worksheet, and placed relative to cells. There are cells However, if you only want users to use control, you can lock cells using security, and only control them Can provide access. Effectively, you are blocking them on the cells, so only you can get access to your controls. Note: I'm not recommending this, but if it's your needs, then ...

linux - busybox sh wrapper to add extra functionality -

I need a simple busybox file that will: if "-" Q "parameter has been provided, but all the parameters but" -Q "2 & gt; 1 more & gt; All parameters in the / dev / null ELSE parameter may include spaces in the F parameter. BTW I want to run the script in BizboxBox and it does not support array. It is possible for this to be "$ {@}" in the busybox of ash shell: #! / Bin / sh If you want to flag ["$ i" = "-Q"] then flag = 1 and argue = "$ args" $ i \ "" if ["$ flagQ" = "1"] "command "2 & gt; And 1 1> / Dev / tap other eval acommand "$ args" fi

How do I convert a large array of 8 bit binary values in MATLAB? -

This is a follow-up question. I have a large array of 8 bit binary values ​​that I want to convert back to UIT 8. I have used Amro's visible solution to the last question. Now I want to reverse. I wanted to have a lookup table but unfortunately I was unable to. What I have achieved is the following: temp = ones ([(total pixel), 1], 'UIT 8'; For Iter2 = 1: Total pixels, floating (iter2,1) = sum (data (iter2.1: 8). * 2. ^ (7: -1: 0)); End But it is very slow for the loop because it takes 2 seconds to change the [76800 x 1] array. Is there a better / faster way to do this? Try it out: temp = uint8 (data * (2 ^ (7: -1: 0)) '); Note that this answer is basically the same as your asking. You asked about changing a line of 12-bit values ​​from here, but I told you about an additional discussion how you can increase it so that one can change multiple values ​​once by using . The difference between that answer and this is only to change the number and

audio - Sounds effects in iPhone game -

I am creating an OpenLL game for the iPhone and I'm about to start adding the sound effects to the app. I wonder if this What is the best framework for the purpose. Is AV base is my best option? Open L is probably missing like any other? General power / weakness summary of iPhone Voice API from perspective game perspective: < Li> AVFoundation: plays long compressed files, no low-level access, good for high latency theme song or background music, bad for short-term effects. System sounds: Drama plays (0-5 seconds) .if, .wav, or .caf should have PCM or IMA 4. Fire-and-forget (can not stop it after it starts) C-based API Suitable for short sound effects (tap, click, bangs, crashes) OpenLL: 3D Spamated Audio API is similar to OpenGL and is a natural accompaniment to it. Easy audio mixing of many sources requires a PCM (perhaps core audio is loaded by "audio file service") Very important low-level access. Potentially very low latency Audio Queue: Stream

c# - What is the name of the pattern? -

I often design the system where I have a class in my system that contains a set of protected methods. The protected methods are that because they should be accessible to specializations, and in this way, I consider the protected methods to be an agreement between my general class and a particular class. So I want to test that these methods behave properly, so my unit tests will need to reach protected methods, something that is not possible in C #, except its Using Reflection like that dirty hacks. The solution I usually choose is that I will create a special class within my unit test which publicly exposes these protected methods because I always keep the unit test in a separate assembly, the system These sections do not have access to the code, and inside my system code, the safe function remains secure. System Code assembly in the name system MySystem {public class SomeClass {protected void DoSomething ()} {...}}} / in the unit test assembly namespace MySystem.Unittests {pub

ios - iPhone: Sharing data between native and webapp -

I need to share the data between the native iPhone app and a Safari / WebKit JavaScript app (not necessarily large amounts). .. do you know how it can be done? I accept esclaims. But it seems that one application can only read / write in its bundle (hence, not in the WebKit database directory), and on the other hand, I think JavaScript can not access an application directory. .. Isn't it? Can a shared folder be that both can access? Not necessarily with solvite. I thought about the pasteboard, but they are not interoperated; And apart from this, one can overwrite the pasteboard between another app ... Do you have any other ideas? You can not really do some data from the JS app using a custom URL by the JS app , Which the original app has registered to register them, but you will not have much luck from one side. You can, of course, share the data somewhere else through the server.

How to get a list of all blobs in a repository in Git -

How do I list all versions of all files in the git repository? (For listing, for example Use this list The file can be used for the cat. "> In this way, I get a list of SHAs and filenames for all the blobs in a repository: $ Git rev-list --objects --all | Git cat-file - batch-check = '% (object name)% (objectp)% (rest)' | grep '^ [^] * blob' | cut-d Note: % (rest) SHA of the nuclear format string object After the output the rest of the input line In this situation, this is the path to the other path name (tree and blob objects). grep The purpose of the pattern is only the actual blobs , Are not a tree object that has the string blob anywhere in their path name. - Referencing items within a gridview -

I have a gridview connected to the ObjectTataSource, I have a bound textbox for input in each row. Next to the text box, there is a button that launches a JavaScript popup for unit conversion. The question is, how can I tell the unit converter (JS function) to populate the results in which text box (in line)? In the line event of grid view: protected sub MyGridView_RowCreated ( Object as sub-sender, IV.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs as a system) MyGridView.RowCreated if E. Rau RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow then dim = txt = e.row.Cells (1) as the DM btn button = e.Row.Cells (0) .FindControl ("BtnJavaScriptButton") as text box .FindControl ("txtResults" ) Btn.OnClientClick = "count (" & amp; txt.ClientID & amp; ";);" End is the ending sub where there are 0 and 1 column indices that have buttons and text boxes, and "count" is the name of your Javascript function.

How to show authentication dialog in C# .Net 3.5 SP1 -

I want to use network share files How can I show the system authentication dialog box so that user can enter the username and password Could it? ps: Through UNC, in WinForm. I am writing an exploration control, after the user double click, the network wants to show the dialog on the shared folder. How do you currently use share? Through a UNC or before you map it to a drive letter? One idea is to map it to an API call.

java - Find working directory from Ant -

Can anyone say that the ant is running an ant from the user? For example, I would like I tried to do this: & lt; Property Environment = "env" /> & Lt; Echo & gt; $ {Env.CWD} & lt; / Echo & gt; But it does not work. The whole property object is returned by System.getProperties () Ant Try it out: & lt; Echo & gt; $$ user.dir} & lt; / Echo & gt;

iphone - meta http-equiv="Refresh" and NSURLConnection -

I have a URL that contains a meta redirect as follows: - (zero) connection diffinition loading: (NSURLConnection *) connection simply returns initial data from the first URL. Is it now my responsibility to parse the returned HTML file and extract the Meta URL feature and call the NSRR connection again? Or is there any better way? How safe is this approach? It would probably be better to use an alternative redirection method, but for now, it is only open to me ... If the UIWebView displays it, you refuse to do it in HTML and you do not intend to do this, it is most important that you parsing the HTML and that Take action (if you want to handle the redirect). There is an easy-to-use HTTP response in order to keep redirects - This requires a bit more server access, but most of the hosting locations will let you do this.

apache - Is it possible to redirect traffic from page that doesn't exist to existing page with .htaccess? -

The problem I am trying to solve is that I have a folder with a name that has strange capitalization, eg . TeStPage I would like to redirect all requests to all the versions of caps, in that domain, to that page. I did a simple attempt: Redirect / test page But my site crashed, because it was' URL '. How can I do this? Htaccess to redirect all capitalization cases again to my / test page url? I have searched for Apache documents for the rules of CXX and .htaccess, but could not find too much details. Can someone tell me in a good tutorial / reference file that I can use in depth to learn more about .htaccess commands? Thank you.

jquery - Call JavaScript function while playing an FLV -

I want to visit a site that plays a flv and then highlights the different areas of the actual site, While FLV is running I want to do it with AS3 and jQuery. I would probably try to use the jw flv player to play the video. I know that you can call JS by flash, but it's been a while because I've messed with Flash Video and my Google searches are not changing much for me I am thinking that what is the best way to do this. Should I use Q marks in FLV or better option? what will you do? if (external interface. Unavailable) { ("javascriptFunction", parameter) ; }

python - Where do I start with a web bot? -

I just want to create an automated script that can run (preferably) on the web server, and just click 'click' a web The purpose of the page is that I am new to Python or whatever language will be used, so I thought where I would like to go from where to start! It may seem that I want scrip ads to script or do something illegal, but it's just a conversation with another website. I would recommend using the WebBrowser control of the .NET package. You can access all the DOM elements and can communicate completely with any website. Here is a brief If you still like python, then it can be a good way to do it.

normalization - SSIS Data Migration: Split Flat table into Parent + Child/Grandchild tables -

I need to transfer data to a large flat table in a new SQL Server 2005 schema in SQL Server 2005, in which a parent The table and multiple hair tables seem to be contrary to a merge or merge into joining SSIS, but I do not know how I would go about completing this. Any recommendations have been greatly appreciated, how ever has any example seen how such a thing is accomplished? In the flat source table [Flatosource] & lt; 280 records and some garbage data so I must handle these things at some point. But for now, here it has been told that what I need to complete ... The flat source table will map the new parent table [parent]. This means that for every record in [floatos], I need to move this record to [parent]. Once this is done, then I will have to record and add the PK to this new parent record. Many child records will be used when adding 0-4 records to the PK tablets [Child1] Basic The form can have 0-4 columns if the population will need a new record in [Child 1] whi

programming languages - Use of special characters in function names -

In Ruby, a standard conference method uses a question mark at the end of the name indicating that method gives the boolean Is the result: [] Empty? # = & Gt; The truth is There is another standard relation to terminating a method name with a demolition point if the method is destructive (i.e., it modifies the original data): mylist.sort! #Sortmist In-Place Recently I have seen these similar conventions used in the plan. Which makes me wonder, do other languages ​​support / support this conference? Are there any special characters that are usually used for the names of these or other languages? The answer is, of course, language (and language culture) specific. For example, depending on the language, all of the following are appropriate: empty-p, empty ?, blank, is_empty or empty (these examples are definitely not included). The examples in the original question come from Ruby, where such use? And! To end the legal name, where appropriate, accepted. This acc