
Showing posts from April, 2014

Java NIO UDP - Selector Hangs when trying to register -

अंतिम डेटामैरचैनल डीसी = डेटाग्राम चैनल। ओपन (); dc.configureBlocking (गलत); dc.socket () बाँध (localAddress)। अंतिम सेल्डटाग्राम चैनल सी = नया सेल्टडाटाग्राम चैनल (डीसी, डेटाग्राम लिस्टनर); --- & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; अंतिम चयनकै sk = dc.register (चयनकर्ता, SelectionKey.OP_READ); जब आप एक डाटाग्राम चैनल को पंजीकृत करने का प्रयास करते हैं तो बाजार की रेखा हमेशा लटकती है। क्या किसी को भी क्यों पता है? क्या आपने जेएमएम को CTRL + BREAK भेजने की कोशिश की है?

SQL query generated by LINQ TO SQL statement -

How do I know if the SQL statement generated by SQL Curie from my Linux? You can view SQL statements using the ToString () statement. var customer = Customer selects customer; Console.WriteLine (customers.ToString ()); Or you can do something like that. Data contact references = new datacontext (...); Stringworld author = new stringwriter (); Context.log = Authors; Choose a custom customer from customer's customers; Console.WriteLine (writer.ToString ());

c# - ASP.NET: Validate file size (width and height) before upload -

Is there a way to validate image size (height and width) before uploading the image? I think that using Javascript but I do not know how or maybe some client with ASP.NET validator Any advice? This client-side can not be used on JavaScript; You may not use Flash, There will be a file upload component written in the same format that allows files, types, sizes and dimensions to be uploaded by the files they upload.

cocoa touch - Programatically switching to the "More" tab on iPhone -

I want to start my tabbar controller programmatically in the last tab selected by the user. This works fine for my standard tab, but if I was a user on the "more" tab, I do not understand how to get started because this tab is not (for my information) there is no index . Is there a way to do this? directly from - [UITabBarController selectedIndex] Documentation: To select more navigation controllers, you have to change the value of the selected ViewController property instead. Then just do the following: [Controller set selected object controller: [Controller deployment controller]];

nlp - Lemmatization java -

I am looking for an implementation for English in Java. I have already found something, but I have something that does not require much memory (1 GB Top) to run. Thank you. I do not need stammers. The Java library has a limematizer which is a little resource intensive but I do not want it on my laptop. ; Run with 512 MB of RAM. To use it: ; Create a new project for your editor Create a new Java below (based on the snippet from Stanford's site); import java.util.Properties; Public class Stanford Lammameter {Stanford Coir NLP pipeline was protected; Public Stanford Lamimizer () {// Stanford Coir NLP Object Properties, with POS Tagging // (Required for Lematization), and Laminatingization Properties Props; Sahara = new property (); Propsput ("annotator", "tonkenize, ssplit, paus, lemma"); // Stanford Corelp loads a lot of models, so you probably want to do this once for each execution. PPline = New Stanfordcore NLP (prop); } Public listing ...

svn - Is there a way to make TortoiseSVN temporarily ignore versioned files? -

We have some configuration files that we want to keep in version control because they specify the default settings of the project: Search Path, conditionally defined etc. Unfortunately, these files are also used by IDE (Delphi 5) to keep temporary information. IDE constantly updates files during development, so that the hoarse is modified all the time to flag the working directory, even if it is possible that all this is a project to be created. Sometimes we really want to make changes to these files, for example if the project search path dependency changes, but with the vast majority of that time, they are the only source of noise. My first idea was to apply a global neglect pattern in TortoiseSVN to check out the check files, ignore the offending file types and remove the global ignorance when I made a real change to the code that I I want to check in. It appears that if there is a version of the file already in the repository, the tortoise will not ignore it. Is there any w...

sql server - Insert stored procedure is not compiling -

Visual Studio 2005 is still telling me to create or change one after creating the process, what could be wrong? U.SE METROEngineeringData go purchase process DB.Instore Records (@SeetCode Ishwar Narvarchar (20), @Nam_of_Asset Navaracha (20), @Unit_Onvaracha (20), @Portour Nature (20), @MarkNarvarak (20), @ModelNavarchar (20), @ Captive Nature (10), @Year_of_Manware Dataim, @Syriial_NO, Navarachar (50), @attach Navarchar (50), @SystemNavcher (50), @ Location Narrative (50), @ Omir Narature (20) @Simed Nature (20), @Eparent Mentens_Record bit) Asset Inset Steshbbes (Setkoditket Nam_of_seset, Unit_anotkst, Nirmatatikst, Maktekst, Modeltenst Kategritekst, Iyr_of_armenttekst, Akttekt, Saitaidtekst, Lokeshntekst, Smaitiakstiti, Avdik_mtenens_rekward) Price (@assetcodetxt @name_of_asset @unit_no @ creator-producer @ Make @ socks @ Kapati @ year_of_manufacture @attach @siteid @location @smid @perodic_maintenanc E_required) After the first column INSERT you are missing comma, go back ...

datetime - Get next date from weekday in JavaScript -

how to return the next date of the given day (this number can be 0 Example, if today, on Friday 16 October 2009 : 16-Oct-2009 Saturday Returns 17-Oct-2009 Saturday Thursday returns 22-Oct-2009 Just adding 7 does not fix the problem The task given below will give you the next day of the week. Work next day (x) {var now = new date (); Now.setDate (now .getDate () + (X + (7-now .getDay ())% 7); Now come back;}

wpf - What could be causing db.SubmitChanges() to not work in linq-to-sql? -

I set a very simple example in WPF with LINQ-TO-SQL. I can exit an object (page body) like this and I can change property and when I SubmitChanges (), then I do not see no errors but not saved . MandateContact DB = new major datatytext (); Var page itam = (PIID == 1 selection of P in DB.Pages items). SingleOther Default (); PageItem.Title = "changed"; Db.SubmitChanges (); Can not make changes due to change? More information: This does not work either, even db.ExecuteCommand also does not work, And oddly when F11 debugs do not take action in the changelog () or ExecuteCommand (), then why can not I move them? Use (var db = new main datatytext ()) {var in pageItem = (p in db.PageItems where p.Id == 1 select p) .SingleOrDefault (); PageItem.Title = "changed"; Db.SubmitChanges (); Db.ExecuteCommand ("Insert in Page It's (values) values ​​('this is title')"); If (page itam! = Null) main content hair. Add (New Quick F...

install - Unknown publisher on security warning window -

I am using VS2008 SP1 to publish my project in the Options button Publish Description I Publisher Name "Test Webpage ", but only after publishing the application it appears in the publ.html page. When this application runs on the client machine, in the Security Warning window it shows the publisher's name as an unknown publisher, why is it? This is strange to me, the customer will not install an incredible application to view. My application also has a project loggerPPFX certificate that is created by default but still has no use. I have also mentioned an article from Brian Nois Microsoft MVP but it has not even solved my problem. This application does not affect my application publisher name on the warning window ... Can you please make me your publisher name? Thanks in advance. The certificate should be generated by a trusted root certificate authority. See the Certificate Authority Internet Options (in Control Panel or Internet Explorer menu) for a l...

What is a good report generation (i.e. PDF reports) that can be used with Objective-C on mac? -

I am preparing a program for Mac for which the report needs to be prepared and printed as PDF files Should be able to I will get an already built library for this instead of hard work, but I can not get anything yet, do you suggest any report generation libraries which can be used in purpose-C? Thank you for your help! It has not been seen in a very long time, but you probably want to see ReportMill. It goes back to NEXTSTEP days.

How to get a permission mask in Sharepoint 2007? -

SharePoint 2007 में अनुमति मास्क कैसे प्राप्त करें? Int64 decValue = (Int64) web_current.EffectiveBasePermissions; वापसी decValue के बाद पाठ संदेश"> SPWeb web_current = SPControl.GetContextWeb (संदर्भ); ToString ( "X");

c# - Linq to Sql - Populate JOIN result into a List -

I'm not sure this can be done, but this is the scenario. I want to turn this SQL into the Linq: SELECT * join the Department D INNER employee e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID Department - Many relationships from employee 1. I have created a custom object, which I want to populate the result in it. Public Sector Departments Department (Department of Public Sector); Set; } Public List & amp; Staff; & Gt; Employee {receive; Set;}} has come with this Linq I var result = d to DBA. Join the department and in DBA Empire D. Department Id E. Is equal to. In the department I selected J1 new department auspicious (department = D, employee = J. 1.ToList ()}; I tried to do this and it is not working. Can someone shed some light on me? I want to make an internal conference between the department and the employee. For each department in the results, I want to create a department in which the department holds a list of employees related to that department. / P> ...

xcode - Resizing image view in table cell iphone -

I am developing an iPhone app where a high quality image is being downloaded from my app server. I have to change it to its half size size and display it in a table cell. Can someone help me what I can use? Appreciate your suggestions! "post-text" itemprop = "text"> UIImage * yourImage = [UIImage imageWithData: yourdata]; UIImageView * imageViewToPutInCell = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: yourImage]; ImageViewToPutInCell.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, yourImage.size.width / 2, yourImage.size.height / 2);

c# - How to scrape the contents of an axd resource? -

मूलतः मेरे पास img टैग src के साथ /ChartImg.axd?i=chart_0_0.png&g=06469eea67ea452b977f8e73cad70691 । क्या मुझे इस संसाधन की सामग्री प्राप्त करने के लिए एक और वेबआरिएंस्ट बनाने की आवश्यकता है या कोई आसान तरीका है? मैं वर्तमान अनुरोध के आउटपुट को स्क्रैप कर रहा हूँ। नीचे मैंने जो कुछ भी हासिल किया है, नीचे है ... मूल रूप से मेरे अतिरिक्त अस्थिरों में कुछ उदाहरणों में एक .एक्सडी संसाधन के लिए रिश्तेदार उरी शामिल होगा। मुझे लगता है कि मैं निर्माण कर रहा हूँ संग्रह में उस सामग्री को शामिल करना चाहते हैं। निजी void ProcessPrintRequest () {this.Response.Clear (); This.Response.ContentType = "एप्लिकेशन / ज़िप"; यह। उत्तरप्रेषण। एडहैडर ("सामग्री-विवाद", "अनुलग्नक; फ़ाइल का नाम = संग्रह। ज़िप"); (Var स्ट्रीम = नया ज़िपऑटपुटस्ट्रीम (नया ज़ीरोबाइटस्ट्रीमड्राफर (यह। रीस्पॉन्स.ऑप्टपुटस्ट्रीम)) का उपयोग करना {stream.SetLevel (9); Var additionalAssets = नया PathNormailzationDictionary (); यह। निर्यात दस्तावेज़ (स्ट्रीम, अतिरिक्तऐस्सेट); This.ExportAddi...

creating distributions in mathematica -

I have a function that I know for distribution of multivariate (x, y), and numeric stability in mathematics There are issues when I make marginal distribution. For example, marginalization with Y gives the following yield: 0.e ^ (154.88-0.5x ^ 2) Since I know that the result should be a distribution, I just e ^ (- 5x ^ 2) and rearranging yourself Alternatively, it would be better if the math took me a multivariate function and somehow specified it as a probability distribution. Still, does anyone know how to apply both of the above solutions in the program? OK, here's an example of what I mean. Suppose I have the following 2D distribution: district = 3.045975040844157 'E ^ (- (x ^ 2/2) - y ^ 2/2) (-1 + E ^ (- 1 `(x + 0.1` y) unit stap [x + 0.1` y]) ^ 2 and i integrated [district, y , -Infinity, Infinity}] Mathematica does not provide an answer, or at least does not do anything on my computer Suggestion: Edit: Ok, so it actually does, but with 4 GB ram...

Creating a shortcut key for the letter j to redirect to a url using jquery -

Using jQuery (if it helps), I would like to create a shortcut key for j , so when someone clicks on the letter J , it redirects to a webpage. Is this possible? The short answer is yes, this is possible. Just force if you want it to be a universal shortcut $ (document) .keypress (function (event) {if (event.which === 106) {window.location = 'your_url';}}); Remember to make users very clear that this will happen. There is nothing more than putting a user, who does not exist in place of triggering an order.

c# - is it acceptable to use ThreadPool in a library? -

Is it acceptable to use Threadpool in a library? Because obviously, there may be some unpleasant problems if your library's user is also using Threadpool ( Threadpool due to a static class That is the condition). What is the conference? Yes. I think it is fair to use Threadpool in this library code. Even if the user can use Threadpool, Threadpool is still sufficient to tune. On the other hand, as a library developer, you should provide flexibility: User Threadpool can choose to use a specific thread (s), or even a third party thread pool Implementation

organization - How to best organize files -

Often, when someone is processing or storing files, I usually workflow, or work with the system Try For example, when I download a file, I sort it within the programming / download / template / or library, etc., and when I start a project, I create a new folder in a workspace folder. It works fine, as long as I do not need a bit of control and when I go back, I usually have old projects in a separate folder some years ago, but generally But with the same structure (and before that I set up a structure, or saved things in crazy places, such as school's utilities for the school, not the programming folder.) Ojanaon how to sort? In addition, some point of time / how do they / how do you backup / save them? What is the answer here? I split the platforms, then for the projects ... nothing special ...

html - Incorrect table rendering -

& lt; तालिका चौड़ाई = "300" ऊंचाई = 100 कोशिकाएं = "1" सेलपैडिंग = "2" सीमा = "1" & gt; & LT; tbody & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td width = "150" colspan = "2" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td width = "75" colspan = "1" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td width = "75" colspan = "1" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td width = "150" colspan = "2" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td width = "75" colspan = "1" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td width = "150" colspan = "2" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td width = "75" colspan = "1" & gt; & lt;...

javascript - Jquery - (re)wiring dynamically generated elements -

Often times I've added elements such as the added task: such as: $ ('. Myfav') autocomplete () .; $ ('. Myfav') datepicker () .; Click on $ ('. MyFav') (somefunction). But when more examples of this class are dynamically generated through some code, the new $ ('. Myfav') is dead. Rewireing is needed again, so I do it: $ ("# somelink"). Click (function () (// generate 10 new $ ('. Myfav') and add them to DOM / re-wire again as block above ($ .MyFav '), auto-integer ( ); $ ('. MyFav'). Date picture (); $ ('. MyFav'). Click (no function);}); This means that I end up for two identical blocks of code, 1 initial page load and are dynamically generated to retrieve a new element. This is not a dry code and it is not very efficient. Is this really the only way to do this, or is there another best practice? My stomach tells me that it should be more efficient (also to help the code dry) Update It s...

debugging - How do I get gdb working with D programs under linux? -

I have a compromise gdb 6.8, but I can not find any debugging to work. Could. Looking at this test file: import std.stdio; Zero main () {float f = 3.0; Int i = 1; Retail (F, "", I); F + = cast (float) (i / 10.0); Retail (F, "", I); I ++; F + = cast (float) (i / 10.0); Retail (F, "", I); I + = 2; F + = dot (float) (I / 5.0); Retail (F, "", I); } and try to debug on the command line: bash-4.0 [d] $ dmd -g test.d # '-gc' Show The same behavior is Bash-4.0 [d] $ ~ / src / gdb-6.8 / gdb / gdb test GNU gdb 6.8 Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3 +: GNU GPL version 3 or later & lt; Http: // gnu org / license / gpl.html & gt; It's free software: You are free to change and redistribute it. There is no warranty to the extent permitted by law, type "copy show" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB "i686-pc-linux-gnu" ... (gdb) list 1 ../sysdeps/i386/ Was configu...

c# - Does Interlocked.CompareExchange use a memory barrier? -

I am reading posts about Duffy, and I try to understand something about the previous code sample in the post I am: while (interlock .compressx exchange (ref I_State, 1, 0)! = 0); M_state = 0; While (Interlock Comprehensive Exchange (Ref I_State, 1, 0)! = 0); M_state = 0; ... The second CMPXG operation is executed, does it use memory constraints to ensure that the value of m_state actually writes the latest value has gone? Or will it just use some value which is already stored in the processor's cache? (Assume that m_state has not been declared as volatile). If I understand correctly, if CMPXCH does not use memory hurdles, then the entire lock acquisition process will not be fair because it is very likely that the first thread to acquire the lock will be that All of the following locks will get . Do I understand correctly, or am I forgetting something here? Edit : The main question is that the call to make comparison can cause memory constraints before attempting ...

Removing Dynamic JQuery UI tabs -

I am creating a web application and I want to use tab functionality to use tab web design Most web browsers come in. I want the user to be able: To move around the tabs, close the tab dynamically, close the tab dynamically. I have a problem that is removing the tab moved around We say that there are three tabs named: One, two and three. If I'm like "one" tab: two, three and one One ", which indicates 2, the tab" three "is removed. The tabs are now: Two, and one. I have tested many different scenarios and when I remove a tab, JQueryUI deletes the wrong tab which initially had the index value, and not on the tab that currently exists Index value is. You are right that tab when you re-crawl them, their old index values Which makes unexpected behavior when you try to delete one, you can force it to update the indexes by resuming the tab before removing it, like: $ ('# Tabs'). Tab ('Deleted'). Tab (); $ ('#...

login page c# -

I want to create a login page to use c # in and also use session in that login page Want to do Please help me create such a page. Thnx in advance I recommend you take a look, and The first link is that you are asking the same thing in Denivab and the second link is that tutorial is for using ASP.NET and C #. Regards.

.net - Product key Registration - Visual Basic -

I am trying to create a product key registrar for my program. I want a product key in a database or a type of type of thing where everyday I can do new keys without putting them into the program, and I can redistribute it every time. I'm not sure where to start, so if someone has any ideas please post it thanks, Kevin You can use that they have a licensing system that is built right in. It's a bit expensive, but it will save you money for a long time. Of course, you can try to make your own Self-contained registration is more secure than one that checks the database.

java - How to check for Double.NaN in JSP with JSTL tags? -

Double in JSP with JSTL tags. How to check NN everything with NaN So, the only way to properly check that there is a number is NaN (besides making strings out of it) to see what the value is! = Value JSTL is not my cup tea but I think it is also valid there. Read more

php - jquery paging issue -

मैं पेजिंग के लिए JQUERY प्लग-इन का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: http: // jonpauldavies यह पृष्ठ पर ठीक काम करता है। लेकिन जब मैं पृष्ठ को JQUERY के लोड विधि के माध्यम से कॉल करता हूं, पृष्ठन नहीं दिखा रहा है $ ('# divbody')। लोड ('abc.php? Q =' + pid, null, function () { }); और abc.php पर कोड है: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" & gt; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("# पेजर")। पेजर ({पेजनंबर: & lt;? Php echo $ pageNum? & Gt; पृष्ठ पृष्ठ: & lt;? Php echo $ maxpage;; & gt ;, बटनक्लिक करेंबैकबैक : PageClick}); $ ('# divbody1')। लोड ("xyz.php? Pid = & lt;? Php echo $ pid;? & Gt; और पृष्ठ =" + & lt;? Php $ echo $ pageNum? & Gt;) ;}); पेजक्लिक = फ़ंक्शन (पेजक्लिक्टेड नम्बर) {$ ("# पेजर") पेजर ({पेजनंबर: पेजक्लम्बित संख्या, पेज की संख्या: & lt;? Php echo $ maxpage;; & gt ;, बटनक्लिक करें: प...

Private methods using Categories in Objective-C: calling super from a subclass -

How were the personal methods being implemented in objective-C () and raised a question in my mind: How do you manage to enforce protected methods, i.e. private methods which are visible in subclasses? Suppose I have a MySuperClass with one class that has all its own private methods, and I want to override one of MySuperClass private methods or call super I want to implement MySubclass. Is it possible (using categories in the direction of implementing personal methods)? Take a look at some of these codes, the overwritten method below. // =============================== File: MySuperClass.h // = Interface for MySuperClass // =========================== @ interface MySuppressclass: object ... @ and // ==== ========================= File: MySuperClass.m // ================== ========= import "MySuperClass.h" // ======== For Private Methods ===================== ====== Interface // ================================= @ MySusuppress Class (private) - ( Zero) Private I...

The mysteries of extending the WPF animation classes -

There is a property on the Silverlight's animation timetable (like Double Animation) which is called simplification that allows you to specify a function Allows two values ​​with which Although it is coming in .NET 4, I want to shut it down from 3.5 After reading, it feels great, but I am having a strange problem. I am expanding double animation like this: class EasingDoubleAnimation: DoubleAnimation {protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore () {Return New EasingDoubleAnimation (); } Secure Override Double GateCurrentValuere (Double Default Origin Value, Double Default Destination Value, AnimationClock AnimationClock) {debug.rooteline (animationclock.content.product.vill); Return base GetCurrentValueCore (defaultOriginValue, defaultDestinationValue, animationclock); } Public Relativity FunctionBase Easing {Receiving (EasingFunctionBase) GetValue (EasingFunctionProperty);} Set {SetValue (EasingFunctionProperty, value);} Dependency reinforcement for public static read...

paraffin - Wix Automatic File Inclusion -

Is there a way to automatically insert files based on directory structure? I do not want to add every filename with the File ID tab. My build process creates the necessary directory structure ProductName Directory1 Directory2 Directory3 Directory4 If I can add those directories and its subdirectories No, even though there are some tools not automatically (called "tollo" for "wax" or "summer" Which is for Vix 3) which will scan a directory and create a Vix slice (a separate WiX * .wxs file) for you Gee. Then you can compile the file list "Wxs" file (or whatever you call it) in your WiX install. View this page and a WiX 2 equivalent for toll on that site Should also be. Mark

c# - Client Access to SQL Server over the Internet -

Is there any feedback on the best ways to connect the client to the client to obtain any data. Then I can say that I have no C # Datagreat view in the Winform on the internal network and I need to load it with so many data. At present, we open a connection to the SQL Server, a component called SQLDataAdapter in which to access the data, loads a dataset and then closes the DB connection. This is using SQL Server authentication and many applications are running on the Internet connecting the same way at the same time. So I do not want to increase security and downgrade performance. Which of these options or other options should be considered? - Connect in the same way, but open the connection to the user's time period in the app. - Create web server services and archive a dataset or client. - Create a WCF server and connect to DB. (LINQ, Ident Framework, ADO.NET ...?) - Create both WebSites and WCF servers, the client connects to WCF, which receives data from the WS...

.net - How to disable conversion message when opening Office 2007 doc using Office 2003? -

I am working on a C # application which opens the Excel workbook using the interop. This works fine except for an annoyance: When you open Excel 2007 documents on a machine using Excel 2003, a small message says "file conversion in progress" does anyone know that the message prevents everyone from appearing Is there any way to? This message is that the Office 2007 Compatibility Pack tells you that the component below changes the file to something like this Is doing something that Excel 2003 can understand. AFAIK, it is not possible to suppress this special message. I had some problems with some related calls which I had written and ended with a engaged app. I am sure that you have already experimented with XL Exploies, User Trunc and Screen Updating properties. If that is the case, then I can not think even more that I am scared. is a registry key that you can control for compatibility packs, which leads to file conversion for some file formats, Office 2003 user...

sql server - SQL primary key - complex primary or string with concatenation? -

I have a table with 16 columns. This will be the most used table in the web application and it will contain a few hundred toned lines. The database is built on SQL Server 2008. What is the quickest option for my question primary key? I can use complex primary keys with two big companies or can I use a constructive value, but I have to add it later?

Iphone Loading another UIView to the active Window -

If I have 1 window and I add another view to the interface builder, then 2 views in the Main Interface Builder window, View "is said to be how I add one of these sequences to matte and h file, and what to edit in the interface builder so that I can run another generated sequence (how do I name it, ..) Send values ​​to another view and one C. Is there a possibility of sending (return)? Where can I read about it. In advance, thx Andreas , You have to create a visual controller sub-class or a visible subdivision, and create IBotlet and have to set the wire for the interface builder's ideas, and the type of colonization or the VC in the sub-category you have created. There is a lot to explain there should you really see

H2 database. How to convert date to seconds in sql? -

What's the time_to_sec () of analog and MySQL? I would like to emphasize the query like the following H2 database: Join order * Include in ordering from the order. Order settings.edtings = where (order.time-timmingSettings.timeout) & lt; If necessary, the function seems very easy to add. not public time timefank {public static long milliseconds ( Java SQL.Temstamp) ts) {return ts.getTime () / 1000; }} In Java code can be added to the H2 using the function ALIAS: create ALIAS TIME_SECS for "TimeFunc.getSeconds"; Select TIME_SECS (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); Production: TIME_SECS (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ()) 1255862217 (1 line, 0 ms)

Some questions on C++ struct and array -

I'm relatively new to C ++ and I'm having trouble understanding the structure. I have a straight declaration struct MyNode {int level; Int index Minor children [4]; } However code C2488 fails to compile and report error: The total size of the array should not exceed 0x7fffffff bytes. but the following code compiles struct MyNode {int level; Int index Minorod * Children; } Can I code for as a first example or maybe something that I am missing. Thank you! This fails to compile, because the compiler needs to know each type of size. So, what is sizeof (MyNode) ? This is the sizeof (int) * 2 + sizeof (MyNode) : makes the recurrence size impossible to understand. As your second example, why does this work? Because sizeof (MyNode *) is known: This target is an address-size on the platform.

webkit - disjoin browser from http - QtWebKit the right decision? -

IM scheme (touchscreen-visualization) control panel for creating control panels for my home (KNX-Bus) HTML / For example: Changes in the house (like light is on). This event will be notified to a webserver who waits for state changes to be made for all changes, but will be broadcast directly in all the panels where the DOM is updated by a controller-code. I click on a button in the panel or move the slider. These incidents are not posted on a webserver, but they are targeted directly to KNX-actors (light is turned on / dimmed) So now I am asking myself - how is this done? I found Qt WebCat module, what I want to do: "A bridge between the Javascript execution environment and QT object model makes it possible to script custom Q objects for integration with QT networking module. Enables web pages to be transparently loaded with a web server, local file system or QT resource system. "(From detailed description). What do you think, this is the right way? How f...

In what order do C++ objects passed as arguments to constructors of other objects go out of scope? -

When I compile the following code with G ++, then the object of class A can not be deleted When the object of class C is created, and the BRT_A reference is not broken when used by the Constructor of the object of the class: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Straight A {A (int aa) {a = aa; } ~ A () {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "A Out" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; } Int a; }; Structure B {B (Constant A & A): ref_a (A) {} ~ B () {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "B Out" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; } Consta and A. Ref_a; }; Straight C {C (Const B & B) {c = b.ref_a.a + 1; } Int c; }; Int main (zero) {cc (b (a (1)); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; CC & LT; & Lt; Std :: endl; } However, is this C ++ language guaranteed? Here, floating objects exit the realm, when the instructions are completed. Here are some of the things that you can do to get rid of them. Here, floating objects exit the scope, That is, after the creator of ...

ruby - Autospec / rspec not working, doing something wrong? -

I wonder if this is in place on the stack overflow, but since it is related to programming, I will shoot it. Here's my problem. I'm new to TDD and I love Ruby, so the clear path I am taking is testing RSPC stuff. Why Clear? I saw it in various screencasts and thought it was really clear. Then I saw "AutoSpack" somewhere, and tried to use it. So I'm setting the gem, sudo gem install ZenTest (according to the instructions) Next, I go to my folder, in which "digits "Rb" and "digit_spec.rb", and without any parameters, fire the autospec. Nothing has happened. It is worth noting that I have two tests in my spec file and that I only use the SPACE command By doing this I can fix it, but I would be happy to use the best ... Any help / Pointer / documentation link is available? Please note that .autotest need to create a file: Autotest.add_hook: reset | at | at.clear_mappings at.add_mapping (/^(.??((_ spec)? \. Rb $ /) {| fi...

lambda - What's the best way to define & access selected properties in C#? -

From , I try to centralize the domain model by adding some silly logic to the domain interface. However, I am getting some problems which need to be included or removed by applying some properties. Actually, I can use Expression Tree as the following code. Still, I do not like it because I need to define local variables ("u") when creating lambda expressions. Do you have any source code which is less than me? Apart from this, I need some method to make quick use of the chosen properties. Include public zones & lt; T & gt; (Parameter expression & lt; Funk & lt; IUser, Object & gt; & gt; [] Selected properties) Include {// some logic store parameters} Properties & lt; IUser & gt; (U = & gt; UID, U = & gt; u.LogOnName, u = & amp; UT; U.Whited Password); Thank you, lambdass Great for many scenarios - but if you do not want them, then maybe do not use them? I hate to say this, but try simple strings, especially for data bi...

.net - working with SELECT CASE and MOD -

Please help with some basic syntax I need to give a statement that the remaining number It is the logic that examines: If the remainder 4 of some is divided by 1, then if the remainder of something is divided by 4 then 2 do so etc. etc. Can I get it in the SELECT case. Please specify the MOD format I think yes you can do it Are: Choose the case of the case of the diminutive integer = number MOD 4. , 1 '....' Exit Case -2, Exit '....' Case-1, 3 '....' Select Exit Choose Finish

iphone - Changing UITableView section header without tableView:titleForHeaderInSection -

I am trying to change the title of a header for a section in a UITableView when the cell is selected from that segment table View: Title forearm inconvenience is triggered by the app, so that it does not help. I can reload the data, but the display suffers because the app needs to reload all visible cells. I also tried to use custom headers, but this may also cause some performance issues. Is there a way to handle UILBL, which uses the default header view manually and uses text? Thanks! System-served section does not appear to be a standard API to access header view. Have you tried to target more to get UIKit to display new header text? What kind of performance issues were you seeing with custom section header views? I suspect that the standard is more than just a UILabel .

benchmarking - Trouble deciphering Autobench output -

I'm trying to benchmark a simple webserver, but I have trouble understanding about the output of AutoBen Has been there. I'm doing a round to help on this (even going through the source code on Autobank and Soft) but whatever is happening is not able to do it. I run the following benchmark on my server: Autobatch - SINGLE_HOST - HOST 1 - Port 1 5555 - Yury 1 / Test - Quest - Here's my results.csv file (some extra white space for readability.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With): dem_req_rate, req_rate, con_rate, min_rep_rate, avg_rep_rate, max_rep_rate, stddev_rep_rate, resp_time, net_io, error 200, 40.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 0.0, 6.2, 15.6 , 100 400, 80.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 0.0, 6.4, 31.2, 100 600, 119.9, 60.0, 57.0, 59.9, 61.4, 0.9, 17.9, 46.8, 100.160256410256 800, 159.5, 79.9, 76.0, 79. 5, 82.4, 2.1, 32.5, 62...

garbage collection - C#: In what cases should you null out references? -

CLR profiler can also explain which ways you can allocate more storage than expected, and You can uncover cases where you are unknowingly referring to the waste object graph which can otherwise be recovered by GC. (A common problem is the design pattern is a software cache or lookup table that is no longer necessary or is safe to reconstruct later. This is a tragic event when the cash object keeps the graph alive before its useful life, Instead, exit the objects that you no longer need .) - I do not think I actually never end a reference Have done me Think you do not always need to do, but I think a time also when it is important to remember to do. But, what matters is that? When should you end the references, should the reference be terminated? To be "alive", but you do not want context to prevent garbage collection. In other words, if the object holds the reference of A object B, and you do not need B, but will survive for some other reasons. Another common ex... - Change CSS class of an element on runtime -

एक पुनरावर्तक के मद-थीम के अंदर एक है: & lt; tr class = "class1" & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; मैं चाहता हूं कि इस वर्ग को "क्लास 2" में बदल दिया जाए, जो इस रीलेटर, वायल ("लॉक") से जुड़ा है। अगर लॉक == सच वर्ग = "वर्ग 1" और वर्ग = "वर्ग 2", मैं इसे सरल तरीके से कैसे कर सकता हूं? (इसके पीछे कोड में जटिल है) & lt; एएसपी: पुनरावर्तक आईडी = "div" आपका रेपिटर "रनैट =" सर्वर "& gt; & LT; ItemTemplate & gt; .... & lt; tr class = '& lt;% # कन्वर्ट.ToBoolean (Eval ("locked"))? "वर्ग 1": "वर्ग 2"%> & gt; '& gt; .... & lt; / tr & gt; .... & lt; / itememplate & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: पुनरावर्तक & gt; अद्यतन करें: धन्यवाद कोबी, मैंने कन्वर्ट को याद किया। ToBoolean ():)

flash - How do I prevent programmatically the "Program Compatibility Assistant" in Vista (and Windows 7) from appearing? -

I can develop a C ++ program which can use Adobe Flash, although this is not necessary. I created the flash instrument flash object, and if it fails, I know that Flash is not installed so I do not use it. However, in Vista (and I also get Windows 7), when Flash does not install, after leaving the application, the "Program Compatibility Assistant" message says that "this program is missing the Windows component" Flash.Oux Need to specify. Is there a way to stop this message from appearing? I do not want to force any user to install Flash (especially when it is IE Active X, and Firefox users can not install it), and my application can work well without flash . Plus this message is really annoying when it appears after every run. I do not mean that PCA should be disabled on the user's machine, but disable this particular program on all machines. Any thoughts? Thanksgiving [edit:] I followed the lead (thank you), and dig some of my own. I added the fo...

c# - Convert string to double with 2 digit after decimal separator -

All codes started with these simple lines: string S = "16.9" ; Double D = Convert. Repeat (two); D * = 100; The result should be 1690.0, but it is not. D is equal to 1689.9999999999998 What I want to do is to score the double value with two digits after the decimal separator. This is my job. Private double round float (double value) {float sign = (value gt; 0) {int SRnd; Try {// Viratize цифра след десетичния разделител SRnd = Convert.ToInt32 (SVL.sstring (i + 3, 1)); } Hold {SRnd = 0; } If (SVL.Land> I + 3) SVL = SVL Asbestring (0, i + 3); // SVL + = "00001"; Try {Dual result = (SRnd> = 5)? Convert Repeat (SVL) + Sign: Convert. Tud Double (Sevill); // result = math.road (result, 2); Return result; } Hold {return 0; }} And {return value; } But again there is one problem, changing the string to duplicate I want to do that is not working. A solution to this problem is to add "00001" to the string and then use the monastery. Round funct...

file io - Why is this C code buggy? -

on, the following is indicated: This (probably) is not actually related to you The question is, but while (.fif (fileprint)) { is a very guaranteed bug. I thought I would start a different question because in that comment to some extent beyond the subject. Can anyone explain this to me? This was the first program I had written directly in C. The reason for this statement is that FOF still (initially) Incorrect when the file is finished - it gets right after the first unsuccessful attempt before reading it at the end of the file. Therefore four bitures; While (.fife (fileprint)) {Fred (and Mitter, Psychoph (Chair), 1, Filiped); Fprintf (stderr, "the four is '% c'. \ N", mychar); } One four will process a lot. The correct way is to check the return value of fread (or whatever you're using to read again) or alternatively, feof Function to read after . For example: four bitches; While (feeds (and matures, psychophagus (chair), 1, f...

Passing parameters to crystal reports in C# -

I am trying to work it for a while, and I have seen that all the example codes are not enough What am i doing I have a program that gives a PDF of a report that I pass to the data table. It works fine, besides this I want to pass some other parameters (table date range, statistics etc.) and I can not get it to work. My code basically looks like this. report document myDataReport = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument (); MyDataReport.Load (@ "C: \ Layout \ Report.rpt"); Parameter myparam = new parameterfile (); ParameterDistrictVdKitValue = new parameterDiscoveryVolume (); MyParam.ParameterFieldName = "MyParameter"; MyDiscreteValue.Value = "Hello"; MyParam.CurrentValues.Add (myDiscreteValue); MyDataReport.ParameterFields.Add (myParam); MyDataReport.SetDataSource (myDataTable); Stream return data = myDataReport.ExportToStream (portable docformat); MyDataReport.Close (); Return return data; I have added the parameter field to...

jQuery basic help -

I'm sure I'm going to lose some representative points for this, because this is a basic question but I This element has been given in my document: (which produces the following markup: & quot; Input checked "" checked "id =" isAlwaysValidCheckBox "name = "IsAlwaysValid" onchange = "showHideValidSetList ()" type = "checkbox" value = "true" /> and ) Then this function is using a jQuery selector: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; function ShowHideValidSetList () (checked ($ ("#IsAlwaysValidCheckBox"). {Warning ("IsAlwaysValidCheckBox checked"); Return;} and {Warning ("IsAlwaysValidCheckBox check The Javascript must be equal to one by using DOM: & quot; Lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; function showHideValidSetList (if checked (document.getElementById ("IsAlwaysValidCheckBox")) {Warning (...

c# - Why Doesn't Read() work as Expected? -

I am using Visual Studio 2008 for C #. I do not understand why this simple code does not work as expected. any idea? Thanks! using the system; Name Location TryRead {class program {static zero major () {int aNumber; Console Type ("Enter a letter:"); ANumber = console. Read (); ** // Program [Enter] is waiting for the key Why? ** Console.WriteLine ("The value of the character is entered:" + aumber); Console.Read (); ** // Program key does not wait for the press. Why? **}}} ] Why the key? When you type input characters, returns the Read method; When you press the Enter key, it ends, press Enter adds a platform-dependent line end sequence to your input (for example, Windows attaches a carriage return line line sequence). // Why does the program key do not wait for the press? Retrieve your input once in a bar without any interruption at once. After the reclaim of the last character, return it to the block again and repeats the cycle.

.net - Visual Studio: Best way to use multiple programming languages for a single application -

I often see myself using many programming languages ​​when creating a net application. Usually C ++ / CLI interp for the legacy code and C # for the rest. With first-hand support for F #, as a first-class language, I can see myself in that mix. But is there still the only way to use multiple languages ​​to set up a project per language? Is there any better support for Studio 2010? Are there any other remedies out there? I do not think VS2010 supports multiple languages ​​in a single project, if that's what you ask I think it will be difficult, to be honest You can get cyclical dependency between different languages, so you can not call only one compiler after each other - they have to cooperate at a very deep level, I doubt . Although I fear it would be technically feasible, I think work will be more than value-added.

c# - How to speed up serialization code? -

I have the following code that serializes a list of one byte array for transport through web services. The code works relatively fast on smaller entities, but it is a list of 60,000 or so items. It takes several seconds to execute the format. Anyway to speed it up? {BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter (empty, new streamingConstex (StreamingContactStustSets.clone)) using the public static byte [] ToBinary (Object objToBinary) {{MemoryStream memStream = New MemoryStream ()) ; Formatter.Serialize (memstream, objToBinary); Memstream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Return memStream.ToArray (); }} The incompetence you are experiencing comes from many sources: Uses the default serialization routine reflection to calculate the object field and get their value. The binary serialization format stores things in an assistive list made by string names of things. You got a fake toour (as Danny is mentioned). You can get a big correction by applying > ISerializable on...

Pivot / unpivot in SQL -

I have a view in SQL that I have created by analyzing values ​​in tables so that values ​​in that area ' N 'Ho , 'D' or 'V' can work with the sum of columns, but not by line ... is this possible? Example: Data No, call_1, col_2, col_3 1, n, n, n 2, n, d, d 3, N, V, D 4, V, V, V How can I tell that line 3 the condition is quite simple but sadly I too I am! Thank you very much, Peter Select the case when col_1 = 'N' then ends as n_count from 1 and 0 tablename; Normalize it: Select the case when col_1 = 'N' then 1 and 0 end + case when col_2 = 'N' then 1 And the 0 end case when col_2 = 'N' then 1 and 0 end is in the form of n_count, case when col_1 = 'V' then 1 and 0 end + case when col_2 = 'V' then 1 and 0 end + case when Col_2 = 'V' will be 1 and 0 as the end v_count, .... from tablename;

run a ruby script from delphi via shellexecute -

I have written some Ruby scripts which send me emails by calling me with some command line parameters. On the command line, it works: ruby.exe mail_it.rb fromaddr = "" tolist = "" But I can try that I can not work it for Win32 at Delphi 2007. Here's the latest effort: Process TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: Tubbed); Var Params: String; Start the parametic: = 'mail_it.rb fromaddr = "" tolist = ""; Caption: = Intotect (Shale Acetate (Form 1. Handle, Nil, PCHAR ('Ruby .exe'), PChar (Parameters), Zero, SWSHHH); End; I have tried to use 'Open' as the second ultimate in ShaleXsecret, but it does not help. ShellExecute returns 42 itself, as far as I can find on other websites, it can tell "no error". Try it out: Shorelakecut (0, 'Open' 'And lieutenant; press your pat here & gt; \ mail_it.rb', fromaddr =...

Code to handle licensing for Visual Basic 2008 -

Is there a license point that can be used for licensing for my Visual Basic 2008? some. Any recommendations on Net Reactor, where the person is required to enter the license key? Thanks, Kevin. Unfortunately, there are several possible licensing mechanisms I've used CrypKey () in the last one, but I do not recommend it until it is true: You can (or create) a web site to perform the activation operation. You have a customer support number, which can make any call if web activation is not possible (for example, the user is behind the firewall). If you have time to troubleshoot problems (for example) the customer closes the service required for a license operation or changes the hardware. You are ready to wait for the new operating system to be released for the crawl. You are happy with a Windows-only solution In addition to this, your questions are unclear to some extent. There are several possible changes to the subject of licensing. The safest software-onl...

python - os.popen subprocess conversion -

This snippet gives me the dotted quad of my BSD network interface. How would I use the subprocess module instead? ifcfg_lines = os.popen ("/ sbin / ifconfig fxp0"). Readlines () x = string.split (ifcfg_lines [3]) [1] It seems that I can not use subprocessation in the same way. I do not think I want shell = true or pipe. What should I do to index output? Thank you. Poppin, PIPE ifcfg_lines = Popen ("/ sbin / ifconfig fxp0", from subprocess imports For a little more beauty, hide details: DEF getBSDIP (): poppin import from the subprocess import, pipe import string = current ("/ sbin / ifconfig if you are going to use subprocess Elegance to this is a little limited because you essentially have screencrap If you really want a general solution, then use the socket library, i.e. handle Python portability. Often, when you are doing something like this, you are scripting scripts here. You see a little code and you want to have a better clean...

php - DATE_ADD problem -

I'm working to add date from 1 month and save it in my field on the database. I will use it when leaving from `set` in the form of $ query2 =" SELECT *, DATE_ADD (`date_joined`, interval 30 days) where id = ' $ Idno '"; $ Result2 = mysql_query ($ query2); The "end" field that I want to save + 30 days. Date_multified is the current date. But it does not work. The timeout field is still not an error message in the current date. What should I do? Or is there any other way to add the current date to 30 days and the "finished" field? Thank you You are missing commas between asterisks and Call DATE_ADD should look like this: SELECT *, DATE_ADD (`dated_joined`, INTERVAL 30 DAY) ends with` set` where id = ' $ Idno ' Edit: You feel like you need a update statement , Not select statement id = '$ idno' div>

strange SQL server report performance problem related with update statistics -

I have received a complex report using the reporting service, the report connects to the SQL 2005 database, and several store processes Calls and works. It works fine in the beginning, but after a few months (the data increases), it goes into the timeout error. I have created some indexes to improve the performance, but it is strange that it works after the index, but the same error is excluded the next day. Then I try to update the data on the database, it works again (time of the query is running 10 times). But then, stop working next day. Now, the temporary solution is that I run updated statistics every hour but I did not get a proper explanation for this behavior. The database is not too busy, many data will not be updated for one day How can the update statistics differ so much? I suspect that you have to sniff the parameter updating the data to discard all the query plans only. Forces it, so it works for time create PROC dbo.MyReport @ SignatureParam varchar (1... - Javascript after window.onload? -

I have an page that loads some javascript, one of those scripts loads certain controls in the page So that they connect the body to the window.onload event. I need to inject a script behind the code to call a script, depending on the scripts that are made in the window. This does not work because every call I make it forever and controls are not made at this time. If I call it, for example, the onclick in the hyperlink works because the control was already created in onload . Then: 1 - & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "/ script / somefile.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; 2 - addEvent (window, "load", blubal); - JS creates some control over the body which is added to the body on the Ollod program 3 - In the back code, I try to write a script on the page this.Page .clientScript.RegisterStartupScript or this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock or whatever method should call a method above .js...

winapi - Can't read global mutex created with Createmutex -

मैंने एक ऐप में म्यूट एक्स बनाया है; कोड है: हैंन्डल global_mutex = CreateMutex (NULL, FALSE, "मैकडॉनल्ड्स"); अगर (ग्लोबल_मूटेक्स) {wxLogMessage ("सफलतापूर्वक बनाया गया"।); } अन्य {wxLogFatalError ("म्यूटक्स बनाने में असमर्थ"); } तब मैं इसे मेरे दूसरे प्रोग्राम से पढ़ता हूं सार्वजनिक घोषणा फ़ंक्शन GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () लंबे सार्वजनिक घोषणा समारोह के रूप में OpenMutex Lib "Kernel32" _ उपनाम "ओपनएमयूटीएक्स" (बायराइफ डीवडीएसआईआरएस्ट एग्स्टाइजर के रूप में, बावोल के रूप में, बाय वर्ल एलपीएनम स्ट्रिंग के रूप में) लंबे समय तक सिंगलएपहैंडल के रूप में लंबा मंद म्यूट एक्सएन स्ट्रिंग के रूप में म्यूट x = "मैकडोनल्ड्स" सिंगलएपहाण्डल = ओपनएमयूटीएक्स (0, 0, म्यूट एक्सडेम) सिंगलएपहैंडल = 0 फिर मंद error_number error_number = GetLastError () संदेश बॉक्स त्रुटि_एनम्बर अन्य [DO STUFF] समापन यदि हालांकि, मैं OpenMutex लौट रहा है NULL और Lasterror 1314 पर सेट है जो ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD MUTEX_ALL_ACC...

ruby on rails - Bidirectional relationships in ActiveRecord -

I want a "friend" relationship as "social site matter", which means: if I I am always my friend if I remove you from friends, then you too do this. (Well, you get this idea). Currently it is done with dual relationships and a supervisor to add / remove the second (more accurate, "other") relationship to be removed / removed. / P> What is the easiest way to implement the duplicate topic without record in the relation table? Maybe there's a gem / plugin to do this? Leonid, in other words, is your friend in search, "Vpoezg" :) There is one of several topics on this topic:

.net - How do I override a property in a non-inheritable class? -

MSDN दस्तावेज़ीकरण में, सिस्टम। Reflection.Assembly में CodeBase नामक एक संपत्ति होती है जिसे ओवरड्राइडेबल के रूप में परिभाषित किया जाता है। सार्वजनिक ओवर्रिडिव रीडलाइन प्रॉपर्टी कोडबेस के रूप में स्ट्रिंग हालांकि, अगर मैं एक नया वर्ग बनाने का प्रयास करता हूं जो सिस्टम को संभालती है। Reflection.Assembly, मुझे एक त्रुटि संदेश मिलता है जो मुझे यह बताता है वंशानुगत नहीं किया जा सकता है तो मैं इस संपत्ति को ओवरराइड कैसे कर सकता हूं? दुर्भाग्यवश आप ऐसा नहीं कर सकते। हालांकि विधानसभा कक्षा को स्वयं को सार्वजनिक घोषित किया जाता है, यह केवल एक आंतरिक कन्स्ट्रक्टर प्रदान करता है इसका प्रभावी रूप से मतलब है कि यह केवल अपनी स्वयं की विधानसभा के भीतर instantiated (या विरासत में मिला) हो सकता है, mscorlib।

iPhone UIWebView Bug -

I get this error message in the console, while I am trying to load the html page in UIWebView? "Zero SendDelegateMessage (NSIvvocation *): The delegation failed to return after waiting for 10 seconds. Main running loop mode: UITrackingRunLoopMode If you were not using the touch screen for this whole interval (Those who can increase this wait), please. Is there any reason for this? Thanks I do not know whether this is your problem or not, but to execute a piece of javascript It takes a very long time, but I have received the same message. Do you know that if you are doing a heavy javascript on the load of the webpage you are loading? In my case, If you could use Quick () in UIWebView - which worked, but if you mentioned the error I would take more than 10 seconds to dismiss the popup.

c++ - How to do operator overloading -

How do I write a program to overload an operator so that it can add two metrics? to This idea is derived from the syntax of C ++ operators Use the function to call. Such functions can give operators a user-defined meaning, to accept defined user-defined type parameters. For example: Matrix Addition (Const Metrics and X, Const Metrics and Y); Matrix operator + (Const Metrics and X, Const Metrics and Y); Matrix Usage (Const Metrics and A, Const Metrics and B, Const Metrics and C) {Return Add (A, Add (B, C)); } Matrix Use _Plus (Const Metrics and A, Const Metrics and B, Const Metrics and C) {Return A + B + C; } In addition to this, forum threads with Lensinwood discuss this in detail

how to perform online editing of an mvc site like sharepoint site -

I have a requirement in which I have to edit an mvc site, just like a SharePoint site I have an editing option in the SharePage where the content will be displayed in the HTML form, where I can change the contents and save it. In the same way, I have to do it on an mvc site. Is there any alternative to do this? Pretty normal condition, you only want to store the content on the page instead of hard work in the database After that you can set the MVC controller to read database values ​​and pass it to see which will present it as HTML content. What you need for support, there is an edit button on that view, which goes to the editing scene and edits the action, which presents a HTML text box to the user in which the content can be edited. You will see the most commented html text box.

Porting from power station(4) to intel fortran compiler(11/2003) -

Need to take the necessary care when porting the FORTRAN CODE from the Fortran Compiler (2003)? All the variables in the power station which I have seen as global variables (even as local variables ). Where they have different opportunities for local and global level in Intel Fortune (2003) then I need to create all the local variables for the Global World. In 2003, in 2003, all options of making local variables global (by virtue) ) is. Because in my code the ruins of variables, instead of specifying all the local variables in the global (in the normal block), can someone recommend a good solution for it? In addition to that, would I have to handle any other issues while codeing up to Intel Fortran from PowerStation compiler (11/2003)? I do not know those two compilers in particular, but it would be very strange if you have all your The variable has to be kept in common blocks. What evidence is that all the variables are global? The potential problem with local variables in...