vb.net - Structuremap in VB .Net (WebForms) -

I am in the process of trying to hook the structuremap into an existing webform application because it is a webform, Has to be used, which is not ideal, but it is nothing better.

Where I am coming to Unstek is being translated into VB (I am actually a C # dev who is currently working in VB shop) I have written a custom scanner, which is in C # Works fine, but I'm stuck about how to translate it completely into VB.

The original C # looks like this:

  Public Zero Process (Type Type, Plugin Graph Graph) {if (type.IsInterface) {graph.Configure (x = & Gt; x.SetAllProperties (y = & gt; y.TypeMatches (z = & gt; z == type)))); }}  

The closest I can find in VB:

  public sub process (type, type, plugingraph graph as type) ITPSCanner If the process applies, type it. The interface then graph. Configure (function (x) _ x.SetAllProperties (function (y) _ y.TypeMatches (function (z) _ return z type _ type _) _) _) end if end  
< P> I was hoping that the reflector can help me, but it comes with code that is like me, which does not compile.

So, what is the translation

Yes this big problem in VB.Net 9.0 Will be.

Something like this is ugly.

  Configure a private sub (type of type, by-way graph in the form of a plugin graph) if typed. Interfaces then configure graphs (works (x) type properties (x, type)) if the end sub-private function set properties (as the type of type variant, as type of type, in the form of type) Boolean x.SetAllProperties (function (Y) typeTypeMatches (y, type)) Return and End Function (Function (Z) Returns as a Personal Function Set Tap Mats (ByVal as SetterConvention, ByVal type type) as Boolean y.TypeMatches (z, type) ) True True Type Function Returning Function (ByVal Type as Type, ByVal type) Boolean Returns as Js Type End Function  

Or you wait for VB.Net 10 You can do this, where it will be a lot more Eisier.


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