fiddler - castle monorails no simultaneous requests from the same user -

I have created a website in Masjid Castle Monterails and the users who are using the site are complaining that it is very slow, so I have I << html>

I did some investigations with intelligence and I found that the request (from the same user) is not together, I have tried to use it but it is not working and it is in front The Castle Monorail does not support this Land. Do you have any suggestions / solutions / action for this problem?

Wild estimation: you are loading $ Ajax All of the javascript files included in () , $ Scriptaculous.InstallScripts () , etc.). And especially these scripts are very large, so the recession is very noticeable.

If this is not the case, then post more information like Fidler screenshots, monorail versions.

In any case, it is very unlikely that the problem is due to MonoRail.


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