c# - How to use the WebClient.DownloadDataAsync() method in this context? -

I plan to have a user write a movie title in my program and my program will pull Approvate information asynchronously UI does not stop.

Here is the code:

  public class IMDB {webclient webclntx = new webclient (); Byte [] buffer = null; Public string [] SearchForMovie (String SearchPamator) {// Format the search parameter so that it can create a valid IMDB * Search * URL. // We are going to pull the actual movie // link from within the search website. String sitesearchURL = FindURL (SearchParameter); // One method / IMDB * search * Download the entire source code of the website asynchronously buffer = WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync (sitesearchURL); // Find the method to pass the IMDb source code (information) // string [] lol = findInformation (); // ??? //profit. String [] lol = null; Ability to return; }  

My actual problem is in the WebClientX.DownloadDataAsync () method. I can not use a string URL for this. How can I use it to download site bytes (for later use I will convert it to string, I know how to do it) and my Without freeze the GUI?

Perhaps an explicit example of a DownloadDataAyncC cut example, how can I use it?

Thank you, you always have such great resources.

You need to control the DownloadDataCompleted event:

static zero main () {string url = "http: / /Google.com"; web client client = new webclient (); Client.DownloadDataCompleted + = DownloadDataCompleted; Client.DownloadDataAsync (new Yuri ); Console.ReadLine ();} Fixed Zero DownloadDataCompleted (Object Sender, DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs E) {Byte [] raw = e.Result; Console Row (RAW + "receive bytes");} < / Pre>

related to error status in ARG etc. There are other pieces of information - also see them.

Also keep in mind that you DownloadDataCompleted on a separate thread; if you are in UI (winform, wpf, etc.) Before updating the UI, you have to go to the UI thread. From Winforms, use this.Invoke For WPF, see Dispatcher .


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