php - Zend Framework subdomain problem -

I am using an .ini file to add paths to my application.

  resources.router. Roots.USName Type = "z_translator_rotter_root_hostname" resources.router.routes.username.route = ":" resources.router.routes.username.defaults.module = "userinfo" name .chains.index .type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route" resources.router.routes.username.chains.index.route = ": Language /: Controller /: Action / *" resources.router.routes.username.chains.index.defaults. Controller = "index" resources.router.routes.username.chains.index.defaults.action = "index" 1) 2) http: //john.example URL # 1 URL is this request request parameter:  
  request parameter: array ('language' = & Gt; 'F', 'Controller' = & gt; 'Controller', 'Action' = & gt; Action ',' Username '= & gt; John', 'Module' = & gt; Userinfo ',)  

URL # 2 This is not working. Request parameter:

  Request parameter: array ('Controller' = & gt; 'F', 'Action' = & gt; 'Controller', 'Module' = & gt; ,)  

Anyone can solve it.

Is the default language for the path you set up? Does not work by saying that you can provide more information? I have not been taking the ultimate of the language and always ran into some similar problem with Zend_navigation to switch to the default lang.

Eventually, I have to manually hack into a custom plugin by setting the default language in routshutdown. If it helps, then please see my post


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