
Showing posts from February, 2011

notepad++ - Regex to find all hrefs that contain a path but no "." (dot) -

I am a newbie, I try to create a regex in Notepad ++ to replace all href = "http I am doing this: // (Any series of Characters) " Essentially all I want to do is put the end / end of all the href, But only if this is the path of a file like this .html like it's So here's what I want to find href = "http: // www. (some paths in a directory) " but you can ignore href = "http: (some paths). Some extensions" and want to add a href that only Go to a directory and finally / / are unavailable using i regex: (Href = "http: \ / \ / www \. Reactivemail \ .com [^. *. * * * * * * *] and replace it with <1 / code> find it Is what i want with only the href file Finds this path with file extension and then ignores everything except instead of ignoring everything because it contains a dot It's a bit dangerous (see my comment on your question), but you ca

orm - Fluent NHibernate: rarely used properties as Component, or in seperate table? -

I wonder if you can help me with some of the things I was thinking that we have One unit says that there is an expandedInfo object in this regard, which has many properties which are not often used. I am thinking that FNH is the simplest thing that I understand that User Inform will be set as a Flint Anhehennet 'Component' of the User Entity so that the user table will have this form of column Flat is mapped in However, since it is not used very often, it would be better to store it in a separate table, and load lazy when necessary? How to do this is my best guess Any ideas on the best way to go here? Thanks Design issue: Mapping it as a component is easy to handle, the database schema becomes simpler, as well as handling this class when you map it to several-to-one , Then it requires an id when other types are using this UserInfo , then they need to be stored in the same table as well as you have to keep in mind that U The same example of serInfo is

database - Explicit Opening and Closing cursors -

I am reading on the database cursor, and I have noticed that every sample code opens up clearly and the cursor is closed Does . I used them only a few times and I have never had to do this. Can anyone tell me why it is necessary to do this? I know that you do not close the cursor, you can make a memory leak, but I have never had one. Thanks

WiTap Example in iPhone -

यह WiTap से कोड का निम्न भाग है, - (शून्य) भेजें: (Const uint8_t) संदेश {if (_outstream & amp; [_outstream hasspace उपलब्ध है]) यदि ([_ outstream लिखना: (const uint8_t *) और संदेश maxLength: sizeof (const uint8_t)] == -1 [स्वयं _showAlert: @ "सहकर्मी को डेटा भेजने में असफल"]; } - (शून्य) सक्रियव्यूः (टैपव्यू *) दृश्य {एनएसएलॉग (@ "एक्टिवेट टैग:% डी", [दृश्य टैग]); // [स्वयं भेजें: [दृश्य टैग] | 0x80]; [स्व भेजें: [दृश्य टैग]]; } - (शून्य) निष्क्रिय करेंदृश्य: (टैपव्यू *) दृश्य {एनएसएलॉग (@ "डीएक्टिवेट टैग:% डी", [दृश्य टैग]); // [स्वयं भेजें: [दृश्य टैग] & amp; 0x7F]; [स्व भेजें: [दृश्य टैग]]; } क्या वाईटाप का उपयोग कर फ़ाइल भेजना संभव है? भेजें विधि का उपयोग कर एनएसडीटा कैसे भेजा जाए? धन्यवाद यह संभव है लेकिन ऐसा करने का गलत तरीका है आप क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं मैं सिंपलनेटवर्कस्ट्रीम (यह नमूना का नाम) का उपयोग करने की सलाह देता हूं। अगर आपको कई कनेक्शन का उपयोग करना है, तो आपको इसकी जरुरत है

.net - How to use LINQ with ServiceModel.Channels.Message -

How can I use LINM with the service model? Channel. message? I want LINQ to use SOAP message body. I tried to do this initially: XElement elem = XElement.load (message.GetReaderAtBodyContents ()); But the piece of code complains that XMLReader should have EOF after the reading process. What is the right way to do this? OK, I think I found a solution: XDocument Document = XDocument.Parse (message.GetReaderAtBodyContents (). ReadOuterXml ());

c++ - backup reg hives -

I am able to open SAM, software, system RIR rings, but I do not have the next step to get them Known in a different backup folder? When I try to use the backup read API, I have been denied access. Any help is greatly appreciated! Backup: is not a magical function that gives you any file For starters, you need to run as a user with backup privileges. Secondly, you must respect the FilesNotToBackup registry key. You must call CreateFile with FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS . But also keeping in mind, I'm not sure this bet is in the way of registry backup.

integration - DSLs vs. Plain Old Libraries -

I was thinking about the question of DSL vs libraries recently. In my area, there is a problem with DSL (R, SAS and Matlab) is that they are a PITA to write another general purpose code and to integrate a PITA into more general purpose codes in other languages. I am not saying that is impossible, just annoying and disappointing Contrast with this approach, for example, a sample, which runs on the top of the language of general purpose and is probably as good as Matlab if it has existed for a long time And the amount of money that was invested in it. This allows you to work on a project where there are only a few numbers without the need for a whole bunch of fierce gum codes for interfacing between languages, to remember many syntax etc. Standalone DSL on a Plain Old Library for General Purpose? It seems that there is such obvious losses in terms of more difficult integration with more general purpose codes and there is another syntax to know that I do not understand why these D

maven 2 - Integrate Protocol Buffers into Maven2 build -

I am experimenting with protocol buffers in an existing, substantial Vanilla Maven 2 project. Currently, whenever I invoke a shell script every time I update my generated sources it is clearly a problem because I want to automatically generate the source before each build. Hope without shameful rage So, my question is two times: Long shot: A "protocol buffer plugin" for Maven 2 that achieves the above in an automagic way Can you? There is such a writer who took a shot after applying such a plugin. Unfortunately, it has been merged into protobe trunk or. The status of this plugin is thus unknown. Perhaps more realistic: the lack of a real plugin, how would I go about applying protoc to my maven? 2 build? I think I might be able to wire my existing shell script into an antrun orientation or something similar. Personal experiences are most appreciated. You will find some information about the plug-in available in the protocol buffers repository in the t

C# Callback problems -

I have a questionbellow with a callback because this form will be sent to another form by sending data to my Form 1 Open Form 2 and Form 2 I can help. Object from form1 to form2, but the result of form2 method should be returned to the callback in another form (example 3 form). I hope you understand my question .. fact It is that you have many forms that work on the same data, the better option is to set the data in a set of "models" sections which will give information to your form and keep any changes in the storage as needed. Can handle for It benefits when you have to deal with multiple variations of the same data, you can publish callback to model object for change information. Each forms subscribe to model events, which he cares and this means that any number can manipulate your model and retain the current position by reacting to all the form notifications. It does not take care of which form data is being tampered with and you do not have to pass anythi

PHP Regex remove unwanted data -

I would like to be able to remove content from a string of data. This is an example string of Google Maps APIs. Distance: 70.5 & amp; nbsp; # 160; M (approximately 1 hour 12 minutes) & lt; Br / & gt; Map data & amp; # 169; 2009 Google I like everything in the middle of the brackets () I then do I preg_split Can we remove everything from any side? : $ str = "Distance: 70.5 & amp; # 160; m (about 1 hour 12 minutes) Map data & amp; # 169; 2009 Google "; $ Start = strpos ($ str, '(') + 1; $ end = strpos ($ str, ')'); $ Content = substr ($ str, $ start, $ end - $ start); But if you are dead-set when using a regex: preg_match ($ str, '/ \ ((* *?) \ ) / ', $ Match); $ Content = $ matches [1];

php - Problems installing pear package (Failed loading /usr/lib64/php4/ -

The pear is trying to install the package and it is receiving a strange error. Do you have any light on that? Loading /usr/lib64/php4/ /usr/lib64/php4/ The shared object can not open the file : Any such file or directory full message: root @ www webapps] # Pears install - Aldep channel: //pear.php. Net / Soap-0.12.0 unsuccessful loading /usr/lib64/php4/ /usr/lib64/php4/ Can not open the shared object file: Any such file or directory Warning: Channel "" has updated its protocol, use "Channel-Update" to update pear / SOAP, peer installer (version> = 1.5.4) Required, the installed version is 1.4.9 Peer / Melmime Required Peer Installer (version & gt; = 1.6.0), the installed version is 1.4.9 peer / mail_memedecode requires Peer Installer (version> = 1.6.0), the installed versio

c++ - Optional parameter for reference to pointer? -

मैं दूसरे पैरामीटर को वैकल्पिक कैसे घोषित करूँ? टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; इनलाइन शून्य हटाएं (टी * और मेमोरी टूफ्री, टी * और मेमोरीटॉफ्री 2 =) {मेमोरीटोफ्री हटाएं; MemoryToFree = NULL; मेमोरीटोफ्री 2 हटाएं; MemoryToFree2 = नल; } मैं = ऑपरेटर के बाद कई चीजों की कोशिश की, जैसे कि नल, (टी *) नल आदि। क्या यह किया जा सकता है? संकलक मुझे एकमात्र तरीका क्या यह एक अधिभार का उपयोग कर रहा था ... टेम्पलेट & lt; typename टी, टाइपनाम टी 2 & gt; इनलाइन शून्य हटाएं (टी * एंड मेमोरी टूफ्री, टी 2 * और मेमोरीटॉफ्री 2) {Delete MemoryToFree; MemoryToFree = NULL; मेमोरीटोफ्री 2 हटाएं; MemoryToFree2 = नल; आप फ़ंक्शन को ओवरलोड कर सकते हैं टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; इनलाइन शून्य हटाना (T * & MemoryToFree) {Delete MemoryToFree; MemoryToFree = NULL; } टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T, typename टी 2 & gt; इनलाइन शून्य हटाएं (टी * एंड मेमोरी टूफ्री, टी 2 * और मेमोरीटॉफ्री 2) {Delete MemoryToFree; MemoryToFree = NULL; मेमोरीटोफ्री 2 हटाएं; MemoryToFre

php - BLOB Download Truncated at 1 MB Script Works for Files Less Than 1 MB -

I have just asked recently and have solved a question related to uploading PDF files which is more than 2 MB , Which is the Blobes in a MySQL database. I had to change some settings in my php.ini file and MySQL maximum packet setting. However, deciding this issue has helped me find a new issue with my script. Now since I can upload files to my Blob database, I tried to download the file for testing purposes when I went to open the PDF file, so I was very disappointed. I got the following error: Failed to load document (error 3) 'file: ///tmp/test-13.pdf' After further investigation I found that the file is being downloaded, test.pdf, only 1 MB , Which is slightly less than half of its size in the database of slightly more than 2 MB, it is obviously the cause of error. The following part of the code is part of my script which I downloaded files from the database I'm using to It is at the top of the script and works flawlessly for files less than 1 MB ($ _ $ $ key

Delphi's TFrames not keeping their size when reloading a project? -

I have a project with a lot of frames, and when I reload my project, its size width and At the height is 443x270, or around it. I keep frames on the runtime, but I believe I will design them at design time. I have a non-embedded, classic Uncoock Rai. Thank you I believe that your designs at secretly Do not set the frame alignment of the source frame. This should be none. Once you set the frame again, adjust it in the alkalinity (or do it in code, if you add a frame dynamically) < / Div>

parsing - Format C# Source Code with Hyperlinks to Reference Library Documentation -

I'm thinking that someone has done this beforehand. I want to format C # source code HTML. But with a twist! I want to turn on the names of all types and methods that appear in the code in hyperlinks to MSDN Library documents of types and methods. To get a good job, to determine the types of variables and expressions of expression, such as the C # compiler does this, then this is a long order if something like this is not available, please I would like to note any free libraries who can generate a tree with a C # source code parse in sufficient detail to do this work. (In fact, I would like to know about this kind of standalone parser library, even if I am asking for the complete solution to be present already.) This utility benefits the blog and the forum May be - even the stack too overflow! Have you checked out? This is an open source library that changes the .net document in HTML documents.

ruby - Rails app first form submit after application restart -

The application "ActionController :: InvalidAuthenticityToken" after restarting a Rail app in the production environment and submitting the entry form for the first time "Error" Everything works fine after submitting. Only application and controller parameters are used for the first request: {"action" => "Create", "controller" => "user_sessions"}. All form parameters including authentication tokens do not appear, which is the error The message will be deemed. By submitting the request of the post from the client on the basis of that form, I confirmed that the form has been submitted correctly (all the parameters are posted correctly) Setup Summary: Rail 2.3.3, Apache 2, Monarch Cluster, Default Cookie Session Store The local development environment is not the same problem.

python - How to perform a "Group By" query in Django 1.1? -

I've seen a lot about the consolidation of 1.1, but I'm not sure that it's easy to use How To By Group I am trying to use Zenzo's Sitemap Framework to create a Sitemap.xml file that allows Google to crawl all the pages of my site to search. Currently I am passing it on all the items, such as Model.objects.all () - although in fact in all cases only 1 per name is passed with the same name as 5 -10 models can be examples, but I want to give one to avoid only one duplicate. If I do something like this: Model Anatet (count ('name')) It gives me that What do I want, but then I'm not retrieving all the fields from the model - the code creates the code that will be forced to query again for each model to create a link to the sitemap. So when I retrieve all the areas of the model, how do I get it in group by name? Django models are lazy loaded. If your code runs in your model relationships such as a sitemap, then it will be the same amount of ov

objective c - Rotation Portrait Landscape with 2 XIB -

I have got 2 GUIs and 2 controller 1 is called Landscape Control Controller and the second is called HyigiController. Now generally I call the HiigiCentroner, and when I rotate my iPhone it detects it and then it shows the Landscape Control Controller: Code: < Code> Landscape Control Controller * neu = [[LandsuGuentron Alok] initWithNibName: Zero Bundle: Zero]; [Self current model visual controller: Ni animated: yes]; [Remove from Self Modul Vij Controls permission: Yes]; The problem is that the animation window then pushes the new window in the window from the window. In the Landscapeguo controller, I need the following lines: - (BOOL) should be metaActettoInterfaceAuthentication (UINPreferenceErroration) Interface Orientation {Return (Interface Orientation ==UINeterferErrorment Portrait); } When I want to return to the Hiigius controller, call me: [Self buffer modul control controller: * Yes]; All of these work, but only in the second animation I see th

mysql - I like the 70's, but that's just not right (PHP Time question) -

So I am storing the hidden field time () call with every entry of my DB. The only problem is that they all come in such a way: 16777215 Which is from the 1970s. I can not tell why it does not have a number, because it is not the beginning or end of the current timestamp, and it is the same for every entry, it is going in a medium (50) MySQL column, and the field looks like this: & lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "time" value = "& lt ;? php echo time () ;? & gt;" & gt; Is this a casting problem? I bet it is. Sunnova Gun let me check that ... So I changed the column to "Text" and it was entered correctly. So if I want to have a number to do this math, then I need to use php to change it before saving it? And just for curiosity, why chose that number first? If you are submitting dates, then I would suggest to use date types created in MySQL too Tax? You can make manual queries very easy by date verification (MySQL

types - Maximum value vs. size of long and double in .NET -

It is known that both long and double nat sizes are 8 bytes. However, double long enough store in large numbers Can do. How can it be that after digit point, there is also a need to accumulate figures of digits? Small version of the question: Mathematics.p. (2, 64) == tall .MaxValue Math.Pow (2, 64) & lt; Double. Maximum value The short answer doubles only stores the most important data, not the diagrams in all the digits. Like if you have double> maximum time value after the point of decimal, will not accumulate any information for the digits or any data on the left side of the DCMML point. View all the details

sql - mysql trigger stored trigger is already used by statement which invoked stored trigger -

I want to set a trigger so that in the forecast forecast area = 3, the trigger value changes 4 and the database In it saves it. The trigger is below For some reason I'm getting an error saying: # 1442 - The table in the stored function / trigger 'tzanalytic \ _forecast \ _cached' update Can not be done because it is already used by the statement which implements this stored function / trigger. Is this installed correctly? Delimiter $$ before creating an order for Trader no. Forecast; Update T Set T. Amendment = (if selected (@ prediction = '3', '4', @ estimate)) where t. Event_id = new.event_id and t.price_tier = new.price_tier; End; $$ delimiter; MySQL can not manipulate the tables assigned to them to trigger all others Major DBMS supports this feature, so it is expected that MySQL will add this support soon.

Need help with three visual studio errors - C++ errors occuring when trying to build solution -

When I try to create this project, I get the following error: < Code> Error C2182: 'Read_data': Use of Illegal Type 'Zero' error C2078: Many initial errors C2440: 'Start': 'std :: ofstream' can not be converted to int All of the above above my function is pointing to the call on line 72, which is the line: read record_data (printout, futput); I have seen these error codes on the MSDN site but were not able to describe what could be wrong describe it. Any thoughts / suggestions appreciate. #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; Fstream & gt; # Include & lt; Iomanip & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; using namespace std; Zero read_data (first and final, offream and output); / / East: Eaststream address & amp; The offream object function is passed to post // until the value of the data is read to zero print_data (offstream and fatup, string fan, string lamam, int largest, smallest in the end) at

wpf - ComboBoxItem to full width of ComboBox, when using SelectedIndex, or navigating keyboard? -

XAML के बाद "मेरी चीज" को कॉम्बो बॉक्स तक मैं कॉम्बो बॉक्स खोलता हूं, जब यह सही ढंग से फैलता है। & lt; कॉम्बो बॉक्स ऊँचाई = "30" चौड़ाई = "300" क्षैतिज सम्मलेन संरेखन = "स्ट्रेच" चुने गए इंडेक्स = " 0 "& gt; & Lt; कॉम्बोबॉक्सआईटम क्षैतिज कंटेंटएलिन्मेंट = "स्ट्रेच" & gt; & Lt; सीमा पृष्ठभूमि = "लाल" & gt; & Lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक & gt; मेरी सामग्री ... & lt; / TextBlock & gt; & Lt; / बॉर्डर & gt; & Lt; / ComboBoxItem & gt; & Lt; / ComboBox & gt; सवाल यह है कि ComboBoxItem प्राप्त करने के लिए संभव है, जब इसे SelectedIndex का उपयोग करके चुना गया हो? समान बग, या सुविधा तब होती है जब चयनितइंडएक्स अछूचित है (-1) और कोई भी कुंजीपटल का उपयोग करके आइटम का चयन करता है। वैकल्पिक रूप से एप की शुरुआत में कॉम्बो बॉक्स प्रोग्राम को खोलना है, जो कि बदसूरत है। / P> आपको अपनी सीमा की चौड़ाई को अपने बाहरी नियंत्रण की गतिशील चौड़ाई में सेट करना होगा:

Making a C extension to Python that requires another extension -

I have some Python functions that I use to make Pygame easier with game development. I found them in my python-path in a file named, so I can import them from any game. I thought of this as a practice to learn about the Python extension to convert this module into C. My first problem is that I need to use the function from Pygame, and I'm not sure that this is possible. Pygame installs some header files, but they are not the C version of Python Functions. Maybe I'm missing something How do I solve it? As an alternative solution, the function currently accepts a function parameter and calls it, but this is not the ideal solution. By using Windows XP, Python 2.6 and Pygame 1.9.1. / * sys.modules get dictionary * / PyObject * sysmodules PyImport_GetModuleDict (); PyObject * pygame_module; If (PyMapping_HasKeyString (sysmodules, "pygame")) {pygame_module = PyMapping_GetItemString (sysmodules, "pygame"); } Other {PyObject * initresult; Pyg

php - 304: Not modified and front end caching -

I am using PHP scripts to serve files. I would not like to send a 304 modified header in my HTTP response, if the client has not changed the file since the last time it downloaded, it is a feature in Apache (and most other web servers), but I have no clue about how this can be implemented through PHP. I do not appear in my $ _ server super array > ' $ _ server [' HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE '] < P> My question is not how to return a 304 header, but how will it be known that one should return? Edit: The problem is that my $ _ server ['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] is not set This is the contents of my .htaccess file : expires. Back type image on activity / JPEG "Amendment plus 1 month" time expires type image / png "Amendment plus 1 month" ends ByType Image / GIF Attach "Amendment plus 1 month" header cache control: "Required-Modify" & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteEngine On RewriteCond

c# - Lucene.Net TermQuery wildcard search -

I have a Lucene index, I'm trying to search wildcards I have one letter in the index, Like '234Test2343' I'm trying to look like a% test%. My suspicion syntax looks string catalog number = "test"; Term searchTerms = new period ("FIELD", "*" + list number + "*"); Query Query = New TermQuery (searchTerm); Do not get me the result back any thoughts? Thanks You can use one instead of a charity wild card , Appears to be a literal star. Please note that the performance of a WildCardQuery is usually very slow, when you are more likely to use two wild cards.

C++ stack overflow - visual studio 2008 -

I declared and started an array containing [100] [1000] [1000] character elements (100 MB) Not to mention the first time about a stack overflow. But when I'm going after it a while, it throws a stack overflow exception! I increased the stack reserve size - Project Option-> Linker-> 200,000,000 in the system- but this did not work! I'm working using 2GB RAM. How do I avoid more stacks than flow? Stop using the stack! Use Hep Memory!

Declare Member Variables with gen-class in Clojure -

I'm learning how to expand Java classes in Clojure, but I showed no way to declare a new member variable Does not; I only see a way for the methods. (ns test.aclass (: gen-class: methods [[foo [] string]])) Does anyone : members Is there another way to declare a keyword or member variable? If supplied, then a public with the given name The last example field will be created. To provide value to the state, you must supply a: init function. Note that, although the last, the state can be a referee or agent, which supports the creation of Java objects with transactions or asynchronous mutation words. An example of how it can be used. P>

XSLT Set difference but matching on a subsection of the node -

I have implemented it in a recursive fashion, but as most XML editors walk out of the stack space, I thought That there should be a more efficient solution there. I have looked at Jenny Tennison's fixed difference template: But something is slightly different. I need node parity that should be defined as conset (node ​​(.), @name). A predefined set of nodes is: & lt; A name = "Adam" & gt; & Lt ;! - Content is not cautious for equality purposes - - & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; B name = "berty" & gt; & Lt ;! - does not care about content for equality purposes - & gt; & Lt; / B & gt; & Lt; A name = "charly" & gt; & Lt ;! - does not care about content for equality purposes - & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; I want to know the subset of the nodes given below which are not in the list above: The result is after the set of nodes: I can not use the key to keep things secret

php - webapp vs. CMS - the same or not -

I think the classical definition of a CMS: this is a "webpad" whose main purpose is to handle "content" This is generated by our users (like all of us, the more content here and what we provide is the text and the code). I always got the impression that making CMS is really difficult but how? CMS is not just a webfone like any other I think many webapps are difficult to code in comparison to traditional CMSs. If I were to create a CMS like making any other webapp, would I be wrong? I think that you can consider CMS as another type of web application; The only thing is that there are a lot of functionality, both of which are necessary, and / or required by the users. Some of those that come to mind: Authentication / Access control For application But in every way And even, maybe, each area of ​​each type of content A small bit of Ergomony - especially if technical users Do not aim. Dealing with media (photos, videos, music, flash content,

.net - Clinical Lab Interface programming -

मैं एक। NET प्रोग्रामर हूँ। क्या कोई भी वेब आधारित संसाधन क्लिनिकल प्रयोगशाला इंटरफ़ेस प्रोग्रामिंग, सीरियल पोर्ट्स और एएसटीएमएच प्रोटोकॉल का उपयोग करते हुए? या किसी भी किताबें? जब मैं googled मैं ASTMH साइट है जो जाहिरा तौर पर मानक प्रकाशित प्रकाशित मेरी विशेष समस्या यह है कि मैंने एक लैब इंफो सिस्टम (एलआईएस) को एक सॉफ़्टवेयर एप्लिकेशन से कनेक्ट करने के लिए सी # प्रोग्राम विकसित किया है जिसे रिमिसोल 2000 नाम दिया गया है, जो कि कई बेकमन कोल्टर लैब सिस्टम के लिए एक एग्रीगेटर सॉफ़्टवेयर है। मेरा इंटरफ़ेस प्रोग्राम रिमिसोल 2000 से एसीके हैंडशेक पावती नहीं मिल रहा है मैंने सोचा कि मैं कुछ 'कैसे' या ट्यूटोरियल प्राप्त कर सकता हूं क्योंकि यह मेरा पहला एलआईएस इंटरफ़ेस है मैं देख सकता हूं कि क्या मैंने अपने दृष्टिकोण में कोई गलती की है। धन्यवाद, चक। शायद यह आपके आवेदन पर सीरियल पोर्ट सेटिंग्स के रूप में सरल हो सकता है? धारावाहिक कॉमिक्स को बॉड दर की आवश्यकता होती है, लिंक के दोनों किनारों से मिलान करने के लिए बिट्स और समता सेटिंग्स बंद करें। यदि वे मैच नहीं करते हैं तो

python - web2py - require selected dropdown values validate from db -

मेरे पास तालिका सदस्य है जिसमें SQLField ("year", db.all_years) और all_years तालिका निम्न के रूप में: db.define_table ("all_years", SQLField ("fromY", "integer"), SQLField ("toY", "integer" )) और constrains हैं: db.member.year.requires = IS_IN_DB (db, '', 'all_years.fromY' ) समस्या यह है कि जब मैं ड्रॉपडाउन से एक साल का चयन करता हूं तो वर्ष का मान साल का आईडी है, साल का मूल्य नहीं, उदाहरण: यदि वर्ष 200 9 में डीबी आईडी = 1 का मूल्य है वर्ष में डीबी बराबर = 1 बराबर नहीं है 2009. मुझे समझ में नहीं आता क्यों। मुझे लगता है कि आपकी परियोजना अच्छी तरह से प्रगति कर रही है! मान्यकर्ता IS_IN_DB (dbset, field, label) है। तो आपको कोशिश करनी चाहिए: db.member.year.requires = IS_IN_DB (db, '', '% (fromY) d') < P> अपनी ड्रॉप-डाउन सूची में एक सही लेबल रखने के लिए। अब आपकी तालिका से ऐसा लगता है कि आप केवल शुरुआत वर्ष की बजाय अंतराल चुनना चाहते है

How to make a floating DirectX Child Window with Delphi? -

I have a Delphi project and the main form is a child window of another app parent application (coded in C ++ 3D game), there are two window states, the windowed and full screen in the window mode Delphi forms completely floating on top of the original application. It can be clicked, dragged around, there is no problem (CreateParams process of your main form using params.Style: = WS_POPUP; ): Process TMyFormOpen (var Param: Tekta Param); inherited from; Start (ultimate); HandleToTheOtherApp: = FindWindow ('THE_OTHER_APP', zero); If HandleToTheOtherApp = 0 then ShowMessage starts ('Basic application not found'); Go out; End; Params.Style: = WS_POPUP; Params.WindParent: Handles on Audiobre; Params.WinClassName: = 'MyAppClassName'; End; However if the original application is put in the Full Screen mode (it uses DirectX 9/10) then my Delphi form is hidden from the view. . It seems that it is still on the screen because it sometimes shines or not, but

sql - Binding a ListBox to a query in MS Access 2003 -

मेरे पास दो तालिकाओं, ParentTable और ChildrenTable । तालिका में प्रत्येक बच्चे के पास माता-पिता (माता-पिता के रिश्ते एक-से-कई) के लिए एक विदेशी कुंजी है। जब मैं अभिभावकीय जानकारी के साथ एक फ़ॉर्म प्रदर्शित करता हूं, तो मैं सभी के साथ एक सूची बॉक्स प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं माता-पिता के बच्चे। मुझे पहले से ही एक सूचीबॉक्स मिल गया है जो सभी बच्चों को प्रदर्शित करता है, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि इस प्रश्न को कैसे बदलना है ताकि मैं केवल सक्रिय माता-पिता बच्चों को देख सकूं। अभी फॉर्म) यह इस तरह से हो जाता है: SELECT ChildrenTable.IdNumber, ChildrenTable.प्रथम नाम, ChildrenTable.ListName बाल बच्चों के द्वारा आदेश [प्रथम नाम]; मुझे लगता है कि मैं ऐसा कुछ ढूंढ रहा हूं: WHERE ChildrenTable.ParentIdNumber == & lt; सक्रिय अभिभावक & gt; आईआईडीएनम्बर नाम के एक फार्म में txtIdNumber नामक एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स नियंत्रण शामिल है जो ParentTable से IdNumber प्रदर्शित करता है। < P> फिर आपकी सूची बॉक्स rowsource के लिए क्वेरी को txtIdNumber में मान का संदर्भ दे सकता है:

What does typedef do in C++ -

टाइप टाइप किए गए & lt; int, less & lt; int & gt; & Gt; SetInt; कृपया बताएं कि यह कोड क्या करता है। इसका अर्थ है कि जब भी आप SetInt बनाते हैं, तो आप वास्तव में सेट & lt; int, less & lt; int & gt; & Gt; । उदाहरण के लिए, यह कोड के समतुल्य दो टुकड़ों को बनाता है: SetInt somevar; और सेट & lt; int, less & lt; int & gt; & Gt; somevar;

python - django and executing a separate .py to manipute a database -

I want to execute a random .py file, for myproject / myapp folder using the crawlbox for some time Say My model for the app is the original model in py. class Mymodel (models.Model): content = models.TextField () I have to say whether this is in my foos, I want to see if any is a Mymodel object in which the content is similar to the meteite in the form of field, if any new mammals Do not make with Maytekst as AOL Content, then before you do nothing existed. & lt; Do dangoango import & gt; Mytext = "Here are some" if MyModel.filter (content = mytext) == faucet: newitem = Mymodel (content = mytext) () Other: pass So here's my Question, what am I doing to import the demo? Besides how can I check that there is no item in the query (I do not know if MyModel.filter (content = mytext) == faucet will work. I do not even know that this is an effective way of achieving my goal. Thanks You have two separate questions - dividing them

javascript - Strange behaviour with range.toString() -

I want to retrieve the selected text in an element using the range object provided by Mozilla's taste. . So I do this: // Suppose I'm just using Firefox, and only one selection is var range = window.getSelection () . GetRangeAt (0); Var rangeText = range.toString (); This works fine when there is no new line in the html of the selected text, in other words, if I have the following HTML: & Lt; Div & gt; One. two. three. Four Five & Lt; / Div & gt; and I choose two three. Four , then everything is fine On the other side, if I have & lt; Div & gt; One. two. three. Four Five. & Lt; / Div & gt; and I choose two three. Four As the first, new lines have been introduced in the result returned from the range. Two. , three. , and Four. Obviously, when appearing in the browser, both Html fragments are the same, is there any way I can ensure that the same text is returned without new lines? It should do this: range.

SVN revision number as on Stackoverflow site (right bottom) -

How often do I get my SVN correction number each time I am committed? You should have a file like $ Revision $ , which you can modify Want to track ( Foo.html ), and SNN Ask to track that keyword and move it to that place, i.e.: svn propce svn: keyword "amendment" foo.html SVN will happen when the file changes, change that expression to $ Amendment: 23 , or whatever amendment number (You can do this in other files, of course, but again - How do you prepare your site - You will get the information about the interest of each file And add the page you are displaying, eg Templating or whatever).

mysql date storage & query performance with php -

I have a database of historical records from WW2, and presently the date of each recorded event in an integer field of YYMMDDHHMM Has been stored in the form. It is easy to find all the events, such as by ordinary order, or within a certain time period. However, if any one is on December 1, all events occurring in any year of the war is a bit of a pain and showing visitors the records that breaking into 5 variables for the purpose of making string for ugly PHP code needed. . (Well, at least when I write it, ha) Does anyone have the idea of ​​ display results , if we break that string into 5 discrete columns Gave? Or if we keep the original columns of those searches, then this data is useful for ease of display and is useful for columns (year, month, day, hour, minute) and adds? This is a clear duplication of data, and not less in the same table, which is a normal type - no, is not it? But PHP seems to be very easy to things ... Kindly thank you, A < P> Why not

image - How does the default Camera iPhone app manages to save a photo so fast? -

So far, I have been able to create an app for the iPhone, with several images with intervals of between 3 seconds Takes it. I am processing each image asynchronously on a separate thread and it's all right to save the image on the iPhone disc. After this, it takes around 12 seconds to save the image to disk in JPEG's representation. How does Apple do it, to save an image so fast on the disk, how do they manage? I noticed that the animation disturbs the user for a while, but still the required time is less than 12 seconds! Thanks in advance. I have not tried to do this, but I would not believe that Apple used the same method A large part of Apple's design philosophy is not dependent on concealing operating barriers from the user. The apple code can take you as much time as you can but only be able to hide the time of saving the user completely from the perception If someone can not tell you how fast the apple actually saved So I'm looking at ways to hide s

working with Adrotator in -

How to work with Adrator? I have placed an adrotter in my web application, so I have no idea from here. Please help me. See You should create an XML file like this & lt; Advertising & gt; & Lt; Advertising & gt; & Lt; ImageUrl & gt; Site1img1.jpg & lt; / ImageUrl & gt; & Lt; NavigateUrl & gt; Http: //< / NavigateUrl & gt; & Lt; Optional text & gt; Site 1 main & lt; / Optional Text & gt; & Lt; Impressions & gt; 50 & lt; / Impressions & gt; & Lt; Keyword & gt; Product 1 & lt; / Keyword & gt; & Lt; / Ads & gt; & Lt; Advertising & gt; & Lt; ImageUrl & gt; Site2img2.jpg & lt; / ImageUrl & gt; & Lt; NavigateUrl & gt; Http: //< / NavigateUrl & gt; & Lt; Optional text & gt; Site 2 home page & lt; / Optional Text & gt; & Lt; Impressions & gt; 75 & lt; / Impressions & gt; & Lt; Key

SQL Command ISNULL for ODBC Connection -

I am connected with OpenEdge datasource via ODBC (not our product, we are just reaching our database, I rarely have any information and, of course, no help from the other side). Anyhow, I just need to perform a simple selection, add some lines and I want an ISNull statement equivalent. > Actually I want to execute SELECT ISNULL (NULL, 'test') This is a syntax error Fails with I have seen some such things that they misunderstood "documentation" but are only reference to SPSIL_ISNULL, but I can not even get it to work. I am fit in T-SQL, so any point in any direction is appreciated, even if it is an RTFM with only TFM link :) Thanks Thank you for Catlin and this got me on the right track. I thought I needed an OpenEdge specific function, but in reality I just needed to use the ODBC SQL syntax. ISNULL (col, 4) Do you COALESCE (col, 4) which gives expression of "data type with the highest data if all the expressions are indestructible,

security - What account should I use for ASP.NET? -

By default, ASP.NET uses a network service account, is this the account I use in the production asp. Would you like to do with net? What are the best practices related to the account used by ASP.NET? Regards EDIT: If it makes a difference, I am using ASP.NET on Windows 2008. Server For production, you must create a service account with only the minimum permissions to run Web application The Microsoft Pattern and Practice team provides the following guidance:

javascript - How to submit new entity as well as clear $anchor.task? -

Using the framework, how do I get the " Submit " button well anchor ID Obviously - I basically want to add fast entry entries, but it always changes my ad form in an addtion form. This is my current div that is not working, it looks as if $ anchor.task = null ... note that " Add new " button works fine! & lt; Div & gt; Details: & lt; Input name = "task.desc" ng-required & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; A href = "#" ng-action = "Task. $ Save (); $ anchor.task = null" & gt; Save & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" value = "add new" ng-action = "$ anchor.task = null" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; If you want to add fast, then you need to change it I think you have: ng-entity = "task = Task" in your code. You need a ng-unit to change it = "Work" changes this announcement so that it does not belong to anchor. See for more in

c# - php webservices and datatypes -

Here's a problem I just stumbled on: I have a PHP based web service Which gives statistical data about customers in the actual complex type of WSDL-complicated type as xsd: string xsd: int xsd: float Now, since my web service is like an adapter, the system can not actually control in packing the values ​​in that complex type. To wit. This - and does - may be that the field is defined as XSD: the float bus is set to '' by the PPP application. It is not a problem unless the PHP-based system service is consumed, but definitely the type of structure - like NAT - to throw 'choke' on casting and throw dirty exceptions for. Since I can not handle in my complex ways reliably because I am looking for other ways to deal with invalid data in my web service. Did anyone run into this? I appreciate and consider thoughts and thoughts; thank you in advanced! You Casting ? xsd: & lt ;? = (String) $ string? & Gt; Xsd: & lt ;? = (Int) $ int? &am

unique - How to make "No Duplicates" column in SQL Server 2008? -

I have a simple table in my SQL Server database This table has two columns: ID int, name nvarchar (50) . The ID column is the primary key for my table. I want to be " name " column " (no duplicate) ", such as in Microsoft Access, but this column is not the primary column How can I do this? Add one for that column: SQL Management Studio UI To add it through: Open SQL Server Management Studio. Expand the tables in the database's folder, where you want to interrupt. Right-click on the table where you want to add constraint and click Design . In the table designer, click on Index / Key . Click Add . Select Unique Key in the Type drop-down list. To handle such a situation where there is a unique obstacle infringement,

servlets - Open-source Java server-side implementations of HTTP auth decoding -

Instead of hiring this work, the need to run the HTTP authentication argument within a subnet application. Specifically, I need a way of taking the headers of a HttpServletRequest , which contains the HTTP Oath header, and decode it into the data structure that represents the supplied credentials. Has been done, which can be processed by both the basic and digestive arms. I can write it by hand, it will not work too much, RFCs are all well-documented, but I would like to use it off the shelf library for me to do this. My first idea was Spring Security, but I can tell this representative to the container (I'm a bit unclear at that, it's a < / Div> know about any other person? For Basic, apply it It is very easy to read - just read the header, base 64 decode it and divide it on the ':' character. You can also use the use of spring, and your example . With digest, you can not get a password from the request (this is the whole thing ...) Applying

onbeforeunload - Strategies for preserving form data ( on tab/browser close ) -

I have a work management application that sometimes users close their browsers / tabs and the information they type They get away because they accidentally close a browser / tab, resulting in the text they enter (and can enter some half-hour text). So I have to provide a solution, I have some ideas, but wanted to input the best to go together, or listen to me if you have a better solution. Option 1: window.optimize or possibly window.First to close event a confirmation ( ) Demonstrates the first test and whether there is a text in the logging area and it is not empty. If this is not empty, call window.confirm () and ask if the user wants to close the tab / window without saving the log. My concern with option # 1 is that it can be intruder to the user. Option 2: At the same event, do not open any confirmation (), but rather save the text effectively. The task logging area in a cookie can then : Provide a button that attempts to restore any saved work informatio

variables - Python: Difference between 'global' & globals().update(var) -

global var or calling globals () What's the difference .update (var) . thanks when you say Global var You are telling Python that they are exactly what was defined in a global context. You will use it in the following way: var = 0 def f (): global var var = 1f () print (var) # 1 & lt; ---- Outside the outside, "Def F" is affected by calling Block F () , there will be a local variable inside the "Def F" block, and set its value There will be no impact on the outside of the "Def F" block. var = 0 def f (): var = 1f () print (var) # 0 & lt; The taboo is unaffected outside the "FF" block. When you say globals.update (var) I'm guessing you actually (Global). Update (var) Let's separate it. Globals () gives a triangle object The keys of the keys are the names of the objects, and the value of the dotted values ​​is the value of the connected object. Each doc is a method called "update", th

Implementing iPhone Store Kit while adhering to MVC convention -

I am trying to come up with good design while implementing the store kit. The MVC is trying to follow the conference, I have the following Model: Store Observer View: Some scenes that will display UI (product selection, etc.) Controller: My View Controller Is My View Controller Update a Store Observer to Classroom and UI for Immediate Product Request Is It the Right Way to Do? I am also having trouble creating a product request call due to precaution. Thank you very much You should look in the delegates You can create things due to breaking the MVC by defining a representative protocol that is in conformity with the acting object. Then you have to define the method defined in the representative protocol Calling on a representative method by call, the effect is an indicator like the object and calling one of its methods directly, but this is not the same - the quality Users are still decoded and by defining the protocol, you can define what you can do so that you do n

jQuery Load problem in Internet Explorer -

I am having trouble with jQuery load function and hope for some help. I just started testing a site that I created in IE / debug / hack / etc to ensure that it works. Firefox / Safari / etc all work great. .load will not work for me though. It just seems to hang some kind of help. There is a simplified version of this problem: can be seen on the page Path as a full URL relative to? $ ("#link"). Load ("/ path / to / newfull.asp #body"); The jQuery page quickly shows that the relative urls are acceptable, but I think its a shot. Edit: Do you want to select the body element or element with the id of #Body body id For

C++ writing string to file = extra bytes -

I am using c ++ to look through the count of 256 and write an ASCII representative in a file . If I use a method to generate a 256 character string, then write that string in the file, the weight of the file is 258bytes. string fileString = ""; // Using the counter to attach ASCII count to string. For (int i = 0; i If I use the method in the file with the loop, then the file is properly 256bytes. // For enclosing ASCII to enclose the counter by using the counter (int i = 0; i Running with string here, what additional information is being written in the file from the string? Both of these create 256 byte files: #include & Lt; Fstream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; Int main (zero) {std :: ofstream file ("output.txt", std :: ios_base :: binary); Std :: string fileString; {FileString + = static_cast & lt; for Intuit = 0; I & lt; 256; i ++) Char & gt; (I); } File & lt; & Lt; FileString; } and: #inclu

java - coordinate detection via mobile phone -

I'm curious how difficult this mobile phone would be to detect the existing coordinates? I'm planning to write a mobile app that will focus on the phone that can run Java (i.e., Samsung Omina) and it will be based on the user's location so that I can take some Google map actions using Codes. Looks like an idea like GPS, though I have very thin information about it, for example how difficult it is to write a Java app by locating the location through GPS Will it need permission and operator? Is there any alternative if GPS is not a good way to achieve it? IE I see a method called cellaid on other topics but I do not know how it works. A good way to solve it through Java? If you stick to Java then I see in Android . Perhaps this is only "viable" mobile OS where Java is the main supported language. With the new wave of Android phones I believe that GPS is also being expected (if it is not already). As far as the GPS is introduced to itself and

c++ - De-referencing null in VS with Windows 7 -

I have noticed that when I was running Windows XP, if my code became futile, then I would have an accident in debug and I Then easily identify that the bug was coming from. It seems that in Windows 7 (I'm running 64-bit), instead of crashing or making any kind of information, the code will simply break its current walk and start a new one has been very disappointing for me , As it happens, it takes longer than the amount used to debug. Has anyone else seen this with Windows 7? Access violation exception is probably catching up some of the above in the program, if you click on the "Debug" menu If you are using MSVC, look at "Exceptions ..." and make sure that "Access violation" has been checked (when the exception is thrown, you tell the debugger to break the first spot, before it To the normal exception handlers).

jQuery caching with POST -

Although I've set the cache: Wrong in a jQuery AJAX Post Request, it does not add additional random string. Is it because the post does not cache? Thank you for your time. In states (section 13) that post requests should not be cached. Some HTTP methods should cause cache to invalidate an entity. This is either the request-unit specified by the URI or place or content-place header (if present). These methods are: - fold - delete - post

New Data Breakpoint disabled in Visual Studio 2008 mixed project -

In a DLL implemented with the C ++ / CLI code, I do not seem to be able to set up a data breakpoint in some pure C code. The menu option as a popup in the breakpoint window new data breakpoint ... is disabled I am not able to report it to anyone else, only for a mobile developer. Debugging is otherwise working well - I can set the clock and breakpoint at the function. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional SP1 on Vista X64. I think setting up data breakpoints is only available if you are debugging in native mode is. It is not available in managed mode or mixed mode debugging.

c# - Build Providers in .net 2.0 -

How do I determine the type of actual file name (App_Code_xxx.dll) of type (class) being created by my constructor? I can? . For example, I have a build provider who injects classes based on some configuration. Say MyNameSpace.MyClass When this build provider is used by the web app, I just want to know the actual file (.dl) which was compiled into asp_net.dll files on temporary files on the disk. In fact, I also want to control the naming of this file. Thanks in advance. Mohammed I never like the website to come up with Wundro Studio 2005 Creating an approach that created every time you created a new file called App_Code_xxx.dll, this is just a pain to work with. Visual Studio 2005 SP1 (and later versions) is a web application which is the same. Creates your project in DL (as it was done in 1.1) and it's very easy to work with, I have web application tutorials available for my website and in this way you write to disk No need to worry about the file name

MySQL displaying wrong time for some timezones -

I am using MySQL 5.1.34 community server. I have taken the MySQL timezone description tables from. Now, the time displayed by MySQL for some timezones is inaccurate, because calculating the wrong "light saving of the day" for these time zones. Ex: Query Choose convert_tease (now (), 'GMT', 'Australia / Sydney'); Giving wrong results. The wrong time for the following timezones is shown: America / São Paulo America / Caracas America / Buenos Aires Asia / Karachi Asia / Dhaka Australia / Adelaide Australia / Sydney But all other timezones (excluding top ones) "light savings of day" is accurate and it displays the right time. What am I missing here? What will help to update to a later version of MySQL? My timing table was not updated. Just updated them and now everything is working fine.

C#: XML To Type -LINQ -

एक्सएमएल तत्वों को किस प्रकार के व्यक्ति में बदलना है? तत्व: < XElement person = XElement.Parse (@ "& lt; व्यक्तियों & gt; & lt; व्यक्ति & gt; & lt; आईडी & gt; 10001 & lt; / id & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; डैनियल & lt; / code> / नाम & gt; & lt; व्यक्ति / gt; & lt; व्यक्ति & gt; & lt; id & gt; 10002 & lt; / id & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; मार्शल & lt; / name & gt; & lt; / person & gt; & lt; व्यक्ति & gt; & lt; आईडी & gt; 10003 & lt; / id & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; लियो & lt; / name & gt; & lt; / person & gt; & lt; / persons & gt; "); व्यक्ति का प्रकार: वर्ग व्यक्ति {int personID; स्ट्रिंग का नाम; सार्वजनिक {} {{name = value;}}} {/ code> मैंने कोशिश की है (अधूरा और यकीन है कि क्या मान्य दृष्टिकोण नहीं है) व्यक्ति [] prns = से व्यक्तियों में। नोड का चयन नया {perns} ; var personList = पी में व्यक्तियो

excel - How can I find the index of the selected choice in a combobox? -

मैं Excel में ActiveX कन्बोब्को ऑब्जेक्ट के SelectedIndex का उपयोग कैसे करूं? मुझे एक पूर्णांक की आवश्यकता है। मुझे लगता है कि combo.ListIndex आपकी संपत्ति है देख रहे हैं ...

php - What is the best Host provider for Apple Push Notification Service -

I would like to know, the best affordable hosting for APN because it requires ports 2195 and 2196 To open for work ... I have a site 5 & amp; Please tell me which one is best to go with it Thanks a million in advance Here, see:,,

Ruby on Rails: Nested Attributes, belongs_to relation -

I have a user unit that has the current location field (city and country). For the old information, I have created the named unit, which is another user. I am not completely convinced that I should be kept in the user's model "is_on" or "attaito", but what I have read. If I wanted to put the foreign key of the place I "should_to" I want to be able to edit the user's current location while editing a user. That's why I'm using nested features. But when I edit the user, I connect it every time without any new location, it connects the user who was edited. Could you help me? My code is as follows: # User Model class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base ## Relationships are inserted: Current_space ,: class_name = & gt; Accepts 'Location' for the nominated_Authority: Current_space location end # location model class space & lt; ActiveRecord :: base # relationship is_maya: User # ends of # form_edit.haml - form_edit.field

python - angles commands in superclass -

How do you write a command that turns left or right in a superclass at an angle this way: def left (self): self.position + = self.angle return (self.position) This is similar to the back and forth command It seems that you have some interest in the logo like turtle. If this is the case, then the left function can not change the state of turtle, but its orientation. def left (self, angle): self.angle - = angle * 2 * math.pi / 360

php - Filter 2D array by value of a particular key -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 7 जवाब मैं इस सरणी को कैसे फ़िल्टर कर सकता हूँ केवल [category] = & gt; के साथ आइटम रखने के लिए 1 ? [0] = & gt; ऐरे ([लिंक] = & gt; अनुक्रमणिका [छवि] = & gt; स्पॉट [श्रेणी] = & gt; 0) [1] = & gt; ऐरे ([link] = & gt; परीक्षण [छवि] = & gt; बेहिचक [श्रेणी] = & gt; 0) [2] = & gt; Array ([link] = & gt; भिन्न कैट [छवि] = & gt; स्पोंटल [श्रेणी] = & gt; 1) उपयोग करें। आप ऐसा कुछ चाहते हैं (माना जा रहा है कि आप category 1 के साथ प्रविष्टियां रखना चाहते हैं): फंक्शन कैटेगरीइफ़ ($ var) {रिटर्न (आईसीएआरए ($ var) और amp; $ var ['कैटेगरी'] == 1); } Print_r (array_filter ($ your_array, "categoryone"));

iphone - Cocoa - Add Video Watermark General Info -

How to programmatically add a watermark or some type of overlay to video using a cocoa step by step (Although it would be terrible), but more or less is looking for where I should start learning how. Have the frameworks been developed to work for it? I would like to make some originals for cocoa or purpose-C or C because I would eventually like to go to the iPhone. Any help would be great. I'm not sure whether you meant only for playback, or if you had a watermark If you only mean for playback, you can probably add a scene on top of the player view on Mac and iPhone, which includes Watermarks < / P> If you want a watermark on the video, then this is hard on the Mac And probably it is impossible on the iPhone without writing QuickTime On the Mac, the code can look like this (you have to import QTKit): // Make a new movie so that we do not destroy the existing one. QTMOVY * Movie = [[QTMOVY ALLOC] Init Vthmovia: Current Moody Timezone: QtMake timorange (QTMacT

internet explorer 8 - WebBrowser control, isolation and IE8 InPrivate mode -

I need to run some automation functions in a web browser control but I think that some limitations / ambiguous face I'm 100% sure how to solve it. The application I'm running is not for public release, so I can apply a condition that IE8 is installed. GeckoFX () would be great because it does not provide me an acceptable way of manipulating the DOM. I am using Webcam's Incommember Member method on HTMLMent Objects. WebKit should be better, but its functionality is too fast to give functionality or I need to do this. This leaves me with webbrowser control, though the problem with WebBrowser is that it runs IE only, which is a big fat shared environment with all the processes. In other words, all examples include cookies, sessions, Proxy settings etc. Here I would like to: At the end of an automation session, cookies / sessions / cache objects are not created to clean the global temporary Internet files folder Instead, do I have any way to use the inprivate mo

uitableview - How to find the row index of a UIButton is a TableCell? (iPhone) -

In my app, I have a table displaying cells in each row in the interface builder, I have a button on the cell Pulled, styled it as a dark info button, and it was linked to IBAction. It is working fine only, I want the button to behave differently, depending on the table row where the button is a cell, how do I get that line index? I know that I can show the lack of basic understanding of the object hierarchy, but I hope you will forgive me thanksgivingjackelian It's not easy to make sure that you do not already have some data set up. If you can, then there are buttons in the NSDictionary where the buttons are key and the value is the index path, whenever you return a cell from the -tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: Update. Something like this: - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForAind Pound: (NSIndexPath *) Index Path {... indexDict setValue: for indexPathKey: the Button]; Return cell; } - (Zero) button pressed: (UIButton *) button {NS

c++ - Win32 equivalent of getuid() -

I am in the process of porting Windows from C ++ library to Linux, and having problems with Getuid () P> You are the user associated with the current thread Can reclaim the name: // ANSI version string GetWindowsUserNameA () {char buffer [UNLEN + 1] = {0}; DWORD Buffer_Len = UNLEN + 1; If (! :: GetUserNameA (buffer, and buffer_lan)) {// error handling} return string (buffer); }

binding - How to bind Assisted Injected class to interface? -

यहाँ मुझे जो समस्या मिली है: क्लास सरल कॉमांड कार्यान्वयन निष्पादनीय {निजी फाइनल कॉन्फ़िगरेशन कॉन्फ़िगरेशन ; निजी स्ट्रिंग का नाम; @ सार्वजनिक सिंपल कॉमांड (ConfigManager config, @assisted string name) इंजेक्ट करें {this.config = config; = name; }} क्लास MyModule एब्स्ट्रैक्ट मॉड्यूल का विस्तार करता है {@Override सुरक्षित शून्य विन्यास () {बाँध (CommandFactory.class) .toProvider (FactoryProvider.newfactory (CommandFactory.class, SimpleCommand.class)); बाँध (Executable.class) करें.अभियान (SimpleCommand.class); }} जब मैं SimpleCommand का प्रयोग करने का प्रयास करता हूं: Guice.createInjector (नया MyModule ())। GetInstance (CommandFactory.class)। बनाएँ ("नमूना कमांड"); मुझे यह त्रुटि मिली: 1) java.lang.String के लिए कोई कार्यान्वयन @ के साथ एनोटेट किया गया (मान =) बाध्य था। मॉड्यूल पर पैरामीटर 2 के लिए @ (value =) के साथ java.lang.String एनोटेट करते समय। कॉमांड। & L