installation - Installing Moodle using XAMPP on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise edition -

I am trying to install Moodle 1.9, using XMPP on a virtual machine running Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition .

I can initially install the install.php installer script, but when I progress before the time of the third page webpage.

If I go, no webpage is downloaded and the browser is only timed out.

I have tried to run the script installed with IE 7 and Chrome so that it was a browser problem, but there is only one thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Windows servers are notorious for causing problems with Moodle installation There are some things to try:

  • Check diatotes Your config.php file is set correctly Windows is complete, Full file name is required.
  • Did the failed installation create some / all database tables, and populate them? If looking for only a few, last successful table, check for any corrupted or modified code related to that table, which is hanging due to installation. Like the last successful table platform, check out your mods / forum files, it may be worth downloading a fresh weekly build of Moodle.
  • Your mysql memory_limit may be too low (Moodle Docks, Moodle 1.8 and above recommend at least 40 MB).
  • Is this an upgrade, or a clean install? If this is an upgrade, do not try to jump too many versions, and (if possible) uninstall any third party modules or activities that can cause problems while updating tables

There is too much information in the Moodle Docs, especially:


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