
Showing posts from June, 2010

python - Django - Custom SQL in the connection string -

MySQL में max_user_connections सीमा को मारने के परिणामस्वरूप मुझे डाउनटाइम के साथ कुछ समस्याएं हुई हैं। < / P> डिफ़ॉल्ट कनेक्शन समयबाह्य 8 घंटे हैं, इसलिए एक बार जब हम सीमा (और हमारी साझा होस्टिंग पर कनेक्शन को मारने के लिए कोई पहुंच न हो) पर मुझे केवल 8 घंटे इंतजार करना पड़ा समय के लिए कनेक्शन। मैं अपने कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग में निम्न कोड जोड़ना चाहूंगा: SET wait_timeout = 300; कौन सी 5 मिनट के लिए समय-सीमा बदल देगा जैसा कि आप सोच सकते हैं, मैं 8 घंटे से 5 मिनट के डाउनटाइम से निपटने के लिए बहुत खुश हूं। ;) क्या डीजेंजो में कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग में कस्टम एसक्यूएल जोड़ने का एक अच्छा तरीका है? यदि नहीं, तो यह सुझाव दिया गया है कि हम कुछ लिखते हैं मिडलवेयर जो दृश्य को संसाधित करने से पहले SQL चलाता है। यह काम हो सकता है, लेकिन मुझे यह जानने में अधिक सहज महसूस होगा कि क्वेरी बिल्कुल हर कनेक्शन के लिए चलाने की गारंटी है , भले ही प्रत्येक दृश्य के लिए एक से अधिक कनेक्शन खोले जाएं। धन्यवाद! पीएस - इससे पहले कि आप मुझे बताएं मुझे सिर्फ कोड का शिकार करना चाहिए जो c# Gauge -

I want to use c # in to use c # for slideshow. Can someone help me how do I create a gauge? I do not have any information about this. In advance thnx Commercial gauge available controls, for example

dataset - Recommend a language or tool for manipulating large sets of data -

I have a large dataset (1GB pure compressed text). Now I am writing again the dataset based on information in the data, for example: Turn on 2009-10-16 on Friday < Li> Calculate the number of times and how long they are last Right now I am doing all this in Java I am thinking that anyone can talk about any device or language Know who was actually designed to do such work. It is possible in Java, but I am writing a lot boiler plate code The answer is. This text was created for data manipulation.

sql - Disable SQLCMD Syntax Check -

We sometimes write dataport scripts that change tables or columns names and there are other complex arguments. We also have SQL in the IF statement while referencing those old columns or tables. We have a standard for using an IF statement to make our SQL script multi run friendly. However, even if the statement assumes the wrong, lipat code in block errors, I'm guessing because a syntax is examined. If start with 1 = 0 mydatabase.dbo.mytable *; - does not execute, but there are still errors because the end is not present Another strange thing is that it is not always consistent, sometimes it works fine. Do anyone know that in a way I can disable this type of investigation on the script on a script basis. Note I know that people are going to say that they tried a similar situation and this There is no error for me before, it was not an error in the SSMS but it used to work in SQLCMD. sqlcmd MyTestScript.sql -r 1-U user-p password Then I enter SSM in SSCMD

visual studio 2008 - Using Temp tables in SSIS -

I am using a temporary table in the process stored in SQL Server. I'm trying to use that dream in the OLE DB source editor. I can see the data output given in the query builder that comes with the build query button. But when I click on the Columns tab, I get the error below. - Title: Microsoft Visual Studio Error in data flow function [OLE DB source [1]]: SSIS error code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR OLE DB error occurred. Error code: 0x80004005 An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" Hersault: 0x80004005 Description: "Object object name '## Payment'. ''. Error in data flow task [OLE DB source [1]]: Retrieve column information from the deprecated data source Make sure that your target table is available in the database. This means that I can not use floating tables in SP, if I call it SSIS By consumption Another solution is mentioned here. Take a look at option 3. Excerpt: Add some meta-data and &quo

java - Firefox cache path construction Mac OS X -

I know the path to Firefox's cache on Mac OS X Leopard is as follows: ~ / Library / Catches / Firefox / Profiles / Compt Code / default / cache How is the "COMPUTER_CODE" variable given above? I think it is different from computer to computer, if it exists then I want to be able to delete this cache from the program. This randomly generated This code that generates.

version control - Problem with connecting to CollabNet SVN remotely -

I have run the Apache native Win32 CollabNet SVN server 1.6.5-6 setup all the default settings and port 99 99. Also, I use the FILE URL until I install TortoiseSVN such as File: ///C: / SVN Repository / . If I give me a HTTP text message on Internet Explorer that says, "This works!" When I try to connect to the url, the browser shows me 4 root directory of C: \ SVNRepository, but they are not browsable directories. I svn: // localhost: 9999 / svn To point out, the browser causes the turtle to open, which in turn locks up Explorer for up to 5 minutes. Until it is extinguished. What's wrong? After the discussions, the answer came: You did not get any error while trying to open the repository in a web browser It turns out that the URL is wrong OpenCollab reading readme for svn server It seems that there is a suggested url-prefix / svn for repositories, so if you follow those recommendations, then you will have "CodeRoot". You should be ab

.net - Disappearing circles -

I have found that the number of shapes covered in the canvas like: Geometry Group GG = new geometry group (); Eelipase Gimetti e1 = New Elyspirometry (new point (10, 10), 20, 20); Elyszmetry E2 = New Ellipse Gatimetry (new point (10, 10), 20, 20); // ElyssesGemetry E3 = New Ellipse Gatimetry (new point (10, 10), 20, 20); Gg.Children.Add (E1); Gg.Children.Add (E2); //gg.children.Add(e3); Path p = new path (); P.Data = gg; P.Fill = Brush Red; MyCanvas.Children.Add (P); If you run these codes, "clears" all previous shapes, you will not see anything, but if you want to delete some lines, a circle will appear. Is anyone able to explain this strange behavior? You have to set according to the geometry group accordingly. Must contain the value of NonZero . At present you draw each shape on top of each other, so that the area can also be white with the size of the number because EvenOdd is the default fill rule: (image) to geometry group gg = new geometry grou

.net - How do I delete old documents from Lucene/Lucene.NET -

What is the idiomatic way to remove old documents from a Lucene Index? I have a date field (YYYYMMdhhmmss) on all documents, and I would like to remove anything more than one day old (for example). Should I execute the filtered search or calculate through the documents of the index? I'm sure the question is the same, which is running on the Lucene platform. Thank you! You should search for YYYYMMdd * because the current data is stored as text strings After you get the results, you can use IndexReader.delete to remove such documents, which you are not interested in. I think this is the best way to get it.

c# - Question on Whitespace Filter Regex (it's simple, just a small addition needed) -

मेरे पास एक mvc अनुप्रयोग पर एक रेगेक्स आधारित श्वेतस्थान फिल्टर है, और यह पूरी तरह से पूरी तरह से काम करता है, बहुत अच्छी तरह से। चीजें जो फ़िल्टर्ड हो जाती हैं, उनमें से एक \ r \ n वर्ण हैं। यह प्रभावी रूप से एक ही स्रोत कोड की एक पंक्ति में सब कुछ बनाती है, जो मुझे पसंद है क्योंकि मुझे व्हाट्सएस की वजह से विचित्र सीएसएस का सामना करना पड़ता है, लेकिन कुछ मामलों में मुझे उन्हें बनाए रखने की आवश्यकता है। एक उदाहरण यह है कि जब मैं लिटररी में टेक्स्ट को लाइन ब्रेक के साथ प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं, जैसे कि नोट। ऐसा करने के लिए, मैं स्पष्ट रूप से इसे & lt; pre & gt; & lt; / pre & gt; टैग, लेकिन टैग के बीच में टेक्स्ट के लाइनब्रेट को भी साफ़ किया जाता है, इसलिए यह उदाहरण के लिए एक नोट बनाता है, पढ़ने के लिए मुश्किल है। रेगेक्स ज्ञान के साथ कोई भी हो सकता है (मेरा बहुत गरीब ...) वर्तमान रेगेक्स को & lt; पूर्व & gt; टैग के बीच पाठ को अनदेखा करने में मेरी मदद करें यहां वर्तमान कोड है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग व्हाइरस्पेसफ़िल्टर: मेमोरीस्ट्रीम {निजी स्ट्रिं

ruby on rails - acl9 trying to set it up -

Anyone have experience with this plugin? I have installed it but I do not know how to implement it. How do I define different roles? Their remaid is really good. I set this up and these steps are: Create a model class called role Create a migration for roles table ( View your Authlogic plugin (assuming that # 160) See the Authlogic plugin (assuming that you have something that already exists). To create a roles, a roles_users association table (for exact migration, then, check you can now turn current_us By er.has_role your user can play the role! Admin: Can you see that the user has a specific role, such as current_user.has_role ?: admin in readme There are so many examples.

algorithm - Find if an angle is within X degrees from another -

I need an algorithm to figure out that an angle is within a certain degree from the other angle. My first thought was (ax & lt; b) & amp; Amp; (A + x> B) , but it fails when it has to work from an angle, which wraps from -179 to 180. In the picture given above, the area (green) that angle negative and Should be between wrapping between positive sides. How can I determine that angle (red line) comes within this area? Try this formula: 360- (| now |) % 360 & lt; X || (| A-b |)% 360 & lt; X Or,:

javascript - Modal Window Link Re-directing not working in IE6 -

I used both prototype windows and jquery thickbox windows to create modal window effects and they just do not work in IE 6 I am passing a parameter at the end of the URL, but this parameter that is not working is passing. If I remove the parameter and give a normal URL, then its work is fine. This is any other way to pass any parameters to work in IE 6. .. ?? The sample code for jquery lightbox is like this .. tb_open_new ('copy /' + id + '? Ttbframe = true & height = 140 and width = 500 & amp; modal = true ') Code of Javascript prototype window Rename window = null; Var solWindow; Function OpenName (id, name, version) {NameName Window = New Window (Max: Max: false, at least: wrong, width: 520, height: 140, classname: "dodo", show: incorrect, title: "$ { Message: window .rename.title} ", url:" http: // $ {serverName} $ {contextPath} / main / rename / "+ id} Rename Window.setDestroyOnClose (); RenameWindow.showCenter (

c# - Efficiently handling timed events in a server -

In my case I have a game server, handling CLR Threadpool chairs, and managed Threadpool stuff for the other. I am trying to figure out whether an NPC is organized by a magic, or the best way to handle dismal events after a set period. I can only write some type of timer wrap which is a new (managed) threadbuster thread for each task that I want to do, like new timed events (1500, NPC. )); And it checks against the timing of the system, but, I think that with many running timers in this way, each individual time is incompatible to check whether any type of dispatcher thread will be better? Thanks in advance. How does it look that you do not know that server app? Net / C # Allama is online server. And for your solid question. It depends on how many incidents you expect, if you expect that the timer / thread path for thousands of seconds per second will not really work well.

python - Dynamic URL with CherryPY MethodDispatcher -

I need to configure a fixed-style URL that supports the following URL scheme: / parent / 1 / child / parent / 1 / chidambar / 1 < / Li> P> I want to use MethodDispatcher to have GET / POST / PUT / DELETE functions in each of the above. I am working for it first and second, but I do not understand how to configure Dispatcher for children's part. I have a book, but it hardly involves it and I can not get any sample online. Here I have a method discretion that is currently configured. root = root () Conf = {'/': {'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher ()}} cherrypy.quickstart (root, '/ parent', config = Conf) Any help would be appreciated. Maybe you want what you want. In Cherry P. 3.2 (just coming out of the beta just now), a new _cp_dispatch method you can use to do the same thing in your object tree or traversal Can also change, as something happens on the lines of Quixote's _q_lookup and _q_resolv

objective c - Reset an NSTimer's firing time to be from now instead of the last fire -

I have a NSTimer that decreases with a value of 3 seconds interval Sets fire. When I do an action that increases the value, I want to restart the timer to count 3 seconds from that point. For example, if I increase the value and the timer will set fire in 1 second, then I want to change it and the timer fire should be done in 3 seconds. Can I invalidate the timer and make it again? Or can I do this with setFireDate: , using the current date and adding 3 seconds interval? Yes, you can invalidate it and recreate it You It can also be used by: - (zero) myTimedTask {// Other stuff is required to perform this task // Change variable variation 1 day or 3s or not. .. It can be an example variable or global which can be replaced by other parts of your app / WeStillWantTimer also has a similar variable that your app uses to prevent this recurring function if (HistilentTimer) [self Exhibitor: @selector (myTimedTask :) with-object: after gamer color: split della]; } To call th

How to check if a value is listed in a database using MySQL and PHP? -

I was thinking how I can check whether a web page is listed in a database How can I do this using PHP and MySQL? Sorry if I'm ambiguous I'm new to PHP and MySQL. A simple example. & lt; Php $ db = mysql_connect ('host', 'user', 'pass'); $ Sql ​​= "Choose from your URL URL = ''"; $ Qid = mysql_query ($ sql, $ db); If (mysql_num_rows ($ qid) == 0) {$ sql = "Include in your TABLE value ('')"; Mysql_query ($ sql, $ db); } However after the mysql_connect () and mysql_query () functions you should check the error. View: and

css - Refresh an elements style in Javascript -

I have a table that has the rows dynamically loaded from the record set. I have also used javascript, when a checkbox (not in the table) is checked, this column hides all the lines of x = y, but I have a vertical border (actually just a background image that is right Which is the last line in the table using css .sortable .dynamicrow: last-child TD { So when I look at the box and the last one line Is removed, then si Interpretation "I basically to fade properly CSS must resume / refresh. In all I am asking how to refresh the style / CSS of an element in javascript. . .dynamicrow: last-baby td {background-image: url (../images / tablewibrarybottom page); Background position: OK, repeat background: do not repeat; } Whether the CSS I used to fade the vertical border on the previous row, sometimes the last row is deleted, so the second last line becomes the last line, but it It has a solid border and it does not fade. After the page is placed, JavaScript can also be a

Google App Engine Needs Index Error -

I am currently getting a need index error on my app engine app: I believe this index is my index The .yaml file should be automatically created (see below). Little Goggling, I think I have to wait to build my index. Is it correct, or do I need to do something manually? Are there some types of index building queues? My tables are very small now Edit: I've added the "indexed" line to my app.yaml, and now the app is reporting to the engine index, so I guess it's certain. It is strange that this file was wrong because I never touched it. Index: # Autogenerated # This index. Yamal updates automatically whenever dev_appserver # detects that a new type of query is run. If you want to manually manage the # index.yaml file, then delete the above marker line (line # is saying "#autogonated"). If you want to manage some indexes # manually, move it over the marker line when you deploy your application using the next #, index.yaml file # automatica

java - Is it possible/valid to have a TCP connection with secure login only, but non-secure messages? -

Say I am writing chat servers and clients who allow users to login with their username and password. Can I replace a secure socket with a socket transparently? Is it connected to a secure socket that I want to avoid non-latent information messages? I would love java pointers / examples, but would also be interested in other languages. This is not a valid use case. To prove only, to allow an attacker to move forward and to get information sent later? SSL is not only for confidentiality but also provides integrity: Each packet is protected by a message authentication code so that one person can not change middle-content. If there is no integrity protection in the content, then the connection is effectively anonymous. In that situation, why do you pretend to prove?

performance - CSS reducing syntax -

I should get two different HTML elements, which are at the same nesting level, have the same CSS property value. Is there any substitute for this waste syntax? .level1 .level2 .level3 element1 {/ * rule *} .level1 .level2 .level3 element2 {/ * rule * /} I Was thinking .level1 .level2 .level3 element1, .level1 .level2 .level3 element2 {/ * rule * /} ... but It looks misleading and not very little. Is the best way to define a new class? .level1 .level2 .level3 element1, .level1 .level2 .level3 element2 {} < / Code> or .level1 .level2 .level3 * {} Can not change source code only Are you The latter will fail if you have elements other than element 1 and element2. I had to go with the former

website - Including sample site into php and making it interactive -

I am working on a small project to learn PHP better This project has a primary file, which is Fopen + fread to open another website (like YouTube). (Or file_get_contents ?) The site will be saved in a variable and then a function will parse the contents of the file and some items will be replaced with advanced content, for example For: & lt; Div onclick = "play (id = 12432);" & Gt; Play video & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div onclick = "play (id = 12432);" & Gt; Play video & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div onclick = "add2fav (id = 12432);" & Gt; Add to favorites & lt; / Div & gt; How can any big performance without leak and clean code? This is about "loading the website", "its content", "echo it" Just embed YouTube videos, and do not parse the whole page It is very easy Be able to be impressed by your special buttons under video then! Do not trust your users' inpu

design - Separation of logic and UI -

I think I should keep my business logic and UI different, but I do not know what I'm doing now Violates the rule. I am preparing the table structure of my financial program. I have a bit of trouble watching some parts, so I made fun of some screens so that I can explain why everything will be needed and how things fit together. I really think that it helps, and I believe my schema is solid, but I started thinking that maybe I have fooled myself in thinking that using a fake screen to help Okay, when this is actually hurting me. > Have you gone wrong by using fake-up screens? Or can someone describe the possible damage so that I can be sure that I am not going the wrong way? Thank you. These are two different things if you are running with the application, or to design the table structure If you are using a mockup to understand better, then okay. You are just planning how the application is going to work. If you take a mockup and put the code in it which expects

unix - Output on a single line -

The following code is expected as expected, but I can not format the output. It will print something like this: I tried to use sed in script but it does not work. #! `Mysqlshow -uroot-ppassWord | in / bin / sh dbName | Awk '{print $ 2}' `doku" $ dbName "resonates. Egrep -v 'database | Information_screw '; to differentiate with naumcho RSP will work for small numbers of results: resonance $ (mysqlshow -uroot -pPassWord | awk '{print $ 2}' | egrep -v ' Database | info_sama ')

Send variables to javascript(jquery) function -

I can not be able to send a variable in a JavaScript function when I click on the link, but for some reason I I can not find it anywhere on the Internet. The function at the top of my page is: & lt; Script & gt; Click (function () {$ ("# interfaceScreen"). Load ("module / interface / interfaceScreen.php? H = & Amp;; V = ");});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; As you can see, I need the variable to keep after "h =" and "v =" parts. Here is a link to activate the work in my page: & Lt; / A & gt; Where are the variables from? It is quite easy: var h = 20; Var v = 40; Click (function () {$ ('[name = updateInterface]') Load ("Module / Interface / Interface. Screen.php? H =" + encodeurIComponent (h) $ ('(name = updateInterface)') (Function () {$ ("# interfaceScreen"). + "& Amp; v =" + enocdeurICompoennt (v));});}); Just make sure you escape from them. Y

language agnostic - What else is there to do? A programmers guide to understanding himself -

I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science and has joined other millions of people in search of job. I have taken the assembly, java and plans in college and I have preferred myself, PHP, HTML, CSS, Android and Javascript. My part-time job now, I work as part time web designer and use tools such as Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Codes in ASP. Does anyone know what is the language / web-development tool? Can I learn to be a better candidate in job search as a programmer or web designer? I am thinking of a C-based language, maybe C ++, or was I told about railways? Any ideas or ideas? Have real passion for your artistry and craftsmanship, and guide you. There are things that you enjoy more than others, learning them deeply, deeply and deeply, who makes it. Understand things truly Then go to the position of entry level at the place where you would like to work, and let them see your passion and your intelligence. Voila, a job.

python - union with sort in Google-App-Engine -

मेरे पास एक वर्ग है: वर्ग लेनदेन (db.Model): accountDebit = db .ReferenceProperty (संदर्भ_क्लैश = खाता, संग्रह_नाव = "कोंटडागुजी") accountCredit = db.ReferenceProperty (संदर्भ_क्लैश = खाता, संग्रह_नाव = "कोंटपोत्ताज़") राशि = डीबी। फ्लोटप्रॉपर्टी () Tran_date = db.DateProperty () टिप्पणी = db.StringProperty () यहाँ खाता वर्ग की विधि है जिसके द्वारा मैं विशेष खाते के सभी लेन-देन (अकाउंट डिबिट या अकाउंट क्रेडिट के साथ लेन-देन) प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन तिथि के अनुसार सॉर्ट किया गया: < प्री> डीआईएफ GetTransactions (स्वयं): लेनदेन = [] transactions_debit = db.GqlQuery ('चयन से ट्रांजैक्शन' + 'जहां खाता' डेबिट =: 1 ', स्वयं) transactions_credit = db.GqlQuery (' चयन से 'ट्रांजैक्शन' + ' Transaction_debit: x.amount = -x.amount transactions.append (x) के लिए लेनदेन में x के लिए खाता के रूप में एक्सचेंज =: 1 ', स्व) लेनदेन में: x.amount = x.amount लेनदेन.एपेंड (एक्स) रिटर्न लेनदेन उद्देश्य इस दो परिणामों के साथ

database - How to make a log on relational-data in SQL-Server? -

I need to create a log in my DB so that every action in the program should be written there. I would also like to store additional data for this, for example the action in the table and the row has been implemented. In other words, I want to think logs dynamic and should be able to refer to other tables in the database. The problem is, I do not know how to address all the tables in this log Any thoughts? You have two options here: 1) For each DB access Modify your program to add logging 2) Add triggers to each table in your DB to logging operations.

sql - MySQL full text search for words with three or less letters -

I try to get my full text search (in Boolean mode) to get three letters or fewer words I am here. Currently, if I search for something like "NBA", then I do not get any results. However, if I add the search term to the wild card operator "*", then I get the result. I have also read that you can remove the three word limit in my.ini , but I am thinking that there is a better way to fly on it. You may be interested in this section of the manual: (quote one part of it) : The minimum and maximum lengths to be indexed are defined by the ft_min_word_len and ft_max_word_len system variables. The default minimum value is four characters; The default maximum version is dependent if you either change the value, then you have to rebuild your FULLTEXT index. For example, if you want to find three-letter words, you can set the ft_min_word_len variable by inserting the following lines in an option file: [ Mysqld] ft_min_word_len = 3 Then you have t

c# - recommendations for material on data binding -

Any good recommendations for the database I'm starting to look for in more WPF and I fully understand how to Here's how the database work under the hood is here. Also, WPF is just an example because I think that MVC has a similar pattern with data like binding data etc. There is a very good introductory article on the subject. I can not comment on database words within mvc; The AAAIC controller provides information in MVC but there is no information about the view, and the view takes that information and presents it to the user (and gives user input back to the controller) In many ways It is often preferred by WPF developers like MVP or MVVM pattern ... Edit: Added a compelling article Hope it helps :)

How to Assign 2 different PARAMETER in crystal report? -

एजेंट कोड के रूप में चुनें (distributor_code + '-' + master_dealer_code + '-' state_code + '-' + dealer_code) , कंपनी, संपर्क_परिवक्ता, स्थिति, तिथि के रूप में बनाए गए दिनांक, (मामला जब contact_mobile_no नहीं है तो नहीं contact_mobile_no WHEN contact_mobile_no है नल और contact_office_no नहीं है तो contact_office_no ELSE नल END) sdms_agent से contact_no के रूप में जहां agent_type = '{? AgentType}' और स्थिति वास्तव में मैं क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट में दो मापदंडों को सेट करना चाहता हूं I =============================================================== I जहां agent_type (मुख्य, वितरक, मास्टर डीलर, डीलर) & amp; स्थिति (सक्रिय, अहस्ताक्षरित, समाप्त, निलंबित)। मुझे वास्तव में पैरामीटर मिलता है लेकिन जब मैं एजेंट के प्रकार या स्थिति को चुनता हूं, तो मैं केवल एक ही एक करके चुन सकता हूं और रिपोर्ट को देख सकता हूं। उदाहरण: agent_type के लिए मैं वितरक चुनता हूं, स्थिति मैं सक्रिय चुनता हूं यह सुनिश्चित होगा कि इसके लिए सही रिपोर्ट आएगी। लेकिन मान लें कि अब मैं स

java - Is there a way to define 'javadoc types' - custom parameters for members? -

The issues that I can think of are the following: In a normal application, Many members of the class, like a web application, have several constant key keys, action classes, services etc. For each category, it is useful for continuous documenting, to maintain consistency. The constants used for the attribute key: / ** * request {@link com.acme.domain.User} Object's Scope feature key {@link LoginAction}. * / Public Static Last String USER_KEY = "com.acme.web.user"; Each attribute key is usually used by a 'Javadock type / category' of its scope, the type of object stored in it, which sets it, and who it is for the following types Will be from: / ** * @ attribute that * @scope request * @ type com.acme.domain.user * @source com.acme. Web.action.LoginAction # processLogin () * @for Homepage. Jsp * / Public Stable Last String USER_KEY = ...; Of course, the documentation tags provided should be translated into English to translate. An important part

Any XML based alternative of TEX? -

When I started to know about Tex, I found this a line language I think that any XML based The options will do this work better. And not everyone will have trouble learning Tx. It takes me a lot of time Does anyone know any such XML based options? And if there is a compatibility between that thing and XML (the same element or any other can be changed), which would be good. I think the closest thing I can think of is technical documentation, from man page, to articles, books This is a very flexible markup language to make. However, I think Tex is a better option than more power, more tools and just beautiful output if you want to create great looking documents with TeX / LaTeX but without knowing more about it , I suggest that you have a good graphical editor, which you do in a word processor, such as allowing more or less documents to be made, but very good results and latex Access to re-power (although, sometimes by embedding LaTeX command your likes document). I'm assu

ASP.NET AJAX and keeping the Session alive - What is the standard way to do it? -

ASP.NET webform developer, which is new to Ajax development (mostly updated via the paneel control!) Since no postback is occurring, the server does not reset the user's session timeout counter, even if a user is interacting with the page and using its refreshing parts. I would like to know what is the simplest and standard way of keeping the ASP.NET session alive, when Ajax is developing with an UpdatePanel; Please provide the code and / or link in your reply; I do not need some fancy stuff like frameworks, JQuery, JSON, and whatever month's short name, I just do not care, if it is not optimized Commented as GenericTypeTea , using the server as Net AJAX with Time Postback UpdatePanel The only difference is that the whole page is not loaded. All server-side codes have been started as normal, but information is sent in a different way between the server and the page using AJAX technology. You can also call server-side methods using a mechanism from client-sid

performance - why does Jetty not use all allocated memory? -

We develop webapps with Grails. The productive web site runs on Jetties. We used Jmator to perform demonstration tests and run-up to analyze JT's memory savings. We started the parameter -Xms1500m-Xmx1500m with the Jetty, so in yourkit we can also see that allocated memory is 1,5gb. But Jetties do not always use it, always save 300 to 500 meters and poor performance. The CPU is not full, every time only 50% Jetties are running with default settings, 6.1.21 is used < MySQL queries are simple, the DB size is small and runs on the same machine as JT, the problem can not be. Log on to the HDDA file manager < / Li> If yourkit shows the number of live threads to about 60 , then we use all the allocated memory for JT to perform better. How can I do? Thank you very much! The problem is probably not memory, it looks like you have enough. You may have other points of dispute, for example, unique locks I recommend that you take many snapshots of your th - Issues with the App_code folder -

I created an application that is using classes from App_Code. I now have this app subfolder to make one application an existing one, so now one is in App_Code root and one in sub-folder I have to find out that I How to create an app, it may be able to identify files placed in the subfolder's episode code. I would consider excluding all my code from App_Code (and / OldProject / App_Code) folders and Enter the code from OldProject in a new class library project into a namespace and a new namespace code (avoids the problem of duplicate name). Then say the context of the new project DLL and Namespace for the web project to be appropriate, where appropriate (by doing this you can test your code in the unit, it is impossible to do some code in App_Code).

formatting - Add comma thousand separator to decimal (.net) -

I have a decimal number, say 1234.500. I have to display it 1,234.4 string. Format ("{0: 0,0}", 1234.500) removes decimal place, and other formatting You have custom formatting like #, ## 0.00 string s = string.Format ("{0: #, ## 0.00}", xx Should use; 1,234.50 will create, when xx = 1234.5M = double will be forgotten about converting Actually will not help. / P>

Combine classic ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC within one web application -

We currently have a classic ASP.NET web application which acts as our API. It's basically a bunch of ASMX web services, but it's really handy to work with Javascript. What I want to do is expose the set of endpoint endpoints, but by doing this in class ASP.NET, I really want to do this. I am considering combining both classic ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC in a web app. Is this possible at all? If so, what problems / problems can come? Ah! It seems that it is quite possible to have a comprehensive article that describes what should be done.

mysql - get current date with PHP help -

Is there a script to check the current date in PHP? I want to use this function to display a date from Mysql DB, and if the date from DB is similar to today's date, then display "TODAY" instead ... Thank you ... To obtain the current timestamp (second from 1970) Use time () You want to convert it to any format, To compare, there are several ways that you do Can But I think it would be simple: $ DateFromDB = getTheDateFromMyDB (); // "2009-10-20" $ Today = Date ("Y-M-D"); If ($ Today == $ dateFromDB) {// ...}

unix - Keep shell open with PHP to allow multiple calls? -

How can I open the shell session until I close it with PHP? In my example, I want to use NCFTP to publish some files through shell command. I want PHP to be created in FTP because it is very slow and performance is an issue. It is easy to use ncftpput to publish a file or directory. But if I want to loop through an array of 10 files, then log the script It has to be done, publish, log out, logging in, publishing, logging out ... It would be more convenient if such a thing could work. shell_exec ('ncftp -u username -p password'); Foreign Currency ($ files as $ $) {shell_exec ('put'. $ File ['local_path']. ''. $ File ['remote_path']); } Shell_exec ('left'); Is this possible? Thank you! If you just need access to a process, then you can probably use it Or you can do this. Something can work like this: $ handle = popen ('Ncftp -u username -p password', 'w'); Foreign Currency ($ files as $ $) {FILI

user interface - What to use for C# SlimDX Game UI -

मैं वर्तमान में C # / SlimDX (लक्ष्य Direct3D 9) का उपयोग करके एक 3D गेम विकसित कर रहा हूं। मैं थोड़ी देर के लिए एक उपयुक्त गेम UI टूलकिट की तलाश कर रहा था, लेकिन मैं अपना मन बनाने में असमर्थ था। गेम यूआई एक भूमिका खेल के लिए होगी, इसलिए यह काफी जटिल होगा और इसमें कुछ नियंत्रण (पाठ बक्से, इन्वेंट्री ग्रिड, सूची बक्से, चयन बक्से, स्क्रॉल करने वाले क्षेत्रों, इत्यादि) शामिल होंगे। मैं पहले (जब मैं अभी भी सी ++ / ओपनजी का उपयोग कर रहा था) और बहुत ज्यादा देखा इस विचार को पसंद किया है, लेकिन मेरे वर्तमान गेम के लिए यह सवाल से बाहर है। क्या किसी को स्लिमडीएक्स के साथ प्रयोग करने के लिए एक अच्छा जीयूआई टूलकिट पता है? मुझे विशेष रूप से WPF / इसके लिए सीरियललाइट, क्योंकि दोनों के लिए अच्छे आईडीई उपलब्ध हैं। लेकिन एक त्वरित Google खोज ने इन्हें एम्बेड करने पर कोई जानकारी प्रकट नहीं की। आप WPF का उपयोग कर सकते हैं (लेकिन इसके लिए सिल्वरलाइट नहीं)। इसके बारे में जाने का तरीका स्लीमडीएक्स का उपयोग करके संयोजन के साथ है। तब आप WPF को अपने स्लिमडीएक्स दृश्य के शीर्ष पर WPF UI ओवरले

iis 7 - How do I fill in the Internet Server Certificate request form in IIS7? -

I am requesting my first SSL certificate for a pair of test server (2008 R2, IIS7) Our C is not part of CAD, so I have done this work that I need to 'do'. This link is not very helpful, though, because it does not tell you what to put in the box. I am pretty sure I am doing everything right except the 'normal name' box. I think I have to give the server name here, but I'm not sure. Normally, I use host-headers with my sites so that my networking people can load me load or at least, failing in a pair of servers, can I do this, If here and if yes, should I fill the host-header names or server names? The answer is complex and I do not want to make it wrong, if someone tells it to read Enough, I am using the subjectAltName on the certificate request so people who use the host-header address will still reach the site without receiving a warning message.

iphone - Any examples of creating a dial? -

I want to create a dial with the same behavior for some of the retro phone applications. This is a circular dialer Lets spin around with the finger. How is an idea made or some links that discuss aspects about it? Make your circular dial with numbers on this Create your moving dial as a transparent image centered on numeric dial so that you can see the number through transparent holes. Apply a small picture to the finger on both sides. When you get touch in one hole areas, track the speed of the finger. As the finger is using the transforming matrix to rotate the transparent dial image. If the finger moves forward incorrectly or when the finger is lifted or moves outside the rotating dial then the dial is "released" and you undo the rotation using the appropriate speed to simulate a spring loaded return. Are there. [UIView Startup Permissions: Zero Reference: NULL]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: D]; [UIView Set Animation Crow: UIViewAnimationCurveLinear]; [UIVie

c# - How to add trailing dots? -

I am creating an application in which the label continues to scroll. My problem is that I want to make the correct alignment so that I can get "". Like in order basket .............. ball ................ keyboard ... ........ Can anyone help me with it? I have tried this, but it is not working for me, for / p> (int u = textbox1.length; u = 40; u ++) {StrDotsBuilder.Append ("."); } This does not really need to be for loop ... Why do not you use string functions? "mystring" .PadLeft (40, '.'); Edit: You need "myString" .Preedright (40, '.');

ASP.Net Ajax AsyncFileUpload control not firing server side OnUploadCompleted event -

I am writing an application for which the user needs to upload files to server machine. All user interaction with the user is done by JQuery UI model popup. I created a test page to see that AsyncFileUpload control works, and everything works fine on this I have added the incompatible file upload to that webform which I need it, in a modal popup but for some reason The server side event is never removed. The only difference on this page from the test page is that I send a variable to a query string, which stores in the viewsto at the initial load of the page (so it is not necessary on future postbacks). Any ideas? Thanks When you use Asyncfile, you set the right parameter In the "form" tag, which is placed on your page or master page: form id = "form1" runat = "server" antipaype = "multipart / form-data" Method = "post" & gt; If you do not set the correct encryption and method, then will never fire completely , and

javascript - How can I get IE's width without scrollbar -

I get the width of the browser using the following line: $ (document) . Width () And then I set the element to this width. But in IE, the horizontal scrollbar appears (the width is larger than the browser size. I think it looks like the width of the vertical scrollbar is counted). I'm using html 4.0 infections. What should I do? Try the clientwidth property, such as: $ ('body'). Attr ('clientWidth') From the Mozilla Developer Center: The clientWidth is the inner width of an element in pixels, including padding, but vertical scrollbar (If present, if provided), boundary or margin from MSDN: Recover the breadth of the object with padding, but Margins, borders, or scroll bars are not included.

How do I check if the python debug option is set from within a script -

If I'm in debug mode, then I want to do other stuff whenever I'm not. If DEBUG: STORED_DATA_FILE = os.path.join (TEMP_DIR, 'store.dat') LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG print "debug mode" and: STORED_DATA_FILE = os.path.join (SCRIPT_PATH) , 'Store.dat') LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO print "debug mode not" then:

java - Unwanted border around JPanel -

I'm creating a form with a JPNL inside some buttons to control some graphics and things for some reason I should be 10 px less wide than JPNL and 30 px less than actual graphics which I want to put it in. What is the reason for this problem? This code is: public square window {public sheep goat; Public ButtonPanel Button Panel; PaintPanel Pentale Public; Public jeffrey frame; Public window (Sheep sheep) {It. Mirror = sheep; Frame = new jefframe ("sheep simulation"); Frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //frame.setSize (width, height); Border Layout Frame Layout = New Border Layout (); JPN Background = New JPN (Frame Layouts); Background.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder (5, 5, 5, 5)); ButtonPanel = new buttonPanel (this); Background.add (Border Layout. South, Button Panel. Button Box); Pentpanel = New PaintPanel (this); PaintPanel.setPreferredSize (new dimension (320, 240)); Background.add (border layout.citter, paintpennel); . Add fram

Can one create Apache hooks with PHP? -

I have started the topic for a while but I do not know what I'm looking for ... Is there a mod for PHP that allows it to function like mod_wsgi or mod_python so that any PHP Could make Apache hook using? For example par? Thank you If you use the FASTCGI module like mod_fastcgi or mod_fcgid Access defined as part of FASTCGI implies the checker hook, clearly, you have to run PHP through Fastcgi. Look for mod_fcgid: Look for mod_fastcgi:

zend framework - Zend_Dojo_Form onSubmit -

I have a content with a remote page, I am trying to submit the form, and stay within the panel For, either displaying the form on error or reporting success I'm sure it is easy but I have been stumped, not the first time, I'm not sure at all. Store Form: class Services_Form_Store extends Zend_Dojo_Form {secure $ _actionUrl; Public function __ composition ($ actionsUrl = null, $ options = null) {origin: __ creation ($ option); $ This- & gt; SetActionUrl ($ actionUrl); $ This- & gt; Init (); } Public Function Set Action URL ($ actionUrl) {$ this- & gt; _actionUrl = $ actionUrl; $ This return; } Public function init () {$ required = true; $ This- & gt; Setmath ('Post') - & gt; Set Attributes ('id', 'storearm') - & gt; Set Attribute ('name', 'storearm') - & gt; Set Attributes ('Onshoot', 'Dojo.XHRT (Sub) Return False;'); $ This- & gt; Adjustment ('Text Box', 'Location',

design - Can this CSS syntax be improved, be made more organized? -

A clear way to write the same CSS is given input name F1 to F7 all Is the first line like type = text ? Thanks #tform input [type = "text"] {-moz -border- Radius: 6px; Border: 1 px solid green; # Input input [name = "F1"], # input input [name = "F2"], # input input [name = "F3"], # input input [name = "F4"], # input Input [name = "F5"] {width: 40%; } #input input [name = "f6"] {width: 80%; Display area; } #input input [name = "f7"] {width: 80%; } My problem is that I have 3 additional inputs: names F8, F8, F10 , also type = text which I give them Am Width:%; Naturally set width without I thought about putting 40% in the first row and overriding the rest, but then those extra 3 will take 40% by default. Clear it and use class selectors: . Input_text {-message-radius: 6px; Border: 1 px solid green; }. Stella {width: 40%; } .styleb {width: 80%; Display area; }. Stylize {width: 80%;}

struts2 - reading and writing .xls file in arraylist -

In my struts2 application, I met a situation where I have to read the .xls file and write it in an array list is. The .xls file is of the fixed format .e no columns are definitely please suggest me the best way to do this? thank you in advanced. a look

internet explorer 6 - Which CSS bug is this? (margin-bottom, ie6 + ie7) -

यानी 6 और 7 में, मार्जिन-नीचे से p पी और div के नीचे दोनों के लिए लागू किया जा रहा है। दूसरे शब्दों में, यह कोड एक मार्जिन-नीचे पी और div में ie6 और ie7 दोनों के लिए 20px का । एफएफ, ओपेरा, क्रोम / सफारी या आईओ 8 के किसी भी संस्करण में कोई समस्या नहीं। & lt; p शैली = "मार्जिन-नीचे: 20 पीएक्स;" & gt; हैलो वर्ल्ड! & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; div शैली = "फ्लोट: बायां; डिस्प्ले: इनलाइन" & gt; हैलो दुनिया, भाग डेक्स & Lt; / div & gt; बेशक, div से फ्लोट हटाने समस्या को उपचार यह कौन सी अर्थ है / सीएसएस बग यह है, अगर कोई हो, और मुझे यह कैसे तय करना है कि इसे कैसे तय करना है I p.s दुर्भाग्य से, मैं div पर चौड़ाई नहीं लगा सकता। फ्लोट: बाएं मूलतः आपके DIV कंटेनर को दस्तावेज़ प्रवाह के भीतर संभावित शीर्ष बाईं ओर स्थित स्थिति में धकेल दिया जाएगा। इस मामले में, क्योंकि पिछले P टैग नहीं चल रहा है, मार्जिन नीचे की अवहेलना नहीं है। इसका वांछित प्रभाव होगा, हालांकि बहुत साफ कोड नहीं: & lt; p शैली = "फ्लोट: बाए

Parse XML with hpricot, get attributes -

मेरा एक्सएमएल: & lt; पूर्वानुमान_विवरण & gt; & Lt; शहर डेटा = "चेल्याबिंस्क, चेल्याबिंस्क प्रांत" / & gt; & Lt; / forecast_information & gt; उदाहरण के लिए शहर का डेटा कैसे प्राप्त करें? अंदरूनी html नहीं, सिर्फ शहर के डेटा, डाक कोड आदि की विशेषताएँ एक्सएमएल को पार्स करने में बड़ी मदद होगी । ऐसा लगता है, तो यह अविश्वसनीय रूप से आसान है। डेटा तत्व के अंदर डेटा विशेषता को निकालने के लिए XPath अभिव्यक्ति निम्नानुसार है: < Pre> / forecast_information / city / @ डेटा अभिव्यक्ति कहता है, विशेषता डेटा नामित है (यह है कि @ साइन इन का मतलब है कि शहर नाम के तत्व के अंदर, जो कि forecast_information नाम के तत्व के अंदर है। अब, XML आपको Google पर लिंक किया गया है आरयू आप यहां पोस्ट किए गए उदाहरण से अधिक जटिल है। इसके बारे में समान जानकारी निकालने के लिए, इस अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग करें: // city / @ data यह अभिव्यक्ति कहती है, विशेषता शहर नामित तत्व के अंदर डेटा , स्रोत XML में शहर कोई बात नहीं है।

c++ - index operator constness -

Why do we need two? In what situation the following operator [] is called? class X {public: // ... int and operator [] (int index); Const int and operator [] (int index) const; }; fu (x) {x [0]; // The non-construction indexer is called the bar (constant x) {x [0]; // const constant is called}

java - .war vs .ear file -

What is the difference between a .war and .ear file? > From: P> JAR: EJB module in which enterprise Java bean (class files) and EJB deployment descriptor is packed as jar files .jar Extension War: The web module, which includes servlet class files, JSP files, support files, GIA And HTML files are packed with .war (web archive) extension in the form of jar file ER: All the above files (.js and .wm) are .ear (enterprise archive) Packed as a JR file with extensions and applications are deployed to the server.

Using ASP.NET MVC v2 EditorFor and DisplayFor with IEnumerable<T> Generic types -

I have IList < Tag & gt; When I call DisplayFor or EditorFor in my model tag as a property named How do I name files for display and editor templates? Uses: Model Category MyModel {IList < Tag & gt; Tags {get; Protected Set; }} See <% = Html.EditorFor (t => t.Tags)%> edit I know I can do this, but not what I want to do. & lt;% = HTML .EditorFor (t = & gt; tags, tags, "tag list")% & gt; Use the attribute [[UIHint ("tag")], then create a display template that has been named. class MyModel {[UIHint ("tag")] IList & lt; Tag & gt; Tags {get; Protected Set; }} and the tags in the file .ascx & lt;% @ Control Language = "C #" Inherits = "System.Web.Mvc. ViewUserControl & lt; IEnumerable & lt; tags & gt; & gt; "& gt;; & Lt ;! - Put your model code here - & gt; Works for me

sql server - SQL assign read/write access to all users on PC -

I am installing a SQL database and our application on the same PC. Under Vista it needs to be set up by an administrator account, but this means that regular user accounts can run our program, but it can not access the database it needs. What I want is an easy way to allow all NT logins on the PC to access the database. I thought I would solve it: In SSMS, I can provide DB_detector / author roles manually to Biltin \ user, and this, however, if my installer executes the program, then it does not work Uses: USE [OurDatabase] GO EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datawriter ', N' Users 'Geo ECCSplammailManNdb_Dateder', N'Bultin \ Users'Go Users Playing Role But they still can not access the database. The only difference in the SSMSE can be seen that in the latter case, they also get the ownership of a new "Biltin \ user" schema, which I suspect may have to be screwed, obviously the SSMS does something different Is Can anyone recommend a way t

flex - Rails 2 + SQLite 3 - can ID field be zero? -

My problem: I am writing a Flex frontend for a Rail app, and I have problems managing database database values I am not getting zero .. so to avoid problems I just do not allow zero. Now, for the foreign key, what will be okay? There is no chance that the ID should be assigned the record, right? If there is an input then maybe I can tell the rail to leave foreign key updates in any way. If there is no match line with a foreign key value of 0, it should work fine, Because then there is nothing to update.

range - sql between for DAYSOFWEEK -

I have generalized search where I am looking at the average values ​​for different days of the week. The problem is that I'm not sure how to ask for a weird limit 1-7 works fine, (Monday-Sunday), but if a user passes on a Tuesday on Sunday ... i.e. 7-2 does not. 1-7 (1,2, 3,4,5,6,7) 7-2 (7,1,2) etc. How can I do more than one limit which is more intelligent or something as date (date), bookdata, AVG (price) as availbab item (item_id = 16 And between DAYOFWEEK (Bookdet) and 7) Group by DAIFEE (Bookdate) Probably what you want is the syntax: SELECT item_id, DAYOFWEEK (bookdate) as the date, bookdate, AVG (price) as the price 'availables' from WHERE (item_id = 16 and DAYOFW EEK (bookdate) IN (7,1,2) Group to Dufofic (bookdet)

c# - LinqToSql returns null when using Single - not sequence contains no elements -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैंने इसे बदलने की कोशिश की। SINGLEOrDefault के बजाय सिंगल और वस्तु जो मैं वापस आती हूं वह शून्य है, 'अनुक्रम में कोई तत्व नहीं' त्रुटि होती है जब मैं एसक्यूएल प्रोफ़ाइलर का उपयोग करता हूं और उत्पन्न एसक्यूएल को कैप्चर करता हूं, तो मैं क्वेरी चलाता हूं और 1 परिणाम मिलता है। ऑब्जेक्ट रिक्त होने के कारण क्या होगा? किसी भी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद, ~ ck < P> शायद आपका फ़ील्ड / गुण मानचित्रण आपके डीबीएमएल में सही नहीं है

recursion - How to implement recursive put in sftp -

The recursion in the command line SFTP in my Ubuntu has not been applied to me since 2004 There was some debate in the - R option switch, so I see some type of self-made recursion as only one option. Ie. Insert files Ul> I plan to do this, but some other language will be sufficient. Rsync or scp is not an option because I do not have shell access on the server. I only SFTP This is a powerful file transfer client that supports FTP, ftps, http, https, hftp, fish (file transfer at ssh shell session) and sftp . It has an interactive interface like FTP, but also allows to specify all the commands on the command line. Look at mput (non-recursive but globe pattern handles) and mirror (rsync of poor man) command. I use the server which handles only sftp uploads like this: lftp -c "open -u $ MYUSER, $ MYPASSWORD sftp: / / $ TARGET; mirror-R $ SOME_DIRECTORY "

javascript - is there some special setting for servers to run jQuery? -

I have an html page that runs some jQuery scripts and it works fine. But once I use the same scripts in php page, it tries to run it using Local Server (XMPP) .. So I tried to upload the file to the Linux server on the Internet, but neither HTML or php pages did the right thing! So did I miss something? Are there some necessary settings for changes in some servers that I did not do? BTW: I'm just starting to learn jQuery .. and I would like to proceed to the console: / help plz? thanx .. In HTML, we have & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "../jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; , but when we try to load, we get the "forbidden" page, the forbidden page is different from the "not found" page if you create a URL on I think the jquery.js file is in the right place, but it is that the wrong permissions on the file system.

.net - Nested UpdatePanel Triggers -

My child UpdatePanel updates both its content and its original UpdatePanel. & lt; Asp: UpdatePanel ID = "Update Pencil 1" Runat = "Server" & gt; ... & lt; Asp: UpdatePanel ID = "Update Panel 2" Runat = "Server" & gt; ... & lt; / Asp: UpdatePanel & gt; ... & lt; / Asp: UpdatePanel & gt; I do not want to update my child's update every time my parents updated panel. & lt; Asp: UpdatePanel id = "Update Pencil 1" children aggregator = "wrong" updatemod = "conditional" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: UpdatePanel & gt;

c - Estimate Power Consumption Based on Running Time Analysis / Code Size -

I have developed and tested a program on my PC and now I want to give an estimate of the power consumption required for it. I am For a single run program, I have called the application running time and the inventor function within the application and I know the code size in both the assembly lines, but the raw c line also. How would I guess performance analysis and power consumption based on / code size? I think that it is the scales with the quantity of lines that uses the CPU for computation or gives memory, but I was expecting a more accurate answer. Besides, how can I say that the difference between power consumption is on my PC compared to anyone on Microsoft device? There is a paper on Intel's website that gives the processor different. They give 11 nj per instructions for core duo, for example how useful it will be to you depends on how much your code looks like a spacetime benchmark, I think

Linq to Sql - Convert C# to VB.NET help -

I'm having trouble converting the C # link statement for VB.NET. I should change the following statement I'm being hanged on i.Sum (v => v) part. User = I = (Option to order with order in order. User == U & amp; product == p op op.ProductQty) Quant = I. Count () == 0? 0: i.Sum (v = & gt; v) Select new {p.ProductName, u.UserName, quantity = quant} Here I have for VB, but If (i .count () = 0, 0, i.Sum ()) _ statement states that the total operator 'yoga' without parameters is not supported during the launch (no compile time errors) during the runtime. I have also tried i.Sum (function (q) i.ProductQty, which does not work either (say, the amount can not be called with these arguments). of products from P _ U to user in _i = (order in order with products _ where op.Order.User.UserID = u.UserID and op.Product.ProductID = p. ProductID _ Select op.ProductQty_ _ Quantity = _ If (i.Count () = New, select new with {p.ProductName, u.Username, Quantity}

permissions - MOSS - Programatically set SpecialPermissions -

I have a strong workflow where on the first form, the user can choose a collaborator to evaluate it. Select User A Select user b. After the submission of the form, a new job has been created for User B to evaluate user A. My problem is that I need to make sure the work is only available to User A, and the user is not in B, not another user in the system. I tried to set the property for special practice, but the property can be constituted when the workflow has been given immediately, so I still do not know that the user A (User B in this case) will be chosen, and can not set permissions again. I also do not care about specialty property method, but MOSS new permissions. What is the right way to set permissions on a workflow? How am I doing here ... this is a mess of code which I have spread across multiple Work spListItem.BreakRoleInheritance (wrong); Foreach (spRoleAssignment spRistAssignment in spListItem.RoleAssignments) {if (! SpRoleAssignment.RoleDefinitio

c++ - cvCanny and float 32 bit (IPL_DEPTH_32F) problem -

I have some problems with cvCanny (...) and image data types. Okay, maybe you guys / girls know a solution. I have 32 bit float image and I want to cvCanny on it. The problem can handle cvCanny only "IPL_DEPTH_8S" or U (signed / signed short), or at least that's what I suspect is the OpenCiv Manual does not indicate how much it can handle and CV / CVCADPPP in this line My expectations have not been increased: ... if (cv_mtte (STR-> type)! = CV_8UC1 || CV_MAT_TYPE (DST- & gt; type)! = CV_8UC1) CV_ERR ( CVSTS approved format, ""); ... The grayscale / single channel float 32 bit in my images and the values ​​in the image are between 0.0 and 16.0. Casting to reduce your float 32 to unsigned is not very helpful Because the values ​​will loose their purity and I miss the edges with OpenCivi. Do you guys / girls know the solution to my problem? Sorry, because cvCanny supports only single-complexes. The 8-bit images of the channel, the only thin

ruby - Store image in database using rails paperclip plugin -

I have an application that uses the paperclip plugin for image uploads. Now that app should be deployed in the host (Heroko) which has a read-only file system. Can I call a paperclip to store images in a database in some way? Check this sample app It looks like you really need it. HTH PS: Storing images in DB is usually a bad idea, I bet you can use paperclip with S3 / Cloudfront (as shown below Told in reply)

multithreading - Thread lockup in ruby with Soap4r -

This is related to a question I asked here: Although it is special for a part of it Is supported by the question and a simple example. Exam code is: 'rubygems' is required 'thread' is required 'soap / rpc / standalone server' class SOAPServer & lt; SOAP :: RPC :: Standalone server DRF initialization (* AGR) Super # Exposed methods add_method (self, 'test', 'x', 'y') end-diff test (x, y) returns x + y end and mysarver = .New ('Monitor Service', 'Color: Ruby: Monitor Service', 'Localhost', 4004) Thread. New 'MyServer.start' launches web services' sleeps at the end of 'eliminating web services' (4) # Thread.New Do Tasteanum = 0 while Testonum & lt; 4000 do testnum + = 1 myServer.test (0, testnum) sleep (2) end #end says myServer.test (0,4001) myServer.test (0,4002) puts puts myServer.test (0 , 4003) MyServer.test (0,4004) gets When I run it with the thread, then everything is we

Do autoboxing and unboxing behave differently in Java and C# -

I'm manually converting from Java (1.6) to C # and for the preferences (int and double) I'm looking for some difficulty. In C #, it appears that almost all conversions are automatically list & lt; Double & gt; List 1 = New list & lt; Double & gt; (); // Legal, C # double d0 = 3.0; List1.Add (D0); // Legal, C # Double DD = 2.3F; // Legal, C # list 1. Add (DD); // Legal, C # list & lt; Double & gt; List2 = New list & lt; Double & gt; (); // Legal, C # double D1 = 3.0; List2.Add (D1); // Legal, C # list2.Add (2.0); // legal, c # double d2 = list2.get (0); // legal, c # but only some permissions in Java list & lt; Double & gt; List1 = New Arrestist & lt; Double & gt; (); // Invalid, Java List & lt; Double & gt; List2 = New Arrestist & lt; Double & gt; (); // Legal, Java Double D1 = 3.0; List2.add (d1); // Legal, Java list2.add (2.0); // legal, java double d2 = list2.get (0); // Legal, Java I would be gr

iphone - Where should validation code go for UITextField? -

I have to verify some user entries. Was I thinking of adding it to this event? Also, how can I see if we are in a special entry zone? - (zero) textFieldDidEndEditing: (UITextField *) textField You should create an IBOutlet in the text field of all your views and compare them with the 'textField' parameter. To confirm the content of TextField, it would be better to use this delegate method: Prefix - TextFieldShouldEndEditing: (UITextField *) textField From the document: Normally, you will send the text field back to yes to resign the respondent status before this method. You can not return again, however, in those cases where your representatives find illegal material in the text area. After not returning, you can prevent the user from switching to another control until the text field contains a valid value.

content management system - What CMS am I seeing? -

I've added '.do' to many websites in the file referencing URLs as you navigate the web of Iberia Airlines, For example, the airline operated by the Spanish state, you see URLs like yours - I saw this extension on very high quality other websites and wondering what the software is. I had written the CMS in the title, but I think it could be what might happen, perhaps a framework, maybe only a few runs in the IBM mainframe ... in fact, it is not known of any identity yield Nothing below pages, no copyright, no company name This extension is usually used by server-side Java platforms such as IBM WebSphere.

coordinates - WPF how to show an Image.Source (BitmapSource) pixel position? -

Let's say I've got an image that shows my source in a detailed way, how can I use a mouse event to show? (I do not need to direct pixels to the coordinates of the image relative to its size) thanks in advance / P> You can find actual pixel height and width from ImageSource. ImageSource imageSource = image.Source; Bitmap image bitmap image = (bitmap image) imageSource; Now since you got the image displayed in the image control. You can easily map the position of the mouse on the pixel scale. PixelMosposePx = E. GetPhin (Image) X * bitmap image Pixelwidth / image Wide; PixelMousePositionY = E. GetPosition (Image). Y * bitmapImage.PixelHeight / image.Height; Have fun

UML Activity diagram: decision branch ends whole activity -

I was wondering if there is an activity on which there is a decision; One of the branches ends with a complete activity, it will be similar to a substrin, when a condition is fulfilled, the control over the inhocole comes back. Sub Activity () {... ... if (condition) {...} else {Return; // It eliminates branch activity} ...} thanks, Carlos The following code will look like the picture below. if (D1) {if (D2) {return; }} And {return; } / \ / \ O ___ / D1 \ __ T ____ / D2 \ ___________ \ / \ / | \ / \ / | | ____ F __________________ | Note, in this case, D2: Wrongly not anywhere, in both diagrams and codes. I was just trying to describe the points that move on to the end of the activity. (Note: '0' is the end of the activity and 'o' is the beginning)

sql server - TSQL- Rollup SQL 2005 -

मेरे पास निम्न उदाहरण कोड है: तालिका विवरण (नाम varchar (20) , आयु का पूर्णांक, वज़न इंट, रिकॉर्डेडेट डेटटाइम) --इन्सेट डेटा .. क्वेरी: SELECT, a.age, a रिकॉर्डडेट, ए.वेट - (सेलेक्ट बी.वे.एफ. विवरण से WHERE b.recordDate = dateadd (dd, -1, a.recordDate) subtable के रूप में) विवरण से एक समूह के साथ रोलअप (a.recorddate,, a। उम्र) मैं प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के लिए रिकॉर्डडेट्स के बीच वजन में अंतर देखना चाहता हूं और उसके बाद उस व्यक्ति के लिए अलग-अलग वज़न में अलग-अलग और आयु वर्ग के लिए और उसके बाद भव्य वजन घटाने / हानि रिकॉर्ड करना चाहता हूं। यह मेरी वास्तविक तालिका नहीं है, बल्कि एक उदाहरण है। समस्या: यह सबक्विरी के बारे में शिकायत कर रहा था - तब मुझे इसका उपयोग टेबल वैरिएबल के रूप में करना था: सबटेबल। अब यह शिकायत कर रहा है: संदेश 156, स्तर 15, राज्य 1, रेखा 14 खोजशब्द 'के रूप में' के पास गलत वाक्यविन्यास संदेश 319, स्तर 15, राज्य 1, रेखा 18 कीवर्ड के साथ गलत सिंटैक्स 'के साथ'। यदि यह कथन एक सामान्य तालिका अभिव्यक्ति या एक xmlnamespaces खंड ह