
Showing posts from May, 2012

c++ - Templated parameter for a template specialisation? -

Hello, I've got a static member of a templated class that I want to define for a sub group of classes Which are templated: template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class FooT {Private: Stable Int MS_ID; }; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Square fu {}; The template's & lt; & Gt; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Int Footy & Lt; Template foo & lt; T & gt; & Gt; :: ms_id = 10; Unfortunately this throws the following error under GCC 4.1.1 D: \ X \ Foo.h (98): Error: Invalid template logic 1. On this line: template & lt; & Gt; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Int Footy & Lt; Template foo & lt; T & gt; & Gt; :: ms_id = 10; What is wrong with the general concept in the first place? You can get partial expertise of this "initial template": template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class FooT {Private: Stable Int MS_ID; }; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Square fu {}; Template &

C# Outlook isn't moving all emails -

I am using Outlook Interop to move from one folder to another (after receiving all the attachments, but It works) but it is not copying all the emails I have tried to wait, but it has no effect. First of all, it will be taken 6, then 3, then 1. Can anyone tell me why is not she running? The relevant code is below: application oOutlook = new application (); Namespace ONS = namespace ("MAPI"); Recipient ORP = ON Create Recipe ("Content Help"); MAPIFolder Inbox = ON GateShare Default Folder (ORP, Olendefault Folders.olfolder Inbox); MAPIFolder nihSub = inbox.folders ["NIH"]; MAPIFolder nihArchive = inbox.folders ["NIHarchive"]; Item nihItems = nihSub.Items; MailItem moveMail = Null; // inboxItems = inboxItems.Restrict ("[unread] = false"); Int engagement = 0; Try {Foreach (object collection in nihItems) {moveMail = MailItem as archive item name; If (moveMail! = Null) {Console.WriteLine ("walk {0}", moveMail.

cocoa - CGBitmapContext get pixel value Leopard vs. SnowLeopard confusion -

I am trying to attract specific color rectangles in a CGBitmapContext and then later I compare the pixel values ​​with color. (A type of hit). This works fine on leopard, but pixel-values ​​on the snowy pillar are different from the color value I get - I think due to the colors illusion and ignorance are on my part < P> Make a bitmap context with a CZG rollerspace generic RGB colorspace Set the collarspace to the corresponding CGGSpace generic RGB color palette < / Li> Set the fill color of the reference Attract Get the bitmap constantdata, iterative pixel value, and so on. As an example, if I do, then on Leopard: - CGCTXTTRGFillCollar (CNXTX, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // set pure red fill color CGContextFillRect (cntxt, cntxtBounds); // fill the full reference The value in each pixel is UInt8 red == 255, green == 0, blue == 0, alpha == 255 on snow However, the value in each pixel is UInt8 red == 243, green ==31, blue == 6, alpha == 255 (These values ​

c++ - Using a QListView or similar effectively in Qt4 -

I am slowly using the QT4 GUI framework to use. In a project I am working, I should be able to add / edit / delete the team objects in a list. Coming from C # .NET perspective, I list & lt; Team & gt; Team = new list & lt; Team & gt; (); Teams LISTBox.DataSource teams; TeamsListBox.DisplayMember = "name"; Then use the button on the form to add / delete / edit. But, as I can tell, there is no easy way to do this in Qt. I have seen the documentation for QListView, QListWidget, QStandardItemModel etc. But how can I get the equivalent Qt code for C #? My purpose Team in some sort of list box, then team s on runtime Be able to add / delete / edit How would you do this? You should see a customized team ITEM model class for your teams from QAbstractItemModel Or should make. The customized class will be managed by how items are displayed in a widget like QListView. QString with a simple example for the item: QStringList list; List &am

c# - When does the vaIue of the InvokeRequired property change? -

When I want to use delegate class to call windows to work, I It's okay to always have to use InvokeRequired. But when it is working, then the Enverkerclide property has changed. Please check this image: You are calling Delegate.BeginInvoke In the button1_Click , which means SayListeyeEkle will be called in thread-pool thread - which means that it's true that the InvokeRequired is correct If you call List1Ekle directly in the UI thread, then does not will not be correct.

flashdevelop - Can a Flash Application read the host page's DOM? -

I know that Silverlight has this capability, and I do not have any experience in flash development - I need a flash app Div is hidden on the host's page. Can this be done? At least, you can use it to get stuff by javascript.

c# - Indexing in Linq -

Why do we use the index in "clause"? Does it start with an auto generated number answer zero? Simple examples would really be helpful. var query = ... ou ((p, index) ..) Whenever you need access to the index in your query, use it. var alphabet = "ABCDEFGHKJLMNOPQRSTUVX"; Var also Litter = Alphabet. Where ((p, index) => (index% 2) == 1); Var oddLetters = alphabet.Where ((P, index) => (index% 2) == 0);

c++ - variable + value macro expansion -

I tried my code without any consequences: #include "Stdafx.h" #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #define R () (rand ()) #define H (a, b) (a ##b) #define S (a) (#a) #define CAT () H (S (distinct_name_), R ()) Int main (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Cat () & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Cat () & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Cat () & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Return 0; } I would like to get a result like this: distinct_name_12233 distinct_name_147 distinct_name_435 different-code> Getting: The word 1 does not evaluate the function while taking arguments. Is it worth achieving ?? EDIT: In the end, I succeeded after a few hours, the pre-programmer still does weird things which I can not fully understand. Here goes: #include "stdafx.h" #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Class Profiler {Public: Zero Show () {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; &q

ssis - How to export tables from sql server to ms access on the fly? -

I would like to publish some data from a SQL Server 2k to the msaccess database. I want to do this, for example, a data supply table is given, for example: tablenameOnServer | Pathaprub ------------------------------------------------- ----- Clients | D: \ data \ Pub1 \ ClientData1.mdb command | D: \ OtherData \ Pub \ Sales.mdb The given MDB file should be created (or blank one course is copied) and the script should be created every time the script is run. / P> I definitely do not need a full-blown solution, but there are some indications that where to start, it is very welcome. I thought I would use SSIS for this, but new to this and I like to know when I start best to avoid loss of time: Do I use C # and to manipulate and make the packages in code? Or what should I do best? Is SSIS obviously a stir? In any case: Some points will be welcomed to start me ... Update: This question is about publishing data, Therefore it can be sent to it, for example CD is not a

smtp - Sending e-mail in large numbers -

I am developing an application that needs to be notified on a regular basis (weekly) users (approximately 1800) I consider gmail but it has a 500 match in the 24 policy, Google Groups does not have an API, I have my About web hosting company (bloostost), they do not return with enough answers (they do not mention the exact number that I can send daily) Any suggestions are great thanks Email sending large-scale email to your web host Permission should be, and should facilitate the establishment of reverse DNS etc. on your SMTP server, because it is not uncommon for the Web? In my opinion 1800 mails are relatively low. Shoban mentioned as an email marketing provider is probably the best choice.

how to handle any javascript load finished event using jquery -

I have a blog I am putting Yahoo pipe. I have to remove the Yahoo pipe icon after the script loads. The script is here >> & lt; Script src = "" & gt; {"Pipe_id": "24f8f6a880eb3be0711d541", "_btype": "list", "width": "100%", "hideHeader": true} & lt; / Script & gt; My code is here $ ("script [src = http: // Pps / Listbadge_1.1.js] "). Load (function () {$ (".jbf"). Hide ();}); but it does not work How to complete the script load? Something like this should be done. / P> $ ("for loading dome items to scrap"). Load ("", {"Pipe_id": "24f8f6a880eb3be0711d541", "_btype": "list", "width": "100%", "hideHeader": true}, function () {$ (".Ybf"). Hi

hibernate - Update father on interceptor -

मेरा मॉडल: सार्वजनिक वर्ग पिता {सेट & lt; पुत्र & gt; बेटों = नया हैशसेट & lt; पुत्र & gt; (); स्ट्रिंग नाम = नल; पुरानी तारीख; // ... अन्य फ़ील्ड और सेटर्स / गेटर्स} पब्लिक क्लास बेटा (पिता पिता = नल; स्ट्रिंग नाम = नल; पुरानी तिथिप्रकाशित = नल; // ... अन्य फ़ील्ड और सेटर्स / गेटर्स} केस का उपयोग करें: डीबी एक पिता वस्तु में है डीबी पिता से लोड करें। पिता के लिए नाम फ़ील्ड को अपडेट करें। नाम अपडेट करें पिताजी के पास रहना। मेरा इंटरसेप्टर पहले पिता के अपडेट (ऑन फ्लूशडार्टी) का पता लगाता है। फिर बेटे के लिए फुलशडिटी को निष्पादित करता है। इस मामले में, मैं बेटे को अपडेट कर सकता हूं। अज्ञातिकृत और पिता भी। SonModifyDate । जब निष्पादन समाप्त हो जाता है, पिता के अलावा सभी अद्यतन जारी रहती हैं। SSLSonModifyDate मुझे लगता है कि ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि पिता सत्र में हैं और बेटे से पहले अपडेट कर दिया गया है, इसलिए यह संस्था बेटा इकाई के लिए फुलशडिटी विधि में किए गए परिवर्तनों को ओवरराइड कर देता है। मैं अपने निशान कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं (बेटे से अं

c - Instruct GDB 6.5 to use source embedded in object file -

I am trying to create GNU gdb 6.5-14 The main reason is that I develop an embedded platform and I cross the compilation, which means that all the sources are in my computer. P> I read about the -ggdb3 flag, which contains many additional information including source code, so I started compiling it with that flag. A do objdump -s src / lib / actually prints all source code with mixed code with source code, so I guess That it actually includes that information. The only thing is that GDB does not print it, as long as one works out from a NFS mount version of my workspace that has a source. Do anyone know how I can direct GDB to view the object file for code instead of relying on external files Your guess is that -ggdb3 is completely incorrect; The object is not in the source file. You can prove that by running 'strings -a' Your best bet is how do you use remote debugging - then you GDB from host (which has access to all so

Naming decision: "Create it if it doesn't exist" in one word -

precise duplicate I have a Function that checks if there is a certain object present, and if not, then it makes a good word for it. Right now I am using "retain", so the function is called maintain_buffer_on_path , but I think "retaining" is misleading do you think of the name of a better one word Can you? I usually use for for this.

iphone - Problem with textfields and scene transition + cocos2d -

I have no problem in my textfield, which does not flowing with visual transaction. Actually my view is transitioned with this call: view * gs = [[questionsscene alloc] initWithPage: 2] autorelage]; [[Director shared director] Replaced Sassine: [Slide Inertransmission Transvision Duration: 0.5 Season: GS]]; However in my init I have a text file here: [answerbox settextcolor: [UIColor blackcolor]]; [Answer Box Settextualment: UITXElignment Left]; [Answer box set contentHoriodical alignment: UCentral contentional alignment left]; [Answer Box SetclairsAnbain Editing: Yes]; [Answer box setborder style: UITExwordsRealRoderate]; [answer box set deliate: self]; [Answer Type: SetterNet Type: UIReturnKeyDone]; [Answer box setautocapitalization type: UITxAutcapitalizationTap Words]; [[[Directors Share Director] Open GLView] Ad Swoewiew: Answerbox]; does not follow the textbox transition, it just sits in the next scene. Anyone have an idea about fixing it? You add answerLL di

Sort Visual Studio build log in "Build Order" style -

There is a "output output" from the dropdown list in the Visual Studio 2008 "Output" window, which allows viewing of building events. Thread () This is very useful when large solutions are prepared on multi-core machines, which are asynchronized as log entries from those people. Our organization has an automated build process, where the solutions are compiled in the balance mode, such as the use of something: devenv Solution.sln / USEENV / build Release / out buildlog.txt This will load Solution.sln , release in the configuration and output build log in the buildlog .txt . The problem is: buildlog.txt is an output similar to "build" output, not "build order", and therefore, it is very hard to read. Is there a command line filter or something that will convert the output into the "Order" format? Use simple filters, something like this: static void Main (string [] ARG) {var line = new dictionary & lt; Int, stri

arrays - Extremely large Boolean list in Python -

I want to create an object in Ajnathan that is a collection of approximately 200,000,000 true / false values. So that I can most effectively change or remember any true / wrong value, so that I can quickly determine whether any number is right or wrong as 123,456,000 or changes its value. Is this the best way to list it? Is this an array? Or a class? Or just use a bit bit int int? or something else? I am a little Noah so you may have to understand things more for me if I was asking one of the other languages ​​in question, I know better. Please tell me about this example. That's how it will work on this object. Thanks You can try the module, or write the same thing Are those that use integers.

sql server - How do I Pivot on an XML column's attributes in T-SQL -

I need to do a pivot on the XML column in the table, where XML has many elements with many attributes in each element Properties are always the same, although the number of elements will vary. I give an example ... FormEntryId | Form xml Dated =============================================== == ======================================= Root & gt; | 10/15/2009 | & Lt; Form & gt; | | & Lt; Formdata field name = "user name" fieldval = "steam" /> | | & Lt; FormData field name = "firstname" field = value = "steve" /> | | & Lt; FormData field name = "lastname" field = value = "Mesa" /> | | & Lt; / Form & gt; | | & Lt; / Root & gt; | | | -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- 2 | & Lt; Root & gt; | 10/16/2009 | & Lt; Form & gt; | | & Lt; FormData FieldName = "UserName" fieldWall = "Bobs" /> |

PHP Japanese Strings getting set to? -

मेरे पास एक सरल गूंज फ़ंक्शन के साथ एक PHP फाइल है: गूंज 'ア ク セ ス は 撥 ねり ま せ ん '। लेकिन जब मैं उस पेज तक पहुँचता हूं जो मुझे मिलता है: ???????????? क्या कोई मेरी मदद कर सकता है? मेरे पास यूटिफ़ -8 में मेरी पेज एन्कोडिंग सेट है, और मुझे यह पता है, क्योंकि मैंने उपयोग किए गए सभी ब्राउज़रों का इस्तेमाल किया था। मैं यह भी गूंज फ़ंक्शन से पहले करता हूं: mb_internal_encoding ('UTF-8'); यह क्या करता है? क्या यह मेरी मदद करता है? मुझे केवल एक स्थिर जापानी स्ट्रिंग को गूंजने में सक्षम होना है। धन्यवाद! < P> कुछ जगहें हैं जहां यह गलत हो सकती है। सबसे पहले, यदि आप हैडर () header ('सामग्री-प्रकार: पाठ / Html; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8 '); या मेटा टैग के साथ अपने html में: & lt; meta http-equiv = "सामग्री प्रकार" सामग्री = "पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8 "/ & gt; आपको php.ini सेटिंग default_charset की जांच करनी होगी। संभावना है कि यह आईएसओ -8859-1 के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट है, दूसरे को भी आपको सामग्री एन्को

sql - graphical query language algorithms -

I intend to write a graphical query language where users can drag and drop criteria in a GUI query designer, then the designer Generate the appropriate SQL query code and return the appropriate result set. Do you know where else can I learn about the SQL code generation if such a similar device exists? You want to see the designer of Microsoft Access, how it works; It is relatively easy to use and you can compare how changes in graphical representation affect the SQL statement and vice versa. (I'm on the verge of suggesting Microsoft Access for anything , but in this case, it may be useful).

javascript - YUI: would it make sense for YAHOO.lang.extend to carry "static" methods to subclasses? -

Consider the JavaScript code below, inspired by the YUI documentation. In this code, the class 1 named "static method" named factory () (say this is a type of object factory). Class 2 is obtained from Class 1 using YAHOO.lang.extend . Why not factory () will automatically be defined in class 2? Is this a fair expectation or is there a better way to do this? Yahoo Namespace ("test"); YAHOO.test.Class1 = function () {}; YAHOO.test.Class1.factory = function () {console.log ("Class 1 static"); } YAHOO.test.Class1.prototype.testMethod = function (info) {console.log ("Class 1:" + info); }; YAHOO.test.Class2 = Function (info) { (this, info); }; YAHOO.lang.extend (YAHOO.test.Class2, YAHOO.test.Class1); YAHOO.test.Class2.prototype.testMethod = Function (info) {console.log ("Class 2:" + info); }; YAHOO.test.Class1.factory (); // Works OK YAHOO.test.Class2.factory (); // "Static Metho

sql - How to loop through all rows in an Oracle table? -

I have 30,000,000 rows through which I need to repeat, manipulate data on each line individually To save, save data from the file to the local drive. What is the most effective way of loop through all the rows in the table using Oracle for SQL? I've been googling, but can not see any direct way to do this. Please help. Keep in mind that I do not know the exact number of lines, only an estimate. Editing for Clarification: We are using Oracle 10G which I believe. Row data contains Blob data (ZIP text files and XML files) which are read in memory and load into a custom object, where it will be updated again / using the Net Dome Access Classes , And will be stored on the local drive. I do not have much database experience - I have planned to use the SQL statement directly with SDNET + Oracle Commands. There is no display restriction in fact it is for internal use. I just want to do this probably the best way. You need to read 30M rows from Oracle DB and each line in t

c# - Weird behavior using Activator.CreateInstance -

Say that I have defined the following class hierarchy in the class library: Public Interface IFoo {String GetMsg (); } Public abstract class FooBase {public virtual string GetMsg () {return "Foobase msg"; }} Public Square Foo: Phoebe, IFu {#region IFoo member public new string GetMsg () {return.GetMsg (); } #endregion} I am consuming this assembly in a console application and using the reflection is making an example of the Foo class typed in IFoo as follows: / P> assembly A = assembly. Loadfile (pathgatefulpath ("TestClassLib.dll")); Var typeDiff = a.GetType ("TestClassLib.Foo"); Var fooInst = Activator.CreateInstance (TypeDef) as IFoo; String msg = fooInst.GetMsg (); The above work is fine now if I get this code and keep it on an ASP.NET web web page: Namespace Test webpace {public Partial Category _Default: System.Web.UI.Page {Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {string filePath = Server.MapPath (@ "~ / bin / Tes

How to handle different scenarios across different actions in a Rails controller dried with inherited_resources -

Say I have the following controllers and want to ban: Edit, update, and: Delete the current user's own foyer. P> Class FooController & lt; InheritedResources :: Base before_filter: login_required response_to: html def Show @foo = Foo.find params [: ID] Show! Finally saved def collection @ Ioos || = Fu. F.E.F.Ef.A_Off_Avations_ChenOpen_Under End End My simple and probably naive question is whether the above situation can be re-applied to look better? It feels like I am overriding a lot of heritage resources. If you want the facility of the building, foo through the current user Only one before_filter (see below) will use. However, I will apply an authorization library as soon as possible to delete and delete the actions. Class FooController & lt; InheritedResources :: Base before_filter: login_required before_filter: assign_user ,: only = & gt; [: Create] Feedback: html Personal DRAF Assignor Build_Source By User = Current_Under End End :

java - How to "copy" a JMS message to 2 destinations? -

I have a requirement that a JMS message sent by a client is delivered to two systems (one time) reliably should be done. These 2 systems are not HA-enabled, so the best suggestion I've come to: Create a single queue where customer posts < P> Set up two "intermediate" queues Use a custom "duplicator MDB" that will read messages from the client queue and post them in two rows within the same transaction. Client-> JMSDQ-> DuplicateMDB-> Q1-> MDB-> System 1-> Q2-> MDB-> System 2 Is there any existing functionality in it? The application server is weblogic 10. I can not do if it will be the proper way to balance the system to keep it stable Use topics for this because too many messages in cluster subjects will cause duplication . If we have 2 examples, then with the subject it will go like this: client-> theme -> MDB1 @ server1-> System1 | \ -> MDB2 @ server1-> System2- ->> MDB1 @ server2

iphone - Using Segment Controller to "Push" rather than UINavigationController -

I have included something in the navigation controllers that I became ignorant with other options here what I want to achieve , I've created subclass view controllers to push through the navigation controller that works very well. However, it is not fit for quick access to go back and avoid the idea of ​​taking a new view because it is about calculator, I came with using the seganded control. I added UISegmentControl to the navigation bar, what I want to accomplish, is the tapping of a segment, the calculator 1ViewController loads under the navigation bar, and when the second segment is tapped, the last view controller is unloaded. And has a different "Calculator 2 VUU controller" loaded. I am not sure how to do this, loadFromNib will not work very well, because I am using Custom View Controller Any suggestion would be very helpful. You can make it better for a single view controller, and just swapping ideas < / Div>

iphone - Verify the existence of a word in an NSString -

I searched a bit, but this (probably very simple) question could not be answered. I have an NSString, and I want to see if there is a word in it or not. Something like this: NSString * sentence = @ "Quick brown fox"; NSString * word = @ "quack"; If (word in sentence:)) {nslog (@ "yes it contains that word"); } Thanks. The following should be done: NSString * sentence = @ " Quick Brown Fox "; NSString * word = @ "quack"; If ([sentence limitation opstring: word]. Location! = NSNotFound) {NSLog (@ "yes that includes that word"); } It uses the rangeOfString: to return a NSRange structure, which indicates the location of the word, If it can not be found, it will be equal to NSRange.location NSNotFound .

uiview - iPhone Programming: Applying Alpha to Parent but not to Child Views -

Whether it is possible to set alpha to .75 or .50 (transparent) to see the parent, Controls are opaque (alpha channel 1.0 - fully visible). Whenever I make alpha of my main UIView transparent, the thoughts / controls of all children are also shown as transparent. Is there any remedy? Parents who work as your background should change a brother before the container Wrap your children in such a way that you can set transparency without affecting the entire hierarchy. It will look like this. & lt; Item-container & gt; & lt; Item-background & gt; & lt; Children-container & gt; & lt; This hierarchy will be the same visibility order and will allow you to independently set children Container contents - which one overrides other? httpruntime executionTimeout or Connection Time-out -

According to the topic that overlaps with each other? Execution timeout or connection time-out properties in web.config in properties of the Iis7 website? If connection time is over, it can be caught and a response is still served is. If the execution hits from time to time, it should be handled differently (most likely in the Application_Error method). If neither is handled, both will cause a bad reaction.

c# - webbrowser iframes open in default browser -

I've got webbroser control to open links in my default browser: private Zero WebBrowser1_Navigating (Object Sender, WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e) {if (e.Ull.ToString ()! = "About: Blank") {e.Cancel = true; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (e.Url.ToString ()); }} This works very well, but if I load a document that contains some iframe elements which will be opened in the system browser (most embedded stuff like Google Maps, dig icon , e.t.c) ..). How do I keep loading iframes in web browser control and the user clicks the link in the browser? I came to the conclusion that the .NET WebBrowser component is almost useless in this regard. I have tried to read WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs.TargetFrameName but if the element of ifframe element is only in the HTML document, it will return the name attribute, otherwise it would be an empty " " will spit the string. Getting zero on non-frame links would be more helpful. So I have found only one fix,

Visual Studio - Website Vs Web Project -

I was already involved in very classic ASP based websites, so when it was transferred to ASP.NET, Because it is very similar because it is very similar. I am thinking of starting a new project and thinking that I should re-evaluate my processes. I am reading the best part of a day on the difference between a web project and a website. I understand the differences, though they feel like this. My biggest difference is that, a project has already been compiled, but another person responded that a general website could also be compiled as an option. My question is really moving forward, will Microsoft support both for a long time or a "get" effect / is going normal? I would have thought (though nothing) the benefit of pre-compilation in a project is for speed, but if I can also before compiling a website, does it make any kind of profit Rejects I think that I will get a lot of comfort by using whatever I have for years - but am I really losing anything? At the end o

mocking - How to test the function behavior in unit test? -

If a function calls another function or works, how do I check it? Currently, I must return the value to implement all the tasks so that I can emphasize function return value. However, I think that this method is the PR API because in the output code. I do not need those functions to return the price. Any good solution? I think the counterfeit thing can be possible solution. I want to know when should I use and when should I use counterfeit goods? Is there a general guide line? Thanks Sorry to answer directly but ... Are you sure there is a perfect balance in your test? I wonder if you are not doing too much testing ? Do you really need to test a task that is assigned to someone else? Returns for tests only When you write, you do not want to add return value Only useful for tests , for production No, it blocks your API, which makes it less clear, which is a big cost at the end. In addition to this, your return value may seem correct for the test, but nothing says

PHP - Convert all POST data into SESSION variables -

There should be a much more elegant way of doing this. Recovery post data to session variables, without specifying all non-lineal line lines from each of them? Basically, I want to work below for all instances of X which is present in POST array. if (! $ _ POST ['X'])) $ _SESSION ['X'] = $ _ Post ['X']; I was going to do it one by one, but then I thought that there should be a much more elegant solution or for that effect I will not use something like empty because it treats 0 empty.

php - Best SEO method to translate a website page with google translate -

Therefore, a lot of content on our site should be in one language or another. Since we are web professionals we have spent time learning how we were learning instead of human languages ​​ - computer languages ​​ . That's why we need some kind of way to translate our content. Google offers one () and therefore I have full faith in their vast empire that they (or soon) will make the best translation service, keeping in mind what is the best way to use it ? We can just be lazy and use small widgets that they provide - but we will lose all content and SEO juice because Google rewrites the link " = ..." . So my question is - How can we use this service while maintaining translated content on our site? One way is to when to use it to load the inline of the material. But since it is powered by JS () - the search engine will not take advantage of it. Another way is to use a server-side language (such as PHP) from Google'

radiobuttonlist - Example of a rails custom formbuilder for a radiobutton list -

I'm looking for an example how to create a custom form builder for a radio button list bound to an action For actions_as_tree I already have a code that displays the radio button list, but want to dry it by refactoring in Forbizbiller Any signal / link will be appreciated. Assuming that you are calling form_by many different views for this model and each There is only one set of radio buttons in the form. Here are some routes you can take here. However, I can not tell whether you are asking how to automatically add the radio button list or just summarize it. To add the radio button list automatically, I need a little more knowledge of ActionView internals. Basically you have to find out how things_for methods in the ActionView :: Helpers :: FormHelper are provided and overrides to work properly. Unfortunately if FormBuilders do not work this way, then it is much more difficult than the price Will be. One better way is to create a method that generates all your radio

jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) -

For all, I would like to recover the exchange rate from Google with $ $ .getJSON I'm trying). Using the request: " " returns a simple JSON file Is: {lhs: "1 US Dollar", rhs: "1.03800015 Canadian Dollar", Error: "", ICC: True} I have been using the following jQuery function Canadian dollar amount: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ .getJSON (" Q = 1USD =? Cad? And label = ras & amp; format = jsn and jasonsoleback =? ", Function (data) {warning (data);});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; The fire bug displays the correct JSON file, but there is no invalid label used in it. Any help is appreciated. Bob Google returns pure JSON and does not support JSONP ( = Colon wrapped in a callback). JSONP looks: callback function ({json_object: "some_data"}) Browser JSONP-data from other domains C

php - Convert only certain xml characters to their HTML entities (&#nnn;) -

I have a problem where I have such a html & lt; P & gt; Taiwan is incomplete business, eventually "reunion" ... a communication lift; / P & gt; In that text string, I & lt; And> from & amp; Lieutenant; And ^ gt; However, I would like to change the quotation around "integration" and it is in release. You must write your own htmlentities () replacement function The easiest way to implement HTMLentities (possibly) And then & lt; You may also be interested in Markdown, do whatever you are trying to do for yourself, and can fit your needs.

heap - Check Spelling program in C -

I'm beginning to c programming I want to learn how to codify a spell checker, which is all in a dictionary file Look at the words, compare them with an article, print all the words on the console that are not present in the dictionary file. Since I'm studying malloc in class, I have reduced every word, removed all punctuation in the article, and the string copies them into malloc. I do not know what the next step should be, will someone give me the signal ? Thanks MAIN.C #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Four dictionaries [1000000]; Four articles [100000]; Zero spell check (four [], four []); Int main (zero) {FILE * dict_file; File * article_file; Int bytes_read; Four * p; Dict_file = fopen ("American-English .txt", "r"); If (dict_file == 0) {printf ("Unable to open dictionary file" "American-English. Txt \" \ n "); return -1;} Article_file = fopen (" article.txt "," r

How to list files installed by a given Windows Installer? -

I will check an application installer and find out what it will install. For bonus points: I want to be able to extract files in a directory of my choice instead of running the installer. If none is possible, then I resolve to get the list of files installed after installation. In the Linux world of .deb (Debian) and .rpm packages, I can list content by using tools such as "Dpkg" or "rpm" any package has been installed. I can check myself and get the list before installing the package. What is the equivalent system in Windows XP? However it is possible to extract the file from .msi package without running it through custom code , It is still easy to run an administrative install ( msiexec / a package.msi ). It will extract its file in a format that can be used to install later, or you can check its content.

c# - Is it possible to write code that will cause long compile times? -

I am working on my constant integration system, and unexpectedly, Interested in emulating the system. Is there a way to take a long time to complete the compilation? Or can it bind some kind of loop, which will take a large amount of compilation? How about using preprocessor instructions? Any thoughts? This is the one who should do the trick. Make this target before your .csproj file, or call for your need. It is also a sleeping job, so go with her, if you need to use some of her other work, which I have found useful.

flash - How do you animate a display object in an arc in AS3? -

This is a Flash AS3 only for a game in the project. The player controls a character gun. By clicking on the screen, the gun pressed a missile in an arc. Is the best way to calculate the coordination of missiles X and Y for each frame? Ok, an arc is a piece of a circle, the common form for a circle is x = r * cos (a) + cx y = r * sin (a) + cy ou r circle radius Is the coordinates of the circle with the angle (in radians), and the cx and cy circle of the circle. So each frame increases the angle ( a ) and recalculate the position with those formulas. > This trick will determine appropriate radius and center points EDIT: To get the same speed on different readi To get the velocity (pixels / sec) from angular velocity (rad / sec) v = Δa * r So if we select something v , then Δa = v / r where v is somewhat stable and r is the radius of the circle.

Unusual HTTP Response in Basic C++ Socket Programming -

I have found an original HTTP client installed in C ++, which still works fine. This is for school work, so there is a lot to do, but I have a problem. Once I use the recv () function in the loop, buffer to add a piece of reaction to my response repeatedly, and then each time the buffer output problem is that every piece of the reaction At the end, the HTTP request is also being attacked. For example, the response will be a part of the source code of the page, then "GET / HTTP / 1.1 ...", after the next part, and then "GET ..." again, and so on. Here is my relevant code: // REQUEST request request [] = "Head / INDEX HTTP / 1.1 \ r \ nHOST: \ r \ NConnect: Close \ r \ n \ r \ n "; // send request len ​​= send (sockfd, request, sizeof (request), 0); // Write / output while responding (recv (sockfd, buf, sizeof (buf), 0)! = 0) {// Read & amp; Product feedback printf ("% s", buf); } buffer zero is not finished, whi

Multiple data binding properties on ASP.NET usercontrol -

How can I have a database that can have multiple properties in my usercontrol? For a single property I have found that the DefaultBindingProperty feature is the trick, but I do not know how to get the database with multiple properties. I had 2 properties of data-tracked user controls, such as empty eval expressions. & lt; Uc3: PickDate id = "txtCutOffDate" runat = "server" selectedDate = '& lt;% # Eval ("CutOffDate")% & gt; Text = '& lt;% # Eval ("CutOffDate")% & gt; Required fields = "incorrect" textbox length = "100" tooltippad = "cutoffdate" validation group = "update val /" There was a cutoffdata data field, which binds to both the selected controls and the text properties of the payment control. Hope it helps! - validation regularexpression -

I have in the text box that the user has to enter text only. The user should not even enter marks and special characters. Thanks to me Only letters and spaces, together at least one: ^ [ A-Za-z] + $

How to reduce css http requests? -

How to reduce CSS HT requests? 1 large css file or a css file which is importing all other CSS Is this the same? What is the benefit of using it @import url ('/ css / typography css'); @import url ('/ css / layout.css'); @import url ('/ css / color.css'); 1 large css file or a css file which all import Does the other CSS have the same? No, as the customer still needs to load every CSS file (with each one HTTP-request) About reducing some links HTTP request to learn more in: If you are using Firefox I highly recommend HTTP requests. Edit: The flyover explains as a comment: a firefox extension that integrates with firebug to analyze webbows performance Try 3 simple things first: Combine global CSS (the things you use on every page) Compress CSS (or some online tool) Inline Page-Specific Accessories (Things That Are The Pages Between are not shared) There were many things also apply to JavaScript files.

sql server - SQL Joining tables based on a list of names -

I am looking for a way to join the series of SQL tables based on the list of table names. The list of table names can change because the system grows but I need to make sure that they work on all the tables in joining. Each table in the list will have a common column, which is called activityID, in the activity table, back in the foreign key, which is the source table to join. I could have thought that creating a varchar and creating the query before executing. Is this the best way or can the syntax of joining without the building building be made? I query a view when you add a new table, to include the new table Change the scene. It will be more efficient than dynamic SQL If you do not control which / when a table connects, then the following will work in some SQL server like the dynamic SQL: Announce @ Select Query NewWorker (maximum) @query = 'Choose from t1' @query = @query + 'left join' + name + 't1. ActivityID = '+ name +'. Activities

internationalization - Design pattern for translatable Hibernate models -

I have a Hibernate model (simplified) that looks like this: public class coverage { Private long id; Private string coverage text; Private Boolean coverage PrresetTo = true; Private OnNewPolicy onNewPolicy = OnNewPolicy.SHOW; } I need to voluntarily translate (end-user) in many languages, but using the same ID, such as I request a policy I can do (in which the lines have been added) either in English or German, and the relevant version of the received text is obtained GetCoverageText (). Other fields in the database are not translatable, they are translated using resource files, so many versions of the object in DB are not desirable. My temporary plan is to create a JSON clob field, and store all the values ​​in it (["lang": "en", "value", "...."}], [{" Lang ":" de "...}]), set language as a manipulate JSON using a transient field, and get / set methods, but it does not really experience a best practice is. Alternati

C# XML deserialization problem -

मेरे पास निम्न XML स्निपेट है: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "utf-8" & gt; & LT; dmFiles & gt; & Lt; dmFile dmUpFileGuid = "dmFileDescr =" testcase01.pdf "dmFileMetaType =" मुख्य "dmFileGuid =" "dmMimeType =" पीडीएफ "dmFormat =" "& gt; & LT; dmEncodedContent & gt; & lt; / dmEncodedContent & gt; & Lt; / dmFile & gt; & Lt; / dmFiles & gt; जब मैं इसे deserialize करने की कोशिश करता हूं, कुछ भी नहीं आती है, मेरी सी # कक्षा इस तरह परिभाषित है, कृपया मुझे मेरी तर्क दोष दिखाना: [serializable ] सार्वजनिक वर्ग डीएमफाइलें {सार्वजनिक डीएमफ़ाइल [] डीएमएफ़ाइल {get; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग dmFile {[XmlAttribute ("dmUpFileGuid")] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग dmUpFileGuid {get; सेट; } [XmlAttribute ("dmFileDescr")] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग dmFileDescr {get; सेट; } [XmlAttribute ("dmFileMetaType")] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग dmFileMetaType {get; से

jquery - Two or more action buttons on an MVC form - Best practice -

I have an ASP.NET MVC app, which is with a form. Say that this form has an arbitrary button, each of which has its own action. & lt; Input type = "button" id = "action1" value = "a" /> & Lt; Input type = "button" id = "action2" value = "two" /> ... and further on We want users to click on one and submit a form to fire a jQuery action and then post the form again. with new information. There are several ways to implement this: What is the best practice about designing this beautifully? If you can, then provide the code snippet. Set verbatim an object of possible actions: var actions = {Action1: function (elem) {// If you just want to submit $ (elem) form normally) .closest ('form');). ...}, Action 2: Function (AMM) {// If you want to load a URL field in a developer URL = $ ('# URL_field') Val (); $ ('Display.') Load (URL) ...}} Then type a selector that grabs all

php - How to check if date() function minus one? -

Is it possible to check whether the date is ("j-1f-1") ? ?? I'm a Noah so some scripts will help! Postdate is in one format: 14th October . if ($ postdate == date ("jf")) {$ postdate = "today";} This works ... But I also need to check for the $ postdate for "tomorrow " value too! Question: How to check for tomorrow? That is, date () - 1 somehow Thanks again date ('jf', strotome ('- 1 day')); "Yesterday" timestamp will be retrieved if: ($ postdate == date ('jf', strontem ('1 day'))) {$ postdate = "tomorrow" }}

c++ - What is the point of `void func() throw(type)`? -

I know what it means to throw in a valid C ++ program function declaration? AFAIK it does nothing and is not used for anything. #include & lt; Exceptions & gt; Zero func () throw (std :: exception) {} int main () {return 0; } This is an exception specification, and it is almost certainly one. indicates that func can throw a std :: exception , and any other exception that emits func The result will be the call.

unc - Hide CMD window after using START to run a network application -

I have an application that is running on a network. I need to be able to run this application from a batch file, and it has ended using: push \\ server \ folder start / wait program.exe where the message is saying ... \\ server \ folder cmd.EXE was started as the current path in the form of current directory . UNC paths are not supported. Defaults to the Windows directory. ... this works fine, but the CMD insists on the window. I know that there is a waiting / wait, but it appears that if I use I wait, then I can get the program to run successfully if I delete / wait, then be able to start me successfully There are strange errors from the program. What else could I try? If you want to hide it while running the program, you can minimize it to / MIN can also use the ultimate.

c# - Deleting multiple rows in an unbound datagridview -

I have a project that reads lines from a SQL database and displays them in a Datagram view. That part works great I want to show a subset of these records by removing every non selected row in the grid. This code is: foreach (DataGridViewRow line in dataGridView1.Rows) {if (! Row.Selected) {if (! Row.IsNewRow) {dataGridView1.Rows.Remove (line); //dataGridView1.Rows.Remove(dataGridView1.CurrentRow); }} This removes either from the bottom to the selected area and leaves the above mentioned rows, or deletes the selected ones even with unselected rows. Tell me in the right direction? The rows are being changed because others are being removed, so some elements are being misplaced Are being dropped from You can use 2 loops: 1 to reverse the selected items, and to delete the second selected items (which will not be the items previously not selected before the inverse). foreach (DataGridView1.Rows in the DataGridViewRow row) {// stop selection in line if (! Line selected

how to detect whether VBA excel found something? -

I am using it in macros to find stuff in my sheet: Selection (Address: = Email, After: = Activewel, Lookin: = XLFarmula, Lookout _: = XlPert, Searchorder: = XLBIRIO, Search Direction: = XLX, Matchcases: = _ False, Search Format: = False). Activate How can I tell if something has been found or not? range as range set = Range = Selection.Find (what: = email, after : = Activist, Lookin: = XLFormula, _ Look at: = XLPirt, Searchorder: = XLBIRIO, Search Direction: = XLX, Matchciss: = _ False, Search Format: = false) If there is no RPG then there is nothing 'when RNG & Lt; & Gt; Nothing is found in some 'RNG' Activate and IF

java - Cleaning up code breaks binary compatibility -

I am working on a project that I am not being used by many people. We've done a great job to bring down checkstall warnings and this is less because it is going to get binary compatibility without breaking it. Most of the remaining warnings of constant (public static final) disappeared in the name of the final keyword constants, it becomes clear that the developer had intended to read them only, but they only got to the last Definition was not there. Unless a developer was writing some pretty awesome code, inspect it, if we add them, their code will not be broken. The current version number is 1.2.1. Do you apply changes and go to 2.0 or apply it and roll it as 1.3 seems like a very small change for a full 2.0 requirement. What should I do? I'm sure you already know this, but I suspect it is "this one Safe / simple / no-worry "upgrade? Point releases are considered safe and routines should include full bug fixes in some projects. Other projects wil

Fastest/shortest way to build unique tree in Ruby? -

The fastest / least / one-liner (not possible: P) ways to make a unique tree tree Where many elements are repeated / missing in some nodes, there is a set of nodes in the tree (which we use this algorithm to find out that we do not have to manually do it). This can be XML / JSON (hash), or anything like this: root {nodes {node {} nodeb {all node { }}} Nodes {node a {subnode {}} nodeb {all nodex {}}}} ... it has been modified: root {nodes {node A {subnode {}} nodeb {all node {subNodeX}}}} < P> With XML: & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Nodes & gt; & Lt; NodeA / & gt; & Lt; NodeB & gt; & Lt; SubNodeA / & gt; & Lt; / NodeB & gt; & Lt; / Nodes & gt; & Lt; Nodes & gt; & Lt; NodeA & gt; & Lt; SubNodeA / & gt; & Lt; / NodeA & gt; & Lt; NodeB & gt; & Lt; SubNodeX / & gt; & Lt; / NodeB & gt; & Lt; / Nodes & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; & lt;

How do I get html attribute order to be consistent when testing in Javascript -

I have components that make them a set of text in the inner HTML: Fourth & lt; Br> & Lt; Br> Input value = "select" type = "button" & gt; On setting up internal HTML, the browser will sometimes parse this text: Fourth & lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "button" value = "select" & gt; This behavior is dependent on browser because I can do my test to run in FFx, and then because of the order, they will fail in Safari. Properties of < P> Is there any way I can parse HTML as some DOM-type, and then print it before comparing so that I can expect the continuous sequence of html attributes? The features in HTML elements are unreadable, which is: the order is irrelevant if your test is considered a special order. So they are doing it wrongly.

C# List<T> Contains test -

क्या इस तरह का एक-एक आइटम निकालते समय आवश्यक परीक्षण हो? if (_items । आइटम (आइटम)) {_items.Remove (आइटम); } और, इस परीक्षण के बारे में क्या है? यदि (! _items.Contains (आइटम)) {_items.Add (आइटम); } आपको निकालने का परीक्षण नहीं करना है निकालें () झूठी बदलेगी यदि वह कुछ भी नहीं निकालता है। यदि आप अपनी सूची में डुप्लिकेट आइटम नहीं चाहते हैं तो आप जोड़ते समय परीक्षण कर सकते हैं। अन्यथा, आपके पास डुप्लिकेट होंगे। यह भी देखें:

php - Zend Framework subdomain problem -

I am using an .ini file to add paths to my application. resources.router. Roots.USName Type = "z_translator_rotter_root_hostname" resources.router.routes.username.route = ":" resources.router.routes.username.defaults.module = "userinfo" name .chains.index .type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route" resources.router.routes.username.chains.index.route = ": Language /: Controller /: Action / *" resources.router.routes.username.chains.index.defaults. Controller = "index" resources.router.routes.username.chains.index.defaults.action = "index" 1) 2) http: //john.example URL # 1 URL is this request request parameter: request parameter: array ('language' = & Gt; 'F', 'Controller' = & gt; 'Controller', 'Action' = & gt; Action ',' Username '= & gt; John', '

php - Changing permissions via chmod at runtime errors with "Operation not permitted" -

When I use chmod () to change permissions on time, Message below: WARNING: chmod () [function.chmod]: Operation is not allowed in /home/loud/public_html/readalbum.php How can I remove this error and work with the chmod function? $ sudo chmod ... Either the file needs to be the owner or the superuser, i.e. the user root . If you are the owner of the directory but do not have the file, you can copy the file, RM origin, then it can return the MV, and then you will be able to burn it. The easiest way to get the root of the route is to run the command through Sudo ($ man 8 pseudo ) - Regular expression validation (should start with character ) -

In my web application, I have a text box. The user should enter a value in it. The first letter is a digit, is not a digit, and the remaining characters can be alphanumeric. How do I write a regular expression to do this? You can use: [a-za-z] \ w * To ensure that the first letter is a letter and any remaining characters are alphanumeric ( * ) & lt; Asp: RegularExpressionValidator ID = "rev" runat = "server" ControlToValidate = "txtBox" error message = "must be optional by using first character is a letter!" Validation Execution = "[AZAZ] \ w *" /> & Lt; Asp: RequiredFieldValidator ID = "rfv" runat = "server" controlToValidate = "txtbox" error message = "value may not be blank" /> Regarding the empty entries, RegularExpressionValidator is required in conjunction with. If that textbox is optional, and when something is recorded, it needs to be validated, so you d - Spreadsheet from DataTable -

In my app, I am downloading a spreadsheet from FTP, moving data from the spreadsheet into the datatable, And, on a few terms, email a new spreadsheet (1 is one of the few lines in the spreadsheet). My problem is creating a spreadsheet that will be mailed. How would I like to add a line to the datatable (originally downloaded from the spreadsheet) in the spreadsheet that is being mailed to. Add DS Tables (0). (Worksheet.range (Workable.Ros (i)) - 1) I have found this time, but it is not working. Workable is dataable where lines of spreadsheets were copied. DS is a dataset where I am putting rows in a specific selection. I am quite convinced that I can simplify the flow of data by eliminating datatalls or datasets. To eliminate any confusion, I am using VB 2005 - I wish I could use 2008 for this, LINQ makes such a lot easier ... This can help you do this. See Live ASP .NET (C # and VB) "Data from Grid Excel Two" Samples There are more samples - some of which

syntax - Issue with Haskell's "do" -

I wrote a Haskell function that calculates the factorial of each number in a given list and prints on the screen is. factPrint list = If put in the list of faucets, then the STRLN and STRN (show.fact.head) lists the factprint (tail list) The function works, but the third line is a bit confusing. Why did the compiler (GHC) not report an error on this because there is no one before "putStrLn" (semi?) Function? If I leave "Do" from the 4th row, then an error arises as expected. I am quite new and am new to its method, so please forgive me if I am saying something very silly. do STRN (show.fact.head) list) factPrint (tail list) / Code> There is actually another way to write putStrLn ((show.fact.head) list) & gt; & Gt; which means, putStrLn (list of show.fact.head))> gt; & Gt; = \ _ - & gt; Without these other ugly syntax, there is a convenient way to string these monads together. If you have only one statement insi

oop - PHP runtime class modification -

So I want to be able to add / remove class management at runtime. Before you tell me that there is a terrible practice in OOP, maybe, but I really do not care. The reason for this is that I want to be able to do this because I want to consider the application as very modular, so some plugins can expand some base classes and add the main app without any way. For example, say I have the following category: class user {secure $ id; Protected $ name; Protected $ password; Secure $ PostPaperPage; } And say, some plugin adds the possibility of changing your visibility settings to users, adding $ visual assets to orbit in the class. The square will be created: class user {secure $ id; Protected $ name; Protected $ password; Secure $ PostPaperPage; Protected $ visible; } This can be achieved by __get and __set, but the most common implementation runtime is to obtain and set the generated properties, and it is for each of the pseudo gates and the setters The problem of code wi

visual studio 2008 - Loading a C#dll into a C# exe -

I am new to C # Any please please tell me to load a CL built in C # in C # and create a CL I have .NetFrameWork 3.5 And my OS vista Add a reference and include the related namespace (s). .NET does not support the static linking of libraries, so your reference assemblies will be loaded on runtime as needed.

java - How does a JVM execute the Inheritance tree structure? -

वर्ग वाहन {सार्वजनिक इंट पहियों; सार्वजनिक इंट लाइट्स; } वर्ग कार वाहन प्रदान करता है {सार्वजनिक इंट पहियों = 4; सार्वजनिक इंट लाइट = 2; सार्वजनिक शून्य रोशनी_ऑन (इंट लाइट) {// कोड को ऑनलाइट करने के लिए}} वर्ग बीएमडब्ल्यूसीआर कार {सार्वजनिक इंट पहियों = 4; सार्वजनिक इंट लाइट्स = 4; } सार्वजनिक वर्ग टेस्टकार्सर {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग एजीआर []) {// निर्माता / बीएमडब्ल्यूसीआर = नया बीएमडब्ल्यूएसीएआर () द्वारा प्रदान किए गए डिफ़ॉल्ट // कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कॉल करके बीएमडब्ल्यूएसीए की एक नई घटना का निर्माण करना; bmwCar.lights_on (); }} ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण में, जब मैं फ़ाइल चलाता हूं, तो जेवीएम का क्लास लोडर टेस्टकार्ड फाइल को लोड करता है विधि क्षेत्र, और यह मुख्य विधि को निष्पादित करता है जब बीएमडब्ल्यूसीआर उदाहरण बना दिया जाता है, तो यह बीएमडब्ल्यूसीआर वर्ग के डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कॉल करता है और सुपर कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कार्यान्वित करता है, जो कि कार वर्ग के डिफॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर । मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि जब bmwCar.lights_on (); विधि को "कोड> ल