ruby on rails - Implement find(), save() ActiveRecord methods for ActiveMerchant CreditCard object -

What is the best way to find ActiveRecord's () and save ( ) Methods for an ActiveMerchant ActiveMerchant :: Billing :: Credit Card on an Object Rail app in a Ruby?

I understand that saving the database of credit card information is always considered bad idea.

, and it is better to use the gateway that provides card storage facilities for you to assume that it is necessary and fulfills the appropriate security standards (PCI DSS, file system and database encryption, network separation etc.) is being done.

I have created a standard rail ActiveRecord model with the following:

Pre> ./script / model credit credit first name: string last_name: string number: string month: integer year: integer type: string start_month: integer start_year: integer digits_number: string < P> This corresponds to the ActiveRecord definition of a credit card.

In addition, ActiveMerchant ActiveMerchant :: Billing :: Credit Card Methods to quote the ActiveMerchant development team:

Features that can be included in a custom credit card object, such as an ActiveRecord based credit card object.

I have included ActiveMerchant :: Billing :: CreditCardMethods in my credit card model, and I make sure to define your credit card matches Answer to the assumptions ActiveMerchant


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