visual studio 2008 - Using Temp tables in SSIS -

I am using a temporary table in the process stored in SQL Server. I'm trying to use that dream in the OLE DB source editor.

I can see the data output given in the query builder that comes with the build query button. But when I click on the Columns tab, I get the error below.

- Title: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error in data flow function [OLE DB source [1]]: SSIS error code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR OLE DB error occurred. Error code: 0x80004005 An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" Hersault: 0x80004005 Description: "Object object name '## Payment'. ''.

Error in data flow task [OLE DB source [1]]: Retrieve column information from the deprecated data source Make sure that your target table is available in the database.

This means that I can not use floating tables in SP, if I call it SSIS By consumption

Another solution is mentioned here. Take a look at option 3.

Excerpt: Add some meta-data and "set knockout on" in the stored procedure with a "short-circuted or clause" (if 1 = 0), and a bogus selection statement, I leave the "set knockout on" Trying to try and it is not working

  Construction process [DBO]. [Genemetadata] 1 = 0 BEGIN as the SET NOCOUNT - published metadata selection cast (NULL AS INT) AS ID, CAST (NULL AS NCHAR (10)) AS [Name], CAST (NULL AS NCHAR (10)) AS SirName END - Start here by starting the actual work. # Test ([id] [int] tap, [name] [enchnire] (10) tap, [surname] [enclosure] (10) null)  
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