standards - Should a colon character be escaped in TEXT values in iCalendar (rfc2445)? -

By reading the specification, I understand that the ":" character should be not like DEXCRIPTION In text values.

From RFC:

"TEXT" property values ​​can also have special characters that are used to indicate the delimiter, such as the COMMA character values For values ​​or structured values, to support these lessons in the value of "text" property - for a semicolon character - values, they must eschew with a Baxxlash character. A "text" in a BACKSLASH Character (US-ASCII Decimal 92) is essential in the value of the property - survived with another Beckssel character. A COMMA character must be saved in a "TEXT" property value with a BEXXLASS character (US-ASCII decimal 92). In a "TEXT" property, a samicolon character - value should be avoided by a backslash character (US-ASCII decimal 9 2). However, a COLON character can not be run with the character BACKSLASH in the "TEXT" property value.

I ask this because I am getting syntax errors in meeting creator v8.7.1b63 due to this character Mac OS X, but the version of the Windows version of the software (same version number) Not for It is choking on Iics files which I am generating from software. Is this a bug of my software?

This is the iCalendar file that is getting the error:

  BEGIN: VCALENDAR version: 2.0 PRODID: - // abc / ABC / // nONSGML v1.0 / NRE: VINITI: 1234 BCD. ABC DTTAT: 20091022 T1 33000 DTD: 20091022 T150000 Summary: Special Topic in Power Point: Location Details: Learn how to use PowerPoint as a tool to organize and present your ideas to others. This H & S-on Workshop will require you to experience the following: PowerPoint 2007 new, presentation basics, working with text, A presentation for viewing, formatting, giving a presentation finalized and a presentation. END: VENDENDEND: VCALENDAR  

Focus on the third line of colon description. By adding slash of this colon fixes the problem on the mac, but I think it is wrong according to the standard.

Thank you for your help!

This appears to be a bug in their software

"However , A colon character in the "text" property value will not be saved with a Baxxlash character. "

is very straightforward.

See if they have any patch or not. If not, try contacting them and tell them about it.


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