
Showing posts from September, 2014

SimpleRepository and booleans with SubSonic -

I am trying to add a boolean column in SubSonic and the code works fine without this column As soon as I had a boolean variable in my model, it fails with the following error: The name "wrong" is not allowed in this context. Valid Expression Constants, Constant Expressions, and Variables (in some contexts). Column names are not allowed. Anyonw knows that it should be supported and if it is what I am doing wrong: Data object class: public class Desk {{SubSonicPrimary's] Public INID {Received; Set; } Public string hostname {get; Set; } Public string SAPCode {get; Set; } Get public int location ID {}; Set; } Public Button Active {get; Set; }} Use of class: var d = new desk (); D.DeskName = "test"; D.SAPCode = "12345"; D.LocationId = 2; D. Active = true; Var Repository = New Simple Repository ("SubSonic Testing", SimpleRepository Options. Renewal); Repository.Add (d); I have encountered a similar problem (version

syntax - What does "FunctionName(bool() args)" mean in C#? -

Can anyone tell me that function_name (bool) is in ARG? This is an invalid syntax in C #. You probably meant this function name (bool [] rgs) ( [] instead of () ) , Which means that one takes one as the args . Note that there is no return type, so it should probably be zero function name (bool [] args) (Or some other type than zero )

Google Chrome Extension: is there any per-tab storage? -

क्या टूलस्ट्रिप्स द्वारा कोई "प्रति-टैब" भंडारण सुलभ है? < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> ऐसा लगता है कि केवल मैंने पाया है कि HTML5 के "लोकल स्टोरेज" सुविधा के साथ जाना था

jquery - javascript dom insertion. Performance vs Leak? -

I'm wondering what is the right way to put complex elements So far, ( With jQuery) I used to first build my own element and to finish it once. I thought it was the most efficient, because Dome Access performance is fantastic. But with the original JS, I have read that to avoid memory leaks, each new dome node should be inserted into the dome immediately after its creation. Our intranet says: Note the DOM Entry Order DOM Entry Order: No root element attached to the original element is attached to the DOM itself Please. var root = document.createElement ("DIV"); Var children = document.createElement ("DIV"); // It is wrong root.appendChild (child); Document.body.appendChild (Route); // This is the right document. Don.appendChild (Route); Root.appendChild (child); I found this page online that basically explain the same thing (under the cross-page leak section): This means that Performance and leakage-prevention? Should the new DOM elements be

c# - How to read xml file and save using httprequest and response -

Exact Duplicate of Hi guys hope everyone is doing well I have got some suggestions about this question, but how to implement is illusion, anyone can help implement it so that the problem can be solved. Try it as string = string = string = "http: // xyz". HttpWebRequest = CType (WebRequest.Create (strUrl) HttpWebRequest) HttpWebResponse = CType (wr.GetResponse (), HttpWebResponse) ws.ContentType = "UTF-8" stream as dim str = ws.GetResponseStream () Dim inBuf (100000) Such as byte dim bytes = integer = CINT InBuf.Length) Read the dim bytes as integers = 0 while the bytes read & gt; Exact = str.Read (inBuf, bytesRead, bytesToRead) as 0mn n, if n = 0, then exit bytes byte + = n bytes reader - = n and while the new file stream ("c: / GetXml. Xml "as fist FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write) fstr.Write (inBuf, 0, bytes read) str.Close () fstr.Close () as WebException Response.Write (ex.Message) End Try I got the suggestion public static ze

jquery - Google Chrome - strange display of html -

I use a lot of jQuery in CMS that I have created myself and now when I try Google Chrome Some strange behaviors have been noticed when displaying the contents of the CMS navigation menu is displayed through the search form when clicking on the link: But when I press the Fresh Button or F5 If I refresh the page by using yoga, it will display correctly, this problem does not occur in Firefox, Opera and IE. Locally tested, Chrome also makes errors but is slightly different and shown on these images. This problem disappears when I disable all jquery and javascript. Has anyone found something similar in Chrome? This is the html code for that container: & Lt; Label class = "prikazi" & gt; Picasa & amp; # 382; I & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input class = "broj_vijesti" name = "broj_vijesti" type = "text" /> & Lt; Choose name = "sort" category = "sorting" & gt; & Lt; Option value = &quo

php - Automatic Website Login using cURL -

All I have been looking for some time that can help me. I am writing a script that will enter, and add 50 games to my line. The queue part works fairly well, but the login will not just work. I have already read about using cURL, and I have found that PHP has a decent enough time with it. So here's what I came to: $ ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ c, CURLOPT_URL, ''); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_POST, 1); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$MainContent$MainContent$MainContent$LoginForm$ $ ctl00 $ ctl00 $ Main Containant $ Main Containant $ Main Resources $ LogForm $ Password = xxxx' ); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt"); $ Test = curl_exec ($ ch); Obviously, I think that when I do this I am getting the wrong area. Does anyone have any idea how I can login it, or am I stealing? Than - Select dropdownlist item after button click -

I have an asp drowndownlist and I want to change its selection after a button click. I can not find any way to do this, is there any way? (A kind of reset button, and I would like the dropdown list to return to the "default" value.) dropdown list. Selected index = -1

Adding a UIImage on a touch event iPhone -

OK I'm really struggling with this! I know that to add an image to the scene, I know how to record a touch event, but the combination of both is proving a problem. There are a lot of tutorials about how to move an image with a touch event. But can someone suggest how I can accomplish Add an image to look at touch Other users received Add the same image to the touch. Manipulate the spot Assuming that you just want to show the image and disappear, you can apply UITiew event handling methods to that view in the UIViewController, which you want to interrupt touch events in between. To do this, "iPhone Programming Guide: Event Handling" can be found in: Once you have managed to block the touch event, Inside the UIImageView view of a view which you want it in AR. I hope that little help.

sql server - Determine the hierarchy of records in a SQL database -

I am getting a problem, I was wondering if there is a beautiful solution, this is a real business problem and class assignment is not! I have thousands of records, some of which are related to each other The database is SQL 2005. The ID is the primary key if the record has changed an earlier record, then the ID of that record is in the REP_ID column. ID REP_ID EDDBCBBAA NULL Then in this example, the A was the original line, B place A, C replacement B failed, D replacement B. successfully and finally E in place of D. I want to be able to display all records in this table in a grid. Then, I want the user to be able to click on any record in any group, and to find the system in all related records and to display in any type of tree. Now I am obviously able to do this to solve the overwhelming force, but I would like to ask the community whether they can see a more elegant answer. Use one to create your hierarchy, some things like #TestValue ('E', & quot;

PHP: how do I convert a non-truecolor image to a truecolor image? -

जीडी के साथ कैसे करें? (टी) स्रोत छवि के रूप में और उसके बाद (एस) को (टी)। उदाहरण के लिए (त्रुटि संभाल के बिना): $ imgSource = imagecreatefromgif ('xyz.gif'); $ Width = imagesx ($ imgSource); $ ऊँचाई = छवियां ($ imgSource); $ ImgTC = imagecreatetruecolor ($ चौड़ाई, $ ऊँचाई); इमेजकोपी ($ आईएमजीटीसी, $ आईएमजीएसओएसआरएस, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ चौड़ाई, $ ऊँचाई); // save या $ imgTC भेजें आप दोनों छवियों को जीडी 2 स्वरूप में (4 बाइट्स प्रति पिक्सेल? 5?) मेमोरी में रखेंगे, ताकि आप इसके साथ कोशिश करने से पहले अपनी जांच कर सकें बड़े चित्र।

sql server - Dynamic web form targetting user specified database fields -

I have an issue where I am creating a greenfield web application using AFNET MVC which is manually If a long paper form is recorded (mostly) in an existing SQL Server 2005 database, then the front end is a new part, but I am working against an existing minor generalized schema. I can easily add new tables, views and more to the schema, but the revised tables are going to be impossible at present, currently at least 2 existing applications (which I know) that refer to this schema and at least I A dozen "SELECT * FROM ..." has stumbled on the statement. They are present in the code and both are visible in the trigger / stored procs / etc. This is the reason that revising the existing table schema is not canceled. All being said, the form targets different areas in several tables in the form database. It should also be dynamic enough so that end users can get targeted areas to add new questions. End users have a strong idea of ​​the existing database schema, so they are qu

.net - How to use entity framework inheritance? -

First of all I am a noob so please be gentle :-) I have a base object company. I want to get in the vendor object. My problem begins with the fact that a given company can be a customer and a seller at the same time. In all instances, I have seen the use of the property of the company and kept it near the customer or vendor, but I can not do this. For clarity (for I hope) editing. stijn Here's a simplified version of what I'm working on. I have three tables that are described in my DB. I have modeled in Visual Studio and have created and tested associations between tables (on Company ID) and treats everything as expected. When I remove the associations and inherit from the customer and the seller receives a lot of errors from the company. My impression: The company can be an item or inherited by the customer or the seller. A given company can be both a customer and a vendor. I am very new to the structure of the institution, I started working with it almost two we

.net - Redirect stdout+stderr on a C# Windows service -

मैंने ServiceBase सहायक का उपयोग करके सी # में विंडोज सर्विस लिखी है अपने निष्पादन के दौरान किसी बाहरी देशी DLL पर कुछ प्रक्रियाएं कहा जाता है। अनजाने में, उन प्रक्रियाएं stdout और / या stderr को एक अनियंत्रित तरीके से लिखते हैं क्योंकि इस DLL के लिए कोई स्रोत नहीं दिया जाता है। क्या उन आउटपुट को सी # सेवा से एक लॉग फाइल में रीडायरेक्ट करना संभव है? आप इसे PInvoke के द्वारा ऐसा करने के लिए कर सकते हैं: [DllImport ("kernel32। Dll ", SetLastError = true)] सार्वजनिक स्थिर extern int SetStdHandle (int डिवाइस, IntPtr हैंडल); // अपनी सेवा में, शटडाउन पर निपटारा .. FileStream filestream; धारावाहिक स्ट्रीमर; शून्य पुनर्निर्देशन () {int स्थिति; IntPtr हैंडल; Filestream = नया फ़ाइलस्ट्रीम ("logfile.txt", FileMode.Create); स्ट्रीमराइटर = नया स्ट्रीमर (फिल्स्ट्रीम); Streamwriter.AutoFlush = true; Console.SetOut (StreamWriter); Console.SetError (StreamWriter); संभाल = filestream.Handle; स्थिति = सेटस्इंडहाण्डल (-11, हैंडल); // सेट stdout // स्थिति की स्थिति के रू

json - PHP Always run function -

I'm trying to get some errors back in JSON format. Therefore, I have created a class level: public $ errors = Array (); Therefore, can lower various functions returned in the script, and add their error to the $ errors array but, I have to use the refund; In some places to stop the script after an error. So, when I do this, how can I still run my last error function which will return all the collected errors? How can I get around the issue of script prevention, but still want to return the errors that I need to stop the script ?! If you are using PHP5 +, then click Destruct The method can be: Public function __destruct () {die (var_dump $ this-> Errors)); } - Possible for webservice to send message from server to client? -

I'm sure it is not possible with HTTP 1.1 or webservices, but just want to double check with you ( And thus perhaps this app will have to switch to WCF.) I want to send a message from the server, running an ASP.NET webservice, the customer can not afford to use it without voting (IE is an interrupt based model)? In WCF, you have something called Duplex Binings, which is the client at a specific address Allows to call back. Look for the first impression of those people. I do not think it can do with ASMX. Mark

c# - Invalid character in a Base-64 string -

I have a C # mobile site and there is a problem with some mobile clients I posted a trace below, but the basic form From the phone or WAP gateway browser, the phone connects the hidden input to the view from the Internet URL encoded. / wEPDwULLTExNTMyOTcwOTBkGAEFBlTTGlzdA9nZA == % 2FwEPDwULLTExNTMyOTcwOTBkGAEFBlTbGlzdA9nZA% 3D% 3D the viewer fails. Anyway override and before the processing of URDDCode viewest information? System.Web.HttpException: State information for this page is invalid and it may be corrupted. ---> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate client IP: Port: 37172 User-agent: SK-R430 UP. Broser / (GUI) MMP / 2.0 ViewState:% 2 FWPWWTXNTUKKVWBKGFFBLTTGLGDA9NJA% 3D% 3DReffer: Path: / Mobile / Inbox.APX ---> System.FormatException: Invalid character in base-64 string. System.Web.U.ObjectStateFormatter.System.Web.UI.IStateFormatter.Deserialize (String serializedState) on System.Web.O.I.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserializ

php - preg_replace out CSS comments? -

I am writing a quick preg_replace to strip comments from CSS This is the syntax usually used in CSS comments: / * development class * / / * comment for me for easy testing (this will make errors easier to see) * / I'm trying to kill everything between / * and * /: $ pattern = "# / \ * [^ (\ * /)] * \ * / # "; $ Place = ""; $ V = preg_replace ($ patterns, $ replaced, $ v); No dice! It seems that there is a mess on the forward slash because I can get it out of the pattern if I come out of the pattern. I have tried to look at a few simple patterns whether I could just lose a slash, but they returned the original strings unchanged: "# / #"; $ Pattern = "/ \ //"; Any ideas why I can not match those slashes? Thanks! Here's a solution: $ regex = array (" `^ ([\ T \ s] +)` ism '=> gt;' ',' `^ \ / \ * (. +?) \ * \ /` Ism '=> "", "` ( [\ N \ A;] +) \ / \ * (. +?) \ * \ / `Is

java - Proper notation using doubles -

Is it more stylistically acceptable to write constants with ".0" in or without duplicate functions? As , double var = 200.0; Double d = var / 250.0; Double H = 1.0 - d; Vs. double var = 200; Double d = var / 250; Double H = 1 - D; Thanks This is not about style. When you type double var = 200; , then write 200 , which is then converted to two. It is better to be specific - if you are using double constant, type it twice: double D = 200.0; Double one = .01; Double xp = 1e3; All of the above are especially important in your second example: var = 50; Double d = var / 250; I have left the type var on purpose it is not clear what will happen in the form of the d - either Can be 0.2 or 0.0 (if var integer). On the other hand, if you type double d = var / 250.0 , the result will always be 0.2 .

How do I make these relative imports work in Python 3? -

मेरे पास निर्देशिका संरचना है जो इस तरह दिखती है: project / foo / __init.py__ पहले / सेकंड / में project / foo / __ init __। Py मैं पहले वर्गों को आयात करता हूँ .py , दूसरा नाम और और उन्हें __ सभी __ में डाल दिया है। एक में नामित WonderfulThing में वर्ग जिसका मैं में उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, और आयात करने से आयात करना चाहते हैं * से foo । (यह इस प्रश्न के दायरे से बाहर है कि मैं ऐसा क्यों करना चाहता हूं, मान लें कि मेरे पास एक अच्छा कारण है।) में द्वितीयक मैंने कोशिश की है .foo आयात से * , फ़ू आयात * से और से। आयात * और इन मामलों में से कोई भी अदभुत सेटिंग नहीं है आयातित मैंने से import * की कोशिश की, जो एक त्रुटि उठाती है "सेवलिपल पैकेज से परे सापेक्ष आयात का प्रयास किया"। मैंने दस्तावेज़ और पीईपी पढ़ा है, और मैं कर सकता हूँ यह काम करने के लिए तैयार नहीं है I किसी भी सहायता की सराहना की जाएगी। स्पष्टीकरण / संपादित करें: ऐसा लगता है कि मैं संकुल में जिस तरह से __ सभी __ काम करता है

How To Insert Unique Composite ID For Hierarchical Table (SQL Server) -

I have this table structured as follows: PK ParentPK ID1 tap For the above table, I already have a function that can produce the following result: > PK FullID3 ABC5ADE This function takes the rows of children who do not have children and for every line their parents are completely full-moon Generate. Enter a string of full-width users to my application, such as "BEF", "ABD", and press Save button and its application fee for a suitable hierarchy structure (which consists of several rows) Parsed internally and put them in the table. The question is, how can the application guarantee the fullness of Purni? I need to be able to reject the duplicate fullsigned by users. I understand that I can check the fullness before using my function, if it is not present, then I can get involved. But if these steps are done in non-nuclear operations, then I can be used to access a heavy traffic in the duplicate full ID. Should I wrap it in a stored procedure?

Profiler for a C++ module in a C# app -

I rewrite two pages of code from C # to C # in my project, which is 3x quickly with full customization Do it I want to optimize that code, but now my profiler of choice, dot trace, can not do this because it looks only on managed code. How do I p / module when running in C # app? And a tangent question: Calling the following function via P / Inserts does not generate any unnecessary overhead (like copying array), right? just making sure. (Note that Fu reads both from Bar and writes it) // From the C #: [DllImport ("foo.dll")] static Extern zero fu (float [,] bar); // From C + +: extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) zero Foo (float * bar); Compiler: MSVC on Vista How to create a standalone Can test profiles of C ++ code with test harness and alone with any device like VTUN, Callgrind, Quantif, Opfile?

javascript - Passing values to onclick -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < 31 उत्तरों अगर मैं एक बहुत कुछ बना देता हूं (I = 1; i & lt; 100; i ++) {var my_element = document.createElement ("td") के लिए एक लूप का उपयोग करने वाले HTML तत्वों की तरह, Row.appendChild (my_element); My_element.onclick = function () {my_function (i)); } तब जब तत्व पर क्लिक किया जाता है, तो मेरे कोड का my_function हमेशा 100 रहता है, भले ही यह संख्या किस तत्व को कह रहा है मैंने इसके आसपास काम किया है = "something" + i; My_element.onclick = समारोह (e) {my_function (}; (इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर के लिए, लक्ष्य को srcElement होना चाहिए, जाहिरा तौर पर।) मैं जानना चाहता हूं कि क्या कोई तरीका है इस तरह से तत्व को आईडी जोड़ने के बिना फ़ंक्शन बनाने के लिए। मैं लूप के प्रत्येक पुनरावृत्ति के साथ परिवर्तन : (फ़ंक्शन (i) {my_element.onclick = function () {my_function (i)}}} (i))

xcode - Is there a way to visualize records stored in an iPhone app via Core Data? -

I have an app that can be debug only on one device for good reasons, , And I want to be able to easily inspect the archive archived by the app on the device. I think Core Data is supported by default by SQLite on the iPhone, so it can be as simple as asking: "SQLite database for app installed by XK without jailbreak What is the easiest way to remove it? " Any experience can lend in relation to someone, it will be highly appreciated. check out. Just get the sqlite store from the device and use it with cde. At the cost of Rs 20, I think it's worth it.

c# - Why does every class in .NET inherit from Object? -

I can not understand it ... Why do they need a similar basis? The question accepts a lie, they do not need a common base type This option was not out of necessity, it was carried out by the desire to provide the best value for the customer. When designing a type of system, or something else for that matter, sometimes you reach the decision point - you do not have x x. When this is the common base type or a normal base type, then we weigh the benefits and benefits of x to determine the net value, and then you take advantage of the cost and profit-X to determine the net value , And you go with one that was of high value. There is a huge increase in the prices of the benefits of a common base type, and pure pure profit by it is greater than the net profit of the common base type. So we choose a common base type. This is a very vague answer. If you want a more specific answer, try asking a more specific question.

c++ - Why won't my sorting method work? -

I have a problem with my C ++ code for college, I do not understand that my The sRecSort () method is not working. Any help? It really confuses me! #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; #include & lt; Fstream & gt; # Include & lt; Sstream & gt; using namespace std; Void sRecSort (string n [], int s [], string e [], int len) {for (int i = 0; i OK, the problem is the inner loop position You can not tell at all - this is homework. (int i = 0; i The first element of your "sorted" array will be the right thing but the other ... P.S. Irrelevant to the problem, however, please read a chapter about the structures in your C ++ book. P.P.S. You have selected the worst sorting algorithm, I possibly can imagine. Try, at least.

stack - Pseudo Code for converting infix to postfix -

I'm having trouble getting pseudo code for this. Each operator, if it adds it to the string then the operator adds to the stack .... How am I struggling to handle () s Have you tried these links yet?

security - How to properly do private key management -

Is there such a practical experience or a reference to a plan that implements an important management plan that Will follow? Obviously there are some implementations around the number of companies compatible with some PCI DSS, but the details of them are difficult to get. When the personal data goes down to archive, then discussions on using which encryption algorithm generally stop. After this, a statement is given about the storage of the private key in general, but there is no discussion about the practical method to do it or the key changes from time to time or the key of the application etc. Offers. Especially I'm interested in the requirements of section 3.5 and 3.6 of the PCI DSS standard. 3.5.2 Store the cryptographic key safely in some of the least possible places and forms. 3.6.a Verify the existence of key-management procedures for the key used for the encryption of cardholder data: Many industry standards for critical management are available from various r

java - How do I get the first n characters of a string without checking the size or going out of bounds? -

How do I access the n characters before a string in Java without having to type? First check (inline acceptable) or IndexOutOfBoundsException ? Here's a clean solution: string upconverters = s.sstrstring (0, Math.Man (S. Long (), N)); Opinion: While this solution is "clean", I think it is actually less readable from a solution that uses / other Clearly, if the reader has not seen this move, then looks hard to understand the code. IMO, code is more clear in the if / else version.

Flex 3: Passing Array to Custom Component -

I have created a custom button component that accepts an array as the property. I set the property as follows: titles = "[{month: combobox1.text, year: combobox2.text, sales order: combobox3.text}]" and I get the following error: "1084: Syntax Error: Expecting the claim before Coleman." Is Sir incorrect with syntax syntax? CB1 = combo box 1; Cb2 = comboBox2; Cb3 = comboBox3; Option A titleDims = "[{'Month': CB 1. Text, 'Year': CB 2. Text, 'Sales Order' : CBS 3 .text}] "; option B titleDules = "[{Month: CB 1. text, year: CBTtext, salesorder: CBS.Text}] "; option C titleDules = "[{month: CB 1. text, year: CBBtext, sales_order: CBS.Text}] "; I am ignoring your use of setting titleDims to a string first and I assume that you have some code that needs to be in future , You do not have to quote this announcement.

c# - how drag a shape in picture box? -

I have a project I get some shape from some layer in I. For example, I have two circles in the circle layer and three rectangles in the rectangular layer and so on. I get results with call layers. Enlarge the results of layers with Draw and Graphics objects. I can select a size in the photo box and specify it on the layer. And I can drag it to my layer and then change it all again with the graphics. Works! But very slow !! How can I customize it? In the old solution, I take the shapes into the layer. E-graphic them on the image and the paint. I solve this problem with passing graphic objects in layers and attracting shapes with it. My program works very well!

c# - Get return value from process -

Hi, I am trying to do the following: I have a process that can take the parameters and return the sum of these. Numbers process p = process. Start (sophysicalFilePath, Ultimate); Int results = P.ExitCode; I get the return value from "ExitCode", the problem is: The program never eliminates its work before the process, when the program reaches this line int result = P.ExitCode; I got an exception. My question is, how long will I wait for this process until this work is over, I am sorry that with the C # language I am working Usage: process p = process. Start (sophysicalFilePath, Ultimate); P.WaitForExit (); Int results = P.ExitCode; to

c# - ASP.NET not parsing query strings -

I am working on a web application and instead of using membership, I use FormsAuthentication directly. The problem occurs when I post a form, I am able to get all the fields, but this query does not parse the strings. When I look at the debugger, the query string is in the URI, but the query is not in the string array. I am trying to get ReturnUrl from the query string so that I can move the login page to the right place. You do not need to parse that code ; Just call your login page: if (request paragraph [["ReturnUrl"] = null) {formatting. Redirectfromline page (username, createPersistentCookie); }

Paging with Jquery in ASP.NET -

I want to apply paging in Junk to repeaters. Is this possible? If so, how can I get it? is very beautiful and works well with the tableer sorting functionality.

css - Trying to left float a left curly quote but having some issues -

I am trying to float a big left curly bidding so that the blockcot just sits on its left side. However, I have some problems. 1) However, I explicitly declare: right; I have never been considered on the block plot how a floating work should be done, how can some offer some suggestions for how it works? 2) After ignoring the above problem, the quotation symbol above the inside text also happens even when I apply margin-top in block-coat, it does not run at all. I know that I can solve this by using a background image of a coat symbol on blockquote, but I want to do it with text. HTML: & lt; Div class = "quote_symbol" & gt; & Amp; Ldquo; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Blockquote & gt; Should or not & lt; / Blockquote & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Some other text on the page below & lt; / P & gt; CSS: . Quote_symbol {font-size: 4.5em; Float: left;} blockquote {clear: true;} believe You want the quote to just sit on the

user interface - Best way to set up Java GUI -

I am currently working on my first GUI programming project in Java as a school assignment. I have become quite familiar with setting up classes and methods in Java, although with the introduction of GUI programming, I am not sure how best to go about it. I have established a GUI in my package. Should I create a new class for each JPanel ? I've stopped screenshots that look like my GUI so far. Any advice on this would be really great It depends on what you are trying to achieve. For example, I do not necessarily create a separate class for each JPNL. However, if the panel is a custom (override) panel or a panel that contains many other components, or has sufficient functionality, then I will put it in my square. I try to isolate from the functionality, if it makes sense, there is no specific reason why I do it in this way, after writing some gui, it seems that things are simple and very clear. For the above, in your example, without knowing more about your program.

java - comparing a Node and an Object with a BST data structure -

Exception to me "java.lang.string can not be inserted on node". I had thought of converting a local string into a string in a string, then by comparing them, there is no concept of 'more than' or 'less' with walnuts which I need to navigate to BST .. . int computeResult = ((node> E & gt;) o) .compareTo (localRoot); Where the object is of local, type node is a node for the method Funny, I worked at a time this weekend to see what you think about it. - check if css class exists in the stylesheet file in code behind -

I control the styles for a set of pages in the common utility method. To see what I would like to do . The CSS file is checked whether the CSS class exists or not; If this happens, choose the default. Say both PageA.aspx and PageB.aspx use styles.css .default {...} If I wanted to have PageA.aspx styled in a different way, I could just style. I will add another entry in css .PageA {....} etc. At runtime, it will search for a CSS class called Webb, because it did not get it, it will default to the default class. The question is how can I find out the CSS file that a special CSS class exists behind the code? Thanks The simplest way to apply the default style, and then page A style The browser should ignore page A declaration, if it does not exist. I think the right thing and business; It must be used in ASP or using different files as suggested by CAB.

Flex:: How do I prevent in drag and drop, dragging onto self -

I have a Flex question I was thinking, if I have two list boxes, and I drag between them and I want to leave, how can I stop the user from dragging on the same list (thus the item is being repeated? I can not find a situation where this is thanks. Thanks guys < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I have not tested it but I think it's like to do something like this. Hey: Listen to drasterstart event on both lists and set a source variable dependent on . is similar to source target . . .

vb6 Multimedia query -

How do I add an animated file to VB form? Use encryption controls which are part of the MSCOMCT2.OCX file. This silent AVI runs files, but it is here if you use the animation control.

ajax - jquery and xhr.abort -

When canceling an AJAX request with the xhr passed back from the jquery.ajax function, firebug shows that it The request that is still trying to load still does not block any more requests, but it also does not show that it never completes the request. Is this just a firebug problem? It seems that this is just a firebug problem I have a JBBBN Test case has been established to see what Firebug has responded to. If you look at the 'Net' tab, you can see the amount of data and time transferred for that request, indicating that the connection is complete, even if the spinner still wants to make you angry in the console area is. Here is the case of trial: I recommend going to each of the last rows and commenting as a single test case, and you can see that the net How tab speaks more truth

linux - gprof error: profile file has unsupported version -

I'm trying a shared library profile but when I open gprof: $ Export LD_PROFILE = $ ./a.out $ gprof -q /var/tmp/ gprof: The unsupported version of the file /var/tmp/ is 131071 The Shared Library- -ggdb -pg was compiled with the flag. GCC version 4.2.1, GPRF version 2.20, Linux 2.6.22 Any ideas what is the problem? , I can tell that generated code profile file format gprof is not in the end instead try instead.

c# - how to make fat line evry 2 rows in DataGridView? -

How to create 2 lines of fase line evry in DataGridView? (evry 2 rows I want that will be the line of fat in the grid) Thanks in advance You can use

Light-weight renderer HTML with CSS in Python -

Sorry, maybe I did not describe the problem well for the first time. All of your answers are interesting, but most of them are almost Full-featured web browser, my work is very easy. I am planning to write a GUI application using any one available on the Linux GII framework (I have not selected any yet). I will use html in my application to present in the text with one particular type of my specialty - different fonts etc., which are stored in CSS. The HTML will be generated from my application, hence the sole The task is to present the HTML / CSS string. Is there a widget that can only render and nothing else - any history, a bookmark, a URL loading etc.? If not there, then I would use one of those people you had advised - it's fine - but I'm just interested if there is only one HTML renderer without any additional features. Qt: will be the simplest class to use Gtk: \ "post-text \ "Itemprop =" text "> You should use a UI framework: Pyweb

extraction - How to extract attachments from a ZFO? -

Does anyone have to remove attachments from a .zfo file (602 form filler)? One format of this is based on Open XML. Thanks But since you said " openexml ", you probably have to open it and decode the base 64 data;

html - Best Practice for Label-Input layout in ASP.NET -

What is the most commonly accepted way of grouping labels and inputs? Currently I am putting each pair in one device, but first I have a pair of & lt; P & gt; Also placed in . What are the better ways? It depends on what I usually try to not group them, because it's just more Creates markup. & lt; Div id = "container" & gt; & Lt; Label = "username" & gt; Username & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "user name" & gt; & Lt; Label = "password" & gt; Password & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "article" id = "password" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; To avoid things that end in a row, the container style and label / input to fit. #container {width: 350px; } # Container labels {width: 100px; Margin-left: 5px; Text align: right; } # Container input {width: 225px; } If this is not possible, then I & lt; Div &am

php - Why would rand() return a negative value when min and max values are positive? -

I have a simple piece of PHP code for which to create a random number, however, even though the input is always positive Sometimes a negative product returns Here's my debug code :. $ debt = rand ($ this- & gt; gross domestic product * 0.02, $ this-> GDP * 0.17); Echo "& lt; p & gt; GDP:" $ this-> Gross domestic product "rand = & lt; strong> (" $ this-> gross domestic product * 0.02 "," $ this- & gt; gross domestic product * 0.17 "....),". $ Loan. "& Lt; / strong> "; Here is an example product: Gross domestic product: 219254674605 Rand (4385093492.1, 37273294682.85) = 75,276,999 Gross domestic product: 345,015,694,865 rand (6900313897.3, 58652668127.05 ) = - + 1636353016 Gross domestic product: 90445390920 rand (1808907818.4, 15375716456.4) = -165604705 Gross domestic product: 341284,9650 rand (68,256,993, 58,01,84,440.5) = 347,516,196 Gross domestic product: 293391315 rand (5878222

html - Scrolling Cell in a 100% height TABLE -

I'm sorry if it has already been answered, but finding something with "100% height" is difficult. My problem is that due to automatic resizing of the browser, I need a 100% height table layout, which I do not want to script myself for obvious reasons. It is different from other "100% Problems", where I need some cells that stick to the top and some below, and the browser resizes to fill the remaining space. This work, the problem occurs when I need to include overflow stuff in the middle part, and obviously I want to overflow: To enable the user through the content itself, It works in Firefox in WebKit, is not it, others have not been tested here is the test case. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Body, html {height: 100%; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; } Table {height: 100%; Width: 200px; Border: 0; } .Then {background color: red; } .cont {overflow: auto; Height: 100%; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head

php timestamp problem -

मेरे पास PHP टाइमस्टैम्प (लिनक्स मशीन पर) के साथ एक "सरल" समस्या है। I को वर्ष जन्मदिन की तारीख में उपयोगकर्ता जन्मदिन प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है (3 मेनू - html का चयन करके)। जब उपयोगकर्ता 1970-1-1 में पैदा होता है तो टाइमस्टैम्प शून्य होता है और एप्लिकेशन लॉजिक सब कुछ गलत हो जाता है। आप इस मामले से कैसे निपटेंगे? सादर, जब तक आपकी दिनांक 1 9 01-2038 के बीच है, PHP मूल दिनांक फ़ंक्शन ठीक से काम करना चाहिए जन्म तिथि के लिए टाइमस्टैंप का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। अगर आपको इस सीमा से बाहर की तिथियों का उपयोग करना है, तो इस पर एक नज़र डालें।

c# - Sending and receiving XML Data -

I am a .NET begginer and I am trying to develop a webservices using C # so that I have a XML Can I send data to specific URLs I can not use web context and I need to create XML data using this type of format: & Lt; Ack txt_email = "" num_ack = "12345678910" num_obs = "1" /> & Lt; / Mi: Send & gt; & Lt; / Soap env: body & gt; & Lt; / Soap env: envelope & gt; I am trying to do research about message contracts, but so far I have not found anything to help me. Thanks in advance, The best (fastest, easiest) method to develop Felipe < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Have you ever seen it?

javascript - jQuery remove() on element doesn't hide used space -

मैं remove () का उपयोग कर एक तत्व को निकाल रहा हूं (यह एक & lt; li & gt; ; डिस्प्ले के साथ: इनलाइन; सेट, यद्यपि एक ही समस्या display: block; ) के साथ मौजूद है, और जब पृष्ठ से तत्व हटा दिया जाता है यह जगह पर कब्जा कर रहा था नहीं है। क्या यह मानक व्यवहार है और इसलिए मैं किसी अन्य विधि का उपयोग करना चाहिए? & lt; li & gt; में एक प्रपत्र फ़ील्ड है, इसलिए मैं आदर्श रूप से सर्वर के माध्यम से भेजा गया यह फ़ॉर्म फ़ील्ड नहीं चाहता - इसलिए remove () के बजाय < कोड> छिपाने () । आप जो अनुभव कर रहे हैं वह मानक व्यवहार नहीं है। जब DOM से तत्व निकालते हैं, तो कब्जा स्थान भी निकाला जाना चाहिए

php - mysql adjusting datetime values in the dbase, not in search returns -

This should be a ridiculously stupid question, because I did not know after many searches on Stack Overflow question archives (and elsewhere) an answer. I recently dated & amp; After the advice of Mike B. I added two zeros at the end of my YMDDHHMM string and made them DATETIME format as YYMMDDHHMMSS and then copied them to a new column. DATETIME formatting to my surprise (though probably guessed), when the script was over, I now had a DATETIME column, where there was a 20XX variety instead of 1978 every year! Oh Since then, I am trying to figure out that instead of trashing the new column and reusing the original integers, I am trying to change it by working directly on the DATETIME column (I I want to do this in the "right way") and I'm guessing use DATE_SUB and INTERVAL 100 YEAR, but as a real creation of the code, either stumped directly through MySQL or PHP. Again, I want to apologize, it should be really obvious. Thank you A < Pre> s

How to close a pop-up window using PHP? -

A way to close a pop-up window using PHP as a JavaScript function is window.close () ? The PHP does not work on the client side, therefore ... no. listview Container.DataItemIndex -

मैं कमांडग्रेमेंट जैसे & lt; asp: बटन आईडी = "बीटीएन सेवव्स "Runat =" सर्वर "टेक्स्ट =" सहेजें "कमांडनाम = '& lt;% # Eval (" Section_Name ")% & gt;' कमांडएरगमेंट = '& lt;% # कंटेनर.डेटाइम इंडेक्स% & gt;' / & Gt; लेकिन मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: 'System.Web.UI.Control' में 'DataItemIndex' के लिए कोई परिभाषा नहीं है और कोई एक्सटेंशन विधि 'DataItemIndex' स्वीकार नहीं करता है एक प्रकार का पहला तर्क 'System.Web.UI.Control' पाया जा सकता है (क्या आप उपयोग निर्देशक या असेंबली संदर्भ याद नहीं कर रहे हैं?) कमांडरग्रेमेंट पास करने के लिए सही विधि क्या है? यह बटन एक listview के itemtemplate में अंदर और updatepanel है धन्यवाद, अली बहुत धन्यवाद DavidGouge और जेसन Berkan मैंने इसे CommandArgument = '& lt;% # DataBinder.Eval (कंटेनर, "डेटाइटेम इंडैक्स")% & gt; का उपयोग कर काम किया है। हालांकि, मुझे लगता है कि दोनों सुझावों को भी काम करना चाहिए।

autoload - Convert CamelCase to under_score_case in php __autoload() -

PHP मैन्युअल को वर्गों को स्वत: लोड करने जैसे फ़ंक्शन __autoload ($ class_name) {require_once (" । some_dir /".$ CLASS_NAME "। php"); } और यह तरीका फ़ाइल my_dir / FooClass.php जैसा वर्ग प्रश्न मैं इसे _autoload () फ़ंक्शन और एक्सेस FooClass फ़ाइल में सहेजी गई my_dir / foo_class.php ? आप इस तरह से वर्ग का नाम बदल सकते हैं ... फ़ंक्शन __autoload ($ class_name) {$ name = strtolower (preg_replace (' / ([Az]) ([AZ]) / ',' $ 1_ $ 2 ', $ class_name)); require_once ( "some_dir /".$ नाम।" php "।); } mvc 2 preview 2 and Spark -

कुछ शरीर ने mvc 2 पूर्वावलोकन 2 के साथ कोशिश की? मुझे एरेस । यह दिखता है कि स्पार्क इंजन दिखता है। ** स्पार्क * केवल दृश्य फ़ोल्डर के बजाय फ़ाइलें फ़ोल्डर के बजाय अतिरिक्त। < P> मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि किसी व्यक्ति को जानकारी कैसे जोड़नी है? स्पार्क स्वचालित रूप से वर्तमान संस्करण में क्षेत्र के दृश्यों की जांच नहीं करेगा। यदि आप स्रोत को बदलने के लिए तैयार हैं (जो मुझे लगता है कि आप अगर आप एमवीसी 2 सामान कर रहे हैं तो), यह ठीक है: आपको src \ Spark.Web फ़ाइल को संशोधित करना होगा .mvc2 \ descriptors \ AreaDescriptorFilter.cs ताकि वह इसे नीचे पढ़ा जाए (** द्वारा हाइलाइट किए गए परिवर्तन): नोट: मेरे पास मशीन नहीं है I इस पर मेरे साथ ऐसा किया गया था, इसलिए प्रारूप स्ट्रिंग में स्लैश फॉरवर्ड स्लैश होना चाहिए। इसके अलावा, यह अपने खुद के कोड में इस वर्ग को बनाना संभव है और जब आप दृश्य इंजन को पंजीकृत करते हैं , लेकिन मुझे अपने सिर के शीर्ष पर स्थित कॉन्फिगरेशन कोड याद नहीं है। यही दृष्टिकोण मैंने किया क्योंकि मैं स्पार्क स्रोत जितना संभव हो उतना कम क

Getting java applications to look native on windows - how? -

Is Java possible to create apps that look original on Windows? I do not care if the solution is portable or not because I'm just planning to target Windows users. Sorry for the lack of detail, but I've never used Java before, so I'm not sure that this is possible. try {// set / feel and feel as operating system system. UIManager.setLookAndFeel (UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName ()); Catch (Clasnotfound exception E) {} Catch (InstantiationException E) {} Catch (IllegalAccessException E) {} Catch (unsupported view and file exception E) {} Look and feel of this system Should look and feel. You will do this before any of your GUI codes. For example, in your main method If you want to know more about Look and Fail, then I'll check it.

Getting Java Binding for Dbus to Run on Android -

Has anyone managed to run Java bindings for debugging on Android? All signs point to debuts which are already running as a process within the Android OS, but there is no official access point for them through the Java interface. thank you in advanced! You should not do this until you are talking about your bus Things you control, there is no guarantee that debbus will be available. According to the Android mailing list,

ruby on rails - writing an attribute to my through table with validation? -

I am trying to do this from age and can understand it. Hope someone can help you? I have a 'message' model, in which there are many through the 'distributed' relationship with the 'contact-details' model. Originally many contacts may be connected with a message, this can be a message of multiple contacts. I can get this to work and save it successfully, but I also have the Creator feature on the 'Distribuate' model, which I want to set to the right for the creator {"message" => {"message" => "a great message ...", "messaging_id" = "", "title" => "How are you?" = "" Machine_quality "," message_type_id "=>" 1 "," contact_detail_ids "=> [" 2 "," 2 "," 11 ',' 7 ']}, "committ" => "message Send "," datetime "=>" "} In a 'distributi

build - How do I override perl's compilation flags when building modules? -

एक पर्ल मॉड्यूल ExtUtils का निर्माण करते समय :: MakeMaker में परिभाषित फ़्लैग (perldoc Config देखें) जैसे मानों के लिए उपयोग करता है Ccflags और ldflags। मैं थीसिस मूल्यों को ओवरराइड कैसे करूँ (मेकफाइल.पीएल संपादन की कमी)? पर्ल मेकफाइल.पीएल ldflags = & lt; विकल्प & gt; काम नहीं करता। संदर्भ: मैं ओएस एक्स 10.6 पर टर्म :: रेडलाइन :: जीएनयू को संकलित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। डिफ़ॉल्ट ओएस एक्स पर्ल एक सार्वभौमिक द्विपदीय है और इस प्रकार सीसीएफएग जैसे -आर्च i386-पीपीसी आदि की तरह है। दूसरी तरफ ग्नू रीडलाइन (6.0) के मेरे संस्करण स्रोत से संकलित- i386 के लिए ही संकलित किया गया है। जैसे कि इसमें एक मॉड्यूल के लिए अपेक्षित प्रतीकों को शामिल नहीं किया जाता है, जिससे यह ऐप पीपीसी का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। सामान्य रूप से, में सेटिंग्स ओवरराइड करने की कोशिश कर रहा है निरर्थकता में एक व्यायाम है उन्हें बदलना चाहने का अधिक सामान्य कारण एक मशीन पर कंपाइलर को बदलना है जहां पर्ल को गैर- GNU संकलक के साथ संकलित किया गया था लेकिन आप जीसीसी का उपयोग क

Recommended thing for a TDD newbie -

I am very new to the TDD world. I have some questions about TDD. Do I have to test in TDD? I have heard that TDD is not about testing. It's about design, I agree that testing is best, but what do I want to know if it is still TDD if we follow the trial-final approach? Would we like to use BDD on TDD? I used to first list the details of my work and I tried to write a test case based on my specification. Is this the wrong way? Do you like using BDD or TDD for your development? Fun? Some people from my team used to say that they keep TDD in mind. But they do not follow the pre-trial approach, they do not duplicate the data. Do we have to duplicate the data in TDD? "Use the mock library" vs "Creating mock class with data manually" Do you want to use fake libraries or make fake classes with some fake data Are you Any recommended book for TDD or BDD? I read the classic test-induced development of Kent Beck - by example I found that this book is

c - Does malloc allocate memory from 0 to positive infinity? -

I wrote a test program that the address of P1 would be less than P2, but when I compiled the code, address P 2 has to be low (P1 is greater than P8 8). I also rumored that 2 adjacent memory blocks will be automatically combined. Does any part play in the following code? Zero main () {char * p1, * p2; P1 = malloc (4); P2 = malloc (5); P1 = "yes"; P2 = "goog"; Printf ("p1 =% d, and p2 =% d \ n", p1, p2); } You are not printing the addresses sent from the malloc, but the string The address literally (which are static allocated) If you want to fill the blocks, use strcpy; Doing so is not necessary to print addresses, though. Also, use% p to print indicators.

Multi-domain deployment of Google App Engine (GAE) apps -

We want to develop and sell custom commercial GAE applications. I would like information about deploying GAE applications on arbitrary Google Apps domains (i.e. not the apps). Let's say our company is ABC and we are selling apps for Deep Dot and XIJ Dot. What are the steps for applying our app to our customer's domain? An app is placed on many domains: Is the code duplicated or shared? Does the datastore definition add duplicate or share (or more add any domain attribute to the unit? You now have three options when you talk about the 'multi-tenant' app as you describe: You can do an app that your customers add to your domain. Your app will have a datastore, but you can set it using the host headers. Easy to deploy and upgrade Customers are easy to set up To log in, users must have a Google Account, not an app account. You can launch a new app instance for each customer. In order to install and upgrade More customer participation req

sql - Counting rows in multiple tables -

I have mysql database which is tracking hockey statistics What I want to do is given by each player in a question The number of goals as well as the number of games that they have played in the game. I am using the Zend Framework and the query I created is: SELECT `p`. *, `Pxt`. Jersey_Number`, count (pxg.player_x_game_id) In the form of `sports`, the count (targets.scoring_id) as` target`, counting `assists.scoring_id` as` players`` `` `` `` `` Join 'players_x_teams` to join `p_player_id = pxt.player_id` helps players' join teams_x_seasons 'at pxt.team_id = txs as` txs` .team_id join INNER `season' A S`tx Season_ID = S. Season_ID Inner Join 'Games' AS 'G' On On G Season_id = es. Join Season_Ind Inner 'Players_X_Game' AS 'PGG' on pxg.game_id = G.game_id and pxg.player_id = p.player_id LEFT JOIN 'Goals' on goals as' scoring`. Game_id = g.game_id and aim. Scorer_ID = p.player_id LEFT JOIN 'scoring `AS' help 'h

user interface - onKeyDown not always called in Android app -

I have created a simple Android game, which is based on the Moon Lander spec, and I have a problem assuming the key. When the activity starts, the only key to call on the Kikadadown or onKeyUp is the DPD up / down / left / right keys. Keys, back or DPAD_ keys are not triggered in any way, however, once I have a diapad up / Down / left / right button, push these methods by pressing the keys of the menu, back or DPAD_ center I am not getting any error, or there is no indication of what's going on wrong. It is possible that the focus is set incorrectly - the activity has been started with a button on the screen, so it can be in touchscreen mode. If this is the case, then touching the back button should move me in the correct focus mode so that I can hold the event? I am using the emulator from SDK-1.5 R3. I have not been able to try it on a real phone yet. Here's my Kidadown. Public Boolean On Kidadown (Int kikod, Key Event Message) {Log D. ("Tag, On Kidadown:"

javascript - Keep text selection when focus changes -

I have a generic textbox, and there is a lightbox with a text input. I select the user in the text box, even if the user is focused on the text input of the lightbox. Select the text in the normal text box Toggle lightbox Turn focus on Lightbox input Step 3 However, the text of the user is discarded. How can this be prevented? For example see the Google Docs link entry lightbox. Update OK, so Google uses an iframe for Docs blank page segment, Anything that they are handling (like the excuse of hateful HTML): // test.html & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 onclic = 'lightbox ();' & Gt; This is the main part & lt; / H1> & Lt; Iframe src = 'frame.html' & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'lightbox' style = 'display: none; Status: fixed; Top: 0; Left: 0; Height: 100%; Width: 100%; Opacity: 0.8; Background color: black; '& Gt; & Lt; Input type = 'text' n

regex - mod_rewrite: periods from URI gone in the query string -

Problem : See examples below. When the query string (in any way) uses mod_rewrite to insert the "URI part" after the name of the script, the expiration period (.) Of each "directory" is removed Question : Is there a way to fix this or do I have to parse REQUEST_URI? Request ("."): http: //localhost/simp.fcgi/fo%2eo%2e=12 % 2e3% 2e / ba% 2eh% 2e% 2e% 2e / baz% 2e? Foo% 2e = times% 2e (always get REQUEST_URI: /simp.fcgi/fo.o.=12.3./ba.h.../baz%2e?foo%2e=bar% 2e) Regent rules ^ simp. Fcgi /(.*)$ simple.fcgi? Qs = $ 1 got QUERY_STRING: qs = fo.o. Expected QUERY_STRING: = 12.3 / ba.h / bz: qs = fo.o. = 12.3 /ba.h.../baz Or QUERY_STRING: qs = fo% 2eo% 2e = 12% 2e3% 2e / ba% 2eh% 2e% 2e% 2e / baz% 2e regrets ^ ^ simp.fcgi /(.*)$ simple.fcgi? Qs = $ 1 [northeast] found QUERY_STRING: qs = fo.o. Expected QUERY_STRING: = 12.3 / ba.h / bz: qs = fo.o. = 12.3. / Ba.h ... / baz or QUERY_STRING: qs = fo% 2eo% 2e = 12% 2e3% 2e / ba% 2eh% 2e% 2e% 2e / baz% 2e