
Showing posts from June, 2011

Java, sockets, BufferedReader, and readline hang ... :( -

I am not a complete Java programmer, I actually try to completely avoid it, but it is necessary that I Use for a class (in the meaning of school). The teacher needs to use other things like socket (), buffed reader (), printware () and readread () method of buffed reader (). Actually, the problem I am having is the documentation clearly states that readLine should return an empty at the end of the input stream, but this is not happening. socket link = new socket (this.address, 80); BufferedReader = New in BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (link.getInputStream ()); PrintWriter out = new printIter (new print order (link.getOutputStream (), true)); outside. Print ("gulla blah blah blah"); // http request by hand.flush (); // Please send when sending ((s = in.readline ()) = null) {// HTML prints correctly, hooray !! Println (s); } Instead of ending HTML, I get a blank line, a 0 and a second blank row, and then in the next. Why? Where's my nip? I tried. Close

junit - Easiest way to unit test SWT and Swing apps in a headless environment? -

I'm testing some SWT and swing codes for a project on the unit and on which I am working and The tests run fine as long as I am running them from eclipse. As soon as I run them in my Hudson environment, because Hudson runs the test without head mode. What is the best way to do this? Open source solutions only please (because the project is open source) You can run (X virtual framebuffer, an X11 server which performs all graphical operations in memory) And it works fine. But with Hudson's plugin there is another solution for Xvnc. Just install the plugin and check the checkbox in the Job Configuration screen: Hudson will automatically start an Xvnc session and DISPLAY will set the environment variable to the appropriate value and then The closure will be closed when the session is completed One of the advantages is that the Xvfb method is that if you have more than one swing / SWT projects, each build has its own X session. This is not an issue at all, but it

svn - How can I find commits with commit messages less than N characters? -

Is it possible to get a complete list of commitments, their amendment numbers and the user in any modern SCM when a specific Character is counted? I have to find out that any of the developers - side down with useless commit is giving down. Disclamer: I understand that less committed messages can sometimes be useful, but when you teach people to use version control for the first time Trying to Is there anything like this? Change any modification category and 80 with HEAD which should also be your minenum message message character. git rev-list HEAD | Xargs -iX sh -c \ "if test \" \ $ (git show --quiet --pretty = format:% s% n% b x | wc -c) \ "-lt 80; then echo x; Fi "

C# SQLite Bulk Insert or Parameterized Insert Efficenecy -

I have datatel that I want to save in a SQLite database table. This is my dilemma, I do not know how Have to go Most datatiles will have 65,000 rows and maybe 12 columns. So, will it be faster to save datatel to the CSV file and then put it in the SQLite in bulk (which I do not know how to do) or through all the columns it gets faster in the loop Is there a better solution than what I have listed? Thank you, thank you, Nathan check out. is a SqlBulkCopy in the net framework category, which provides fun sitinetal for bulk inserts. Unfortunately this is supported for the SQL Server only database. However, by touching some parameters on your insertion, you will make a lot of bulk in bulk, no single demonstration is involved in what people are reporting.

ruby - Default task for namespace in Rake -

Something like this has been given: namespace: my_tasks do the job: foo do Do some tasks: Do the bar do_something_else Finish: all = & gt; [: Foo,: bar] end How do I make : all the default task, so that rake my_tasks is running Call (instead of calling rake my_tasks: all )? Put it outside the named location like this: Namespace: My_tasks work: foo do dos Finish a few tasks: Do not do do_something_else termination tasks: all = & gt; Apart from this, if your tasks require a logic: namespace: ["My_tasks: foo", "my_tasks: bar"] : My_tasks work: Foo ,: arg1 ,: arg2 do | T, args | Do_something End Function: Bar ,: arg1,: arg2 do | T, args | Do_something_else end-end work: my_tasks ,: arg1 ,: arg2 do | T, args | Rack :: Task ["my_tasks: foo"]. Call (args.arg1, args.arg2) Reiki :: Task ["my_tasks: bar"]. Call (args.arg1, args.arg2) termination Note that in the second example, you can call the name of namespace, i.e.

javascript - Jquery tranversing DOM to find consecutives values -

Thanks for watching, all helpful answers have been voted. This is my markup. I am constantly trying to merge with two divs cmk1 and cmk2 content right and here in consecutive order. Should not match div id 1 because one is correct but not here . should not match div id 3 because there is a here but there is no correct I'm trying to find something that looks like div id2 as correct as here . In addition, the text should be accurate: & lt; Div & gt; More accurate than & lt; / Div & gt; , even if the word right is the most effective way to do this? Update: I was just an idea, me every class = cmk1 . If it matches correctly, then I can select its Next (Semic2) and if that also matches, I want it. But how can I do this while loop in jquery? And most importantly, how do I get out of it? & lt; Div class = "sep" id = "1" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "cmk1" & gt; True & lt; / D

git rebase - Change timestamps while rebasing git branch -

I have reconstructed the commitment in a branch before it is going to be public, mixed order is just one among them I'll be in seconds only. Obviously these time stamps will not be correct either, but because it is the time when things are public, I like it in mixed history, timetable. How do I get to create a new timestamp while leaking? git rebase --ignore-date

Is there a random function in python that accepts variables? -

I'm trying to make a simple dice roller, and I want to make it a random number between 1 and number However, the randink will not accept a variable, is there a way to do what I am trying to do? Code given below: import a = 0food = 0 work = 0 sides = input ("how many dice do you want to roll?") ​​While one & Lt; = Side: A = A + 1 work = random Print (1, 4) Final = Last + Job Print "Your total is:", last It seems that you are confused about the number of dice and the number of sides I have changed the code to use the raw_input () . Input () is not recommended because Python literally evaluates user input which can be a malicious python code import a = 0final = 0 work = 0 rolls = int (Raw_input ("How many dice you want to roll?")) Side = int (raw_input ("how many sides?"), Whereas a & lt; Roll: a = a + 1 work = random.randint (1, side) final = final + printing print "your total is:", last

oracle - PL/SQL private object method -

Oracle's PL / SQL (using 10G) I'm a little new, I was wondering if there is a way to do this in a personal type of object type, as often as other languages ​​(Java, C ++, C # Etc etc.) are used for personal accessory methods. It is possible to do personalized methods in the address package, but I can not find a way to do this for object types. I am telling compiler errors: Error: PLS-00539: Subprogramme 'FOO' is declared in object type body and defined in object type specificity. OK, here's a possible solution that I have tested very briefly, and it's still Works: The parent object type that will be marked as not final and undesirable and then put all the private code there. Private methods will not really be private, but putting them in such a way that is not the last and prevents them from calling them instantly. In the immediate subtype, refer to "private" methods in SuperTem via SELF. Example: Type the privatefu (member process setUpC

Find time until a date in Python -

What is the best way to find up to date? I want to know the years, months, days and hours < P> I was hoping someone had a good job. I want to do something like this: This comment was posted 2 months ago and three days ago or this comment was posted 1 year ago 5 months ago. you must .relativedelta. should use from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import datetime today = () rd = relativedelta (Today, (2001,1, 1)) Print "Comment % (Years) D years,% (months) D month,% (days) days ago "% rd .__ dict__

r - R2HTML number formatting -

I want to output a data frame using R2 HTML, and remove scientific notation. idea? You can use the format command: format ( C (1,10,100) ^ 3, scientific = false) By chance, I recommend using the xtable for the table.

linux - NetworkManager: where is the specification for its DBus interface? -

Where is the specification for network manager's DBS interface? I've been googling like crazy The API documentation is written in an XML format, and is / P> You can switch to HTML with these steps: Check out Nm from SVN, Configure Dox / spec.html >

objective c - Error When Using Make -

I'm learning the purpose by using GNUStep in my Windows (Signup) and I have two files, one source And there is a file: Include $ (GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES) /common.make APP_NAME = HelloWaldHelloWald_Haders = HelloWald_Objc_FILES = Main Me HelloOldSOSOCOIIEELLL = $ (GNEETPMKEEIELE) / Application But when I go to the directory, I get these errors: GNUmakefile: 1: /common.make: Any such file Or directory no GNUmakefile: 8: /application.make: Do not create such a file or directory: *** There is no rule to create the target / application. Make 'Stop' What's wrong? GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable is required to point to that directory in which the file is in that command. Of

Eclipse cannot find java file generated via jsp on the work folder -

I am currently using Eclipse 3.4.1 and am using Apache 5.5 as backend server. I am also using the com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat_3.2.1 plugin for Tomcat. I was just thinking, when I get an error and print stack trace for the exception. I would always see the line code, where there was an error on the Java work file generated from the JSP file. However, when I try to click on the link, he said that the source for "org.apache.jsp.WResultReportList_jsp" was not found. java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp.WResultReportList_jsp ._jspService ( at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service ( ) I was wondering how can I configure Eclipse to be able to find that work file and open the specific line of code where the error occurred? Is it possible to point the error in place of the actual JSP file? Or is it just able to find error line numbers for Java generated work file? Project -> Properties -> Java

c - l2cap server/client using IOBluetooth (osx bluetooth stack) -

I have trouble understanding the API to install an L2cap (or RFCOMM) client / server that is running on OSX Linux With blues on On Linux, I just open the socket, bind, listen; So accept for the server, & amp; Connect to Socket, Bind, Client (W / I want to use the device to get bind in BT address). In addition, no coupling has been done. If I support a particular device (or if OSX only supports 1 BT adapater at a time, then listen to any incoming connection.) I also Do not understand how to configure my application to send to a BT device using a particular device (this is an exception if OSX only supports 1 at a time). In addition, does the OSX stack need to be between 2 devices before it passes through l2cap? Examples of any language will be appreciated, however C / C ++ will be given preference. Thanks is an example in Mac OS X 10.5 (/ developer / example / Bluetooth, title RFCOMM_Open_SPP_Example) that shows and reads data from a Bluetooth device (I used it t

php - How can I store my users' passwords safely? -

How much more secure than plain? I've just started looking for password protection, I'm very new to PHP. $ salt = 'csdnfgksdgojnmfnb'; $ Password = MD5 ($ salt. $ _ POST ['password']); $ Result = mysql_query ("User Select WHERE user id = '" .mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' username ']).' 'And password =' ​​$ password '"); if (mysql_num_rows ($ result) & lt ; 1) {/ * Access denied / / echo "The username or password you entered is incorrect.";} And ($ _SESSION ['id'] = mysql_result ($ result, 0, 'id'); #header "Location: ./"); "Hello $ _SESSION [id] echo"!} < P> The easiest way to secure your password storage plan is to a standard library . Why Security becomes more complex and most programmers can deal alone with more invisible screw-up possibilities, using a standard library is almost always the easiest and safest (if only available) options.

Complexity of a given function -

When I analyzed the complexity of the code segment below, then I found out that it o (n / 2) . But while searching on the Internet I came to know that it is probably o (n) . I want to know who is right. zero function (int n) {int i = 1, k = 100; While (i & lt; n) {k ++; I + = 2; }} What is the point of variation in the above method? Even though Big-O talks about behavior in the notation range (as in countless approaches from N) such that, large-O notation is both agonizing for scaling factors and constants. What is to say is equal to o (s * f (n) + c) for any constant "c" and scaling factor "s" O (f (n)) In your case, F (N) = N, S = 1/2, and C = 0. So ... O (N) = O (N / 2)

ruby - Difference between the access modes of the `File` object (ie. w+, r+) -

रूबी में फाइलों का उपयोग करते समय, r + और w + मोड? a + मोड के बारे में क्या? देखें उद्धरण: r रीड-ओनली मोड फ़ाइल सूचक फ़ाइल की शुरुआत में रखा गया है। यह डिफ़ॉल्ट मोड है। आर + रीड-राइट मोड फ़ाइल सूचक फाइल की शुरुआत में होगा w लिखें-केवल मोड अगर फ़ाइल मौजूद है तो फ़ाइल को ओवरराइट करता है यदि फ़ाइल मौजूद नहीं है, तो लेखन के लिए एक नई फ़ाइल बनाता है। w + रीड-राइट मोड फ़ाइल मौजूद है, तो मौजूदा फाइल को ओवरराइट करता है अगर फ़ाइल मौजूद नहीं है, तो पढ़ने और लिखने के लिए एक नई फ़ाइल बनाता है। a Write-only मोड अगर फ़ाइल मौजूद है तो फ़ाइल सूचक फ़ाइल के अंत में है यही है, फाइल ऐपेंड मोड में है। यदि फ़ाइल मौजूद नहीं है, तो यह लेखन के लिए एक नई फ़ाइल बनाता है। a + पढ़ें और मोड लिखें फ़ाइल पॉइंटर फ़ाइल के अंत में है अगर फ़ाइल मौजूद है। फाइल ऐपेंड मोड में खुलती है यदि फ़ाइल मौजूद नहीं है, तो यह पढ़ने और लिखने के लिए एक नई फ़ाइल बनाता है। (empshasis mine।) r +, w +, और a + सभी पढ़ना-लिखते हैं W + फ़ाइल को छोटा कर देता है एक + अनुलग्नक W + और a + दोनों फ़ाइल बन

java - JAAS with LDAP password policy -

A user is accessing restricted web applications with JAAS (on Glassfish 2.1). LDAPRealm is used, and the authentication is done successfully with LDAP. For users, a password policy should be established so that they are forced to change passwords, some complexity / length, password failure password and last N password should be checked. The Password Policy (OpenADS) of the used LDAP server supports all of this, but it is not clear how we are using this kind of information in a JASE form login so that the information (i.e. "please change password") The user is displayed. Do you have any idea how to know about implementing it? Database access is not just an option, users should be in LDAP. It is not clear whether LDAP password policies are to be used at all, or it is programmed in our web application. I would like to avoid it and use the LDAP's original password policies. Thanks for the answer and best regards, the burden Unfortunately, , Which is constrained t

iphone - Call .Net Web Service from Objective C -

मैं एक उद्देश्य सी iPhone ऐप से एक शुद्ध वेब सेवा को कैसे कॉल करूं? यह ऑनलाइन सेवा आपको .NET WSDL ले जाएगी और आपके iPhone ऐप में उपयोग करने के लिए उद्देश्य-सी स्टबल्स बनाएं।

How to scroll "infinitely" wide view in Android? -

I am considering the option of "infinity", scale-like, how to control controls in Android. The simple idea is to redo the entire scene on each scroll movement, but in some way it does not seem to be proper. It is possible to attract the material before this, but I have no clue how wide should I show in the first place, and what happens when the user scrolls at the end of the scene? I feel that I need to move towards this direction Should I move towards adding (and removing) to a linear layout in terms of programmers? It would be great to hear what this experience is about attracting long-scrolling custom controls. Thank you / Eric If you list / grid or adapters for data If anything you use is working, you can use the most excellent class written by commons and is available here: This particular purpose of this purpose Was

python - Longest string in numpy object_ array -

I am using a numpy object_ array to store the variable length string, e.g. a = Np.array (['hello', 'world', '!'], Dtype = np.object_) An easy way to find the length of the long string without looping array on all elements? maximum (A, key = lane) gives len (max (a, key = len)) gives you its length without you need a clear loop code, but surely max internally Will do its own looping because it probably can not identify the "longest string" in any other way.

sql - mysql syntax error -

I wrote this simple query statement: Include in merchants ('first name ',' ('Bob', 'Smith')) seems very easy but I get this error: `# 1064 - You have a Error is your SQL syntax; To use the values ​​('Bob', 'Smith') for the correct syntax, see the manual related to your MySQL server edition)> Itemprop = "text"> You need to delete quotes with the first names and last names: Insert merchants (first name, last name) VALUES ('Bob' , 'Smith') Columns are names identifiers, and are not quoted as such. Edit: The name of the column can be cited by using the backticks (`), but it is only necessary if you have the column Are names that contain special characters or column names that match MySQL keywords.

Check if jquery metadata exists? -

No information was found about this googling. Hope this does not mean that you can not do this I am trying to check if metadata exists on any element. So if I have & lt; A href = "#" class = "myclass {myid: 2, text: bla}" & gt; As an element, I use $ (this) with my click function .hasClass ('myid') or $ (this) .hasClass ({ Myid '}) . Is it possible to do this? Can you add metadata dynamically? If I try $ (this) .addClass ({some: data}), then it adds it to the class, but I can not read it with metadata (). It looks like you , You can store and retrieve data in such a way by using any element. $ ($ # SomeID) element on / p> // store value. Data ('secret', 'My voice is my password, verify me.'); $ ('# SomeID') data ('era', 33). $ ('Name', 'Jasper') to $ ('# SomeID') $ ('#in some AID') Data ('business', 'toy maker'); Get value from the element ale

c++ - Webkit on Windows Mobile -

I want to embed webkit in a windows mobile application. Its aim is to allow the web application to run. I have tried the QT version, but only webkit is required and the rest of QT's functionality is not. You can build WebKit for WinCE outside the trunk in the meantime. See.

idioms - Idiomatic Python has_one -

मैं सिर्फ एक बेवकूफ छोटी सहायक फ़ंक्शन का आविष्कार किया है: def has_one (seq, predicate = Bool): "" "क्या" क्या एक वस्तु है जो कि `सीक` में एक वस्तु है, जो कम से कम मूल्यांकन (शॉर्ट-सर्किट) के साथ` प्रेशर` से मेल खाता है। "" "इटरेटर = ) कोशिश: StopIteration के अलावा (): # कोई वस्तु मेलजोल से मेल नहीं खाता। वापसी गलत प्रयास करें: StopEteration के अलावा (): # सटीक एक वस्तु मेल खाता है। वापसी True return False # एक से अधिक आइटम विधेय से मेल खाता है क्योंकि सबसे अधिक पठनीय / मुहावरे वाली इनलाइन चीज के साथ मैं आ सकता था: [वस्तु के लिए वस्तु (आइटम) seq में)। Count (true ) == 1 ... जो मेरे मामले में ठीक है क्योंकि मुझे पता है कि सीईसी छोटा है, लेकिन यह अजीब लगता है। क्या कोई मुहावरा है जो मैं यहाँ भूल रहा हूं जो मुझे इस सहायक को तोड़ने से रोकता है? स्पष्टीकरण इसे वापस देखकर, यह दयालु था एक क्रांति से पूछे जाने वाले सवाल का, हालांकि हमें कुछ उत्कृष्ट जवाब मिल गए! मैं या तो तलाश कर रहा था: एक स्पष्ट और पठनीय

random - Stochastic calculus library in python -

I am looking for a Python Library that will allow me to calculate the Stochastic calculus content, such as a random (conditional ) The expected process will define the spread I was putting a look at a simpy (, but it does not cover my needs. This is for quick prototype and experimentation. In Java, I have experimented with some success (now inactive) library. The problem is not difficult in itself, but to do very little trivial, boilerplate things (efficient memory usage, variable reduction techniques, and so on). Ideally, I can write something like this (just illustrative): def my_diffusion (t, dt, past_values, world, ** kwargs): W1, W2 = World.correlated_brownians_pair (correlation = kwargs ['rho']) X = past_values ​​[-1] sigma_1 = kwargs ['sigma1'] sigma_2 = kwargs ['sigma 2'] dX = kwargs ['mu'] * X * Dt + sigma_1 * w1 * x * math.sqrt (dt) + sigma_2 * w2 * x * x * math.sqrt (dt) returns x + dx x = randomprocess (expan

jquery - is it possible to get anchor visited state from javascript? -

I am using jquery. I have an anchor list. I am telling anchor, if this visit If done, set display: none; I need this when I click on the anchor, the javascript will change the state visited the anchor? How can I do that? Yes, for an example see. To find out that a link has been visited, it uses a getcomputedStyle also there is a form of this hack. The relevant section of the example is (modified for clarity): a: visited (color: # 00f;} var link = document.createElement ('a' ); Link.href = ''; document.body.appendChild (link); var color = document. DefaultView.getComputedStyle (link, empty) .getPropertyValue ('color'); // Check to tour if (color == "RGB (0, 0, 255)") {Warning (link.href + 'has been visited');} I can ask what you want for it? Edit: WRT # 2, you can open links in iframe It will be marked as such that the browser was viewed in history like: var iframe = document.createElement ('

c# - Linq with DataTables vs plain SQL -

I am working on apps that are basically standard SQL operations (A / B, where x = y etc.) < / P> Parts of the query can be defined by the user at runtime. As it has been implemented, raw data is in a datatale and I "parse" the query parameter in a linq expression (originally on the column names of the data operators in the data format). This is Nifty and everything else, and not much work, but I'm not completely sure why I do not just put data in a SQLite table and just use actual SQL, and only query the query from the user's input Make it I know this is very comprehensive, but what are the advantages that I am now remembering that maybe to be a better implementation option down the line could prove to be lank? The only thing that comes to mind is that if I want to move beyond my data classes in my own class for some reason, I can still use linq for them to query. "The only thing that comes to mind is that if I for some reason I can still use li

nhibernate mapping - "extend" an xml schema -

I am trying to "extend" an XML schema (for example, nhibernate here), inside my own To connect it to the institutions. I'm stuck at the point where verification sticks to the "exm: foo" (and exm: foobar) unit, because "base" schema does not allow it. How can I manage it without changing the base schema? Sample: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Hibernate-Mapping XMLNS = "Color: Nibinet-Mapping2.2" Assembly = "Test" Namespace = "Test.DataX Antities" XMLNs: XM = "Color: Expansion-Mapping" & gt; & Lt; Class name = "post" table = "POSTS" xmlns = "vase: nibinet-mapping-20" & gt; & Lt; Exm: foo bar = "falcon" /> & Lt; Property name = "body" type = "string" column = "body" & gt; & Lt; Exm: foobar / & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; [...] & lt;

osx - XCode and CUDA integration -

Was just wondering if anyone has any experience working with CUDA and XCode? I am making a nightmare which is setting it all ... Dosan I am working with XCode, CMAKE & amp; CUDA. There is no problem till now! Works like a charm, though you will need to make sure that XCode is using gcc 4.0 instead of 4.2 (in case of 10.6) I recommend that you also use CMAKE in combination with FindCUDA. Cmake is also a plugin for XCode to create Xcode project file, from which it recognizes CC files found in message # 29. Apart from this, a good "tutorial" has been given, mentioning the plugin.

twitter oauth icomparer error -

I am trying to convert this code from csharp to vb. VB Converter used all children of free csharp but an error is occurring, please tell that anyone has already solved this problem. Error: Class' QueryPamatorComputer 'should be implemented' Compare to Function '(OAuthBase.QueryParameter as X, y as OAuthBase.QueryParameter) Integer' interface For 'System.Collections.Generic.IComparer (QueryParameter's)' ' from c # code: protected class question parameter: Component: IComparer & lt; QueryParameter & gt; {Compare public int (query piramator x, query pmmtr y) {if (x.Name == y.Name) {return string. Companion (X. Well, Y. Well); } Else {Return String. Compar (x.Name, y.Name); }}} vb code protected class question parameterCompilerIpliancesIcamparer (query of query) #Rule "iceman member" compare public function (bye Valid X as query parameter, ByVal as QueryParameter) if xname = y.Name as integer then return string. Integ

objective c - My table view does not navigate to another uiview page. What might be wrong? -

In my table view cells are the label as ContentView when I navigate to another view I click on those whose view controller is shown, is not navigated. - (zero) table view: (UITableView *) table was viewed SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) IndexPath {Detailed WebViewController * Detailed WebViewTab1 = [[DetailWebViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "Detailed RssWebView" bundle : Zero]; [Self. Navigation Push ViewController: Detailed Animated WebViewTab1: No]; [Detailed WebViewTab1 release]; } It stays on the tap where it is highlighting the table in blue. The object for XIB is being created but can not be navigated into it. Try checking the debugger if your detailed webview tab 1 is actually It does not seem to be zero, according to your description it seems.

sql server - SQL DataReader in IronPython -

Please help me read just one record from MS SQL table. I have tried to do this in the next way (IRAPA 2.6 RC1): CMD = SQL Commands ("Select from my selection", CN) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader () After this I have all the tables in Dr.! But only one record is needed (more accurate: the table is read once) Sorry! I was wrong! I have forgotten two other commands in my program: Table = [] For the line in Dr.: table.append (line) So this is Dr. Turned out to be equal. Read ()! ... Use to limit one (random) records. cmd = SqlCommand ("myTable to SELECT TOP 1 *", cn) DR = cmd.ExecuteReader () Usually when in a record Takes interest, then he is interested in specific records, for example a record with ID = 42 The first record will be withdrawn in the 1st order, the engine can choose to access the table.

compiler construction - What does fatal compile error C1083: Cannot open source file mean? -

Error: 1 Fatal Error C1083: Can not open the source file: 'FpDebug / BalanceGrabber.pch': No such file or directory c1xx Is one of your CPP files configured to generate precompiled headers? I think it's missing project settings / messesail or whatever you use, you have to make a PK (precompelled header) first!

ASP.NET session is NULL despite a IRequireSessionState/IReadOnlySessionState handler? -

I'm looking at a strange situation. Within the Global.asax method, I have the following code: Protected Zero Application_AcquireRequestState (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {If (! (Reference! Handler is IRequiresSessionState | | Context.Handler is IReadOnlySessionState)) // No session - no validity. Return; do something(); } DoSomething () method calls a NullReferenceException and it is quite easy that it can be the only place that is Ho HttpContext.Current.Session was empty. How can this be? At that time HttpContext.Current.Session might be OK. The incident is firing at that point where there is no guarantee that the session is going to be happening that it has been gone at this time for one reason you hooked the incident Because you are providing custom modules to implement your own session object. It will happen that such a custom module sets the session. If you want to use session object, then you should use the PostAquireRequestState event.

java - What is the best way of opening PDFs from a JSP? -

I need some guidance on how to launch a PDF from the browser. I have a JSP which takes some parameters and PDF is based on this download from this documentum server. Files are stored on my local file system. I then provide the user with a group of PDF links so they can click on them to launch PDFs. Is there a best practice method of doing this? Thanks It is not something special: a link is sufficient but if you If you want to open the PDF in a new window, you can add target = "_ new". Just make sure that there is a content-type application / PDF returned for PDF.

c++ - Forcing an error when a function doesn't explicitly return a value on the deafult return path? -

Is there a way in VC ++ (VSTS 2008), which is to cover a compiler error for the function Which clearly do not return a value on the default return path (or any other quick way to detect them)? On the same issue, will any function actually return? I do not have any warning numbers, but you must warn #pragma to apply a special warning Can be used as an error: Example: #pragma Alert (error: 4001) The warning will treat 4001 as an error

c# - How do I request a resource (relative path) from the current server? -

If I have a relative path that I need to get from the current server, i does not work as it does not have a valid URI is. var request = WebRequest.Create ("\ path_to_resource") I believe that the easiest way to insert the path into web.config, However, it is easy to forget to update the configuration when the application is moved to another server var request = WebRequest.Create (Configuration Manager. AppSettings ["root"] + "\ Path_to_resource"); OK, you can always use something like this: private string CurrentDomain () {string currDomain = Request.Url.Scheme + System.Uri.SchemeDelimiter + Request.Url.Host; If (Request.Url.Port! = 80 & request.URL.port! = 443) currDomain + = (":" + request.URL.port); Return Kourdman; } By using these different object properties you will be given your current domain name, on which you can add your subfolders for your resources. Request.Url .short is the http / https section of

sharepoint - Customize quick launch menu and site action menu in My Site -

I have been asked to customize the following: on the left side Quick launch menu, is it possible to delete these menus: documents, lists, discussions and sites? In the Site Actions menu, is it possible to remove / disable / hide it? This menu needs to be deleted / disabled / hidden by default. Create an menu, so that users can not create any subsites, lists, etc. I am working with MOS 2007. As you are using MOSS 2007, you can see site actions -> site settings and navigation Go and customize the menu on the left. Middle Users are based on the roles given in the login to create rights, so users should not remove them from the menu by creating rights.

How to make functions with flag parameters? (C++) -

How do I create a function with flags like how the Windows' CreateWindow (... style | style,. .), For example, a creative function: int CreateNum (flag flag) // ??? {Int num = 0; If (Flags == GREATER_THAN_TEN) number = 11; If (Flags == EVEN & amp; ((num% 2) == 1) num ++; else if (Flags == ODD & ((num% 2) == 0) num ++; return num; } / This is possible, and if so, how? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You can define a NAM specifying the "single bits" values ​​(note that the enclosing straight only works as naming references here So that you can write MyFlags :: EVEN ): struct MyFlags {enum value {EVEN = 0x01, ODD = 0x02, ANOTHER_FLAG = 0x04, YET_ANOTHER_FLAG = 0x08, SOMETHING_ELSE = 0x10, SOMETHING_COMPLETELY_DIFFERENT = 0x20};} Use the following: int CreateNum (MyFlags :: Value flags) {if (Flags & MyFlags :: EVEN) {// something ...}} zero main () {CreateNum (MyFlags :: Value) (MyFlags :: EVEN | MyFlags :: Asymmetrica

c# - Securing .net Assemblies -

I want to secure my assembly (DLL) by binding it for a particular environment. Say I have a DLL (Bizlogic.Doll), I want to make it available to my co-developers within the organization. But I do not want others to use it outside my organization. Is there any way to overcome this issue? Thanks in advance. - Mohammed What do you mean outside your organization? Still, do you consider signing your assembly?

c++ - Linker Error: LNK2022 -

मैं सामान्य भाषा रनटाइम समर्थन वाले प्रोजेक्ट में बूस्ट धागे का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। मुझे निम्न लिंकर त्रुटि मिलती है त्रुटि: एलएनके 2022: मेटाडाटा ऑपरेशन असफल (801311 9 एफ): एक टाइपराफेस मौजूद है, लेकिन नहीं, इसी प्रकार की टाइपडफ: (डमी): (0x01000073)। यदि मैं बढ़ावा धागा को चालू करने वाला लाइन टिप्पणी करता हूं, मुझे कोई भी लिंकर त्रुटि नहीं मिली। मैंने इस त्रुटि को ठीक करने के लिए ऑनलाइन देखने की कोशिश की, एक ऐसी जगह पर यह कहा गया कि "Boosts # BOOTS_USE_DLL परिभाषित" मैंने यह कोशिश की, लेकिन यह अभी भी मुझे एक ही त्रुटि देता है। एक संबंधित धागा है, (), लेकिन यह एक ही समस्या नहीं है, लेकिन कुछ हद तक समान है। मैंने सुझाव दिया कि निदान ठीक है, लेकिन अभी भी कोई भाग्य नहीं है। क्या कोई इसे ठीक करने का तरीका जानता है? # शामिल है & lt; boost / thread.hpp & gt; नामस्थान बढ़ावा {स्ट्रेट धागा :: डमी {}; } इससे मेरी मदद मिली

sql - Mysql: How do you create a table with multiple primary keys? -

मेरे पास यह स्थिति है: (तालिका वेतन ) आप एकाधिक प्राथमिक कुंजी के साथ एक तालिका कैसे बना सकते हैं? तालिका वेतन बनाना (dep_id छोटी-छोटी ऑटो_इनक्रियम प्राथमिक कुंजी, emp_id छोटी-छोटी ऑटो_इनक्रिमेंट प्राथमिक कुंजी, bla varchar (20 )); अगर मैं उपरोक्त कोड की कोशिश करता हूं तो मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है किसी भी विचार? एक तालिका में केवल एक प्राथमिक कुंजी हो सकती है हालांकि, प्राथमिक कुंजी में कई कॉलम शामिल हो सकते हैं, उदाहरण के लिए सब्सक्राइबर के वेतन (डिपाइड स्किलिंग अनअंसेंटेड नल, ए_आईड स्माललिंग अनसैंटेड नल, ब्लॉ VARCHAR (20), प्राइमरी की (डिपा_आईडी, एएनआईडी) ));

Programmatically determine whether a Youtube video has been taken down -

I'm getting most of the music from YouTube (as embedded players). Unfortunately, there is always the risk that one of the videos I'm using will be removed (copyright issues or whatever), which will break the related page on my site. Ideally, I will have a chrono (which will tell from the night) to check if any video was removed and I was notified. What is the best way to do this? The information that you want specifically interact with the YouTube API There are many codes depending on which language you are programming in. If you still have these problems to work, post it here with more details. / P>

sql - Concatenating records in a single column without looping? -

I have a table with 1 column of sarika values ​​I add those values ​​without adding a value to it with a loop I see the way, if possible. If a loop is the most efficient way to go about it, then I go in that way, but it came to understand that I ask for other options before I miss it. I would like to put it inside a SQL query. Eventually, I want to contrast a different function. Is it possible to do without a loop? Or cursor) or should I just use a loop to do this? Edit: Since there was a very good answer with how to do this in MySQL (as opposed to MS SQL I did initially) I decided to comment, so that others could get the answer too. . Announce @concat varchar (max) set @concat = '' Choose @concat = @concat + col1 + ',' from tablename1

c# - Why doesn't the image load when dynamically loading css in -

I am loading a CSS file by dynamically building a server tag with a link style. All the CSS except the image is okay. This optional text shows I'm doing it in the page_load event. Here is the snippet of my IMG markup: & lt; Img class = "logourl" alt = "header" /> Here is the CSS for logslr: .logourl {background-image: url (../images/a-logo.png); Width: 169px; Height: 61px; Margin top: 5px; } When I right-click on the image and view properties, then this is blank (size, address, etc.). & lt; Img class = "logourl" alt = "header" /> Does anyone & lt; Img & gt; Tags can have background-image assets ???? It also does not understand. According to MSDN, the IMG object does not have this property, so I can say that it is safe to believe that it is not supported in IE. > Do you really want any period, hyperlink, or some other property where the background image is meant? edit I just rea

mod rewrite - Reaching files outside od the documentroot scope -

I am writing a script to create a dynamic website, the website has been created by loading external components. The element is located on the place / directory / site / website / components located in DocumentRoot / sites / website / public I rely on the url requested to access the data directory of each component Does. For example: url: file / site / website / components / random image / data / demo / swan04090044_small Should get. Jpg How can I get it? Thanks Nickname / random / rewrite sites / website / components / random image ^ component - (. *) / "Post-text" itemprop = "text"> (Maybe in .htaccess You may also use Symlinks with: option + followSymLinks and Link dynamically from component - * / randommimage / * to / site / website / components / random image / * / * /

actionscript 3 - AS3 Flex dynamically loading images does not allow images' id -

I need to load some images dynamically (4-6) so that special image by clicking on the special action user Will. Embedding images solves the problem but at the cost of the file size. If I load them dynamically, they lose their ID. & lt; Comps: exercise slurl id = "scroller" x = "300" y = "100" ex1 = "@ embed (source = 'property / excars_1.png')" x2 = "@ embed (source = 'assets / excis_2. Png ') "/> And further it works, but it does not work immediately in CDATA: import components. Exercise Exercise; Private Wire custScroller: Exercisecroller; Private Function Init (): Zero {custScroller = New Exercise (); This.addElement (custScroller); CustScroller.ex1 = "@mubbed (source = 'Assets / Exce 1') ';} I thought it should be a trivial task, but so far I have not solved it You can not use @band like that in your init () < The last line in the / code> function should be somethin

Python binary data reading -

एक urllib2 अनुरोध नीचे द्विआधारी प्रतिक्रिया प्राप्त करता है: 00 00 00 01 00 04 41 4 डी 54 44 00 00 00 00 02 41 97 33 33 41 99 5 सी 29 41 9 3 डी 71 41 91 डी 7 0 ए 47 0 एफ सी 6 14 00 00 01 16 6 ए ई0 68 80 41 93 बी 4 05 41 97 1 ई बी 8 41 90 7 ए ई 1 41 96 8F 57 46 E6 2E 80 00 00 01 16 7 ए 53 7 सी 80 एफएफ एफएफ इसकी संरचना है: डेटा, प्रकार, विवरण 00 00 00 01 , 4 बाइट, प्रतीक गणना = 1 00 04, 2 बाइट्स, प्रतीक लंबाई = 4 41 4 डी 54 44, 6 बाइट्स, प्रतीक = AMTD 00, 1 बाइट, त्रुटि कोड = 0 (ओके) 00 00 00 02, 4 बाइट्स, बार गणना = 2 प्रथम बार 41 97 33 33, 4 बाइट्स, बंद = 18.90 41 99 5 सी 29, 4 बाइट्स, उच्च = 1 9 .17 41 9 3 डी 71, 4 बाइट्स, लो = 18.03 41 91 डी 7 0 ए, 4 बाइट्स, ओपन = 18.23 47 0 एफ सी 6 14, 4 बाइट्स, वॉल्यूम = 3,680,608 00 00 01 16 6 ए ई0 68 80, 8 बाइट्स, टाइमस्टैम्प = नवंबर 23,2007 दूसरा बार 41 9 3 बी 4 05, 4 बाइट्स, क्लोज़ = 18.4629 41 9 7 1 ई बी 8, 4 बाइट्स, हाई = 18.8 9 41 90 7 ए ई 1, 4 बाइट्स, लो = 18.06 41 96 8 एफ 57, 4 बाइट्स, ओपन = 18.82 46 ई 2 2 ई 80, 4 बाइट्स, वॉल

sql - MySQL Migration Script Help -

I am working on a site that lists a directory of different restaurants, and currently a new CMS The problem with the switching process is that both CMSs represent different restaurant data. Old CMS A cross reference database so that it can list entry for an example like this: ID / FieldID / Item ID / Data 3/1/6/123 Fu Street 4/2/6 / bar A reference table that refers to FieldID 1 as the road, Field ID 2 as the city. Another reference table, which references item ID 6 6 as a tasty restaurant. New CMS The way in which database I create a sample list happens on the new CMS, these are all straight lines, no cross refractioning. Therefore, the data of the same restaurant will be instead: ID / name / road / city 3 / delicious restaurant / 123fu street / bar There are about 2,000 restaurant listings, so this is not large volume in terms of SQL line data size, but certainly not enough to re-enter the listing of all the restaurants by hand. I have some ideas, but i

java - Automation server can't create object - Microsoft JScript runtime error -

I am trying to run a Java Webstart application which has been started from an html page. On loading I get a warning with the message "Automation server can not create an object" after some time the app starts and works fine. Alerts come only on one of the workstations. Any sign on where should I look? Regards, Dutch Try the following IE setting: "Start and script ActiveX controls marked as securely has not been done."

sql - How to display multiple values in a MySQL database? -

I was wondering how to display more than one value in the database, for example, you can say The user is the form that asks to type the types of foods such as cookies, candies, apples, roti and so on. How can I store it in MySQL database under the same field as food? You may want to read Do not want to store many values ​​in the field. You want to do something like this: form_responses id [whatever other fields are in your form] foods_liveed form_response_id food_name Where form_responses is a table containing things that are singular (like a person's name or address, or some such things where there are not multiple values). There is a reference to foods_liked.form_response_id a form_responses table, so the foods which are liked by the person whose reaction number is six, to form_response_id foods_liked in the field. Edit: Others have suggested a three-table structure, which is definitely better if you are limited to choose your users from the pre

Can't get wordpress feed to display full article -

It's probably going to be fixing a lot ... I can not understand it. I want to display posts from a WordPress category on the following page: I have succeeded in doing this, but when I show 'details' on the page (My code: $ Item-> description), it only shows the snippet of the article, not the full article ... What do I need to use to show the full article? I am trying to see the WordPress RSS feed, but when I see it in Firefox then I ask to subscribe, so that I can not really see it and see that to see the full article What should I do. Safari shows its custom feed layout ... Hopefully I'm Understanding There is nothing to display full text or excerpt on your article page in your feed. & lt ;? Php the_excerpt () ;? & Gt; to and in your theme files, such as category .pgp, single php, etc.

iphone - Why this code fails to empty undo stack -

- (शून्य) रद्द करें {// [managedObjectContext.undoManager disabledUndoRegistration]; [ManagedObjectContext deleteObject: वस्तु]; / / मैं इस विलोपन को पूर्ववत ढेर पर दर्ज नहीं करना चाहता जो इस समय खाली है। // [managedObjectContext.undoManager सक्षमUndoRegistration]; [ManagedObjectContext.undoManager removeAllActions]; } इस कोड के साथ, मुझे अब भी पूर्ववत स्टैक पर हटा दिया गया है, यहां तक ​​कि उन दो पंक्तियों को भी कम करने से रिकॉर्डिंग को रोक नहीं सकता है। क्यों? आप को कॉल करने की आवश्यकता होगी - अक्षम ऑब्जेक्ट प्रसंग पर प्रसंस्करण परिवर्तन को अक्षम करने से पहले और पुन: पूर्ववत प्रक्रिया को सक्षम करना कोर डेटा विलंब प्रक्रियाओं को बदलते समय तक प्रक्रियाओं को बदलता है, जो एक ही विशेषता और समान शॉर्टकट में कई परिवर्तनों को कोलाश करने की अनुमति देता है। - Replacement for HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] in Integrated Mode -

एचटीटीपीसीओन्टेक्स्ट का उपयोग कर.सुरक्षित। अनुरोध। एकीकृत मोड में ["SERVER_NAME"] आईआईएस 7 में एक त्रुटि देता है: क्या एचटीटीपीसीटीईएक्स.कुरंट.सुक्वेत के लिए वैश्विक.एएसएक्स कोड में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है एक विकल्प है? सर्वर "[" SERVER_NAME "]? यह उपयोग करने के समान होगा स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रैपथ = एचटीटीपी कॉन्टेक्स। चालू। सर्फर .मैपपथ (एचटीपीआरटीएमईएमएक्सडॉमैन ऐप वर्चुअलपाथ); के बजाय // स्ट्रिंग strpath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables ["PATH_INFO"]); ऐप के दौरान पाइप लाइन में अब कोई अनुरोध संदर्भ नहीं है, इसलिए मैं नहीं कर सकता कल्पना करें कि किसी भी तरह का सर्वर / पोर्ट अगले वास्तविक अनुरोध पर आ सकता है। यहां क्लासिक मोड में नहीं होने पर मैं इसका उपयोग कर रहा हूं। ओवरहेड नगण्य है। /// & lt; सारांश & gt; /// कक्षा को केवल पहली अनुरोध पर कहा जाता है /// & lt; / सारांश & gt; प्राइवेट क्लास एपस्टार्ट {स्टैटिक बूल _init = false; निजी स्थिर ऑब्जेक्ट _lock = नया ऑब्जेक

escaping - how to have quotation marks in html input values -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न समस्या है - से सर्वर साइड मुझे 'होस्ची' भाई की तरह एक स्ट्रिंग मिलती है 'मैं इस स्ट्रिंग को एक & lt; इनपुट मान "MYSTRING" / & gt; में रखना चाहता हूँ। यह & lt; input मान "होस्ची" भाई "/ & gt; जो स्पष्ट रूप से काम नहीं करता है इसके लिए कोई कामकाज? मूल्य टैग के भीतर " चरित्र से और amp; quot; काम से बचने वाला है? आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद, tobi हां, & amp; quot; काम करता है: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "अंतिम_नाम" मान = "& amp; quot; मेरा उद्धरण! & Amp; quot;" / & gt;

batch file - How do I turn the content of a var in an absolute path? -

Suppose i have this: set x = .. How do I change it later in a complete path? Can you please write about how it would be in a script? I tried with % ~ dpx , but he gave this error message: The following use of path operator is invalid in batch-parameter replacement:% ~ dpX < / Code> After a lot of searches, I've found a way to do this: %% y X = %% ~ dpy for in (% x%)

date - How can i get the current month and previous three months using PHP -

Will someone tell me how to use PHP in the current month and the last three months For example : Retro Date ("y: M: d"); will output: 09: October: 20 but I need it: August September october as output. Thank you in advance ... Fero You need to pass "F" for the full text of the month : resonance date ("y: F: d"); You can use echoing date ("y: F: d", strtotime ("- 1 month")) >;

python - Unicode handling in ReportLab -

I am trying to use ReportLab with Unicode characters, but this is not working. I tried to trace through the code until reaching the following line: class TTFont: # ... def splitString (auto, text, doctor, encoding = 'UTF-8') : #. .. cur.append (n & amp; 0xFF) # & lt; - Here's the problem! (This code can be found in the repository of this code, in the file, in the query line 1059.) Why is the value of n being tampered with ?! In the row shown above, code is the code point of the character to be processed (e.g. 65 for 'A', 'A' 97, or 1588 for Arabic Sheen 'Shi'). cur is a list that is filled with characters to be sent to the final output (AFIU). Before that line, everything (apparently) was working fine, but in this line, the value of n was increased, apparently subtracting it into extended ASCII category! -I lose the value of ASCII, Unicode characters, I do not understand why this statement is useful, or why it is necessar

php - Mysql how many search results -

How can I verify how many results come back from mysql db? A table with result from I Mysql DB: $ qry_result = mysql_query ($ query) or die (mysql_error ()); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ qry_result)) How many search results I want to display on users' search criteria ... thanks $ num_of_results = mysql_num_rows ($ qry_result); This works for SELECT or SHO if the query is deleted by INSERT, UPDATE, again or use.

securing an web service for use with jquery ajax -

I am using jquery ajax to fetch data from the webservice I am wondering how i safe it I can do it and work with jazzery Ajax. This service is part of my web application and in order to access it you have to log in to the application. However I want to make it more secure. For example, a consultant who is looking at all its customers in an autocomplete box, that's good, but they can send it to another adviser's ID instead. What is the best way to safeguard it? Though I have seen this article here, I do not know how any help to make this work with jquery ajax would be appreciated. As far as I understand, you want to make sure that you use the person who uses your service Know the identity of If the web service is part of your application, then it should not be a problem using cookies (on the same domain on the site to handle web services). Look for some ideas. Otherwise, you can exclude the temporary identifier from the log members of your site which will be us

Android: ListView with complex data model -

I want to map an array of "complex" data in a ListView. In a very simple way, my data model will look something like this: class ListPlacesValues ​​{String idObject; String name; String City; String country; ArrayList & LT; String & gt; Classification; Double distance_type; DistanceUnit distance_unit; [... more stuff ...]} I know that I can convert my complex data into a hashlist and then just use SimpleAdapter: Simple Adapter M Adapter = New Simple Adapter (This, Hashlist, R.Let.Place_LitTimem, New String [] {"Name", "City", "Country"}, New Ent [] {R}, RID city, R. Dendentry}); However, I will use my data model directly, but I do not know where and how to start, so that in the end I can do something like this: ArrayList & LT; ListPlacesValues ​​& gt; Value = meet (); MyAdapter mAdapter = New MyAdapter (this, value, r layout.plus_lititcom, listplaces values ​​{,,}, new

ajax - Which javaScript framework for cross-domain? -

I am creating a web service that will use cross-domain GET and POST data heavily, and then some lightbox Or the same window on the client Is there a javascript framework, which is better at this, or even more important, a framework that I should avoid? I want to be able to control the box, actually the sexy boxes will be good. These will be updated without reloading the page. The framework should be really good on cross-domain content. I need a good error trap and process confirmation so that I can show the user that his connection is active. If needed I can use more than one framework. Bandwidth may be appropriate if a framework is really good on a cross-domain and the other was really good in windows / boxes. Thank you, Edit: To avoid the frameworks, I'm thinking about Gouches. I suggest using jQuery because it is probably the most comprehensive (if "No") is one of the Javascript frameworks, there are many jQuery addons for sexy boxes (you si

php - Pattern Match on a Array Key -

I need to get stock prices from this array: Array ([stock0 ] = & Gt; [[Stock 1] => [Stock 1] => 3 [StockDate 1] => Apple [Stock 2] => 2 [StockDate 2] = & gt;) I need pattern matching on this array, where array key = "stock" + 1 wildcard character I have tried using the array filter function to get every second value on PHP manual, but the empty values ​​start throwing it down. I tried many things which I found but nothing is working. Can this be done? array_filter does not have access to key and therefore it is not the right tool for your job. I believe this is what you want to do: $ share = array ("stock 0" => 1, "stockdate" = & gt; ; '', 'Stock 1' = & gt; 3, 'stockdate1' = & gt; 'apple' '' stock2 '=> 2,' stockdate 2 '=>); $ StockList = array (); // "stock" indexed by the number found at the end of foreign currency ($ share = $ shar

html - Footer Overlapping Dynamically Generated Table -

I'm working on an aspx page, creating a table server-side, and looks fine on the page . Also, on this page, there is a small footprint, the final result is that when the content in the table becomes sufficient for a long time, the table is spread behind the footer, but the footer reaches itself in the lower part of the table. Lt; Div id = "contentplusfooter" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" class = "contentWidth" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "margin-left: 10px;" & Gt; & Lt; Div id = "contentBanner" class = "content within" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "contentBannerTitle" & gt; Inventory tracking report: & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Asp: Repeater id = "rptInventory" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Asp: GridView id = "gvInventory" runat = "server" CssClass = "

java - Deleting Objects with JPA with Foreign Key Constraints -

I have two classes, service and customer, I have a customer with a number of customer support from the service and I want to remove any service that refers to it, I am using JPA with ORM (below with hibernation below) attached to a postgrassacul DB. It would be great if I can define the association in such a way that the removal of the customer is the reference that the service is but that, and maybe I am doing something wrong, because in the service of the Union @ManyToOne Has been defined using, will cascade the customer from operation service, but not in other ways? Without removing such cascading, I am ready to easily remove all the services that refer to the customer. Easier than JPA / Hibernate, it seems easy to remove the batch and execute them in the wrong order! My code basically asks the customer-related services, calls entityManager.remove () on each, and then calls entityManager.remove () to the customer. But when I flush it, I get an exception that the failure of t

reporting services - How to use HTML entities in an SSRS report? -

In an SQL 2005 Report Server project , how do you enter an HTML entity (like & amp; ;; Or delta;) in the value of a column header text box? You simply copy and paste for those 2 symbols.

mailmerge - Itemized bills in Word -

I want to create a bill for non-profits in the form of a Word Mail merge. Now, the source data is stored in Excel in a pivot-table-like structure (this was not my view) with two cells per item type (dues and payments) per customer. (Each customer has one line, and each item has two columns of type) Existing data is in this framework, but if there is any way to change it in a better way, then I am open to ideas. I have a word mail merge document written by Word macro at present, a word if the field code is for each pair column (item type). (Not all customers have all the item types, so I need a field if I want to exclude every customer.) The problem is that only I know how to operate this system, and now I do not have time to generate all the bills I have. Ideally, I will write my own billing app (this will also solve many other problems), but I do not have time for it, either. Is there a way (reasonably quick) to create a system, fewer technical people are allowed to do a

java - How is server-side javascript used/implemented? -

I've known server-side javascript for a long time, but I do not have a clue about it is. Can anyone tell me in the right direction? I'm interested in using server-side javascript + Java servlet technology edit Great! I have seen those technologies before, but for some reason I have not associated them with the "server-side" JavaScript (doh!) supplemental question: if I use the JavaScript library to create content Want to do ExtJs for example), am I able to get a "document" to modify the server-side in the client? (I think I will know in my earlier endeavor) Running Javascript server side requires a JavaScript engine that can be embedded. Most of these "Embeddable" engines provide an API that lets you interface between executed JavaScript code and your own objects / methods. For example, to allow the execution of functions written in Java or C #, you have JavaScript code, or you can increase the symbol's table of icons to in MVC partial with dynamic inherits class? -

I have a partial view that is shared between two controllers and I'm trying to find a way to change it IE: My current partial start is as follows: & lt;% @ control language = " C # "Inheritance =" System Web. MVC VUUSAR Control & lt; MVCProject.Controllers.PurchasingOrderViewModel & gt; & Gt%; And I also want to be able to do the same information in two separate controllers because of the need to be able to do the latter from the second class Any ideas? I think controlling the best way to present a common interface or an abstract class for MVCProject. Purchase Order View Model and your other models like: & lt;% @ control language = "C #" Inheritance = "System web .mvc .viewUser Control & lt; MVCProject.Controllers IOrderViewModel> " & Gt%;

How do you prevent database changes inside a Rails ActiveRecord before_create filter from getting rolled back when it returns false? -

I have added a filter before one of my ActiveRecord models and updating some database inside that filter I am Sometimes I return false to the filter to avoid the construction of the target model, but which have other database changes ( While inside the filter) to get rolled back. Update # 1 : There is some pseudo code explaining my problem: class widget & lt; Before ActiveRecord :: Base: update_instead def update_instead if some_condition? Update_some_record_in_same_model # This rolling roll is returning false false # do not make a new record and the other right return it # Update it to end and end and end and end and Android. Update # 2 : Some good answers were given down but each had its own drawbacks I was ending overriding the method of making such a way: < / P> def make super till the upgrade? # Yes, I have reversed the return value from the top end Just me It had to do recently. You must specifically request a second connection from AR. Then

Does google have a basic search API? -

I think they do, but because of all the other APIs and tools they are confused because of it. / P> What I want to do is issue a web request and get a JSON or XML response that includes Google's standard search results, and enables them to be able to page by new requests etc. . Where can I find this? No, and no, if you have a non-AJAX one by those "basic" The original SOAP continues to support APIs, which have been the key to use recently, years ago (I have one), but it has been closed in favor of AJAX Search. ""

how to maximize a windows mobile window? -

कैसे एक विंडोज़ मोबाइल विंडो को अधिकतम करने के लिए? आप पूछ सकते हैं कि कैसे एक विंडोज़ मोबाइल फॉर्म बनाने के लिए पूरी स्क्रीन लेते हैं ऐसा करने के लिए, प्रपत्र का FormBorderStyle को None पर सेट करें, और WindowState से Maximized सेट करें। साथ ही, मेन्यू बार को हटा दें, यदि कोई डिज़ाइनर द्वारा स्वचालित रूप से जोड़ लिया गया है। यदि आप एक तरह का "किओस्क" ऐप बनाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं जिसमें कई रूप शामिल हैं, तो आप एक समस्या में चलेंगे आप एप्लिकेशन के भीतर रूपों को स्विच करते हैं: प्रारंभ बार हर बार विभाजित सेकंड के लिए बैक अप करेगा इस के चारों ओर एक रास्ता है, Win32 API का उपयोग करते हुए, लेकिन यह एक दर्द है।

synchronization - .NET 3.5: What is the "ValidatorCollection.IsSynchronized" Property "synchronized" to? -

I understand that in .NET 3.5 validation archives. Synchronized property A boolean is telling me whether it is synchronized or not. However, it is difficult to understand that what is synchronizing with it or with it? The MSDN Manual simply says: becomes a value that indicates that the validation store archive is synchronized. that does not help much ... MSDN comment Also says: If the archive is synchronized, this thread is protected.