
Showing posts from May, 2010

php - How to map file path from different folder location easily? -

How to easily map the path of the file? public_html / api / function php & lt ;? Php function writingfile ($ content) {$ filename = 'logfile / test_randomstring.txt'; If (! $ Handle = fopen ($ filename, 'a')) {resonant "can not open file ($ filename)"; Go out; } Fclose ($ handle); }? & Gt; The actual path of the text file is in the public_html / r / admin / logfile / test_randomstring.txt , so if I type the Script on public_html / folder1 / folder2 / addlog.php , it will not be able to find the path of test_randomstring.txt addlog.php How can I easily enable this text file path, even if my php calling script is anywhere. I have $ filename = 'logfile /testing_randomstring.txt'; Applying it properly on the path to fix, inside the lipatolagfile function, something is like $ $ filename = '/ r / admin / logfile / test_randomstring.txt', but it is not working Instead of using a relative path, you can specify a ful

Check for files (robots.txt, favicon.ico) to a website php -

I would like to check on a remote website if there are some files in it for example. robots.txt , or favicon.ico must have files accessible (read mode). So if the website is: I have to check whether the HTTP:// .txt . I tried to fetch the URL like . And sometimes you can see that the file is there because you did not get the header error in the page. But some websites handle this error and you call some HTML code that the page is not found. You get the header with status code 200. So how will anyone know if the file is actually or not or not? Thanax, Gannit If they serve an error page with HTTP 200 I suspect you have a reliable way to find out that it is unnecessary to say that it is stupid to serve like a page with error ... You can try: Issuing a head request that only gives you the header for the request processing. You may find a more reliable status code. Check the co - Are There Any Significant Changes in Localization Features Between VS2005/.NET 2.0, and VS2008/.NET 3.5? -

We have a non-localized WebForms app written in VS2005 / .NET 2.0, and want to make it local. Is there a significant change in the area of ​​localization (either framework feature or visual studio tool) between .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.5, which would make us suitable for upgrading this project? No, the resource is new and this is the same.

c# - generate viewmodel from model? -

I am currently writing view models for my (WPF / C #) app. I have to copy and paste a lot, though. Is there no way to generate model-to-view-model like modeling model? I did not find anything on the net about it ... Carl Schiff Look at this is a visual studio plugin that includes various assistants for the development of WPF or Silverlight applications. One of these features is what you are looking for: Create a Vododel class - From a VB.NET or C # code window, easily See a modal stub that includes commands and exposed data squares. Alternatively you can choose to reapply all model properties on ViewModel.

ms dos - Can I retrieve the TITLE of an MS-DOS window using -

By using the code given below, I have a DOS command window image name and process id Can retrieve , but can I retrieve the DOS window title too? = Process as a slow current process. GateContent Process () Diminished Process Process () = Process Reduce this process as the process in the gait process ("REMOTE_COMPUTER") processes, if this process processes this. Processum.Toper Canton ("CMD") then listbox 1. ITEM.Ed ("Process name:" and this process., Process name and VBTib and "Process ID:" & amp;; ThisProcess.Id) end if next Try it out: thisProcess.MainWindowTitle I get GetWindowText from user32.dll and was looking for a process to find the main window handler property , so I stumbled with that main Windtaille Property Sometimes, the need to be tough is not.

licensing - How should I measure Concurrent Licence Usage -

I have a detailed explanation of the logon and logout time for my system along with the use of the machine, network username etc. . I need to measure that I will tell a concurrent user license level based on this information. Now I can say maximum 170 times for any 1 day in any given period of 3 months or I can say average 133. Does anyone know about this or know its formula or is it as simple as 170 marks in the high water mark in my example? A customer has recently gone from an unlimited license for a concurrent license, so I have to face the task of setting up the initial license level. There is a possibility of selling more licenses in future, so I do not want it to be set at a higher level and I want to base it on historical data which collects the system instead of the expected work. I take% of standard deviation from mean. To wit. If you mean 133, then do the work of standard devotion, then 70% above it, maybe 80%. In this way, you ignore the outlets and get a goo

php - Web based method to determine if an iPhone is connected via 3G or Wifi -

I am in the process of creating a webpad which allows users to view a video podcast. At present, users can choose whether they want low or high bandwidth videos whether they are connected through 3G or WiFi. Is there any way a webpad can determine this? I know in a way that can use the device's IP, to determine whether it is on a network like AT & T, but to find out that the IP range of their, and every other global carrier, There is something that is not possible right now. Is there a way PHP, Javascript - anything - can it be fixed that the iPhone is connected via 3G or WiFi? I was hoping that the iPhone could use a slightly different browser agent string or something similar. You probably do not care about 3G versus WiFi as much as you can about bandwidth / roundtrip time We do. I wonder if you get it using round-trip time, not to find 3G versus WiFi, but using a browser script and determining the integrity of the user experience can do.

database - What is MYSQL Partitioning? -

I have read the documentation, but I would like to, in my own words, what is it and why it is used is . Is it primarily used for multiple servers, so does not pull a server? Then, the portion of the data will be on server 1, and the portion of the data will be on server 2 and server 3 is "Point" for Server 1 or Server 2 ... How does it work? Why MYSQL documents focus on partition within a single server ... If its purpose is to spread to all servers? The idea behind the partition is to not use multiple servers, but using multiple tables is a table's ringing If you can divide a table into several tables so you can get old data in one table and new data in another table, then the database can customize those queries where you ask for new data that they In the second table, more than that, you define how the data is divided. Simple examples from : Make the table worker (id INT not tap, Fname VARCHAR (30), lname on VARCHAR (30), DATE No difference '197

How do I make Git ignore file mode (chmod) changes? -

I have a project in which I have to change the mode of the file from chmod <745 to 777 , But it should not be changed to the main repo Git raises on chmod-R 777. and changes all the files as has been changed. Is there any way to ignore the changes to the file in the file? Try: git config core.filemode false to: core.fileMode If incorrect, the executable bit is ignored between the difference index and the copy of the work; Use Git-update-index (1) useful on broken filesystem like fata is correct by default To set this option for one-off commands, -c flag can be used: git -c core.fileMode = false diff and - Global flag This will be the default behavior for the login user. git config --global core.fileMode false warning core.fileMode best practice And should be used carefully. This setting only covers the executable bit mode and never read / write bits. In many cases you feel that you need this setting because you have done something like

assembly - How can I suppress the “terminate batch job” in Win7 cmd.exe -

As discussed, patching CMD.xa to suppress "Terminator Batch Job (Y / N)" possible? message. Available for Windows XP. Unfortunately, these patching guidelines are outdated for Windows 7, and I do not know enough assembly to update them. (I know how to use the hex editor, and was able to follow the instructions for WinXP.) Based on those WinXP directions, I used to fix this unpleasant bug in Windows 7 How can I update cmd.exe in the webpage the author gave me the replacement offset: < / Pre> 64 bit win 7 cmd .xe 0x1c35d offset begins with 0x20 bytes

image - Validate that a file is a picture in PHP -

If a file is uploaded to the server, then to ensure that it is actually a picture and not, Is there a way to use PHP with just a file .jpg or .gif extension? using the GD library (part) The outline of the array (string $ filename [, array and $ imageinfo]) The first element of the array if there is no image then it would be 0. If you do not have GD installed (most of the time you will do), then you can read the file header. EDIT: In fact, Neil told in the comment, "Strong" does not require GD library to use this function. Therefore use it.

proxy - Launch options to force Java socket connections to localhost? -

I am trying to find a way to force any connection, which is a jar externally by my proxy server It does the eye, which is running on the local host (a Java application too) once the proxy server receives the connection, it opens a connection with the external IP and starts routing the IO to the client / server. I'm Googling it for 2 days, I had some luck, I believe I am using the wrong conditions in my search efforts. If you have any ideas, please tell me, I will try anything. Thanks in advance - Sean. If this is a "real" proxy, you can specify a proxy to use Java < / P> You have two options: Specify a proxy in the command line Make it hard code in your app OK, you actually have three Specify the .properties file, and read from there, and set it as a system property (which is a lot of options Is, lake Neither 2 more dynamic) You will use from the command line: java -Dhttp.proxyHost = localhost -Dhttp.proxyPort = 8080 -jar yourJar. Ja

c# - How can I get delegates to property accessors from a generic type? -

I am currently creating a node editor () and I have a problem getting the properties of property accessories in general Has been there. So far this question has brought me the closest, but I'm having trouble that I think that is related to the type of object in particular. For reference, "node" is synonymous to an object, and a "port" is synonymous with a property. This is a derogatory code, which is part of the node class. The nodeport code class is a feature that can be set to properties to provide details for the property (such as human-readable names and data flow directions). Public Zero SetTarget & lt; T & gt; (T goal) {// TODO: End the old IOs end (if any) Inputs.Clear (); Outputs.Clear (); // Keep track of the current goal of this node. ThisTarget = Target; PropertyInfo [] Pinfa = Target Gettype () GetProperties (); Foreach (PropertyInfo property in Pinfo) {attribute [] attrs = attribute.GetCustomAttributes (property); Foreach (att

multithreading - How check if a task is already in python Queue? -

I am writing a simple crawler in Python using threading and Q modules. I get a page, check the link and place them in a queue, when a certain thread process ends the page, it grabs the next one from the queue, I use an array for those pages I am looking to filter the links that I have already added to the queue, but if there are multiple threads and they get the same link on different pages Qatar put in duplicate links I've already exists in the URL line that I can find out how to do it or not, to avoid putting it again? If you do not care about the order in which the items are processed, then I I try a sub-class of which internally uses set : class setQueue (queue): def _init (self , Maxsize): self.maxsize = maxsize self.queue = set () def_put (self, item): self.queue.add (item) def _get (self): Paul McGuire told that to add this "duplicate item" The latter has been removed from the "to-b-processed" set and has not yet been added, To resolve this

python - Noob-Ready Cython Tutorials -

I have a group of scripting languages ​​(Python, Ruby, Luah, PHP), but I do not know any compiled language like C / C ++, I wanted to try and speed some python code using Sithon, which is basically a python -> C compiler, which aims to create a C extension for C Python. In fact, you make the code in a strict version of the dragon that is compiled in C -> native code There is a problem here, I do not know, nevertheless cython documentation is intended for those people The form already knows something (nothing has been explained, only been presented), and I have no help, I need to know that there are good sedan tutorials for the purpose of the dragon programmer, or if M Zhe learn C before Sithan learning. Keeping in mind I'm a capable dragon programmer, I learn a lot rather than Sethon from the perspective of the language which I have been doing well in the past, instead of learning the whole new language to learn syithtion. 1) Please do not recommend psyco EDIT: An

java - Android: change TextView textColor when parent is focused -

मेरे पास TextView एक LinearLayout के अंदर है। LinearLayout फ़ोकस प्राप्त करने में सक्षम है, और जब यह होता है तो मुझे बदलने के लिए textView की textcolor चाहिए मैंने सोचा कि कोई काम करेगा, लेकिन ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि TextView फ़ोकस प्राप्त नहीं होता है जब LinearLayout करता है मुझे पता है, क्योंकि मैंने इस कोड की कोशिश की है: mTextView.setOnFocusChangeListener (नया OnFocusChangeListener () {@Override सार्वजनिक शून्य पर फोकस चेंज (देखें वी, बूलियन हैफोकस) {लॉग डी। (टैग, " टेक्स्ट पर ध्यान केंद्रित किए गए फ़ोकस: "+ hasFocus";}}); और कुछ भी नहीं मिला। मैं textView के textcolor को बदलने के लिए LinearLayout पर OnFocusChangeListener का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता, मुझे लगता है कि यह XML से किया जाना चाहिए । इसका कारण यह है कि किसी अन्य गतिविधि में मेरे पास एक कस्टम एडेप्टर और कस्टम विचारों के साथ एक ExpandableListView है और एंड्रॉइड textColor एस TextView (प्रकाश से लेकर अंधेरे तक) मेरे कस्टम विचारों के अंदर मेरे कस्टम विचारों के दौरान आइटम पर ध्यान क

Php include using ajax -

I am creating a web page that is created using "module", in other words the page has other PHP Files On the one side of my page there is a digital container in which it has some links, this divider will be used to keep some information. This information is organized in different php files, which I am not able to load in Divya Container with the previously told link. How would I go about doing this with AJAX? Note: I include it (""); should load php files as long as PHP include s There is no specific reason why you want to do this (like page load performance is poor and you want to load some parts unlimitedly on the rest of the page). I continue to use PHP, but if you want to dynamically update those page sections after the first load, you can use it. Keep in mind that this is not the same as server-side; Parts of the page you updated, if they are PHP scripts, then those pages accessing those pages will not have access to the variable; You will n

ruby on rails - Heroku: Display Git Revision Hash and Timestamp in Views? -

Assuming I have a rail application that is posted on I Timestamp for previous revisions How can I show information about these pieces in my thoughts Geeta hash for the last revision Heroko committed a commitment variable Hash is set with ENV ['COMMIT_HASH'] . For timestamps, if you host your code there, you may be affected by the hash It seems that This can help you, or you can do it yourself.

linker - Building Visual C++ app that doesn't use CRT functions still references some -

This is part of a chain of at least two related closely, but there are specific questions. I hope I am doing the right thing by asking them separately. I'm trying to get my Visual C ++ 2008 app to work without the Sea Runtime Library. It's a Win32 GUI app without MFC or other fancy stuff, just plain Windows API. So I run the project properties -> Configuration -> C / C ++ -> Advanced -> Yes in the default library name (yes compiler flag / Zl ) and then create it again Excuse me I have written a suitable entry point function, which is the subject of I get two linker errors; They may be related, the linker complains about the unresolved external symbols __ fltused and _memcpy in foobar.obj . Needless to say, I do not use plainly in my program, but I use memcpy anywhere foobar.cpp . (I used to have it, but it turns out to be similar to #define d like memcpy ) (I thought I could get memcpy Get rid of the problem by using a compiler internal,

php - Testing website mailing locally -

I want to test password recovery and similar email related attributes for the website. The MP is using PHP (KCPHP Framework) and the syntax seems easy enough but I have uncertainty about email server setup. I have looked around for a good tutorial but they are not specific enough. What is a quick and easy mail server to use locally? Also ... some initial steps will be appreciated for starting.

c# - Testing MVC Controller Action HttpAcceptAttribute Verbs -

What is the best way to test the action of the controller HttpAcceptAttribute verbs? By now I have the following, but it is very ugly, even a mother can not love it and is not very flexible, is there any better way? [Facts] // Using xUnit, junking the class public Zero Filters Controller Filter ControllerTrustRivoFilterByProductActivityThisTextepPost () {type [param paramypes = new [] {typeof (int)}; Var method = Typef (filter controller) .GetMethod ("MyMethod", Permaptes); Var attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (AcceptVerbsAttribute), false) .sist & lt; AcceptVerbsAttribute & gt; (). SingleOrDefault (); Assert.NotNull (features); Claim it. Aquil (1, property workscount ()); Emphasis Properties (Properties Works first.) Equal ( (), String Compression. Inverted Culture Igniter Seas);) } Thanks MAC No reflection and magic string, easy Not to change the name of the controller and method without breaking the unit test:

forms - why this javascript is line is Right and the other isn't -

जावास्क्रिप्ट के साथ> var ग्राहक = document.getElementById ('custList') मूल्य ; और यह काम करता है ... यह क्यों काम करता है लेकिन ... var ग्राहक = (form1.custList मूल्य); मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है कि form1 परिभाषित नहीं है। विशेषकर क्यों यह IE में काम करेगा, और क्रोम लेकिन फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स नहीं। ऐसा लगता है जैसे मुझे स्पष्ट रूप से बताया गया है, लेकिन मैं एक स्क्रिप्ट इंजन नहीं हूं बस समझने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं यदि आप अपने पृष्ठ में किसी प्रपत्र ऑब्जेक्ट को संदर्भित करना चाहते हैं, तो आप 'document.forms' ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, जो दस्तावेज़ में फ़ॉर्म ऑब्जेक्ट की एक सरणी है। मान लीजिए हमारे पास इस प्रकार एक फ़ॉर्म है: & lt; form method = "post" action = "somthing.php" नाम = "myContactForm" id = "contact_form" & gt; & Lt; input type = "text" name = "custList" id = "custListId" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; मान सही तरीके से उपयोग करने के लिए, आप

actionscript 3 - Flash Won't Load in IE -

Can anyone tell me why this loads in IE Will not done ? Error message: Error # 2044: Unsaved security application. Text = Error # 2048: Security sandbox violation: Can not load data from carousel ( ) on Carousel / Load XML () does not load even in Safari 4. This is likely to do something with 404, you do not follow cross domain scripting support rules through the policy file in the Flash plugin sandbox. Maybe you have some information to start in. Alternatively, you need to make sure that your script is trying to connect back to http: / / / or vice versa, where swf was loaded on. You can see that now it is written if you load it works fine: so to deal with cross domain restrictions.

replace input field with data from mysql php -

I have created this layout of the text input field continuously, 1- Enter the data in the empty field, click on the 2- button which A Php page that is updated in the database The problem now is that when I come back to the main page, the empty field is replaced with the data, but still other empty fields enter new data I have to do You have not done < Pre> & lt; Input type = "text" name = "age" value = "& lt ;? php echo $ age ;? & gt;" & gt; When the form is first loaded, then there will be no value for the conflict like the $ era, so the input will appear empty, submit the form by POST to the same PHP file, run your verification check , And if everything passes, then insert it into your database. (Is it necessary that you write the database at this point, or should you wait until the second section is filled?) You must use some conditional statement to display the second part of the form Depending on how complex it

MS Access + OLAP -

I have too much data in MS Access, and I need tools for analysis. Do you have data mining and analysis (OLAP) any device? Support for access (and other various non-SQL server data sources) in the forthcoming SQL Server 2008 R2 release:

android app search button -

I'm trying to implement my app in Quick Search, as is done in Epidemus "App / Search / Started the search "I have tried to follow completely different examples, just as it is ok to copy the code as you are in ApiDemos. The first thing I found is related to older versions of SDK, and not just worked. As the stuff can actually run and work in epidemos, I have tried copying the following com. res / layout / search_invoke.xml res / layout / search_query_results.xml res / value / arrays.xml res / values Everything under "search samples" in / strings.xml res /xml/searchable.xml ... and AndroidManifest.xml This copy gives me a view to run ADMImOS Time looks like a Low when I click on the search button, the Quick Search Box, Android always opens a browser window with the Google search results for a

ajax - How to test Rails Juggernaut in Internet Explorer? -

I'm having problems with my rail app. I use the server for push, which is available in Firefox, Opera and Chrome Works great, but it does not work at all in IE. It should be compatible with IE6 +. The problem is, I can not find a debugging device in Firefox as a firebug for monitoring networks . I tried IE debug times, but there is nothing about AJAX and the network. I am running on default jargon settings and it is not connected to push server You can use firebug lights

modeling - how do you organize your model code in -

It seems that in my model folder, all my classes fit into one of 3 buckets: Pure POCO data objects / business objects Repository implementation code to query databases and external services Helper code. Is it normal and how to organize it is a best practice. Do I need a subfolder for 1, 2 + 3? Any recommendations? If you see that trying to provide a best practice framework, you will see that Poko / Institutions, repositories and support codes are not isolated, they are also present in different assemblies. This is because it is impossible to physically leak from one container to the other. This structure grows by the article which is also good to read.

c# - How to use the WebClient.DownloadDataAsync() method in this context? -

I plan to have a user write a movie title in my program and my program will pull Approvate information asynchronously UI does not stop. Here is the code: public class IMDB {webclient webclntx = new webclient (); Byte [] buffer = null; Public string [] SearchForMovie (String SearchPamator) {// Format the search parameter so that it can create a valid IMDB * Search * URL. // We are going to pull the actual movie // link from within the search website. String sitesearchURL = FindURL (SearchParameter); // One method / IMDB * search * Download the entire source code of the website asynchronously buffer = WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync (sitesearchURL); // Find the method to pass the IMDb source code (information) // string [] lol = findInformation (); // ??? //profit. String [] lol = null; Ability to return; } My actual problem is in the WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync () method. I can not use a string URL for this. How can I use it to download site bytes (for later use I will convert

WPF MVVM Routed Events -

There are many discussions about MV-VM and command binding (Riley Commands), but there is not much coverage on routing events I am willing to know what is the best way binding for a handler in an MV-VM pattern. Here is an example of a custom event and a routing avenue binding using a bound event handler in VM. & lt; Navigation: Left Navigation x: Name = "_New Left" margin = "3" Binding Helper: EventHelper. Rooted Event = "Events: Customer Selection Chenned" Binding Helper: EventHelper.AventHandler = "{Compulsive Selection Chengalated}" / & gt; In my VM, I will have such an event handler. Public Zero Selection (Object Sender, Customer Select Chengar E) {// Something} A concept taken from many examples from this command binding is. How can I work for this rooted event. You can see where the author applies the same syntax: & lt; Border background = "yellow" width = "350" margin = "0,0,10

c - Why is fwrite writing more than I tell it to? -

फ़ाइल * बाहर = fopen64 ("text.txt", "w +"); अहस्ताक्षरित int लिखना; Char * outbuf = नया चार [लिखें]; // भर आउटबफ प्रिंटफ़ ("% i \ n", ftello64 ​​(बाहर)); fwrite (outbuf, sizeof (चार), लिखने, बाहर); printf ( "% i \ n", लिखने); printf ( "% i \ n", ftello64 ​​(बाहर)); आउटपुट: 0 25755 25868 क्या चल रहा है? लिखना 25755 पर सेट है, और मैं उस फ़ाइल को कई बाइट लिखने के लिए fwrite को बताता हूं, जो कि शुरुआत में है, और फिर 25755 के अलावा एक स्थिति पर आई यदि आप डॉसिश सिस्टम (कहते हैं, विंडोज) पर हैं और फ़ाइल द्विआधारी मोड में नहीं खुलती है, तो लाइन-एंडिंग स्वचालित रूप से कनवर्ट हो जाएगी और प्रत्येक" लाइन "एक जोड़ देगा बाइट। इसलिए, "wb" को सिर्फ "w" के रूप में मोड के रूप में निर्दिष्ट करें @ केएफ़ के रूप में बताएं इसका यूनिक्स जैसी प्लेटफार्मों पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ेगा और दूसरों पर सही काम करेगा। उदाहरण के लिए: #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # परिभाषित एलएफ 0x0a int मुख्य (शून्य) {char

stylesheet - Counter measure if/when external CSS file is not loaded when the page did -

Due to the network or some other reason, some css files are not loaded in some sites, and you are unchanged / un- The layout will look-all the ugly pages. It happened on those pages that I did earlier. I am thinking something like this place at the top of the page and it is clear: / * .... title and stuff * / & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H2 id = "hiddennote" & gt; If you do not see this page properly, please refresh & lt; / H2 & gt; / * .... The rest of the page .... * / This is the definition of an external stylesheet: / * Other styles defined * / #hiddennote {display: none;} Functionally I know that it will work any drawbacks? Another possible drawback is that the user depends on what that page should look like knowing like. You can decide that something happens by changing the language of the message, "This page is not displaying properly! When you are free to use the content below, you will be able to load layout and styling infor

php - PDO binding values for MySQL IN statement -

I have an issue with PDO that I really want to like it in order to get answers after suffering for some time. . Take this example: I am compelled to use the ID of a SDR in MySQL statement in a PDO statement. The array will say: $ value = array (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); Database-Safe Variables $ products = Therefore, $ products STRING will: '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8' This statement will look like this: Choose FROM to add user products to products.user_id = where products IN (: product) Of course, $ products will force the statement : Products . However, when the statement is compiled and values ​​are bound, it actually looks like this: Choose FROM to add users products .user_id = where products ('1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8') The problem is executed What I really need is: select users to include products from products.user_id = where on the product IN (1,2,3,4,5 , 6,7,8) Only in fact can I do this

ruby on rails - Implement find(), save() ActiveRecord methods for ActiveMerchant CreditCard object -

What is the best way to find ActiveRecord's () and save ( ) Methods for an ActiveMerchant ActiveMerchant :: Billing :: Credit Card on an Object Rail app in a Ruby? I understand that saving the database of credit card information is always considered bad idea. , and it is better to use the gateway that provides card storage facilities for you to assume that it is necessary and fulfills the appropriate security standards (PCI DSS, file system and database encryption, network separation etc.) is being done. I have created a standard rail ActiveRecord model with the following: Pre> ./script / model credit credit first name: string last_name: string number: string month: integer year: integer type: string start_month: integer start_year: integer digits_number: string < P> This corresponds to the ActiveRecord definition of a credit card. In addition, ActiveMerchant ActiveMerchant :: Billing :: Credit Card Methods to quote the ActiveMerchant development tea

web parts - Webparts in -

What is the WebPorp in A Simple Example on Web Parts Web Parts: Web Parts is a framework designed to build ASP.NET 2.0. Highly customizable portal-style pages Users can make customized user settings in the browser for every user. For each control in the browser, at least, maximum, close, etc. Note: Web Parts is a browser memory eater :)

java - What is the best way to call repaint() at regular intervals in my Java2D program? -

I want to call my Java 2D simulator at regular intervals. What is the best way to do this? Should I start another thread and have a loop that keeps track of currentTimeMillis ()? Or is there a better way? Use the timer function in Java () and it's useful for you Maybe

xaml - Get data from selected row in Gridview in C#, WPF -

I am trying to retrieve data from a gridview that I have created in XML. & lt; ListView Name = "chartListView" selectionChanged = "chartListView_SelectionChanged" & gt; & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn header = "name" DisplayMemberBinding = "{binding name}" width = "250" /> & Lt; GridViewColumn Header = "Type" DisplayMemberBinding = "{Compulsive Type}" width = "60" /> & Lt; GridViewColumn Header = "ID" DisplayMemberBinding = "{Binding ID}" width = "100" /> & Lt; / GridView & gt; & Lt; /ListView.View> & Lt; / ListView & gt; I have seen some code like this: - Gridview line line = Gridview 1 Chosen cry; TextBox2.Text = row.Cells [2]. Text; However my problem is that my gridview has been created in XML, and it has not been named, that is, I can not make any referen

php - regular expression to convert WordPress tags to HTML -

I have this HTML that I am reading in WordPress from a regular PHP file. This is not a valid HTML but WordPress should take IMG tag to exclude [caption] and it will be sent to a & lt; P & gt; Put in the caption as tag. But I do not want any such word in PHP. [/ Caption] [/ caption] [caption id = "" align = "alignnone" width = "190" caption = "my caption"] html image tag found here but stripped [/ caption] How would you do it in regular expressions? I'm thinking of using preg_match_callback in some way. It seems that the WordPress code works just for you to include plug.php and wp-two things There are shortcodes.php from directory. requires 'wordpress / wp-include / plugin.php'; 'Wordpress / wp-included / shortcodes.php' is required; Add_shortcode ('caption', 'hand caption'); $ Content = '[Caption ID = "EFU" style = "bar"] Mary had a little lamb [/ caption] whose

flex3 - Data push to flex application from .net backend -

I am going to a large application (client-flex, server-net). The server side is required to push data to customers without asking for it, this data can be DB or only 2 integer tables, which need to be considered. I have a job but the documentation is very bad and support is not present only (for buying enterprise licenses). I am looking for a server-side solution that can push data from the net application and SQL to flex the customers who use the server FMF, with the traffic and data volumes, It should be efficient only. The connection should not be one that is blocked by the firewall, because the application should be possible everywhere for every customer. / P> Any decent solution? BlazeDS? - Can it work with the net? Stable? Life Cycle? Can it work with the net? Stable? I love you with your answers. Thank you very much, AV You should see that there is open source and Weborb is good as they have both mailing lists and many examples of in

sql - What does SQLCODE: -516 signify -

I am able to retrieve data from the same database table, but I am not getting the error that I get < / P> DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE: -516, SQLSTATE: 26501, SQLERRMC: Blank IBM suggests that Existing schema properties do not match the tables you have created and the schema name of the index. (though above is for z / os, I hope Java db2 implementation is same)

modalpopupextender and commas appearing in my textbox -

Something strange stuff is happening, I'm changing an application that uses javascript in a small window in the other To use a modal popup accelerator to open the web page data input. This works fine, but okay, when I do txtData.Text (the text box in my modal popup), it comes back with a comma before the data, so if you "rabbit ", Then it comes back as a" rabbit ". Also when I use it several times, in another place where I can click to show it, and I can type "fish" like "stuff, rabbit, fish" Back starts with backs I do not know how to do it or to stop it from doing it ... any thoughts? For some reason it does not appear that the text box is set to read only. I'm thinking thereby by displaying an editable text box on the user, holding keystrokes on it, and updating the reading text box that is hidden from the user. Still a little messy, but I can not roll back for the May release because with another combo box, I need t

c# - Is MSMQ the right choice for this scenario -

I have an eCommerce app, which is hosted on 2 different geographical servers Server_A - Hosted on our premises, in it our ERP (dynamic navigation) software & amp; Database Server_B - Hosted in External Data Center - Web Application & amp; Database (not for simplification within this server only) When a website orders, order order tables are written on Server_B placed in these Order Server_A Order table should go. Currently, a DTS script runs and any order is copied in Server_B, but because server_A does not take server and application bits, it has become difficult to manage. My idea is to use MSMQ to transfer "message" commands between two places. Is this a viable option? What is the website call about immediately after organizing "local level"?

c# - urlauthorization with custom roleprovider -

I am interacting with a third party httpmodule for authentication. I implemented my custom roll provider to interact with him, though they use a custom principal instead of the requisite RolePrincipal for urlauthorization. Can I hook up a new role-maker to capture custom impressions and copy it to a custom identification implementation? / P> You need to use the application_AuthenticateRequest event Secure void Application_AuthenticateRequest (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {If (HttpContext.Current.User! = Null) {If (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {}}}

search - MySQL - How to ORDER BY RELEVANCE? INNODB Table -

मेरे पास INNODB तालिका में 'कार्ड' नामक लगभग 20,000 पंक्तियाँ हैं, इसलिए FULLTEXT एक विकल्प नहीं है। कृपया इस तालिका पर विचार करें: आईडी | नाम | विवरण ------------------------------------------------- --------- 1 जॉन स्मिथ बस कुछ दोस्त 2 टेड जॉनसन एक और दोस्त 3 जॉनथन टॉड इस आदमी को भी 4 सुसान स्मिथ भी 5 सैम जॉन बॉन्ड और उन्हें 6 जॉन स्मिथ नंबर 1 के रूप में एक ही आदमी, एक और रिकॉर्ड 7 जॉन एडम्स आखिरी आदमी, वादा तो, कहें उपयोगकर्ता 'जॉन' की खोज करता है, मैं चाहता हूं कि परिणाम इसके क्रम में हो: 7 जॉन एडम्स 6 जॉन स्मिथ 3 जॉनथन टॉड 5 सैम जॉन बॉन्ड 2 टेड जॉनसन कृपया ध्यान दें कि हमने केवल 'जॉन स्मिथ' को खींच लिया है, हमने अपना सबसे हालिया प्रविष्टि लिया है मेरे डेटा के कारण, सभी नाम एक ही सटीक व्यक्ति के लिए हैं, जॉन स्मिथ नामित 2 अलग-अलग लोगों के बारे में चिंता करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है विचार? मुझे पता है कि मैं कुछ भी स्पष्ट कर सकता हूं। संस्करण 1: SELECT max (id) आईडी, नामों से नाम जहां '% John%' ग्रुप नाम से नाम का नाम है, जब &

debugging - ASP.Net ScriptManager globally setting ScriptMode in Machine.Config -

The Web in all our applications. Debug = "False" in the config and the release is DLL. We have many applications that now use script managers for .NET Ajax implementation. Script Manager has a Scriptmode that is set for release and debug mode for default Auto and when set to Auto, its value is set in the machine based on deployment - Retail = "true" setting . Config I have never set up this flag on any set of our live production servers and so do not just do it! My questions are: Is there any information about setting this flag? Is this the only way to release the Worldwide Script Manager Scriptmode? I will gladly set it up in a web. Configure instead What problems can I encounter if I set this flag on a production server? in machine.config & lt; Deployment Retail = "True" /> is almost always a good idea for the production server. This is some web. The configuration will override the settings and override them: & lt;

How do I generate a linq to xml infoset w/ a DTD reference? -

I need to create an XML infosette but keep the infoset in the context of the client's DTD. Required to include this DTD reference out of the desired & lt ;! DOCTYPE Auto Application System ""> This reference is directly sitting on the XML declaration. Neither do the Xprocessing Instruction or Execalation Job, do I need to use another type? You must add your Daddy using the XDocumentType object. For more information see this to be noted. It is necessary that there is considerable limited processing for exponential DTD, though (). .... using the system; Using System.Linq; Using System.Collections; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Xml; Using System.Xml.Linq; Public Class Main Class {Public Fixed Zero Main () {XDocument xDocument = New XDocument (); XDocumentType documentType = New XDocumentType ("Books", blank, "Books.dtd", tap); XDocument.Add (document typ

Microsoft Dynamics CRM UI: Silverlight WCF Call inside sitemap -

I have created a Silverlight Dashboard to be hosted in the Dynamics 4.0 UI (Sitemap Link) - this WCF service It uses the Sql from Linq to query the Intern CRM database (with a CrmImpersonator) This works all on my Dev machine, but when I put it on my development server, I would like to have the following JavaScript Errors occur : "An unexpected error in the Silverlight application. An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid: Internal exception for System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIf ... SilverlightDash.CRMObjService.CRMMethodCompletedEventArgs. On get_Result ... MainPage.svc_GetMethod.get_Result (Object Sender, CRMObjService.GetValueCompletedEventArgsE) I have enabled anonymous to see whether YSDL is available from the ISV folder, which is this - Please help :) Good I get the answer or get two steps: The first step was to change the Little Client service of silver url doh! But the way I found out that I got cro

nokia - How can I insert a widget into a mainwindow generated by Qt designer? -

I have a main window build with QT Designer and I have a QT Designer (a separate UI file in both). QWidget , and as you want your custom widget, type its name / status / name QWidget after doing this, right-click on QWidget And select Promote ... . A dialogue will appear with widgets that can be promoted, at the bottom of that dialog, you can add a new widget for the promotion. Type in the name of the class and include the file information, and add that widget. Then select the entry in the list, and click the Promote button. At the end of this process, you should be able to compile again, and your custom widget will be where you put it in the main window.

actionscript - Flex: Long polling (ie, server push) without BlazeDS? -

In addition to using BlazeDS, are there any pre-existing libraries that implement long-term voting (or server push) in Flex? P> Note: I have read, but only asks if it is possible to implement it. If the implementation is not present. It seems that a possible solution is AmFast, AMF / Remote implementation implementation in Python:

build - Hudson cancel do not cancel all processes -

I'm installing Hudson v 1.323 as a Windows service on Windows XP. I am building with a shell script which looks like this: #! C: / export cygwin / bin / sh PATH = / cygdrive / c / cygwin / bin: $ PATH make-j 4 $ MAKE_TARGET When I build this build using Red X I cancel, everything closes on Hudson, but when I look in Windows processes, even then "make" and "sh" is running, I'm using Syswijen's v.3.80. How to get rid of Hudson's all the processes, any help about this? Have you tried to see Hudson's thread dump with your job Thread is still going on. It can also give you a hint why the walking is not interrupted. The Thread Dump can be seen right from the Hudson Web Console:

ruby on rails - How to use a select to go to the Show action of another controller? -

I am trying to do something that I thought was simple and natural but I am struggling. . On the homepage of my website, I want to make a selection containing a list of users. After selecting the user and after clicking on a button, the user should go to the show action of the controller page. I searched and found various searches that I am not very elegant: < Use of AJX Modifying the URL in the HTML Using an Inspection_film for Is there a better way of doing this? What will be the best way? I would probably do it with jQuery ... or just plain old Javascript Click $ ("# button_id") (function () {window.location = '/ users /' + $ ("# select_list_id"). Children ("Options: Selected") .val ();}); An onclick method should be added to that button and then you should send it to '/ user / 12345'. You can do the same in plain JavaScript if you are not using Jquery, but it involves a bit more. & lt; Script type

.net - Is there a standard file format for storing calendar information -

I have some calendar information (scheduling, appointment etc.). Is there an XML (XML) file format for this? If so, is there a net library for this?

c++ - n-values UUID generator, reusable IDs -

I need a simple UUID generator. For this single example ID must be unique. Another requirement is that it is uniting and releasing at a time. I do not know the weather or does it fit the UUID concept. I thought of a heap with allrdy pop and push n-values ​​using, but this practice sounds bad memory intelligent. It is not enough to use randomly-based UUIDs (except cryptographic), as there can be 2 mailing IDs, which can not be sweepet (though impractical opportunity) because it is a productive environment Is used in The problem of creating unique ID over time Space and exclusivity can be divided into the form of specificity, to create a unique sequence globally. UUID officially and specifically in the ISO 11578 standard are defined as part of other specifications, such as RFC 4122, ITU-T Rick. X.667 OSSP uuid () is an API for ISO C, ISO C ++, Perl and PHP, and a universally identifiable unique identifier (UUID) consistent with DCE 1.1, ISO / IEC 11578: 1996, and RFC 4122, t

How to display multiple values using php and mysql? -

How can you display multiple values ​​from the same mysql field using php and mysql Here's the code I already have If '(' Empty ($ years)) 'echo' <'>' year '& lt; / p & gt; & quot;;; ! Empty ($ Rating)) {echo '<'> $ Rating '& lt; / p & gt;';}}? & Gt; I The one who is trying to ask is that I want the above mentioned code for up to three ekos content and variable as long as the data entered in the database is not fully displayed for example when the user 1-100 ... various skills, years, and ratings all enter entered data. I hope I am telling it right

php - Codeigniter SQL query -

Hello there I am trying to do that COUNTER with the WHERE clause in it, I am using the code function count_tasks ($ userId) {$ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Count_all ('work'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('tasksAssignedTo', $ userId); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('taskPriority_taskPriorityId!' ', 6); Return $ query; However only the following Q & A codehit looks like SELECT COUNT (*) AS 'function' with 'numrows` Why is not it where I am feeling that it is returning the $ query with me, but I do not know that any help would be of great help to WHERE's work. function count_tasks ($ userId) {$ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Count_all ('work'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('tasksAssignedTo', $ userId); $ Query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('taskPriority_taskPriorityId!' ', 6); Return $ query; Modify your query The count_all function stops t

How to write an offline silverlight application? -

How to write offline silverlight applications? The database running in my database is an application running on the server, but if the user wants to run the application in the offline mode then the same UI can be viewed offline, which can also do all the data stored locally in the file. Can be synchronized later. Your question can be divided into two I think: 1 ) How to create browser-out-browser Silverlight applications? You can do it after Silverlight 3. For example, see: 2) How to access data offline online is normally online? You need to implement the cache mechanism that stores data locally using different storage. For example, see:

java - Finding a needed dll after a JBoss (hot) redeploy? -

My web application uses a native DLL for the part of its functionality (the location provided in PATH ) Everything works till I do not change the war and the hot air deploys this war. At this point, dll is no longer found and I need to manually restart the server. What is the best way to load DLL back in the app after hot deployment? It may not be so easy that a DLL is usually linked to a specific category loader. When you redeploy, this means that the original classloader used for your application has been destroyed. Unfortunately, the Java Virtual Machine does not allow another classloader to reload a DLL. You must have some stability, which will never be lifted by the virtual machine. Perhaps another application to load DLL will be a solution, because reorganizing the first application will not affect DLL. I think it is also possible to create a jer file that loads the DLL and adds it to the Javascript classpath, instead of adding it to your application, there is usuall

svn - Is it better to use a separate commit message for a git merge? -

I came from an SVN background, so I'm not sure what the typical git workflow looks like when you merge in SVN , You provide a committed message describing the merge. This is necessary because the merge-tracking of SVN has been historically poor. I noticed that the default behavior of git is to automatically get the result of the merge, if it succeeds. This means that the log will not normally show a merge, so in history everything looks like it was developed in a branch. Is it better to show mergence as an additional commitment? I can think of several reasons why and why not, but I need some input from other users. Unless you select - no-merges option git log , it will generally show a merger, which is given a brief auto-generated commentary details. This is generally okay because git records the interesting characteristics of the original and a merge, its components are the branches. Try using a git log - graph - line or a graphical history viewer and you (shou

ios - How to identify & use OSType in Cocoa -

कोको / मैक ओएसएक्स 10.6 ओएसटीपी आईओएसयूआरफेसगेटपीक्सेलफोर्मेट (आईओएसयूर्फफेफ बफर) एक प्रकार OSType IOSurfaceGetPixelFormat के साथ किस प्रकार OSType की अपेक्षा करनी चाहिए? क्या आपके पास इस फ़ंक्शन के विभिन्न अपेक्षित मानों पर कोई विचार है? से MacTypes.h : टाइपिंगफ़ फोरचारकोड ओस्टाइप; टाइपिंगफिफ UInt32 चारचारकोड; Typedef अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे UInt32; // या अहस्ताक्षरित int, वास्तुकला के आधार पर

java - Cannot Delete File Within A Child Process Started From A C# App -

How do I allow the use of UseShellExecute to set a child process from C # to the wrong and delete the file? The child's process is a Java program that creates a 0 byte file, transfers it to a remote server, and deletes it. This functionality works when I execute the Java program from the Windows Command Line. If I start the Java program by using System.Diagnostics.Crocess in C #, then set StartInfo.UseShellExecute to the wrong, then the child processes the file does not delete the fact In the process of stalls, nothing happens. If the Process Object's StartInfo.UseShellExecute property is set to True, then the child can remove the process file, and the original process can delete the income execution. However, I need to use the UseShellExecute property to be false, so I can redirect output from the child process. what (or, more specifically, connected there) Some time ago I went into a similar problem, and this unexpected handle came out because of inheritance,

git - Maintaining a patch set for different branches -

I am in a position to prepare a series of documentation patch, each of which applies to more than one branch. Uses guit for version control. Patch must be implemented on the top of these branches because they are. What is the optimal workflow for implementing the patch of multiple branches with minimal effort? new reply you git-cherry-pick This command is used to capture the nominated command and to do it in the current branch. Original syntax GIT Cherry-Pick & LT; Commit & gt; ; Here it is. However, you should avoid the cherry-pick when possible, because it creates a duplicate committment, and you would actually like to see them merge. You should try to get the branch workflow that "merges" man gitworkflows from: Always make your fixes necessary in the oldest supported branch, whose They need them. Then (from time to time) unification of united branches on one another. This gives a very controlled flow of fixes. If you see that you have ap

browser - Is there a good analogy to explain why website reliance on non-standard IE tags will go down in future years? -

I'm trying to explain to a non-technical person why some websites (usually only those countries based on those countries Are present in the 99% share of Microsoft's shares) failed to load in Safari or Firefox (especially on Mac). Such users generally wonder why anyone thinks about buying a Mac, when it does not even load websites, which PCs can make, these websites are those of people who travel frequently and The fact that it does not load, is considered to be a system error in the direct question (MAC), they are generally unaware of the perception of many web browsers and obviously the browser standards Completely unaware of Is there a good analogy to explain to anyone the way things are today, and why can they change in the future? It may be that an example of another real world, where it does not stick to an existing strong standard, became ideal for the society, until it finally realized the loss and the industry was generating comprehensive compliance. This techniqu

PHP extending class properties -

I have two classes in a PHP application, for example B extension A. Class A has a function that gives SQL back some of its other features in the form of inserted queries such as array e.g. class A {$ property_a; $ Property_b; $ Property_c; $ Property_d; Function queries () {$ queries = array (); $ Queries [] = "Include in xxx values" $ This- & gt; Property_A ",". $ This- & gt; Property_b "; $ queries [] =" include in yyy VALUES ". $ $ This-> property_b.", ". $ $ This- & gt; property_d"; }} I have a similar function similar to Class B, which does the same thing for the properties of Class B, while still wanting to maintain value from Class A Are there. The query will be passed through the final work at the same time i.e. all, namely: $ mysqli-> Query ("Start Transaction"); Foreign currency ($ query as query $) {if (! $ Mysqli ($ query)) {$ mysqli-> Rollback (); }} If all is okay $ mysqli->

Convert a string with a hex representation of an IEEE-754 double into JavaScript numeric variable -

Let me say I have a hex number "4072508200000000" and I want the floating point number that it shows in IEEE-754 (293.03173828125000). The double format is inserted into the JavaScript variable. I can think in a way that calls for masking and pow (calls), but is this a simple solution? A client-side solution is required. This may be helpful, it is a website that allows you to enter the hex encoding of an IEEE-754 and get an analysis of Mentisa and Exponent. Because people always ask "why?", Here's why: I am trying to fill the existing, but incomplete implementation of Google's Procol Buffers (protobuf). I do not know a well, this can definitely be done in a difficult way, here's JavaScript There is a perfectly accurate example in: js> a = 0x41973333 1100428083 JS & gt; (A and 0x7fffff | 0x800000) * 1.0 / Mathipo (2,23) * Math.p. (2, (A &>; 23 & amp; 0xff) - 127) 18.899999618530273 A production implementation should

architecture - How far can one take SimpleDB, OpenID and the Cloud? -

I have ASP.NET MVC app (non-functional, social) Working on I work on .NET authorization The provider started to use, but the day I was thinking in the cloud lining was becoming more shining Eventually I want to run away with the host to host the SQL Server database by ISP and to start using S3 slowly as my content increases. I am considering using Authentication and OpenID for SimpleDB to store user details. If I understand correctly, any content added by the user can be key to the claimant. What are the advantages / disadvantages of doing this? What are the showstoppers of this approach? Does anyone have any examples of pure cloud architecture that can be used to support arguments against / against? I think the benefits of using open-ended are quite well known. Benefits of using SimpleDib to store user details include: Flexible schema allows you to support certain types of dynamic user data directly in a RDBMS Can be cumbersome with For example, users define profil

python - Encoding of arguments to subprocess.Popen -

The Nautilus file is a python extension for the browser (AAAIIK runs specially on GNU / Linux / UNIX / etc) I decided to divide an expensive calculation and run it as a sub-process, the result was removed and it was sent back to the pipe. My question relates to the script to arguments because calculation requires path logic and a boolean argument, so I thought I could do it in two ways: in a spicy taple on a pipe Send arguments, or give them on the command line. I found that spicy taple's view is slow compared to just debating, so I went with the sub-prakashi logic approach. However, I am worried about issues of localization which may arise. At the moment ([sys.exrectable, path_to_script, path.encode ("utf-8"), str (recurse)], stdin = none, in the caller I have: in the script: path = unicode (sys.argv [1], "utf-8") / code> My concern is That way UTF-8 is a mistake as the path logic encoding, but I do not know for sure. I want to avoid "

Bulk Copy from SQL Server to Oracle -

I need a project to transfer the oracle from a SQL server to the bulk mode. I have an Oracle Bump CopDDirect And ODP Net but to use it, I have to first convert the data reader to a CSV file from the SSL server and then export it, which uses bulk copy. This is a very inefficient process and I was wondering if any other way We can not use linked server. If you use SSIS, then you will be given a straightforward step by step to create a text file. Load the data with an ORacle database from It assumes that Oracle Database is available in your network.

multithreading - Logging inside threads in a Rails application -

I have found a rail application in which small steps require significant calculation time. Instead of crossing the complexity of managing these tasks as background tasks, I have found that processing can be divided into many threads and using JRBB with a multicore, I can ensure that all threads Get it done at the right time. (The customer has already expressed this strong point of view in creating background work in the background.) The problem is that the rail logger does not have to be written in these threads. Nothing appears in the log file. I got some reference to this problem but no solution was found. It does not make sense to put me in your code to help debugging, but stdout is being eaten by the glassfish gem app server. Did anyone have a new log every time inside a rail logar thread? I was scratching my head with the same problem. The answer to me was as follows: Thread.New starts ... Railslogist Make sure flush end

c++ - Sending large chunks of data over Boost TCP? -

I have to send network data to a computer via TCP ... these tables can be rather large to send them to TCP I am finding it hard to think about what will be the best way, because I do not know much about network programming. Here is my basic class structure that I need to fit in Buffers to be sent through TCP: class primitive selection {std :: vector & lt ; Primitive * & gt; the ancient; }; Class primitive {PRIMTYPES primType; // PRIMTYPES is only an NM with values ​​for the fan, bar, etc. ... unsigned integer content; Std :: vector & lt; Vertex * & gt; Corners; }; Class vertex {float x; Float Y; Float z Floating xenomal; Float xnormal; }; I am using the Boost Library and their TCP stuff ... It is easy to use. You can just fill a buffer and send it through TCP. Of course, this buffer can only be so big and can be up to 2 megabytes of data to send me. What is the best way to get the above class structure and send it to the network in the required buffers?