c++ - how to setup irq with masm -

How can I set up IRQ using C ++ and the content, most notably refer to me in search results, I want to add a menu option to my bootloader, I have to boot it from the CD (ISO) but I do not see any difficulty setting up the IRQ


  Global IRQ 0; 32: IRQ0 irq0: CLI push byte 0 push byte 32jmp irq_common_stub extern irq_handler irq_common_stub: pusha push ds push es push fs push gs mup ax, 0x10 mov ds, au meo es, aus mEG fs, au mog gs, aus môm ex, Esp push eax mov eax, irq_handler call eax pop es pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popa esp, 8 iret  

is another sample which I saw ...

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