c# - How to get ListViewItem under MouseCursor while dragging sth. over it -

I drag & amp; Amp; Drop on a ListView I managed to get ListViewItem under the cursor before I left on it, but I would like to get ListViewItem under the mouse cursor while I'm pulling sth on the list view control

I want to select the ListViewItem (selected = true) like in Windows Explorer when you are dragging files to a folder.

I thought about events in ItemMouseHover, ListView is not removed while dragging MouseMove but sth

Inno ...

Hope That you can help me ...




Have you tried to respond to dragover events in the listview class? You should be able to do it in this way.

  Private Zero List box_ragover (Object Sender, DragentRGS E) {// ListView var point = listView.PointToClient (new point (EX, EY)); Var items = listView.GetItemAt (point.X, point.Y); If (item! = Null) whatever - select it, etc.} //, listbox var indexOfItem = listBox.IndexFromPoint (listBox.PointToClient (new point (eX, EI))) ; If (indexOfItem! = ListBox.NoMatches) - {whatever - select it, etc.}}  


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