
Showing posts from June, 2015

jQuery: preventing event from executing for duration of animation -

OK, I've checked this thread: < Li> and attempted to recapture / recapture as an incident but there is no benefit. I basically have a slider gallery with a front / back button. I want to stop clicking the next button for the duration of the animation. prev = $ ("# portfolio_nav_prev"); Next = $ ("# portfolio_nav_next"); Forward the function to the next anonym () {// handler. Unbund (); Gallery_frame.animate ({scrollLeft: targetPos}, 300, 'ComfortInquote', function () {next.bind (nextAnim)}); return false; } Any thoughts? Here is the solution that I have finished - The problem was that the element was an anchor, so When I used to unbound the click animation - it tried to navigate away from the page, thus breaking the animation. So, I unbound this event, then click force to return to the wrong: next.unbind (); (function () {return false;}) Then it was done in the animation callback, but it was bound back to the

php - Why is the analyzer defined globally in Zend.Search.Lucene? -

I have just seen that Zend is a default analyzer in the implementation of Lucene that can be modified using, but I The path can not be found when doing a query, to override that default, do I really need to reset the default analyzer if I'm working on multiple indexes or am I forgetting a function ? In the original Java API for Lucene, QueryParser an analyzer I guess I did not believe that why he decided to use the global variable in Z Framework, but apparently this is the only way to establish an analyst globally.

How to generate a C# class file from C# code behind? -

Is it possible to create a C # class ( classname.cs ) file at runtime and then use Class on runtime If it is, how can I apply it? Take a look at the class is a complete example on MSDN page < / Html>

sql - secure database distribution to external clients -

We distribute / synchronize data from external clients (even MS SQL Server) to our DataWire (MS SQL Server) Want to do The connection should be secure, because we are working with reliable data. In our external client systems, data transmission should be via http / https Apart from this, it is possible that the client still runs its system with the old system schema, so there should be existing tables and columns. The transmitted and non existing ones should be ignored. It is most likely that we will have large databases updated and updates will be reached in real time. And it is definitely necessary We started completely for our own development. This is deposited in a customer side databarhouse / SQL database. Net solution, but I thought it should be a common problem to exchange data between different systems. Does anyone know about an existing solution that we can adapt to our scenario? is appreciated! The problem is so common that this is a dedicated compo

java - How to get the request string including parameters -

I have a strange exception in our application and I want to log in at that time and it contains the entire request string . When I try log. Warne ("weird request" + request.getRequestURL ()); I get the request string but parameters that were included in I and & amp;. Example: / I only < itemprop = "text"> see if you want the full string, then you The request URL and query string must be added together, because there is no method to get the whole thing. System.out.println (request.getRequestURL). Attachments ('?'). Attachments (Request.getQueryString ());

php - Insert into .. select from .. using zend db -

I have the following quick query that takes the item from the shopping cart to the order table: Insert webshop_order_item (order_id, product_id, count) 1, select product_id, count from webshop_cart I am using Zand DB for all my modeling. I was wondering what is the way to obtain the goal of the above query without using a raw query? There is no way of inserting it into Zend db yet. However, if you only need this feature for one adapter, then you can use the like-like approach: Insert public function ($ tableName, Zend_Db_Select $ select, array $ Fields = array)) {$ FieldString = ''; If (count ($ field)) {foreach ($ field as $ field ka = $ gt; $ field) {$ fields [$ fieldKey] = $ this- & gt; QuoteIdentifier ($ field); } $ String string = '(' .implode (',', $ fields). ')'; } $ Query = "INSERT". $ This- & gt; QuoteIdentifier ($ tableName). $ String ""; $ Query. Select $ $; $ This- & gt; _db-> Query ($ query

objective c - Determine local drive from MDItemRef -

When I receive a list of returned MDItemRef items (in obj-c) I was thinking that Is there an easy way to determine if they come from an external USB drive connected to the OS install drive? The basic premise is that I want to ignore anything from the local drive and only want to see files on external USB drives. Thank you! Una sugerencía Simple: Hold the path of the item and see if it There is a prefix with "/ Volume /". If it is, then it is on an external device. Example: MDItemRef myItem = ...; NSString * item path = (NSString *) MDItemCopyAttribute (myItem, kMDItemPath); If ([itempath heapfix: @ "/ version /"]) {NSLog (@ "external item found"); } Else {NSLog (@ "internal items found"); } [Itempath release];

javascript - How to "lock" columns in an HTML table? -

I am pulling substantial data that I want to display using the table. The only warning is that I want to be able to "lock" some columns ("fname" / lname / email) so that the columns always stay in the "lock" space when the user scrolls horizontally Are there. I have done something like that before but that frameset was back in days so that the view is no longer valid. I was thinking of doing something smart with laying a table at the top of each other, but till now I have not had any success in making this work. Has anyone got any clever suggestions? Here is an ideal example of what I am trying to do: If you correctly understand what you want, you can divide a container with the situation: relative, overflow: auto and fixed width inside it, you can separate the part you want to lock To say, from the other, two different divs. The "lock" part should have a position in the divis: Full and left: 0. It's just a big picture, but you

google analytics - "Easiest" way to track unique visitors to a page, in real time? -

I need to record in "real-time" (probably no delay of more than 5 minutes?) How unique Visitor Pages Find a "Easy" way to do this in a given time period on my website. The results will be available primarily through a database query. I have tried two things that failed (to date): Google Analytics: Tracking / Reporting, but it does not contain Real time - Results are delayed for hours You can. Mint Analytics (): Rails in real-time, but in a way, the data looks in a way that prevents reports of unique visitors on the same page over any uncontrolled time range. So, does anyone know what I want to do to Mint Analytics, or anyone can recommend an analytics package or programmed approach what I want? You can try Woopra, it's really simple, just provide one on your site Enter javascript and download program and everything. You will get real-time data about your visitors who have been presented in a great way. But I do not know that it is still free.

database - When setting MySQL schema, why use certain types? -

When I am setting up a MySQL table, let me type the column name, type of input, and length. My assumption, do not read anything about it, it is at least, specify the smallest possible int / small / small thing for your needs, and it will reduce any kind of upper part. If all this is positive, then unsigned to double it in its place, etc. What if I make every area a varchar-200 character? When / Why is it bad, what will I not remember, and when any incompetence will manifest itself? 100k record? I think about it whenever I had set up a DB, but I have not made enough scale, where I have never kept my plan inappropriately, either Can a "strong / small" or "loose / large" person confirm that I am making a good impression about speed and efficiency? Thank you! Data types not only optimize the storage, but how data is indexed. As your database grows up, it will become clear that they are fast to find all those records which have more than 1 in an integer fi

properties - Property vs Function (specifically .NET) -

I have read some discussions about this subject, and there is something I do not understand. The most common answer looks like: Use readline properties to return cached data, use the function to return non-cached data. Do not use only write property, because "it does not understand". There is no performance reason for this. In IL, MyProperty exists as the get_MyProperty and set_MyProperty methods. The only reason obviously is that the above answer should be assumed. OK, then why bother at ReyDonline properties? Why not make the variable public rather than just private? Then why bother with properties ? Cached Data -> Public Variables, Non-Cache Data -> Function, Writing Data -> Sub Let's forget all of the above, and use the properties as a useful feature? To use a 'item' common sense to get and set up data, to know what will get cached data will not return (potentially delayed). -Edit- I think people more or less that the qualities are

Incorrectly displayed characters in vim quick fix window -

While compiling code using VIM (not gvim), the output looks ok in the terminal window, but when the return of the virus And displays the text In the Quick OK window there are some incorrectly displayed characters in it. Anything in my terminal and veem is displayed correctly? VIM - V IMproved 7.2 I was using + compiled in multi_byte No. Once added that the problem went away.

c# - How to implement a Properties window style control/system in Windows Forms? -

So whatever I am trying to do is have a fixed UI with some controls, and I Examples are fill in examples. For example: Classes that can populate the UI: Fast, Blur, Blur, ...: FilterBase < / Code> So whenever the user creates an example of the above classes, then I want to automatically get values ​​based on UI controls using client instances. The items in the UI are: .name (text box). Number (enumericoft down). See (enumericoft down) So if the current example S = new sharp () , I S to fill the name Get the name. Name. How can I do this in the best way? Elegancy, according to clarity, performance, etc. I am using reflection, but how do I safeguard the examples of objects (fast, ...)? Should I use a System.Object instead? Or t? public partial class ParamsUI {Current filter for current (?) ...} In addition to this, if I use T, then I How to find out that Since it is using the Windows form, The most flexible option might be to use directly to

delphi - How to find "fat" procedure memory usage? -

While working on my code recently, I have noticed that some memory usage is going up significantly, and I ' See many reasons for this in my code, so I'm wondering if there are programs, techniques, or other types of tools that can scan my code (Delphi) and guess me for which processes, tasks, And functions are heavy memory users, ideally Zhe think I code is run in debug mode I am looking for is, but if something can scan source files and can tell me, Thanks better. The tool you are using is a professor. There are many good professors for most languages. I'm less familiar with Delphi, though I used Google and started the following options But the best The information appears on this question from the stack overflow

What is "git" syntax for getting just the unified diff of how a single commit X changed a single file Y? -

I'm writing the code to write the program and to run the git command and to learn the git at the same time. Am I reading man pages wrongly or do not I want to do this? The following will tell me how the change between the two commits has changed: git diff COMMIT1..COMMIT2 - MYFILE Good . But, suppose I just want to ask how the COMMITX has changed the file without specifying the permit. The syntax in my imagination would be something like this: git diff COMMITX - MYFILE or this: Git diff COMMITX ^ .. COMMITX - MYFILE But the above command does not work (for me). The following work is in the sense that the unified difference shows me how COMMITX has changed the MYFILE, but it also includes other things, such as author, date, checkin msg. Stripping extra luggage is easy, but it seems that it should not be something I should do. What is the command? Do I have to understand something simple? git show COMMITX - MYFILE EDIT1: I'm displaying real out

sqlite - Prepared statements and the IN expression -

I have a database where users can search for records that contain one or more list of items. I am using IN to search, but I can not work with prepared statements, this is what I have tried to do: SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE col IN ? (?) But the statement prepared reads the list of items I have passed, how can I do this as an item? I am using the suclite, if it makes a difference. You can not do this way, because you can not force with an array. You have to do it in two steps: Create SQL with one '?' Value per array or list Loop on the array or list and bind each value. This is true despite the database. You can not say whether sub-selection can be a better solution, but maybe it can be done to work if the price in the question was available in the second table.

r - add commas into number for output -

I am outputting a data frame to html via xtable . I want to add numbers to a comma in some columns of the table. I think before I hack my own paste, I knew that it was made in a way to do this. you formatC & Gt; You may want to consider changing the column using Formats C (1:10 * 100000, format = "D", large.mark = ",") [1] "100,000" "200,000" "300,000" "400,000" "500,000" "600,000" [7] "700,000" "800,000" "900,000" "1,000,000"

arrays - How do I build a 2d matrix using STDIN in Perl? -

How do I create a 2D matrix using STDIN? If I input a matrix then: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 3 3 3 How can I input it and make two matrix out of it? This is my code so far while (defined ($ a = & lt; STDIN>)) {Chomp ($ a); Push @ a, ($ A); } This is just for input I understand that I can add each line to a stack. When all of the matrix is ​​inserted, then I can take each line, I can break it from space to create an array. Then I need to create an array reference and push this reference into an array to create my matrix. How do i hake Is there an easier way? I am raining on my head for 3 days on this. I'm feeling very stupid ... Other answers are missing the need to read a Breaking multiple matrices on a blank line, there are a few different ways to go about this, in which frobbling contains $ / , but here's the one who appeals to me. # Read the matrix from a handle, divided by the column, whotspace # and delimited by new lines. A matrix

php - ASCII Library for Creating "Pretty" Directory Trees? -

Is there a * nix tool or perl / php library that will easily create directory tree visualization that will look like the following? www - Private | | - app | | | - php | | | | - square | | | + - Script | | | - Settings | | + - SQL | + - Lib | + - ZendFramework-HEAD + - Public - CSS | - Picture + - Script From this example: LS-R | Grep ": $" | Sed -e's /: $ // '-e' s / [^ -] [^ \ /] * \ // - / g '-e' s / ^ / / '-e' / - / | / '

How to deploy an Axis-generated soap service to an embedded Tomcat instance -

I have created a soap service from WSDL and now I need to deploy my existing application which uses embedded tokket (Ie IE is a class that provides TomcatSwightTitle and a main category that provides that class immediately and starts the server). How do I deploy axis service in a standalone domain using a war, or WSDD, but I do not think how to wire it to yourself together. I think I have to define a servlet in web.xml and provide some other glue. Any help or signal for proper documentation will be most appreciated. Thank you! -call Yes, you have to prepare your application in the same way as you would for war But information about the program is Tombet where you have exploded in the life of the war. Everything else should be similar to the standard servlet device.

Best practice for the Python-then-profile-then-C design pattern? -

Looks like a popular software development pattern: Expose logic and algorithms Python Profile to know where to go for slow bits. Change those people with C Ship code that is high-level and fast I say popular because I have seen people as a great idea about it. But are there any major projects that actually used this method? Maybe free software projects so I can put a look and see how they did it - and perhaps learn some best practices. itemprop = "text"> There are many different ways that people are in the approach of development Sometimes people Follow the three steps and find that the slow bits are due to the external environment, so typing Python in C does not solve the problem. The type of slow motion can sometimes be solved on the system, and Sometimes it can be solved in Python by applying a different algorithm. For example, you can cache network responses so that you do not need to go to the network every time, or in SQL you can offload work

c# - Problem getting generic extension method to work correctly -

I am trying to create an extension method AddRange for the headset so that I can do something like this: var list = new list & lt; Items & gt; (New item), new item (), new item ()}; Var hashset = new hashset & lt; Items & gt; (); Hashset.AddRange (list); Here's what I've done so far: Public Static Zero AddRange & lt; T & gt; (This icon icon & lt; T & gt; archive, list & lt; T & gt; list) {Foreach (different items in the list) {collection.Add (item); }} The problem is, when I try to use the adrenaline, I get this compiler error: Type arguments for the method 'AddRange & lt; T & gt; (System.Click.Genrich.Collections & lt; T & gt ;, System.CLocks.GenericList.LT; T & gt;) 'can not be estimated using the attempt to clearly specify type arguments Please. In other words, I should use it instead: hashasht.adrenge & lt; Items & gt; (List); What am I doing wrong here? Your code wo

nokogiri - xpath: how can you select a specific text node before and after a <br> tag? -

इस पर विचार करें अल्कोहल की सूची बीयर & lt; br & gt; वोदका & lt; br & gt; रम & lt; br & gt; व्हिस्की आप बीयर को xpath में कैसे व्यक्त करेंगे? / br / पूर्ववर्ती-भाषण :: पाठ ()? वोदका के बारे में क्या है? रम? संदर्भ पर निर्भर करता है आदर्श रूप से, अच्छी तरह से बने XML होने के लिए, आपके अनुक्रम को मूल तत्व की आवश्यकता होती है। मान लीजिए कि यह & lt; बार / & gt; है। बीयर: / bar / br [1] / पूर्ववर्ती- sibling :: text () [1] वोदका: / bar / br [1] / निम्न-सिपाही :: पाठ () [1] रम: / बार / बीआर [2] / निम्न-सिपाही :: पाठ () [1]

nhibernate - A correct way to load entities by Id list when Id is not mapped -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है string idName = builder.IdentifierName; विस्थापन विघटन = प्रतिबंध.डिसीकरण (); आईएलआईआईएसआईडीआईडी ​​= नया अर्रेइलाइट (इकाईइंफोस.लाइन); Foreach (इकाई entityInfos में var entityInfo) {आईडी.एड (entityInfo। आईडी); } विच्छेदन। जोड़ें (प्रतिबंध। इन (idName, आईडी)); criteria.Add (अलगाव); criteria.List (); (मैं इसे नहीं लिखा है, यह NHibernate.Search से कोड सरलीकृत है) idName का मान सही है ( "आईडी" )। मेरे मैपिंग में मेरे पास आईडी संपत्ति के लिए आईडी नहीं है, यह केवल डीबी है: & lt; आईडी कॉलम = "आईडी" प्रकार = "इंट" & gt; & Lt; जनरेटर वर्ग = "मूल" / & gt; & Lt; / आईडी & gt; जब मैं कोड चलाने के लिए, यह एक अपवाद फेंकता है: [QueryException: संपत्ति हल नहीं कर सका: ईद की: MyType] NHibernate.Persister.Entity .AbstractPropertyMapping.ToType (स्ट्रिंग प्रॉपर्टी) 326 NHibernate.Loader.Criteria.CriteriaQueryTranslator.GetTypeUsingProjection (ICriteria subcriteria, स्ट्रिंग प्रॉपर्टी) 416 NHibern

dsl - Making things available only inside Ruby blocks -

Is there a way to make methods and tasks available only in blocks? What am I trying to do: block some_all_one_in_block_is_this_here? Okay_cool end but is_this_here? , okay_cool , etc. are accessible only within that block, do not exclude it. Any ideas got? Pass an object with the methods that you want to be available in the block argument. This is a pattern that is widely used in Ruby, such as or some_block Talk Cheese.available_only_in_blocks thing.Is_this_Yes? Thing.okay_cool end Note that you can get close to the thing you used to use, but this is usually a bad idea because it can have a lot of surprising results. Are there. Square Foo def Bar "Hello" end end def with_foo & amp; Block and block end with_foo {bar} # = & gt; "Hello" bar = 10 with_foo {times} # = & gt; 10 with_foo {} # = & gt; "Hello" However, if you pass an argument in, you always know what you will mention: def

google app engine - problem with filtering in a referenceproperty dropdown - Django -

I have the following problem I have a contact class that different users can tag themselves with their own topics: < / P> Category contact (db.Model): contact_date = db.DateProperty (auto_now_add = true) comment = db.TextProperty () theme = db.ReferenceProperty (theme) Category topic (db.Model): Topic = db.StringProperty (required = true) Description = db.TextProperty () Owner = db.ReferenceProperty (user, collection_name = 'topic_set') def __unicode __ (self): return '% s'% (self.topic) < / Code> for the form of i Category ContactForm (forms.ModelForm): def __init __ (self, user_filter, * args, ** kwargs): self.base_fields ['subject ']. Queryset = Topic.all (). Filter ('owner =', user_filter) Super (ContactForm, self) .__ init __ (* args, ** kwargs) I call ContactForm again as follows: form = ContactForm (user_filter) = Request.user.key ()) All this works as XP ected. However, when I receive my form: An exception was cau

Java: Expected overhead of the rmi protocol -

In my program, I am using two RMI servers, which simulate a simple network protocol between two notebooks Offers various methods for From my trace log, I can see that the transmission time of "packet" currently varies between 850 and 1100 ms. What are the limits of expected transmission time? Is the RMI Protocol overhead really big? Mar, No, overhead RMI Is not so big of your requests Your requests should generally be very big or your network should actually be slow for such response times.

c# - postal address parsing with gmail contacts -

I am using the Gmail Contacts API but the address is all in one string. A standard address object with the following fields has a standard parser to parse a string: Street address 1 - Street address 2 City State ZIP < / P> addresses the same issue for Java - but the selected answer language is an agnostic, it only shows how to URL from an unstructured address And it's about information about Google Maps (city names, street names, etc.) ) Is sent to parse. There is a lot of discussion in it and it includes many solutions, standalone visual basic code. Do you need help translating VB (or other solutions) to C #?

html - Using Layers (z-index) without leaving empty space -

I have a code above & lt; Div & gt; is to be inserted. I managed to do this, but the problem is that now I have an empty place where there was a divis. I gave Goddess status to relative and left & amp; Top price Is it possible to move objects with z-indics without leaving any mark in the page? (Take space and leave blank area) ?? Thanks When you positon: relative; , then you are not removing the element from the flow, you are only taking it from its original position to exclude the element from the flow: Status: Absolute; . When full state is used, then coordinates are first relative to the original element, which is a layer. You may want to apply the original element to the position: relative (but not offset) to make it a layer, so that the coordinates are relative to parents, not the body.

string - Escape sequence for ? in c++ -

I was looking at the escape sequences for characters in C ++ strings and I saw that the escape sequence for the question mark is. Can anyone tell me why this is? It just sounds a little strange and I do not know what? Thanks in a string. This is to keep a question mark from getting it wrong as part of someone. For example, "what ??!" " | will be interpreted as a character. Therefore, you have to avoid question marks as the following: "what \? \?! \" example fulfillment

flash - AS3/FP9 - Resize a Sprite -

I have loaded a JPG with a 3264x2448 dimension in a single sprite. I will resize the metro to allow Sprite to attract a bitmap data object (which is limited to 2880 height or width in CS3 / Flash Player 9). My goal is to use Solver [DisplayUtils] [1] to create thumbnails here is the code that works fine with other, smaller, sprites: var bmpd: bitmapdata = new bitmapdata (JpgSprite.width, jpgSprite.height, true, 0x00FFFFFF); Bmpd.draw (jpgSprite); Var Thumbs: Bitmap = Displays. Content Thumb (BMPD, 100, 100, Alignment. MIDDLE, True); Add Child (Thumbs); Thank you for your suggestions. I could have a matrix trick to scale it down though I did not test the code is. var w: number = 3264; Var h: number = 2448; Var Scale: Number = W / 2880; Var BMPD: bitmapdata = new bitmap data (2880, H / scale, true, 0x00FFFFFF); Var matrix: matrix = new matrix (); Matrix.Sentbox (scale, scale) BMPDDrro (JPPSpritata, matrix);

sql - Easiest way to copy a MySQL database? -

Does anyone know an easy way to copy files from a computer to a file, and then on another computer Import? Here are some options: mysqldump < / P> The easiest, guaranteed way of working is to use mysqldump . See the manual page for the utility here: Basically, this SQL script is necessary to rebuild the contents of the database, including tables, triggers, and other objects and data Inclusion (this is all configurable, so if you have a schema set up elsewhere, you can just dump the data). Copying personalized Massage table files If you have large amounts of data and you store MyISAM for tables If you are using the engine you want to copy, you can just close mysqld and copy. Frm, .myd, and .my files from one database folder to another (even on any other system). It will not work for Indiabi tables, and can not work for other storage engines (with whom I am less familiar). mysqlhotcopy If you have to dump the content of the database while the datab

sql server 2005 - newid() vs newsequentialid() What are the differences/pros and cons? -

In a database where all your primary keys are GUIDs, the difference / implication and / () versus the newly added () "default value or Binding "as I know that the only difference is that the new () creates a new random GUID, because the new GUID builds against the new sequential () in the last one, which is in enlarged fashion in the table . As I think, when you insert one in a row, Will be inserted in relative order. With a general guide, it can be anywhere in the table. A new sequential () will always be added at the end of the table. Therefore the performance of the merge is improved. Indicates the difference between the two different methods and the benchmark. Update - The referenced blog post has been transferred. The link now refers to a link. Here's the main bad thing: The most striking is the number of writing required by the newiid system function. This, along with the average page density of 69%, is the evidence of page divi

locking - How can I lock the screen using C#? -

I just write my first c # application, which is a scheduler. I once wanted to pop up a dialog I want to lock the screen for two minutes to take a break. As of now, my application only shows a form on "top-mast" when it's time to break it and hide it after two minutes. How can I lock the screen? Something similar to the UAC style in vida. As an option to grab a screen (which is also 'you also under the slightly different circumstances in the past Used as an Approach) You can also do this by creating a new window (WinForm) which is full screen and at the top of all other windows If you have the background color of the window background solid black If you set the opacity to 70-80%, then you will find something that is available in U.A. Looks at the prompt. For example. formName.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; FormName.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; FormName.Opacity = 0.70; FormName.TopMost = True; Of course it would be sensible to

windows - Can a simple program be responsible for a BSOD? -

I found a customer who told me that my program (simple user-program, not driver) was crashing it Is the system with Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). He says that he has never done this with other programs and he can easily reproduce it with me. BSOD type is CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION ( 0x000000F4 ) Object type 0x3 (Process): The thread for an operation or system operation unexpectedly exits or Is finished. Is a simple program responsible for BSOD (also on Vista) or does it check hardware or OS installation? The easiest way to BSOD with a user-space program is to (Afaik) to (csrss.exe ) It does not require faulty hardware nor is there a bug in the kernel or a driver, this requires only admin privileges 1 . What exactly is your code? An error message ("One thread or an important thread for a system operation is unexpectedly expired or expired.") It seems that one of the essential system processes has ended. Maybe you're killing a process and unknowingly go

What is a branch specification in Perforce? -

It appears that placing the "branch" object in "force" can not be completely necessary after integration . Ie "real" branch, is actually a folder path, and even if you remove the branch object created to create integ, the folder path is still valid, And all the files in this path are still (version # 1 restarted, etc.). I am surprised that when I try to edit a branch (object) name, instead a new branch is created which is the new copy of the last one. But if I remove the last one, then no damage seems to occur (at first glance). Actually there is a branch object which is actually a convenient mechanism for a device that can be destroyed until it describes the mapping, is it kept equal? Thomas From "branch object", I believe that you What does "branch specification" mean? The branch specification is that which you make on the tab labeled "branches" in P4V. Yes, this is just a feature and actually does not affec

Accessing Custom Resource Properties of a Resource Mailbox in Active Directory -

(This post refers to Exchange 2010 but the capacity of resource mailbox was introduced in Exchange 2007) The exchange allows you to create different types of mailboxes for conference rooms - resource mailboxes - and provide them custom properties, such as "Whiteboard", "A / V", these properties look boolean, e.g. Whether there is a whiteboard in a conference room or not you can assign them to a mailbox in the Exchange 2010 Management Console (or in Shell). I am trying to figure out how to access these properties programmatically it does not appear that the Exchange Web Services API was intended for it, because all the underlying data in Active Directory Archiving. For example, conference room mailboxes have one of the unique properties in resource properties, and you can get it from Active Directory: child.Properties [" MsExchResourceCapacity "] Where" child "represents a DirectoryEntry object, as you are running through the conte

.net - How to index numeric fields and search them by range in Lucene.Net? -

I am looking for an efficient way to find numerical areas in the index and Lucene.Net. Now my need is for integer values ​​only. I want to search for categories of values ​​(X and Y, X plus ...). Right now I am indexing numbers and manually creating clauses for each value between two values, but it generates many clauses and kills the default range (1024) when I am between 1000 and 1000 Looking for value 5000, for example. I am sure that there is a better way of doing this ... It solved with a RangeQuery It can also be done with the query parser with the following syntax: Field Name: [startValue to endValue] Keep in mind that the boundary query operates On the stars, so your numbers should be normalized in both index and query. Normalized with the .5 string in my case ("00000") normalized. Special handling will be necessary for negative numbers and decades, but in my case this was not an issue.

c# - Possible to group by Count in LINQ? -

It can be impossible or so clear that I keep it over. I have a list of objects (we call ints for this example): list & lt; Int & gt; List = new list & lt; Int & gt; () {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; I do not add any relation to any kind in the order of returning a new organizing object. that is, list.GroupBy (i = & gt; someLogicToProductPairs); There is a very real possibility that I can reach this problem from the wrong angle, although the goal is to create a group of objects with an ongoing capacity. Any help is greatly appreciated. Do you mean: from the list & lt; Integer & gt; List = new list & lt; Int & gt; () {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; IEnumerable & LT; IGrouping & LT; Integer, integer & gt; & Gt; Group = list. Select ((n, i) = & gt; new {group = i / 2, value = n}) .GroupBy (g = & gt; g group, g = & gt; g. Valle); Fortecha (IGrouping & lt; int, int & gt; Groups in Groups) {Console.WriteLine (String.Joi

objective c - How do I insert a welcome screen to my Navigation-Based Iphone App? -

I am new to the iPhone app and I was thinking How to insert. The app is primarily navigation based. There are tables which users see the items given below and see the specialty of the items they chose. I want to have a welcome screen that offers two options. But I do not want it to look like a table. I like a background image and two circular rect buttons that link to my table. Is it possible? if so, how? You should add a Default.png . This is shown as loading your app. Simply add it to your project and you have a splash screen easy-to-chic Read the Hig () for more information. (Reading HIG will also be smooth on the review process, if you follow your rules, you are less likely to humiliate Apple.)

cocoa - Finding duplicates in an NSMutableArray -

I have a class (color class) that has 2 NSStrings (idNumber and preferred color). There is an NSMutableArray (array color) that holds more than 50,000 color class objects. What is the fastest way to find all duplicate IDGs from all color class objects and return them to the array? Right now I'm using 1 for a loop, which copies the array into color, then filters the copied array using an NSPredicate. It takes 5 minutes to sort the array. How can this be done more efficiently? The first question is, is there really anything? If not, use a NSMutableSet or NSMutableDictionary (which depends on your app's understanding) Duplicate Finish The easiest way to stop them is to stop them from being in the first place before adding anything to your NSMutableArray , you can see if the value already exists or not. For example: - (zero) adcolor: (NSString *) color withID: (NSString *) ID {NSArray * duplicates = [myArray filtered application [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:

How can I keep a jQuery dialog on the screen? -

I do not want to have a focus on the screen, so I'm setting the top and left coordinates of the box. I'm adjusting it so that it appears next to a link and not initially open for one click. $ ("# Error"). Dialog ({bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, width: 'auto', height: 'auto', hide: 'slide', show: 'clip'});); and & lt; Div id = "error" title = "error" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "error text" & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; From here I want to display an error message on the screen. For example, if I'm at the bottom of the page, then I do not want the user to scroll down to see the dialog. The same thing is if the error message is all the way on the right, I want to display it on the left side of the click element, I have the same problem because I have the automatic width and height, before I show the dialog First, the height / width of

reporting services - SSRS 2005 How-to: Headers for groups within groups? -

I think what I want is, it's quite easy. The data description is displayed correctly but I can not get it to support the header I have the number of customers with their activity in the report. I want the customer's name in the header, and then below that column's name below. But I either repeat the column before each entry or a client name. This is the report that I would like to see as a report: ** client # 1 ** call 1 call 2 calls3 data data data data data ** client # 2 * * Col1 Col2 Col3 Data Data Data Data Data Data ** Client # N ** Col1 Col2 Col3 Data Data Data Data Data Unfortunately what I get: ** Client # 1 ** Col1 Col2 Col3 Data Data Data Col1 Col2 Col3 Data Data Data Col1 Col2 Col3 Data Data Data Col1 Col2 Col3 Data Data Data Or It: Col1 Col2 Col3 ** Point # 1 ** Data Data Data Data Data Data In the header of that group Add an extra row where the name of the client appears (right-click on the gray properties box outside the RH edge of

python - Scheduled tasks in Win32 -

I have scheduled work on WinXP SP2 machine that is set to run Pyro script: Daily Start time: 12:03 AM Schedule for daily work: every 1 Start date: In the last few minutes Repeat the job: every 5 minutes Unless : Duration 24 hours Actually, I want to run the script every five minutes forever. My problem is that the work runs some time after 23:47 every night (possibly after 23:55) and after that I am not doing what I am doing wrong? Alternatively, is there a different way that you can suggest other than using Windows scheduled tasks? You can schedule it from another script and once in a day or after each reboot Turn it off: #! / Usr / bin / env python import subprocessing interval = 300 # seconds while true: p = subprocess.Popen (['Pythonw.exe', '']) time.sleep (interval) In this way, you can do all the minutes intervals.

Detect if a computer is a NetApp filer? (Unmanaged C++) -

What's the best way to find out if a computer on a network is a netapp filer? I have tried some general questions of computer characteristics, but nothing is there. is enabled by default on files (though it can be disabled later) available MIB Information can be found at.

VS 2010 Beta 2: "ResGen.exe" could not be run -

So, I just got VS 2010 Beta 2 is downloaded, and when I try to make one of my class libraries with many resource files, I get an error: "Resgen.exe specified executable" The file name or extension is too long. " Before that, I get a warning: Warning 4434" Command Line "for the task of" ResGen "is too long Command lines over 32000 characters fail is likely to. To reduce the call by calling "ResGen" to reduce the call, try to reduce the number of calls with fewer columns. Both, I am sure what is the problem, but tell me it is not click with me, since this assembly works in VSTS 2008, I am in some disadvantage. If necessary, I will file a bug with MS, but I want to see what the collective knowledge of stack overflow can do to me first. I have the same problem I have submitted this problem to Microsoft Connect site:

iphone - Adding a UITabBarController to an UIViewController -

I have a sample application that shows my problem: I have a regular view-based application, and At some point (in this case when I click on a button) I want to load a tabbar controller and display it. I believe I should do this: MyTabBarController * Tab = [[MyTabBarController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "TabBar" bundle: zero]; [Self.view addSubview: tabs.view]; Unfortunately, it brings a small bit of black in the lower part of my main scene and nothing else. I believe it should take up the tabbar, tab and selected view. Cheers > You should use UINavigationController, then the tab controller Press on NAV controller when you are ready to display it.

What is the meaning of leading underscores in a C++ constructor? -

Ok I'm not a very experienced C ++ programmer, but I was wondering what's based on its logic Have the following creators? Flat Cores (float_x, float_y, float_width, x (_x), y (_y), y (_y), width (_width), height (_height) {/ p> square float cos , Float_height)} float x, y, width, height; ... This is just a convenient naming convention, which means something for the language Not even there. Just make sure you do not follow it with the upper-case letter:

How to 'fix' a SVN branch/tree conflict? -

I acquired a software project and put everything using STVN on STVN (tow). If the trunk is below the root then the whole application is in the trunk (which I tagged 1.0). For my first big feature, I created a feature branch called "Dev". I can merge the changes in the Dev branch in the trunk branch without any problems (as I used to fix small bugs). Once my facility was completed, I merged back in the trunk branch till everything worked fin until this point. Under the new code, the new code showed the new feature properly, but then I committed a commitment (the result of the merge of commitment) and now every time I try to merge with root or dev branch, the SVN will be "Tree" on many files Tribal "even files that did not touch since the merge. I tried to resolve the conflicts without success. I am the sole developer, so I do not really care about major changes in the repository. But if I can, I still want to keep a history of all the files. What would

documentation - Where are doxygen comments appropriate/necessary? -

I do not have much experience with Docs tools like Docs, so I'm not sure exactly the in-code documentation < Em> should look. Should I write a doxygen-style comment for each member variable in the class? Or is it overhead if the variable names are quite self explanatory? Should I include comments from the title in the respective implementation file? I have not made any guesses, because changing one's comments in one file will make one change to another; But it will certainly be convenient for the developers working on the implementation because the headers file is not consulted to know the purpose of a given method. Should I write a doxygen-style comment for each member variable in the class? Or is it overhead if the variable names are quite self explanatory? This is at least partially the issue of a style, different people do it differently. I think that either a public or protected should be documented, as is your class API, protected API Part - DataGrid showing in the design window, but not in the webpage -

I have just started learning and when I compile, to show me Gridview correctly It may not seem to be Using Visual Studio '08 in Design View, it looks just fine, but when I compile it is absent. & lt;% @ Page language = "vb" AutoEventWireup = "false" CodeBehind = "Default.aspx.vb" Inherits = "WebAppTest._Default"% & gt; & Lt ;; DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTT XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Head runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Untitled Page & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Asp: GridView id = "gridview1" runat = "server" AutoGenerateColumns = "False" BackColor =

python - Permissions for a site only -

I have a multilingual Django project. Every language is a separate subdomain so we use the "site" application and Have decided to create a separate site for. On that project, I also have a "page" application, which is similar to CMS. Users can create pages containing content and they will appear on the appropriate language site. I am now looking to be able to manage advanced permissions. What I need to do is, in the Admin app, a user only allows to create and update pages for one (or more) specific language / site. What would be the cleaner to do something like this Edit: Chris I , I am making a decorator who checks whether the user is appropriate for the user or not the group who is reaching Lang, Chris accepts the answer for this example. In the "normal" view, I do the following: def view (self): # if you want to return Return_to_presson ('Page1', {} , See requestcontent (request)) = group_require (see) If the user is in

jvm - Idiomatic IO with scala -

In Java, common IO operations involving things like currents, files and so on can be a bit disturbing in this way (and Many others) reach things like commons-oo to reduce the pain. In Scala - is there anything better to use idioms / squares / libraries (I know about Scala, etc.) to read in audio files etc. - but about streams etc.) . Is it "normal", such as libraries such as Commando-IO scale or better? There was some discussion on this special case on the Scala mailing list. And, if I remember correctly, some of them are not concrete, in the mean time, in time, you will not be hurt to check. looks very promising.

Application variables and performance? -

Will the number of application variables affect the performance of the ASP.NET website? If you create large objects during run-time, this definitely affects performance . If you use one, then there may be an effect on one another and then another one moving forward, which can cause paging (see the word). Variables like variables, variables, double ... do not affect I recommend how the cache works and how the operating system allocates / installs memory .

algorithm - Check if two linked lists merge. If so, where? -

This question can be old, but I could not think of an answer. Say, there are two separate lists of lists, merge at a point ; We do not know the length We should parse each list only once. If "Modification is not allowed" it means "You can change but end up They should be restored in ", and We may have the following algorithm solution properly twice . First, assume that the first list is length a + c and the second length is b + c , where c < / Code> Let them define the length of their normal "tail" (after mergepoint): x = a + cy = b + c < P> Since we do not know the length, we can do the x and y without additional iterations; You will see how. Again, we repeat each list and vice versa while reversing them! If both iterators reach the merge point at the same time, then we find it by simply comparing it. Otherwise, an indicator will reach the merge point before the second. After that, when the second

java - JCombobox editable enabled -

What is the difference between setEditable () and setEnabled () in jCombobox? Can Cambodia be editable, but not able and on the other side? What situation would you use? Can you imagine a situation in which you setEnabled (false) with setEnabled (false)? setEditable (boolean) determines if JComboBox < / Code> allows text entry in addition to choosing a value through the bridge, down. setEnabled (boolean) determines if JComboBox is able to interact with at all. If it is not enabled, then it is displayed as a grade out. A JComboBox can be a mixture of these properties - SetEditable (true) + In addition to pulling down values ​​setEnabled (true) = JComboBox allows text input and users can interact with it. setEditable (false) + setEnabled (true) = JComboBox Only values ​​can be selected from the pull down and Users can interact with it. setEditable (true) + set-annexed (false) = JComboBox But the user can not interact with it. setEdi

Flash on top of normal HTML -

In our web application we are planning to develop top navigation in Flex and page content in normal HTML. Top NAV menus, hair nodes are shown, children should be shown at the top of the HTML content, so to work properly, the top navigation for the overlay should be the height of the SWF file. Initilly the height of the top navigation will say 40 px. It should be on the hover, should the height of SWF file be 200px? If this is the initial case (not hover) then there will be some space between the top NAV and the HTML content. Or should I come to use some CSS in HTML content? Please give some suggestions on how to implement it. Any kind of help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jish If you make SWF 200px and just sit in it You are right when a section is above the page content on your page, when the menu is not showing dropdown items, then you will have an interval. I think your best solution depends on your SDF content with a high Z-index 200px div on the content of yo

c# - Pushing Items into stack with LINQ -

How can I push the cracketic string into the generic stack? [string] [array] = new string [] {"Liza", "Anna", "Sandra", "Dia" String array "}; Stack Setup Public square stack & lt; T & gt; {Private Ent Indexing; & Lt; T & gt; List; Public stack () {List = New list & lt; T & gt; (); Index = -1; } Public Zero Push (T-OBJ) {list.Add (obj); Index ++; } ...........} What changes do I need to make here? pile & lt; String & gt; Slist = new stack & lt; String & gt; (); Var v = Vals in array selection (P = & gt; slist.Push (p)); Error Report: The type of expression in the selected section is incorrect. LINQ is a query language / framework, rather than a query (selection) you want to display here Amendment for the collection object - it is definitely designed for not LINQ (or also capable). What you would like to do, however, is to define an extension method that can be

Can git format patch so it can be used with patch program? -

I will need to create a simple patch from the git repository that can be implemented with plain simple patch command line utility. Can it be done? git diff yields are processed correctly by "post-text" itemprop = "text"> patch, patch equipment.

c# - How to search with multiple criteria from a database with SQL? -

I am a newbie programmer. I have a page that looks like I have a car database and I have a database with this page There are several criteria to search for which users can enter value and can select. But the user does not have to fill or choose all the criteria. For example, a user can search for a car that depends only on "Mark" or it can be searched which depends on the year = "2007" fuel = "diesel" gear = "automated" ... etc ... My problem is how to design a query, find out which control values ​​are or not I use C # and MSSQL server. You should make your query flexible enough (to control all paragraphs ) For all search conditions to work, consider the same example if the user has just entered the Mark field, and the remaining empty sample code, suppose you have these parameters @mark varchar (20) @series varchar (20) @model varchar (20) * Select from tbl where (the @ icon is empty or Mark C Lum = @ sign) and (@ series is zero or

javascript - How to have hover effects on input boxes in Internet Explorer 6 -

How do I view the hover effect on Input Boxes in Internet Explorer 6? If I can use it, then using YUI. Thank you Try this JavaScript: var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName ("input"); Var hoverOn = function () {this.className = "hover"; }; Var hoveroff = function () {this.className = ""; }; For (var i = 0, l = inputs.length; i & lt; l; ++ i) {Inputs [i] .onmouseover = hoverOn; Input [i] .onmouseout = hoverOff; } and CSS: input.hover {background color: # f0f; } Here's the one that works in Firefox ... let me know how IE 6 goes ...

c++ - Convert float array image to a format usable for opencv -

I wonder if my float array is an easy way to convert image to iplimize, which can be controlled by OpenCV Of course I can create an empty Iplimage with the same size and can simply copy the pixels for emplty iplimage from my float array image, but for this it has a more elegant solution. A faster low memory consumer method may be because the source images are too large and the copying process will take a while. Best regards, Zangtnik Can do some such (assuming 32 bit floats): float * my_float_image_data; CvSize size; Shape. High = height; Shape. Width = width; IplImage * ipl_image_p = cvCreateImageHeader (size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); Ipl_image_p-> Imagedata = my_float_image_data; Ipl_image_p-> ImageDataGreen = ipl_image_p- & gt; Image data;

multithreading - Waiting for mouse input in Java Swing -

I am working on the Java swing application. I have a button whose task runs a query on a database and then returns the results. These commands are done by the listener on the run button as I understand it, this means that the thread running at this point is EventQuote Is from Looking at some input, I have to wait for the user to stop the processing and click on the plot area. I'm struggling to find a way to do this. I have looked completely, but I can not seem to find a solution that works. I tried to create a new thread that waits for user input (I call to join on this thread). The problem is that it creates the previous thread (from EventQueue) for some reason, mouse clicks are not causing obstacles, so that mouse clicks are not captured. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advanced. Event dispatch and hold handle input two. Instead, your spanded thread should be calculated. I created an interactive UI that did something like that a year or two ago, a

How can I recursively configure svn status to hide ignored files? -

मेरी निर्देशिका संरचना निम्न की तरह दिखती है: project / app1 / app2 / settings Py परियोजना निर्देशिका के भीतर से, मैंने svn propedit svn: ignore। चलाया उप-निर्देशिका। मैं प्रत्येक फ़ोल्डर के भीतर से फिर से svn को अनदेखा कर सकता हूं और यह काम करेगा। क्या कोई आंतरिक एसवीएन कमांड या विकल्प है जो कि यह मेरे लिए लगातार कर सकता है या क्या मुझे अपनी परियोजना के प्रत्येक उप-फ़ोल्डर्स के अंदर अनदेखा करने के लिए एक स्क्रिप्ट का प्रयोग करना चाहिए? मैंने अपनी अनदेखी हुई फाइलों को सेट कर दिया है हो सकता है: *। Pyc * .swp हालांकि, जब भी मैं svn status करता हूं, मैं अभी भी ऊपर दिखाई देता हूं फ़ाइलें। अव्यवस्थित फ़ाइलों को छुपाए जाने के लिए svn स्थिति को बताने का कोई तरीका क्या है? svn propedit केवल एक बार में एक लक्ष्य पर काम करता है गुणों को पुनरावर्ती रूप से लागू करने का विकल्प होता है, लेकिन यदि आप इसे या अन्य जीयूआई का उपयोग नहीं कर रहे हैं, तो उस विकल्प के पास, आपको इसे एक स्क्रिप्ट के साथ करना होगा। हालांकि, आपको वास्तव में क्या करना चाहिए दो आपके द्वारा उल्

winapi - How to Know If I am in a Terminal Service (TS) Session? -

Is there a Windows API function to check whether I am in terminal service session? GetSystemMetrics (SM_REMOTECONTROL)) To determine that The calling session is being controlled remotely GetSystemMetrics (SM_REMOTESESSION))

oop - Hibernate SessionFactory -

क्यों हाइबरनेट के उदाहरणों को सत्रफ़ायर इंटरफ़ेस के बजाय SessionFactoryImpl वर्ग का उपयोग करें दिए गए कनेक्शन पर एक सत्र खोलें? क्या कार्यान्वयन बदल सकता है? सामान्य तौर पर, यदि आप किसी ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ इंटरैक्ट करने के लिए इंटरफ़ेस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, तो आपको चाहिए इंटरफेस कक्षाओं की तुलना में कम होने की संभावना है, इसलिए यदि कोई इंटरफ़ेस के अनुरूप हो, तो इंटरफ़ेस से हमेशा इसका संदर्भ दें। यह बहुत ही मानक ओओपी अभ्यास है। - Selecting an item in an list box ( 3.5) -

Say I have a listbox LB, which I am using: lb.DataSource === Word list \\ wordList string is a list of lb.DataBind () listboxes are fully initialized, and everything Should also be visible. However, now I select an item from the list box with my mouse (if it means what is meant in "select", it is giving dark blue color), and do the following test : If lb.SelectedIndex and lt; & Gt; -1 then doSomething () EndIf or Execution: If no lb.SelectedItem is nothing then something () EndIf < / Ex> etc .. In any way, when it is debugging then the blocks are not recorded, then there is definitely a claim that lb.selectedindext IS -1, lb .SelectedItem IS nothing, and so on. What am I doing wrong? Why does not this recognize my selection ?? 10x Is it possible that you also listback the databanks () in postback? You may have to put it (binding) in , to ensure that you do not want to lose yourself (! IsPostback) {..} Select the customer.

javascript - Is it possible to automate taking a screenshot of a portion of a Web page (e.g., denoted by a CSS selector or HTML parent element)? -

I'm not sure if the title tells the best approach to my problem, then retract me a bit. My company is establishing an advertising affiliate program. We have a widget that will be displayed on many web pages shortly, and this widget will include an advertising block that is different from our affiliate retailers Will show ads We need a solution that will allow us quickly (and use as much automation as possible) to create thousands of advertisements for different products. Unfortunately, our Advertising Management Service (Google Ad Manager) accepts image-based ad creatives only (it actually accepts Flash, but we do not want to use it). An advertising management service that accepts HTML advertisements can also be a viable solution, if anyone has any suggestions. The web development is coming from the world, our initial idea was to create a browser-based UI that non-technical person would have an advertisement (product name, MSRP, sales price, product reviews, etc.) and its

ruby - Unexpected array behavior -

निम्न संशोधित करें विधि किसी भी तरह से पूरे @ x सरणी को संशोधित करती है बस एक और तत्व पैदा करने के बाद में धक्का दिया जाना चाहिए कैसे हो सकता है? def संशोधित करें I, st = @x [-1] टी [i] = t [i] + st end = x = [[10, 12]] @ एक्स और लेफ्टिनेंट ; & lt; संशोधित करें (0, 1) डालता है @ एक्स संपादित निम्न कोड ने चाल किया है फिर भी मुझे आश्चर्य है कि यदि पी-डेबिट से छुटकारा पाना संभव है def संशोधित करें p, i, sa = p.to_a a [i] + = s * @ delta [i] वेक्टर तत्वों (ए) के अंत आपको शुरू से ही फिर से करना चाहिए, लेकिन छोटे परिवर्तन ... साइड इफेक्ट को कम करने के लिए अपनी पद्धति को बदलने का प्रयास करें। यदि आप एक फिक्सएनम तत्व वापस करना चाहते हैं: def modifier i, st = @x [ -1] आर = टी [आई] + sr एंड या, यदि आप ट्यूपल्स के अधिक सरणी में इंजेक्शन लगाने के लिए एक सरणी वापस करना चाहते हैं डीफ संशोधित करें I, st = @x [-1] .dup t [i] = t [i] + st end समझ की भावना में, आपको रूबी ऑब्जेक्ट्स पर पढ़ना चाहिए और कैसे वे संदर्भ हैं और कैसे रुबी विधियों के दुष्प्रभाव हैं। य