.net - Exclude Code from Builds Temporarily -

I have a developer who has asked me if there is any way to get some work out of deployment.

We run the debug and make the relation directly from the most recent code in the source control. She can check in code and does not want to include it in manufacturing for various reasons. (The root of this is probably of a kind, designed on the fly's mentality, but it is a long story)

I thought about commenting on entry points only, but it limited its capability It will be a complete test, and it has a difference in many unbroken applications.

I have thought of telling the shelf about the code, but we are stuck on VSS 6 which does not seem to help in cold storage. (Is there a hack to copy the whereabouts?)

I have thought of adding pre-compiliary instructions to wrap that code, which he wants to exclude.

All these solutions were their obvious problems, so I thought I would try to ask internet communities

What do you do for this kind of problem? What will you do if you have these problems?

Thank you for all your help.

in an appropriate source control system, and go into the branches - we can only go from VSS to GIT Are gone - not looking back ...


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