objective c - My table view does not navigate to another uiview page. What might be wrong? -
In my table view cells are the label as ContentView
when I navigate to another view I click on those whose view controller
is shown, is not navigated.
- (zero) table view: (UITableView *) table was viewed SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) IndexPath {Detailed WebViewController * Detailed WebViewTab1 = [[DetailWebViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "Detailed RssWebView" bundle : Zero]; [Self. Navigation Push ViewController: Detailed Animated WebViewTab1: No]; [Detailed WebViewTab1 release]; }
It stays on the tap where it is highlighting the table in blue.
The object for XIB is being created but can not be navigated into it.
Try checking the debugger if your detailed webview tab 1 is actually It does not seem to be zero, according to your description it seems.
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