
Showing posts from August, 2015

Workflow and exception handling -

In order to develop a custom workflow that will execute several task items, it is possible that one or more functions fail at any time What is the best practice to handle the exceptions that work within the workflow manager For example, do the workflow management system Just log the log and then die completely? Will the workflow manager log on to the exception only and continue the execution of other operations? I would say that it is very interdependent. Parcel Dispatch Parcel Definitely the failure of step 1 should not be done after the execution of step 2? Check Price with Seller A Check Price with Seller B ... Check Price with Seller Buy Cheap Buy Price in Check Something's Failure Probably I think you'll need to enable at least Park it for human intervention and Sorry your action can not be processed but it will be very difficult The breakfast. You may need to enable compensation (undo the last job). For example Book Hotel, try bo

unix sockets: how to send really big data with one "send" call? -

I am using Unix scotch to transfer data (SOCK_STREAM mode) First of all, more than 100k characters, I send the length of a string - this is the size (intestine) bytes. I Length = Stellen (SD) (SD, Long, Size) Then I send the full string Bytesend = Send (SD, S, Length) < P> but in Area to wonder "Baitsend" short "length". Note that this works fine when I do not send large wires, that there may be some limitations for the "Send" system call which I was missing ... send system call is considered fast because this program Other things can be useful work in Of course you do not want to wait for the data to be sent and to send a reply to another computer - which will come with a terrific throughput. Therefore, all the send actually does have some data queues for sending and returning the program. The kernel can make the entire message copy in kernel memory, but it will consume many kernel memory (not good). Instead, the p

html - Content offset in Javascript -

I overflow: scroll; Without using , I want to implement my own div with a scroll; But I can not understand how to offset the contents of a divas, do anyone know? I'm not completely sure that I understand what you say by "offset content" But one way to implement scrolling behavior would be: & lt; Div id = "a" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "b" & gt; Information about professionals & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; # A {Status: Relative; Hidden flurry; Height: 100px; } # B {status: absolute; Height: 200px; } You can now change #b to #b in # a By scrolling it down to the code> top property it would mean that the setting to reset head to -100px , and 0 . The actual scroll- bar will depend on you, though. Along with things like mouse-wheel support.

c++ - Qt and error handling strategy -

Actually, I understand the major professionals and ideas to use exceptions. And I use them in my projects as an error-handling strategy by default, but now I'm starting Windows CE project with QE library, and I think that Qt creators would use the exceptions in the class hierarchy Refused. So, if I use exceptions, I will need to translate it carefully and at the error code (or some object, or just swallow) on my / QT code boundary. Otherwise, I can refuse to use exceptions in my code and switch to another strategy. To use exceptions or to use error-code, or etc. - what would be the best error management strategy in my case. ..? Do you have experience with Qt development and which error strategy have you used? Override QApplication :: Notify () and handling exceptions (not at 100% return value) . You can make a "throw" exception from the signal handler, but they do not get publicity in QT like this. Note bool (QObject * rec, QEvent * ev) {try {return} to QAp

javascript - ASP.NET & Ajax: query string parameters using ISO-8859-1 encoding -

Here's another one to help you solve: I have an ASP.NET website that uses AJAX (asynchronous ) Calls the .hx handler passing the query string parameter to get some information from the database. This is an example of how it works: customer-side (javascript) code snippet that handler asynchronous Creates a call: Capture the selected value from / * a dropdown box * / var dropdown = document.getElementById (dropdown id); Var selectedValue = dropdown.options [dropdown.selectedIndex] .value; / * Call the handler / var url = "MyHandler.ashx? Param =" + selectedValue; Var ajaxObj = new Ajax (); AjaxObj.doRequest (URL, micrback, args, connection file); When I load the webform (which includes this AJAX call) for the first time, it sends the handler to the correct query string (I debug it I check in Visual Studio), like param = street yusuf blais . This is the right behavior that I want. This is the thing that when I load that webform again (and all the

c++ - One class with multiple implementation files -

Has a square (an .h) applied to more than one source files? I realize that this may be a sign of too much code in the same class, but is it technically incorrect? For example: Foo.h square fu {zero read (); Type zero (); Zero Run (); } Foo.Read.cpp #include "Foo.h" void Foo :: read () {} Foo.Write.cpp #include "Foo.h" void Foo :: Write () {} Foo.Run CPP #include "Foo.h" void Foo :: run () {} it's okay. In the end, it will all be linked together. I also saw the code, where each member function was in a different * .cpp file.

python - Running Tests From a Module -

I'm trying to run some unit tests in Python which I believe is a module. I have a directory structure like TestSuite.pyUnitets. __int __ Py | I have Import import UnitTest class test site: def __init __ (self): pass print "initialization testing "Suite = Unitt. Testloader () LoadTestForm Module (Unitatest) unittest.TextTestRunner (Verbosity = 1) .Run (Suite) Which test seeks to fix, but it does not take any tests in In that class, I have a set of tasks starting with 'Test' What should I do that running Pyro actually closes all my tests in UnitTests? Here is some code that will run all unit tests in one unit: Code> #! Import import system OS unit_dir = sys.argv [1] from / usr / bin / env python import import if lane (sys.argv) & gt; 1 more '.' For file name in Os.chdir (unit_dir) suite = unittest.TestSuite () os.listdir ('.'): If filename.

assembly - How do you Echo Data? -

Is there a way to resonate data in the 6800 assembly? If I have stored it like this: data dc 1,2,3,9,8,7 actually your question The universal right answer is no. When writing assembly codes, output is dependent on your machine's configuration. You may have a terminal connected to a serial UART chip, which you can write a letter on an IO port, or memory-mapped register, or you may have an LCD display with an interface library, or memory- The mapped video display lets you calculate the X / Y coordinate of your wires as a memory address. Nobody will be able to answer you without more than "6800 Assembly" details. (In addition, you said 6800, but tagged this question 68000, they are very different. However, my answer does not change.)

sql - "System lock" in MySQL + MyISAM -

I have noticed that many of our threads indicate that our prostalist shows 'in the system lock' status from MySQL server, often After that, just 'lock', the last which I hope because we have to select locking behind updates / inserting on some missed tables. But 'system lock' is just 'lock' (sometimes adding 2 seconds for a simple selection, according to the profiler), and I do not understand what it means. I could not find much information on System Lock Online, but what is mostly there to reach the same DB of multiple ISXLL, which is not in my case. Also, my 'external locking' variable is wrong. Does anyone have experience with this? Appendix: If it helps, then I would like to lock system lock in about 3 to 1 in more processors than table lock ('lock') Is it possible that anyone Due to 'System Lock' is being effectively being output for regular table locking? You will see this situation, while mysql is waiting for

Are array of pointers to different types possible in c++? -

What is the array of different types of signals in C ++? For example, please, for example) C ++ is more with stuff, so if you do it in a way As you above, you create an array of only zero signals zero * saw [10]; Ary [0] = new int (); Aarree [1] = new float (); DA. If you want to object things in an oriented way, then you want to use the collection, and all the things that you add to the collection are the same base object class which can be added to the collection. . This is the "object" in Java, no base object is created in C ++, but any collection library you use will be something that you can sub-class.

Is it possible to change files during checkout from SVN? -

Is it possible to include comments at the beginning of the files during checkout from SVN? Similar to keyword expansion in CVS, RCS and other $ log $ This ability works only with a linear history. As soon as you start using branches and merge between branches, you know that $ log $ is an automated way to generate trivial merge tributes. If you use branches and merge, you will have the same problem with the CVS in the $ Log $ keyword. Part of the point of SVN was to use branches and merge much easier than CVS See discussion of this point for more details.

Issue with using a .net class in ironpython -

If I have a net class that is not part of any namespace, then I'm not able to use it in iron python I am For example Suppose I have the FULB.LL assembly with the definition of the following class // Note that the following class is part of the global namespace public class Foo {} Now I try to use it as an iron < Blockquote> clr.AddReference ("FooLib") # This call is successful. f = Foo () returns the line f = foo () traceback (The most recent call last): Error in name: File "", line 1, in Name: 'Foo' is not defined < P> I tried the following from FooLib import f = Foo () line FooLib import * reports an error that makes sense because the clause should be used because namespace and assembly are not However, The square fu is related to some namespaces, so I have no problem importing it into harmful Therefore, my query is that I You have a global name space associated with it. To use a blank

performance - Target mysql query response times -

As I'm looking to customize some of mysql questions and improve performance, I'm going to find out I am not sure what kind of reaction time I should target, obviously less is better, but what do you normally aim as a 'slow' query for the consumer site? My queries are currently running between 0.00 to 0.70 seconds I think 0.00 is very good, but what about 0.70 seconds? I think I should look for better performance on that? If so, what do you usually want to do? ----- A little more information about my query to answer your questions (although I'm really interested in you and whatever you do ---- < P> My questions are on tables connected between 1-3 million rows (sometimes more), I run 4 questions in a single box on 4 GB RAM and a SATA drive. This box runs 6 different databases which Regular inquiries are made, on a regular basis The time I have given is for 'reading' database which is rarely written. For web requests, I am running between 1 a - Accessing the viewstate of a child control -

I want to remove information about the control of a child. This control is related to a third party and I have access to the source code. Do not have access. Is it possible? The viewstoat is stored as base64 if you can get the client ID of the control; You decode it form You can remove the post from ["__ vistat"] and process it from there.

howto make diff look like svn diff? -

I am dumb and no Google Fu. How do you look at the OFX (if it matters) to look like SVN Deffs? It could not be understood from the man page. : ( What do I need index: test.txt ======================= ============================================ --- test.txt (Revision 365) +++ test.txt (working copy) @@ -17 +1 9 @@ This is a native-update + and + azim file. -Anf.Duh. You want the -u flag. diff -u file1 file2 diff < / Code> From the man page: -U -U NUM - integrated [= NUM] output NUM (default 3) rows of unified reference. < P> It Absolutely is not like this (for example, B No big rows of mark marks), but should do what you want. Your example above: --- file1 2009-10-16 15: 14: 24.000000000 -0700 +++ file2 2009-10-16 15: 14: 50.000000000 -0700 @@ - 1,7 +1 9 @@ This is the original-update + and + azimas file - Anf. + Duh.

traversal - jquery traversing - there has to be a better way than mine! -

I would like to know that someone has a better way of using #type and #type-ani elements based on my HTML Is: & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Type of organization & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Td id = "toggle" & gt; & Lt; Select name = "type" id = "type" & gt; & Lt; Option & gt; Church & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option & gt; College & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option & gt; Theater & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Input name = "type_new" id = "type_new" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Nbsp; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Td> A class = "toggle" id = "type" & gt; & Lt; Small & gt; Add new type & lt; / Small> & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt;

output buffering - HTML into PHP Variable (HTML outside PHP code) -

I'm new to php and I'm thinking that something like this might happen: & Lt; Php ... magic function start (); ? & Gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; ... & lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; ... & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ variable = magicFunctionEnd (); ...? & Gt; I have to use now & lt; Php ... $ variable = " head> gt ... & gt; & lt; Lt; / html & gt ;? & Gt; Which is not annoying and unreadable. Have you tried "output buffering"? & lt ;? Php ... ob_start (); ? & Gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; ... & lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; ... & lt ;? Php is a more reactive echo? & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ variable = ob_get_clean (); ...? & Gt;

JiBX bind value with getter only -

I have a complex method that gives boolean (no property field or setter for this area). I need to force this class with GBBX, the result of this method can be for XML element / attribute and when left without any effect. So I have to do something like this: & lt; Mapping name = "bizarre" class = "com.test.Freak" & gt; & Lt; Namesphere Yuri = "" default = "Element" /> & Lt; Value name = "id" field = "id" style = "attribute" /> & Lt; Value name = "real-bizarre" get-method = "isRealFreak" style = "attribute" use = "optional" /> & Lt; / Mapping & gt; PS I can not fix this square to add a stub setter, it has to use it. Because boolean (a primitive) will always be a value, this will not be possible unless you have a boolean (Which allows a null) switch over. The output can be only binding in your sole

cocoa - In Xcode Document App: Why would init method of MyDocument be called twice? -

I followed Chapter 8 of the Pilgrim to implement the RaiseMan application. Then I decided to follow the same procedure to implement the code for practice in a coca programming class, which I am taking, but after the construction and running I got the following error message. Object & lt; _NSControllerObjectProxy: 0x100460e30> Class _NSControllerObjectProxy I do not know what this error message was, a few hits were made by searching Google, but their solutions seemed to be doing things I already did Was there. I saw all the connections and assignments I made in the interface builder and nothing is clearly not seen wrong. So I went to the debugger and set a breakpoint inside the Microsoft class init method and it is being said twice. How is this possible? What do I need to say init method twice for this? Stack trace shows that init is called from system functions which we have not written ourselves. For comparison, I went back to the project that follows Chapter 8 of

Mail() with php -

I want to send an e-mail to my client using php automatically How do I Send it automatically, for example, if they enter their email and click submit I want to send this email automatically and Do I need a SMTP server on my host? < P> Maybe I will not use the straightforward function: many things that you have to be careful ... Instead, I have a library related to some mail, which will be related to many things for you. One of them (which is some success nowadays - for example it is being integrated into symphony framework) Of course, It can be a bit overkill for just a simple mail ... but investing some time in learning how to use such a library is always worth it; -)

popen - C++ system() function — How to collect the output of the issued command? -

मैं सी ++ system () function: < Pre> int सिस्टम (const char * command); मैं जारी आदेशों से मानक आउटपुट कैसे जमा करूं? विशिष्ट होने के लिए, मैं जारी आदेश के आउटपुट को इकट्ठा करना चाहता हूं (उदाहरण के लिए, dir आदेश जारी करने से निर्देशिका लिस्टिंग आउटपुट)। क्या आप निष्पादित कमांड के वापस मूल्य (जैसे "बाहर की स्थिति" के रूप में), या इसके आउटपुट के लिए देख रहे हैं ("क्या अगर बाद में, उपयोग करें और इसके बजाय। यदि पूर्व, सिस्टम () से वापसी मूल्य को देखो जानकारी की जानकारी का उपयोग करने के लिए इसका प्रयोग करें)।

windows - What is the most efficient way to keep a steady frame rate with DirectX and C++? -

I am learning DirectX from a book about game programming, and it uses the following method for a game loop Is: long int start = GetTickCount (); While (true) GameRun (); Void GameRun (if (GetTickCount () - Start> gt; = 30) // do stuff} This is the start equals (I My question is, will not, I would not want that, the number of ticks 'counting the number of ticks' since the program began), and then, after 30 ticks, all the A , Rendering, etc. It is more efficient to do all AI etc, first, if time is over, wait until the frame needs to be changed. So, what would be a better way to keep the static frame rate? (Generally using only DirectX headers that I already have sound, images and notifications (like D3 D9H ) And, on the related note, what exactly does GetTickCount () do, and for how long a 'tick' is Read, for your game loop, it adds your options and makes your choice clear. . Now for GetTickCount (), this is the easiest way to get time in Windows

linked list - Counting memory blocks -

This is a question of homework from the compiler design course. I just need to explain some parts of the question. It is claimed that the returning block to the standard memory manager will require a lot of administration in that context on which to block it Keep the number of busy records, and why to return that block? Refers to speaking about related lists. Answers have been answered in response to this question: How can you find this counter from the pointer to the record and how do you get the indicator by which to return the block for? Coming from a background, can someone explain to me: What is a block? What does the counter do? Have a busy record? Provides the context of such documents that are due to what happens during this counting phase. Diagrams will be helpful. Thank you. I think it can help if I change some words, better way To explain what I'm guessing. If you have a page of memory, then we can say that a page is 8k in size. This

c# - Building your own web controls -

Well this is a newbie question but I think that many people have problems with it. i Develop windows / web applications for fun, and install them at friends' locations. Most of my development focus on CRM systems, but I have a big problem in showing data better, more effective and lightly than DB. Using Microsoft's built-in web control is a good and easy way, but it does not respond to my needs, and worse, it's not as effective as other web controls in great software and websites. Is (Google (lol)). I control my own (GridView, etc ...). So my question is how can I do this? How do Microsoft make web controls for both Web and Windows forms? Thank you! Amit To learn about creating your own web control, The initial location is. And there is an old reference here, but there is probably a better place to start. And finally .... if you want to develop custom controls for Windows applications ...

vb6 - How to select a folder only by using common dialog control -

VB6 का उपयोग कोड। CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = " ओपन फाइल "कॉमनडियलॉग 1। फ़िलटर =" *। * "कॉमनडियलॉग 1। फ़िलटरइंडएक्स = 1 कॉमनडियोलॉग 1। फ्लेग्स = सीडीएलओफ़एएनएलओओ बहुस्तरीय + सीडीएलएफएनएक्सप्लोरर कॉमनडियोलोग 1.फ्लैग्स = सीडीएलएफएफ़फ़ाइलमस्टइक्सिस्ट + सीडीएलएफएनहाइडरेडएंडलीडियोलोग 1। रद्द करें = ट्रॉजन पर त्रुटि फिर से शुरू करेंअनुक्रमणिकाअगला सामान्यडायलोग 1.शो ओपनअगर तब 'एमएसबीबीएक्स' का चयन करें फ़ोल्डर "उप कोड से बाहर निकलें यदि से ऊपर कोड से, मैं एक फ़ाइल चुन रहा हूँ, लेकिन मैं एक फ़ाइल का चयन नहीं करना चाहता, मैं केवल फ़ोल्डर का चयन करना चाहता हूं मेरे कोड को कैसे संशोधित करें। vb6 कोड सहायता की आवश्यकता है? यह एक जब से मुझे कोई भी दृश्य बुनियादी काम करना पड़ता है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि एक फ़ाइल खोलने के लिए सामान्य संवाद बॉक्स का उपयोग करने के बजाय आपको SHBrowseForFolder फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करना चाहिए जो पहले से ही है विंडोज एपीआई अपडेट (2017): उपलब्ध कराई गई लिंक टूट गई है लेकिन

java - jdbc to access complete database -

I want what should be given in DriverManager.getConnection () when I want to access all tables from MS-Access See at a glance What does this problem do not solve?

Java applet - saving an image in a png format -

I am creating a simple applet for avatar creation. You can select faces, hair, eyes etc. and then save it as a png file in a disc. Simple version (without interface for simplicity purposes) looks like: import java.awt. *; Import java.applet. *; Import *; Public class example increases the applet (image my_gif; image my_gif2; URL base; media tracker MT; public zero init {mount = new media tracker (try it); try {base = getDocumentBase ();} hold (exception e) {} My_gif = getImage (base, "1.gif"); My_gif2 = getImage (base, "2.gif"); mt.addImage (my_gif, 1); mt.addImage (my_gif2,2); Try {mt.waitForAll ( );} Grip (Interrupted e) {}} Public Zero Color (Graphics G) {g.drawImage (my_gif, 0,0, this); g.drawImage (my_gif2,0,0, this);}} There are two files in this example after running the right way Now I want to save it to disk - I can save an image using a buffer image, but I want to "level up" two or more images and want to save it. I also believ

c++ - What happens in assembly language when you call a method/function? -

If I have a program in C ++ / C (there is no language in the language, then just clear a concept Is required to:) #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Zero foo () {printf (in "foo"); } Int main () {foo (); Return 0; } What happens in the assembly? I am not really looking for assembly code because I have not got it yet, but what is the basic principle? In general, this happens: Stack is stored on. Returns the focus in the address stack or in the CPU register for a particular purpose. The location for the return is "allocated" on the stack. Function (address of address or in fact), either via a specific CPU via the call directive, or general jmp or < The function reads the argument (if any) from the "stack" and runs the function code Return value from the function is stored in the specified location (stack or special purpose CPU register) The execution jumps back to the collar and the stack is cleared (stack poin Restor

assembly - Debugging disassembled libraries with gdb -

In Linux and Mac OS X, I can use stepi to debug an application without the ddigging information. On Mac OS X GDB, those tasks are displayed which are said inside the library, although sometimes every step instruction has to move several assembler instructions. On Linux, when I have lost a dynamic library GDB, for example (puts) with (), there are three assembler instructions, once GDB reaches a 0x080482bf, then this message Fails with "a function is not a program counter for selected frames". 0x080482ba @ PLT () (GDB) puts the assembler code dump for the disassembled function @plt: 0x080482b4 < Puts @ plt + 0>: jmp * 0x8049580 0x080482ba & lt; Puts @platt + 6> Push $ 0x10 0x080482bf & lt; Puts @platt + 11>: jmp 0x8048284 & lt; _init + 48 & gt; End of Seamler dump (GDB) puts into stepi 0x080482bf @ plt () (gdb) stepi 0x08048284 ?? () (GDB) separation A function does not count to programmed frames for selected frames. Do you know how to

Sitemap for dynamic PHP website ... the "lastmod" field is needed? -

I really have a small website, so I'm manually updating Sitemap with hand! Each "url" element has the fields: location, last mode, change, and priority. The "last model" field is set up at the date of the witch, I update the contents of the related PHP page or content that loads dynamically in the respective PHP page! I tried to use to verify that it was all right, and I have found that the "last mode" field is not in the generated Sitemap! In Google Wiki, how to write a sitemap, it has been said that there is a good practice to set "last mode" for dynamic pages; So, my question is ... Is the "last model" area required or not? Thanks in advance! Standard Standards say that this is optional: & lt; Lastmod & gt; Optional The last modified date of the file. This date should be in the W3C Datetime format. This format allows you to leave the part of the desired time, and use YYYY-MM-DD. Still, search

c# - Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable<Project.Models.TaskTimeLine>' to 'Project.Models.TaskTimeLine' -

I am trying to pass a custom shape square in a view, but I'm having some difficulty. This is the error I am getting. "System.Linq.IQueryable '' project. Models can not be converted to converted to 'TaskTimeLine'. A clear conversion exists (are not you leaving an artist?) This is the first time when I've added a list to a class, and passed it as the second one Have tried to. Here is a class definition Public class tasktime line {public work {get} Set; } // List for keeping a single object public & lt; DateTime & gt; Scheduled Time {Received; Set; } // To organize the collection of the date ..} The operation of the controller is on the lines of this. [Authorized] Public Transaction Details Description 2 (Int ID) {Task Timeline Task = New Task Timeline (); // Create a new instance of TaskTimeLine Task = (IQueryable & lt; TaskTimeLine & gt;) taskRepository.GetTaskAndTimeLine (ID); See Return (Task == Faucet) ("NotFound&

WPF Auto search combobox item -

In WPF, when I type some text in combobox, it will start with the text that I entered Will uncover. This highlighting searches the whole text which I have entered in the combo box. But instead I want Text Search to match only the first letter. How to do this Sample code to recreate the problem: XAML: & lt; Window x: orbit = "combottest window 1" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " Xaml "title =" window 1 "height =" 300 "width =" 300 "& gt; & Lt; StackPanel & gt; & Lt; Combo box x: name = "cb" & gt; & Lt; / Combo box & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / Window & gt; Code behind: namespace commandout {public partial squares window 1: window {public window 1 () {initial group (); Cb.Items.Add ("A"); Cb.Items.Add ("ab"); Cb.Items.Add ("abc");

What to charge for card style newsletter design work? -

My customer card style newsletter is asking for the design; I do not know how much of a designer is generally for such tasks Charge: Any ideas? It really depends on your level of experience Agencies such as hundreds of dollars Most freelancers can charge an hour after building a reputation and job or portfolio, with time to increase their rates. I suggest that you want to take the total amount, and then divide the number of hours that you think it will take you. And since then, this is not the type of answer you expected: A freelancer, only with my personal experience, usually gets away with about $ 50- $ 75 hours if they are trustworthy And they work to show themselves a decent bit in them. If you are just beginning, I can give less suggestions.

windows - Installing Coldfusion 8 32 bit on a 64 bit machine - any problems? -

We are planning to upgrade our test server and in order to do this, we have run 64 bits The machine was planning to buy X64 web version However, now we want to continue using 32 bit ColdFusion 8. Is there anything to stop us from doing this, or do we have to proceed to this 64 bit ColdFusion 8? Has anyone ever had a problem running 32-bit CF over 64-bit Windows? I think some people have problems (though not in Windows), but I have been assured by others that it will work just fine. Many thanks in advance Ciaran In my experience it works fine though , You have to change setup on IIS to allow 32-bit extensions, which disables (IIRC) 64-bit extensions. This means, basically, if you are running IIS and CF on what you are doing on that machine, you probably will not see any benefit. However, if you are running other applications in 64-bit mode, then access to storage needs, etc. Go for it.

Why do we need third party build tools? -

Why do we need one like third party manufacturing tools? Do not we have built integrated facilities in our IDE? What did these tools actually do that which has not been given in the IDE? The ability to run a build server for which IDE does not begin to produce the product? The ability to create a standardized is that a developer does not need to set up another IDE to be able to create a third party code? Think of the world of open source - you do not want to force all developers to use the same IDE on any project, nor do you want to force any user to create a complete IDE Compels to install That. Ant is very easy to run to keep track of an entire group of IDEs. Good is that IDE such as eclipse support 3 party build systems such as ant - this is how the IMO should work, rather than preparing the construction of a specific IDE. The .NET world has some variation on it, where the MSBuild is part of the framework, but also build format used by Visual Studio (personall

css - Div height solution missing in ie6 -

I am using an empty div to display a line by setting height 3px It works fine in all browsers, but the higher unit displayed with 20px height is displayed in or 6 . It remains the same for height: 0 px. But changes in other properties reflect height, but duplicate css entry and are not inherited from the other div Anybody can help & lt; Div id = "line" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: # line {border: none; Background color: # 134c7c; Height: 3px; Margin-down: 20px; } The strange idea of ​​Internet Explorer is that the content of each element should be minimized A character high can be found around you using the overflow feature, in this way the material can make a character high, but it does not affect the height of the element: .line { Height: 3px; Hidden flurry; }

internet explorer 6 - Silverlight 2 Zindex Issue on ASP.NET Page IE6 -

I have a silverlight menu on the ASP.Net page, there is a HALT table in the menu on this page and pressing the table for. There is a dropdown list. The light of silver is DIV status: absolute; Z-index: 999; The Silverlight app is designed with zindex in its elements, it is windowless and the background is transparent. This work is fine on Firefox but in IE6 (requirement) it does not work, silver bell HTML table and I only spend a little time reading this particular problem, but it seems that with IE6 There is a problem with more Z-index settings. It seems that elements located in Internet Explorer (Windows) generate a new stacking context, starting with a z-index value of 0 < P> I have found who also addresses this issue by setting the parent's Jade Indexes. However, you mention that a Z index is specified in the Silverlight Debit but there is no code, so I can only guess what you might have done in the article. The use of IFrames, which you also wa - Dynamic Connecton String Based on Session Variable -

I have an application that launches data for my client over a period of time, the client is called 'play' wide To allow other scenarios to mess up production data, they can choose an alternative database (basically what-if scenario) at any point, which is a copy of the production database At a certain time currently, I have There is a bit of code which The connection replacement string to string, which will hot-swap server name and the database name on the basis of the stored user session state. This approach works well for what I'm doing, although I need to cross those selections at every level. My question is: Would I be able to create a custom connection string which handles this 'switching' in the background and allows me to use a string like I do in the standard ASP.Net application. In other words, many tools accept only a connection string name as part of its manufacturer. I want to be able to use those tools, but the way I currently create my

osx - Loading a universal binary with Java -

I have a Java applet that loads the native code via JNI everything works well until I have snow leopard And then the safari decided to be dumb. It turns out that Safari will load only 64 bit binary in 64 bit mode. (You can put it in 32 bit mode, but this is not an option.) I changed my build system (G ++) to create a universal binary instead of a 32 bit binary. I have successfully made a universal binary, but when I try and load it in my applet, I get an unsatisfactory link exception which is saying that no suitable image has been found and can not map it. For additional information ... When I typed 'file native.dylib' in the terminal, the original appeared as 32 binary: shared library i386 with mac-o dynamic link And when I did this for Universal Binary, it came out: Original. Dealib: 2-Architectures with Mac-O Universal Binary - Original. Dealib (I386 for Architecture): Much-O Object i386 Original. Dealib ( x86_64 for architecture): Mac OS 64-bit object x86_64

c# - How do I change the default application config/setting in different deployments? -

I have an AC # class library that is built in DLL. I have some setting values, like paths to directories, which I use inside the class library. I would like to do this, so that any reference DLL has the chance to edit the default value of the settings (usually through a file). [In the class library] the default value will be FooDir = "C: / Program Files /" [Project X references the library] We want to change the transformation of the Foodir value "C: / Program Files ( X86) / ". It would be clear if the Visual Studio will generate the XML file with the configuration / configuration of the config / and then copy the output directory of Project X. And then we could change the value of Frieder and this new value of Füdir would be reflected when running Project X. How can I get it? Your best bet here is to create a custom configuration section for your app, for everything Set default, if users want to override anything, they can add configuration secti

bash - Opening a new terminal tab in OSX(Snow Leopard) with the opening terminal windows directory path -

I'm googling for a while, looking for a simple way to do this, and I can not find anyone is. / P> To make things easier, I have a custom terminal environment set (zsh) that has different aliases and functions. One thing I'm going to do is to quickly create a new tab Type the command relative to the applet-t and then the terminal window path. It always fails because the path of the new tab ~ replaces whatever I was just using! Any help most appreciated. Ian Div> I have some scripts I use: dup (with new window work fear): #! / Bin / sh pwd = 'pwd` osascript -e "to specify the script \" terminal \ "\" cd $ pwd; Clear \ "" & gt; / Dev / null and TUP (new tab with the same working directory): #! / Bin / sh Pwd = 'pwd` osascript -e "Tell the application \" terminal \ "" a \ "to the application \" system events \ "to \" t \ "using \" e-script \ " Keyst - WebMethod return as String (without <?xml tag) -

सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग RaiseCallbackEvent [WebMethod (EnableSession = true)] [ScriptMethod (UseHttpGet = true, XmlSerializeString = false) (स्ट्रिंग इवेंटअगरमेंट) लौटने का मूल्य & lt;? Xml से शुरू हुआ। मैं इसे कैसे से छुटकारा मिल सकता हूं? मुझे लगता है कि यह ऐसा कर रहा है क्योंकि यह एक SOAP वेब सेवा है और एक SOAP वेब सेवा से क्या अपेक्षा की जाती है यदि आप बस क्लाइंट को वापस सादा पाठ वापस करना चाहते हैं, तो मैं मैन्युअल रूप से अनुरोध को संसाधित करने के लिए एक एशक्स बनाऊँगा। इस तरह (यह डिफ़ॉल्ट जेनेरिक हैंडलर मचान है) [वेबसर्विसेज (नेमस्पेस = "")] [WebServiceBinding (ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] सार्वजनिक वर्ग टेस्ट: IHttpHandler {सार्वजनिक शून्य प्रक्रिया अनुरोध (HttpContext संदर्भ) {Context.Response.ContentType = "पाठ / सादे"; Context.Response.Write ("हैलो वर्ल्ड"); } सार्वजनिक बाल आईआरयूयूएबल ({वापसी गलत; }}

using spring validation on request headers -

Using spring verification frame with spring MVC to validate the presence / value of an HTTP request header possible? Thank you! I do not know how this will be possible, because the verification framework only operates on your domain object, Not on HTTP request Specifically, the HttpServletRequest object does not specify any method to take, which requires you to access to capture and test the headers. The use of the verification framework seems to be inaccurate, the solution to the problem you are trying to solve, especially because it is difficult to know why a unique HTTP request header will be given for the given form submission. Do you want to test for an HTTP header, which always should be present in your app's requests? Then you might want to consider implementing one, which will block and process all requests on any pages you mapped in any HanderMappings. Are you trying to test for an HTTP header that always any should be the page view of your app? Then you

ADO .NET - adding a DataTable to more than one DataSet -

I want to add a DataTable to more than one dataset without calling DataTable. Copy () simply duplicates the amount of data in the DataTable copy memory and gives me a reason to manage its changes. This problem exists because I am implementing a detailed table solution where there may be more than one owner in a detailed table. If this helps, consider this snippet and as a result, consider the naive face. DataTable Table1 = GateDataTable (); // 100 rows of data datatell table 2 = table 1; Dataset 1 dataset 1 = new dataset (); Dataset 2 dataset 2 = new dataset (); Dataset1.Tables.Add (table1); Dataset2.Tables.Add (table2); // fails because table 2 is already present in dataset 1 :-( Any suggestions are out there? Thanks! You can not do this without duplication because the dataset is designed to be mobile, and is freely updated, as a result, In the context of data in the data, the data must be the same.

java - In Groovy SwingBuilder, how do I attatch a closure to a JTable that fires when a cell is selected? -

I have JTable created by Groovy's SwingBuilder. I want to close a table that will be the selection of a cell There is a fire, but I can not find the right hook. How can I do this? I am not an expert in groovy, but when you can use it within the table element of swingbiller It works because ListSelectionListener has only one way. table (id: 'myTable') {myTable.selectionModel.addListSelectionListener ({evt-> println ("selection has changed")} as ListSelectionListener)}

php - Git Web Interface -

I am trying to work with the viewfinder interface for my projects. Although I'm running on it, curious issues with PHP exec: <2 p> <2> These 2 Unix commands work from inside my viewgit / directory: / viewgit-> GIT_DIR = / usr / local / apache2 / htdocs / repo / Git Git Rev. list --header --max count = 1 c19e231ad87413798b6a1387a98ec814836fda1e 19e231ad87413798b6a1387a98ec814836fda1e c19e231ad87413798b6a1387a98ec814836fda1e tree 4351aa5fb93c3a093902577e5a58138280851152 parents 5099ea6747f8b8a532d153f0536e7be956532a33 author John.smith514-490-6597 1255 9 81013 -0400 Committer John.Smith514-490-6597 1255 9 81013-400 and / viewgit-> GIT_DIR = / usr / local / apache2 / htdocs / repo / .git git diff c19e231ad87413798b6a1387a98ec814836f Da1e ^ .. c19e231ad87413798b6a1387a98ec814836fda1e diff --git a / bootstrap.php b / bootstrap.php index 6cc6336..857890b 100755 --- a / bootstrap.php +++ b / bootstrap.php @@ 17,7 +17,7 @ @); // ZEND LIBRARY - // -------------

math - Calculate 3D vector perpendicular to a plane generated by two vectors -

I'm new to dealing with 3D, and even ordinary stuff spin around my head Sorry for the newbie question. Let's say that I have 2 vectors: a (2,5,1) b (1, -13) These vectors produce "a plane". one and b How do I get a third vector vertically in 2D using a vector C (A, B)? > That is, a vector vertical for a and b is given by (ay * bz - az) * by, az * Bx-ax * bz, ax * by-ay * bx) .

zend framework - Simplest model code -

I am experiencing a lot with the CakePHP framework, but I'm checking the Zend Framework for an application But will get traffic. I'm going through a quick tutorial in the documentation and going to the "Create a Model and Database Table" page. Me or all those model sections should be made in which it mentions, i.e. Application / Model / DBTable / Guestbook.php application / model / GuestbookMapper.php application / Models / Guestbook .php Coming from kppp it seems like lots of code have some functionality i would have thought of very basic and general. Or can I just create application / model / Guestbook.php and extend it to Zend_Db_Table_Abstract? Any help you can make your model after the DBTable class, although one of the benefits of datamapping is one.

javascript - How to focus on a form input text field on page load using jQuery? -

This is probably very easy, but can someone tell me how the cursor is shining on a text box on page load ? Set focus on the first text field: $ (" Input: text: appear: first ") focus (); This also does the first text field, but you can convert [0] to another index: $ ('input [@ type = "Text"] ') [0] .focus (); Or, you can use the ID: $ ("# someTextBox"). Focus ();

iphone - Call a function in a UIViewController's UIView -

I created a visual viewer using the view controller and the interface builder. I'm trying to call a function that I added to UIViewController in UIView. I'm not sure how to call that function. I've tried [self.view myFunction] but it only crashes my program. Have you declared your IB outlets and connected it to the method? The owner of your view (more accurately the nib) file should be set in your visual controller class. Unless your calling functions are functional and in ways you should not call anything on the scene. You just do not need to. Editing: Grammatical Improvement

windows installer - Website for installation information? -

Is there a website / forum dedicated to installation tips / information for the programmer, such as different products (office , SQL Server, etc.) at installation time? How to uninstall programmatically different packages, etc. Best of all around Windows Installer One of the sites has other setup information - there is good information here, if you lose deeply.

python - A simple framework for Google App Engine (like Sinatra)? -

Is there a simple 'cover' frame for apenin? Is that something or is it? So that someone can write code like the following code: from june import * @ root ('/') def index (web): returns 'juneo says hi' run () < / Code> UPDATE : I want to use the Python API (not Java) in GAE. There are several frameworks specifically for the app engine: - Not specifically for app engine, but well suited. >

How to strengthen Mysql database server Security? -

If we have server1 for all files (file server), server2 for mysql database (database server) Want to use. Do not need to connect to the IP address of the second (MySQL server) to access the database in the server 2 for Server1 Server1? In this case, remote mysql connection. However, I noticed that some people have a comment on the security issue. Remote access to MySQL is not very secure when your remote computer first connects to your MySQL database, password is encrypted before being transmitted over the Internet. But after that, all the data has been passed as an encrypted "plain text" if someone was able to see your connection data (such as "hacker" that is capturing data from an encrypted WiFi connection you are not using ), That person will be able to see the part or all your databases So I'm thinking of ways to protect it? Allow mysql entry on remote 1 by allowing static IP address to allow remote access to the server changed to 3306

php - Is it possible to save a word file in MYSQL database and to view the content "AS IT LOOKS" in the Browser -

For example, I am uploading a word file with some formatted content in the database. The content is aligned in the word document. The problem I did to the above level is that I can see the content, as if it looks perfectly in a browser. Please help me get out of this problem. Thanks Advance Fero You can stream content to set an attachment correct MIME type If the user's client is configured to control the content type, it will show (after asking for permission).

winforms - Refreshing BindingSource after insert (Linq To SQL) -

मेरे पास बाध्यकारी स्रोत पर ग्रिड है जो DataContext तालिका, इस तरह: myBindingSource.DataSource = myDataContext.MyTable; MyGrid.DataSource = myBindingSource; मैं सम्मिलित करने के बाद बाध्यकारी स्रोत ताज़ा नहीं कर सका। यह काम नहीं करता: myDataContext.Refresh (RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, myBindingSource); myBindingSource.ResetBinding (गलत); यह भी नहीं: myDataContext.Refresh (RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues, myDataContext.MyTable); myBindingSource.ResetBinding (गलत); मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? मैंने समस्या का हल किया है लेकिन एक तरह से नहीं चाहता था। यह बताता है कि डेटाकॉन्टेक्स और लिनक एसक्यूएल इकाई के कार्य संचालन के लिए सर्वोत्तम है। इसका मतलब है कि आप एक डेटा कंटैन्टेक्स बनाते हैं, अपना काम पूरा कर लें, इसे हटा दें। यदि आपको किसी अन्य ऑपरेशन की आवश्यकता है, तो दूसरा बनाएं इस समस्या के लिए केवल मुझे जो करना था वह मेरे DataContext को इस .x = नए MyDataContext () की तरह पुन: बनाएँ। यदि आप ऐसा नहीं करते हैं तो आप हमेशा बासी / कैश्ड डेटा प्राप्त करत

c# - Generics and Factories -

I am new to generic and trying to figure out which class I can return the example See sample code from a factory below whose base is normal. These issues are highlighted in the Factory Class: Public Essentials MyGenericBaseClass & lt; T & gt; {Public string fu () {...}} Public Sealed Class MyDerivedIntClass: MyGenericBaseClass & lt; Int & gt; {} Public Sealed Class MyDerivedStringClass: MyGenericBaseClass & lt; String & gt; {} Public stable class MyClassFactory {public stable MyGenericBaseClass & lt; T & gt; CreateMyClass & lt; T & gt; () {// ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************************************************ **** ***** if (typef (t) == typef (int)) Return to the new meridiement class (); } If (typef (t) == typewriter (string) {Return the new mildeword string cloud (); } // ******************************

iPhone and ASIHTTPRequest - Unable to start HTTP connection -

I am using the ASIHTTPRequest class to communicate with the web service and to get feedback. In this way I send a request to the server NSString * str = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @ verifyLogin.json", serverUrl]; NSDRL * URL = [NSUr URL YouthString: [Str StringBaddingPercent Escapes Using Encoding: NSTF 8 String Encoding]]; ASIHTTPRequest * Request = [[[ASIHTTPRequest alloc] initWithURL: url] autorelease]; [Request addRequestHeader: @ "content-type" value: @ "text / x-gwt-rpc; charset = utf-8"]; NSDRIBZ * Data = [NSDiction Dictionary with Object Ends: Email ID, @ "Username", PWD, @ "Password", zero]; [Request appendPostData: [[Data JSONFragment] Data Usage Encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [Request Security Mode: @ "Post"]; [Delegate request set: Self]; [Request SetfishChinese: @Selector (Milologin Response :)); [Requested Set File Selectors: @Selector (LoginResist file :)]; [NetworkCover add operation: request];

c# - WebBrowser control - Need navigation error handling -

I am writing an app in C # on a Windows CE 5.0 .NET Framework 3.5 which uses Webbrowser control. In contrast to the exception of the Navigating call, it is almost exactly what I want, with the exception when it throws a global exception, when it fails. Navigate (...). I have found this article: Although it is compiled for a Windows application, but some things are useless when I compile them for WinCE Try Anything that starts with permission ... and there is something else: AxHost Standard Ole Marcel Object I do not remember at this time. I can write an app and deal with global exceptions, but if I can handle navigation errors properly then it would be very clear that any advice would be appreciated. What is the exception coming from thread? If you can find / access that thread, you can theoretically handle its exceptions.

visual sourcesafe - Include a version control tag in VSS -

I was reading code 2 and it mentions it in: Many versions control Insert the version in the tool a file. In CVS, // $ id $ for XML characters will automatically expand < / Blockquote> $ $ id:, v 1.1 2004/02/05 00:36:42 Ismaine Exp $ $ So I want to do now Something similar to VSS for our SQL scripts I've been googling around for the answer but can not find it? Is it possible? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have found myself @

c++ - What is a good book/guide for socket programming in C? -

Can anyone tell me what is the best guide / book / content for socket programming in C? I am reading the guide of the seeds for network programming, but it just gives an overview. Can you recommend any other books or guides? then go from there

encryption - Is authentication required/recommended with a stream cipher? -

I want to secure the transmission of a TCP-based program by using a shared passphrase / key. The easiest way to do this is to use a straight one without handling the block size, padding ... In this way, the amount of data is not changed between clear and encrypted data and the modification is trivial. Using only one stream cipher means that there is no authentication and I have always considered / heard about that encryption authentication is not secure enough and should not be used. If it is compulsory to add authentication to a stream cipher, then we lose the simplicity that the stream cipher has been added because we need to add an HMAC or use an authenticated encryption method (eg From NaCl), there is a minimum message length, we have to handle padding ... What would you recommend? Is it safe to use only stream ciphers without certification in certain cases? Using any type of message authenticator Important with stream cipher Important , because changes in ciphertex

data structures - Algorithm for merging two max heaps? -

Is there an efficient algorithm for dissolving two max-masses that are stored as arrays? It depends on the type of stack. If this is a standard heap where every node is above two and the children who are filled on two separate rows, then you are not better than the O (n) for the merge Can. Just put two arrows together and make a new pile of them that takes O (n). For better merging performance, you can merge another Hep version using Fibonacci-OP (O) which amortized O (1). Update: Note that first put all the elements of the stack in one heap after the other, or vice versa, because an insertion takes o (log). According to your comment, you do not know how the heap has been improved in the beginning (again for a standard binary stack) Create an array and insert it in the elements of both the heaps In some arbitrary order Now start at the lowest level. At the lowest level are the smallest size of size 1, so this level is completed Move up one level when The violat

performance - Why is my java application faster on an AMD processor? -

I have observed that my Java API is running fast too much when executed on AMD processor For example, my Jbz 3GHz AMD processor starts about 30 seconds and requires about 60 seconds on the 3 GHz Intel processor with the same disk, RAM and OS? Has anyone made this observation? Why is it like this? It depends on the CPU generation, as well as clock speed is not everything. If you set up an Intel Pentium 4 and an AMD Phenom with the same clock speed, you will see a big difference in favor of Phenom. Update : If you are really curious, use a profiler and post the results.

actionscript 3 - Problem embedding font and displaying it correctly in Flash -

I'm looking for the right textfield parameters or here's my latest problem for Flash fonts & amp; Text field. I have some text of a text format and textfield generation that uses fonts: Franklin Gothic Book Point Size 8. Currently I see the font on this movie: Below is a JPG from MacLogo Photoshop, clean And how it should look next font is the font typed on the stage in Flash, and very far from my code® malog O is generated. What parameters are I stopping to generate a JPEG code generating? My code below: var tsFont = new text format (); TsFont.font = Franklin Gothic; TsFont.size = 8; TsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF; TsFont.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT; Var tsLogo: TextField = new TextField (); TsLogo.defaultTextFormat = tsFont; TsLogo.selectable = false; TsLogo.mouseEnabled = false; TsLogo.x = 18; TsLogo.y = 98; TsLogo.width = 64; TsLogo.height = 16; TsLogo.text = "®MYLOGO"; AddChild (tsLogo); You can see X_x Fixed working core: from thx Var

python - Read a single registry key value on a remote machine -

I have a hard time finding a very simple target ... I have to audition on several machines to collect the value of a single registry key to see whether the scanned machines need to compromise with new versions of the software. Only the use of Python 3 as per our company policy. I am allowed to (which is on drugs, but I am Or I) do. I'm looking at using Winreg module to connect to a remote machine, credentials, we are on a domain), but from time to time type The error is facing: the object is not a PyHKEY object (or many other problems.) This seems like a very common requirement and I think I have a Python 3 I am surprised to find the difficulty in finding any example Confirms that I am that I can use to understand what I did wrong. > Anybody will be kind enough to give any assistance which would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance. Can you show the code that you are writing? Have you opened the key? Many people get problems because they have not opened it

Which Python client library should I use for CouchdB? -

I am starting to experiment with CouchDB because it looks like we have the right solution to certain problems That all the work will be on a new project, which does not have any legacy dependency, which the client library will suggest you use, and why? If we overlap any of the OS. Freeband is available only in the collection of its ports, but asks to use the library's project website. None of those people are Ubuntu, which is only with ships, since those two OSAs are not common in libraries, I am probably installing something from source (and hopefully if I have time, then Ubuntu and FreeBSD People pack the package). For those interests, I want to use CouchDB as a convenient intermediate storage space for data passed between different services - think of a message bus system, but less formalities with. For example, we have daemons that download and pars the web page, then send an interesting bit to other daemons for further processing. Many of them are ill-defined until the

fsm - Python graceful fail on int() call? -

I have to create a rudimentary FSM in a class, and write it in Python. For the assignment we need to read the transition to the machine from the text file. For example, an FSM with 3 states, each of which has 2 possible changes, with the possible input 'A' and 'B', a text file is in Volode that looks like this: 2 # The first line is the list of all final states 0A B1B2A1B2A2B2B1 I read one more point I am trying to come in a manner that converts line and states into interses at one time, whereas input vals are converted into wires Keeping it in the form Originally this idea is: self.finalStates = f.readline (). Strip ("\ n"). In line for the partition (""): current_state, input_val, next_state = ("a \") x {int (x) line.strip ("\ n") for x. Of course, when it tries to int ("a") a valueError I know that I can use a conventional loop and just say eliter I could catch up, but I wanted another phenomenon to do th

visual studio - what's wrong with this ADODB connection string to sql server 2005 -

I am working on opening blankboxes in Visual Studio 2005 using VB and I'm stuck on the connection string part . I should mention that I am connected to a SQL Server 2005 instance. Here's what I have: dim gDBA ADODB.Connection ADODB.Recordset gDBA = new ADODB.Connection gDBA.Open ("Server = E-13; Database = Consumer; User I got the connection string When I click 'Run', I received a message containing a brief message: "[Microsoft] [ODBC Driver manager] did not get the name of the data source and no default driver was specified. " I'm guessing the system is looking for the name of the ODBC driver, however, I'm not sure where to put it. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance You are missing either "provider = SQLNCLI" or "provider = SQLOLEDB" or "driver" = {SQL Native Client} "shows 2 of the articles you have quoted, but without the SQL Native Client If installed, you can r

c# - Selecting columns from a LINQ query -

I want to be able to select the columns displayed in my datagrid view. I.e., I have a linq query that gives an IEnumerable, but I do not want to display all the properties of the policy - I want to allow the user to show what to display. So I thought that something like this could work to create a "narrow" object with only columns. IEnumerable & lt; Policy & gt; Policies = Repository Gate policies (); P = Out of the policies = Negatives = Select new (if user ("propertyon") ()) propertyon = p. Property On, if (userpic ("property two")) PropertyTwo = p.PropertyTwo, ...}; DataGridView1.DataSource = Results; Is there a great way to do this? Part 2: Why does this work: IEnumerable & lt; Policy & gt; Policies = Repository Gate policies (); DataGridView1.DataSource = Policies; But it is not: IEnumerable In the second case nothing is displayed in the grid. If you need to select the field dynamically, use it in a select

java - Removing rows from a DefaultTableModel with a RowSorter attached doesn't remove last row -

I am new to Java for some extent, and especially new to the table, and give me a special Trouble is working. I have a JTable that uses a custom table model which extends the defaultTableModel, and I have attached a TableRowSorter in the table below the sample app, there are two buttons - load rows in a table And remove all the selected rows from the table. For any reason, if you select the last row in the table with any other line, when you click on the "Remove" button, it will remove all the selected rows except the last line. You can remove any other combination of it and it works fine. What's more, if you click on the column header to sort the rows in the first (if the sequence of rows can not change), then work correctly if I load it If I add a line to sort the rows in the table clearly, the problem "goes away", but I should know what I'm doing is wrong. Behavior, click the "Load" button to populate the table, select all the rows in