iphone - Why won't my awakeFromNib fire? -

I'm starting to move my visual hierarchy even further I

I have There is a nib file called "alignment visual controller .exb" in which I have set my scene hierarchy as file owner with alignment viewer. It works fine.

One of the ways where I am fuzzy is that awakeFromNib add single additional method to ViewController in awakeFromNib Alignment's visual code snippet, however, it is not called:

 < Code> - (zero) awakeFromNib {NSLog (@ "Alignment View Controller - awakeFromNib"); [Super awake afroniab]; } - (id) initWithChromosomeName: (NSString *) chromosommnet basepairStart: (NSUInteger) basepairStart basepairEnd: (NSUInteger) basepairEnd {self = [auto initWithNibName: @ "alignment controller" bundle: zero]; If (zero! = Self) {self.title = @ "alignment"; Self. Chromosomnonym = chromosomnema; Self.basepairStart = basepairStart; Self.basepairEnd = basepairEnd; Self. Vets fullscreen layout = yes; } Healthy return; }  

Can anyone explain to me what I have missed here?

Cheers, Doug

UPDATE: After reading some answers, I know I should go under the thing which is very basic

To see the initialization:

  - (id) initWithChromosomeName: (NSString *) chromosommnet basePartstart: (NSUIENTGAR) BasePaertStart BasePaRand: (NSUItiger) BasePrint {self = [Self InitWithNibName: @ "Alignment View Controller" bundle: zero];  

I think I'm calling initWithNibName: Bundle: indirectly. Is this bad behavior? Alignment ViewController.xib file defines my view hierarchy but I'm not actually using InitBinbin: Bundle: Typically? Is there a better way to do this?

-wekfomnib is sent to all the objects that all nibb objects are immediately After the installation, they start from Nib. The owner is not one of those things, it is present before it is dealt, and after loading it is wired for the nib, so it is not sent to -wekfomnib (of course, this is somebody Is done immediately by other essays).

Here is a clue that -initFromChromosomePair: basepairStart: basepairEnd: and -awakeFromNib can be called both. Neem loader always calls -initWithCoder: , -initWithFrame: or -init (for which the rules are sent) is the fact that You have some other designated initially strongly suggest that you are manually creating this object in code, which means that this object is not "waking up".


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