sql server - Insert stored procedure is not compiling -

Visual Studio 2005 is still telling me to create or change one after creating the process, what could be wrong?

  U.SE METROEngineeringData go purchase process DB.Instore Records (@SeetCode Ishwar Narvarchar (20), @Nam_of_Asset Navaracha (20), @Unit_Onvaracha (20), @Portour Nature (20), @MarkNarvarak (20), @ModelNavarchar (20), @ Captive Nature (10), @Year_of_Manware Dataim, @Syriial_NO, Navarachar (50), @attach Navarchar (50), @SystemNavcher (50), @ Location Narrative (50), @ Omir Narature (20) @Simed Nature (20), @Eparent Mentens_Record bit) Asset Inset Steshbbes (Setkoditket Nam_of_seset, Unit_anotkst, Nirmatatikst, Maktekst, Modeltenst Kategritekst, Iyr_of_armenttekst, Akttekt, Saitaidtekst, Lokeshntekst, Smaitiakstiti, Avdik_mtenens_rekward) Price (@assetcodetxt @name_of_asset @unit_no @ creator-producer @ Make @ socks @ Kapati @ year_of_manufacture @attach @siteid @location @smid @perodic_maintenanc E_required) After the first column INSERT you are missing comma, go back  


You also miss the comma between each value in the VALUES list.


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