python - Running Tests From a Module -
I'm trying to run some unit tests in Python which I believe is a module. I have a directory structure like
TestSuite.pyUnitets. __int __ Py | I have
Import import UnitTest class test site: def __init __ (self): pass print "initialization testing "Suite = Unitt. Testloader () LoadTestForm Module (Unitatest) unittest.TextTestRunner (Verbosity = 1) .Run (Suite)
Which test seeks to fix, but it does not take any tests in In that class, I have a set of tasks starting with 'Test'
What should I do that running Pyro actually closes all my tests in UnitTests? Here is some code that will run all unit tests in one unit:
Code> #! Import import system OS unit_dir = sys.argv [1] from / usr / bin / env python import import if lane (sys.argv) & gt; 1 more '.' For file name in Os.chdir (unit_dir) suite = unittest.TestSuite () os.listdir ('.'): If filename.endswith ('.py') and filename.startswith ('test_'): modname = filename [: -2] module = __import __ (modname) suite.addTest (unittest.TestLoader (.) LoadStestfrom module (module)) unittest.TextTestRunner (Verbosys = 2) .Run (suite) < P> If you call it, you will run it like this: unit
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