VS 2010 Beta 2: "ResGen.exe" could not be run -

So, I just got VS 2010 Beta 2 is downloaded, and when I try to make one of my class libraries with many resource files, I get an error:

"Resgen.exe specified executable" The file name or extension is too long. "

Before that, I get a warning: Warning 4434" Command Line "for the task of" ResGen "is too long Command lines over 32000 characters fail is likely to. To reduce the call by calling "ResGen" to reduce the call, try to reduce the number of calls with fewer columns.

Both, I am sure what is the problem, but tell me it is not click with me, since this assembly works in VSTS 2008, I am in some disadvantage.

If necessary, I will file a bug with MS, but I want to see what the collective knowledge of stack overflow can do to me first.

I have the same problem I have submitted this problem to Microsoft Connect site:


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