
Showing posts from August, 2012

MVVM binding DataGrid (WPF Toolkit) to DataTable -

I use MVVM for my project, the binding which works for the first time on the datatable but I have an update Data is datatable, it does not seem to affect the data grid. Does anyone know the way to solve it? Without difficulty to say more difficulty and maybe some code (and I use the Haven WPF Toolkit Grid Do not - I use infrastructics.) Some things: Are you informing the UI in property changes (by implementing the INTEFpropytti Change interface) MVVM classes? How do you say "After updating data on datatable"? Through the grid or through any other medium? Are your MVVM classes being correctly "refreshed" (and, for example, to inform Datagrid / UI that the data has changed)? I had various fate with this stuff. Sometimes the Infragistics grid does not update if I add, say, program an element to archivematically, I will have to read the whole thing again to update the grid. I have not yet found the reason that you are working with a similar "di

ruby on rails - Unobtrusive way testing JavaScript with Cucumber? -

Do you like to test JavaScript applications with cucumber? I have never done it before - I only I have tried selenium, but it disappointed me and I did not find any good documentation about cocaine with Selenium. Best regards PA << div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Around here we will give the webrat drive selenium for most operations. But it's still a very fresh technique, so be prepared to slip around the code and prepare a little debugger.

xml serialization - Serializing Java objects to xml and back (XML configuration) -

I am looking for an XML serialization framework whose name is an option for XML configuration instead of annotation for class and field is. / P> I looked straightforward and on XStream but I could not find any way to do this. I think I can use the spring IOC and the alness of the Xstream, but if there is a framework that can do this for me, then it will definitely be better :) text "itemprop =" Text "> There is a Java for GIBX XML binding structure in which you can use XML bindings. XML is a bit verbose and sometimes management can be a bit difficult, The truth about the configuration can be true. I know you said that you have seen the Xstream, but some xstream configuration can be done via code (not configuration, but by configuring the Xstream object, example , Except for the field) I'm not sure that this is enough for you, but you can do some things without annotation.

.net - Why can't I catch a generic exception in C#? -

I was testing a few units on code that could put many exceptions based on input, so I like something like the following code Tried: (Simplified for example) Fixed zero main (string [] args) {RunTest & lt; ArgumentException & gt; (); } Fixed zero runtime & lt; T & gt; () T: Exception, New () (Try to throw new T); // New logic option; - LT; - either does not work} Grip (T-Tex) {Console.WriteLine (" "Exception type");} Hold (Exception preceded by) {Console.WriteLine ("Caught General Exception");} Console. Read ();} But it is always " Caught by the general exceptions ", the hold (tech) handler will never work, it does not matter whether I throw T () or explicitly I can throw arguments (excerpts). Why is there any idea? Actually, I was surprised that I was able to use T in the grip section, but is it possible that this should not be done? Or at least one Compiler gives warning / error that says that this handler will never work?

Has the ECMA CIL/Microsoft MSIL specification ever substantially changed? -

It has been updated three times, I can not find the history of a version which will make the changes clear between the versions . Is there any significant difference between the four, e.g. New opcodes etc.? Apart from this: Is this true for MSIL? Thank you! Yes, the first two versions did not have generics - this is the biggest change. The third edition contains a list of major changes in the preamble. I have 1/2 and 3/4 ... I suspect that these were minor changes. (I do not even know that ECMA C # spec will ever catch up with Microsoft version ... Current ECMA version is C # 2.0 basically.)

http status code 301 - bots and 301 redirect -

I have changed the structure of my site more than 6 months ago. I find out the use of legacy url and redirect to the new url with a 301 status code. I have verified with the jarring that the status code is returned correctly on request. But bots (yahoo slips, ballbottel, etc.) are still killing old URLs. Is there something I am missing? No, crawlers only take a lot, very long time to get the message. I have been crawling the bots with leaves that have not been in existence since 2005 - when people make addresses with permanent Weed, they are in fact. Additionally, depending on your URL being structured, you can reject the old address with robots .txt

apache - Complex htaccess rewrite rules - where do i start? -

I have already asked about mod_rewrite here and got the correct answer but now I need some complex and really need somebody The advice of such a person who knows better mod_rewrite. My rewriting rule looks like this so far: RewriteRule ([a-zA-Z _-] +) / ([0-9] ?) Index.php? Cat = $ 1 and page = $ 2 and it shows the URL as follows: / categoryname and shows the page like / categoryname / 1 / . But I would really like to modify the rule of working with sub categories such as / categoryname / subcategoryname / and still page system ( subcat / 2 / ), but I can not wrap my head around it. If you are, then sub-cat rewrites need to be ignored on the main category etc. Can anyone help me in hopes. rewrite rule [a-zA-Z _-] + / ([a-zA -Z_-] +) / ([0- 9]?) Index.php? C = $ 1 and page = $ 2 [L] rewrite Raoul ([a-zA-Z _-] +) / ([0- 9]?) Index.php? Cat = $ 1 and page = $ 2 [L]

sql - MySQL InnoDB CASCADE? -

I am starting to experiment with using inodb in web applications. I have set up some tables with a foreign key, but they are not as expected here my table statement has been prepared: create table section (section_id INT not tap AUTONCRR, title VAARAAR (30), made_at int (10) noise, updated init (10) faucet, primary key (section_id) engine = INODB; Create table pages (page_id INT not tap AUTONCRment, section_idfq INT, primary key (page_id), foreign key (section_IDfK) reference section (section_id) updated on cached delimited cadet on engine) = ennodibi; Make the tables fine and I can populate them with data, however, I was hoping to make any changes to the table table that would affect the related rows in the page table. I tried to change the ID of a section and completely remove a section. In both cases, the page table was unaffected. Can anyone see where I am wrong? Any advice appreciated. Thank you I soon placed two identical tables in the MySQL query browser with the

I Need Azure WorkerRole Error Handling Guidance -

Do anyone have a set of best practices that they want to share with dealing with the Ezuir Workarol error? I would like particulalry like any idea on which you can be constantly dealing with the situation of error (i.e., any external service such as access to a web resource is temporarily less than several hours). Thank you ..... You can check this issue (curcuit breaker or simple sleep- And this work can be done forever). This application was helpful in block scenarios, where the connectivity between the elements of the distributed system is unreliable and subject to various failures. One of the advantages is that such action policies can be configured for a whole application and then can be injected through appropriate classrooms. For example: var policy = action policy. Handle & Lieutenant; Communication upstream & gt; () .cr.bracker (1.mins (), 2); Var RecordSet = Get Policy (() = & Gt; Remote Reservatory. Getrecords (Some Characteria); (For Azur) Ope

Need authoritative source for why you shouldn't throw or catch java.lang.Exception -

I have met a coding standards meeting in just one hour and I need a quick reply to this. The common knowledge among experienced Java programmers is that you do not throw java.lang.Exception or catch (with rare exceptions - no rhyme intentions). The reason for this is not that the statement hold (java.lang.Exception ex) {...} will also hold uncontrolled exceptions, and most cases It is not what it is intended in. We have a number of legacy codes written by members of the current team where they capture a subclass of java.lang.Exception, log an error, They need to stop writing the code like this. This needs to be fixed to the existing code using anti-pattern Number 2 means a reasonable amount of refactoring . If I can, the argument in the meeting will be reduced by showing an article or blog entry by one of the Java community veterans who make this point (i.e. Joshua Block, James Gosling) Google-fu has not done anything yet. Is anyone aware of an article or bl

Facebook Connect for iPhone - want to log in and post in one step -

This is a repost of Facebook developer forums, where no one has not yet responded. This is what I would like to do: The user touched the connect button The code retrieves the session and resumes If the session does not start again, pop up login dialog Pop up the feed dialog (successfully logged in after the user) < / Ul> What really matters in this case where entry is required: < User connects button The login dialog comes up (but the user never sees it) The feed dialog comes up immediately Feed dialogue spin forever Because it is unable to connect There is no way to use representative methods to tell whether the user has finished logging in; DialogDid does not seem successful to ever be asked for the login dialog. For that matter, there is no way to tell whether they have been canceled or not (which is going on in this case, the feed dialogue will be useless). Am I making an impossible effort? However, he is not explaining why. When you s

php - Authentication in headers through credentials instead of cookie -

I'm reaching a URL that requires authentication, so for certification I am using a cookie like this $ out = "$ path HTTP / 1.0 \ r \ n Host: $ host \ r \ n cookie: user = $ cookie \ r \ n \ r \ n"; $ Fp = fsockopen ($ host, 80, $ error, $ errstr, 30) or htmlerror ('bandwidth limit exceeded, please try again later.'); FILIT ($ FP, $ out); So I want to know that instead of cookies I $ out thanks < I had a quick view, you can try putting something in the question part of the URI. $ out = 'div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text" GET / *? * Username = $ user and password = $ encrypted pw http / 1.1 ' $ out = '/ N' 'host: $ host'

sql - Global Temporary table delete operation -

Whether or not there is a global floating table in SQL Server, if yes, to delete that global floating table? I am trying to execute it: If OBJECIDID ('## Table', 'U') is not a Null Drop Table # Table < / Code> ... but it is not working. check the existence of a temporary table and delete it IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb. # Table', 'U') is not a null drop table ## Table

javascript - How to generate a right-click event in all browsers -

A little context: Right-click on the app I'm working on Context Menu for some items on the screen. As an existing design, it listens for each object right-click, sends an AJAX request to get reference data of that object, to create popup menu 2 from Dodgeze 0.4.3 (I know!) Right-click to launch the Dojo menu and then generate I am trying to remove a way to create a right-click event for all browsers . Currently, we only support IE and use the oncontextmenu event. restriction: No jQuery: ( I Dojo on the screen to create menus and avoid AJAX requests All data for the object can not be pre-loaded. The right click-to-button button parameter is: button = 2. if (document.createEvent) {var rightClick = document.createEvent ('MouseEvents') ; RightClick.initMouseEvent ('click on', // type correct, // canBubble truth, // cancel Second window, // view - set to window object 1, // details - mouse # 10, // screen X - Page X coordinate 10, // screen - p

ajax - extendedDataTable resize -

I am using components of richfaces extended data tables and grid height to show all the rows without using the scroller I need to expand. I have added the Java Script method to run on page load to do this. The purpose of this method is to change the size of the grid. The reason for this is that I could not do it in the code. I do not know the height of each line because it is not certain that noise is allowed to wrap the word. My problem is, when an AJAX action occurs and the Extended DataTable provides, then onload is not re-executed. How can I execute a javascript method after the Ajax request is complete? Thank you Do you have an extended date book or "height" attribute for that divisor I am applying a similar type in which the expanded datatable size should not exceed some fixed limit (600 px x 600px). Similarly in the case of individual columns, which are of fixed width (60px is called). I am clearly setting the "width" property for the rich: exp

PHP File upload to memory -

I would like to upload a file with an html form, posting it on PHP and loading it into memory, one row. Is it possible to upload files and keep it in memory or do I have to write it in the file? PUT option is cool if you want to use POST and $ _FILES, I think that The closest you can get will be pointing at a RAMDisk.

ruby - route in rails to point to an image in the database -

I am using a paperclip plugin with an extension to write the database. By default: / screenshot / photo / 24? Style = thumb which is already caught by default routing in routes. RB I want to set it to : url = & gt; ': Relative_root /: class /: attachment /: id /: style /: basename. Extension: '(This generates the URL that I like on the page) But I do not know what to do in the routes. RB to hook it correctly ... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Can you clearly announce the route? This will be something like this: map.connect "Screenshot / Photo /: ID" ,: Controller => "image_controller" ,: action => "show" Make sure the route is high enough in the route. Then set your show method to load the image in your image_controller . Priority is based on the order of creation: first created -> top priority.

.net - Data gathering - web service or hosted web application? -

I collect information from many websites on a regular basis throughout the day and client information through that web service interface Is it possible to do this, and as a result "application" can be distributed through a commercial hosting package or do I need to go to a dedicated server to collect data on the equation side? In short, I need to gather information every 10 minutes, parsing the resultant data, store it in memory, and then send the elements of that data back when the request through the web service is done. I am looking at a pure solution, but if I want to achieve the goal through some other routes, then I am happy for some advice. View in Google AppEngine: Get started free and go commercial if needed.

jquery - IE7 will not remove active state from navigation until hover -

The site (Note: please ignore the insane load times and everything else, already know) Here's what's happening: Clicking on an item in the main navigation (up to five links) gives the item of "active" and when you click on any other activate Removes the square and it is added to the new one. Obviously, this active class is used for the NAV link style, which gives you the information about where you are. However, clicking on a different link in the NAV in IE 7 does not remove the active style from the active link until you hit it up, which seems to be resetting it. I am at a loss here I have tried any type of peek-a-ho hack which I could get (for example minimum-width: 0), I had a 'inactive' class Is set to non-active links and is styled in different ways. Nothing looks like you hover How are you defining? The easiest (and most reliable way), is to use jQuery. $ ('. MyNav'). Hover (function () ($. (MyNav). Remove RemoveAttr //, whi

TinyMCE with Ajax Form in ASP.NET MVC -

I have set up a form using TinyMCE in my MVC website. To do this, I have an AJAX form in a partial view: Use "<"> "Create" (Ajax.BeginForm ((Model.ViewMode == ViewMode.Insert). "Edit", new Ajax option () {UpdateTargetId = CustomerViewModel.WindowContentContainerId, onfileor = "adverditation" // onsuit = "refresh"})) {%> Bla bla & lt; P & gt; & Lt; Label = "customerbanner" & gt; Baner: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextArea (Customer ViewModel.FieldFrifix + "CustomerBiner", Model.ContorOdit.Customer Banner)% & gt; & Lt;% = HTML Validation message (Customer ViewModel.Filffix + "CustomerBiner", "*")%> & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "save" class = "save" /> & Lt;%}% & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; TinyMCE.init ({mode: "textarea

php - Jquery .serialize isn't including the FIRST SET at INDEX 0 -

My jquery looks like this: as var = $ ("Input [Name = []] as ") in sequential order. Var BS = $ ("Input [name = BS []]"). Serialize (); Var cs = $ ("input [name = cs []]"). Serialize (); But this index is not the first serial set on 0. For a simple solution, consider giving a token or placeholder value before you serialize the field You can test on the server, for example: $ ('form & gt;: input: blank'). Well ('token string to point to the blank'); Warning ($ ('form') in sequence ().);

php - Get filename from Unix "ls -la" command with regexp? -

How can I generate a regular expression pattern that returns the file name from any one line? (I'll search one line at a time). drwxrwxrwx 4 Apache Apache 4096 October 14 09:40. Drwxrwxrwx 11 apache apache 4096 October 13 11:33 .. -RWXRVXRWX1 Apache Apache 16507 October 17 10:16 .bash_history -rwxrwxrwx 1 Apache Apache 33 September 19:36 .bash_logout -rwxrwxrwx 1 Apache Apache 176 September 1 09:36. Bash_profile -rwxrwxrwx 1 Apache Apache 124 Sep 1 09:36 .bashrc -rwxrwxrwx 1 Apache Apache 515 September 1 09:36 .emacs -rw ------- 1 christoffer christoffer 11 993 September 18 10:00 .mysql_history drwxrwxrwx 3 Apache Apache 4096 September 1 09:48. Schuyzance -RWDRVXRWX1 Christopher Christophfer 9 204 14 October 09:40 .minfu dwyxrwoxdwox 14 apache apache 4096 October 12 07:39 www Search is used in PHP but I think That really does not matter :) Edit: The file list is received by an SSH connection and that is why I created a built-in PHP-function Sub Industry do not. I need

data binding - Have a databound WPF Listbox generate subclassed ListboxItems -

I would like to do my WPF listboxes, which is database, generates sub-boxed list boxes instead of regular listbox items. In this case, a data template is not enough because I need some custom properties for subclassed listboxime. Did the list box generate mySubClassedListBoxItem item for bound data? Thanks, Bart You must create your sub-section of the list box You can override the method that container, such as public class MyListBox: listbox {public MyListBox (// default style & amp; needed; Styles are not inherited from the template since style = searchersource (typef (listbox) style; } Secure Override dependency object GetContainerForItemOverride () {var container = new MyListBoxItem (); Return container; }} Public class MyListBoxItem: ListBoxItem {Public MyListBoxItem () {Style = FindResource (typeof (ListBoxItem)) in style; // To view easily that these custom listboxes are: // textual.SetgroundGround (this, brush .Red); } // ...}

iphone - How to reliably subclass UITableViewCell for grouped UITableView? -

When writing an optimized subclass of UITableViewCell , I think the result is for rectangular cells Good works do not work at all for a plain style UITableView , but rounded cells in the grouped style table. Is there a reliable subclass UITableViewCell to attract groups that work for group-style tables? (Without using the interface builder.) The answer can be as simple as first calling [super I am creating first UITextField and add it to contentView initWithStyle: method: - (id) initWithStyle: (UITableViewCellStyle) style re- User: (NSString *) reuseIdentifier {self = [super initWithStyle: genre reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier]; If (auto) {inputField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectZero]; [Self.contentView addSubview: inputField]; InputField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleLine; [Inputfild release]; } Healthy return; } Then in LayoutSubviews, I have found this: - (zero) layout switches {inputField.frame = CGRectMake (5, 5, 100, 20); } mvc - How to find exactly which button was clicked when button names are all identical? -

मेरे पास aspx फ़ाइल में निम्नलिखित कोड मिला है: & lt;% का उपयोग करके (Html.BeginForm ()) {int i = 0; & Gt%; & Lt;% foreach (मॉडेल में विभिन्न आइटम। संपादन) {% & gt; & LT; fieldset & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "छिपा हुआ" नाम = "educations.index" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & Lt; लेबल = "PID" & gt; पीआईडी: & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("शिक्षा [" + I + "]। PID", item.PID)% & gt; & Lt;% = Html. वैधता संदेश ("PID", "*")% & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & Lt; = = "EducationType" के लिए लेबल & gt; EducationType: & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("शिक्षा [" + I + "]। शिक्षा प्रकार", आइटम। शिक्षा का प्रकार)% & gt; & Lt;% = Html. वैधता संदेश ("शिक्षा प्रकार", "*")% & gt; & Lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; &

How to share class files between visual c# express and web dev express? -

What if I want to create an application that supports both a form of a webform and a webform, then I have a project in Visual Studio How do I setup a file or Vstudio express? In Express editions, I will create a general class library, so that both views C # Express and Visual There is no real concept of any solution in the Express Variants of Projects of Web Dev Express.

php - show last 5 posts that have <!--more--> -

I want to show the last 5 posts in a WordPress page, but when I use this code, this whole post body Will come back while I have & lt ;! - more - & gt; is in my post and I want to show up to this part. Here's the code I'm using: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; By & lt;? Query_posts ('showposts = 5'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php while (is_pos ()): the_post (); ? & Gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php the_permalink ()? & Gt;" & Gt; & Lt ;? Php the_contenet (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt ;? Php timeline; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Change it to-content_excerpt, then it shows the teaser instead of the entire content. .

javascript - Get css value without DOM element -

I'm thinking that there is a way to get the CSS value from a stylesheet file when no element in the DOM does not use it Used to be? I am using jQuery and I use the selector $ ("classname"). But with the case "classname" is not in any element, "thanks" just for that class Create an element with the name and observe it. You do not even need to attach it to the DOM: var $ el = $ ('& lt; div class = "classname" & gt; & lt; / div & Gt; '); Var opacity = $ el.css // ' although the $ el does not actually exist in the DOM, yet you can You can gain access to all styled properties. Edit : As stated in the observations, this approach does not always work because for example #foo failed For example the selector specification is moving more than a standalone code> .bar : CSS: # Foo .bar {color: red;} js: $ El.css ('color'): var $ el = $ (' & Lt; div class = "bar"

php - Having includes with variables in two places at once -

I have a small place here. I am creating custom CMS for one of my websites. The code below is for the main index page: & Lt; Hour / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; & Lt ;? Php resonance $ content ['content']; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; By & lt;? } Other {include ('/ include error / 404.php');}} (include '/ footer.php'); ? & Gt; The file contains the code to resize the variable in / header.php, such as page title and meta content. The problem is that when is included ("include / header.php"); That is, where the situations are outside, it will not echo the varables, obviously, however, I can not include in the if condition otherwise, the home page, for which no URL variable is required, these conditions Will show up without What do I do? You can not actually write code in this way. It's OK to start, but you will soon find out that it is difficult to

java - Using/Creating Python objects with Jython -

Hi, We say that I have java interface B, something like that. Bijavah: Public interface B {String fur (string S); } And I want to use it with a Python class D witch B. B, this way. D.A.P. FBBR S + 'E' So how do I get an example now in D? I am sorry I am asking such a n00b question, but Jyothan Doctor is a poor / partially closed line. Code above for your example, you need to change the implementation of the fobar to take the argument This is not a steady way. You need jython.jar for this example, which is to compile and run it. Import org.pyththon.core.PyObject; Import org.pyththon.core.PyString; Import org.pyththon.util.PythonInterpreter; Public Sector Main {Public Stable vs. B () {Python Interpreter Interpreter = New Python Interpreter (); Interpreter.exec ("D import from D"); PyObject DClass = interpreter.get ("D"); PyObject DObject = DClass .__ call __ (); Return (B) DObject .__ tojava __ (biclas); } Public static zero main (stri

ruby on rails - What is the difference between 'form_for @ecard' and 'form_for :ecard'? -

I have applied a restfull controller with all the right actions and scenes. It currently works entirely with a new_html.erb view which uses a form_for such as structure: for the form Do F | & Gt%; After watching some tutorials, I saw that people also use the structure: <% form_for: ecard do | F | & Gt%; It seems logical .. but when I try to use form_for : ecard do | F | %> As a result the post goes to a different action then form_for @chard do | Using f %> .. -> HTML Results: -> HTML Results: So I'm wondering what I'm missing, the difference in use: ecard and @ecard are obvious when i look at the generated html I am still wondering what is the reason behind it! Can anyone please explain what is the difference and what structure do I want to use? This or the Marco, This is the answer given on this site: I hope that clears it.

security - How to send password securely over HTTP? -

If a form is submitted on the login screen user with their username and password, then the password is sent in plain text (Even with the post, suggest my mistake if I'm wrong). The question is, what is the right way to protect the user and his password against third parties, which may be hidden on the communication data? I know that HTTPS is a solution to the problem, but is there any way to ensure at least some level of security by using the standard HTTP protocol (post request)? (Possibly in some way javascript) edit I may have left some important things. What I had about this page - This is the PHP generated login page, which is sent as an HTML file to the user in the HTTP GET request. There is no connection between the server and the client (@Jeremy Powell) connection, so I can not create such a hardware protocol. And I want to make the whole process transparent for the user - he wants to submit a password, do not want to deal with cryptography. Thank you.

gdb - how to print result of evaluation for C++ -

Ive was looking around but was unable to figure out how to print in GDB in the outcome of an evaluation is. For example, in the code given below: if (strcmp (current_node-> word, min_node- & gt; word) & gt; min_node = current_node; (Up I was trying a possible method to check the alphabetical order for stars, and it was not certain that it works properly) Now I can see min_node and if the value changes but this is sometimes more complex in the inserted code, I was wondering if there is an easy way to see the evaluation of a test on the line, where Currently GDB / Programs Week is. Many thanks! There is no expression-level single phase in GDB, if you are asking for it. Your Options (Typically <<> > > It is surprising, this works: GDB can evaluate the function call, by executing the code in the ongoing program and executing the code. Of course, it is quite dangerous If the function can have a bad effect or crash; in this case, it is

How can I do the following regex in ruby? -

How do I match regex to each of the following? [Any number of character] in some text need to drag @ tableid = 'sometext' I need to drag something Time ago Mary and drugs I need to draw "and", include spaces. irb (main): 002: 0> "Abcdef" match in some text (/ \ [(* * *] \] / & Gt; "Abcdef" irb (main): 005: 0> "@ table_id = '2356' ''. Match (/ '(. *) '/) [1] = & gt; "2356" IRB (Main): 006: 0> "Mary and Drugs". Match (/ Mary (. *) Drugs /) [1] = & gt; "And"

Why does git care about trailing whitespace in my files? -

What is the VCS I've used in my files to worry about it? I can not find what is the matter here, is there a GIT version control or syntax checker? That's because one of the most common uses for Git is tracing patch chain through email Location is the cause of the problem in the email, and thus is usually stripped, which means that any backward space will be lost in the process of sending the patch and implementing it via email. In lieu of this it means that if there are empty spaces on the lines in the repo but not implemented in the patch, then you can fight counterfeit or if there was no intention of making additional changes, when applying the patch. This pre-committed hook was enabled by default, but now is not it seems that I have been missed; . As others have said, it is always a sample pre-committed hook; It was disabled by not executing the bits, but something that could easily get spoiled (for example, running on Windows under Sigwin), so in the new versio

C# RegEx: Ignore case... in pattern? -

I am using the system. Lesson Regular Expressions Reges To do some searches in the ISMCH (string string, reggae pattern) string. Is there any way to specify that the pattern should be ignored in the regexpattern string? (Without using Ige Regex.IsMatch (teststring, regexPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) ? I) the case begins insensitive in the case of insensitive, (? - i) it ends it is, (? I) foo (? - i) Bar match FOObar but not fooBAR . Edit: I should have said this (? - i) case-sensitive mailing starts - if you want a complete pattern You do not need (? I) "end" to be case-insensitive.

osx - Why does my Perl CGI script showing up as plain text in the browser? -

I'm playing with making my Mac a webserver, and now I'm trying to create a simple HTML form, And a Perl script that prints inputs is symlinked to me / library / webserver / documents ~ / sites, so I have both index.html and display.cgi. But when I submit the submit, So perl file just appears as text me CG The file is not executed, it appears as a text only. What am I doing wrong? Thank you Unless your server specifically / library / webserver / document folder, you have to put them in the / library / WebServer / CGI-Executables . (And then access them in the URL with the / cgi-bin / path, such as http: //localhost/cgi-bin/display.cgi .) > Once you do this, make sure that you have set permissions on the Perl script so that it is executable. To do this, go to the directory containing the terminal and type chmod a + x display.cgi . Also, check that the correct path for Pearl in the first line of the script ( Shebang line ) is on my Mac, Perl / usr / bin /

Flex printing on OSX pushes image off the page. How can this be fixed? -

मेरे फ्लेक्स 3 ऐप प्रिंट पेज फ़्लेक्सप्रिंटजोब (ब्राउज़र प्रिंट फ़ंक्शन नहीं) का उपयोग करते हुए विंडोज पर ब्राउज़रों से ठीक है। हालांकि, ओएसएक्स पर, बाएं और ऊपर के मार्जिन में बड़ा दिखता है और पृष्ठ सही और नीचे से धकेल दिया जाता है। असल में, स्केलिंग खराब हो जाता है, और मैं कोड में हाशिये को समायोजित करने के लिए कोई भी तरीका नहीं देख सकता। क्या किसी ने विंडोज़ और ओएसएक्स के बीच फ्लेक्स प्रिंटिंग में इस विसंगति को देखा है? क्या कोई ज्ञात समाधान हैं? मैंने सारी खोज की है और मुझे इस पर कोई अच्छी जानकारी नहीं मिल पाई है (एडोब जिरा डीबी में 12 अनसुलझे मुद्रण कीड़े के अलावा)। और कृपया यह मत कहो "प्रिंट नहीं करें फ्लेक्स "। मुझे पता है फ्लेक्स मुद्रण पर बेकार है, लेकिन मुझे इसका उपयोग करना होगा। धन्यवाद! संपादित करें: पीडीएफ पीढ़ी एक मार्ग है और कुछ लोगों के लिए यह एक वैध समाधान है, मुझे सीधे प्रिंट करना होगा मैं फ्लेक्सप्रिंटबॉब को नियमित फ्लैश प्रिंटजब, बंदरपैच का उपयोग करने की तरह सामान देखना चाहता हूं, या फ्लेक्सप्रिंटजोब को भेजने से पहले मैं अपने डिस्प्लेऑब्जेक्ट

vba - Does the ReDim statement intialise String Arrays with empty strings? -

Looking at the following statements in VBA: Assume that val = 4 and string radem data STR (Val ) As Will the redeem statement string an array of data STI be increased from 5? Option Base 0 Moderate data STR () empty string element (0 to 4). Then what will be the content of the array after the execution of the Sedim Statement. sub-redimStringArray () in the form of dim val as integer dimension (STR) Long-Term String Id = ID for IDX = 4 Radium Data for STR = Idle ID = Liband (Data STR) debug print IDX, "" "& amp; DataStr (IDX); "" ", TypeName (Data STR (IDX)), Lane (DataSTR (IDX) Next End Sub gives me this: 0 "String 0 1" "String 0 2" "String 0 3" "String 0 4" "String 0 So I would say yes, with redemption empty space again Starts the wire.

java - Src jar for Pentaho Kettle -

Where can one find a source-circle for kettle? I am searching for a jar containing a Java file, and I can point to my IDE (for example, Junit-4.6-SRC.). You can download source zip files from. After that you need to redirect it to a jar file. It is very simple, indeed: jar cvf src.jar -C src jar UVF src.jar -C src-core Jar UVF src.jar - C Source-db Jar UVF src.jar - C source-UI (due to duplicate entries, it fails to run at one time.)

Is it possible to remote debug a VirtualBox with visual studio? -

I am running different versions of our application on the open source of the sun, is it possible to reboot the app from the host OS? With visual studio? The problem is that when I want to connect to a remote machine in Visual Studio, I have to enter the computer name or IP and in the virtual box the IP is not capable of pinging from the host machine. I am mainly interested in original code debugging (so I can run with an authentication), but if there is any way to debug the managed code then please tell me. I should note that the host OS is Vista and Guest XP. Thank you for Mark, I have got some work, I will note the steps I have to take for future reference: VM network from NAT to Change the default protection in the guest OS setting for classic - local users authenticate themselves / Code> Like: Control Panel - & gt; Administrative Tools - & gt; Local security policy local policies - & gt; Security options Network access: sharing and secur

c++ - How to handle execvp(...) errors after fork()? -

मैं नियमित रूप से काम करता हूं: कांटा () Execvp (cmd,) बच्चे में यदि execvp विफल रहता है क्योंकि कोई सीएमडी नहीं पाया जाता है, तो मैं इस त्रुटि को मूल प्रक्रिया में कैसे देख सकता हूं? इस प्रयोजन के लिए प्रसिद्ध हो सकता है। #include & lt; errno.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; fcntl.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; string.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; sys / wait.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; sysexits.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; unistd.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {int pipefds [2]; Int count, err; Pid_t बच्चे; अगर (पाइप (पाइपफ़ैड)) {झूठ ("पाइप"); वापसी EX_OSERR; } अगर (एफसीएनटीएल (पाइपफ़ोड [1], एफ_एसईटीएफडी, एफसीएनटीएल (पाइपेफडीएस [1], एफ_जीईटीएफडी) | एफडीसीएलओएक्सईएक्स) () (दर्पण ("एफसीएनटीएल"); वापसी EX_OSERR; } स्विच (child = fork ()) {case -1: perror ("fork"); वापसी EX_OSERR; मामला 0: बंद करें (पाइपफ़ोड [0]); Execvp (argv [1], argv + 1); लिखना (पाइपफ़ोड [1]

c# - Building and running VS2005 project on linux with MonoDevelop? -

I have a VS 2005 project that I am trying to run on Linux. First - is it possible? The project is .NET 2.0, and Mono JIT 2.0.1 on my Linux machine. This project successfully builds in Monodebad, but when I run it, I get an exception stack: No compromise of tampering: System.NotmixedException: The requested feature is not implemented System.Data SystemViewManager.System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () [0x00000] System.window.form.listbunding.höper.gatelistItem type (System.Object Datasource, System.String Datamember) [0x00000] on System.with Windows.Forms. SystemBindingHelper.GetListItemType (System.Object List) [0x00000] on System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource.SetList (IELITI) [0x00000] ... Am I missing some assemblies, or am I just looking for something that can not be done? I am not programming as much as NIT, so please seduce the lack of knowledge on this. It seems that this method has been implemented in newer versions of mono. (2.0 a year old.) If you wan

Python optional parameters -

Friends, I recently started Python and confused with alternative parameters, I have a program like this: class B: pass class A: df __int __ (self, build = b ()): self. Builds = Build builds If I have once twice b = a () c = a () and print your build print b.builds print c.builds I found that they are using the same thing, < / P> & lt; __ Main __. B example 0x68ee0 & gt; & Lt; __ Main __. B example on 0x68ee0 & gt; But this is not my wish, because if b has changed some internal state of the build, then in the c object too One will You need to understand how the default values ​​work to use their methodology Function objects are such that they have properties, so if I make this function: gt;> Def f (x, y = [] ): Y.append (x) returns y I have an ob Here are the features of this: & gt; & gt; & gt; Dir (f) ['__call__', '__class__', '__closure__', '__code__', '__defaults__

c++ - Which STL reference book would recommend? -

I'm considering putting one of the following as a reference on my desk (as I have been using Google every time I am sick and tired. I have an STL question): < Li> (Why this man is so much - $ 110?) All the books in Scott Meyers are excellent, which includes. This is not a booklet or a tutorial, but it's worth it.

Broadcast Intents Android -

What good broadcast is intended, I say that I want to broadcast ten times a second for half an hour. I have a service right now, and it runs perfectly well until the user rotates the screen: then it all gets messy and gets stupid and gives errors . However, broadcast intents are less live objects, so how will they perform in my circumstances? Broadcast intents include Cross Processing IPC; Firing those people who will eat a bit of battery life for a long time. Intents have not been designed to broadcast a lot. If your screen is being "messed up" due to rotation, then your activity is at fault, probably not preventing it from stopping the service. Services are not directly affected by screen rotation.

actionscript 3 - AS3 shared objects that can be accessed by swfs on different html pages? -

Is there a way to create a shared object that is accessible to two different sdf files on two different web pages Could? It works locally, but when I do not upload files on a server without the database, how can two swfs share information? I am trying to set up a setting panel on one page, and all other Flash files have access settings, thanks! See the localpath parameter: The most acceptable approach is to set local / packet / (slash), which provides shared objects for all SWF files in the domain, but the possibility of resisting names with other shared objects in the domain increases.

database - Generating a massive 150M-row MySQL table -

I have a C program, which is a huge data source (20 GB raw text) to mine and is simple to perform on for the empty table INSERTs generate the load (1 to 4 integer column primary key). A MEMORY as the table in the setup, the entire work is to be completed in 8 hours. After finishing in the table, there are approximately 150 million rows. Eight hours for me is the number of a fully civilized. This is a one-time deal. The problem occurs when the MEMORY table to return MyISAM tries to change is that (a) I Other processes for memory to free has been, and (b) when I restart the computer I will not kill you data. ALTER TABLE memtable ENGINE = MyISAM I have two days to the Optional table query run has, and it it is not. I now it has killed If I was starting in the meyajama as table'm making, the writing speed is too bad there is (especially due to the fact that the query as Duplicate of key update require the use of technology). I can not stop temporarily the keys w

Is it possible to do a Facebook status update programatically in .NET? -

I am using Twitter's Oeth API to update a user's Twitter account update, provided They allow / authorize my site works great with their Twitter account. Can this be done on Facebook? I was told that Facebook connect does so, but all I can find is that Facebook embedded app (mini websites that sit inside the Facebook application) I do not want to do anything like this. I just want to permit a user to allow their website to read / write their Facebook account (authorization) and then update their Facebook status. Can this be done? Any links for .NET examples? EDIT: When I say 'status update', does Facebook call it 'Feed'? As you publish a new feed item? EDIT 2: OK, I tried to see the web for some scenario examples, so that I can imagine my problem. What is YouTube? In YT, when you post a video, you can automatically update your Facebook Status Feed Cheeses ... provided you have given YT permission to do this. See this picture ... Note how YT

java - Tell SAX Parser to ignore invalid characters? -

SAX निम्न अपवाद पर मरने पर रहता है: 3-बाइट के अमान्य बाइट 2 यूटीएफ -8 अनुक्रम समस्या इसकी ज्यादातर सही ढंग से यूटीएफ -8 एन्कोडेड है लेकिन इसमें कुछ त्रुटियां हैं हम फ़ाइल का एक नया संस्करण नहीं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, हमें इस फाइल का उपयोग करना है। तो हम एसएएक्स को कैसे अमान्य वर्ण अनुक्रमों को नजरअंदाज करने के लिए कहें, या यूटीएफ -8 फाइल को साफ़ करें जिससे कि यह नहीं अमान्य यूटीएफ -8 के अनुक्रम हैं? मैं सुझाव देता हूं कि आप फ़ाइल को पूरी तरह से इसे XML के रूप में पार्स करने से अलग कदम। UTF-8 समझने के लिए काफी आसान एन्कोडिंग है; यह दर्शाता है कि यूटीएफ -8 का गठन कैसे किया जाता है। मैं सुझाव देता हूं कि आप एक प्रोग्राम लिखते हैं जो आपकी इनपुट फ़ाइल में पढ़ता है और एक नई फ़ाइल लिखता है। यह बाइट द्वारा बाइट पढ़ता है, केवल एक वर्ण लिख रहा है जब यह देखता है कि यह मान्य रूप से बनाई गई है। जब यह एक अमान्य बाइट देखता है, तो यह "UTF8ERROR" स्ट्रिंग या किसी अन्य आसानी से खोजने योग्य टोकन को लिख देगा जो इनपुट डेटा में स्वाभाविक रूप से नहीं होगा। यह तब शेष चरित्र को छोड

java - Mocking inter-method dependencies -

I have recently started using the mock object in my tests, but I am still very naive with them and How to use them in some cases uncertain, I am currently struggling to mimic inter-reliance dependence (method of method method A is an effect on the method), and should it also be joke (a mast structure In the spirit of using )? Take a Java Iterator for example? To return the right values, it is very easy to copy the next () call, but how do I copy next (), depending on how many times () have been called? Currently I am using a list. As an interpreter I could not find any way to make a fake. Is there a difference between Martin Fowler and Marks and Stubbs in the game? Should i write your ittermoke? Also consider the following example. The method to examine the method is mockObject.setX () and later on mockObject.getX (). Is there any way that I can make such a fake (without writing your own), which will depend on the return value of getX to be passed to setx? In general, I fo

php - Add row in one table for every nth entry in another table -

Actually, I have a system where users are rewarded for every 10 comments. Therefore, in DB, a table captures comments, and another reward was added for every 10th comment. For example, if a user adds 40 comments, they will have 4 rewards / 4 rows in Table 2. It seems so simple for me, but I can not seem to know it. Thought that maybe a modulus operator can help there, but I need to add a new line to the table 2 every time, not to write each time, or to rewrite the rows every time. Appreciate Help; I think this is right in front of me! I think you have a model, the first table, or at least one function that inserts You can capture some more functionality in that function, and do something like this: $ current = count_your_current_coments (); If (FMOD ($ current, 10) == 0) {insert_into_second_Table (); }

Does not display the PDF files in listview thumbnail format c# 2008 -

A list is trying to display PDF files in the thumnail like Windows Explorer I do not know about this . How to display PDF files I You will need to program for example : or Various articles on the web are discussing the properties of each.

sIFR.useStyleCheck weirdness in Safari 4 and Opera -

Therefore, I am using sIFR (version 3, revision 436) to change the elements in my navigation, and Everything is beautiful but when I turn on CIFR. To detect the CSS loads of style checks, everything becomes misguided in Safari 4. I mean that it looks like the inserted dummy divis with its 42px left margin, and it throws it from sIFR'd text so that it is not in the right horizontal position or when it is considered when it does not wrap, etc. . I also get a horizontal scroll bar in my browser window, which is always fun. But, if I change the size of the browser window, then everything is fine and then OK. I know that it does not come in Firefox. It affects the opera in Safari 3 yet has not tested God knows that what will happen when I set fire to IE, but I'm guessing that it will really be okay because Mark (Wabben) It is to say that SIFR. Style check is to improve performance in Safari and Opera. Any suggestions? I discovered a way to force a painter, but could not unde mvc - why is it, that On file upload, the Application_BeginRequest is not being triggered on published site? -

I think the part of the question is definitely, how can I fix it: I have an ASPNET MVC site that triggers the web development environment Cassini: Secure void Application_BeginRequest (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {} Upload the file to one, but when I publish it on my IIS 7 machine, it will not trigger it too .. It still does that Called on other normal page loads, it is not uploaded. Why is there a need to get my hands, because the published site is probably not being handled by MVC What can I do to do this? It would be nice if I could change my register rotor instead of changing the IIS configuration, but any sign in the right direction is appreciating! Thanks, Rick

jquery - markitup changes the explicitly set size of textarea? -

मैंने कई पाठ के अलग-अलग आकारों के साथ सेट की है: & lt; textarea class = " MarkItUp "पंक्ति =" 5 "cols =" 80 "नाम =" अपस्ट्राइंग "& gt; या & lt; textarea class = "markItUp" पंक्तियाँ = "100" cols = "80" name = "upstring" & gt; लेकिन मार्किटअप लागू होने के बाद वे हमेशा 18 पंक्तियों में बदल दिए जाते हैं। क्यों? मैंने फायरबग के साथ पंक्तियों की जांच की है और इसके अपरिवर्तित (अभी भी 5 या 100) ऐसा बदल रहा है जो मदद नहीं करता। चूंकि मेरे पास बहुत सारे ग्रंथ हैं इसलिए मैं छोटे संपादन करना चाहता हूं मुझे पहले से ही उचित आकार के बारे में पता चलने के बाद से शुरूआत करने के लिए मुझे क्या करना चाहिए, छोटे या बड़े क्षेत्र का होना चाहिए। मनपसंद मदद

sql - Strategies to issue unique records via db? -

We have more than 1 instance of a fixed exe running from different locations. An XE should bring a set of records and do some work on their basis. The set of records received from Exe A. should not be obtained in exe B and vice versa. Ax A and A B is the same; The number of instances they are running from different places may increase or decrease. All exes can run simultaneously on time. So my question is coming ... What is the best way to deal with this problem? I have thought about using the transaction but the table which acts as the source of XE is also used by others (scheduling work, website, etc.). Enter the data in the work source table. However, if I have to use a transaction I can start a transaction with BEGIN TRAN and then select the data from the source table using the TABLOCKX signal. If I used to do such ideas, then it would affect the actual underlying tables / tables. I have to know now what strategies to deal with this ... < P> You want to avoid

c# - Making this httpHandler more robust? -

I have the following HttpHandler; Without the need to choose a browser, I'm using it to push the updates of the browser (where jQuery and GroU UI are being applied). I think what I have accomplished is taking the polling station to the server. Can anyone tell me how can I make this class more robust and scalable? Here is the code Public class LiveUpdates: IHttpHandler {// TODO: Replace it with a repository that can enter the application. Private stationary readonly dictionary & lt; String, qu parent $. Rising UI ('message', '{0}'); & lt; / script & gt; , The message); // is not buffered to the response server. Response.Flush ();} Public Static Zero Qw Update (IPrincipal User, String Update Message) {If (updated! QUU.ContenceKey (user.indenti. Name)) {updateQueue.Add (, new query & lt; string & gt; ());} Update Queue [User.Identity.Name] .Enqueue (UpdateMessage);} Public Static Zero Clearupdates (Ipernist User) {if (Up

Inheritance and subflows with Spring WebFlow in grails -

The Spring Web Flow supports some advanced reuse features such as Flow Legacy and Subfluway in these definitions of SWF XML Definitions It is very easy to use, for example: & lt; Flow parent = "parent" & gt; & Lt; Subflow-state id = "addGuest" subflow = "createGuest" & gt; Can I use these features in Grails? Can I define SWF groovy using DSL? How can I use spring webflow definitions in Grails? Read about Grails documentation: Grails of subflows via DSL Supports, I have not tried legacy. Cheers Lee

.net - Exclude Code from Builds Temporarily -

I have a developer who has asked me if there is any way to get some work out of deployment. We run the debug and make the relation directly from the most recent code in the source control. She can check in code and does not want to include it in manufacturing for various reasons. (The root of this is probably of a kind, designed on the fly's mentality, but it is a long story) I thought about commenting on entry points only, but it limited its capability It will be a complete test, and it has a difference in many unbroken applications. I have thought of telling the shelf about the code, but we are stuck on VSS 6 which does not seem to help in cold storage. (Is there a hack to copy the whereabouts?) I have thought of adding pre-compiliary instructions to wrap that code, which he wants to exclude. All these solutions were their obvious problems, so I thought I would try to ask internet communities What do you do for this kind of problem? What will you do if you have th

WIX: How to detect if third-party application is installed? -

In WIX should it be ascertained that a third party application is installed with a specified upgrade code and its installation is Folder? I can suggest that a custom action is necessary, but what to do in such a custom action? Is it possible to detect such things in VBS Custom Action? It really depends on the application Most applications publish a registry key that they detect In that case you need an element, no custom action is necessary if the application was installed through MSI, sometimes it is better.

data structures - When to choose RB tree, B-Tree or AVL tree? -

Why should I consider using a RB tree, B tree or AVL tree as a programmer? What is the need to consider important points before making the choice of the elections? Would someone please explain the structure of each tree with a scenario, why are others selected in terms of these important points? Take it with a pinch of salt: B-tree when you have thousands Do more than managing the items and you can slow them down from the disk or some storage medium. The RB tree when you are inspecting many times, are removed and retrieved on the tree. The AVL tree is insignificant when it involves and removes your recovery. / P>

sql - MYSQL: Two Table SELECT without common values -

I need a query to select on Table 1 and Table 2. I want them to appear as a normal result, but there is no value from Table 1 without any connection that matches any value from Table 2. So if the result is from Table 1, then the value table 1.a, table1.b, Table1.c, if it comes from Table 2, then Table 2D, Table 2 E, Table 2 With FA, B, C-value blank. SELECT * table1, table2 ... does not help me because it always creates a connection, as a result of Table 1 and Table 2 Adds results. Is it simple, difficult or impossible? You must use the same aliases for the equivalent columns of both tables, such as: (choose one as FIRST_COL from table 1) union (select FIRST_COL as table 2)

wpf - Why I cannot drop files from explorer to FlowDocumentReader and how to fix it? -

I'm trying to apply a piece of functionality that will allow the user to drag files into an application, the FlowDocumentReader. My problem is that although I have AllowDrop = true on the Flow Document Render, the cursor does not change on the "Drop Down" icon, but instead of the "Drop permission" icon, it changes only to the Flow DocumentRadder All other parts and UIs (window automatically, other controls) do the required work The flow documentreader actually receives events, and it is possible to handle the drop, but using the There is no visual indication that he can leave the mouse here. I also "drop" "cursor = cursor by setting cursor." To leave here dragrover event must be handled in the flow document. xaml: & lt ;! - & lt; Flow documentreader x: name = "fdr" background = "white" & gt; & Lt; FlowDocument x: name = "Doctor" Allow = "true" dragent = "doc_DragOv

javascript - How can I position an element next to user text selection? -

I need to set the status of a full position button next to the user's selected text as I like IE8 internal Does the form. I am compelling a jQuery mouseview event in the document, and getting the selected text, but I am currently in the know of how the actual selection is It is on, without wrapping it in any element, because text can be selected in many elements, and it can mess up the structure if I wrap it. You can create a marker duration state at the end of the selection, using its coordinates using jQuery Keep your button on those coordinates and remove marker duration. The following should start with you: var markSelection = (function () {var markerTextChar = "\ ufeff"; var markerTextCharEntity = "& amp; #ffff;" ; Var markerEl, marker id = "sel_" + new date (). Match-time () + "_" + Math.rendum () .toString (). Substr (2); var selection al, return function () { Var sel, range; if (document selection & amp;; Doc

Java: flushing memory out to disk -

Say I have a Java application that almost does the following: Start Do some things quickly Wait for long-term ideals (your favorite mechanism) Go to step 2 Is there any way to encourage or force the memory of your memory to flush during long period of laziness? (For example, at the end of step 2, call some functions that effectively say, "O JVM! I'm sleeping for a while.") I have a large virtual memory Part, but physical memory is on premium on the machine that I am using because there are many background processes. The operating system should handle it, I guess. Otherwise, you can manually store your app in the initialization after the disk or database, and you can start that data quickly, perhaps?

c++ - Template classes and their methods -

Adding my program creates a bunch of errors as below. / home / starlon / projects / LCD control / docctpp: 8: `generic & lt; LCDText> gt; :: Undefined context for generic (jsn :: value *, at) '/home/starlon/Projects/LCDControl/DrvQt.cpp18`generic & lt; LCDText & gt; :: ~ Generic () '/ Homes / Starlon / Project / LCDCDrol / DRUVT CPP: 8:' Generic & lt; LCDTST & gt; :: Generic (Jason :: Value *, Int) '/ Home / StarLon / Projects / LCD Control / DoccPPP: 18:' Generic and LT; LCDTX & gt; :: Generic () 'Undefined reference in the context of' DQ.T.O: Function `~ DOCQ ': / Homes / Starlane / Project / LCD Control / DRUVT CPP: 23:' Generic & lt; LCDTST & gt; Undefined context for: ~ generic () '/home/starlon/Projects/LCDControl/DrvQt.cpp:23': Generic & lt; LCDText> Undefined context of: / generic () '/ home /starlon/Projects/LCDControl/DrvQt.cpp:23: `General & lt; LCDText> Undefined referenc

c# - How do I get a list of files from a web directory? -

How do I get a list of files from a web directory? If I use the Web Directory URL then the Internet browser lists all the files in that directory. Now I just want to get that list in C # and download them in BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service). About the "Get that list in C #" section: foreach (string.php file name in Directory.GetFiles (Server MapPath ("/"), "* .jpg", SearchOption.All Directories) {Response.Write (String.Format ("{0} & Gt; ", Server.HtmlEncode (filename));}

java - XMPP web client for commercial web application -

I have the task of choosing an XMPP server / client solution for an internal web application, its purpose is through the client or web application of the client The web client is mandatory to be able to use it. The web application is written in PHP, but I do not necessarily need a PHP solution, Flash or Java are acceptable (Flash is better, because already required for the second component of the application). The web application requires JavaScript enabled (and jQuery access), therefore is not AJAX Using a secure connection to the customer (HTS for AJAX, TLS for Flash / Java). The client license must be commercially friendly. Will be free, but not required. So far I found that LGPL is licensed (Hooray), but I have not been affected by its live demo. I'm unable to create an account on my server or connect to another XMPP server, which I run, so I could not even see it in action. I've found, which looks good. One of the other options is. I'm not sure if