
Showing posts from September, 2012 - 'Sys' is undefined javascript error -

मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है: माइक्रोसॉफ्ट जेस्क्रिप्ट रनटाइम त्रुटि: 'एसआईएस' है अपरिभाषित निष्पादित करने का प्रयास करते समय: & lt; head id = "head1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; शीर्षक रहित पृष्ठ & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; // इस लाइन में त्रुटि !!! । Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance () add_endRequest (onUpdated ()); फ़ंक्शन पर अद्यतन () {// अद्यतन प्रगति div var pnlPopup = $ get ("div2") प्राप्त करें; // इसे अदृश्य बनाते हैं} & lt; / script & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके पास पेज पर एक स्क्रिप्टमैनेजर है और स्क्रिप्ट स्क्रिप्टमैनेजर के नीचे है। हो सकता है कि आपका स्क्रिप्ट टैग को शरीर में डालने की कोशिश करें और देखें कि क्या होता है। मुझे नहीं पता है कि आप इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकते हैं कि शरीर में नहीं, लेकिन शायद यह लोड हो रहा है जब एसआईएस से कॉलबैक है

html - How to have 2 adjacents blocks without display:inline-block? -

I'm spending hours on it ... no success. Since the inline block is not well supported by IE 6 and 7, I want to know that it is possible to use the other attributes given by the following code: & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; .img {float: left; Width: 17px; Height: 15px; Display area; Background color: # FD3; Border style: solid; } .txt {float: left; }. Parent {display: inline-block} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; Me & lt; Div class = "parent" & gt; Follow & Lt; Div class = "img" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "img" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "txt" & gt; (One comment) & lt; / Div & gt; K & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Caution: I can not add / change the container of "follow me&

visual studio 2005 - .Net Compact Framework 2.0: Deploying an app -

I was used to build on Net Compact Framework 1.0 with VS 2003, where your "creation of CAB" The option to do was the project, which is easy because I am sending the app to a remote site. Now this project was made with VS 2005 and I do not have the same "constructing the CAB" option. What is the model of deployment with VS2005 to send the content of the bin \ release folder? 2005 for VS I will add a smart device CAB project to the solution And I will make a CAB using the primary output of the original project. Smart Device CAB Project Other Project Types / Setup and Deployment

excel - Changing the page layout using Office Web Components -

I am using Office Web Components to fill an Excel template with prices. The template is in Excel xml format, which includes all the relevant field and layout options, including the page layout, the scenario in this situation. I am filling this template with some real areas using the code given below. obz spreadsheet = set the server. Create Object ("OWC11.Spreadsheet") objSpreadsheet.XMLURL = Server.MapPath ("xml") & amp; "\ MR1_Template.xls" 'Fill cells with values.' Response.ContentType = "application /" Response.AddHeader "content-displacement", "inline; filename =" & amp; StrfileNaam Response.write objSpreadsheet.xmlData After the new Excel file has been saved, the page layout options have been exhausted. I have seen the API document for OWC but can not get the option to specify the scenario page-layout I'm not sure that you are entering the right data. XMLLL looks like a str

java - Two EntityManagerFactories -

मुझे इस मामले में दो एंटीटी मैनेजर फॅक्टरी ( org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean ) करना है ), उनमें से प्रत्येक के पास अपने स्वयं के डेटा स्रोत और लगातार ऑब्जेक्ट्स के स्वयं के सेट हैं। इसलिए किसी भी तरह मुझे एक विशेष इकाई प्रबंधक कारखाने के लिए दायित्व संस्थाओं में सक्षम होना चाहिए। मैं persistence.xml में हार्ड कोड को नहीं लिखना चाहता हूं। हो सकता है कि जेपीए संस्थाओं के लिए स्कैन करते समय क्लास पथ स्कैनर पर एक फिल्टर डालने का कोई तरीका होता है ? या किसी विशेष हठ इकाई में किसी इकाई को जोड़ने का कोई तरीका। शायद मैं आपको क्या चाहता हूं, लेकिन गलत समझा ... प्रत्येक के लिए अद्वितीय नाम निर्दिष्ट करके अपनी अलग पहचान करें निर्दिष्ट करें कि आपके LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean उदाहरणों में से प्रत्येक के लिए नाम persistenceUnitName संपत्ति।

regex - QRegexp idiosyncracies (compared to perl): How can I write this regexp without the lazy quantifier? -

मेरे पास निम्न नियमित अभिव्यक्ति है जो perl में ठीक काम करती है: वर्गीकरण: \ s ([^ \ N] +?) (?: \ S श्रेणी: \ s ([^ \ n] +?)) * (?: \ S संरचनात्मक वफ़ादारी: \ s ([^ \ n] +)) * \ n < / कोड> डेटा स्ट्रिंग के प्रकार इस स्ट्रिंग के खिलाफ मैच माना जाता है: वर्गीकरण: कक्षा नाम रेंज: xxxx स्ट्रक्चरल वफ़ादारी: मूल्य वर्गीकरण: कक्षा नाम स्ट्रक्चरल वफ़ादारी: मूल्य वर्गीकरण: क्लास नेम यही है: "रेंज" और "स्ट्रक्चरल इंटिग्रिटी" फ़ील्ड वैकल्पिक हैं। इसलिए इच्छित परिणाम है: {$ & amp; [वर्गीकरण: वर्ग नाम श्रेणी: xxxx स्ट्रक्चरल वफ़ादारी: मूल्य] $ 1 [कक्षा का नाम] $ 2 [xxx] $ 3 [मूल्य] $ & amp; [वर्गीकरण: कक्षा नाम संरचनात्मक वफ़ादारी: मूल्य] $ 1 [कक्षा का नाम] $ 2 [मूल्य] $ & amp; [वर्गीकरण: वर्ग का नाम] $ 1 [वर्ग का नाम]} अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग करता है? आलसी क्वांटिफायर दो जगहों पर। इस ऑपरेटर को QRegExp द्वारा समर्थित नहीं है, इसके बजाय Qt "न्यूनतम" प्रॉपर्टी का उपयोग करता है, जो सही पर सेट होता है, non-redy अभिव्यक्ति में सभी इस

python - Replace SRC of all IMG elements using Parser -

I am exploring a way to change the SRC attribute while not using regular expressions in all IMG tags. (Want to use any out-of-box HTML parser to be included in the default Python installation) I need to reduce the source at any time: & lt; Img src = "cid: imagename" & gt; I am trying to point to all SRT tags at the CID of an attachment for a HTML email, so I will need to change the source, so it will The path or extension is only without the file name. Python is a HTML parser in the standard library, but it is not very useful and after Python 2.6 Is downgraded from. It is really easy to do with such things: Import beautiful soup from beautiful soup imports os.path import bassem, splate soup = soup. Sufs for IMG in FINF Beautiful Soup (my_html_string) for FI & amp; End ('IMG'): Img ['src'] = 'cid:' + splitext (basename (img ['src'])) [0] my_html_string = str (soup)

C++ initializing the dynamic array elements -

const size_t size = 5; Int * i = नया इंट [आकार] (); के लिए (int * k = i; k! = I + आकार; ++ कश्मीर) {cout & lt; & lt; * के & lt; & lt; endl; } हालांकि मुझे डायनेमिक सरणी तत्वों को () ऑपरेटर का उपयोग करके आरम्भ किया गया है, तो मुझे मिल रहा आउटपुट है 135368 0 0 0 0 < किसी भी विचार? नहीं ... बस कहना नहीं !" क्या आपके पास है कुछ वास्तव में, वास्तव में, अविश्वसनीय अच्छे कारण वेक्टर का उपयोग नहीं करने के लिए? std :: vector & lt; int & gt; मैं (5, 0); संपादित करें: बेशक, यदि आप चाहते हैं कि यह शून्य करने के लिए आरंभ किया जाए, तो यह डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से होगा ... संपादन 2: जैसा कि बताया गया है, आप क्या पूछ रहे हैं के लिए मूल्य आरंभीकरण है - लेकिन मूल्य आरंभीकरण को C ++ 2003 में जोड़ा गया था, और शायद कुछ कंपाइलर, विशेष रूप से बड़े लोगों के साथ काफी सही काम नहीं करता है

greasemonkey - How to write cross-browser compatible userscripts? -

Due to the subtle differences between the two browsers, my previous attempts to write user plots stopped working in Firefox, But no opera Is it possible to use those libraries that can use similar elements like jQuery to make cross-browser compatible with lesser purposes? Yes, as a Google search for the show: As the previous posts, the link says, that means you add a relatively large jQuery cost for your user script. Code in Firefox and Opera is not hard to work - you do not have to worry about IE :)

java - Byte Array to Image File -

I have been given a byte [] array in Java that includes bytes for an image, and let me output it Image is required How can I go about doing this? Many thanks buffoon image img = (new Bytereinputstream (bytes));

xsl fo - Rounded corners in XSL-FO -

Our customer is requested to have a table in PDF in the spherical corner. I only have Apache FOP processor in my settlement and it does not support rounded corner features. It also does not support floats, so it is not possible to rotate rounded images left and right. Do you have any suggestions on doing this? You can create the table as a scalable vector graphics (SVG) object, and make it your own Can be included in the XSL-FO document as an external-image. SVG supports rounded corners, and FOP supports SVG. I believe that you can also create a spherical rectangular SVG and use it as the background of your content, and put a table in front of it. I think I did this once, but I do not seem to find the code ...

memory management - Tutorial about objective-c garbage collection -

I want to understand garbage collection in Objective-C. I know how to work with memory, in C-like languages ​​and in languages ​​where I do not care about memory but I do not understand when autorigines, Bakharar, Dellok and I want to use everything else, so I get errors and memory leaks. Can someone offer me a good tutorial to understand everyone? Definitely start from a fixed source: apple. Most of this is a good discussion on the issue of better coco programming books, and elsewhere on this site, but this is where you will eventually be guided.

32bit 64bit - Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit development, need clarification regarding .net framework and platform -

Quick Background: I develop C # in VS 2008 under .3 3.5 on Vista-X64 machine I was recently switched to Vista-x64 and after some searching, I still feel like I do not fully understand the interaction between OS and Net framework. I would like some correction / clarification about this. The following is an understanding of the development process (if I am wrong then please correct): When I set up my project, then I set the platform goal: x64, x86, AnyCpu As I think, AnyCpu will target the current platform (x64 in my case). I can also target x86 and can still execute it (due to WoW64). I think when I target x64, the program will use 64-bit .NET Framework 3.5, and similarly 32-bit framework for x86. Is it true? I acknowledge that when I target x64 and print the platform information, it prints " WIN32NT ". From this I believe that " WIN32NT " I do not think what it is, but I am not able to know a lot about it. what is this? ComputerInfo computerInfo =

html - Alternative to Dreamweaver? -

First of all, I do all my coding strictly in code view for a good few years in Dreamweaver. I can do all my coding in Notepad , but there are no attributes in Notepad :) I never thought of changing because I have been used for Dreamweaver over time. But now I am beginning to bother here and there. I also want to switch to a more light editor. I do not like in Dreamweaver that tabs can not be automatically converted to spaces (very annoying, no solution is also welcome). It makes the white space everywhere very less wasteful. The Dreamweaver automation auto is complete for HTML and CSS, this is my coding very fast because I do not have to type every character I have tried some other editors, but I really I miss this feature in Dreamweaver also automatically completes CSS classes from CSS files in the top c. Is there any other editor with similar attributes? Free or Licensed OK I like the Sublime Text () Thank you! I finally went to Phpstorm Love it!

java - Why throwing an EJBException is a "recommended" practice? -

I keep this "suggestion" repeatedly from many fellow developers. In my experience I have found that EJBExceptions "Sen of the The world is well suited for the semen perspective (such as when something is wrong then the bean insetation can not cure itself). If an example might be OK, then I think it is better to throw an exception exception. Here is a pattern that I get repeatedly: some resource resources; EjbCreate: resource = allocateResource (...); OmMessage: Try {...} Hold (JMSException e) {New EJBException (E); EjbRemove: Open Resource (Resources); IMHO is an antitrust which causes leakage to the resource. Edit : Specifically, the EJB specification says that if a bean is a runtime exception (and there is a runtime exception with EJBXation business method), then the bean on it Called without e-pocket. Is this a relevant example against an EJBException throw? When EJBE expansion should be thrown, what are the related matters? throwing eJEBE expansion

Vim: how to convert file name to path? -

In the script, if I have a file name, how to get it? For example, I want to get a path to the use of the temporary directory Vime. I can get a name for the temporary file by calling Tempname (), but what is the way to remove path by name? To remove the final path component: fnamemodify (tempname) (), ": H")

actionscript 3 - Animating child elements in Flex 4 -

How does one alert the size / position of the basic elements of the layout in Flex 4? Example: I have a list component with custom layout. I want that when I change the condition of the hair elements, I want them to change their position in a new situation. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> There is currently no plans to create animated layouts in Flex 4, nor have it been planned. /. What I did to do this is "setLayoutBoundsPosition" and "layout bounds set in layout", instead of creating "move" and "resize" effect for each item in the layout, which actually width and height Set the matrix, clearly set. Then make sure the layout is not invalid again (which will be if you set the width / height directly), or you can start getting infinite loop. You may have to do some tips to do this right (I do not have to do a lot of work with spark effects, but it is easy to do with Tivner / TVMax because they have plugins and s

css - Mixture of position:absolute and fixed -

Can anybody think of non-JavaScript ways to do the following: < Li> A DIV element somewhere on the screen Its status can not be predicted. It has a fixed width, and all other content in the document should overlap, i.e. Its "status" is set to "full". This is a catch: I should have the bottom edge of the div to paste it under the viewport I tried to give the "Bottom: 0 pixels" element, but the "height" setting In the absence, the whole DIV goes down in the bottom corner, which is what I do not want. I want to stretch from the random position in the document at the bottom edge of the viewport. I can not find a solution without using javascript, but maybe one is a great idea. I believe the following IE6 is not compatible, but works on all other browsers. With the bottom, you should also give a top one once you set the height, it will be given priority (I have given it a limit so that you can drag it): & Lt; Div sty

osx - Java application doesn't know name of file being opened - Mac OS X -

I have a Java application in an application bundle that contains a file association (using Info.plist) that runs When a document is double-clicked. How do I get the file name of a double-clicked document in my Java application? Right now my Java app displays a blank document and shows that it does not seem that any command line arguments application has been passed. I suppose you apply or extend and apply the handleOpenFile () method More detailed description See.

ruby socket issue -

I'm still a type of newbie for Ruby, but I used to use Ruby Sockets because I The 'socket' sometimes class, and so I have full control over my chairs and their options. This is the thing I am trying to make it a little easier for me, so I'm trying to use the 'TCSPSAT' class, the witch (I think) as the 'socket' class Does not give much control My script looks like this: requires 'socket' client = ('', '5555') client.send ("Msg", 0) # 0 means the standard packet client.close is the question, suppose that instead of '0' on the transmission line ?? And if '0' is the standard packet, then none other than the standard can exist, does it have some control over the TCP packet ?? If so, instead of hand writing the entire socket using the 'socket' class, it would be very easy for me. send is the second parameter flag parameter. It passes on the send system call

php - CakePHP and CSRF -

Forms I have set the salt in the config file. You must add security component to $ your controller's component array: public $ component = array ('security'); Cake php then automatically forms your form when you use Form Assistant to create form forms.

java - best way to analyze xml stanza from xmpp -

I get a stream of XML stanza from logging. I want to understand the flow, currently what I can think of is XPPORO Taking the device from the protocol and trying to understand each line. Are you doing the best of any kind to understand the XML stream? Any easy way? Well, this is not a terrible read, but actually helping me fire a pidgin Turn on the XMPP Console plugin and see incoming and outgoing strangers as if you interact with the client. There is nothing similar to "debug mode" in Spark You will see many non-core extensions to play in much of any client these days, so once you understand the basics, be sure to check once. .

mfc feature pack - MFC Wizard Appearance -

मेरे पास एक एमएफसी विज़ार्ड आधारित अनुप्रयोग है (सीपीप्रॉटेसीशीट, सीपीप्रॉटीपीज) जो वीएस 2008 के साथ बनाया गया है। मैं अपना ऐप देने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जो लगभग एक और आधुनिक रूप को पूरा कर रहा है मैंने सीडी एचटीएमएलएडएड में देखा, लेकिन यह बहुत काम की तरह दिखता है और बहुत अच्छी तरह से प्रलेखित नहीं है। इसके बाद मैंने सोचा कि मैं फीचर पैक की कुछ विशेषताओं का उपयोग कर सकता हूं। मुझे इसके बारे में एक धागा मिल गया है, लेकिन धागा में दिए गए कोड को मेरे ऐप में विभिन्न स्थानों पर जोड़ा गया है, लेकिन उपस्थिति में कभी बदलाव नहीं हुआ है। CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007 :: SetStyle (CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007 :: Office2007_Silver); CMFCVisualManager :: SetDefaultManager (RUNTIME_CLASS (CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007)); CDockingManager :: SetDockingMode (DT_SMART); RedrawWindow (NULL, NULL, RDW_ALLCHILDREN | आरडी W_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ERASE); ने सीपीओप्रोपर्टीशेट के साथ सीपीओप्रोपर्टी शीट को भी बदल दिया है & amp; CMFCPropertyPage के साथ CPropertyPage धन्यवाद ...

windows - How do I know the .exe that loaded my dll is about to exit? -

I have a DLL which is actually a com service that is registered and then loaded by another .exe process I'm going to want that when users exit the .exe to take steps to stop some resources within their DLL, before it's too late. I tried to block DLLPROCESSDETACH or DLLTHREADDETACH from DllMain of my DLL but it seems that when it goes there, it is already too late, my DLL (which I need to execute the closing steps ) Has already stopped! Of course, I do not control the .exe code, otherwise I want to call them to execute those clear completion steps before removing those calls. I can only work on DLL. Does any one work for this situation? Thank you very much for any input. You can write a static object with dtor, once the service is finished After going to the dtor will be called and cruntime is about to unload. straight cdtorMyDll {~ CDtorMyDll {// can cleaning stuff here. }}; Static CDTor Model Datherer Dyal;

Bind DropDownlists with JQuery in Asp.Net -

There is a 3 dropdown list for my country, state and metro. I want that when the user country then fill in the state drop downdown, select Jquery and when Sate and then press the Metro dropdown Fill in the list (like AJAX's Cascading dropdown list). I want to do this process with JQuery. I am going to describe it in ASP.NET MVC, but if you are either ASP.NET Write a web service or put some page methods in your code to be followed, you can get it - you should also need a JSON serializer, either party solution at third number or one in WCF. To use the first MVC, perform three controlling actions - To display a page, the country will be static, and to get states and metros respectively, two: Public Performance Index () {View Data ["country"] = _countryRepository.GetList (); See Return (); } Public Action State (string country code) {var states = _stateRepository.GetList (countryCode); Back Jason (state); } Public Performance Metres (string countrycode,

JavaScript Math: How do I write this? -

एक्सेल में मेरे पास है: = (((SQRT (40)) * ($ E $ 8 / सी 16)) ^ 2) * 1.1 ये कौन सा है: ((एसक्यूआरटी (40)) * (7.695 / 0.200)) 2) * 1.1; मैं इसे जावास्क्रिप्ट में काम नहीं कर सकता! मेरे पास: answer = (Math.exp (((Math.sqrt (40)) * ( मुझे ऐसा कुछ मिल रहा है: 5.265317066795887e + 105 जब मुझे उम्मीद है कि कुछ मिलना है: 65168 क्या कोई मेरी त्रुटि देखने में मदद कर सकता है? गणित.एक्सपी (x) है एक्स ^ 2 नहीं बल्कि ई के अनुसार ^ x आप Math.pow (x, y) () का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं जिसका अर्थ है x ^ y बजाय इस अभिव्यक्ति का प्रयोग करें: answer = Math.pow (Math.sqrt (40) * (7.695 / 0.200), 2) * 1.1;

java - Apache Velocity can not Initialize -

When I initialize the velocity engine using the VelocityEngine engine = New VelocityEngine () I try to; Engine.init (); When I try, I get the same error Velocity.init (); org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException: failed to initialize an instance of org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.ServletLogChute with current runtime configuration. What could be the reason for this exception? Try to do something like this: Properties P = new properties (); P.setProperty ("resource.loader", "class"); P.setProperty ("class.resource.loader.description", "Velocity Classpath Resource Loader"); P.setProperty ("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader"); Try {Velocity.init (P); You will now be able to call: velocitycontact vContext = New VelocityContext (reference) ; // vContext StringWriter puts things in sw = new stringwriter (), try {template.merge (vCon

java - Apache Commons Fileupload / Tomcat cant cope with out.flush() -

Does anyone know that if you are trying to flush the servlet output stream, then the Apache Commons FileUpload Exceptions thrown? FileUploadException: The process of multipart / form-data request failed. The stream ended unexpectedly Actually I have a code that is rife through every file uploaded using the Apache Commons file upload, and then out .flush () file some data about each. I.e.: file item factory factory = new disk file itemfactor (); Servicelet file upload upload = new servile file upload (factory); & Lt; FileItem & gt; Item = upload. Similarities (request); (File item field: item) {if.! Field.isFormField () & amp; amp; field.getName () Length ()> 0 & amp; amp; field.getName () .GetSize ()> ; 0) {ArticleImport Assistant = New Article Import (New ArticleImportResponder (User, Outside)); // It uses outside the helper object Flush () to provide feedback to the user. Helper.process (field.getInputStream (), user); There is no problem in Apach

vb6 - How to delete the filename? -

Use of VB6 I want to delete the last 5 words of file name, then give me Therefore the other file name is << / P> code. name filename as NewFileName The above code is working to change the name, but I want to change the name, I will end the file name I want to delete 5 characters. Expected output file name sufeshcdk.txt - I (Sufhecd) only wants to move Modifyulla.txt - I only (Modifyul) How to do this? VB6 code support is required. Here you go. PrivateLink (filename) as the string RemoveLast5 (filename as string) & gt; 5 Then remove RemoveLast5 = left $ (FileName, Len (FileName) - 5) and RemoveLast5 = FileName end-end function DAM fileName = "Modifyulla.txt" as filename string NewFileName string as NewFileName = RemoveLast5 (FileName) NewFileName as FileName

sql server 2000 - Variables and stored procedures -

As a follow-up to me, I have to know that there is a simple way to do the following (which is not compiled ): create table # PV ([ID] INT, [date] Datestim, Dis Float, Del Float, Sold Float) INPET # PV @ ID, APP PACSUMRI Report @ ID, @ PID , @ S, @ till I need to join # PV on the second table through [ID] But the basic stored procedure does not have the required parameters. It is difficult to update SP (not impossible) because the code is 'out-in-the-wild' and I get 'GetPVSummaryReport2' Already many) do not want to like create table # PV ([date] datetime, dis float, del float, sold float ) Select INSERT # PV as GetPVSummaryReport @ID, @ PID, @, @ ID, [ID], * PV or or Create Table # PV ([ID] INT Zero, [Date] Datestim, Disable Float, Del Float, Sold Float) INPART #PV ([Date], Dispatch, Del, Sold) GetPVSummaryReport @ID, @PID, @ From, @To UPDATE #PV SET [ID] = @ID SELECT * FROM #PV - Adding jQuery to Master Pages -

मेरे पास मेरे नियमित पृष्ठों में निम्नलिखित jquery है & lt; html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; head runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; रंग आइटम & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; script src = "" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; $ (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("विकल्प का चयन करें: यहां तक ​​कि")। AddClass ('यहां तक ​​कि कॉलर');}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; शैली प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / सीएसएस" & gt; .evenColor {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: ग्रे; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; form id = "form1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; asp: ड्रॉपडाउन लिस्ट आईडी = "ड्रॉपडाउन लिस्ट 1" रनैट = "सर्वर&

how to set the report virtualizer parameter for jasper reports in java -

जैस्पर रिपोर्ट के लिए REPORT_VIRTUALIZER पैरामीटर कैसे सेट करें I java आप जेस्पर रिपोर्ट वर्चुअलाइजेशन के बारे में एक महान लेख पा सकते हैं। टिप्पणियों में नमूना कोड के लिंक हैं।

How to display indentation guides in Emacs? -

I'm trying to switch to Amex as my primary source-code editor. I really miss one thing (common among very simple editors) - Indentation guides (escaped vertical lines that show indentation levels) Is Emacs capable of displaying them? I have given a function highlight-indentation for this purpose, / P> When starting highlights indentation without a prefix argument, the current indentation level is randomly estimated from major mode (Python, Ruby and Language based on CI-mode) . Only works for space indentation To change the appearance of indentation lines, customize Highlight indent-face . Example (Ruby, Python): I also use this snippet which multiplies all the code at an indentation level more than the current line, it is a great way to make quick observations of the framework. (currently- "toggle-fold") "toggle all lines larger than indent on existing line" (interactive) (go ((set 1)) (save-trip (back) Set-selective display (if selecti

php - Wordpress how can I know if the pagination is active? -

Does Wordpress have a function or something like this? I need to check whether there is a page link (old entries | new entries) to display or not. Best Regards, If you look at the function, you get a $ max_page And $ paged vars will appear. If the $ page is greater than 1, then the previous page is linked. This is smaller than $ max_page, there is a front page link. Then you can do the following functions: # If there is a next page function, it will be returned () {global $ paged, $ Max_page; $ Paged return & lt; $ MAX_PAGE; } # If there is an old page function, then it will return back__page () {global $ paged; $ Paged & gt; Return 1; } # If there is more than one page (before or after) then it will come true. The function has_pagination () is {return has_next_page ()) or has_previous_page (); }

php - is this ok? salting -

Hey I want to input my input on this I use it to generate unique salts for each For my users, when they register (random letters and numbers) how big is the opportunity that salts will be ready? uniqid (mt_rand ()); Then I use hash salt, password and email (in the same order) as a password to MD5 and when they log in. md5 ($ salt. $ Password. $ Email); How safe is just compared to MD5? Can I do anything better? If there is no user present (`id` middle finger (8) signed faucet AUTONCRMant, 'userman' varchar (24) character set utf 8 ft, password` varchar (32) character set utf8 No, zero, `email` varchar (255) character set utf8 not zero, 'salt' varchar (255) character set utf8 zero, primary key (` id`), unique key 'username' (`username ' ), Unique key `email` (` email`)) engine = mice default charset = latin1 aUTO_INCREMENT = 1; I will not use the email address in password hash. If a person changes his email address, then the head in

c# - NHibernate nested class mapping issue -

I have classes. How can I write a mapping document for ManBanc.ID column? I host a branch in my database No, just want to use branch ID for MAINBRANCHCODE. Any remedy? public class bundle {public virtual decimal number {get; Set; } Public Virtual Bundle Transfer Information Notice {Receive; Set; }} Public Class Bundle Entry Information {Public Virtual Branch Manbanc {Received; Set; }} Public Class Branch {public virtual short id {get; Set; }} My mapping document: & lt; Class name = "PromissoryNotes.Server.Data.Bundle, PromissoryNotes.Server.Data" table = "bundle" lazy = "true" & gt; & Lt; Id name = "id" column = "id" type = "decimal" & gt; & Lt; Generator class = "increment increase" /> & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Information.ManBrash.ID" column = "MENBRANKOKEVE" type = "small" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt;

iphone - Why won't my awakeFromNib fire? -

I'm starting to move my visual hierarchy even further I I have There is a nib file called "alignment visual controller .exb" in which I have set my scene hierarchy as file owner with alignment viewer. It works fine. One of the ways where I am fuzzy is that awakeFromNib add single additional method to ViewController in awakeFromNib Alignment's visual code snippet, however, it is not called: < Code> - (zero) awakeFromNib {NSLog (@ "Alignment View Controller - awakeFromNib"); [Super awake afroniab]; } - (id) initWithChromosomeName: (NSString *) chromosommnet basepairStart: (NSUInteger) basepairStart basepairEnd: (NSUInteger) basepairEnd {self = [auto initWithNibName: @ "alignment controller" bundle: zero]; If (zero! = Self) {self.title = @ "alignment"; Self. Chromosomnonym = chromosomnema; Self.basepairStart = basepairStart; Self.basepairEnd = basepairEnd; Self. Vets fullscreen layout = yes; } Healthy return; } Can anyone

hibernate - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException on CollectionOfElements -

I have the concept of a concurrent improvement when I have collectionoffinals inside the embedbill. If this is the case, although if I change the unit from Embedable to embed everything everything works fine I have also tried to add the version @ but it seems to work. does not happen. Here is a snippet of my classes. I @ Cartoon Cart @ {@ Id @ generatedValue Private Long ID; @column (drains = false, length = 256) @not tap @ lang (maximum = 256) private string name; @OneToOne (cascade = CascadeType.ALL) Private file file; @ Edition Private Prize Edition; @ Collection of Elements Personal Set & lt; Root & gt; way; Route to Java: @ Embedded Public Class Route {@ Parent Private Cart Cart; @not tap @column (drain = false, length = 256) Name of private string; @not tap @column (drains = false) private boolean visible = boolean.valouf (true); @ Collection of Elements Personal Set & lt; Coordinate & gt; Coordinates; @ Edition Private Prize Edition;

sharepoint - Content Deployment Error: The Remote Upload Web Request Failed -

I'm having problems with content deployment. It was working fine on Friday morning. Content deployment failed with an error of "remote upload web request unsuccessful" when we tried to run a deployment on Friday evening. I'm talking for a while, it's not a problem with the file size or destination server name error. The event that is being thrown is: ID: 4958 Description: failure to fail the content deployment job error: 'System.Net.WebException: Remote server has a Error returned: (500) ... I did some tests with other deployments from this authoring server: When I installed this site on a new site collection (at the destination farm) Tried to apply it to the same web application), it failed (same error). When I tried to deploy a new site collection (from the same web archive on authoring farm) to a new site collection (in the same web application) on the destination server, it was properly installed. I limited the site "Site specific to

search for ClientID client-side or server-side? -

मुझे लगता है कि मैं वर्तमान में & lt; a onclick = "alert ('& lt;% = TextBox1 .सीएलआईआईडीआईडी% & gt; ') " सीधे क्योंकि मुझे किसी उपयोगकर्ता तालिका में किसी डेटा लेबल के संपादनटैपलेट में एक तालिका में तालिका तालिका में इसे एक्सेस करने की आवश्यकता है। उस ने कहा, मुझे क्लोनआईडीआईडी ​​प्राप्त करने के लिए नियंत्रणों की बारंबार जांच करने की आवश्यकता है, इसे किया जाना चाहिए ग्राहक पक्ष : चेतावनी (getMyElement ('Textbox1' )। , जहां getMyElement फॉर्म के सभी तत्वों की जांच करता है और आईडी के साथ नियंत्रण देता है ... या सर्वर-साइड : सतर्क (& lt; % = खोज एलेमेंट (dlDataList, "TextBox1")। ClientID% & gt; ') जहां FindElement एक आधार पृष्ठ फ़ंक्शन है जो दूसरे परम के आईडी के साथ एक तत्व के पहले परम के नियंत्रण की जांच करता है और नियंत्रण देता है ? क्या मैं क्लाइंट की तरफ बढ़ रहा हूं? मैं हमेशा इस मामले के लिए सर्वर साइड के साथ जाता हूं। अन्यथा आप प्रत्येक पंक्ति के साथ पूरे डोम को पार कर रहे हैं - आकार के आधार पर, यह एक स्

ruby on rails - problem with friendly URLs routing by name instead of ID -

I have a code that looks like this: ' Application /: title_header ',: admin = & gt; 'Apes',: Action => 'Show' I also changed my show method in the controller like this: @app = App.find_by_title_header (params [: title_header] ) If I type in Application / Title then I work fine. If I use applications / 1 (valid ID) If it does type in, it fails (as expected) But when I'm trying to use friendly url assistants, in this case App_path (@app) generated url Such as applications / 1 . The only way I can do this is by entering app_path (@ app.title_header) . It seems that if it "just knows" that it is being expelled from the app object, then it should "just know" that by default, the name should pass through instead. Why do I need to change? The easiest, easiest solution is to use only: < Code> class application & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base def to_param title_header.parameterize end end string

iphone - Facebook connect and the "session" object -

I am trying to create an iPhone app that connects to FB using their APIs. To do this, session = [[Application for FBS session: @ "key" secret: @ "secret" representative: self] maintain]; ... but how do I define this "session" object? If I only use this code, I think errors are "undefined" session. You need to create an example of an FBSession object The code shown in the document is how you do it We do. Do you remember that the session frequency variable is hidden in the header file and this is not the case, for example you have been shown. You only need to make sure that FBSession * session; has been declared somewhere in your class.

fiddler - castle monorails no simultaneous requests from the same user -

I have created a website in Masjid Castle Monterails and the users who are using the site are complaining that it is very slow, so I have I << html> I did some investigations with intelligence and I found that the request (from the same user) is not together, I have tried to use it but it is not working and it is in front The Castle Monorail does not support this Land. Do you have any suggestions / solutions / action for this problem? Wild estimation: you are loading $ Ajax All of the javascript files included in () , $ Scriptaculous.InstallScripts () , etc.). And especially these scripts are very large, so the recession is very noticeable. If this is not the case, then post more information like Fidler screenshots, monorail versions. In any case, it is very unlikely that the problem is due to MonoRail.

java - What do I need to do to accept an array parameter in webservice? -

In order to create a web service for WS, I'm taking two strings and one array of such organs I have a webservice interface and implementation and it's like this: @WebMethod (operationName = "getStuff") @WebResult (Name = "result") mix host (@ webparam (name = "string 1") string one, @ webparam (name = "string 2") string two, @ webp Ram (name = "stuff") Stuff [] stuff); I am changing a type of mix that is a square in my project and I am accepting several types of material which is another class in my project. Testing from Java is not a problem, but when someone tries to consume another service or I try to send a request with soap, the array is always coming in the null. Why do I need to do this so that my service is being consumed, can I send it properly in the type of staff? Need to do some customization with JAXB? JAXB2 uses lists and not arrays, so you should change @WebShop (name = "result "Sign in to

C++, How to determine if a Windows Process is running? -

This is about Windows XP processes. I have a process, let's call it process 1 Process1 creates a new process, process 2 and saves its ID. Now, at some point Process1 wants to do something 2, so first it needs to be sure that Process2 is still alive and the user does not kill it. How can I check that this process is still going on? Since I created this, I have a process ID, I think there are some library functions on the lines of ESPCIDI ID, but I can not get it on MSDN < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You can use. If this process is still running (or if it exits from that exempt code, it will return STILL_ACTIVE ( 259 ) :().

"Sticky" MFC popup menu -

I currently have some toolbar buttons that have side by side with small arrow ( TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS ) When clicked, results in the popup context menu displayed below the button This is done by creating a custom popup menu and by calling TrackPopupMenu . The client now wants to be able to choose from many options from the menu before closing, so that many options the user clicks the dropdown button The dropdown menu appears (the modal wait for the user's action indefinitely) The user has some items (Eg, toggle a checkmark) The timer (e.g., 500ms) begins if the timer is equal Limit expires, the menu stops and executed all selected actions. Before the timer expires, the user clicks on another item, go back to 4. The best I can come up with is to redesign the menu by calling TrackPopupMenu several times when you select an item, the menu will be " Flicker ", and possibly to have a timeout, I'll need to start a thread, which I would like t

windows services - How do I alter a .NET application/user settings on installation? -

In a Windows service project, I tried the following with a project installer: < Code> [RunInstaller (true)] Public Partial Classroom ProjectInstaller: Installer {Public ProjectInstaller () {InitializeComponent (); } Safe Override Zero OnBeforeInstall (System.Collections.IDictionary SavedState) {base.OnBeforeInstall (savedState); Settings.default.setting = "now"; Settings.Default.Save (); } Safe Override Zero OnAfterInstall (System.Collections.IDictionary SavedState) {base.OnAfterInstall (SavedState); Settings.default.setting = "now"; Settings.Default.Save (); }} But when I look at the .config file after installation, there is still a old value still there. There was no .config file in the [userfolder] \ AppData \ Local , it is important for me to define this variable in the installation time because I can get it from user input in the Setup Setup project. Continuous value is used only for testing purposes. Framework will not allow you to change

python - How do I go about setting up a TDD development process with Google App Engine? -

I'm primarily a Ruby man, but lately I'm working on a lot of dragon stuff, especially From, in the app engine code Ruby, I use automatic continuous integration (), code coverage tool (), static analysis (), and mutation test () in my development process, but I'm not sure how to An app in order to best set up the same development process. Neither environment I would be interested in applications and Python, which could work in App Engine. My GAE project, I use it: Mdash; This is an important piece that relates to all the rest Imitation, such as John's excellent answer I use it for large scale ADS and other web services Fixtures (package, not idea) I also like many railways idioms. I broke my tests in the unit, and functional through the Python packages. You can run a subset of tests using - tests = unit or - tests = functional . This is a bit more manual than the rail, but at least I can test the unit hard work and make sure I have no regression.

bash - How to programmatically determine whether the Git checkout is a tag and if so, what is the tag name -

एक यूनिक्स या जीएनयू स्क्रिप्टिंग वातावरण में (उदाहरण के लिए लिनक्स डिस्टो, साइगविन, OSX), यह निर्धारित करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है वर्तमान चेकआउट एक गिट टैग है यदि यह एक टैग है, तो मैं टैग नाम कैसे तय कर सकता / सकती हूं? इस तकनीक का एक उपयोग स्वत: एक रिलीज लेबल होगा (जैसे svnversion सबवर्सन के साथ क्या होगा)। < अपने प्रश्न का उपयोग करने के लिए है (जो केवल एनोटेट टैग पर विचार करेगा) यदि आप सभी टैग, हल्के टैग (जो आमतौर पर स्थानीय टैगिंग के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है) पर विचार करना चाहते हैं, तो आप एनोटेट किए गए और संभवत: टैगिंग रिलीज़ के लिए टैग पर भी हस्ताक्षर कर सकते हैं)। - टैग विकल्प का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: git का वर्णन - एक्सएक्ट-मैच - टैग्स प्रधान < Em> लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि आप यहाँ "" है, जिसमें आप समस्या के संभावित प्रश्न के बारे में सवाल पूछ रहे हैं, बल्कि समस्या के बारे में सवाल पूछने के बजाय ... जो बेहतर उपाय कर सकते हैं। आपका समस्या यह देखने के लिए है कि गिट ने स्क्रिप्ट में कैसे किया है, और इसका उपयोग कैसे करता

vba - Converting plain text in SQL to hyperlink in Access -

I have started my first job before leaving university and in this form my first task is to completely change. Front-end, SQL Back-End Access 2003 database. There is a series of front end forms for adding or reviewing staff data in the Access database, as part of this, indicates hyperlinks, the picture of the employee and the CV exists on a shared drive. These were saved as hyperlinks within Access DB. I have converted the data into SQL in Access DB and stored it in the database to test it, as part of the data conversion and now converted the CV locations from hyperlinks to nostrils. I went. I have done this using SSMA. My problem is that I need to display this text link and work as hyperlinks on the end of the hidden end of the words "photo" and "cv", but am about this It is uncertain how to go about this, as I have never accessed SQL and already. Any help or suggestion will be appreciated and if I have not been clarified in any area feel free to ask que

python constructing functions on the fly -

मेरे पास कई छोटे फ़ंक्शन हैं f1 , f2 , एफ 3 और एक फ़ंक्शन f । मुझे f को f1 के लिए एक "कंटेनर" f2 , f2 , f3 कुछ कार्यों को करने के लिए f2 , f3 : , प्रोग्राम कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के आधार पर (उदाहरण के लिए f1 और f2 या f1 और f3 या सभी तीन) और कुछ भी नहीं। मुझे दो सरल समाधान मिलते हैं: फ़ंक्शन f में if कुछ जोड़ते हैं: < कोड> यदि configure_f1_f2: f1 () f2 () दूसरा, मैं f में आपरेशनों की एक सूची जोड़ सकते हैं: ऑपरेशन के लिए ऑप: op () और f1 , f2 , f3 में < कोड> ऑपरेशन या उन्हें हटा दें, कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के आधार पर। लेकिन मैं किसी भी तरह से गतिशील कोड बना सकता हूं इसे 'एफ' से जोड़कर f1 , f2 और f3 की कॉल की कोई भी if S या सूची या के लिए 's है? मेरा मतलब है फ्लाई कोड हेरफेर की तरह कुछ इसलिए यदि मेरी कॉन्फ़िगरेशन " F1 और f3 " है, तो मैंने f का कोड सेट किया है ताकि यह एफ 1 () एफ 3 () और जब मेरा कॉन्फ़िगरेशन " f2 और f3 " में बदल जाता है " से f2 () f3 () क्या मैं फ़ंक

sql server 2005 - SQL: how to select single record for multiple id's on the basis of max datetime? -

मेरे पास निम्न एसक्यूएल तालिका है, आईडी विंड स्पीड तिथि टाइम ------ -------------------------------- 1 1.1 2009-09-14 16: 11: 38.383 1 1.9 2009-09- 15 16: 11: 38.383 1 2.0 2009-09-16 16: 11: 38.383 1 1.8 2009-09-17 16: 11: 38.383 1 1.7 2009-09-19 16: 11: 38.382 2 1. 9 2009-09-19 16 : 11: 38.383 1 1.6 2009-09-19 16: 11: 38.383 2 1.2 2009-09-20 16: 11: 38.383 मैं एक प्रश्न लिखना चाहता हूं जो मुझे वापस लौटा देगा उपरोक्त तालिका से निम्नलिखित परिणाम सेट करें: आईडी विंड स्पीड तिथि टाइम ----------------------------- --------- 1 1.6 2009-09-19 16: 11: 38.383 2 1.2 2009-09-20 16: 11: 38.383 उपर्युक्त reuslt में नवीनतम (उस आईडी के लिए नवीनतम दिनांक समय के आधार पर) एकल प्रविष्टि। जिसका अर्थ है कि मेरे पास कई रिकॉर्ड आईडी है जो डेटटाइम के साथ है मैं सभी आईडी के नवीनतम एकल प्रविष्टि प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। SELECT a.Id, a.WindSpeed, a.DateTime से एक INNER JOIN के रूप में (SELECT ID, मैक्स (दिनांकटाइम) एडी तिथि के समय से आपकेटेबल ग्रुप आईडी पर) as.ID = b.ID और a.DateTime = बी.

python - Cleaning build directory in -

How can I create my pre-delete and delete the build directory ? For pre-extinction, it should only be used for distutils.dir_util.remove_tree Delete with call before calling For post-delete, I believe that you want to post-delete only after the selected command override the related command sub-class, its run method (apply to remove_tree after calling the base run ), And pass the new command in the setup of the CMDClass dictionary.

c++ - how does the stl's multimap insert respect orderings? -

I have some data that comes with integer indices. I am constantly creating new data that gives me the data Need to add to the collection, which is sorted according to that index, at the same time I want to be able to easily start data and go through it again. It seems that Stud :: Multimap only what I want However, I need the data with the same index in the order in which it was inserted, in this case, in this case it means that when I repeat data through the data before the next I get the data. Do you do so? I have not got any guarantee that this is the case. In the SGI manual, I did not mention whether I tried to implement it on GCC 4.3.4 and it proved to be true for some limited test cases, but definitely I was wondering if the standard demands it And I can trust this fact. Edit: To be clear in response to some replies, I want the data to be sorted by the first (non-unique) index and second from the inclusion time. I expected that maybe the second part came in free wit

java - Using sun PDF Renderer to display PDFs with embedded fonts -

I have trouble using Sun PDF's renderer package to view PDFs with embedded fonts. I have the following code that makes a buffer image from every page of the PDF to see it in my application, and when it is not embedded fonts, it works fine. However, when PDF fonts have been embedded, it does not show any text, any ideas? Also, it opens well in Adobe's PDF viewer. file f = new file ("C: \\ test.pdf"); File channel FC = new RandomAccessFile (f, "r"). GetChannel (); PDFFile PDFFile = New PDFFile (FCMAP (filechannel.memode.read_one, 0, FCSSE ()); (Int x = 0; x & lt; pdfFile.getNumPages (); x ++) {try {bufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage) pdfFile.getPage (x + 1) .getImage ((int) pdfFile.getPage (x + 1) .getWidth (), (pdfFile.getPage (x + 1) .getHeight (), new rectangle ((int) pdfFile.getPage (x + 1) .getWidth (), (int) pdfFile.getPage () X + 1). GetHeight ()), empty, truth, truth); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); I have found this by changing

.net - Use JQuery to scroll ListBox (select box) to certain item -

I have a list box control that has enough items to list them with a scroll bar < P> I would like the users to enter certain letters and scroll the ASP list box for the first option whose text starts with those letters. I hope that works with the jQuery element provides some simple functionality or plug-ins, but so far, I've only seen those plug-ins that work with Scroll DIV Are there. Is there a way to scroll an ASP list box a specified option? Edit As @ Alex Sexton said, you can only select an option through javascript and it will automatically scroll here Something simple is JQuery: $ ('# list box option: eq (6)'). Attr ('selected', 'selected'); Automatically scroll your browser when the selected attribute is set to "selected" What you want to see is the element you want to see.

java - How to get SOAP message while using a Axis 1.4 wsdl2java-generated client -

This is a simple question for anyone with any lofty expertise with web services using Apache Axis. I have a web service client that was generated by wsdl2java in XS 1.4. I am writing a unit test which requires the use of the actual SOAP message, and the comparison of client-side Java classes is generated by Axis. (Do not ask) How can I get the actual SOAP message from any response to the service? What I can gather from searching around is that I want to send MessageContext I have tried some of these lines ... Message Contains Mac = Message Context .getCurrentContext (); String message = mc.getCurrentMessage (). GetSOAPPartAsString (); But in this case MC is empty .... Any help is appreciated! How is this done?

iphone - UITabBarController With UINavigationController "more" Tab Issue -

UINavigationController has a problem in using the UITabBarController in UITabBarController with the "more" tab issue. "post-text" itemprop = "text" I have a tabbed item of 6, of course, a stand item appears "more", and there are two ununversion controllers not fit in the tabbar. The problem is the problem: when I'm working with visible objects (one first four), then UIViewController can be pushed into a UINavigationController: If you call in "more" and rearrange the objects in this way, a visible UIAVA controller goes into "more", when the user data view controller appears by calling it is. This userDataViewController is the last, which is found in a stack and a back button takes you back to "more", but not for the controllers, which users would have seen before DataViewController. I understand that a selector Push ViewController is actually called "more", and it pushes my UINavigationControlle

arguments - Passing list to Tcl procedure -

What is the legal way to pass a list in a Tcl process? I would really like it if I can get it so that a list is automatically expanded into the variable number of an array. Something similar is: set myprocedure option1 option2 $ A and myprocedure option1 option2 bc are the same. I believe that I saw before, but I can not find it online anywhere, any help (and code) will be appreciated for making the two cases equivalent. Is this considered a standard Tcl conference or am I barking the wrong tree? It depends on the version of TCL you are using, however: 8.5: set mylist {abc} myprocedure option1 option2 {*} $ mylist For 8.4 and below: set mylist {Abc} eval myprocedure option1 option2 $ mylist # Or, if option 1 and 2 variable eval myprocedure [list $ option1] [list $ option2] $ mylist # or, as Brian eval likes myprocedure \ $ option1 \ $ Option2 $ Mylist

design - Reward for editing a wiki page -

Whenever a wiki edits the page, then I have to get reward points, though not all changes are alike. Creating the first amendment of a document from a blank page is definitely more valuable than inserting a miss comma. What can be used to define this mechanism, when any change between two document revisions is important? Will one percent difference be enough or better way? How will the percent difference between the two texts count? What will be the threshold of importance? 5% change? 10%? In me, the programmer says that you can score points in percent ratio change. For example, by possible 10 points, you will get 3 points for 10% change, 6 points for 20% change, and say all 10 points for more than 30% change. The writer inside me says that this is probably not as a clear cut. In general, I am open to other solutions to solve the problem of giving proper reward based on the level of contribution. This is very important to me, so please forgive the open ended nature of the ques

c# - Is it possible to create an installer that includes ms sql express? (wihtout separate exe) -

Is it possible to create an installer that includes MS SQL Express? I presently set the pre-requirements of the MS SQL Express Setup project, it produces 2 files, an MSI and a setup.exe Setup.exe will be detected SQL Express is installed And install it. It works great but now I want to distribute 2 files ... I want to combine everything inside .MSI. Is it possible? A ZIP file (.exe file extension) that you remove yourself, after which the setup runs.

ajax - Trouble parsing JSON with jQuery -

I'm playing with parsing JSON in jQuery and I'm having trouble. I want to check the value of the 'time' in the JSON object. Here's my test job: $ Ajax ({url: 'do_chat.php5', type: 'post', data: ({'message': '', 'poster': poster, 'log in_in': log in_in}, datatype: 'jason', success : Function (data) {$ .EEC (data, function (interval, message) {if (message ['time']) {$ ('# ChatWindow'). App ('& lt; p & gt; hi & lt ; / P & gt; ');}});}}); looks like a string returning from my server: {"poster" : "Message": "No Message!", "Time": 1256084677} I'm sure that $. I use PHP to encode JSN string I am starting the life as a php assoc array. I am sure that my mistakes are very much and any help is appreciated! Edit: Follow-up Question - How do I create PHP as a JSON array? I currently use it to create a single object: $ m

ruby - how can you loop through multiple arrays parallel? -

I have 4 arrays I ["one", "two", "three"] ["1", "2 "3" ["un", "deux", "trois"] [" Is it possible to add each element to its elements? Ends with single lines like "one, 1, un, ichi" \ n "two, 2, deux, ni" \ n < P> and so on. Is it possible to do this in a loop? in array1 [i] + for me (1..rayray1.count) "," + Array2 inserts <+> unexpected number of ARAR What happens when & amp; they are each uneven size ? OK if you know that they were all the same length: (0 ... array1.length) .iE {| i | puts} Edit the array 1 [i] + "," + 2 [i] + +, "+ array 3 [I] +", + + array4 [i]} The following code works array1 = ["one", "two", "three"] array2 = ["1", "2", "3 "] Array3 = [" un "," deux "," trois "] array4 = [" ichi

changing regular html button to button control -

I should keep the same formatting as I found this static html page but add some code to it. Right now, I have left with a regular submit html button and I need to understand a way to switch on the button without wasting the format. How do I change: & lt; Button type = "submit"> gt; & Lt; Span & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Review & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; " Keeping span tags for a regular ASP.NET control? I expected that the button had some internal hemp property but it is not. < P> Just place the following attributes in the button: runat = "server" id and it's code-behind Protected Zero DoSomething (object sender, EventArgs) "btnSubmit" onserverclick = "DoSomething" on {/ code> Response.Wight ("Hello World");} And it is in a server control The team has gone.

compilation - scala: list.flatten: no implicit argument matching parameter type (Any) = > Iterable[Any] was found -

Compiling this code in scale 2.7.6: def flatten1 (L: List [any]): list [any] = l.flatten I get an error: parameter type (any) = any The underlying argument matches & gt; Iterable [Any] got Why? If you have list (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) In the "flatten" list (1, 2, list (3,4), 5) you are expecting to be able to, , then you need something like: built-in def any2iterable [A] (A: A): Iterable [A] = some (A) with list: Val inventory: list [alt [int]] = list (1, 2, list (3,4), 5) conversion to print / print (list.flatten (IRR => IRR)) // list ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Edit : The answer was as long as the OP did not clarify his question in a comment on Mitch's answer You what are you expecting when you leave Flaton a list [int] ? Do you want to add the function int s to list ? If so, you should see the new execution functions in 2.8.x : val list = list (1, 2, 3) println (list.sum) ) // 6

sql server ce - Sql Compact Installation -

Is there any way through which we can find out the program that SQL compact is installed or not ... actually I It is to know if the compact version is installed in PC and that is why I can include or exclude SQL Compact DLL ... because there are separate processes in my applications which can use the SDF file, which can be accessedLlngn will cause an error if those include Dell and compact installed ... Any ideas? I think the registry check is very reliable. command reg query "HKLM \ software \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition \ v3.5" Output < / H2> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition \ v3.5 InstallDir REG_SZ C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition \ v3.5 \ version REG_SZ 3.5.5692.0 Resident DIR REG_SZ C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition \ v3.5 \ ENU HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Microsoft \ Microsoft \ SQL Server Compact Edition \ v3.5 \

Java Applet: What is the usage of Init(), Start(), Stop(), and Final()? -

Can we have only start () and stop ()? Anyone know? You do not need to implement and delete init () () if you do not need it , Then they what you want and what should not be implemented.

Create and build pure "ActionScript project" with Flex SDK under Linux -

Before: Sorry my English :) OK, we go here - mostly Java For the development of things, then using IDEA Flex and AS3 with IDEA Flex and AS3 for some last weeks, use the IDEA plugin, using Flex SDK3. Everything was fine, but now I want to create a pure activity project without any flex things (it dramatically increases the size of the last SDF). I can understand that I have to play with flex-config and such things, but new to flex and flash techniques, so I have no clue what to do. Googling does not help me, much to say about this, what to do in the flex builder, tell all this. So, if someone tells me I would love to - I have to do to compile a pure activity project with Pure Flex SDK. / P> mxmlc

.htaccess - Redirect all page requests to one page -

I need to redirect all page requests (PHP, if that case) to a specific page on a specific domain (again From, php) on that domain I am looking for a .htaccess, mod_rewrite solution for easy implementation. Try this rule: Rewrite $ 1! = Index.php Rewrite. + \. Php $ index.php [L] It will redirect all requests that end in the URL path .php in index.php as the .htaccess file in the same directory.

mysql - Database Design - 2d tile grid -

I played a web game, while the back was called racewalkhams. It used a 2D text based system. What is the interest to me Map Map is made up of 255 tiles in the direction of X, and 255 in the Y direction. 5 of these maps are total. But the amazing thing is that there is a lot of data in each and every one has its own 'state' which will be about 50 variables per tile. Then every 'monsters' are kept with health bars and data, which are permanently remembered. How would such a thing be designed? I suspect that there was each tile table, I thought you would have a map 1_table with a different element that would be found in any, but I'm not sure . I am facing a situation where I need a similar design, but it does not know where to start from. Thank you! I recommend using the following structure together with my plan Tiles generally save the amount of tiles, each tile has an ID, a tile size is difficult - for example 5 * 5 pix. Tile_matata saves name

installation - Installing Moodle using XAMPP on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise edition -

I am trying to install Moodle 1.9, using XMPP on a virtual machine running Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition . I can initially install the install.php installer script, but when I progress before the time of the third page webpage. If I go, no webpage is downloaded and the browser is only timed out. I have tried to run the script installed with IE 7 and Chrome so that it was a browser problem, but there is only one thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated Windows servers are notorious for causing problems with Moodle installation There are some things to try: Check diatotes Your config.php file is set correctly Windows is complete, Full file name is required. Did the failed installation create some / all database tables, and populate them? If looking for only a few, last successful table, check for any corrupted or modified code related to that table, which is hanging due to installation. Like the last successful table platform, check out your mods / foru

php - Accessing methods from another CakePHP controller, or better alternative! -

I am creating a 'Award' system for my website to encourage a community, the way Overflow badges Site The site is built in CakePHP, I have created a prize model, controller etc. - currently to determine whether the award is included within the Controller or not. However, I can not decide the best way to update awards - for example, you make certain comments and receive a prize for it, cron will not be sufficient otherwise otherwise the user Can expect an award on his profile, and unless the cron runs, he does not have one. I was considering using the requestAction () to call the method to update the awards in the Action Controller, although it did not really fit the MVC design pattern and thought That should be a better way! If someone is commenting the only way to get a prize, then I just model: override If this is adding a new comment, if so, then make a call on the award model to update the prize. If there are many verbs which can give rewards, then you can - Structuremap in VB .Net (WebForms) -

I am in the process of trying to hook the structuremap into an existing webform application because it is a webform, Has to be used, which is not ideal, but it is nothing better. Where I am coming to Unstek is being translated into VB (I am actually a C # dev who is currently working in VB shop) I have written a custom scanner, which is in C # Works fine, but I'm stuck about how to translate it completely into VB. The original C # looks like this: Public Zero Process (Type Type, Plugin Graph Graph) {if (type.IsInterface) {graph.Configure (x = & Gt; x.SetAllProperties (y = & gt; y.TypeMatches (z = & gt; z == type)))); }} The closest I can find in VB: public sub process (type, type, plugingraph graph as type) ITPSCanner If the process applies, type it. The interface then graph. Configure (function (x) _ x.SetAllProperties (function (y) _ y.TypeMatches (function (z) _ return z type _ type _) _) _) end if end < P> I was hoping that the reflector can