Sort Visual Studio build log in "Build Order" style -

There is a "output output" from the dropdown list in the Visual Studio 2008 "Output" window, which allows viewing of building events. Thread () This is very useful when large solutions are prepared on multi-core machines, which are asynchronized as log entries from those people.

Our organization has an automated build process, where the solutions are compiled in the balance mode, such as the use of something:

  devenv Solution.sln / USEENV / build Release / out buildlog.txt  

This will load Solution.sln , release in the configuration and output build log in the buildlog .txt .

The problem is: buildlog.txt is an output similar to "build" output, not "build order", and therefore, it is very hard to read. Is there a command line filter or something that will convert the output into the "Order" format?

Use simple filters, something like this:

  static void Main (string [] ARG) {var line = new dictionary & lt; Int, stringbuilder & gt; (); Var line = Console.In.ReadLine (); While (line! = Null) {int process = 0; Var Re = New Reggae (@ "^ (? & Lt; Process & gt; \ d +) \>. & Gt; * $"); If (re-ISMatch) {var match = re-match (line); Process = Convert toInt32 (match group ["process"]. Value); } If (lines! (The process of canteen) {lines [process] = new stringbilder (); } Lines [process] Appendline (line); Line = Readline (); } Foreach (in the lines in var i.e.) {Console.Write (line [i]); }}  


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