
Showing posts from January, 2015

.net - WPF - LayoutUpdated event firing repeatedly -

I'm adding some animation to my WPF application. Thanks, it proved to be quite simple to see one of my controls and its children had to move forward with some nice animation. Unfortunately, it all comes with a performance overhead when the item is added / removed or the size of the control changes, then I think the performance is being affected, but it seems That this perf hit is completely even in the lifetime of the whole app, whenever the item is completely stable. PanelLayoutAnimator class uses an associated asset to hook up the event. When this incident sets a fire, the render conversion is animated so that the children move to their new position. Unfortunately it seems that the layout has been updated event every other or the fire, even when nothing is happening in the application (at least I do not think That my code is doing anything - the app has no focus and the mouse is stable.) Due to the cause of the incident the event controller is not immediately clea

php - Google MAP HTTP request or API -

I would like to get information from one location to another using Google Maps. I have Although the above link is based on the geographic code I would like to use the zip code if possible. But I really like to get through a time as Php call is currently working in the backend and not for the client show. Can I make such requests through HTTP request? For example FROM zip: 98010 To zip: 98011 Just issue this HTTP request: = 98010 & amp; Daddr = 98011 and output = html & amp; Oi = nojs then parse the response to div with class = dditd and id = dditd and this division gives you all the information needed in the traffic (distance, time of travel, time of travel time). It can be done through RegEx or XPath or whatever you want. / P> After receiving the information, you should still change the "text representation" (such as 50mins / 1hour 12 mins / 1day 1hour / ...) in any number, such as the DB field.

iphone - Placing UITextView inside a UITableView footer -

I have a UITableView with footer view. A UITextView is included as a subview in this footer view. Both table view and footer view programs have been created. The text view is correctly displayed on the screen, but it does not display any text, nor does it respond to touch events. Could this be related to this issue that UITextView is the subclass of UIScrollView? Or did I lose something in my start of text footage? The code where I start the footer and the text view looks like this: // Create Footer UIView * tempFooter = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, 320, 200)]; [TempFooter Setautorizing Mask: UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth]; [Tmfututer setbackgram color: [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor]]; Self.tableFooterView = tempFooter; [TempFooter release]; UITextView * tempTextView = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (5, 5, 270, 140)]; [TempTextView Set Delegate: self]; [TempTextView Setup: Yes]; TempTextView.key

.net - Using ASP.Net to launch an application on the SERVER on a specific desktop -

I have several utilities that run on the same machine as my IIS webserver. What I am trying to do is to allow a web page to be executable. If I use the process. Launch () process launches, but clearly it is in the form of a webserver as the same user, so he can not interact with the desktop. For 99% of apps, this is not a problem. However, I want to be able to run them as if a specific user (only me ever) launched them. There is more effort to see if it is possible with this serious dev project, I am interested in more method of goal. Ideally, if I log on to the box (almost always) then it should be run as if I follow the shortcut, if not, launch the app and when I log on So if it was connected to my desktop then it would be right. If the user is not possible before the login, I can accept it. I am aware of security reasons, but it is minimizing them like this: The website requires authentication + SSL to launch The list of applications is configured in the file that c

Force visual studio to start development server using the hostname localhost. (with period at end) -

Is it possible to change the hostname, which was set on fire in the development server Visual Studio 2008? Eventually I would like to start Visual Studio directly (note period). As I am calling more Ajax type, I feel that in order to check reactions / requests, I have to inspect the traffic more often to use tools like intelligence. (Fideller can not see requests because he does not get regular network stack) I looked at the web server configuration page but nothing came out. I do not particularly want to go on the route to configure IIS on the box, but it will consider it with a compelling answer. If you have a simple setup, you can add a new option to v2.2.4.0 . Under the HKCU Software \ Microsoft \ Fiddler, set the Add a new Reg_SZ named HookWithPac value to true inside the registry, you should know Should Fiddler now manually register the system as a proxy instead of specifying using a simple PAC script. Instead, IE causes the fieldal to send local

openfire - xmpp pubsub understanding -

Subscriber will only obtain content from the result that is subscripting in the node and not receiving all the old content published by the publisher Will this be right by the customer? Do I know, what do I have to do to get all past old stuff to the customer? You can configure your nodes to be continuous or transient according to: The node is fixed or transient defined by the "Pub # Persist_ts" configuration field. However, your public service (or server) can be configured to ignore the persistence of events (if you are using Open Fire, then I think that There is a configurable limit for the maximum size of the stored items) As I know you are using, here is some code: // new Node pubSubManager.createNode (node ​​IDID, new config form (continuously, include, load) Change the existing node node to the existing node node configuration form (new configuration form (persistent, include pauload, access model)); private configured form newcomer form (last bullio

.net - use 2 different versions of same control (dll) at the same time on same machine? -

I am using a 3D party component in my project and recently upgraded to our latest version The bug that determines 'A'. Unfortunately, while it solved the bug 'A', another part has become completely unstable, so he started a bug 'b'. Since 'A' and 'B' are completely different in contexts, I want to install both versions of control and in one case I want to use one where the bug 'B' is not relevant. , And in the second case the bug 'A' is not relevant. Of course, everything has been released till the appropriate decision is made by the third party developer Anyone thought how it can be done? R ps DLL must be registered with RegsVR 32 ... I suspect that this is where it makes itself discoverable ... I have some I am hoping for the invoice, here we can register double subject under a different name. You can apply different versions of a COM component and you can use them without registration. The registration-free C

objective c - this profile cannot be installed on devices ?? iPhone distribution ... any ideas -

I get a "new" error in the provisioning hell from the iPhone Does anyone know what's going on It does not work because the reinstallation of the profile is not loaded. I have uploaded a screenshot. So the part in which it is said can not be installed on the device? If this is your delivery certificate (as your title means) then the error message is correct . Distribution certifications are only for submitting applications for Apple for review. Instead you want to install a development certificate on your phone. With this you can load your phone for testing with your own code before submitting to Apple.

python - Django admin won't let me delete a user in its auth admin application -

This may be more of a server default question that I'm not sure. I have two practically identical servers - I cloned DB to another, and now when I Admin & gt; I try to delete a user; Auth The application returns the following error: file "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/" In the results_iter for lines in line 206, self.execute_sql (multi): file "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/", line 1734, execute_sql in cursor . Programming error: The relation "django_openidauth_useropenid" does not exist So it seems that this problem is django_openidauth_useropenid , but what is referenced - something missing in it DB, or an application? My site is based on the Pinyx Collection app. this . / syncdb This must have been excluded at any time.

cd burning - Bluray Burner in Java - Where to start? -

As the subject of this post shows, I am trying to develop a suit like Nero which is a Blur Disc Helps in burning How do I want to start? Is there anything in the Java API that lets you do this? If I had to start with scratch, would I have to start with a Blur Disk Display? Is there an open source device that is already doing it? I tried searching on and found nothing useful. Any help is much appreciated. To start clearly: Know your requirements and tools Requirements: Blur will burn discs Graphical User Interface Favorite Devices: Java Now, Java is probably the prime example of VM language since the 90's, it achieves relatively good platform-agnosticism, on the basis of its VM, the actual hardware is reduced to portability To do Area it is virtual designed for. Now, what comes with the fact that you are far away from the many things that you need to take care of, such as memory management details and architecture or platform-instructio

sql - How to view current running queries on a DB -

I am using Sqlyog to run the query on a DB. Is there a way to see all the running questions on DB (and possibly to kill some of them)? If not, what is a recommended tool for this purpose? Try setting up free of charge There is a tab in it where all the questions running on the server Lists. Maybe you can do this with the command line tool but I think the administrator is more user-friendly.

svn - Best source control for us to use(and how to convince people of it?) -

I am in a little startup company right now we are using JDI VCS for our source control needs Not too bad, besides this it is a buggy car. It worked because we were using it for the management of "old" Delphi projects. Now, we are developing things in VS 2008 and .NET and I realized that JDI is very much made up of Delphi when I want a project branch and a Delphi project file to be provided. Now then. I am thinking that SVN looks very good, but I am using it for about 3 years and I am comfortable with it, so I do not want to choose it because I know it. My boss wants the sources to use all "VSS" on the internet, after reading, I feel that it seems to be hellish to develop, and still will not fix the current problem We are in that branch (because VSS is hell for the branches). He wants us to use VSS because it can control the source on the SQL database (apparently? I was never able to work it and heard that it requires some different web development versio

history - Are design patterns really language weaknesses? -

Want today's pattern? SubRoutine was a design pattern for machine language in the 50's and 60's object-oriented class There was a design pattern for C in the 70's. Visitors, Object Factories, Decorators, and Feds There are today Design Patterns for Java and C ++ What are the languages ​​of yesterday? ? What patterns will they something canonized Design Patterns - Adapters, Factory, Command, Visitors, etc. - Estimate of features that are baked in other languages ​​Close to my head: Event Handlers Inspector in C # If you had to roll each time to your own supervisor then think about how to wire the events in C #. Visitor pattern, approximation of verbose, or actually a weak form Command pattern wraps a special behavior You can pass objects between objects, which estimate at least first class function. The strategy pattern allows you to dynamically insert an object in an object so that at any time you can modify the object by swap

jquery load pdf file with .load() -

हम jquery के साथ पीडीएफ फाइल लोड कर सकते हैं। धन्यवाद < P> मुद्दा क्या है? जब मैं एक पीडीएफ दिखाना चाहता हूं, तो मैं इसे रीडायरेक्ट करता हूं और यह रीडर में लॉन्च करता है। मुझे लगता है कि यह वही व्यवहार है जो किसी भी उपयोगकर्ता की अपेक्षा करता है।

c# - Having trouble binding list/grid to collection -

I have set up a grid and it's stored in the archive. I can edit items in the archive through my grid And these changes are spread in the collection. And, the GUI is showing everything in the collection at that time when MotherSource is set. However, I'm changing some items into the program (after item sources) and these changes have not been reflected in the grid / GUI. Do I have to do something to refresh it? FYI, for field I want to edit (MoveToResource, ResourceKey, and resource type), I have set the double mode below to my grid & lt; ListView name = "lstXAMLStrings" margin = "5" grid. Rau = "1" & gt; & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridView.Columns & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn Header = "Remove?" & Gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Checkbox content = "" ischiched = "{binding path = move processin

C++ Get object type at compile time, e.g., numeric_limits<typeof<a>>::max()? -

given int a; , I know that returns the lowest value that can be a << Pre> numeric_limits & lt; Int & gt; :: max () However, I want to get this information without knowing that a is a int I want to do something like this: numeric_limits & lt; Typeof & lt; A & gt; & Gt; :: max () Not with this exact syntax, but is it possible that it is ISO C ++? Thanks, all. Aurélien Vallée's type_of () comes closest, but I will not add anything extra to my codebase since we already use Boost, so in the context of Boeing Eric Malenfant To type me type me numeric_limit & lt; BOOST_TYPEOF (m_focusspeed) & gt; : max () I have never used it again, thanks again for very well known reactions. numeric_length, which is the type attribute This type of relative information is a contradiction Stores in a manner. Regarding your question, you can define only a template function that will determine the type of variable for you. t

What are the reporting lines in SCRUM methodology? -

What are the reporting lines when using the SCRUM method, which are compared to the "transitional" matrix organization, where developers Developers report to developers developers, project managers and any other stakeholders on time? The agile issue is to eliminate all "reporting lines" and essential relationships and anything else Do not understand. The purpose of the SCR teams is to be self-organized, they have not been organized.

Read In Hex Values (C) -

I am currently trying to read from a text file in hex values. There may be multiple lines of hex and each row may be as important: f53d6d0568c7c7ce 1307a7a1c84058 b41af04b24f3eb83ce Currently, I have a simple loop to read in hex values ​​with Fscanf in a unsigned char line [500] in: like: for (i = 0; i & Lt; 500; i ++) {if (fscanf (fp, "% 02x", and line [i])! = 1) break; } At the present time, it reads only in the first line, as well, it's definitely not the best way to throw random 500 in order to read. I was thinking that I was sscanf with fgets or some of that nature but I was not sure that this would be the best way. If someone can help me point in the right direction, then I appreciate it. You can see the fgets () and sscanf () With ; That you will give everything properly if your data is actually in that format, then sscanf () can be overkill; You can just type a quick conversion loop and save all those funidious function ca

build - Electric Cloud / BuildForge: worth the expense? -

I just saw an electric cloud demo and it was very interesting, but it is expensive. Excellent features - Remove secret sauce from my build and standardize it with reusable steps - make parallel to make it and use my build field more effectively << p> PRO: Br> - Restart the construction with any step - Integrate test automation and promotion (maybe even deploying in production) with good logging, auditing and reporting Con: The value of the enterprise size I think I possibly can use SATF, Maven and Hudson with some plugin development so that what these tools provide (but not all), but for this much All adaptation will be required and I feel like beating my clothes instead of paying for a washing machine against rocks. Do anyone have opinions to share about these options and what aspects of the environment make one option better than the other? In my last company, we have deployed both the commander and the accelerator. In my present company, we are plannin

Are there code examples comparing Scala and JavaFX Script? -

I am studying JavaFX scripts and trying to compare it to Scala, which is the one for Java platform And very interesting is the new language. / P> I found the official Scal site, which is a quick sequential implementation, I have then written the following equivalent JavaFX script program (using Netbeans IDE 6.7.1): package example ; Function sort (A: integer []): integer [] (if (size & size; 2 size) another {def pivot = one [size a / 2]; [sort (a [n] and lt ; Pivot]), a [N | N == smoke], sort (a [n | n> smoke]);}} function run (args: string []) {def xs = [6, 2, 8] , 5, 1]; println (xs); println (type (xs))} Both functional programs are very similar, but I like the JavaFX version better. Those "_" and ":::" parties are not very attractive to me I guess ... Of course, there is a lot more to both languages, so I see more examples. Does anyone know where I can find something? Or even better , Other examples here Keep in mind that Scala syntax

c++ - Expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '::' token -

I get the error when compiling my file. // Error PluginDiskStats cpp: 107: Error: Expected constructor, destructor, or '::' token scan before typing: *** [PluginDiskstats.o] Error 1 / destructor ~ PluginDiskstats :: PluginDiskstats () // line 107 {if (stream! = Tap) {fclose (section); Stream = null; } Hash_store (and disascustats); } // header file #ifndef __PLUGIN_DISKSTATS_H__ #define __PLUGIN_DISKSTATS_H__ #include & lt; QObject & gt; Include # "Hush H" class pluginDisk Stats: Public Q Object {q ozjet hash disks; file stream; Int parsecdisstadts (); Public: PluginDiskStats (); ~ PluginDiskstats (); Public slots: Double discastats (Qstring AG 1, Qstring AGR 2, Double AGR3); }; #endif Change to line 107: PluginDiskstats :: ~ PluginDiskstats ()

objective c - Nothing Printed -

I'm learning objective and using GNUSTIP, but when I use my very simple Hello World app I try to execute the test, it does not print anything like my code is: // main.m #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) {printf ("hello, world \ n"); } Here's a GNUmakefile: GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES = / GNUstep / System / Library / Makefile $ (GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES) /common.make APP_NAME = HelloWorld HelloWorld_HEADERS = HelloWorld_OBJC_FILES = main.m HelloWorld_RESOURCE_FILES = $ $ (GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES) /application.make And when I execute this application I found: < Code> Nathan Campos @ EEPC-VMD0U56 ~ / $. / HelloWorld Nathan Campos @ EEEPC-VMD0U56 ~ / $ What's wrong? I am obja-si nube myself, but do you just try to compile directly without any file Is that? If I run the following, on my machine, with my source code: gcc main.m -lobjc I get binary and when I Execute binary print out this message. If that d

ibm midrange - refactoring in iSeries (RPG), is it realistic -

The ability to rearrange the projects in order to execute tight is really not necessary, but the code Refactoring has proven to be a good engineering practice. In an agile (schematic) project on the iSeries platform, for which development is required (new code and amendment in legacy code) in RPG, it is possible to implement RPG, is it possible to apply refactoring? If so, what are the techniques to do this? If someone tries to do so, he can share his experience or just point out in the context, I appreciate it. Refactoring can be done on different types of languages, regardless of oo or not. Look for refactoring from the language agnostic point.

How do I overload the in operator in Groovy? -

def सरणी = [1,2,3,4,5] println 3 में सरणी < / प्री> प्रिंट true पर क्लिक करें। उदाहरण: वर्ग जो भी हो {DEF} AddItem (आइटम) {// आइटम जोड़ें}} def w = नया जो भी हो () w.addItem ("एक") w.addItem ("दो") println "दो" में w < पी> मुझे पता है कि मैं इस संग्रह को सार्वजनिक कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मैं इसके बजाय in का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। मैंने Groovy मेलिंग सूची पर पूछा। सूत्र। इसका जवाब है isCase वर्ग ए {def isCase (ओ) {वापसी झूठी; }} A = नया A () println 6 में एक // रिटर्न गलत

c# - Recording and saving sounds from applications? -

I would like to do an enrollment in c # (or which records every voice that comes out of the speakers I tell it, and when I finish I want to save a MP3 (or any other format) by pressing a button. By now I have only got the API that can record something from the microphone. My question is: Is there anything in the NAT framework or is there some API to make it possible? I have not seen much from the net card only with the net framework, but you can get a lot from NetMakerVet Could. There are such libraries that work with .NET and can provide you with the ability to record the speaker's voice. I came across, but I'm not sure that it's of any use.

tcp - How insecure is web? -

I have just started writing socket programs. To know that a single UDP packet has some MAC address representing the source port destination port and router. I wonder why no one can create a custom packet with fake information and send it over the Internet. I would like to know how safe our PC is. What should be done to protect it? There are some different aspects to the answer. One is that the web depends on TCP, not UDP. This means that it is connection-oriented. Your package will be rejected, as long as it is not part of any existing connection (which means, in addition to other things, this should also be the correct source IP and port, and it should fit in the correct sequence number. window). It can still be counterfeit without much trouble, of course. But you need to know something about packets sent to the original connection. Another part is that whenever we need to ensure that the senders of the pack are those they claim, we use encryption :) Most Packets do not

php - htdocs path in linux -

I am working on the Linux server via SSH and want to know that html and php files (htdocs folder) Where to put it, but I think the server is running lighttpd My directory structure looks something like this in this way. It depends entirely on your server configuration so that the information Let's have your trusted source file of a light PDD, which should be in the / etc folder normally (if installed globally) (such as / etc / lighttpd / lighttpd .conf). There are popular places for the htdocs folder / var / www or elsewhere / srv

language agnostic - changed object state after behavior that used the state -

I want to give a second chance because I think I have chosen a bad example. The question is how should I deal with those situations where one object can still change when I used it to do something and the new state is relevant to what is being done. Examples in pseudo code: class book method 'addChapter': A chapter class person adds the 'readbook' method: read an object in the class book Now when I read a book, I can add a chapter between chapters 3 and 4, at least in PHP, where the object will be passed in context, the book object can still change while The person is already reading chapter 6. How can I deal with these types of situations? Any of the answers above are good for a good solution based on the demand of your business. You asked "how will I deal with the circumstances ..." It depends: Do you already send a book legally to a user, after that a chapter To add? If not, you should throw an exception (I do not know that PHP suppor

programming languages - How Does Static Typing Limit Macros? -

I was reading Paul Graham's "hundred year language" article. He makes a claim that steady typing "Preventing real macros" For example, such types of research papers seem to be an incomparable source, despite the fact that steady typing prevents true macros - without it, in my opinion, language Not worth the use. How is this true? Where are the papers? I tried to search successfully without Google Static typing macros do not have to stop. For example, static-typed does this. However, it depends on what Graham means "true" macros. May be that bu and nemeral macros are "wrong" by their standards.

c# - LINQ to XML: applying an XPath -

Can anyone tell me why this program does not calculate any items? Is it something to do with the RDF namespace? Using the system; Using System.Xml.Linq; Using System.Xml.XPath; Class program {static zero main (string [] arg) {var doc = XDocument.Load (""); Var item in foreach (doc.XPathSelectElements ("// item") {Console.WriteLine (item.Element ("link"). Value); } Console. Read (); }} Yes, it is absolutely about namespace - although this RSS name location Is not RDF one you are trying to find objects without a namespace. Using .NET's namespace in XPath is a bit tricky, but in this case, I only use LINQ to XML descendants instead of the method: Using the system; Using System.Linq; Using System.Xml.Linq; Class test {static zero major () {var doc = XDocument.Load (""); X-namespace RSS = ""; Foreach (var item

Are there any simple programs for 3D fractal visualization? -

अधिमानतः एक स्रोत कोड के साथ, लेकिन एल्गोरिदम विवरण पर्याप्त होगा। पीओवी-रे त्रि-आयामी जूलिया सेट के त्रि-आयामी क्रॉस-सेक्शन प्रदान कर सकता है।

stored procedures - MySQL query that computes partial sums -

Which query should I perform in the MySQL database to get results with partial amounts of the source table? For example, when I have a table: id | Val 1 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 4 I want to get results like this: Id | Val 1 | 1 2 | 3 # 1 + 2 3 | 6 # 1 + 2 + 3 4 | 10 # 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 Now I get this result with the cursed stored procedure and with loops I want to find a better way to do this. You can do this by joining the table SOM itself by adding all the rows to this line Will give: select, sum (prev.val) is left on the curtid except TheTable TheTable & gt; = by group MySQL also allows users to use the variable to calculate, which is more efficient but some of a hack is considered: select id, @ running_total: = @running_total + val runningTotal from TheTable

cocoa - How to only auto resize certain NSTableColumn? -

I have a table with 3 columns (NSTableColumn) in which XCode I last column "amount "And the column is" Before "description. When I change the size of the window, the table will still be resized, but "zodiac" is a column that grows. / P> How can I determine the "zodiac" column width and instead resize the "details" column? Take a look at each table column inspector in the interface builder. For those whom you want to maintain your width, you want to uncheck the option 'Resize with table'. For the columns you want to change your width, make sure it is checked.

jquery - string comparison in ie -

The following is my code, I want to hide a li tag based on its content. My html & lt; Ul id = "overlay_opt" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "deactive" & gt; Any & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Request & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Impressions & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Clicks & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Revenue & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; The problem is, that variable and string is happening in comparison. i.e. "if (content == 'none')" every time it executes as wrong. / P> I did not use 'id' to use ID, using ID I'm hiding. & Lt; Ul id = "overlay_opt" & gt; & Lt; Li id = "none" & gt; Nobody & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "deactive" & gt; Request & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Impressions & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li &

Conversion of a decimal to double number in C# results in a difference -

Summary of problem: For some decimal values, when we change the decimal type to double , A small fraction is added in the result. What's worse than this is that there can be two "par" decimal values, which is the result of different double values ​​when changed. Code sample: decimal DCM = 8224055000.0000000000 M; // DCM = 8224055000 double DBL = convert toDouble (DCM); // dbl = 8224055000.000001 decimal dcm2 = convert toDecimal (dbl); // DCM2 = 8224055000 DoubleDouble 2 = Convert. Tud Double (DCM2); // dbl2 = 8224055000.0 decimal delta DCM = DCM2 - DCM; // Delta DCM = 0 Double Delta DBL = DBL2 - DBL; // deltaDbl = -0.00000095367431640625 The results in the comments in the results are copied from the clock of the debugger. Number of digit numbers in comparison to the data type limit , So it can not be overflow (I think!). What's more interesting than the two values ​​ equal (see the above code sample, see the "DCM" and "DCM 2", w

java - Using double negatives to test for conditions -

To validate user input, I do not know which of the two options is better < H1> 1 pre << >> <<> east <<< >> <<> <<> <<> Noble (object input) 2 non (object input) Apache's Commons Lang Library chose # 2 but I was uncomfortable with double negative I am what do you say? For me, double negativity is always a bad thing, I would say it is soft to stick. When reading futility, it is understandable in reading. Unlike it (! IsNull (o)) // ... who reads "If not, then zero" is sure that it Feeling slow is read aloud, but with this option # 1, it is more understandable than examining futility. if (! IsNotNull (o)) // ... A statement that makes you reverse and says "Hey wait a minute ... if not ... ". But If there is a standard already in the names of the method, then paste it is standard good work, and should not be broken just because someone " Uncomfortable ".

php - Diacritic insensitive mysql search? -

मैं एक डार्कट्रिट असंवेदनशील कैसे बनाऊँ, उदायकों के साथ इस फ़ारसी स्ट्रिंग से पूर्व < होशियार बेरबार मेरे एसक्यूएल में हटाए गए डायैरिटिक्स के समान नहीं है होशियार बेरबार क्या mysql को अनदेखा करने का कोई तरीका है डाइकाट्रिक्स या क्या मुझे मैन्युअल रूप से अपने फ़ील्ड में सभी डाइरेक्टिक्स निकालना है? यह मामला जैसा मामला है -संवेदनशीलता समस्या। ब्लाह से कहाँ चुनें UPPER (foo) = "थॉमस" तुलना करने से पहले केवल दोनों स्ट्रिंग्स डाइक्रिटिक-फ्री में बदलें। / P>

database relationship to many tables and representation in entity framework -

2 भाग प्रश्न: 1 सेटअप करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है एक तालिका / संबंध संरचना निम्न परिदृश्य में दी गई है: मेरे पास कई तालिकाओं हैं जो विभिन्न प्रकार के डेटा स्टोर करते हैं (अर्थात: पुस्तकें, मूवीज़, पत्रिका - प्रत्येक अलग-अलग तालिकाओं के रूप में) और फिर एक तालिका जो समीक्षाओं को संग्रहीत करती है जो कि तालिका प्रकारों । इसलिए समीक्षा तालिका में एक पंक्ति किताब या पत्रिका तालिका से लिंक कर सकती है। मेरे पास अब यह कैसे है कि एक तीसरी मेज है जो उपलब्ध तालिकाओं को परिभाषित करता है और उन्हें एक आईडी नंबर देता है वहां कोई वास्तविक रिश्ता नहीं है, जो समीक्षा से पुस्तकें तक जाता है क्या यह करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है? 2 मैं इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क में नकली संबंधों का प्रतिनिधित्व कैसे करूं? मैं एक क्वेरी कर सकता हूँ जो 3 तालिकाओं में शामिल होगा, लेकिन इसके बजाय तालिका मैपिंग में मॉडल करने का एक तरीका है? इसके बारे में सोचने का दूसरा तरीका किताबों, फिल्मों, मैगजीनों को उप-प्रकार के REVIEWABLE_ITEMS के रूप में माना जाता है। वे शायद कुछ सामान्य विशेषताओं को साझा करते हैं - आपकी समस्य

php - MySQL Select Statement, WHERE 'IN' Clause -

मेरे पास वर्तमान में मेरी तालिका में निम्न पंक्ति है: course_data: user_id days & lt; - यह एक सारकार स्तंभ है। 405 1,3,5 और मैं निम्नलिखित चयन कथन को लागू करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: का चयन करें usrID, usrFirst, uslLast, usrEmail से tblUsers जहां usrID नहीं (यूजरडीयूआरआईडी द्वारा `course_data` पाठ्यक्रमों में से चुनें,` टीबीएलयूएसर्स 'के उपयोगकर्ता जिनके दिनों में (' $ day ')) यूआरआइडी द्वारा यूआरआइडी द्वारा ग्रुप असल में, मुझे वह पंक्ति चाहिए (उपयोगकर्ता 405 के साथ) यदि $ दिन चर में '1, 3, या 5' शामिल है, तो छोड़े जाने के लिए उदाहरण के लिए, यदि $ day = "1" , तो उसे रिक्त क्वेरी वापस करनी चाहिए (क्योंकि संख्या "1" कॉलम "1,3,5" में है) । हालांकि, मुझे यह मामला नहीं मिला है। भले ही $ day = "1" , यह अभी भी वह पंक्ति देता है। यह एकमात्र तरीका है कि वह पंक्ति वापस नहीं करेगा, अगर $ day = "1 , 3,5। " फिर भी, मैंने सोचा कि IN () खंड मेरे वेरिएबल का कोई भी हिस्सा लेगा और उस कॉलम पर लागू करेगा।

How do I escape a single quote in SQL Server? -

I am trying to put some text data in the table in SQL Server 9. Text I tried to use two single quotes, but threw me some errors. e.g. Enter in the my_table values ​​('Hi, Tim of my name'.); Single quotes are saved by doubling them , like The following SQL shows this functionality in our example that I have tested it on SQL Server 2008: DECLARE @ my_table table ([value] VARCHAR (200)) @my_table Include in values ​​('Hi, my name' 'Tim.') SELECT * My_table with result value ======= =========== Hi, my name time

Disabling iPhone screenshot feature -

I am working on an enterprise iPhone application for a client, this issue is in hand, customer information on the phone Will appear. My client is worried that the notification can be captured using the iPhone Screen Capture feature (Home + Power Button), then emails or syncs with the phone. Is there a way to disable the Screen Capture feature? Can it be done on a program basis or is it possible through a configuration profile? If your customer can maintain ownership using a handset, they screen capture < / Em> feature. Make sure that you do not give this phone to anyone outside this organization, otherwise you are violating your enterprise legal agreement with Apple.

parsing - Preg match text in php between html tags -

Hello I want to use preg_match in PHP so that we can parse "dotted text" from the HTML document with the following < / P> & lt; P class = "review" & gt; Desired text & lt; / P & gt; Usually I will use simple_html_dom for such things but this can not be used on this occasion (the above element does not appear in every desired divinity tag, so I use this approach. Anyway, this will solve my problem. Thank you very much. It is not. < P> preg_match ('& lt; p class = \ "review \" & gt; (. *?) & Lt; / P & gt; 'C', $ source , $ Match); if ($ match) "result =" echo $ match [1];

perl - How can I create a new user in all my single-sign-on sites when they register on any of them? -

I have an existing website that has been written in Perl and recently added a WordPress blog and BBps forums. Each of the three systems has its own login mechanism To make it a bit cleaner I have integrated WordPress and BBPress to enable single sign-on between two systems that do the best work now I want to integrate things further in the next step so that when someone registers with our site, our Perl script is a new WordPress user, a new BBPress user Create procedures necessary) and to log the user in the three systems. In addition, when a user returns to the site, I want to log them into the three systems. I would appreciate any advice for how best to accomplish this. Reverse engineering may be the answer, if you are feeling frustrated set up an empty WordPress database Make and dump SQL through the app while going through the user registration flow. Rinse, repeat for any other WordPress stream that you want to emulate in your Perl app

c++ - Why can't gdb attach to server application summoned with inetd? -

I have a server application that can be called for the client to use inetd. However, if I try to attach the launched server process with Inset, then I get the following response: ptrace: Operation is not allowed. gdb --annotate = 3 / my / app / here & lt; Process ID & gt; Current directory / usr / local / bin / gnu gdb 6.8 Copyright (c) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLV3 +: GNU GPL version 3 or later & lt; Http: //> It's free software: You are free to change and redistribute it. There is no warranty to the extent permitted by law, type "show copy" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i686-pc-linux-gnu" ... / usr / local / Reading symbols from bin / flumed..done Using the host library / db library "/lib/tls/" Attached in the program: / my / app / here, process & lt; ProcessId> Ptrace: Operation not allowed / Usr / local / bin / & l

svn - Excluding files when checking out from Subversion repository -

I work with a Subversion repository for a "generic" package which is full of files that are not there (Site-specific files, hacks, etc). I do not have access to change it, and when I say that it is changing on my behalf, then I have been cut off; I am now after an alternate solution. Is it possible to exclude some files from checking out (or can be pulled out of the repository while updating), so that I can work with some previews of a clean package? These files are free and others are not being pulled by "good" files, so there are no dependency problems in this regard. (Please note that this is not normal "how do I prevent files from being committed" question is given by SVN: Ignore. Sorry :-)) Get me this directly: Check these files Has been a clear error. You have the necessary access privileges to remove them, but you will have to ask if you have permission to access your access privileges You refuse to make the necessary change

php - JavaScript: To the other page -

I created this PHP chatbox that supports some code. I have these 'images', if you click on creating special code within the text file eg: your text & lt; / a & gt;');" & Gt; & Lt; Img src = "img.gif" /> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; which will put HTML link code in the text file, so that the user can edit it easily. Now I have this popup, which should be done as before but because it is in a new window, it needs to talk to the second page (chatbox.php). How can I do this? document global objects (global from window) > Window (e.g., document === window.document ). If the code on that page opens a new window, there is a property named opener inside the new window, you can use it to reference the window whose new window opened ( openers references to the opening window ), therefore: opener.document.writeform.bericht.value + = code;

c# - System.AccessViolationException with Dynamic Proxy Generation -

We are using PostSharp to inject the caching functionality, we only see it when we use it When we use spring, this issue goes away. Any help would be appreciated, it is very difficult to repeat the issue. I have included the following stack marks: Tried to read or write secure memory. It is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory is often a sign that other memory is corrupt. On the system Diagnostics. Symboolstore.Smounter. On the Causage System. Reflection.imit.mathbuilder On the CremaTemouthBodieHelper (ILAgenerator IL) system. Reflections.imit.TepperBiilder.CreateType (on the system). Reflection.imit TypeBullder.CattyType (Castle.DynamicProxy.Generators.Emitters.AbstractTypeEmitter.BuildType () in Castle.DynamicProxy.Generates.ClassProxyGenerator.GenerateCode (type [] interface, ProxyGenerationOptions option on Castle.DynamicProxy.DefaultProxyBuilder.CreateClassProxy (type class, type [ ]


मैं हाइबरनेट के साथ एक MySQL तालिका में कम-प्राथमिकता या विलंब कैसे करूं? मेरे प्रवेश में दिनचर्या मैं आगे की जानकारी के लिए अपने डेटाबेस में एक तालिका में लॉग जानकारी डालना चाहता हूँ। लेकिन मुझे इसकी परवाह नहीं है कि डालने के लिए कितना समय लगता है, इसलिए मैं आम तौर पर LogEntry (स्तर, शीर्षक, पूर्ण) VALUES ('जानकारी', 'शीर्षक यहाँ', 'पूर्ण लॉग') में INSERT LOW_PRIORITY कहूँगा ; अगर मेरे पास एक इकाई प्रविष्ट्रींट्री है, तो मैं LOW_PRIORITY या डेलेड आवेषण और अपडेट करने के लिए अपने लॉग एंट्रीडीओ को कैसे लिख सकता / सकती हूँ? चीयर्स P> एक org.hibernate.Interceptor का उपयोग करें। इसे संशोधित करने के लिए निष्पादित करने के लिए SQL की एक प्रति प्राप्त होगी। । - CSS in Master and regular pages -

I have some pages that use the master page and apply the theme instead of some of my page master pages Instead, they have individual CSS files instead. & lt; Link href = "../ style / pck.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" /> However for most cases CSS works for normal pages, but body CSS is taken from the theme. I dont wish that. I want body css to be taken from pck.css. What to do? On the pages that the CSS file is not working, you are actually loading the CSS file Is that checked to ensure that? (With relative css links, this can not work for deep pages in your site structure). Alternatively, I sometimes find that the first thing on the page is the need or you emphasize that some browsers are in compatibility mode and when all this happens, all hell becomes loose.

.net - Assembly.Load(Byte[]) and Assembly.Location/Assembly.Codebase -

I am trying to load an assembly without locking the file. These assemblies can be third party assemblies, therefore, we do not necessarily have access to the code and use one or two of them assemblies. Places to read files from your directory, may depend on those files. I know that you can do it through shadow copy but it is a real pain to work properly and on some forums several users have to load the assembly into a byte array and assembly Is recommended to use. Load (byte []) surcharge works very well as long as none of those assemblies tries to use a file in their root directory because the assembly. The location returns empty string and assembly. The codebase gives the place of applications to load the assembly. Is there anything by any means that can set the property of the codebase or assembly I am loading? In the MSDN document for codebase and location, they are defined as overritable properties - does it mean that I can override them with the hosting application?

java - Flicker free AWT application -

I am trying to write a silly little app using Java and AWT. It just runs and excites some shapes, so in the form of the first step, I made a simple app that cleans a canvas with fill every 50ms . The problem is that, my app flicker every time and then flicker Google is failing to search for simple hello-world type examples of underlying window color flicker-free ATVT apps. How does such a skeletal code look like? Take a look at the double buffering code.

sql - Shortening GROUP BY Clause -

Is it possible to shorten a group with a clause, so that you do not need to repeat the differences in the selected clause ad ? For example: SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4 from Table Group to field 1, field 2, field 3, field 4: SELECT field1, field2, field3, field4 Select from table From the group * ... or something for this effect. I am writing a question which will use the sp_executesql () stored procedure and I am running out of available space in my variable. Thank you very much Choose whether you are looking for SELECT DISTINCT or DISTINCTROW ? - DevExpress Xtrareports using a Business object as a datasource -

I am trying to exclude DevExpress Xtrareports, but I have a problem that I can not find the answer . In an website project, I want to add a business object to my report as a data object and then pull the field from my new business object data source to the report designer. Can someone tell me how I can do this. I think I have lost something now thanks Ian One way to solve this is to give the designer a dataset with one or more data tabs that represent your business object. You definitely have to write some code to get your business object back in the data table. DevExpress is a really good support platform in the form of a side note and I always have their answers regarding their questions products. I suggest that as long as you do not really get good answers, then you try your question.

django - How do I use inline formsets to link two or more forms? -

I have the following models and I want to use them to generate a contact form ... now I know That I suppossed to use 'inline formats', but I have never been able to make head or tail of this work ... first name, last name, email, phone number, best time to contact me , And message in my opinion class best time (models.Model): co Ntact_time = models.CharField (max_length = 20) start_time = models.TimeField () end_time = models.TimeField () def __unicode __ (self): return self.contact_time class customer (models.Model): date_time_added = models.DateTimeField (default = first_name = models.charphield (max_length = 20) last_name = models.charphield (max_length = 20) email_address = models.charphield (max_length = 75) phone_number = models.charfield (max_length = 20) best_time_to_contact = models.ForeignKey (Best Time) def __unicode __ (self): return self.first_name class message type (models.Model): type = models.CharField (max_length = 20) def __unicode__ (s

jQuery / Dojo, UI / Dijit cross reference? -

I have to admit that this question can not be in the 'discussionable' but 'accountable' category. If so, I apologize and please mark the question in this way. Question: I have used jQuery and UI mainly for my front end interaction and AJAX. I needed to help on the Dojo project quickly and wondered if anybody knows about a good document that is written with a cross-reference with jQuery. For example, if you use jQuery.UI for tabs, then dojo is the equivalent. If you want to select an object with a specific ID, then you do it in jQuery, and in this dodge ... etc. (Come to think of it, it can be a great idea for a web site ... a JK vs. Moto Tools vs. Dojo versus Slatclast vs. Exts vs. Examples ...) The closest thing to the concept of a cross-reference that I can think is cheat sheets - you Receive quick observations and samples for original use. Here is a good list of Javascript libraries cheat sheet that includes jQuery and dojo: I agree with Alex Marte

python - Preserving whitespace with Pygments -

I am currently writing an application that uses Paija to highlight syntax. The problem I have, I removed any code that processed with any code, is the leading and backward white spot in the file, and a single line has been added at the break end. Is there a way to find a way that secures white space? I think you want to create your own laser, eg lexer = lexers.get_lexer_by_name ("python", stripnl = false) and explicitly pass it on pygment.highlight < / Code>. See the reference of the Lexers.

How do I access the session object in a Rails performance test? -

I am writing some performance tests and I want to login the user: Class companiesjst & lieutenant; ActionController :: PerformanceTest fixtures: All def setup login_as (: cyrille) end def test_homepage get '/' end end The problem is: How should I apply login_as? I tried: Private Df login_as (user) @request = ActionController :: @ request.session [: user] = Users? User (user) .id: zero end but the session [: user] is blank when it is checked by the application. Obviously there should be a session object created by PerformanceTest, but I can not see how I want to access it. I will attempt to remove this line: @request = ActionController :: PerformanceTest is a sub-class unity test such as @request Must be defined already.

Combining two Rails applications into one -

I have pre-existing applications that I need to run in "one" app. I have an application that I use Etc., while the other is an app that contains all business logic. Both apps are already certified authentication, and both have fairly complex user models. Is it possible to add these combinations easily, if I log in to an application and create a user, then the same data is available in another - or something similar? What is the easiest way to do this? Can a Rail Model Extend a REST Website? You can use the new (IIS) engine feature to embed an app inside the other Your engine stays inside the vendor / plugins, in it all its routing and configurable setup can be like a normal rail application, but in reality the database can be shared. Adding applications makes it really easy to simplify the management of complex applications. For this we git use with submodules.

objective c - Cocoa API Image Manipulation -

Is there a way to manipulate simple image like adjusting brightness, contrast, exposure etc. using coca? Something like NSImage? If you want the user to present the UI to allow modification of these types of modifications , look at .

c# - .NET, scrape dynamic (Java App?) webpage for information? -

I am trying to get some information from a website, the information I need is located on the site (Hence it is publicly available). Here is the process that I need to complete: - Navigate - search for the name of a department like "business" - click on the name of any department like "Business College, Advancement" - let me see the source of the program The page is produced after clicking "Business College, Advancement" should be enabled. I want to be able to get the source of every page of each department under the business (or whatever department I put, like "accounting"). Is it possible with the Windows program? It seems that it runs a "OdsDisk engine" which is a Java applet. I'm not sure how to interfaces with it to get a page. If you put an address in my existing program which is output by Odsasignin, then it returns the source code of the search page 2 "java.lang.NullPointerException" errors.

c - Bind: Address Already in Use -

I'm trying to run my server program but I get this error: Error on binding: Address is already in use int main (int argc, char * argv []) {if (argc & lt; 6) {printf ("use: string explorer & Lt; filename & gt; & lt; stringLength & gt; & lt; discovered & gt; & lt; n earrings & gt; & lt; nThreads & gt; & lt; blockux & gt; \ n "); Exit (0); } Char * fileName = argv [1]; Int stringLen = atoi (argv [2]); Int searchLen = atoi (argv [3]); N Child = Atoy (argv [4]); If (nChildren == 0) nChildren = 1; Int nThreads = Atoi (argv [5]); Int blockosis = Atoian (argv [6]); Int childNo = 0; // opens new socket int scaffold; Sockfd = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); If (Sokfad & lt; 0) {mirror ("error opening socket"); Exit (0); } Int Newsfoody, Portano, Cleine; Struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr; Int n; Portano = 5000; Serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; Serv_addr.sin_port =

binding - Programmatically change validation rule in WPF TextBox -

मेरे पास इस तरह परिभाषित पाठ इनपुट क्षेत्र है: & lt; पाठ बॉक्स & gt; & LT; TextBox.Text & gt; & Lt; बाध्यकारी पथ = "माइपरप्रती" & gt; & LT; Binding.ValidationRules & gt; & LT; वैध: MyValidator / & gt; & LT; /Binding.ValidationRules> & Lt; / बाइंडिंग & gt; & LT; /TextBox.Text> & Lt; / पाठ बॉक्स & gt; मेरी समस्या यह है कि, किसी अन्य सेटिंग के आधार पर, यहां जो सम्मिलित होना चाहिए, वह भिन्न होता है। और इस तरह, इनपुट डेटा का सत्यापन व्यवहार बदलना चाहिए। मैं एक विशिष्ट पाठ बॉक्स के लिए सक्रिय सत्यापन नियम को बदलने के पीछे कैसे कोड में कर सकता हूं? टेक्स्टबॉक्स के लिए बाइंडिंग ऑब्जेक्ट प्राप्त करने के लिए बाध्यकारीओपरेशन। गैबिंग () का उपयोग करें। पाठ फिर बाध्यकारी के सत्यापन नियम संग्रह में हेरफेर करें जैसा कि आप फिट दिखते हैं। बाध्यकारी बाध्यकारी = बाध्यकारीऑपरेशन। गैटबिंग (मायटेक्स्टबॉक्स, टेक्स्ट बॉक्स। पाठप्रोपार्टी); binding.ValidationRules.Clear (); binding.ValidationRules.Add (myCrazyVal

Variable passing to find function in rails 2 -

I am new to rail. I have under construction in my project There are many Submenu in Menmanu @ Everything is OK to define submenu, but not to find @menmenu. Output is: Main menu can not be found without the main ID @submenu = submenu.find (param [[submenu_id]) @mayemenu = manmanu.find (param [: id = & gt; < Submenu.mainmenu_id]) How can I define the @menmenu, then this is the upper part of the submenu? I have 2 rails Rail allows you to regain such relationships: < Code> @mainmenu = @ submenu.mainmenu But if you want (for some vague reasons or in any other context), to get a menu like you did before, you You must: @mainmenu = Mainmen.find_by_id (@ submenu.mainmenu_id) How to properly do SQL queries with active records To know: Hna might.

.net - Web service time out problem -

There is a data transfer between a vb application and a web service. This application is in the local network and connects to the internet through an entrance gate. The connection is the ADSL web service on the remote server. The strange thing is that data transfers sometimes work and sometimes not. When this does not work, it throws an exception to 'System.Net.WebException' and the message is 'Operation Time-Out' and it does not depend on the amount of data. And sometimes this connection ends An error arises as well. When I restart my test server, I remove the problem, but what could be the reason? The test server's firewall is off. ADSL is not a problem, I do a lot. You need to do some more testing to exclude several options: Once you get a timeout - issue another call from another process - see if the time does not end until you restart the server do not do. To see if you can find the actual message from that time that it reaches the server, then about

php - How to find all image tags using Regular Expressions -

I need to find all the pages of the HPL tag that are included in the page using the normal expressions of PHP example & lt; Img src = "images / image.jpg" /> My code preg_match ('/ & lt; img src = \ "images / /' tag, $ match); It is strange that it only finds the first event, the tag is not the rest of the page use only the first occurrence, while preg_match_all finds all instances of pattern.

Constructors in Python -

I need help writing code for a Python constructor method I This constructor method follows It will take three parameters: x, y, angle What is an example of this? myClass (object): def __init __ (self, x, y, angle): class Self.x = x self.y = y self.angle = angle The constructor is always written as a function called __init __ () . It should always be taken as the first argument whose example is being produced. This is usually called self The rest of the arguments are dependent on the programmer. The first line is the object superclass, which means that MyClass is a subclass object of this python class definitions Is normal for You can call it self. Using the form fields (member), you can use syntax.

Retrieve data from two tables in mvc using ADO.Net Entity Framework -

Please read my question carefully and answer me. I have two tables in table 1 and table 2. In Table 1, I call the address ID (primary key), address ID (the primary key), the address ID (the foregin key), the last name in the address ID (primary key), address1, address2, city table 2 As are the columns, the first name. Using the joining operation, I can get data from both tables. I have created a model in my MVC application. I can see both tables in the unit editor. In my solution Explorer's ViewData folder, I have created two classes as ContactViewData.cs and SLXRepository.cs. In CSV in ContactViewData, I have the following code Public IEnumerable & lt; Contacts & gt; Contact {received; Set; } In SLXRepository.cs, I have the following code public IEnumerable & lt; Contacts & gt; GetContacts () {contact with var = (c.CONTACT in reference) at c.ADDRESSID one. To join, a.ADDRESSID equals new {a.ADDRESS1, a.ADDRESS2, a.CITY, c.FIRSTNAME, c.LASTN

.net - Alternative to the TimesTen in memory database -

I just "?" Which relates to my question. (see) is one of the oracle. There is a lot to include. Fast, consistent response time High transaction throughput Standard SQL High Availability and no data loss Though it is not out of reach of most people () So what are the options, and what are the advantages and disadvantages. (If your answer changes, I am using .NET) There is also a good white paper, which can be downloaded from the Web site's home page, from Macobank's home page. Offered, "In-Memory Database Systems: Myths and Facts" is called. It clarifies some questions arising when discussing this technique, such as "How different is an IMDS from traditional databases running on a RAM disc?"

.net - C# MVC: using CSS from another location -

I have to put all the images, css, etc. into a folder structure and all the other code. I am trying to get the right path and just can not do it. I have CSS in the following structure: /public/content/*.css and all project codes in it: / protected / code / ... and are in the same public and protected folder. How do I use public resources in protected projects? Cheers, This sounds like something where you need the relative path name it occurs. For example, if you are inside the folder / protected / code and you need access to folder / public / content / main case, you will use the path .. /../ public / content / main css refers to folder / protected / code, .. folder / protected, and .. refers to the folder.

html - IE8 reserving space for a non-displayed element -

I have a simple page with the form and selects. The number of those selections is set to be invisible and I use javascript to set visible / invisible well. They have CSS to set invisible: select {margin: 0; Margin top: 5px; Padding: 0; Border: 0; }. Visuals {Display: None; } It works fine on Firefox, Opera and Chrome, but of course, on Internet Explorer 8. This selection disappears, but it stores 1 or 2 pixels for each. You can see that there is a large space between "Modellay" and "Budget" ... if you play you can see it better "Mark" dropdown with. IE & lt; Providing space between / select & gt; and next start & lt; Select & gt; If you remove the new line and any location between these two elements, then your mysterious places will be empty.

javascript - Getting lastIndexOf on a Dropdown -

My attempt is to get the last item in the dropdown and check it out if ( Day.lastIndexOf (day.length) == 28) { something} The day var is set in the dropdown control context. Obviously I am not doing this right. How do I know how I can apply the last index to a dropdown list? How do I get the array? I also tried it, but it does not work, syntax error: day.points.Also indexoff (day.line) it seems Will it work, the option I believe is an array of values ​​... is seafried, You are probably trying to do this : The last index () method returns the state of the last event of a specified string value, P> if (option .days.options. Length-1] .value == 28) {...}

PowerShell query: how to process a file -

I often want to process a file, which in turn leads to a modified output file. To do this, I can not find the method of PowerShell - it is always an example of a liner, like code in IWSWIM, this is an example. I have an LMHOSTS file. Do not ask why! I want to get a new LMHOSTS file which contains only ping-paging servers Comment rows begin with #. Data lines are something like this (different from space): SVRDS1 #PRE #DOM: DOM1 Or this: SVRDS30 #PRE I have it (thanks for the help with ping-host): gc 'c: \ work \ lmhosts.txt' | % {If ($ _-like '# *') {$ _ | Out-file 'C: \ work \ lmhosts2.txt' -append} and {if ($ (ping-host $ _ substrings (0, $ _ index ('')) -cute 1-time 10). 1) {$ _ | Out-File 'C: \ Work \ lmhosts2.txt' -append}}} This works but it is not good. I have taken the view of a programmer but have done it as a one-liner. Is there a better way to do this, is it a more 'open' a

mysql - Optimizing COUNT(*) query with 4 MM relations and larger table -

I am struggling with the table with this question: This is a main The table is product_table which contains four mm links through lookup tables from mm1 to mm4 in the lookup tables uid_local which contains the Product_table and uid_foreign are categories containing UID, which results in filtering. After suggesting quasnois from the above question, which improves performance, the query looks like this: SELECT COUNT (*) from product_table WHERE (product_table. Partner_id = 0 OR product_table .partner_id = 15) and present (Select zero from MM1 ou mm1.uid_local = product_table.uid and mm1.uid_foreign (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 53)) and present (mm2 Select zero from mm2.uid_local = select the = product_table.uid and mm2.uid_foreign (7, 8, 9)) and present (select zero from mm3 where mm3.uid_local = product_table.uid and mm3.uid_foreign (51, 52)) and there is a selection of zero from MM4 (WHERE mm4.ui D_local = product_table.uid and mm4.uid_foreign IN (15, 16, 17, 18, 19))

c# - How to use Binary Serializing to store as a string? -

Actually I want to serialize MyObject in a string using binary serialization. Is this possible? If so, how to do it? For deserialization, from strings to MyObject. I want myObject to be serialized in string using binary serialization This is a type of contradiction, but you can capture the bytes (memory) stream and convert them into text. Your string course will not be 'readable'. If you want this round to be able to travel, then you have to choose carefully encoding. String Text = Convert ToBase64String (strm.ToArray ()); // right and later byte [] binary = convert.fobbase 64 string (text); Var strm2 = New Memorystream (binary);

unix - C++ Serial Port Question -

Problem : I have a device in my hand that scans those graphic color barcodes on all the packaging. I is a track device that I will automatically use to slide the device. This track device functions by taking the ascii code through the serial port, I need to work in FileMaker on the Mac. So there is no terminal program, etc ... What I have achieved yet : I bought a keypane USB / serial adapter. I was able to send commands to the device using a program called ZTerm. Example: "C, 7 ^ M ^ J" I was able to do the same in the terminal using this command: screen /dev/tty.KeySerial1 57600 and then type in the above command type (But when I type I just kill Control-M and Control-J for the carriage return and line feed) I now have a plug-in for the filemaker (in C ++ course) ) I'm writing. Whatever I did in C ++, I want to get it so that when I can install that plug-in in the filemaker, I can call one of those tasks and take the whole process in the right place. I'm