
Showing posts from May, 2015

sql - Tool Compare the tables in two different databeses -

I'm using tod often I have to compare tables in two different test environments. The tables present in them are similar but the data is different. I just need to know what is the difference between the same tables which are in two different data bases. Is there any device that can be installed on windows and can be used to compare it. Thank you very much for your help :) Take a look and < / P>

Is there any trick to handle very very large inputs in C++? -

A class went to a school trip and, as usual, all n children with candy Your backpacks have been filled but soon the fight started everywhere, because some children had more candy than others. Soon, the teacher realized that she would have to move forward: "Everyone, listen! Here you have all the candies available on this table!" Soon, the teacher had a huge pile of candies on the table. "Now, I will divide the candies in a heap equal to N and all of them will get one of them." Teacher announced. "Wait, is this really possible?" Thought about some clever children. Problem Specification You are given the number of candies brought to each child. Find out if the teacher can pile candy equally in N (For the purpose of this work, all candies are of the same type.) Input Specification An integer that specifies the number of test cases in the first line of the input file T is there. Each test case has been placed before a blank line. The case fo

perl - How can I access parameters passed in the URL when a form is POSTed to my script? -

I have participated in a problem when submitting a form to our site Perl script if any such request on a page like URL Such as , I rewrite that using the following Rule Rule that works correctly: < / P> Rewrite Rule ^ us /(.*)/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/$1&page=$2 [NC, L, QSA] < P> Now, if there was a form on that page, then I am the same I want to post a form on the URL and call the same reader on the same script to use the module rewrite and apply the same action. However, what is happening is that the rewriting rule is being started, the correct script is being called and all post post variables are being posted, however, the re-written parameters (work in this example, Page and page) is not being passed Perl script I'm reaching these variables for both GET and POST requests using the same Perl code: Use CGI; $ Query = new CGI; $ Action = $ query- & gt; Param ('verb'); $ Sta

c# - In IE, opening MS Office files asks for a certificate and then shows blank page -

When I try to open MS Office files on my website, I first get a popup that says, Identify the website on which you want to view the request. Please select a certificate "I have ignored the" client certificates "checked, and I have noticed that only other answers are included with the Registry which I would like to save. Even more annoyingly, if I click on OK or Cancel in the popup, then it continues and blank page / spreadsheet / whatever I know is that the files have not been corrupted Cuz I can download and then open them completely via Firefox / Chrome, and non-MS Office files open everywhere. These problems are not on my local computer, so I'm assuming that this is a setting and / or SSL problem. Displaying files is something I use on my site, so this is an major bug for me.

XSD Make minOccurs depend on containing type -

I have a complex type defined that currently does not have any minOccurs restriction when I type an element of this complex type I sometimes use elements minOccurs 0, other times 1. for example. & lt; Xsd: complex type name = "identifier" & gt; & Lt; XSD: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xsd: element name = "id" type = "xsd: string" /> & Lt; Xsd: element name = "version" type = "xsd: string" /> & Lt; / XSD: Sequence & gt; & Lt; / XSD: complexType & gt; & Lt; Xsd: complex type name = "wrabs" & gt; & Lt; XSD: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xsd: element name = "id" type = "identifier" /> & Lt ;! - I 'Wibble' - & gt; I want to be mandatory for all the identifiers used as part of & Lt; / XSD: Sequence & gt; & Lt; / XSD: complexType & gt; & Lt; Xsd: complex type name = "wobble" & gt; & Lt; XSD: Sequence &am

c# - what to check for when a datareader might not have a particular column? -

I am doing a redundancy test, but when I am doing, I'm getting an exception to the limit: If (myReader ["column1"]! = Null) {} under certain conditions that column will not exist, why not a redundant investigation doing work? Check to see if the column already exists For (int i = 0; i

c++ - The procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library Core.dll -

I am changing my project to use DLL and to avoid my singleton class Using the template trying My class is inherited from Ludomomori , originally from singleton . I am trying to work on destroying it and making myself and now working on my main engine singletons . I have written a simple method like this: ludomomori * memory_Singleton = NULL; Void LudoMemory :: Destroy () {LUDO_SAFE_DELETE (m_Singleton)} And on running programs (no compiler errors) I get this error: Process entry point? Destroy @ LudoMemory @@ SAXXZ Dynamic Link Library can not be located in LudoCore.dll LudoCore project that comes under LudoMemory Why is this happening? How can I solve it? You do not have many versions of ludocore.dll on your system, do you? Process entry points errors usually mean: you compiled your project against ludocore.lib version x, and when running the program, it uses the Ludocor DLL version y, and version Y LudoMemory :: Destroy () Does not define.

eclipse - Spring Explorer not showing beans from bean definition file -

I just downloaded the Springers tool suite, and I created a simple Bean configuration file called MyDefinition.xml and it Root is kept in the Spring Project's Directory However, Spring Explorer is not showing any data. I'm using Eclipse 3.5 and the latest Springs Source sub-in-one installation. In addition, if I specify an invalid asset name in the configuration file, I do not get any errors. Autocomplete, is working. Thoughts? In Eclipse in the Spring Explorer tab, right-click on your project> property then on Spring> Beans Help Go and select the Config Files tab. You can select files or scan a directory and add them. I have not found a way to autosink a directory, so whenever I add a new Spring Bean file to do this, the beans that appear in the list are stored in the .pringbeans file.

iphone - Decipher UIViewController property warning -

I do not understand that the warning I received on Xcode is almost the search for it on Google too much help It was not that if anyone has come before this warning then it would be great if I got a signal that how can I get rid of it? (Update) The screenshot is here: Edit: Warning message for future searches, Warning: Title '' Copy 'attribute does not match the property' UIViewController 'property / Warning: Property' title 'type super class' UIViewController' does not match asset type By naming the property "title" in PageViewController , you can actually enter the title property in UIViewController do. So either select a different name for the property of your sub-class, or use someone defined by UIViewController I suggest another, because it seems that you just want to save the title of your thoughts Are trying to When you override an asset in a sub-classroom, then there are some special properties which are su

silverlight - Where can I find information about creating 3D controls in WPF? -

I'm starting to start the interface for a game in WPF / Silverlight. I want it to look good in 3 dimensions. Can you tell me some good resources, tutorials, books ... how to develop real 3D controls, such as buttons and such? Tutorial 12 Part Series . , a library 3D control and panels for use in WPF applications Library

c++ - std::pow gives a wrong approximation for fractional exponents -

मेरा क्या मतलब है डबल एक्स = 1.1402 डबल पॉ = 1 / 3; Std :: pow (x, pow) -1; परिणाम 0 है लेकिन मुझे उम्मीद है कि 0.4465 समीकरण (1 + x) ^ 3 = 1.1402 है, एक्स । 1/3 पूर्णांक अंकगणित के रूप में किया जाता है, तो आप 0 से 'पाउ' बता रहे हैं पाउ (एक्स, 1.0 / 3.0) का प्रयास करें;

How to renumber pages in an Oracle APEX application? -

I have just finished my first "real" appx app but it looks a bit dirty. Can I re-release pages in any way so that they can come back in the form of application flows? Thank you in advance, Matt numbers are arbitrary

HTML: can I place subscript text right under the superscript? -

I have a word that contains superscript and subscript, now I call it the word & lt; Sub & gt; 1 & lt; / Sub & gt; & Lt; Sup> 2 & lt; / Sup> and am getting it: . How can I put the subscript under the superscript? Here's a clean solution to create two CSS classes: . Nobr {white-space: nowrap; } .supsub {display: inline-block; Margin: -9em 0; Vertical-alignment: -0.55em; Line-height: 1.35em; Font-size: 70%; Align text: left; } You already have the "nobr" class & lt; Nobr & gt; Replacement. Now to express the molecular formula of sulfate, use the "supsub" class as follows: That is, open your superscript / subscript inside the "supsub" class, and enter a & lt; Br / & gt; among themselves. If you prefer your super script / subscriptions a little bigger or smaller, adjust the font size and then adjust the tinker with vertical-alignment and line-height margin setting -9em superscript / subs

java - How can I use lambdaj in my application -

This may look like a stupid question, but how can I use the Lambda's library? I've downloaded lambdaj.jar and put it in the Lib directory with other jar files in my webpad. But I can not import any class, do I need to make a jar using Maven? thank you in advanced! David Just add it to your other libraries to compile and you While making / packaging, package will be done with remaining jars.

c# - Problems retrieving appsettings added during application start -

I am having a strange problem, where in my application_start () my global.asax, I have something that my All of my app settings are received from a name / pricing table closed for the database, and then they are Application.Add (name, value) . Another project has an 'application mask' which is used on my service layers, data layers and so on so that I can do various bits and pieces to get the settings. In my database, I have some of the entries: configuration | ConfigValue WebServiceUsername | MyUsername WebServicePassword | MyPassword In my method, I go and get these values ​​from the database, and put them in my application: Secure Zero GetApplicationSettings () {// Obtain all configured values ​​from the database, and then enter them in the application keys ... var appConfigAttributes = ApplicationConfigurationService.GetAppConfigNames (); Foreach (Configure various apps in app configurations) {apps.add (ap conif config.php, config.config value); }} In

lucene - Need to know pros and cons of using RAMDirectory -

I need to improve the performance of my Lucene search query. Can I use the Ramdirectory? Does it optimize performance? Is there any index size limit in this? I appreciate if anyone can list the professional and the opposition to use the RAM directory. Thank you. I compare the FS directory and the RAM directory. Index size 1.4G Centos, 5G memory Search 1000 keywords, average / minimum / Maximum response time (MS) is here FS directory First run: 351/7/2611 Second run: 47/7/837 The third part (restart the app): 53/7/2343 RAM directory First run: 38 / Second run: 34/7/18 9 Third part (resume app): 38/7/9 5 < / Li> So, you can see that the RAM directory is faster than FS Dye Ectori, but after the OS file cache warm-up, the speed difference is not that much different. What is the disadvantage of RMDadiri? In my test It eats more memory, 1.4G files need to be loaded in memory about 2G. While the FS directory uses only 700 meters, then it ta

c++ - QtCreator delete file is not working -

I am writing the "custom makefile" project using QtCreator and I want to delete a file from my project, so , I select the file in the tree view, press right click and the "delete" option is disabled and I did not find any way to enable it. My environment: Qt Creator 1.2.1 on CoolLopard: By the way , I am downloading and installing QT Creator 1.3 Beta for Mac OS X and working properly.

javascript - IE: why isn't AJAX resulting HTML updated in DOM? -

I am loading html content on a single device via ezacks (using mootools 1.11 and squeezebox, if this case ) In the material that loads I have some js in the i which adds some HTML objects loaded. Everything works fine in FF, but when I load it in IE (tested on IE7) code is not a "blank" tap or an object. A quick test shows that the new elements loaded by AJAX are not in the IE domain. A devil was loaded with the id 'test' and when I document.getElementById ('test' can anyone know how to solve / work this problem? Some other information: I put my code inside the 'domed' window, tried to use the 'load' event, but IE never called it. UPDATE As advised, I tested this script on IE8 with better debugging capabilities. It seems That problem is actually IM in T. I run my code on the door-to-windows of the windows, and it seems that the DOM starts running immediately (in the popup window) without waiting in fact. After loading, runnin

arrays - Initialize int[][,] in C# -

मैं इसे कैसे आरंभ करता हूं: सार्वजनिक const int [] [,] मानचित्र = ... मैं इस तरह से कुछ करना चाहूंगा: सार्वजनिक const int [] [,] नक्शा = {{// map 1 { 1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1},}, {// मानचित्र 2 {1, 1 , 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1},}, आदि आदि}; मैं एक int [,] नक्शा नहीं बनाना चाहता, क्योंकि कहीं और करना चाहता हूं: loader.Load (मानचित्र [map_numer]); // लोड विधि एक int प्राप्त [,] int [] [ ,] एक = नया int [] [,] {नई पूर्णांक [,] {{1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1 , 1, 1, 1},}, नई पूर्णांक [,] {{1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0, 1}, {1, 1} , 1 1}, } };

ruby on rails - Chaining a calendar_date_select to a select in ActiveScaffold -

I am trying to select the calendaer_date_select series for a selected field, so the selection list is filtered by the selected date is. I have described in accordance with the instructions I have in the activescaffold config: config.column [: order_date] .form_ui =: calendar_date_select config.column [: order_date] .options = {: update_column = & gt; : Sales} config.column [: Sales] .form_ui =: Select ... and in Assistant: def options_for_association_conditions (Association) if the Association .name ==: Sales {'sales.order_date' = & gt; @ Record.order_date} and the Super End End The problem is that the JavaScript widget does not trigger a selection to refresh the selection, but if I type in the date then Does it have any idea? It was a bug with ActiveScaffold that was fixed this morning. Then cloning the repository will solve your problems. For records, the ActiveWeb method uses the view, as the calendar sets the date selection field. Changes to

multithreading - Java network code not sending -

I write my first non-trivial Java application that uses: Networking A GUI Thread This is an IM program when I send a message, the server does not output what it should do . I am sorry that this description is very bad, but I do not know how to narrow down the problem. Public class metserve {// kikote public static records messages (int targ iad, int iid, string message) {connected client target client = iacquant (target id); // also runs System.out.println ("sending message:" + + "\ n \ n" + + "target ID" from +ID +); TargetClient.addOutCommand ("/ Message:" + IID + ":" + Message + "\ n");}} class connected client tool runnabel {public zero run () {string contact; contact = s.getInetAddress (); toString (); System.out.println (" Connect "+ contact;) Try out {Out.write (" / connect "+" \ n "); out.flush (); string command; while (true) {if (expired) {S.col ()) ; Break;} if (in.hasN

How do you add new projects to a Visual Studio Solutions file? -

I want to know how we can add projects to a single solution file. When I try to reconcile and add projects to it, the solution file is not visible. How can I add projects / websites to a solution file? "Tools" menu -> "Options" dialog -> "Projects and Solutions" tree node -> Check the "General" tree node -> "Always show a solution" to make sure it's tick.

python - Apparently my app. runs but I don't see anything -

I am learning Python and QT to create graphical desktop apps. I have designed a UI with QT Designer and have converted .i to Piuike, as per the tutorial I am the following, I should be able to run my app. But when I do this, a terminal window opens and says: CD / users / and service / '& amp; Amp; '/opt/local/bin/python2.6' "/ Users / Andreas Ascendo / Yajus' & amp; Amp; Exit echo status: $? & Amp; & Amp; Exit 1 Exit status: 0 logout [process completed] Does this mean that the app goes without errors? So am I not able to see the UI which I design? Thank you, Edit this (PS is the source code of my app.) I am using OS X Snow Leopard / P> # - * - Coding: UTF-8 - * - # Proof implementation UI is created by reading the file 'Principal. Y # # Created: Sat Oct 17 15:07:17 2009 #: PEacti 4 UI Code Generator 4.6 # Warning! All changes made to this file will be lost! PyQt4 import from QtCore, QtGui class Ui_MainWindow (object): def s

ruby on rails - Eager loading with conditions -

The new style of eager load uses many queries to load the association. Is it possible to add conditions to those extra curious loading queries? For example (: all ,: included = & gt;: beaker) will produce such an anxious loading query: Select bakers . FROM bakers WHERE ( bakers .bakery_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)) < Update: To make it clear (maybe), I want to repeat that query. AR (without SQL): SELECT * FROM bakeries LEFT JOIN bakers Is it possible, or should I use SQL? Just looking for "Rail" way to it. :) OK, do you want to change specifically related queries? You can certainly do something like this: Bakery. Search (: all ,: included = & gt;: beaker, terms = & gt; ["bakers.something =?", True]) If we had a bit more information , Then there may be a better way to do this. Depending on what you are looking for, you can see it from named_scope , which you can unify, like: bakery.bakers Available name

c# - moving objects around a circle in Opengl -

I am trying to translate almost the OpenGL object in a helical pattern. I can not understand it I know that I have to increase the angle for X, Y, and Z coordinates, but the translation function that I use transfers the object with a translate amount that is specific to the object. I am using Axis, Z on screen and X on right. Move the public override zero (Figure fig) {double angle = 0; Double x = radius * math. Cos (angle); Double y = (angle / radius); Double z = radius * math.Syn (angle); Fig. Translation (X, Y, Z); Angle = .5; } Public Zero Translation (Double Fx, Double FI, Double FJ) {translateAmt [0] + = fx; Translate [1] + = fy; Translator AMT [2] + = FJ; } Here are two ways that you can contact: < H1> ProcessHelix in the process is a bit hard to read but you are able to see the calculations used to get points with the original loop and helix should be there. 2 translations and a rotation If you do this, changes in the proper order you can get helical

mocking - rspec mocks: verify expectations in it "should" methods? -

I'm trying to use rspec jokes to set expectations, which I want in "should" methods I can verify ... but I do not know how to do this ... When I call on the fake .should_receive methods, then it confirms the expected call as before: all the methods come out. Here's a small example: Describe Fu, "Do everything before doing anything": All do the times. Should_recieve (: baz) Foo = foo.create_a_Bar_and_call_baz What should I call "bar method"? What do I do here? And end I want the call to 'this' How can I verify "method"? Do I need to use any other joke instead of Mocha or RSPC? Or ??? I'm going to take another strange on this, because it is clear from the initial one and the set of responses that there was some confusion about what you are trying to do. Doing this is close to what you are trying to do. Describe FU, "when the first is frozen: Do all @ #bar to make a tap object to say it to

c++ - how to setup irq with masm -

How can I set up IRQ using C ++ and the content, most notably refer to me in search results, I want to add a menu option to my bootloader, I have to boot it from the CD (ISO) but I do not see any difficulty setting up the IRQ > Global IRQ 0; 32: IRQ0 irq0: CLI push byte 0 push byte 32jmp irq_common_stub extern irq_handler irq_common_stub: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mup ax, 0x10 mov ds, au meo es, aus mEG fs, au mog gs, aus môm ex, Esp push eax mov eax, irq_handler call eax pop es pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa esp, 8 iret is another sample which I saw ... < / Div>

delphi - How Can I Get Embarcadero Quality Central To Do Something About My Bug Report -

It is almost a year ago that I question SO: here on Delphi programmer on stack overflow Was fantastic with my responses, and within 16 hours, I was able to conclude that it was a bug in Delphi 2009 VCL which was not in Delphi 4. Then at that time I reported it with the title: "Menu accelerator key is not visible". I gave it the seriousness of this "serious / highly visible problem", and I think that I was expanded in the description, even a link back to the question of the stack overflow where they Get more information and screen shots It was seen by somebody in Ambassador after about two and a half weeks, and commented on the comment under the resolution it was said that "it was promoted to the internal database" I'm not sure what "internal database" is - maybe a bug - but it does not tell me exactly what the status of my bug report is, because it is now more than 10 In ths and there is no sign of any progress at all. The statu

c# - add web Reference in webservices issue -

I have developed a web service with the name (inbox service) in my local system. When I added a web context, I would like to use its web service paragraph file & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Search xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns: xsd = "" xmlns = "http: // schemas."> & Lt; ContractRef ref = "http: // localhost: 1518 / popup-message / Wsdl" docRef = "http: // localhost: 1518 / popup-message /" xmlns = "http: // Schemas. "/ & gt; & Lt; Soap address = "http: // localhost: 1518 / popup-message / inbox service command" xmlns: q1 = "" binding = "Q1: inbox service" "xmlns =" ​​http : // "/> & lt; soap address =" h

javascript - Disabling key functionality in browser -

I am writing an application in javascript (w / jquery). There are a lot of functionality in the application, which requires the user to reach quickly and possibly as a game at the same time (you can think of it as a game, even if it is not a game), so I have it keyboard I have a prototype of the system (in Chrome, at least), but there is a problem when I press, for example, Ctrl-T, it opens a new tab.Like to use as part of your application, for example, toggle a few settings in general, I would like to disable the Ctrl-key functionality of the browser. It also goes for Alt and Shift in a different way, I would also like to disable the use of the tab key's browser. Actually, I want my application to have full control over the keyboard, while it is being used (if they want to navigate away, they will still be able to do this with the mouse). I will add a warning that I do not care about the low-key key (F1-F12, Windows / Mac-Command, menu, anything right) because my application m

Parsing grammars using OCaml -

I have a task to write a (toy) parser for a (toy) grammar using OCaml and it is not certain how to start ( [[The [[T =" $ "; N XPR]] | Inkrop - T ["+" "]; [T" - "] | Binop-1"]; [T "2"]; [T "3"]; [T "4"]; [T "5"]; [T "6"]; [T "7"]; [T "8"]; [T "9"]];; And here pars There are some pieces to do: let's frag1 = ["4"; "+"; "3"] ;; let's frag2 = ["9"; "+"; "$"; "1"; "+"] ;; What I see is a rule list that is the result of parsing a piece, such as frag1 ["> [[Xp, [n term; n binop; n XPR]); (Period, [n new]); (Number, [t "3"]); (Binop, [t "+"]); (Xp, [n term]); (Period, [n new]); (Num, [T "4"]]] No OCaml libraries except the restriction list are to be used ...: / Excerpt Barrotrack parse L = Rule = SD in awksub_grammar REC descend t

firefox - Insert into SQLite with variables using javascript -

I am developing an extension for Firefox and I have created a SQLite DB, I have an error message Receives: Error: Rejecting permission for call method is being rejected. String value is stored in a variable to insert var book = "Harry Potter"; Var include myInsertQuery = 'mybooks_tbl (title) values ​​(' + book + ');'; How do we include data in the table as a variable and not in the form of a string? Cheers SQLite follows the ANSI standard for: The string string is created by enclosing the string in single quotes ('). Such: function sqlstr (s) {return "encoded" by entering a single quotation in a single quote within a string '' '' string in one line .replace (+ 'sqlstr (book) +'); ';);'; ' / Code> You should remember to avoid all string literals in this way, or you can create client-side SQL-injection holes.

sql - where do i store label info in a contacts database for mailings -

I am trying to set up a contact database for mailing and I try to use the label entirely But I can not figure out how. Where in the database I store the name that will appear at the top of a mailing label: MR & amp; Mrs. Joe Thomson Dr. Schwartz family It seems that it will be a calculated field based on many different pieces of data. Do you have a suggestion about a mailing database and generate names for labels directly? SALUTATION (Mr, Mrs., Dr., etc.) / Li> I want that contact "Thompson Family" vs. Mr. Joe Thompson and Mrs. Terry Thompson and Joe Billy determine the use of the same address for the same address Based on the name as well as the number of personal contacts. Reference:

php - form updated by javascript missing post values -

I have a form I advertise an element before submitting JavaScript. Parent Documents. Get Element BIID ('contractual' + ID). WinnerHTML = '& lt; Img class = "image_real" src = "/ images / site.png" alt = "mostly dirty" /> & lt; Input class = "real" name = "freshness" type = "text" size = "5" maximum length = "6" /> & Lt; A href = "#" onClick = "Submit Submit ('+ [ID] +'); Return Back;" & Gt; & Lt; Img id = "submitcommentimg"; Php echo $ id;? & Gt; " Src = "images / check.png" alt = "comment!" Border = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "submitcommentalert" id = "comment_alert_ <" php echo $ id;? & Gt; " Style = "display: none" & gt; Comment posted! & Lt; / Div & gt; '; When the form is submitted, it se

winforms - Can I use a .net control parent class to enable/disable it? -

I have to write a representative for a multi-threaded program that will enable / disable different controls. It seems logical that using a handler for all controllers would be the best option, but I am also not sure whether it is possible. NET and if so, how to implement it. public zeros setControlsEnabled (bool enabled) {// Make sure we are in the right thread If (InvokeRequired) {// If not, call the method run on the UI thread (new way increment (() => set controls enabled (enabled)); Return; } // Keep all the control codes here, for example: // control1.Enabled = enabled; // control2.Enabled = enabled; // Alternatively, a foreach (in Control C control) {...}}

C function syntax, parameter types declared after parameter list -

I'm relatively new to C. I have come in a form of function syntax which I have never seen before, where parameter types are defined after that parameter list. Can anyone explain to me how this is different from the normal function syntax? Example: int main (argc, argv) int argc; Four * argv []; {Return (0); } This is an old-style syntax for parameter lists, which is still supported . K & amp; In RC you can also leave type announcements and they will default on int I.e. main (argc, argv) char * argv []; {Return 0; } will have the same function.

c++ - Convert RGB to Black & White in OpenCV -

I would like to know how to make a RGB image a black and amp; White (binary) image How can I save modified image discs after conversion? AFAIK, you have to convert it to grayscale and then it must have thresholds in binary. Read 1 image as a grayscale image If you are reading RGB image from disk, then you can read it directly as a grayscale image, such as: // C IplImage * Im_gray = cvLoadImage ("image.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); // C ++ (OpenCV 2.0) mat IM_grey = imed ("image .jpg", cv_load_IMUnURRACLAL); Convert a RGB image to a grayscale image by im_rgb Otherwise, you must convert the RGB image you already received to a grayscale image < / P> // c IplImage * im_rgb = cvLoadImage ("image.jpg"); IplImage * im_gray = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (im_rgb), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); CvCvtColor (im_rgb, im_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY); // C ++ Mat im_rgb = imread ("image.jpg"); Mat im_gray; CvtColor (im_rgb, im_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY); C

Python: Do relative imports mean you can't execute a subpackage by itself? -

I recently ported my Python project to run on Python 3.1. For this, I had to adopt a policy of relative import within the subdomules and subpages of my project. I have not done this and now the project works only, but I have seen that I can not execute any subpages or submissions in it. If I try, then "buildins.ValueError: tried to import relative to non-package" I can only import the entire project. Is this normal? You can use the M-flag of Python interpreter to run the module in a sub-package (Or even package in 3.1).

javascript - Jquery .live works but not with .datepicker -

Thanks for watching, all sincere helpful answers have been up-voted. I have some date input fields that load the pages and a bunch which is generated dynamically I instead of generating a new instance every time instead of calling it. I am using, but this does not work. Any ideas why? $ ("input [name = myfav]"). Live ("click", function () {$ (this) .datepicker ({/ * some options here * /});}); I should tell, it works perfectly well with the completion of the example. $ ("input [name = mytwo]"). Live ("click", function () {$ (this). Autocomplete ("somefile.php");}); There is an article about datepicker in JQuery using the .live-event: < P> The problem is that Datepicker works by default for the focus () event, but in the form of jQuery 1.3.2, the 'focus' event is called' live event function. Here is the work around the site :: Edit: Now this solution is not required as jQuery 1.4.1+, for no

sql - mysql query with select - where - in - join -

What's the better way to regain multiple lines? Select in advance * order_details where in order_id (1,2,3, ... ....) ... or: Select * Order_details Join INNER from Order = order_details.order_id Add customers to INNER customers. ID = Commands customer_id where = 3 The first version chooses from a table So, it's less work to do. However, if another query produces the correct answer, then you have to work with it to create the first two statements to establish the list of order_ID values ​​in the other two tables, in this case the total Workload is high and you will be better off using the second statement completely. In general, optimizing the SQL Optimizer; This is better for your optimization, and instead of problem pieces, it works best when solving the whole problem. (The second option will usually perform a total workload for the first, if only DBMS does not have to send the intermediate results back to the client and purse a

user interface - Automated testing for OpenGL application -

I have a Java application that uses JOGL to provide a large part of the GUI. Use JOGL if any device you know, or has used, that can automate the test of OpenGL applications (or more specifically, using those people) Just to update: The tool can run on either Linux or Windows. I have written unit-test for C ++ (Qt on Linux) & amp; Before OpenGL, I have no reason to know that it should not work for Java also. Things to do for me are: Abstract Your OpenGL Provider Provider Your Remaining Code Is Free In My case, the main app uses QT's QGL Widget , But unittests has used a pbuffer-based one that I can create with no Windows installation (except for a specified X11 DISPLAY). Later I have added an "offscreen messa" (pure software OpenGL implementation) so that they can work on the headless build machine without any GPU. Keep your OpenGL code free In my case of OpenGL "rendering engine" in your case, I did not know anything about QT class (su

logging - How do I set up log4net for Asp.NET MVC application -

We have a handful of MVC applications and what special ideas I am wandering there. In the applications of regular web forms, we try to capture the code behind too many bus straps. But it looks less clear with MVC as an assistant, controller, route etc. I should make sure that there is logging. Usually you will apply logging to your controller tasks by adding the error logging to the HandleError attribute You can also create custom actions / results filters to automate some types of logging. With such filters, you can apply it to your base controller and do some basic logging / instrumentation for all operations. If you customize the structure with controlling factories, action invovers or model binders, then you also apply logging there. Of course, this is your actual model (domain object, external services, persistence and databases, security Etc.) have nothing to say about how to implement logging.

Support for Raphael Javascript library in Netbeans -

इस के अनुसार, नेटबीन्स जावास्क्रिप्ट प्रकार के निष्कर्ष का समर्थन करने वाला है। और जावास्क्रिप्ट का समर्थन नेटबीन्स एडिटर में बनाया जाना चाहिए। हालांकि जब मैं एक साधारण जावा प्रोजेक्ट में एक HTML फ़ाइल जोड़ता हूं, और & lt; script src = "... ..." /> का उपयोग करके जावास्क्रिप्ट लाइब्रेरी को शामिल करता है, ऐसा लगता है कि नेटबीन लाइब्रेरी को नहीं पहचानते यहां तक ​​कि बहुत सरल पूर्णता, जैसे कि विंडो ऑब्जेक्ट में नया राफेल फ़ंक्शन का पता लगाना काम नहीं कर रहा है। उदाहरण के लिए: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; राफेल प्ले & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "रैफाएल.जेएस" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; Window.onload = function () {var कागज = नया राफेल (document.getElementById ('canvas_container'), 500, 500); // autocomp के लिए कोई ctrl + स्पेस रा - & g

java - OSGi: Does Blueprint replace Declarative Services? -

The new R4.2 device for OSGi describes the Blueprint service for dependency injection and service wiring. Do Blueprint replace dependable services (which are still part of the imagination), or do they work together? Is Blueprint already available for popular implementation (Felix and Equinox)? I asked myself the same question and while discussing with others involved in this topic, it was told that two degrees To overlap, use case to use which is very different, DS rejects activation and model service dependencies to avoid an active weight components. BP is basically a container that targets the deployment of the enterprise. This is also more common for "regular" Java developers, which are not familiar with the dynamic nature of OSGE (hide behind a proxy). According to the implementation, two projects working on this container are not agnostic and do not release officially). Spring DM 2.0 is going to provide its implementation () as well as Apache as part of its - Passing values from one Usercontrol to another UserControl ! -

High people. I have a paypal which has 4 user controls and I have a user dropdown on each control. Whenever I change the selected index .. All user controls must be populated according to the selected value of the user. Can anyone please tell me how to pass values ​​to different usercontrol at the same time ... thanks !!!!! You can create a UserControl base class with common properties. The properties will need to be wrapped in a session variable, which will be common to each. Example: get public string text {if (session ("[UserControlText"]] == faucet [session] "[usercontroltext"]. Trim () == string. Apt) {Session ["UserControlText"] = string.opti;} Return Session ["UserControlText"]. ToString (.) Trim ();} Set {Session ["UserControlText"] = Value ;}}

caching spring/hibernate webapp -

I have a website that allows searching for lists of content in various ways, for example "523 users Show the items manufactured by "Date" or "Displays a list of the most recent 10 posts." I use Hibernate for my ORM, and provides a cache for the hibernate object. For lists of items, however, like the front page list of the most recent content, I am in a disadvantage of how best this content cache is. Right now, I have a spring controller just returning a standard JSP page, and then I use the oscchase at the JSP level, wrapping around a second class call. It seems weird, though, I really want my controller to have access to the cached results, if anyone is available, then JSP should be concerned about showing results. What are my options here? Do you mean that you want to cache the results of hibernate queries in addition to entities? If so, you need to see.

visual studio - .NET Compact Framework SDK download -

Where can I find a .NET compact framework SDK for developing compact framework applications in Visual Studio? Unlike the desktop version of the .NET Runtime, I know that a single download for .NET CF is You will have to install a Visual Studio based SDK for each device type instead, which you want to support, these SDKs install specific ambulances and other development related support files for such a platform, which are .net All of the CF (i.e. Xbox, Zune and Windows Mobile OS variants, though they all use "same" NAT CF). For example, there is an MS download page for devices when you install Visual Studio, make sure that you select the Optional Smart Device Support feature. If you make something against WM 6.0 SDK, you should see that your .NET CF application will work for any part of any Windows Mobile device (i.e. Pocket PC 2003, WM 5.0, WM 6.0, 6.1, 6.5 ...). It certainly assumes that you do not include some tools or OS version specific. If you install more

java - Localization of default messages in JavaServer Faces -

I am trying to install a Norwegian version of a site created with JSF. I know what location To display my own message on the basis of, but I'm having trouble with the default messages (such as when a form input is invalid). As far as I can tell, Norway is not supported. Does anyone know how can I remove it? Like thanks You're almost doing the right thing, you just have to The correct property key is required to use the default message. The properties file is located in JSF-Implex (in the javax.faces package). There are all messages in it, such as: javax.faces.component.UIInput.CONVERSION = conversion error occurred Javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED = Validation Error: Value is required Javax.faces.component.UISelectOne.INVALID = Validation Error: Value is not valid javax.faces.component.UISelectMany.INVALID = Validation Error: Value is not valid If If you specify your own custom message file and use those same property keys, it will override JSF defaul

.net - How does the Entity Framework and the LINQExtender project differ? -

मैंने निम्न में WPF और ASP.NET MVC परियोजनाओं में LINQ-to-SQL का उपयोग किया है मेरे पास एक प्रोजेक्ट है जहां डेटा स्रोत वेब सेवाओं, एक डेटाबेस, और XML फ़ाइलों के मिश्रण हैं। मैं क्या समझता हूं, मैं समान कक्षाएं बना सकता हूं, जैसे कि मैं LINQ-to-SQL में कर सकता हूं, लेकिन वे मेरे अन्य स्रोतों के साथ-साथ (वेब ​​सेवाओं, एक्सएमएल फाइलें, आदि) लपेटते हैं, हालांकि मुझे नहीं लगता कि कैसे यह सुविधाजनक ड्रैग-एंड-ड्रॉप विज़ुअल डिजाइनर के साथ काम करेगा क्योंकि इससे पता नहीं होगा कि डाटा को बचाने के लिए मेरी सेवाओं पर कौन सी तरीके कॉल करें इसलिए मैंने यह भी पाया आप डेटा प्रदाता बनाने के लिए जो LINQ द्वारा उपयोग किया जा सकता है एक अर्थ में, यह एक ही बात है कि इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क अभी तक ऐसा नहीं लगता है कि यह क्लाइंट बनाने का एक तरीका होगा जो कि इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क द्वारा उपयोग किया जा सकता है। LINQExtender जैसे टूल हैं और डेटा प्रदाता डेटा प्रदाता / ओआरएम परत बनाने के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक समाधान, या वे उपकरण जो आप एक साथ उपयोग करेंगे? इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क एक ORM है, विशेष रूप से

c# - Using dynamic proxy on NHibernate objects -

I'm trying to use Castle. Dynamic Proxy 2 under clean up code under NHibernate permanent sections. Here's a simple version. PET class: public class stomach {public entry ID (get; set;} public string name {get; set;} public int age {receipt; set ;}} and its mapping file: & lt; class name = "pet" table = "pet" & gt; & lt; id Name = "id" column = "id" not saved-value = "0" & ​​gt; Generator class = "parent" /> gt; & lt; property Name = "name" column = "name" /> property name = "age" column = "age" /> Pet Generally, the name and age of the properties will not be automatic properties and there will be logic to record the value changes. Now, I have to type in the proxy for injecting auditing logic To do this, I created an auditor II interceptor: public class auditor: IInterceptor {public nullivation (IInvocation invocation) {// change

c# - Synchronizing between SQL Server and CSV file -

What is the best way to synchronize customers within a table (customers), within a CSV file within SQL Server and in Microsoft Excel is ? OK, here's the explanation given: I am developing a software in C # .NET 2008, and I am creating a table designated client in SQL Server 2005. The content of this table is obtained from the CSV file and the user can add more information because the SQL table has more fields than the CSV file. It's easy for the first time .. I just adadded for each line in the CDV file but, for the second time when I can not remove all the table for importing it again due to these extra fields, then I Is there a method that can verify each record automatically within each SQL table and CSV file? Or do I need to treat records one by one? Take a look at SQL Server Integration Services; Alternatively, If you want to code it, then I suggest creating a hash of all fields in CSV and using the comparison of each row different hash = change = update lin

iphone - When is UITableView finished updating? -

My problem seems quite simple, but I failed to find a solution here or elsewhere. I have UITableView as a subclass in one of my UIViews, when the application ends, the last selected table cell is saved to NSUserDefaults and when the application restarts So I want to set the seal cell as it was before, however, whenever I do it very quickly, problems arise, because the number of classes is unknown, that is, the table has not yet loaded its figure. Land. So I decided to set it in the function numberOfRowsInSection , which works, but I'm sure it is not the right place to do this. - (NSInteger) tableView: (UITableView *) table view numberoffirez innassion: (NSInteger) section {int iNofRows = 0; // Default // This is not good here but .... If (bSetDefaultSelection == Yes) {bSetDefaultSelection = NO; // Stop Recursion ** NSIndexPath * indexPath = [NSIndexPath IndexPathForRow: (NSUInteger) L Last_Cell_O In these designs: (NSUntiger) 0]; [Self Selection Row IndexPath: IndexPath

jquery - how to get value of checked element in for loop -

I am working to get every value of the checked element and post it on php. But it only receives the first value of a checked item. Click here $ ("# conf") (function () {var count = $ ("Input: checked"). For length; = 0; i & lt; count; i ++) {a = $ ("Input: checked"). Val (); $ .post ("reqs.php? Act = confirm", {id: a} $ ('.qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq') .net ("background color:" #fbc 7c7 "}," sharp "). ({Fuzzy: "Hide"}, "slow");}}); and HTML & lt ;? Php while ($ info = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {? & Gt; & Lt; Tr class = "req" & gt; & Lt; Td style = "width: 29px" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "confirm" type = "checkbox" id = "& lt ;? php echo $ info ['id'] ;; & gt; Value = "& lt ;? php $ info ['id'] ;? & gt; / & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td style =" width: 70

html - Controls bleeding within iframe on scroll in IE6 -

I have content in an iframe, and when I scroll down the main page (outside iframe), I get strange artifacts Take the inside of IE6 into the selection of iframe and flash control. How should it look (and the external page looks like in IE 6 before scrolling): After scrolling the external page in IE6 How it looks: It works well in other browsers, including IE7 +. If I load the content directly into the IFrame, and scroll the page, it does not happen. It only happens when it is embedded in iframe. It seems that some control within the iframe is scrolling with the external page. Thank you! Your best bet is to hide the iframe during a scroll event, After the iframe can be reflow by reducing its width by 1px, there should be a redraw of a reflow of Iframe in its original size. You will probably be able to make 100% good with IR 6 scrolling, etc.

django - simplelazyobject breaks template filter -

Here is a template filter that is working without problems recently, before I update the Django source Before: Import from pm_core.models PMUser @ register.philter def can_manage_market (user, market): if not (user, PMUser): return wrong return user.can_manage_market (market) The filter has always begun to return to false. The problem is that instead of PUuser (a sub-class of the user), 'user' instance is 'Simal Lasji Object'. It was discovered on the Internet and brought to me on ticket # 12049, which indicates that it can be a similar bug (though, patches have been provided, unfortunately there is no way out). I appreciate any information on this simplelazyobject that I do not know about the first ps I posted this question also on the Digengo-User Group, but right now No answer has been received till As Peter says, this change is 11626 because of . The reason is that now you are giving a cover instead of the object, because that cover is laziness. It is

delphi - How do I send e-mail using Gmail's SMTP and Indy 10? -

I am using Delphi 2009 and the latest Indy 10 from SLV to send e-mails using SLTP, But this is not working with Gmail (Google Apps Hosted Domain) when I try to send an e-mail, then I must first issue the STARTTLS command. I tried Googling about it and I found many platforms and many solutions, but all that code or just said that I need an OpenSLL DLL, which is not yet clear to me That's what I want. Can someone please tell me what DLL is required and what should I change in my TIdSMTP and TIdMessage objects to send e-mails via Gmail's SMTP server? Also, why this certification differs and what is the DLL for this is welcome. Maybe ... Edit: With this link.

Windbg - Detecting symbols needed for a crash dump -

I have a crash dump file that I need to analyze to use Windbay to run some tests. Due to some restrictions, I can not comment, only the symbols needed to analyze this crash dump can be included in my symbol folder. Is there a way to know the exact symbols required by the dump? If it helps, then I can first analyze this dump in another environment where all the symbols are available. Thank you. You can use it! To make Symnoisy, Windbg looks out and signs it out. If you set up a symbol path with the local cache, then Windbay will only download it in the local keystroke in the required symbols. If you load the dump on your machine, then force it to load all the symbols, the LL.M. command will show all the loaded symbols and you can see each module from which the symbols are loaded, Just copy your PDB files into your targeted restricted environment.

Alternate use of the Array() function in VBA? -

We generally use the array function as VBA: Dim A as Variant A = Ai ("B", 1) This will give me the first element "A" in A and the second element as 1 However I I want to decide that the material running at the time of A is so that it is possible for me to do something like this dim string string has been a variable st = "name, Sam" A = array Str) When I run this code, I Returns the first element in the A as "name, Sam" , but let me first element "name" and the second element "Sam As " . What could be the solution for this? How can I populate a in runtime? You can just use. Split (str, ",") - Update main table based on rows from a secondary table -

मेरे पास एक कर्मचारी ड्राइंग प्रकार आवेदन है, टेबल दिखते हैं: कर्मचारी , नाम, चयनकार्ड) चयन (कर्मचारीआईडी, आईपीएड्रेस) अब मुझे एक अपडेट क्वेरी की आवश्यकता है जो प्रत्येक कर्मचारी आईडी के लिए चयन की संख्या को गिना जाएगा (अद्वितीय आईपीड्रेसस के साथ), और चयन को अद्यतन करें तालिका कर्मचारी। ऐसा कुछ काम करना चाहिए: के साथ चयनकॉइंट (एम्प्लॉइएड, सिलेक्शनकाउंट) एएस (सेलेक्ट एस एम्प्लॉइआईडी, COUNT (अलग आईपीएड्रेस) एस चयन के ग्रुप द्वारा एस एम्प्लॉइआईडी द्वारा) चयनकर्ता कर्मचारी एसईटी सिलेक्शन क्वालिटी = एसईसी। सिलेक्शन क्वांटमेंट से सिलेक्शन कैप एसडी WHERE ID = sc.EmployeeId इसकी जांच नहीं की, ताकि वाक्यविन्यास पूरी तरह से सही न हो।

Exporting combined data/charts to a single PDF from a ASP.NET web app -

We have an ASP.NET c # web application and trying to find a way to combine data / tables and charts. Are exported a pdf. Some of the things we are looking for ... Ability to export a PDF that includes charts, tables, etc. Ability to embed report in web app A good number of highly configurable types We have equipment ... We have an option to display embedded reports in the form of PDF, but this is a per chart, which means that multiple PDFs with multiple addresses and some custom tables or something contained in that PDF Not even there. We like versatility to create a variety of chart types and more complex reports, though. .netCharting contains charts that we can use. We also do reporting, which allows you to combine different charts and data into a single, exportable PDF, but it does not provide very complex charts. Apart from this, as far as I can tell, it does not allow you to dynamically display a report by passing the parameters from your web app, which will be

database - What Sql (PHPmyadmin)Statements would I use to create the following? -

I want to create two tables, products, members and categories I want to be like the structure of tables: < P> Category: Two fields: (Category_ID) (category_name) and I would like category_ID for primary key Products: Three fields (Product_Ename) (Product_Price), (Category_ID) and I Key, and Category_ID as a foreign key. I am working on this for hours and I am getting an obstacle error if someone will be ready to show me the SQL statement, which they will use in my situation, it would be good. If you are using phpMyAdmin then you can do all this with a GUI. And when you make your tables with the GUI, you can use SQL to make it, or you can see the details used to make PK / FK barriers.

sql - A query: select * returns data, but select Column does not return results -

I have such a query: select pln * Plan pln where = '0003' and pln.seq = (select plan_s seq) pln_es plan where = pln.emplid and = and pln_es.nbr = pln Nbr and pln_es.dt = Pln.dt) However, if I do (choose columns ...), using the same conditions, this data does not return! I have no meaning Here is the query that does not return results: plan. Select Pln.MYDATE from the plan where = '0003' and pln.seq = (max select Pln_es.seq) pln_es from the plan where = pln.emplid and = and pln_es.nbr = Pln.nbr and pln_es.dt = pln.dt) Do anyone know why this may be of happiness? The column is a date per copy, and DB Oracle 10g Assuming you use slope transaction segregation level, And that the data is not changing between hanging, that should not be what you have described, and possibly a bug, the query chooses to choose a column versus. The selection of all can easily be very different - Show busy gif after user clicks on a Link -

I have a large Excel document that the user clicks on the download link. When the download link is clicked, the browser pops up the standard open save dialog. The problem is that the waiting time can actually be longer, before the dialogue appears 15 seconds or more, the request is in progress, while I want to show a busy GIF how can I achieve it? I'm pretty sure that I can easily show GIF to GIF, but I'm not sure the new document (Excel Doc) is loading when the Busy Indicator is closed / hidden. Is there a JavaScript event that I can attach to a handler? Another option is the temporary file method: Originally: The user clicks the download link / button An AJAX request is sent to create an Excel doctor. Show 'busy' indicator. Excel Dock is created and saved to the temporary file on the server. A unique ID response is sent which identifies the file. The AJAX response is controlled on the customer-side, hide the 'busy' pointer window.location

regex - how to do the following in ruby? -

मुझे स्ट्रिंग जैसे "/ html / body / a" को पकड़ने की आवश्यकता है मुझे अंतिम भाग की जांच करने की आवश्यकता है, इस मामले में अंतिम "/" के बाद "a" मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? x = के बाद मैं अंतिम आइटम के लिए मिलान कैसे कर सकता हूं? "/ Html / body / a" x.split ("/")। अंतिम # = & gt; "A"

Binding to the actual of a UserControl in Silverlight? -

Some questions were seen on SO but none answered my question. What I want to accomplish is: I have a custom control (it says A) which moves around the canvas using a storyboard. And I want to bind the canvas of a second custom control (first by calling B and making it B) I would like to position the situation first. Using Transformatuvian (application.qult.runvijual) I can get the actual position of Control A, but I can not understand how to bind to B canvas. Left and canvas Head over it. Has anyone thought how to accomplish this task? Or point me in the right direction? I think you can move the status of control A by updating it. Canvas. Lift and Canvas Correct properties? If this is the case, you do not have to use Transformovisual, you can only use their Canvas Top & amp; Left Properties Together: & lt; Canvas & gt; & Lt; TextBlock x: name = "controlb" text = "some text" font seices = "15" canvas Lift = "{binding e

java - BigDecimal evaluated as a string in Velocity, Struts2 -

I am using struts2 with Velocity 1.5 and Velocity Tool 1.3. In my template I want to do a loop: #set ($ count = $ {item.qty}) #foreach ($ i in [1 .. $ count]) $ {Item.price} ........... #end $ {item.qty} is a BigDec, but it seems that it's the speed of the velocity May be passed as. Since this loop does not work, works fine instead of $ count = 5, and printing $ {item.qty} gives me 5 results. Velocity 1.5 and Tool 1.3 will support the highest version Struts 2. idea? Solution? Thank you I think you need to put it in the integer of your loop to make it work the wanted. #set ($ count = $ item.getQty (). IntValue ())

c# - Adding Custom Controls dll to Visual Studio ToolBox From Clearcase's Dynamic Views -

I have a custom control DLL that I saved in my network drive. I want to add it to the Visual Studio Toolbox, it came back and said that the entry is denied. If I put it in my desktop then I have no problem. Can you tell me what am I missing? Update: After further testing, the files that are showing the problems are clearly in the dynamic view. How to get the toolbox to use DLL from the dynamic view of ClearCase? Read a ClearCase dynamic view will not be restricted, just enter the entry (if the file is not checked , You can not open it to write anything: You must check it first, provided your CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP refers to a group of Vob) However, usually But what happens is that by a process DLL is taken, on the other hand, copy the same DLL C is free to handle. (In that case, ClearCase will not really be included) Try to know if any handle is to use that DLL to use that device (such as Ctrl + F ).

multithreading - Parallel, but slower -

I am using Monte Carlo method to calculate PE and make a basic experience with parallel programming and OpenMP I want to The problem is that when I use 1 thread, x iterations always run faster than n thread, x iterations. Can anyone tell me? For example the code runs like "a.out 1 1000000", where there are 1 thread and 1000000 iterations include using namespace std; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {double arrow_area_circle, pi; Float xp, yp; Int i, n; Double Pitting = Ethan (1.0) * 4.0; // pi for error cout & lt; & Lt; "Number Processor:" & lt; & Lt; Omp_get_num_procs () & lt; & Lt; Endl; // Number of divisions Iersarions = atoi (argv [2]); Arrow_area_circle = 0.0; #pragma omp parallel number_read (eto (argv [1])) {srandom (omp_get_thread_num ()); To reduce personal (XP, YP) ​​#pragma omp (+: arrow_area_circle) for // *, /, -, + (i = 0; i If you do more work then a CPU intensive task will be slow in this way Threads in compa

php - CakePHP mathematic-calculation field? -

(like database structure) So, in Cake PHP, I have two tables: trees, And leaves Each leaf has tree_id for its related tree, each leaf has a numerical value for the tree, the default view of the baked tree, lists all the trees in just one table. Is there a way to add a dynamic column to the table of that view that makes all the leaves of the tree SUMS and displays the totals in the table, as well as a tree in another area What does the number represent? Example: Address id | Tree ID | Leaf Price ----- + ----------- + ---------------- 24 | 1 | 19 70 | 1 | 33 121. 1 | 30 tree id | Tree | Number of Leafs | Yoga of Leaf | Verb----- + -------- + ------------------- + -------------- - + ------------------- 1 | Foo | 120 | 7270 | Edit Delete 2 | Bar 72 | 4028 | Edit View Two thoughts: Get the summary field Dynamically every time you need to use it (from the top of my head): $ this-> Tree-> Search ('All', array (... 'array (' Leaf.tree

web optimization - Recommended file sizes for web -

I'm optimizing a web display using YSlow and Page Speed ​​recomendations, but when it comes to file size Neither does anything about it Does anyone know how can I get some recommendations of the maximum size of some file types? For example, images should not be more than XXX's jb or something like that. But I do not need reliable sources, not just suggestions. I mean that XXX has done some research and they give it or suggest it. Practical wisdom. Very small size files are making mess, big files slow you down and time-out. This is really performance tuning - run your tests for your special setup, there is no magic bullet

java - How to traverse XPath recursively? -

Is there a way to recurs an XPath query (and if so, how?) < P> I have AST in Java with the following scenario @ relevant public zero foo () {time (true); } Public Zero Bar (Boolean Flag) {Shock Thrust; } I want to find the method that has been annotated with 'relevant' (this easy) and check whether the method is called in foo (here bar), its Details have been emphasized. a) How do I remove the name 'bar' and ask XPath for a method called 'bar'? And if 'bar' actually calls 'bla' Hope it makes sense ... For any help Thank you There is not enough expense for one task that you are trying to complete. First of all, you need a type of binding (for the time () method declaration, for example). Secondly, you have to develop some type of static code analyzer, which runs continuously on AST and tries to fulfill a condition that "an expression expression exists" in the call stack. You can take a look at Eclipse