ruby - Autospec / rspec not working, doing something wrong? -
I wonder if this is in place on the stack overflow, but since it is related to programming, I will shoot it.
Here's my problem. I'm new to TDD and I love Ruby, so the clear path I am taking is testing RSPC stuff. Why Clear? I saw it in various screencasts and thought it was really clear. Then I saw "AutoSpack" somewhere, and tried to use it.
So I'm setting the gem, sudo gem install ZenTest (according to the instructions)
Next, I go to my folder, in which "digits "Rb" and "digit_spec.rb", and without any parameters, fire the autospec. Nothing has happened. It is worth noting that I have two tests in my spec file and that I only use the SPACE command By doing this I can fix it, but I would be happy to use the best ...
Any help / Pointer / documentation link is available? Please note that need to create a file: this file's default mapping Converts to Space .autotest
Autotest.add_hook: reset | at | at.clear_mappings at.add_mapping (/^(.??((_ spec)? \. Rb $ /) {| filename, m | if m [2] filename and "# {m [1]} _ spec.rb" end} and
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