How do I make Git ignore file mode (chmod) changes? -

I have a project in which I have to change the mode of the file from chmod <745 to 777 , But it should not be changed to the main repo

Git raises on chmod-R 777. and changes all the files as has been changed. Is there any way to ignore the changes to the file in the file?


  git config core.filemode false  


  core.fileMode If incorrect, the executable bit is ignored between the difference index and the copy of the work; Use Git-update-index (1) useful on broken filesystem like fata is correct by default  

To set this option for one-off commands, -c flag can be used:

  git -c core.fileMode = false diff  

and - Global flag This will be the default behavior for the login user.

  git config --global core.fileMode false  


core.fileMode best practice And should be used carefully. This setting only covers the executable bit mode and never read / write bits. In many cases you feel that you need this setting because you have done something like chmod-R 777 , which makes all of your files executable but most of the projects include Most files It is not required for security reasons and it should not be executable .

The correct way to resolve this type of situation is to handle folders and file permissions separately, like with something:

  Find-type d -exec chmod a + rwx {} \; # Folders create traceable and read / write search-type f -exec chmod a + rw {} \; # Read / Write Files  

If you do this, you will never need to leave in rare environment and use core.fileMode .


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