
Showing posts from July, 2010

optimization - Mysql - Stored procedure not using the query cache -

I have just changed a SQL Selection statement in a stored procedure Use SQL Statement The selection takes the statement to run for the first time after 0.4784 and 0.0003 The stored procedure takes 0.4784 seconds to run each time. I think the query cache has not been used How can I improve it? Select a simplified version of the code where the location = name =: venue ====== = Get the manufacturing process (Venu Warkar (22)) from the select locations where the location = name = wenu end; Welcome to MySQL ... It is difficult to get anything stored in the stored procedure To take advantage of the query's cache, Dev Articles discusses this in some detail. Reference documents have also been mentioned on borders. Actually, do not depend on caching of queries executed inside stored procedures. It is near impossible to work, though claims that this is possible. This is not usually a problem if you are using stored procedures to use complex logic. The problems

c# - Get the first few words from a long summary(plain string or HTML) -

I want to get some words (100 or 200) before a long summary of words (plain string or html) #. I need to show a brief description of the long summary of content (this content may contain html elements). I am able to retrieve the plain string, but when it is html, the element It is cut in the middle of the example, I get it like this & Lt; Span style = "fun-family: trebchett ms" & gt; & Lt; Font style = "font-size: 15px; But this string should be returned with a full HTML element. I have a Yahoo UI editor from the user Content, and I'm going through that text below to get the summarized summary, public stable string GetFirstFewWords (string input, int number) {if (input.split (new four) [] {'}}, String split options, ricquiptyentry. Lang & gt; number of words) {// We still display Do not want the number of words, the int words = numberwords; // Loop through the whole essence. (Int i = 0; i & lt; input.Length; i ++) {// Increas

swing - How to force a component to grow in MigLayout in Java -

I have a component that is composed of various components such as a slider and a few buttons, I want to add it to a scroll panel And the slider increases to fill all the remaining space. This is not a problem because this code shows: public static zero main (string [] args) {JFrame f = new JFrame ("test"); JPNL C = New Zygel (New Miglite ("", "[] 5 [] 10 [mounting] 10 [] 0 [] 0 [] 0 []", "[]")); C.add (new jacobox ("")); C.add (new JLab ("name")); C.add (new JSlider ()); C.add (new pocket ("1"); C.add (new pocket ("2"); C.add (new pocket ("3"); Seed (new pocket ("4"); F.getContentPane () Add (New JScrollPane (c)); F.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); F.pack (); F.setVisible (true); } If you run it and change the size of the frame, then the slider fills everywhere. My problem lies in the fact that I want to add my component (one with slider) to another component wh

Django: Reversing a URL with a different template -

How do I change a URL but with a different template name? I must use specially urlresolvers.reverse and be more specific: I have only one view but two URLs from which it has access to Can be done (r '^ url / $', 'view1', {'template1': 'template1.html'}, 'access-url1'), (r '^ Url_dynamic / $ ',' view1 ',' template1 ':' template_dynamic.html '},' url-dynamic '), I do not want to type any code individually I'm going to change it on the fly because of which template the return comes in the scene. Therefore, I need flexibility to change the URL such as urlresolvers.reverse ('view1', kwargs = {'template1': 'template_dynamic.html'}) (which does BitD Noreversematch is not working) I can also copy view1 to view2 and call it url-dynamic I can, but it will violate drying. urlresolvers.reverse reverse's kwargs that Match those people in the regex patt

project planning - How to convert our programs to good end product? -

What steps should be taken to write successful projects I can write a program but it is a Good end product fails to change I know that coding is a very small part in creating a successful project, would I like to upgrade it for myself? Thanks for any suggestions .. Find a good marketing team Listen to customers and start making changes based on their feeds Take care of your customers so they can recommend < / Ol> Your Pardagad for Others

html - Float left somehow being broken -

Consider this The idea here is that I have the container around "Model Infiltrol" Want to wrap "Model Infiltrol" (photo of case and pricing) ". What I am doing is preventing this from happening. Thank you! There is no assigned width in the divisions in it, so to include this internal device It's just so extensive ( overflow: hidden ), in this case the broad divas. If you want to make it wider, give it a clear width. This is a way to fix this problem: #modelInfoLeftCol {width: 600px; }

python - Weird lxml behavior -

निम्नलिखित स्निपेट पर विचार करें: import lxml.html html = '& lt; div & gt; & Lt; br / & gt; हैलो टेक्स्ट & lt; / div & gt; ' Doc = lxml.html .fromstring (html) text = doc.xpath ('// text ()') [0] प्रिंट lxml.html.tostring (text.getparent ()) # प्रिंट्स & lt; br & gt; हैलो टेक्स्ट मुझे '& lt; div & gt; & lt; br / & gt; हैलो टेक्स्ट & lt; / div & gt;' देखने की अपेक्षा थी, क्योंकि br 'नेस्टेड टेक्स्ट' नहीं है और '' स्व-बंद '' (मेरा मतलब / & gt; ) है। lxml को कैसे ठीक करें? HTML में स्वयं नहीं है टैग बंद करना यह एक XML चीज है। आयात करें lxml.etree html = '& lt; div & gt; & lt; br / & gt; हैलो टेक्स्ट & lt; / div & gt;' Doc = lxml.etree.fromstring (html) text = doc.xpath ('// text ()') [0] प्रिंट lxml.etree.tostring (text.getparent ()) प्रिंट & lt; br / & gt; हैलो टेक्स्ट ध्यान दें कि पाठ टैग के अंदर नही

ASP.NET gridview delete -

I have created a quick gridview, it is bundled on a data source, it keeps in a selected statement that works is. Then I went to the datasource and on the deleted tab, and put some delete code from which ends blahUID = @blahUID I checked the ability to delete the checkbox , In which each delete text link gridview line on each However, when I press it, these errors happen because @bluehide is not defined - how can i define it? & lt; Asp: SqlDataSource id = "SqlDataSource1" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "... snipped ..." SelectCommand = "Select [category UID], [vidid], [classname], [color] from [class] where ( [WordUID] = @WordUID); "DeleteCommand =" [from the category] where categoryUID = @CategoryUID "& gt; & Lt; SelectParameters & gt; & Lt; Asp: ControlParameter ControlID = "lstWords" name = "WordUID" property name = "selected value" /> & Lt; / SelectParameters

html - Do you plan for javascript being off? -

I'm coding a large and complex site myself, do you think that I support javascript closing? Will have to do? I could do a lot of extra functions that support full page postback for goods quickly with JSON and AJAX. In any situation, you want to write server-side code to handle the post, whether it's AJAX Whether or not? So why not use the code according to the same logic for standard postback and AJAX requests, and why?

html - Make a background image the height of the taller div with CSS -

I have a variable-length menu on the left and a layout with variable-length content on the right is repeated between the menu and the content A divider is implemented using the background image that is going to be part of the content device. This means that the content is expanded or contracted as well as the separator. If the height of the content is less than the height of the menu, then the divider is still the height of the material, when I really want the divider to be the height of the menu in this case. Is there any way to implement it in CSS? Contain a dividend background image in the content and in the menu and in the content area the menu is negative margins or something similar Using the width, the width of the separator overlaps.

javascript - jquery attribute selector problem: Dynamic attribute selector -

मेरा कोड यहां है $ ("a [href = $। JqURL.url ()]")।छिपाना(); $। JqURL.url () वापस वर्तमान पृष्ठ यूआरएल। लेकिन यह कोड काम नहीं करता क्या गतिशील रूप से चयन करना संभव है? आपको चयनकर्ता को स्ट्रिंग के रूप में बनाने की आवश्यकता है: $ ("a [href =" + $ .jqURL.url () + "]")। छुपाएं ();

c# - Can I use linq to achieve the same thing this foreach loop does? -

यहाँ मेरे पास सी # कोड है: निजी डबल get806Fees (ऋण ऋण) { ऋण। एफई। कक्षा 806; विदेशी मुद्रा (ऋण। एफआईआईटीम चालू ऋण में ऋण। आईटीएम। एफआईआईएस) (यदि (वर्तमान एफसी। क्लासिफिकेशन == 806) कक्षा 806.एड (चालू फी); } // फिर नीचे नीचे मैं कक्षा 806 में सभी वस्तुओं का योग वापस करूँगा क्या मैं इसे linq का उपयोग कर सकता हूँ? यदि हां, तो कैसे? मैंने कभी लीकक का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया है और मैंने कई जगहों में पढ़ा है, जो कि एक foreach लूप के बजाय लीकक का उपयोग करना तेजी से होता है ... यह सच है? कुछ मौजूदा उत्तरों के समान, लेकिन क्वेरी में प्रक्षेपण करने से, Sum को बहुत आसान कॉल करें: var राशि = (ऋण में शुल्क से। Items.Fees जहां शुल्क। क्लासिफिकेशन == 806 शुल्क का चयन करें। कुछ वैल्यू) एसयूएम ();

c# - Where to store password in runtime? -

मेरा वेब अनुप्रयोग Global.asax की App_start घटना में एक्सएमएल फाइल से पासवर्ड पढ़ रहा है और डिक्रिप्ट करता है। लेकिन मुझे इस पासवर्ड को बाद में कब स्टोर करना चाहिए? क्या यह पर्याप्त होगा कि वह इसे एक स्थिर सार्वजनिक वैरिएबल या बजाय एप्लिकेशन ऑब्जेक्ट में संग्रहीत करे? संपादित करें: इसका डाटाबेस पासवर्ड यदि आप इसके बारे में चिंतित हैं, तो एप्लिकेशन ऑब्जेक्ट में एक का उपयोग करें। हालांकि, मुझे आपको चेतावनी देने के लिए मजबूर महसूस होता है कि कॉन्फ़िग फाइल में एन्क्रिप्ट किए गए पासवर्ड एक रखरखाव दुःस्वप्न हैं आपको वास्तव में इसे वेब। कॉन्फ़िग में सादा पाठ में संग्रहीत करने पर पुनर्विचार करना चाहिए और बस वेब। कॉन्फिग फ़ाइल तक पहुंच को केवल सिसडमिन और एएसपी.नेट वर्कर प्रोसेस यूजर (शायद नेटवर्कर सेवा) / html>

c++ - Cannot open include file "AIUtilities.h": No such file or directory. But it exists? -

मेरे पास दो परियोजनाएं हैं, AI और कोर एक परिपत्र निर्भरता रखने के लिए मेरे पास एक CoreUtilities फ़ाइल है जिसे मैंने इस निर्भरता को हटाने के लिए तोड़ दिया है, और मैंने जो एयूयूटीलिटी (। सीपीपी / .एच) नामक एक नई फ़ाइल को हटा दिया है, उसमें शामिल है। तब मैं अपने एआई प्रोजेक्ट के टुकड़े के पास गया जो इन फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता है और #include "AI / AIUtilities.h" और CoreUtilities से फ़ंक्शन कॉल को बदल दिया है: : फ़ंक्शन का नाम से एयूयूटीियल्स :: फ़ंक्शन का नाम । संकलन पर, मुझे शीर्षक में दिए गए त्रुटि प्राप्त हुई। क्यों! मैं इसे कैसे तय कर सकता हूं? क्या आपने अपनी परियोजना सेटिंग्स को एई / एयूयूटीलीटीज? अपडेट: समाधान एक्सप्लोरर विंडो से, अपने प्रोजेक्ट पर राइट क्लिक करें और "प्रॉपर्टीज" चुनें फिर एक नया विंडो "your_project_name property page" पॉप अप होगा बाएं फलक पर इस विंडो में आपको एक पेड़ दिखाई देगा 'कॉन्फ़िगरेशन प्रॉपर्टी' पर क्लिक करें जो एकाधिक विकल्पों तक फैलता है सामान्य पर 'सी / सी ++' पर क्लिक करना जारी रखे

c# - How the transformation is possible? -

int [] संख्या = {5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2 , 0}; स्ट्रिंग [] तार = {"शून्य", "एक", "दो", "तीन", "चार", "पांच", "छः", "सात", "आठ", "नौ"}; Var textNums = संख्याओं में से n से स्ट्रिंग्स चुनें [n]; कंसोल.प्रकाश रेखा ("संख्या स्ट्रिंग:"); विदेशी मुद्रा (टेक्स्ट नंबर्स में वर्ड्स) {Console.WriteLine (एस); } 1) "शब्द" में पूर्णांक का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए एक "पूर्णांक" को बदलने वाला तंत्र क्या है? 2) ऐसे प्रकार की परिवर्तन केवल संभव है स्ट्रिंग के लिए int? या हम इस परिवर्तन के साथ मजे करना चाहते हैं? यह सिर्फ सरणी पहुंच है - यह "स्ट्रिंग्स" सरणी में सूचकांक के रूप में "संख्या" से तत्व का उपयोग कर। केवल पूर्णांक ही सरणियों के लिए काम करेंगे, लेकिन आप समान रूप से एक dictionary & lt; स्ट्रिंग , स्ट्रिंग & gt; या मनमाना मानचित्रण करना इस मामले में आप एक स्ट्रिंग सरणी को डिक्शनरी & lt; int, string & gt; की

c# - Possible to have strings for enums? -

मुझे इस रूप में एक enum रखना है: enum FilterType {Rigid = "Rigid ", सॉफ्टग्लो =" सॉफ्ट / ग्लो ", भूत =" भूत ",} इसे कैसे प्राप्त करें? क्या ऐसा करने के लिए इससे अच्छा तरीका है? इसका प्रयोग एक वस्तु के उदाहरण के लिए किया जा सकता है, जहां उसे सीरियलाइज किया गया है / deserialized किया गया है यह भी एक ड्रॉपडाउन सूची को पॉप्युलेट करने वाला है। सिस्टम का उपयोग करके। आप प्राप्त कर सकते हैं {} ("कठोर")] कठोर, [विवरण ("सॉफ्ट / चमक")] सॉफ्टग्लो, [विवरण ("भूत")] भूत, मान इस तरह से बाहर सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग GetEnumerationDescription (Enum ई) {प्रकार प्रकार = ई। GetType (); FieldInfo fieldInfo = type.GetField (e.ToString ()); वर्णन विशेषता [] दा = (विवरण प्रविष्टि []) (fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (DescriptionAttribute), गलत)); अगर (डा। लैंग & gt; 0) {वापसी दा [0]। वर्णन; } वापसी e.ToString (); }

html - How to deploy SWF file? -

I have an SWF file that I created using Adobe Flex and I embed it properly within any HTML page I can not do If I take a second SWF file and use it instead, it works all the time. My SWF file is too big (1 MB) while the other one is small (25 KB). However, I can wait 5-10 minutes and the server connection is super fast and it will still never load. Is there something that SDF has to do to start it properly? My SWF almost never runs. Thoughts? I see two positive problems here: The browser is using your SWF The file is not able to download You can check it if you have added the SWF file name directly to the browser URL, for example http: //your_domain/page/test.swf . If you get a "not found" error then your file is uploaded incorrectly You did something wrong when embedding the SWF file into HTML If you have a working file then you can try to overwrite it with a new one (leave the original file name). Or you can try to use the library to embed Flash i

c++ - Converting a C-string to a std::vector<byte> in an efficient way -

I want to convert the c-style string to byte-vector. A working solution will change each character manually and it will be pushed to vector. However, I am not satisfied with this solution and I have to find another great way. One of my efforts was the following: std :: vector & lt; Byte & gt; MyVector; & Amp; MyVector [0] = (byte) "MyStream"; The bugs and me one error C2106: '=': the left operation must be l-value What is the right way to do this? The most basic thing would be: const char * cstr = "Bla" std :: vector & lt; Char & gt; Vec (cstr, cstr + strlen (cstr)); Of course, if you know it, do not calculate the length. The more common solution is to use the square: const four * cestrate; Std :: string str = cstr;

jquery ui tabs functions for each tab -

How do you tie functions to each index of the jquery UI tab? For example, I'm making a 3 part slide sign, step 1 is a form and validation, I want to place that code inside the load of step 1 while the # 2 and # To disable 3, tab is to add classes, while on 1, disable # 2 and # 3 There is no need to tie a function in the tab, it is built in the plugin: to: $ ('# tab'). Tab ({Select: Function (Event, UI) {...}}); Inside the function, you can define the current tab that you are doing and what you have to do from there: Get current tab index currentTabIndex = $ ('# tab'). Get the current tab Content ID (from href) - can be an easy way, but I can not get it right now. Not found until currentTabContent = $ ($ ('ui-tabs-selected) ') .Fund (' A '). Att ('href')); HTML & lt; Div id = "tabs" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "nav" & gt; & Lt ;! - This part is used to make tab

sql - Link Server Optimization Help -

मुझे एक ट्रिगर में यह कोड है। यदि isnull (@d_email, '' ) & Lt; & gt; Isnull (@ i_email, '') अद्यतन server2.database2.dbo.Table2 सेट ईमेल = @ i_email, जहां user_id = (server2.database2.dbo.Table1 से select user_id चुनें जहां लॉगिन = @login) अंत मैं एक और डीबी सर्वर पर एक तालिका को अपडेट करना चाहूंगा, दोनों MSSQL हैं उपरोक्त प्रश्न मेरे लिए काम करता है लेकिन इसे पूरा करने में 10 सेकंड का समय लग रहा है। तालिका 2 में 200k रिकॉर्ड हैं जब मैं निष्पादन योजना चलाता हूं तो यह कहते हैं कि रिमोट स्कैन की 99% लागत है किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी। पहले, स्पष्ट लिंक किए गए सर्वर पर इंडेक्स देखें यदि मैंने लिंक समस्या के बिना इस समस्या को देखा है, तो वह पहली बात है जो मैं जांचूंगा। सुझाव: सर्वर 1 ट्रिगर में अद्यतन को एम्बेड करने के बजाय, लिंक किए गए सर्वर पर एक संग्रहीत कार्यप्रणाली बनाएं और संग्रहित प्रक्रिया को कॉल करके रिकॉर्ड को अपडेट करें। UPDATE से उप-क्वेरी निकालने का प्रयास करें: अगर isnull (@d_email, '') & lt; & gt; Isnull (@

Reference to an object from a callback function in jQuery -

I have the following status in a pseudo-class creator: I attach an element to a click event. When the event is triggered, I would like to refer to the object from the callback function where the event was set. Code of the creator of pseudo class function MyClass () {This.myClassAttribute = "A class attribute"; // here refers to 'this' object $ ("span"). Click (function () {// here `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ` } How to reference objects without a global variable? An anonymous function in javascript is able to reference all the variables present in the scope of the creation of the function. Since this is re-assigned to the callback function, so you can create a local variable to store it before you file a callback. function MyClass () {this.myClassAttribute = "A class attribute"; Var myClass = this; $ ("Span"). Click (function () {myClass.myClassAttribute = "Hello";}); }

PHP, mysqli, and table locks? -

I have a database table where I want to draw a line, to test the user input to match, then to identify Update the line for the user should have a race condition created by the match, I need to make sure that the user's update was not overwritten by any other user. I intend to accomplish this: 1. Read the row 2. Lock table. 3. Read the row again and compare it with the original line 4. If the update updates in the rows If otherwise, nothing else (other user has already updated the row) Based on the information found on Google, I was expecting a lock table statement until the lock was checked . I have set up a small test script in PHP which will stall for 10 seconds and allow me time to manually create a race condition. // Wikipedia number $ aData ["round_id"] = $ Database ["round_id"]; // To perform a selection on routine database (ommited for brevity) $ aRound = $ oRound-> getInfo ($ aData); "Early rounded data echo": "; print_r (ar

c - Opaque pointers in F77 -

I have a project that is half in C and half in Fotter 77. [No, Fortran 9 0 or 03, Fortran 77] The code would be very clean if I could pass Fortran back to the generated pointers, which will again send them back to the other C function for handling them as needed. Anyway, the C code is filled with a global variable, which should not be universal, and otherwise is on the verge of becoming a unstructured dirt. So what are the reliable ways to pass an opaque pointer between the C and Fortress? You can do this (with non-standard) cray pointer extension: < P>

asp classic - Split a string in ASP Javascript -

I am trying to split the string with an archive set which is in format DD / MM / YY YY . So basically something similar happens: Homework Fils Item ("date date"). Value.split ("/") But this does not work, I can usually: string (homework .Films. Value ("date debt". Value) .split ("/") but using string () transforms the value into a long thing Is: Mercury Oct 26 00:00:00 UTC + 0100 2011 which I can not divide. I only need all days DD part. There is no way to compete with the subjects, because I still have not got work. Maybe you just have to type homework. Files. Alt ("datadata"). Value.getDate ()

security - Is this a valid way to hack into Facebook applications? (and possibly Facebook)? -

Your friend joins Facebook and "remembers me". Facebook makes a cookie Your friend goes to the bathroom. You steal your friend's cookies from your browser and its data. You go home and make cookies with that data. Facebook is not affiliated with cookies + IP , then you can access Facebook page. EDIT: True, Facebook does not check for IP. Now, let's look at Facebook Connect. This is the key The user "connects" by pushing the button. Sets a cookie on the Facebook browser, which your app backend reads to determine if the user is certified or not. After this, you associate this FB-cookie-AD with the user in your system. If your system does not check for IP , then theoretically using cookies allows you to enter the application that uses Facebook Connect. You can then get access to the application, Is it valid to say that you should check the IP when connecting Facebook to add security level? But if you do this, then some people h

using javascript to track another javascript script? -

I was wondering if there is a way to do javascript tracking (library, frameworks, tutorials) with another script ? Actually, I want to track the site as a user's work, which is likely to be expanded, the same function is executed on the same parameters and so on. Thanks a lot! The extension you are hoping to gather and report without slowing down your script For any solution, it will be challenging - consider that, for for every call, at least 1 other call will be required to be collected. It would be better to choose some key events (mouse clicks, etc.) and track only some details (like time) for them. If you are using Ajax, keep javascript and browser strangely and track it on server-side.

PHP sessions: What if I set the session expiry to 10 days? -

I want users of my application to log in for a long time. The problem is that the session ends when the session is ended, so the stored variable is lost in the session. Therefore, I am setting the session to end in 10 days. My question is: Is there a safety or performance problem to determine GC end and cookie life for 10 days? > ini_set ('session.cookie_lifetime', 864000); Ini_set ('session.gc_maxlifetime', 864000); Obviously more time for session session is greater risk of cookie / session hijackers, but Unless you deal with highly sensitive information (health records, online banking, etc.), I want to do as you like. Actually I have it.

ruby on rails - How to temporarily change the default value of column? -

I have a model that has several predefined rows (> 100) and can be edited by the user as well. I want to distinguish between pre-defined and user-added rows. Because the database will be edited by a third-party application, I also want to be in the safe side and set the default value in the database schema predefined to False , because setting it to true will take serious restrictions on the line (i.e. it can never be removed) On the other hand, the installed script creates 100 predefined rows; For each line Predefined = true must specify who is going to hide the script. This is not bad, but if there is an easy way to change the train by default, then it makes my script more friendly. In other words: I want to write it: MyModel.create (: data => "value") < P> But what do I do: MyModel.create (: data = & gt; "value", predefined = true) is it possible? Edit: This is just an examply, actually there are some more columns I

tdd - Test driven development for C++ XPCOM component? -

I want to create a Firefox extension using the c ++ XPCOM component which in turn uses the JavaScript XPCOM component. Is there a framework that allows test-driven development of the C ++ XPCOM component / Firefox extension? You can mimic Mozilla, to ensure that you can link with libxul (For which you may need to become a Firefox) An example file that uses TestHarness.h

c# - ASP.NET enterprise architecture: business layer -

I am an ASP.NET / C # developer and I have been working on this area for two years. I had recently entered a new ASP.NET project, where the person who created the enterprise architecture was quite absent. Due to this situation, I am trying to understand the professionals and the opposition of any unusual decision. Most people have seen me that they have created a business layer where every object is a collection of objects at real time. Public class users: list & lt; Users & gt; {} Even I know that I should ask this question which has been structured, but I want to know if someone defined me as a collection The professional can tell in the business layer. Without any other reference, I would say at least that modeling is being done by business entities (such as User Object-Oriented Patterns). Should be a model using) A user in my world represents a person in a system, and thus rarely has a collection of users. Therefore, I do not have any sense to get the user

ASP.NET Application - Architecture and Class Diagrams -

I'm new to ASP.NET development. Can someone please refer to a document / tutorial / link that gives a sample code, architecture, class and sequence diagram for example 3/4 / n tier based simple ASP.NET application / example. This would be very helpful for me. There are several ways to do a lot of techniques / tools and whatever you ask . So I will give you some links: Various tools: With n-tier: ASP.Net 2.0 ASP Net 3.5 LINQ 2 SQL Dynamic Data MVC There are so many examples that I have not only given to someone as one, but rather take for yourself as a beginner. :-) Happy coding!

iphone - AVAudioPlayer Output to Speaker -

After searching for how to send the AVAudioPlayer output to the iPhone speaker, Found: Despite setting the range to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord , this solution is not working for me and even The build is not giving the console to this error: "_OsourceSessionSetProperty", referenced from: ... ... ld: Icon (s) not found collect2: ld 1 exit Status of I am not involved in anything? I am importing AudioToolbox , AVFoundation , and CoreAudio Importing my class tool AVAudioSessionDelegate , AVAudioRecorderDelegate , AVAudioPlayerDelegate , and UITextFieldDelegate . Any help would be greatly appreciated! Add AudioToolbox and AVFoundation frameworks to your project by right-clicking on the framework -> Add -> Existing Framework

netbeans editor loses focus on editor and gives it to the menubar -

I'm a newbie using Netbeans and I have Netbeen 6.5 on XP. So, here's my problem: When I'm working on Netbeans and switching to some other work and then back later, the editor of Netbeans lost their focus and the menubar got the benefit. I do not press the ALT key again to focus on the editor again. I searched something on Netbeans and Google's help content and I could not find any solutions. Have you got any idea to solve any of these problems? By the way, I'm sorry for my insoluble English. Be a good day Try Ctrl-0 It should set focus on the editor window. There are several focus-related keyboard shortcuts. See the Window menu for shortcuts in different windows.

html - border on side to continue all the way down dynamic page? -

एक सीमा है, bgr_left.jpg, कि मैं अपने पृष्ठ पर y-axel को जारी रखना चाहता हूं ... bgr_left.jpg 30px 30px से है और मैंने उसे एक div टैग में रखा है ... इसके अलावा, मैं उसी बॉर्डर को दाहिनी ओर चाहता हूं, और ऊपर से ऊपर सभी तरह से ... मैं यह नहीं कर सकता, बाएं किनारे के लिए मेरी सीएसएस को भेजता है: .bgr_left {background-image: url (../ ग्राफ़िक्स / बीजीआर_बेट_जीपीजी); पृष्ठभूमि-दोहराएँ: दोहराएँ- y; पृष्ठभूमि-स्थिति: बाएं; स्थिति: पूर्ण; बाएं: 0 पिक्सेल; शीर्ष: 0 पिक्सेल; ऊंचाई: 100%; चौड़ाई: 30px; पृष्ठभूमि रंग: # E7F5F0; } सभी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं एक तालिका या डायनामिक रूप से किसी डिज़ाइन को आकार देने से। तालिका विधि हालांकि यह एक वेब ब्राउज़र में ठीक होना चाहिए, खोज इंजन और अन्य कंप्यूटर उपभोक्ता इसे गलत तरीके से समझें क्योंकि आप तालिका टैग का उपयोग गैर-टैब्यूलर सामग्री को मार्कअप करने के लिए करते हैं। & lt; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td colspan = "3" class = "bgr_top" / & gt; & Lt; / टीआर

java - asm / C / Python / Perl / Lisp / Scheme Programmer looking for something new to learn -

I need a home-based project, now I am working on Python / Django at work. I want to learn something new, so I was thinking about checking Java. What is the most well-known web framework for deploying Java Web applications? The only reason I am not checking Ruby on Rails is because similar ORM and other parts are similar to the Diesgene. Alternatively, does anyone think that I should take a look at the seashore / small tubs? Can anyone understand why I want to? Haskell is something I would consider that someone could argue well for it. Although I need a web framework and database access library to go along with it. If I was not so addicted to the stack pattern through x86 / asm, then I used to think factor / forward. I am ready to hear any counter-arguments for this. See also: Looks like you are in web programming, so The smallest tomatoes / seashore is a great IMO everyone should learn small taps, even if they never use it, and the seashore is a real web framework th

actionscript 3 - Create a text with drop shadow in AS3 -

I am trying to create a simple text in the ActionScript 3.0 with the drop-side; For example: _tf = new textfield (); _tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; _tf.selectable = false; Var format: text format = new text format (); Format.font = "Arial"; Format.bold = true; Format.color = 0xffffff; Format.size = 12; _tf.text = "drop shadow"; _tf.defaultTextFormat = format; AddChild (_tf); How can I get this text with a drop shadow ?? _tf.filters = [new drop shad filter ()];

database - Java deque / prepared statement memory leak -

One of the following pieces of code generates memory leak, any part of any idea? 1) Private Decks & Lt; Snapshot & gt; Snapshots = new linked list & lt; Snapshot & gt; (); Iterator & LT; Snapshot & gt; I = world.getSnapshots () Descending (); While (i.hasNext ()) {snapshot S = (); If (Curium - STTSTstamp (>> 60000) {i.remove (); } And {break} }} 2) public static zero-intrited state () {tryNewReportRow = Instance.getWorld (). GetDB () GetConnection (Deployment) from "RCA2_Reports" (`` ``, `About`,` Time`, `Reason ',' Snapshot_prom`, 'Snapshot_About`,` Chatlags`, `to_x`,` From_A `,` Approx _x`, `about_a value (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)));} Hold (SQLException e) {e.printstackscres () ; Logger.error (E);}} Public synchronize static void submitReport () {/ * removed / try {insertNewReportRow.setLong (from, 1); InsertNewReportRow.setLong (about 2); InsertNewReportRow.setLong ( 3, time); InsertNewReportRow.setInt (4, Rea

Linq To NHibernate: .StartsWith on multiple properties -

I'm trying to complete the following questions (notice. Stars): In the Back (_session.Linq & lt; Profiles & gt; (), select from P. (Wildcard) from where (P. First Name + "+ + P. LETNAM)". P.O.List (); Throws it: Property can not be solved: Firstname.Lostname. If I do this: Return (from _session.Linq & lt; profiles & gt; () where p.Firstname.StartsWith (wildcard) Select P) .Olist (); Everything is working, how can it be? Thanks in advance! where expression does not know the strings How to control the combination of it is trying to understand the properties, not the values. In addition to this, for future reference, start with the same, concert and the other will return the same thing in practice. What is it that you want? Return (_session.Linq & lt; Profiles & gt; ()) where p.firstname.StartsWith (wildcard) || P.Llastname.StartsWith (wildcard) select p) .Olist ();

A C style string file format conundrum -

I am very confused with this small problem I have a non-indexed file format header I (more special Form ID 3 header) Now, it stores a string or three bytes for header structure that the data is actually the point of an ID3 tag ( tag string beeted.), Now it's the The tag is not meaningless in the file format, so there are two things that can: fread To load the entire file with sector and non-terminated string comparison, using strncmp . What if someone opens it and tries to manipulate the string? The second option is to load the file, but should not mapprate properly in the C-format file format, but include the appropriate tap-terminator, and then each The member should be loaded using a unique call. But, it also hacks and is tedious. Support, especially those dealing with such things are appreciated. If the file format specification says that 'T', 'A' in a certain three bytes, There are values ​​related to 'G' (84, 65, 71), then yo

c - Array of pointers initialization -

चार ** arr; Arr = (चार **) कॉलोक (1, आकारफ (चार *)); के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; 16; i ++) यदि (एआरई [i] = (चार *) कॉलोक (1, 2 * आकार (चार) == NULL) ("स्मृति को arr [i] के लिए आवंटित नहीं किया जा सकता है ",% D); उपरोक्त कोड लूप के अंदर एक त्रुटि फेंकता है, जब मैं आईआरआर [i] को आवंटित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। क्या इस आवंटन में कुछ भी गलत है मूल रूप से, मैं 2 लंबाई की 16 तारों को संग्रहित करना चाहता हूँ। मैंने इसे पॉइंटर्स के सरणी के साथ भी कोशिश की है (char * arr [16]) मैंने मॉलोक () और कॉलोक () का उपयोग करके दोहरे सूचक इन्टरिलाइज़ेशन पर संसाधनों की खोज करने का प्रयास किया है और कई नहीं मिल सके यदि आप कुछ लिंक बता सकते हैं, तो इसकी सराहना की जाएगी। धन्यवाद। आपको 16 पॉइंटर्स के लिए पर्याप्त मेमोरी आवंटित करने की आवश्यकता है, न कि केवल एक। < प्री> arr = (चार **) कॉलोक (16, आकारफ (चार *)); आपके कोड के साथ क्या होता है कि arr में केवल एक पॉइंटर के लिए पर्याप्त मेमोरी है, इसलिए arr [0] = & lt; कुछ & gt; सही है, लेकिन arr [1] और उच्च स्मृति छू र

c# - Getting sub list -

दिए गए सेट से {1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,99,8 9} (यानी) {1,2}, {1,3}, {2}, {2} 1,4} ..... क्रॉस में शामिल हो? विविध डेटा = नया [] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,99,8 9}; Var qry = x से डेटा में वाई से डेटा जहां x & lt; Y नया {x, y} चुनें; विदेशी (क्यूरी में विभिन्न जोड़ी) {Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", pair.x, pair.y); } ट्रिपल के लिए: var डेटा = नया [] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 99, 89}; Var qry = x से डेटा में वाई से डेटा जहां x & lt; वाई से डेटा में z जहां y & lt; Z नया {x, y, z} चुनें; विदेशी मुद्रा (वर्दी ट्यूपल इन क्यूरी) {Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1} {2}", ट्यूपल.एक्स, ट्यूपल.ए., ट्यूपल.ज); }

java - What causes a JRE 6 JVM code cache leak? -

Since switching to JRE 6, my server's cache usage (non-stack) is increasing indefinitely My application creates many classes at runtime, but these classes have been successfully unloaded during the GC process. I can see these classes being loaded in the GC log and the transgenesis remains stable. I especially make sure in my code that these classes will be orphaned once I finish with them and that they are properly collected garbage from the permangan. I only know of the code cache after switching to JRE6. So I think my questions are: Does GC contain code cache? What could be the reason for the code especially in the cash memory leak? Is there a bug in the JDK 6 in this area? You may want to look through this discussion and look back Look at what might be helpful in trying to reduce it: It includes a JDK5 but can be useful: Do you want to make it jsp pages Are you trying to compile, or something like that? If not, what is being compiled after the application

Replacing text function in php -

I want to clear some reciprocal text such as \ n said \ r \ n \ R \ n \ r \ nI see my beloved in my eyes \ r \ n \ r \ nI look at the green rolling forest \ r \ n \ r \ nI see the far sky \ r \ n \ R \ nThe rain \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ nI am seeing the high flying eagle ... more \ n so I "\ n", "\ r \ n" I'm getting rid of, "\ r \ n \ r \ n", \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ n ", \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ n \ r \ n" and " \ R "This is all the combination that I've parse Appear in the text. Is there a way to do this in php? what about it $ text = str_replace (array ( "\ N", "\ r"), '', $ text); This will remove all new line characters. If you want them as a new line, then I & lt; Br / & gt; For HTML (or better still, use PHP's nl2br () , or standardize it in the normal text with \ n , for example

ruby on rails - How to detect attribute changes from model? -

I want to create a callback function which is executed after a model is saved. I have this model, claiming that there is a feature 'position' which changes based on the claim's status, possible values ​​are pending, support, approved, rejected The default value of 'state' in the database is 'pending'. After the model is designed for the first time or after updating from one state to another, I want to do some work, depending on which state it varies. My idea is a function in the model: after_save: check_state def check_state # If the status has been changed to zero (made) then # this position Pending approval has been changed for the display explorer My question is how do I check for the previous value before the change in the model? You should look at the shawl module: you should be able to do the following on your claim model: claim.status_changed? # Returns correct if the 'status' attribute has changed the claim. Status_

What is the CouchDB equivalent of the SQL COUNT(*) aggregate function? -

Yes, I am a social jockey who is coming to the CouchDee Map / reducing the world. I thought I thought how (*) equal to SOG aggregator for COBDB datasets with the following: map: function (doc) {emit (doctor Name, doctor); } decrease: function (keys, values, radius) {return values.length; } I thought I worked, like returning something: "super fun c" 2 "super fun d" 2 "super fun e" 2 "Super Fun F" 18 ... but not really, when I add a record, this count changes in depth. Sometimes the count actually decreases , which was very surprising. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe I can not fully understand the concept of final compatibility? It seems that reducing your results is possible again. That is, decrease is called more than once for each key and then again called with those results, you handle it with the short function like this Can: function (keys, value, iterative) {if (iterative) {return amount (value); } And

architecture - Are partially updated values when multithreading still a concern on modern CPUs? -

From to: The reason is that it is safe to remove the reader along with phase The modern CPU's terminology is guaranteed that readers will see an old or new data structure rather than a partly updated reference. Is it all modern CPUs (ARM, X86, PPC, etc.)? Is it likely to change in the future? It feels great to never have to pay the cost of loading the lock, unless you probably have not considered the old value again (this is probably not a problem for many apps - basically For any app that can be used OK if you are the type of primitive type and lieutenant; = This is true if the database size and data are aligned properly, so this is your Depending on the code, then on a modern CPU. You might assume that it will be in existence because it is impossible to write garbage collectors if there are partial update pointers and lock prefix around each single signal access Use will completely kill performance. So yes, the article is correct (again assuming size and alignm

sql - MySQL Query Browser - using variables -

I am used for MSSQL's query analyzer; Some SP needs to convert to a hobby project, There is a problem in transitioning to SQL browsers, especially when they come to use the variable I am trying to simulate a process before a process. Then in the question analyzer I write something like this ... delcare @ var1 int declared @ var2 varchar (30) set @ var1 = 17 --some I usually select the table from the SP set @ var2 = 's and pass some more id' pass' * WHERE id = @ var1 or text column = @ var2 d query Revolves around (because it is complex in one way because the example one) unless I get it right, or I replace the values ​​of variables because they are in the body of the query Not 100 times of use and the lot or So my question is how to do it in the MySQL Query Browser is working. I understand that this is highlighting only the statement (cursor is on that line or block of text) and I think that I understand that "banned transactions "Button shou

visual studio 2008 - VS2008 Unit Tests: How to include a message with a "success" -

Using Visual Studio 2008 for a unit test, make sure to test basic tests of one of the unit tests The additional code does not slow down the poorly used method. Obviously, I want this to fail when "# per second" falls below a certain value, and of course it displays my message error message column, but when it passes , I still should show this performance anywhere in the results of the Metric Unit Test. Is this possible? You print the value to the standard output ( Console.WriteLine ) You can. This is very little technology, but standard output is usually captured. Of course, all of this depends on how you show the results of your unit test. Most of the time results are only red / green, error details are shown ...

Help, im new to C++ i need some advice -

#include & lt; iostream & gt; #include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {cout & lt; & lt; "एक वाक्य इनपुट:"; Cin & gt; & gt; एक्स; {Char * string = x; Int letter_count [26]; // प्रारंभ करने के लिए (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 26; letter_count [i ++] = 0); // (स्ट्रिंग [i] & gt; 64 और amp; स्ट्रिंग [i] & lt; 91) के लिए पत्रों की संख्या की गणना (इंट आई = 0; स्ट्रिंग [i]! = '\ 0'; i ++) [स्ट्रिंग [i] -65] ++; Else if (स्ट्रिंग [i] & gt; 96 और amp; स्ट्रिंग [i] & lt; 123) letter_count [स्ट्रिंग [i] -97] ++; Else if (स्ट्रिंग [i] == '।') तोड़; } // परिणाम (इंट I = 0; i & lt; 26; i ++) के लिए दिखाएं यदि (letter_count [i]! = 0) std :: cout & lt; & lt; Letter_count [i] & lt; & lt; "" & Lt; & lt; चार (i + 9 7) & lt; & lt; std :: endl; }} यह प्रोग्राम क्यों संकलित नहीं करता? आपका कोड संकलन करने में सक्षम नहीं होगा। आपने x में cin &am

c# - delete records from 2 tables -

I have to write a question to delete form 2 tables remove [policies] ], [BackupSpec] WHERE [PolicyID] = @original_PolicyID PloicyID policies have PK in PK and Backupspec Any suggestions ?? SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection (); Conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["SumooHAgentDBConnectionString"]. ConnectionString; String SQL = "[Delete from Policies], [Backup Aspec] Where [Policy ID] = @Ariginal_PolicyID"; String sql1 = "Remove from [Backupspec] [Policy ID] = @original_PolicyID"; SqlCommand CMD = New SQL Commands (Esquilla, Con); SqlCommand cmd1 = New SqlCommand (sql1, conn); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@User_PolicyID", item); Conn.Open (); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); Conn.Close (); You can not remove from two tables at once. This is a limit of SQL Server and thus there is no option for you to send two deletion statements or to define cascade delete on guardian record. I recommend two statements

object - Javascript 'property inheritance' -

Is there any way to specify the common element for object literals in an array? For example: <"Hello", Formatter: deleteCheckboxFormatter}, {{Key: "Hello", label: "hi", formatter: deleteCheckboxFormatter}, {key: "hello", label: key : "Wut", label: "what?", Formatter: deleteCheckboxFormatter}]; All three records use the same formatter How would you refactor it? A couple of options come to my mind: For the general field An assistant function with the default value: function (key, label) {return {'key': key, 'label': label, format: deleteCheckboxFormatter}; } Var array = [create ("hi", "hi"), ("hello", "hello"), ("knit", "what?")]; or more generic function that accepts an argument for the formatting property: create the form (formatter) { Return function (key, label) {return {'key': key, 'label': label, 'for

Google Chat in ASP.NET application -

I want to provide chat facility to my website visitors. It should be similar to Google Chat (person for person communication) Are there any free tools available to integrate into the website? Or is there any way we can use Google Chat API and integrate into our website? Please help me. You can embed Google Chat in your web page,

How to display particular pixels of an image in imageview in iPhone -

I am in a situation where I need to display the specific pixels of an image in an image view. Is there any way to do this in the iPhone? Can someone provide some example code for doing so? Please help me solve this problem. There are several ways to display small pixels in your pixels, you can get raw pixels with Or you can crop a picture or you can mask a photo so that you leave a small part of your image. What do you really mean by "Display Special Pixels"?

c++ - Keep windows trying to read a file -

I am working in a type of Windows file system caps. When users open a file, call windows to my driver to provide data. In normal operation the driver caches the driver file content, which is cached, however, in some cases the real file is cached And I need to download it from the network. The question is whether Windows is possible to try to read the file without blocking the entire drive operation, neither the software that opens the file, allows the user to cancel the process of opening is. First of all, I tried to block the driver, as long as the data is not available, this solution is simpler to implement, but the user experience is not the best. Apart from this, it is not a good idea to trust network transfers, the transfer can last for a long time and the driver will block that time. On the other hand, I have applied, only when the data is cached, and when the file is not available, then tell the windows that the file is a 0 size length, and the file is in the backgro

Add Word document to another Word document with PHP -

How do I add a word document to a word document with PHP (fwrite)? $ filename = "./1.doc"; $ Handle = fopen ($ filename, "r"); $ Content = fred ($ handle, files ($ filename)); $ Filename2 = "./2.doc"; $ Handle 2 = FOPN ($ filename 2, "R"); $ Contents2 = fread ($ handle2, files ($ filename2)); $ Content 3 = $ content 2. $ content; $ Fp = fopen (". / 3.doc", 'w +'); Filitt ($ fp, $ content); Only 1.doc in 3.doc First of all, you actually only filing () to $ Content variable, no $ contents3 . The real problem though is that the internal structure of the Word document is more complex. A Word document includes a special preface and wrapping. If you add only two word documents, you will leave probably * with a garbage file. You will need a library that can parse the word files, only remove the original text content, add text together and save it as a new word file. *) It's just for its joke, really

php - How to get user details using facebook connect -

मैं Facebook उपयोगकर्ता के प्रथम नाम और अंतिम नाम कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं एफ-कनेक्ट का प्रयोग कर? मैं एपीआई का उपयोग कर लॉगिन कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मुझे उपयोगकर्ता में लॉग इन करने के पहले नाम और अंतिम नाम नहीं मिल सका। आपको उपयोगकर्ताओं को आमंत्रित करना होगा। GetInfo PHP में, आप इसे ऐसा करेंगे: $ userId = 1234567; $ Fb = नया फेसबुक (FACEBOOK_API_KEY, FACEBOOK_SECRET); $ Fb- & gt; एपीआई_क्लिट- & gt; उपयोगकर्ता_गेटइंफो ($ उपयोगकर्ता आईडी, 'नाम, पिक्_स्क्वैयर, प्रथम_नाम'); आप जांच सकते हैं।

php - Finding the minimum value's key in an associative array -

Say in PHP that you have an associative array like this: $ pets = Array ("cats" => 1, "dogs" => 2, "fish" => 3); How can I find the key with the lowest price? Here, I'll search for cats . Is it built in some function functions that I remember who does this? It would be great if there is a solution that is similar to many values, as given below: $ pets = array ("cats" => 1, "dogs" = & Gt; 1, "Fish" => 2); Above me, it does not matter that this is just the output; Cats or Dogs . Thanks in advance. is your friend: $ pets = array ("cats "= & Gt; 1," Dogs "=> 2," fish "=> 3); Array_kiss ($ pets, minimum (pets $); #AAR ('cats') PS : Here's a guideline where (at max instead of minimum , but I can remember it).

c# - Filtering in LINQ -

दिए गए सेटअप से IEnumerable & lt; int & gt; एक = नया इंट [] (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; IEnumerable & LT; पूर्णांक & gt; दो = नया इंट [] (12, 34, 56, 7, 8}; MySet [] सेट = नया MySet [] {नई MySet {MySetID = 100, MySubSet = नई MySubSet {सबसेट = नई सूची & lt; int & gt; (एक), सबसैटआईडी = 1212}}, नई MySet {MySetID = 101, MySubSet = new MySubSet {सबसेट = नई सूची & lt; int & gt; (दो), सबसैटआईडी = 1414}}}; मैं सेट में मैसेसेट से "सबसेट" var GetSet = से भी संख्याओं को कैसे फ़िल्टर कर सकता हूँ (P = & gt; mysets.MySubSet। सबसेट.फिंडअेल (????)) mysets चुनें; क्या यह आप चाहते हैं? आपका प्रश्न बल्कि कपटपूर्ण ढंग से शब्दों में है, लेकिन मेरा मानना ​​है कि आप इस तरह से कुछ की तलाश कर रहे हैं: var query = सेट से mySet का चयन करें नया MySet {MySetID = mySet.ID, MySubSet = new MySubSet { सबसेट = mySet.MySubSet.SubSet.Where (पी = & gt; पी% 2 == 0) .ओलिस्ट (), सबसैटआईडी = mySet.MySubSet.SubSetID}}; इसलिए मैं आपके प्रश्न का अर्थ समझाने के

c# - Transforming XML in ISO-8859-1 to HTML -

I have an XML document that I am transforming using XSL and then directly to the HTML document (all server side). . Everything works fine but special characters (especially © symbol - these are ads and many are not © symbols) are not visible right ( IE shows? And FF shows a diamond with one? Inside) Clearly some funky going on encoding-wise. The XML is in ISO-8859-1 encoding. I did the and lt; Xsl: output omit-xml- declaration = "yes" method = "html" encoding = "ISO-8859-1" />> my xsl file and on my head tag in HTML. I was thinking of running XML through a template (xsl) which all the special characters any ideas? I think your problem relates to XSLT Maybe you are missing your page return encoding (you know, such as response. Resource encoding ) You can easily © from & amp; Copy;

seo - What are the best practices when shifting old legacy web applications to new ones (specially about broken links problem)? -

Assume that you have an old heritage website, which has php CMS in a house. For now, for some reason, you have your website SEO friendly URL , Has reconstructed in WordPress, has registered a Google Analytics account, and needs to update your system, so when is set to the browser, now it tells your newly installed system. The problem is that your website is outdated and already well know by your customers. Many people have written a lot of links in your webpage, so just for your "new website" Redirecting the domain will cause other problems related to broken links or SEO. So, in this scenario, what steps should you take while doing this change? (I can only remember using mod_rewrite in very complex plans). When you change the system in such a way that you lose your old links, are there any other "best practices"? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Overall, if possi

reporting services - How to use Floor/Ceiling in a ReportModel expression field? -

I am working in a SSR 2005 Report Model Project I want to create an expression field on a ReportModel which is similar to this C # method: Private Static IntervalValnetworkTwitter 0 (double delta) {return (int (delta)? Math: Roof (Delta): Math. Floor (Delta)); } I tried to do this: IF (delta> 0, terrace (delta), bottom (delta)) But it seems that ReportModel expressions do not support ceiling or floor functions. Is there any way to do this? Update : Due to changing the requirements for adding additional complexities in this report, I am going to start with the Report Designer in Visual Studio. So I should be able to use Math.Ciling () and Math.Floor () in the field of an expression on the report. This is actually supported. Use the following expression: = IIF (delta> 0, roof (delta), bottom (delta))

ruby on rails - Help with RubyGems (the package manager) -

I need help with RubyGames (this is a package manager for Ruby) Since I am behind a proxy, I I have omitted this complete hope of working completely, so I have to manually download the packages lot and install the railways to install them. Now, I'm getting an error message: Rails requires RubyGems> = 1.3.2 (...) Once again, I manually download rubygems -1.3.2.gem and installed it, however, it still does not work and gem -v shows 1.3.1 . help. Also, I can assure that unless the HTTP1.1 audio proxy is supported in the gem, there is no way that it will be able to contact its server ... Before running the RubyGames command, you should try something (for window) set http_proxy = User: password @ ip: port or export to Linux, I guess.

c++ - Initializer list *argument* evaluation order -

Therefore, the C ++ standard requires that class members be started in that order in which they have been declared in the class The order is mentioned in any manufacturer's initial list. However, it does not show anything about the order in which the arguments for those initials have been assessed. I am working with the system which repeatedly passes in terms of the serialization objects, and thinking whether I can ensure that bits are read in the correct order, in which the bits are written in the field of the object Are there. P> struct foo {int a; Double b; // I want to be able to be in this foo (sorrow and s): b (s.readDouble ()), a (s.readInt ()) {} // {B = s instead of the Fu (SOURGES AND S) .readDouble (); A = s.readInt (); }}; Obviously, sorting things like ints and doubles in the declaration is not a big deal, but large objects and things Dynamic allocation can sometimes happen. C ++ standard 12.6.2 / 3 : There is a sequence point (1.9) after the b

c - Linking a shared library against a static library: must the static library be compiled differently than if an application were linking it? -

At least on Linux and Solaris, the static library is actually a bunch of compile. O is thrown into a large file. When a static library is compiled, then generally the fiber flag is omitted, hence the generated code state is dependent. Now say that my static library is B. I have made it and as a result, there is a file which is really dependent on all the situations .O files. Now I have a shared library that I want to make, A, and I want to statically link it. When I create A, naturally I will use the -fpic flag to make mass-code status independent. But if I link against B, then I am not dependent on the situation and am making the status of independent object files? I am getting lots of text transfer errors, unless I also specify the -amamir-text, and I think the reason probably seems to be that when I compile a library, I It should be 3 time, a shared version, a stable version and a stable-compiled, which needs to be compiled. Am i right I can only use the -mimurecture-text,

iphone - UITableViewController problems -

I have a table that has two table views table view of the same category that I have created which is a subclass of UITableViewController I believe that everything is tilted up properly though, when I set UITableView to UITableViewController, run [uitableviewcontrollervariablename reloadData]; I get a warning for the first time that the class can not reload the answer to the data. I thought that all UITableViewControllers had a reloaded data class? Am I trying to hook these things wrongfully? Update with code: TopicViewController.h @interface TopicViewController: UIViewController {NSInteger topicID; Subject * subject; IBotlet Thoughtable Wii Controller * Featured; } @ Property (Maintaining) Topic * Subject; @property (read only) NSInteger topicID; @ Property (Maintained) IBOutlet Thoughtable Wii Controller * Featured; - (id) initWithNibName: (NSString *) nibNameOrNil bundle: (NSBundle *) nibBundleOrNil ID: (NSInteger) ID; @end TopicViewController.m @implementat

standards - Should a colon character be escaped in TEXT values in iCalendar (rfc2445)? -

By reading the specification, I understand that the ":" character should be not like DEXCRIPTION In text values. From RFC: "TEXT" property values ​​can also have special characters that are used to indicate the delimiter, such as the COMMA character values For values ​​or structured values, to support these lessons in the value of "text" property - for a semicolon character - values, they must eschew with a Baxxlash character. A "text" in a BACKSLASH Character (US-ASCII Decimal 92) is essential in the value of the property - survived with another Beckssel character. A COMMA character must be saved in a "TEXT" property value with a BEXXLASS character (US-ASCII decimal 92). In a "TEXT" property, a samicolon character - value should be avoided by a backslash character (US-ASCII decimal 9 2). However, a COLON character can not be run with the character BACKSLASH in the "TEXT" property value. I ask this beca

remote debug in Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor on Windows Server 2008 x64 takes years to refresh process list -

itemprop = "text"> When I remotely "connected to the process" WS2008 (x64) computer in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Remote Debugging Monitor (both RTM And SP1), I see a very large number (30+) entries that say: & lt; Username & gt; Connected Both TCP and authenticated modes are affected. I think each unique procedure is an entry for the name. Each connection effort takes several seconds, so make your math - before I can see anything in VS2008 "Attach in the process" window, before that takes years. I know about the solution: Could I just install remote debugging with "attach to the process" in project properties, but wtf? Such a problem was never an issue in WS2003. Is there any patch that I can apply to operating systems, or firewall rules, or something that can cure such troubled behavior? - Check Panel to enable/disable visibility -

In case of both of these enable / disable for both of them I feel "hami". Since one of them had already been "turned on" so I have to shut them down again or I feel like I can dodge one of the checks: Private Zero SetPanels (if (userIsLoggedIn) {pnlAuthed.Visible = true; PnlNotAuthed.Visible = false;} and {pnlSignUpForm_NotAuthed.Visible = true; PnlSignUpForm_Authed.Visible = false;}} I think you are looking for something like this: pnlAuthed.Visible = userIsLoggedIn; PnlNotAuthed.Visible =! UserIsLoggedIn; PnlSignUpForm_NotAuthed.Visible =! UserIsLoggedIn; PnlSignUpForm_Authed.Visible = us ErIsLoggedIn;

ascii - Method for generating numerical values from a URL -

In the 90's there was a toy called Barcode Battler. This scan generates barcodes, and values ​​with different figures like RPGs, hit points like attacking power, magic power, etc. Can there be a way to do this with the URL? Just like a simple URL, the figures are generated in this way. I was thinking that ASCIIs of different characters take the value and use them in the URL, but it seems very convincing and obvious. Take the MD5 sum of the ASCII encoding of the URL? It is incredibly easy on most platforms, it will give you 128 bit to come up with data. If you want more, then use a longer hash algorithm. (I do not remember details about what is allowed in the URL - if non-ASCII is allowed, you can use UTF-8 instead.) < / Div>

ASP.NET How to pass container value as javascript argument -

I am experimenting with a template on a text box. I want to pass an argument to a JavaScript, an existing line index of a grid when a user clicks on it. but onClick = 'setGridInEditMode (& lt;% # container. Result of record index%>); '/ & Gt; comes out as onClick = "setGridInEditMode (& amp; ###container.record index%>);" Is there a way to pass the container value for JavaScript? Here's the markup in question. & lt; Cc1: Grid ID = "_trustgrid" runat = "server" folder style = "Styles / style_7" permission Dilling Records = "wrong" AllowSotting = "wrong" Allow PageSwapConclusion = "False" AllowGaganing = "Incorrect" AllowMultiardAditing = "True" auto generated column = "wrong" onupdateMand = "_trustgrid_update commmand" honorbind = "_trustgrid_rbind" & gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; Cc1: Column

drag and drop - Need a WPF rendering tip -

I want to create a WPF grid in which users can drag and drop from one cell to another and when the user pulls I have to draw tips on the screen, like the arrows it seems that the screens were suggested in any other layer on the screen. That is, in the grid they mentioned, they are not ready. The problem is: I do not know how to overlap the "transparent" canvas on my grid so that I can attract it Can I Do you have some tips in people's experience? Thank you. I think what you want, you can read something about them here: