
Showing posts from July, 2012

.net - How can I analize Assembly file to get its corflags? -

I need to write code which reads corflags of a .NET assembly without loading through reflection. It takes a long time to load the assembly relatively, so I am searching for something that opens it as a stream and unlines the binary stream. Where do I get information about the assembly binary metadata stoop? Is there a code snippet available? According to thanks Sarah there are corflags that you get in the .NET Framework SDK , Which is defined in IMHE CORP. You can read through the assembly and choose the information by including the correct type def.

c# - Does ADO.NET Entity Framework have a construct similar to LINQ to SQL's GetTable<T>? -

क्या ADO.NET Entity फ़्रेमवर्क का निर्माण LINQ से SQL के GetTable के समान है? I इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क में कुछ समान करने की कोशिश कर रहा है, कि मैं बहुत में करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है क्या समान क्षमता है? LINQ से SQL: dataContext.GetTable & lt; T & gt; (); यह टाइप 'टी' का एक प्रश्न योग्य संग्रह उत्पन्न करेगा। इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क में मैं ऐसा ही करना चाहूंगा: // सूचना: यह डिज़ाइनर द्वारा बनाई गई ऑटो-जनरेट की गई एंटिटी-मॉडल // का आंशिक विस्तार है सार्वजनिक आंशिक श्रेणी की संस्थाएं: आईईआरटीटीए {सार्वजनिक IQueryable & lt; T & gt; FindAll & lt; T & gt; () {// सभी संस्थाओं से छद्म कोड / वापसी, संस्थाएं जो प्रकार टी के रूप में प्रश्न योग्य हैं}} चूंकि मैं यह नहीं समझ पाया बाहर, मैंने जो किया, मैंने जो विचार किया, एक "बदबूदार" कार्य-चारों ओर: // सूचना: यह डिजाइनर द्वारा निर्मित ऑटो-जनरेटेड एंटीटि-मॉडल // का आंशिक विस्तार है । सार्वजनिक आंशिक कक्षा इकाइयां: आईईएन्टीटीज़ {सार्वजनिक IQueryable & lt; Users & gt; FindAllUsersQuerya

php - Converting tickboxes in a form to any array in $_POST -

What's the best way to collect data from the form using the checkbox, so it's well worth the $ _POST For example, in my form I will have HTML which looks like this (x = tick): [x] option is a [] option two [X ] Option three which I want to translate from an array of $ _POST to an array: array ([a] => option one "[B] = & gt;" Option three ") Is there a good shortcut to do this? Post-document "itemprop =" text "> & lt; input type =" checkbox "name =" tick box [a] "value =" option one "check =" check "& gt; & lt ; Input type = "checkbox" name = "tick box [b]" value = "option two" & gt; & gt; input type = "checkbox" name = "tick box [c]" value = "option three" check = "Check" & gt; yields array ([A] => "option one", [c] = & gt; "Option three",)

How to build Boost-Libraries for iPhone -

Can someone tell me where a detailed guide can be found, iOS-device? I have completely created lbs for scum and can use it in my project (on iPhone-simulator only). When creating a project for iPhone-Device, XCode gives me a warning: "The file does not belong to the required architecture" and some other errors. Please help Using a new version of Xcode using the iPhone Static Library Project template Start the project. Then import the source and header, and the compile result should be an iPhone compatible static library

What are the origins of standard port numbers? -

Wikipedia has a standard port number for different protocols. Anyone knows how these numbers were chosen? Edit : I'm asking how the original developers selected numbers, and not where the list comes from There is some insight into this

c# - Custom error handling ASP.NET -

I want to use custom exception handling, for example instead of using (exception Ex) I want Is it possible to design such custom exception handling in ASP.NET webforms? Yes, but what you need to do is first create your own custom exception exception from the base class Need to get your exception. An example is: Then you need to increase this exception in your code appropriately Have Private: Zero login (string username, string password) {if (username! = Dbu name & password! = Db password) login details are incorrect ");} // Other Login ...} Private Zero Button (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {Log In (txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);} Catch (LoginFileExchange Pre) {// Handle Exception}}

c++ - Impossible to inherit from this object? -

Later on, people have suggested that I go with "option 3" which can look like this: class = b2body {private: b2Body () {} friend class b2World; }; Class Body: Public B2 Body (Private: Body () {} Friend class World;}; Class B2World {Public: b2Body * CreateBody () {New b2Body Return;}}; Class World: Public B2 World {Public: Body * Creative () {new body returns;}}; int main () {world w} body * b = w.CreateBody (); return 0;} < P> But it has two major problems: body can never be created World :: CreateBody also ( Because b2body private Regardless of this, then b2body part Does this mean that I have never used code 2 body / b2 world and follow this design pattern? (Keep in mind that I can not edit B2 * classes) If so , Then I think that you guys would recommend that I b2World and b2Body instead of the member variable? I think That it now comes in these two options: can only make b2World a b2board , so it does not go anywher

hash - Why are 5381 and 33 so important in the djb2 algorithm? -

is a hash function for the string unsigned long hash = 5381; Int c; While (c = * str ++) hash = ((hash> <5) + hash) + c; Why 5381 and 33 are so important? "text"> this hash function is a ( LCG - is the simple category of function that generates a series of psuedo-random numbers), which is usually the form: X = (one * x) + c; // "Mod M", where M = 2 ^ 32 or 2 ^ 64 usually Note the similarity of the DBB2 hash function ... a = 33, M = 2 ^ 32 For a LCG, there should be special properties in "full duration" (i.e. that may be random), one : A-1 divisor All the major factors in M's (A1's 32, which is divisible by 2, is the only main factor of 2 ^ 32) 4 is a lot bigger if a multi-m4 (yes and Yes) In addition, C and < Em> M is considered to be relatively prominent (which would be right for the strange value c ) So as you can see, this hash function resembles some good LCG and when it comes to hash functions

themes - master skin file in ASP.NET -

There are several themes in my project with different colors. I need some text box with a specific font / size / etc. [No color difference] At present, i & lt; Asp: textbox skinID = "skin" runat = "server" ... /> Add to everyone. Scan files under each topic. Is the skin of this text box kept like a master skin in one place? You will need to list it under each theme, but you can only add one The control definition must be listed. If you want skin for a default behavior for a control, then specify the definition without the scanned property.

c# - Multiple Left Outer Joins in LinqToSql? -

Is it possible to accomplish something like this? Linqtosql? Select * Exclude table T1 from external table 2 on T2 T2 .foreignKeyID = on left external join table 3 T3 T3 .foreignKeyID = I can work with both using this dataload option or joining syntax. But the problem is that whenever I add one to the other left, connecting the linkctal query with multiple SQL statements, instead of having to participate in the underlying SQL in the other left. Therefore, resulting in a query like the above, there is a SQL call with a dozen 2 instead of a SQL call. What are my other options? I can use a scene in DB, but now I am responsible for creating a hierarchy from a flattened list, which is a reason to use an ORM in the first place. Note that T2 and T3 1 are with MT relationships. Is it possible that Linux should ask them efficiently and return the hierarchy? I do not think this is likely to correct your problem because your parent unit table Has more than one con

Configure External Run in PyScripter to run IronPython -

Is there any iron PyScripter in the house? I am asking for the required "External Run" parameter / variable to configure IronPython to run the current script. I can not find any variable examples, so to configure the Verbatim directive or the "External tool property" configuration page, screen screed should actually be what I want Thanax!

reporting services - gaps between charts in Report Builder due to table beneath -

It looks more than a super user thing but I did not find a report builder or SSR tag there. If this is in the wrong place, then move! When I prepare a report in Report Builder 2, I often have a chart at the top and then there is a table below. The problem I am facing is that some charts are blurred on the right It appears, due to the width of the table. I will have some chapters on one another quietly against each other, just as I had designed them, then again in the same row they will be pushed to align them on the right side of the table below, The difference will be and the chart on the right. How can I "disconnect" the table from the chart, as if the chart does not care where the table ends, and they are only pressing between each other without any intervals < / P> It is like this: [chart] [chart] [chart] [chart] [table ------------- --- -] And I want to: [chart] [chart] [chart] [chart] [table ----- - ----------] I found out that To decide Ta

php - Having problems changing the font in a table row -

यह काम नहीं करता है: $ display_table। = "& Lt; td width = '377 'ऊंचाई = '15' वर्ग = 'विज्ञापन_लाइनलाइन_फॉन्ट' & gt; $ पंक्ति [शीर्षक] & lt; / td & gt; "; यह एक 'mysql' फ़ील्ड से, लेकिन मानक पाठ में ... शीर्षक पाठ को क्यों प्रारूपित करता है? और तालिका में कोई वर्ग नियुक्त नहीं होता है इसे करने के लिए ... और शैली = या तो काम नहीं करता है ... धन्यवाद सीएसएस शैली: .ad_headline_font {font-family: "प्लाटिनो लिनोटाइप", "बुक एंटीकिया", पैलेटिनो, सेरीफ; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 14px; फोंट की मोटाई: बोल्ड; रंग: # 0 सी 9; } मुझे लगता है कि समस्या वह फोंट है जिसे आपने चुना है। मुझे नहीं लगता कि ये आपके ब्राउज़र में रेंडर करेंगे। मैं सुझाऊंगा कि आप मानक फ़ॉन्ट्स का उपयोग करें।

ASP.NET Ajax - Using jQuery BlockUI in two places; can I unblock a specific div? -

I am using the jQuery blockUI plugin (v2) because it is the rocks of Casabai. ASP.NET is created on the AJAX request page for each, I use the InitializeRequest and EndRequest client side events to block and unblock UI, respectively - this gives me "Please wait ..." The ease with which the dialog is thrown is to get the code as follows: var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance (); Prm.add_endRequest (EndRequest); Prm.add_initializeRequest (InitializeRequest); Var Blocktime; Var blockTimerFired; Function InitializeRequest (sender, args) {blockTimer = setTimeout (block page, 100); BlockTimerFired = false; } Function Endquest (Sender, Args) {unblockPage (); } Function unblockPage () {// Check that the timer has run yet, and if it is not, Cancel it (blockTimerFired) { = "default"; $ .unblockUI (); } And {explicit timout (blocktimer); }} Function blockpage () { = "wait"; Var loadingMessage

javascript - Hiding a div using JQuery -

I want to hide a div using javascript, as soon as the page gets loaded in the browser. Enabled, if I use the following code: document.getElementById ("div_id"). Style.display = 'none'; But, when I try to use JQuery for the same thing, I think that after the page has load the div appears for a few seconds, and then it JQuery code I is used $ (document) is hidden .ready (function () {$ ("# div_id"). CSS ('display', 'none') ;}); If I use $ ("# div_id"), then it happens. Hide (); That's because IM using a library, which will be slow, rather than using a little bit of process directly. GetElementById? . First, use .> Hide $ ("# div_id") ); . This is more idiotic for jQuery. Second, this is because you are using $ (document). Usually, until the DOM becomes available for use, it does not float the event. However, the way in which bindReady () is applied, this event may be equivalent to the oll

AIX- Does not install shared lib -

मैं साझा ऑब्जेक्ट का निर्माण करते हुए सफलतापूर्वक "देशी" संकलक "xlc" का उपयोग कर साझा ऑब्जेक्ट को बनाने में सक्षम हूं। लाइब्रेरी पर साझा ऑब्जेक्ट लाइब्रेरी स्थापित नहीं करता है। कमांड कॉन्फ़िगर करें: ./configure --prefix = / PATH / to / install --exec-prefix = / PATH / to / install --enable- साझा किए गए --enable-static = no --enable-module = so --build = powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0 --होस्ट = powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0 एलडीएफएएलजीएस = "- जी-शेयर्ड" < / P> किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी? तो आप साझा करने के लिए संकलन करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं लाइब्रेरी स्थान। अगर आप अपनी स्थानीय निर्देशिका से संकलित / लिंक कर सकते हैं तो मुझे यह सलाह मिलेगी। यदि वह काम करता है, तो नई लाइब्रेरी को सही निर्देशिका में कॉपी करने का प्रयास करें। हो सकता है कि पुराने प्रक्रिया पुस्तकालय कुछ प्रक्रिया द्वारा खुला है और इसलिए ओवरराइट नहीं किया जा सकता। क्या आपको कोई त्रुटि संदेश मिल रहे हैं?

syntax - Blogger template: Style blog post based on label -

I am trying to change the style of a blog post (for example the title changes color), related labels To post on the basis. I'm a bit new to templating, so although I have the title & lt; H3 & gt; The element must add a class with the label, and then add my CSS rules. So I came to know which would generate a proper list of labels separated from one place: However, it appears that the evaluator does not follow me in class attribute like this: From there, I found a half solution, obviously, I should use class Xp instead of class: So now: - How can I create this variable data: list_of_labels? (Originally to set a variable) - Is there a complete description of template syntax? - is there another way to go around this? Thank you, JB It should do this by using XML entities Bypass XML validation and where Blogger Functions can transfer them. Long term description: & amp; Lt; Div class = & amp; Quot; Post & lt; B: if cond = "d

wcf - Type 'System.Web.HttpRequest' cannot be serialized -

I am trying to design a picture upload feature in a web site. I am using ASP.NET 3.5, C # and WCF. I have been asked to complete the following: 1) Make the uploader a web service 2) The progress of the user as the upload of files Return updates. 3) Log in other relevant user-selected options in the database. Therefore, I started by creating a WCF web client with the service contract below: IService.UploadPictures (HttpRequest request); Private Uploadservice client uploads; Protected Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventAgds E) {upload = new UploadServiceClient (); Upload.UploadPictures (Request.Files); } When I compile, I get the following error: Type 'System.Web.HttpRequest' can not be serialized. Consider marking it with DataContractAttribute, and marking all its members that you want them to be serialized with the DataMemberAttribute attribute. So, I went back to my service contract and changed [Operation Contract] to [Data Contract]. But there was a

c# - Can someone explain this short line of code to me? -

bool stop = false; Int f1 = 1; इंट f2 = 2; Int f3 = 0; Int sum = 2; जबकि (रोक!) {F3 = f1 + f2; राशि + = एफ 3% 2 == 0? F3: 0; // यह एक स्टॉप = एफ 3 & gt; 4000000? सच: गलत; // और यह एक एफ 1 = एफ 2; F2 = f3; } यह सशर्त ऑपरेटर क्या है? यह पहली बार मैंने इस तरह से कुछ भी देखा है। रेखा: < प्री> sum + = f3% 2 == 0? F3: 0; // यह एक समान है: यदि (f3% 2 == 0) sum + = f3; और राशि + = 0; जो निश्चित रूप से के रूप में फिर से लिखा जा सकता है यदि (f3% 2 == 0) sum + = f3; और रेखा रोक = f3 & gt; 4000000? सच: गलत; // और यह एक समान है यदि (f3 & gt; 4000000) stop = true; और रोक = झूठे; या बेहतर अभी तक: रोक = f3 & gt; 4000000;

php - How to force a browser to show the latest changes to a CSS file? -

I made some changes to the CSS file on a PHP site. Changes do not appear In any browser, I do not hold the CTRL key on it and the browser's refresh Click the button. This means that most users are not going I immediately change the css files (css file name How can I show the browser? When adding a stylesheet, add a unique string as a query string. Here is an example & lt; Link href = "style.css? & Lt;? = Filemtime (" style.css ")? & Gt;" Rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" />

ruby - How do I group content according to date (Rails) -

I am trying to display group content that is simultaneously on display for display, such as date Only once is posted and October 14, 2009 item 3 item 3 content item 2 item 2 Content October 13, 2009 item 1 item 3 content How can I view it? (Suppose @ etams are being passed by controller, which contains all the items) I have tried the group, but I can not get it to work as it seems Code in question: To see the problem in a live deployment / P> 1) Replace line 5 with app / controllers / items_controller.rb: @items = item (ADRE = & gt; "h Replace DESC ") 2) Replace row 3-14 of app / scene / item / index.html.erb: & lt; % Date = (@ Rescue zero # days @ increments @ item.each do item | If the date & gt; date = & gt; & Lt; Div style = "background: # 81 beef 7; margin-top: 5px; margin-down: 5px;" Class = "round" & gt;

jquery - How to scroll to an element after expanding with slideToggle? -

Scroll is not scrolling to a division that spreads past the page ... any suggestions? ("1.3", "scroll to 1.42"), "toggleable" ("fast", $ .scrollTo (swindev, "slow")) function toggle callspossible (owner div) { (";;} You tried the code and this job Does, but you have forgotten to specify that, $. ScrollTo is a Anonymous function ( slide-toggle callback after the tagging ends) Should be inside and it is also scrolled down to the bottom of the page. Function Toggle ColspyBee { (". Cumulative"). Slide Toggle ("Fast", Function () {$ .scrollTo (Swamdiv, "Slow");}); Toggle collapsable ($ ("# target"));

java - Apache James as a transparent SMTP proxy? -

I'm thinking of building my own transparent SMTP proxy to process outgoing mails. I found that already it seems like what I want. Can I use some headers to add and modify content to create a transparent SMTP proxy? Or should I go for pure? James is a good fit for this kind of scenario. The good thing about this setup is that During mail processing, James will take care of all retries and other matches. Adding the header is trivial with the right merit. I used James in the past to send personalized e-mails to bulk. Returning Mail by Processing (Bounce, Out of Office Notice) You can extend the behavior of your e-mail application.

select - How to wrap a CLI program in Python (keeping the interactivity)? -

I want to write a cover for an interactive CLI program (ASTERIER CLI). Actually, I need to keep in touch with CLI (with tab-ending), but I want to filter the output of the asterisk so that only lines are shown to match the given pattern Able to I tried) based approach, using popen.popen4 and inserting strings stdout_and_stderr and sys.stdin in read_fs, but it does not work in some way. Can someone give me some good sign? Thank you very much, Andrea Pexpect can be useful to you: / P> Description from the webpage: "Pexpect is a Python module for dispersing child applications, controlling them and responding to expected patterns in their output. Pexpect automates interactive applications like SAS, FTP, password, Telnet etc. Pure Python. "

python - Selenium IDE - can't select "table" tab -

Can anyone tell me why I can not select the "Table" tab? Pic: Which format would you use are doing? I think the table is only available in HTML. Select option / format / HTML from the menu and tab tab tab should be activated.

php - Adding a row to a table dynamically -

$ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {var refreshId = setInterval (function () {periodicRefresh () ;}, 9000);}) । समारोह periodicRefresh () {$ .ajax ({type: 'GET', url: 'शामिल / एजेक्सएक्शन.एफ़पीपी ', डेटा: "एक्शन = डिस्प्लेलेस्टएवेंट", सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (msg) {var newid = $ (msg) .attr ("id"); वर्तमान = $ ("# सूची tr: प्रथम")। (0) .आईडी; अगर (न्यूड! = वर्तमान फ्प्रर्रो) {$ ("# सूची")। प्रीपेड (msg); पिछलेरो = चालू -19; $ ('#' + आखिरी) .remove ();}}}) ; } तालिका की पंक्ति किस तरह दिखती है इसका एक उदाहरण यहां है: & lt; tr id = "5094" style = "background: white;" & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "tdstd" & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; यह जानने के लिए थोड़ा मुश्किल है, कैसे पता नहीं कैसे XML " AjaxActions.php "और आपके AJAX कॉल स्वरूपित है। इसके अलावा, मैं यह सोच रहा हूं कि "currentfirstrow" एक वैश्विक जावास्क्रिप्ट परिवर्तनीय है

Turn on a little engine with the iPhone -

I want to turn on a little engine with the iPhone I mean, using a 30-pin cable and connecting some cable To the engine Which code do I have to write? And most importantly, is it possible or just a dream? Maybe you want to? The external accessory framework provides support for communication with external hardware connected to an iPhone OS based device, using a 30-pin dock connector or wirelessly Bluetooth. See also the apple.

qt - How to find global position of text cursor? -

I would like to execute an object in the position of the text cursor in one my problem is that only the text (character of the indicator) Defined by your situation. How do I get a global status of QTextCursor ? Do I want to know the status of the text cursor, where I would like to open my QMenu thanks to me, do I get more from QTextCursor Should use the object? Advance I have never tried myself, but does not work? It should give you the position of the cursor in the viewport coordinates. After this, you can use the viewport to use the local situation globally.

python - positioning sound with pygame? -

Is there a way to make panning or 3D sound in Pygame? I have found the only way to control sound playback, which is to set the quantity for both left and right channels. You are right - manually adjusting the Pygame self-channel version manually, There is no high-level approach (and it seems that it only supports stereo). The best way to do 3D audio, especially for the game is to use Unfortunately, there is no way in this thing in Pygame (note that in the next version of Pygame, "A" Is the OpenGL library). , However,. I have never tried mixing Pygame and pyglet, though - I wonder if it will work?

c# - Can a web app access and modify the registry of Windows? -

I'm writing desktop app in C # for a while, but I am disappointed with the fact that not everyone .NET 2 or higher have been installed. I do not have the option of upgrading the system to meet my needs. My app is mostly utilities that run with the main program, the company I have worked for is that. They use the file system and the registry as being relatively new in programming, I was thinking that running these devices on the web will solve some of my problems but I do not know that the web app is available in Windows Parts can be accessed I was thinking of writing these web applications in Rail or ASP.NET. So my question is this. Can a web app access and modify Windows registry and file system? Thank you. No, "Web applications" like ASP.NET or Rail applications run on the server alone and Only serve clients HTML. Therefore, all client-side code can do JSRs running in browser sandbox, i.e. no file access or registry access. You can still install an active X

How to select div in table cell using jQuery -

मेरे पास निम्न तालिका संरचना है: & lt; tr & gt; & Lt; th & gt; & lt; लेबल = "ctl00_bodyContent_username" के लिए & gt; उपयोगकर्ता नाम: & lt; / लेबल & gt; & lt; / th & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "फ़ील्ड" & gt; इनपुट नाम = "ctl00 $ bodyContent $ username" type = "text" id = "ctl00_bodyContent_username" / & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "जानकारी" & gt; & Lt; div class = "message" & gt; आपको क्या जाना चाहिए? & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "मान्य" & gt; यूज़रनेम उपलब्ध & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "invalid" & gt; यह उपयोगकर्ता नाम पहले से ही लिया गया है & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; मैं क्या हासिल करने के लिए देख रहा हूं, जब पाठ बॉक्स # ctl00_bodyContent_username फोकस हो गया है, तो डि डिव। संदेश (डिफ़ॉल्ट प्रदर्शित है: कोई नही

c# - How to wait for thread to finish with .NET? -

I have never threaded in C #, where I need two threads, as well as main UI threads. Basically, I have the following. Public Zero StartAction () {// Starting Thread .... Thread T1 = New Thread (New Thread Start (Action 1)); T1.Start (); // Now, I want to wait for `t1` to finish the main thread (which is calling the 'start' action 'method). I have made an event for `action1` for this // I want to start with` t2` ... thread t2 = new thread (new threadstart (action 2)); T2.Start (); } So, essentially, I have to wait for a thread to end someone else. What is the best way to do this? I can see 5 options available: 1. Thread Add with Mitch's Answer But it will block your UI thread, however you have a timeout built for you. 2 Rhusherpal Use manual rsset a hacked as jrista suggests Have given. One thing to note is that if you want to wait for multiple threads, then WaitHandle.WaitAll () will not work by default, because it is called MTA Thread i

javascript - prettyPhoto and Ajax-loaded content -

I am currently working on a small product display page which loads beautiful photo-enabled galleries through AJAX. The problem is that, beautifulPhotos does not work on images that started after loading the page. I understand that I need to restart beautifulness after new material load, but how? I have tried to add prettyPhoto.init (); The page that has returned to the code - which does not work Here is the page I am working on: I ended up looking for two solutions. First and foremost was putting this whole bit: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("a [rel ^ = 'prettyphoto']"). PrettyPhoto () ;}); In AJAX callback, not prettyPhoto.init (); The function I was calling earlier There was some luck with using the API instead of the beautiful photo that I had to re-load again. Hope this helps someone

Getting character from the Unicode code-point - C++ -

I have two questions. 1 - I get unicode code-points and how do I get this character connected to the code-point? Something like this: int code_point = 0xD24; Four * chr = (four *) code_point; But the above code fails to throw exceptions. 2 - Suppose code-point is stored in a file and I read the code-point for the string, how do I convert it to a valid Unicode string? I'm looking for a forum independent solution, any help would be great! Have you seen this project? According to the site, ICU is a mature, widely used composite of C / C ++ and Java libraries, which provides unicode and globalization support for software applications. ICU is widely portable and offers the same results across all platforms and between C / C ++ and Java software.

multithreading - C# exception: Key is not present in the dictionary -

I have a little problem Sometimes, when I try to call the following code, the message An exception with the message "Exception key does not exist" throws. Personal dictionary & lt; IPAddress, ARPHostEntry & gt; DIPHostTable; Private dictionary & lt; MACAddress, ARPHostEntry & gt; DMACHostTable; Public Hostet () {dIPHostTable = New Dictionary & lt; IPAddress, ARPHostEntry & gt; (); DMACHostTable = New Dictionary & lt; MACAddress, ARPHostEntry & gt; (); } Add Public Zero Hot (ARP Host Entry Error) {Lock (DAMextstable) {if (DAMexttable.contentkey (ARFentry.mac)) {DAMextstable. Raviv (ARFentry.mac); } DMACHostTable.Add (arphEntry.MAC, arphEntry); } Lock (DIP Hosttable) {if (DIP HostTable.Connentki (ARFentry.IP)) {DIP Hosttable.rive (ARFentry.IP); } DIPHostTable.Add (arphEntry.IP, arphEntry); The class ARPHostEntry is a simple calss in which an IP address and an associated MAC address where both fires in this class are only readable, the prog

terminology - Simulator or Emulator? What is the difference? -

However, I understand that I'm almost always confused about the meaning of simulation and emulation. Suppose I will make a piece of software that mimics the existing hardware / software, what should I say? A simulator or an emulator? What can explain the difference in programming? Bonus: What is the difference between English between these two words? (Sorry, I'm not a native speaker): emulation, externally imitating observational behavior The process of doing is to match the existing goal, the internal state of the emulation system does not accurately reflect the internal state of the target, which is simulating it. Simulation, on the other hand, involves modeling the underlying position of the goal. The end result of a good simulation is that the simulation model will emulate the target that it is simulating. Ideally, you can check the simulation and inspect the properties, which you see in the original goal, you will also see this. In practice, there are some

linux - Installing python on 1and1 shared hosting -

I am trying to install Python in a shared Linux hosting account. A good guide to this address: Although I have been stuck at step 6, which is: "Install". The error I get is as follows: (UI): u58399657: ~ / bin / python & gt; Can not create directory / ~ / bin / python / bin / usr / bin / install: directory `/ ~ ': create permission denied directory / ~ / bin / python / lib / usr / bin / install: directory` Update: To fix the above error is an alternate version of the configured phase, but this Bar I get a different error: (uiserver): u58399657: ~> CD Python - 2.6.3 (User): u58399657: ~ / Python-2.6.3 & gt; Configure .configure -prefix = ~ / bin / python: Error: --prefix is ​​expected to have an absolute directory name: ~ / bin / python (uiserver): u58399657: ~ / Python-2.6.3 & gt; is a small version, it seems that you have the prefix ~ / bin / python / bin / python it is usually - prefix = path with configured

Can I use the Oxygene free command line compiler to develop open source code? -

I just downloaded the oxygen free command line compiler, and tried to read the EULA, which I do not quite understand Found. There was a section about compiled programs and redistribution, but I did not really understand what it meant, as I was older to talk about the actual package I bought and installed, and I There was nothing to do with compiled programs using the compiler. I am not sure if I can post the EULA here because it can also be subject to my copyright, so I apologize for that inconvenience too. So can I use the compiler to write open source programs and libraries? You can not write open source programs and libraries only. The compiler is free as a free beer: you can be drunk with it too. This means that you also allow (and sell) commercial applications with the free command line compiler. So it's fun :)

netbeans - Building Java Programs -

I have a group of sub-directories including .java and .form files. How do I create this program ? I'm sure this program is also capable, so I have to do something wrong. I am used to writing the C / C ++ program, where I can make the path to Bus-I / GCC. Anyway, I am using Netbeen on an Ubuntu system. Here is the tree production: . | - SimpleSarvadivi | - Sweepcllator. | | - collector.form | | - | `- Sweep Pursuit. Java | - Agfar | - BaseFunction Module | | - BaseFactory module Class | | - BaseFactory module.Java | | - getAction.class | `- | - n1996a module | - Connection.class | | - Connection.Java | | - N1996a.class | | - | `- n1996sweep.class | - newSquirrelSweepManager | - Older | - Squirrels | | - Main. Class | | - Maine.Java | | - actionalist.class | | - | | - Commanderparser class | | - | | - Squirrel Action. Class. | - Squirrel Action. | - SquirrelLogger.Class | | - Gilillologger.Java

.net - shall i cache a 5 kb file? -

User is using a handler to provide user service if the client can read an avatar file system and write binary Does not hold innovation. Is it 5kb Novara.JP is to cache in memory and serve there? I'm worried because Avatar handler gets lots of requests. I say yes , cache it here only to write you the only value Will happen. After that there is an option to leave it in the cache, so your app can dynamically adjust system conditions.

javascript - decreasing font size in a text box dynamically -

Is it possible to dynamically control the font size in the text area / text box, so that the user decreases during the type ? (I.e. i + 1 is smaller than character i ) thanks Post-text "itemprop =" text "> No, it's not possible in text field or text box. The font-size specified for those controls will affect all those text. However, if you regularly visit & lt; Div & gt; You can achieve the effect by using and make your content editable, such as in WYSIWYG editors. A simple example.

c# - WPF: Error using a custom control in the ItemTemplate of another custom control -

I have a custom control library where I have many custom controls that I use in my main application. I have a simple custom control that lets the user select the pen thickness value from Cambodia. Now, I'm creating a new custom control on the listboxes, and I want to add pen thickness combobox to the new custom content item's matmplate. I am getting this error: "Can not make an example of" LineThink's Combobox "defined in the Assembly Custom Control ... Exception removed from the goal of a greeting 'Custom Control' on the object in the markup file '10_T'; component / themes / customlistbox.xaml '. Here is the XML and code for LineText ColomboBox: Namespace Custom Control (public class line dictation Umbabox: combo box) {publicStyleKeyProperty .override metadata (typef (lineTextunes combo box), new frameworkproportematataata (typef (lineTextunesCombobox))}}} and lineTickness combobox. In XML: & lt; resource tools xm

xaml - How do I make an asterisk line up with surrounding text in WPF? -

I am trying to create an asterisk line with text / graphics rather than above. I thought there would be a solution to implement a negative baseline offset, but it does not have any effect. Here is the document for TextBlock. Basel Offset Properties: Property Price Type: System. Double The amount by which each line of the text is offset from the baseline, double the free pixels in the device. NN indicates that an optimal baseline offset is automatically calculated from the current font attributes. The default is double. Nan Remarks The baseline is the imaginary horizontal line with the base of each character> the line of text is aligned. Sample markup: & lt; TextBlock Name = "Reader Indicator" Grid. Column = "0" vertical alignment = "center" fontweit = "bold" fontSize = "24" baseline offset = "-10" text = "*" /> Question: Why is not the baseline offset for me? Am I using

format - Human-readable binary data using Python -

My work requires that I do a mathematical simulation whose parameters come from a binary file without a simulator problem such as binary Can read the file. However, I need to look inside the binary file to ensure that I need them, and I do not think it's capable of doing this. I would like to write a script in Python which will allow me to read in a binary file, search for parameters, and display their values. What do I know about binary files: It represents simple text (as opposed to an image or sod file). It is a piece of code that can "dump" the file in the "readable" format: If I open that dump in Amax, then I will find things like this: CENTRAL_BODY = 'SUN ' All files are just a series of similar instructions. I can use that dump code, but I have so much that it is so. This is a very trivial question, and I apologize for not knowing better. I thought I was a skilled programmer! Many thanks. It seems that this 'dump'

Why do I get an error when I try to create a rebol object from another one using reflection -

& gt; & gt; उदाहरण: वस्तु बनाएं! [[Var1: 10 [var2: var1 + 10 [var3: अब / समय [सेट-टाइम: करता है [var3: अब / समय] [गणना करें: फ़ंक [मूल्य] [[var1: मान [var2: मान + 10 [] [] & Gt; & gt; & Gt; & gt; उदाहरण 2: वस्तु बनाएं! तीसरा उदाहरण ** स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: कोई भी इसकी मान तर्क गुम नहीं है ** करीब: गणना: फ़ंक्शन [मूल्य] [var1: मान var2: मान + 10]> gt; & gt; तीसरे उदाहरण के मूल्यांकन को रोकने के लिए कैसे? सबसे अच्छा तरीका संभवत: निर्माण / का उपयोग करना है - यह किसी एक मौजूदा वस्तु के आधार पर एक वस्तु बनाता है। उदाहरण ऑब्जेक्ट प्लस के आधार पर ऑब्जेक्ट बनाने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त फ़ील्ड: उदाहरण 2: निर्माण / साथ [अतिरिक्त-फ़ील्ड: 99 9] उदाहरण या केवल एक ही फ़ील्ड के साथ बनाने के लिए उदाहरण 2: उदाहरण के साथ / [उदाहरण]

jquery - Execute JavaScript function with externally loaded link -

I will accept that the title is a bit confusing but it is difficult to come up with the best one. OK, so I have 3 pages, the first is the main page that the user loads and the second 2 which is going to load in the main page with JEL. Here is the JavaScript code on the first page: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# mainWrap"). CSS ({width: 300px ", height:" $ ("[Name = loadRegisterForm] '). (Function () {$ (" # mainWrap "); $ (" # mainWrap "); $ (" module / web / loginForm.php "); $ ('[Name = loadRegisterForm]') .load (" module / web / registerf.php ");});}); Firstly in this page The entry loads the form and then he hears for a link that will be loaded by the register form when loaded. Link Login For I am in the load which is loaded, but unfortunately this does not work. What am I doing wrong? I have tried to put a link on the main page with the javascript code and it works Is it just th

How to check for a duplicate email address in PHP, considering Gmail ( -

How can I check a duplicate email address in PHP with the possibility of automatic labeler of Gmail Punctuation in mind? For example, I want to get them identified as duplicates: Username + Label @ Gmail .com In spite of this, Daniel A. White claims: In Gmail, the dots at random places before '@' (and label) are as much as you'd like and are actually the same users. $ email_parse = explosion ('@', $ email); // Check whether there is a "+" and return the string before $ before_plus = strstr ($ email_ [0], '+', TRUE); $ Before_at = $ before_plus? $ Before_plus: $ email_parts [0]; // remove "." $ Before_at = str_replace ('.', '', $ Before_at); $ Email_clean = $ before_at '@'. $ Email_pairs [1];

r - Complex object initialization scope issues with nested functions -

OK, so I'm trying to use S4 classes to create a very complex object, in which the slots With half a dozen matrix, some lists, and possibly a kitchen sink or two there. The object is started by referring to a configuration object and opening it, which I have already defined, it is easy to define the class with I SetClass (), but in the setMethod ("Start") Difficulty finding a great way to set up slots. The problem is that I need to set specific elements of those half-a-dozen matrix based on the parts of those configurations. For each element of the configuration object, I have to set specific elements of several metrics. Note that the matrix functions are in the scope / environment to start. Then I've nested the function within the start of that function, which is the actual assignment for the matrix, or anyway the idea. Those functions can certainly see , but they can not modify because the < - The operator creates a new matrix if the original variable wa

c++ - Why does write() to pipe exit program when pipe writes to stdout? -

I have a server application that allows a popayan ("My Command", "W") file descriptor in a different thread Writes and if the command popen () passes the results to stdout or stderr in any output, my application exits. However, this is only a problem when my server application was implemented through inetd, if I have used ssh to launch the server, then there is no problem in it. Similarly, when my server application reads from a popon ("MyCommand2", "r"), the file descriptor in a separate thread and if the result of the command pass () is stderr (stdin Moving on my pipe), then the application exits, then it only happens with inetd summoning, not summoning ssh. You need to close all existing FDA processes before opening the pipe, then the I / O redirection thereof The reason is that if inetd, the process runs in the form of a daemon. - redirecting a page link and changing page text based on link -

OK I'm not sure the question title is really correct, the novice web developer is here with me. There is an ASP.Net Webstist running on IIS 6.0 - so here's the problem: I have two pages called Page 1 and Home - You can navigate both like, /home.aspx Page 1 is now going through many changes so that it can be seen much like home, except for some very small text changes. Create a page (say newhome.aspx) Which displays the correct text based on the URL of the link on which people clicked Existing links to this new page (and of course, the above requirements Appropriate text will appear as shown). I think they are similar, the line below I only want a page and everyone wants to be redirected to this new page as well as inheriting it. Thank you To ensure that the old Links still work, you can either: Put old pages there and use Response.Redirect () in Page_Load methods, and any type of question For example,

devtools - How to get VisualStudio 2010 cool tools without spending $12,000 -

We have a small god shop with 10 people, of which 3 are currently at. The new VisualStudio 2010 tool looks really good, and we want to use them - but it seems that many of them (historical debugging, UML equipment, test materials) are only going to be available in the final version. And its cost is $ 12,000 or about forty grand for three out of us (see for details). Given that the architectural visualization tool can be raised directly, which is about € 250 each (and more excellent) costs, we can not justify such expenses. / P> Now, we have a general MSDN business membership, but only we have got a VS team system, and I think we will not be final until 2010 end of 2010. Given that we have no use for the whole team Foundation server stuff, and just want Dev Tool, what can we do? Edit: Here is a list of Dev Tools (Excluding Database and "Testing Laboratory for Another Experiment") which is missing from the "Professional" version. An asterisk (*) means th

dos - Using xcopy in a batch file with %programfiles% -

I am trying to help in setting up a build project to use a batch file. As part of that process, I need to copy a lot of files from a temporary directory:% temp% \ wcu to a new directory in the% programfiles% directory. I am using the following command: xcopy% temp% \ wcu \ dotnetframework \ *. *% Programfiles% \ "Microsoft SDK \ Windows v6.0A \ BootStrapper \ Package \ Dotnet Ficks 35S1" / S The problem is that% programfiles% is "C: \ program Files "are leveled with one place and therefore the XPP throws a wobbly. How to get an idea on this? use quotes xcopy "% temp% \ wcu \ Dotnetframework \ * * "% Programfiles% \ Microsoft SDK \ Windows \ v6.0A \ Bootstrapper \ Packages \ DotNetFx35SP1" / S

Aliasing localhost in Tomcat -

I have a "quick" web application posted in the Tomcat5.5 version. Typically, I run this application using the URL, localhost / sharp and it loads the index.jsp file which is the home page of the application. I want the same application to use the URL, Is this server possible to do some configuration in XML or some other place? One way to do this is to modify the host files in the window - # localhost But, if possible, I want to do it in a tomcat way. Just leave the host name to all URLs (i.e. / quick Instead of using ), all your links will be local to the web server, the app on which it keeps running does not make any difference Which domain is it?

security - Cross site form post with external site on different domain -

We are adding our site to an external site using the form post. The form on our page will present the extenal site on a separate domain. Is this also possible? I thought it would be an injection attack. Yes it should be possible Make sure you have enough assumptions so that you do not post harmful data (and you are not responsible) I also hope that the other party has some server-side verification too.

java - GUI program, problem with tabbedpanes -

I am creating a GUI program using MVC that should look like this .. I I am thinking of creating input and display tabs in a window and panel class I panel square and then making two more classes, InputPlanel and Display Panel. Therefore, the content of this tab in the InputPanel will also be included in the Input tab and for the Performance tab. Is this a better way to design? Also, because there are 3 sections in the input tab (name and sentence, crime, button), should I create 3 panels or just 1 panel, in which all of them have been included? Instead of using three panels instead of your specific question To answer, I would suggest two things to rarely make a panel to create a widget. Therefore, for a question about a widget for name and sentence, for a crime "Is this a better way of designing" question? ... It sounds like you are learning, so I suggest that you do not pay much attention to the right way to do it. Paste it with your original design, after w

c# - How to get ListViewItem under MouseCursor while dragging sth. over it -

I drag & amp; Amp; Drop on a ListView I managed to get ListViewItem under the cursor before I left on it, but I would like to get ListViewItem under the mouse cursor while I'm pulling sth on the list view control I want to select the ListViewItem (selected = true) like in Windows Explorer when you are dragging files to a folder. I thought about events in ItemMouseHover, ListView is not removed while dragging MouseMove but sth Inno ... Hope That you can help me ... Regards, Ino .0 Have you tried to respond to dragover events in the listview class? You should be able to do it in this way. Private Zero List box_ragover (Object Sender, DragentRGS E) {// ListView var point = listView.PointToClient (new point (EX, EY)); Var items = listView.GetItemAt (point.X, point.Y); If (item! = Null) whatever - select it, etc.} //, listbox var indexOfItem = listBox.IndexFromPoint (listBox.PointToClient (new point (eX, EI))) ; If (indexOfItem! = ListBox.NoMatches) - {wh

Delete items older than a day - SQL Server -

I have a datatyme column in a table in my datatas that stores the record that has been added. When I run a stored procedure (considering the current time) How do I delete all records older than one day? Usage example: Delphi with your ability (Day, decididate), that column) & lt; -1

search - SQL Server ContainsTable not finding partial matches -

I'm trying to use ContainsTable to return a ranked list of results I am doing this fine when it gets the whole word, but it starts working for partial words. For example, if I search for 'ACU' then it does not seem to be 'Acquisition', I really need this to work with partial matches because it is useful to use "Likes" is not an option Because the results need to be weighted. Select Title Ranks. Join Course Course (Course, Carnite, 'ARQ') as rank, Course ID, Cortalila FRM TBL_LMS_CLICACLICRo Thanks class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> In what scenario, do you have to stop using a prefix term in the section? Join INNER (Course, Cortite, '' ACK * '') - .Net Framework Data Provider not found on host -

I have a working site using Linq to Entities on the MySQL database. Last night I created MySQL Connector 6.0 for .NET Was installed, and all was good on my local machine. I think that there is some GAC for migration to the host on the host now. Do anyone know what files I have to transfer and let me know about my web What should be done in config? 1) On the host machine, the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 should be installed. 2) Your application should be using MySql.Data.dll and MySql.Data.Entity.dll (for example, keep them in the bin folder of your application). 3) ADO The net provider should be registered in the application configuration file, such as: & lt; & gt; & Lt; DbProviderFactories & gt; & Lt; Remove invariant = "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" /> & Lt; Add name = "MySQL data provider" invariant = "MySql.Data.MySqlClient" Description = "Net Framework Data Provider for MySQL" type = "MySql.Data.

iis 6 - MVC on IIS6 - 'Home' links not working correctly -

I am deploying a MCV 1.0 project on a web server running IIS6. (I do not like) I have done through the article of Steve Sanderson's article and Phil Hack, but I still have problems. Right now I am trying to apply option 2 to the Steve Sanderson article . The main problem that I'm facing is with a home link that is not rendering correctly. For example, I have a follow-up in my site map: & lt;% = html.ActionLink ( "Home", "Index", "Home")% & gt; It presents on pages as http: //servername/JCIMS_Orange/Home.mvc which is not correct. But this link: & lt;% = html.ActionLink ("About", "About", "Home")%> presents ... http: //servername/JCIMS_Orange/Home.mvc/About which is correct My Global.asax register looks like the Routes function: Public static zero register routs {routes.IgnoreRoute ("{resource} .axd / {* pathInfo}"); New {controller = "home", action = "

c# - SqlConnection as a static singleton object -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग डीबी {सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक स्ट्रिंग कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग = वेब कॉन्फ़िगरेशन प्रबंधक.कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग्स ["कनेक्टस्ट्रिंग"]। सार्वजनिक स्थिर SqlConnection OpenConnection () {SqlConnection कनेक्शन = नया SqlConnection (connectionString); connection.Open (); वापसी कनेक्शन; }} मुझे इस तरह से कोड दिखाई देता है और यह गलत चिल्लाती है! यह एक (2.0) के लिए है। मैं इसे गलत समझता हूँ एक के लिए आपको एसक्यूएल कनेक्शन नहीं खोलना चाहिए और इसे वापस करना चाहिए और दो क्यों आप एक स्थैतिक SqlConnection बनाना चाहते हैं? यदि कई लोग इसे एक ही समय में उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं तो क्या समस्याएं पैदा नहीं की जाएंगी? मैं क्या कई समस्याएं एक ही समय में इसका उपयोग करने की कोशिश नहीं कर सकती हैं? पी> नहीं, कोई समस्या नहीं होगी क्योंकि प्रत्येक कॉल ओपन कनेक्शन () एक नया SqlConnection उदाहरण बनाता है इसका अर्थ यह नहीं है कि कोड अन्य कारणों से कचरा नहीं है। मैं कम से कम आशा करता हूं कि इस पद्धति को कॉल कुछ ऐसा दिखाई देगा: का उपयोग कर (var conn = db.OpenConnection

coldfusion - How to specify argument attributes in CFscript? (CF9) -

In CF 9 Doctor:, it says: / ** * an indication * Metadata Validation ... * / Access Return Type Function Function Name (arg1Type arg1Name = "defaultValue1" arg1Attribute = "attributeValue .... ., Arg2Type arg2Name = "defaultValue2" arg2Attribute = "attributeValue ..., ...) functionAttributeName =" attributeValue "... {body content} How do you specify Arg1Attribute ? I tried this: public void function setFirstname (string firstname = "displayname =" first name ") {} but it does not work . Also, how can you translate it into script-style? gt; & lt; / cffunction & gt; I tried: function setperson (Com.Person person) {} And it does not work too. "You can not use a variable reference in this context with the operator" " It is a documentation bug, no way to provide metadata for an argument in script block You can not signal, require, type, and defame, but nothing. I am asking ab

c# - why is this page method failing? -

I have my script manager, which are capable of apprentibles to enable. However, for some reason it is vigilant that I have failed. Public Partial Class _Default: System.Web.UI.Page {Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {} [WebMethod ()] Public Fixed String Test () {Return "q343242342342"; }} & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function CallMath () {PageMethods.test (On Success, On Falir); } Success on the ceremony (Results) {Warning (Results D); } Failure on function (error) {warning ('unsuccessful'); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Form id = "form1" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Asp: ScriptManager id = "ScriptManager1" runat = "server" EnablePageMethods = "True&q

php - How to add textbox dynamically? -

Help with this criteria? Users can add as many names as they want, as they can add the NAME link fulfills the purpose for this. How can I handle this specification? Please check the details given below: Thank you. Hope it gets cured. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function edifier set () {var namefieldset = document.getElementById ("name"). Clonnode (true); Document.getElementById ("name"). AppendChild (namefieldset); } Function deletefieldset (e) {var namefieldset = e.parentNode; Namefieldset.parentNode.removeChild (NamedFieldSet); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "name" & gt; Div id = "name" & gt; Name: & lt; Input name = "namefield" type = "text" /> & Lt; A href = "#" onclick = "deletefieldset (this)" & gt; Remove & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

redirect - How to supply many argv and outputredirection with one bash var? -

फ़ाइल a.lst में: in1.a in1.b & gt; Out1.a 2 & gt; Out1.b in2.a in2.b & gt; Out2.a 2 & gt; Out2.b सीएलआई = $ (sed -n -e "1 p" a.lst) perl $ CLI मुझे ऐसा करना चाहते हैं जैसे perl in1.a in1.b & gt; Out1.a 2 & gt; Out1.b , मैं इसे कैसे काम कर सकता हूं? मैं इसे परीक्षण नहीं कर सकता यहां, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि eval का प्रयोग करना ऐसा काम करेगा, इसलिए: eval perl $ cLI < / html>

embedded - Development Kit suggestions -

Working on a project POC that streams data from the US via WIFI: I need a development kit with WLAN (preferably 802.11g) and high speed USB device. CPU type, memory size etc. (even with only Ethernet 100M will be a kit) If anyone can recommend one or recommend a place to ask, then I would be most obliged. / P> Regards, Murkin If you are fine with Linux and to a third party Connecting WiFi module, you may want to look at ATSTK5xx. As Mouser sells eighty rupees as low and WiFi may be the other fifty Atmel FAE is probably a good place to start. If you are willing to spend a little more money, you can also consider and

javascript - How to select multiple files with <input type="file">? -

& lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "फ़ाइल" & gt; ? नया जवाब: HTML5 में आप एकाधिक 1 से अधिक फ़ाइल का चयन करने के लिए विशेषता। & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "फ़ाइल" नाम = "filefield" multiple = "multiple" & gt; पुराना उत्तर: आप केवल 1 फ़ाइल प्रति & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "फ़ाइल" / & gt; । यदि आप एकाधिक फ़ाइलों को भेजना चाहते हैं तो आपको कई इनपुट टैग का उपयोग करना होगा या फ्लैश या सिल्वरलाइट का उपयोग करना होगा।

Mapping custom enum classes with Fluent Nhibernate -

Reading and thinking from Jimmy Bougard - How is it possible to map those animals with fluent nhibernate? What does mapping look like for this? Public class employee type: calculation {public static text only Employee employee manager = new employee type (0, "manager"), servant = new employee type (1, "servant)"), Assistant Toriodial Manager = New employee type (2, "Assistant to Regional Manager"); Private employee type () {} Private employee type (int value, string displayname): base (value, displayname) {}} Ahh ... it was easy. In CodeCampServer - There is a general enumeration type class. Idea is simple - we need to wrap our domain model enumeration value with the enumeration type so that it maps to an integer (or anything if necessary).

flex - Flash media server alternatives for video streaming -

I'm looking for some free media servers for live streaming of video / audio, if it supports HD will be good ; It would also be nice if it is related to some .net, because I am making server side in < P> I've heard about good things, it's an open source FMS option that supports video and audio streaming.

c# - Write a method which accepts a lambda expression -

मेरे पास निम्न हस्ताक्षर के साथ एक विधि है: शून्य MyMethod (प्रतिनिधि डे) { }; शून्य MyMethod (अभिव्यक्ति एक्सपी) {}; शून्य MyMethod (वस्तु obj) {}; हालांकि, यह संकलित करने में विफल रहता है: MyMethod ((int a) = & gt; a) निम्न त्रुटि के साथ: "ऑब्जेक्ट टाइप करने के लिए लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति को परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि यह कोई प्रतिनिधि प्रकार नहीं है" यह काम क्यों नहीं करता ? संपादित करें: मुझे पता है कि यह काम करता है कंपाइलर इस मामले में मुझे लगता है कि लैंबडा अभिव्यक्ति को एक delgate में संकलित करता है। शून्य MyMethod (Func & lt; int, int & gt; d) {}; तरह का संबंध है, क्योंकि प्रकार system.Delegate isn एक "प्रतिनिधि" यह सिर्फ आधार वर्ग है आपको सही हस्ताक्षर के साथ एक प्रतिनिधि प्रकार का उपयोग करना होगा। निम्नानुसार अपना तरीका निर्धारित करें: शून्य MyMethod (Func & lt; int, int & gt; objFunc) संपादित करें: MyMethod (वस्तु ) काम नहीं करता क्योंकि लैम्ब्डा अभिव्यक्ति का कोई स्वयं का प्रकार नहीं है,

javascript - explorer: how to highlight text after using pasteHTML method? -

I replace the selected text with the pasteHTML method (HTML paste the text in the given text category, in which any The previous text and HTML elements are replaced by the category). In Internet Explorer var ran = Editor.selection.createRange (); Ran.paste HTML ('& lt; span style = "font-size: 20px;" & gt; example & lt; / span & gt;'); After the text is replaced, the selection disappears. How to highlight the previous selection (text) again? Thanks Paste HTML will delete the existing selection from the document, so I suppose You want to select the span that you have changed it. To do this, add an ID for the period, select TextRange by wrapping its text and choose it, as follows: var ran = Editor.selection.createRange (); Ran.paste HTML ('& lt; span style = "font-size: 20px;" id = "a_random_unique_id"> example ;); Var spanRange = ran.duplicate (); SpanRange.moveToElementText (document.getElementById (&q

java - Setting the size of panels -

I have 3 panels, a main panel with 2 small panels. For the main panel, I used setPreferredSize (new dimension (350, 190)); For the small left panel, I used setPreferredSize (new dimension (100, 190)); For the small right panel, I used setPreferredSize (new dimension (250, 190)); But smaller panels reside in the same size. How can I fix this? This is my main code in the panel import model. *; Import java.awt. *; Import javax.swing. *; Jepailel spreads in the public category panel {public panel (jail gel) {setup}; Construction (jail); } Private zero setup () {setBorder (BorderFactory.createLineBorder (; Set Layout (new border layout (1, 1)); Setpriffer Size (new dimension (350, 190)); } Private Zero Construction (Prison Gel) {JetBuddPan Tab = New JetBubben (); Tab.addTab ("Input", blank, new input pin (), "input"); Tab.addTab ("display", blank, new display panel (), "display"); (Tab); }} Do not do th