actionscript 3 - Problem embedding font and displaying it correctly in Flash -
I'm looking for the right textfield parameters or here's my latest problem for Flash fonts & amp; Text field.
I have some text of a text format and textfield generation that uses fonts: Franklin Gothic Book Point Size 8. Currently I see the font on this movie:
Below is a JPG from MacLogo Photoshop, clean And how it should look next font is the font typed on the stage in Flash, and very far from my code® malog O is generated.
What parameters are I stopping to generate a JPEG code generating?
My code below:
var tsFont = new text format (); TsFont.font = Franklin Gothic; TsFont.size = 8; TsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF; TsFont.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT; Var tsLogo: TextField = new TextField (); TsLogo.defaultTextFormat = tsFont; TsLogo.selectable = false; TsLogo.mouseEnabled = false; TsLogo.x = 18; TsLogo.y = 98; TsLogo.width = 64; TsLogo.height = 16; TsLogo.text = "®MYLOGO"; AddChild (tsLogo);
You can see X_x
Fixed working core: from thx
Var sfont = new text format (); TsFont.font = (as the new Franklin Gothic () font). Fontname; TsFont.size = 8; TsFont.color = 0xFFFFFF; TsFont.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT; Var tsLogo: TextField = new TextField (); TsLogo.selectable = false; TsLogo.mouseEnabled = false; TsLogo.embedFonts = true; TsLogo.antiAliasType = Flash.text.AntiAliasType.NORAL; TsLogo.gridFitType = "pixel"; TsLogo.sharpness = 400 tsLogo.x = 6; TsLogo.y = 5; TsLogo.width = 600; TsLogo.height = 40; TsLogo.text = "®MYLOGO"; TsLogo.setTextFormat (tsFont)
Graphic Example:
Controlling text rendering in flash is painful for some time
You need to play around several properties:
antiali type
, < Trying from Code> ThicknessTextField
Or a.
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