com - PHP, calling a ADO object method that has optional parameters -

I have found the original set of assisted works to reach ADO through almost PHP I'm running into a problem When trying to perform an archived procedure with the adExecuteNoRecords option set for $ cmd-> Execute (; adExecuteNoRecords);

I have tried to tap for the first two parameters, new variants (new), new variant (null), new variant (VDETPT), etc ...

I either A "Parameter 1 can not be passed from context" or type-mismatched comm-expansion, and -> Execution (, adExecuteNoRecords) does not pass PHP parsing.

I did a lot of searching, but I have not found an example of anyone using it.

If there are optional parameters while calling a COM object method in PHP, then how can you not set the initial parameter to anything?

Thank you.

replace the optional parameter $ missing = new variant (VT_ERROR) Try.

In Btw, COM params, there are still types, if there is an optional Ultimate BSTR then except this, it is usually to pass an empty string. What may seem strange is that the default value for the optional paragraph is specified in the Type Library. To wit. An optional BSTR param can have "abc" default value. So before creating a call in PHP, you should research it. In your special case, there are 3 optional variant paramics in the execute without specific defaults, so we use VT_ERROR to make VARIANT param disappear.


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