
Showing posts from January, 2011

antlr - getting user defined error messages using antlr3 -

क्रमांकन रिटर्न (स्ट्रिंग वैल्यू): नंबररंगशूब {स्ट्रिंग संख्या रेंज = ($ numberrangesub.text); स्ट्रिंग [] v = numberRange.split (","); अगर (पूर्णांक। पीआरआईआईएनटी (वी [0] .टीआईएम ()) और एलटी। इंटीजर। पीआरआईआईएनटी (वी [1] .टीआईएम ())) $ value = numberRange; और नए मान्यता अपवाद फेंक (); }; कृपया उपरोक्त एएनटीएलआर कोड देखें। इसमें मैं एक उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल त्रुटि संदेश जैसे कि "मान से मूल्य के बराबर होना चाहिए", । मुझे उम्मीद है कि इस तरह से मान्यता अपवाद ("मान से मूल्य के बीच में मूल्य से कम होना चाहिए"); लेकिन एंटीलेटर ने ऊपर की तरह स्वीकार नहीं किया। जावा वर्ग में जहां मैं एंटीरल द्वारा उत्पन्न जावा वर्ग को बुला रहा है मैं इस तरह से संभाल रहा हूँ। try {parser.numberRangeCheck (); } पकड़ (रिकग्निशन अपवाद ई) {बनाने के लिए अपवाद ("अवैध व्यापार तर्क सिंटैक्स" पर + + पार्सर। गेट ईर्रॉयर हैडर (ई) + "," + पार्सर.गेट ईर्रम मेसेज (ई, रिक्त), स्तर .INFO, लॉगर); } कोई भी मदद ऐपिकियाएटेड होगी। क्यों नहीं बस अपने कस्टम त्र

arguments - PHP function with unlimited number of parameters -

How can I write an action that can accept an unlimited number of standards? What trying to do is create a function within a class that wraps the following: $ stmt-> gt; Bind_param ('sssd', $ code, $ language, $ official, $ percent); All the above mentioned are good, but I do not think they will be suitable for your situation For $ stmt-> gt; Bind_param ('sssd', $ code, $ language, $ official, $ percent); If you want to wrap this function, you have to pass the original logic variable of the bind_param function to reference . I do not think func_get_args () gives you this, it gives you values ​​instead, so it will not be possible to use them to pass this original work. I am struggling with a similar problem when trying to expand mySkili_STMT and never got a satisfactory solution. This is not really the answer to your question, I'm scared, just one of the warnings that other arguments can not work in the special application of the arbitrar - Byte array output as an Image -

I know that it is possible to do this: & asp: image ranat = " Server "image url =" ~ / mimejandler.ahesax? Egid = 2 "/> ... but I have a case where byte array data is only available for the page (i.e., is not available in the session, and can not be referenced from any ID ) So I can not point to the image URL on a different page. Is there a way to give ASP: byte arrays to present the image as an image? The only good solution to this is to put the byte array in the session. If you are worried about uniqueness (multiple people are getting each other's byte arrays), use the random GUID as the key.

c++ - how to design system so users can generate their own objects using dlls -

I have a server which takes some message X and winks some messages out. Currently y is mapping right from x. Therefore x1 will always generate y1 with related fields. But now I want to be able to configure it so that users can put their own DLL which can generate x1 to y2, y3 or they want if they do not handle it Must take a default mapping that is x1 to y1 One more thing is that most of my output messages y1, y2, y3 are already objects that are all from the base class and I want to be able to do the same thing in another way Am ... meaning y2 (incoming message) is to be converted to user x1 on the basis of DLL. Can we get it using DLL? Or is there a better way of doing this ?? Is it a design pattern (factory pattern or something) to do it properly, so that it is also flexible in the future. Thanks! It is not very difficult, but you must provide an interface header (.h file) DLL authors You will also need to tell them which compiler to use, or use a com-friendly interface.

Designing a class with **Exceptions** -

When I design a class, I often have trouble deciding the problem if I should throw an exception or 2 value with 2 func In case of 2 functions, how should I name the exception and exception method? For example, if I wrote a class that breaks any stream and errors in the current or incomplete, then I will throw an exception. However, if the app is trying to recover data from the stream and leaves an error? Instead of wanting the price instead? So how should I name the second function? Should not I be both an exception method and an exception method? Or should not I be both an exception method and an exception method? She Burn time to maintain two different but mostly-identical methods If you really need to allow the client which errors are irreversible If you do not believe, then point them only with one return value and be done with it ... Otherwise, write the exception-throwing version and the customer who hovers two strange errors handles the exception.

Is it possible to instantiate an object of generic type in Java or C#? -

For example, in Java, if I have a parameterized class, is it possible to do the following? Public Class Mayclass & lt; T & gt; {Public invalid aMethod}. T object = new T (); ..} ..} In Java, I think this is not possible, because the compiler does not know how the constructor calls. But in C # I do not know the language and I have read that there can be many dark things, so I was thinking .. This is possible in C # if you are defining a type of constraint for the parameter constructor. Public Class MyClass & lt; T & gt; Where T: new () {public zero aMethod {. T object = new T (); ..} ..}

c# - Grid with an image, textblock, and rectangle, inside a listbox not showing up exactly right -

तो मेरे पास एक सूची बॉक्स आइटम टेम्पलेट के अंदर यह Xaml है: & lt; ListBox.ItemTemplate & gt; ; & LT; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; ग्रिड ऊंचाई = "22" चौड़ाई = "ऑटो" & gt; & Lt; छवि मार्जिन = "- 2,0,0,0" स्रोत = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = एडीएसपाथ, कनवर्टर = {स्टेटिक रिसोर्स इम्क्सकॉन्टर}}" क्षैतिज एलाइमेंट = "वाम" चौड़ाई = "22" / & gt; & Lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक मार्जिन = "20,3,0,0" टेक्स्ट = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = प्रदर्शन वैल्यू}" चौड़ाई = "ऑटो" / & gt; & Lt; आयत भरें = "व्हाइट" स्ट्रोक = "व्हाइट" मार्जिन = "- 2,0, -2,0.5" वर्टिकलएलिनेमेंट = "नीचे" ऊँचाई = "1" चौड़ाई = "ऑटो" / & gt; & Lt; / ग्रिड & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & LT; /ListBox.ItemTemplate> यह विचार है कि आयताकार, संपूर्ण सूची बॉक्स आइटम के नीचे एक पतली सफेद रेखा प्रदान करता है; हालांकि, ऊपर Xaml के साथ, यह केवल लिस्ट

Is there a Faceted Search framework for SQL Server & .NET? -

I am currently using SQL Server to store products in a large list web site. I want to rebuild the general classification, in which we have to do something with tags & amp; Aspects so that users can filter for the related sub-set as soon as possible. I should not do it myself thanks Jim I have created a custom .NET faceted search on each site, on which 3 sites are getting a little better. I am at this point where I can copy many ideas and codes from the previous implementation to save myself but it certainly takes time if you are really starting from scratch It's expensive and probably not for you who are looking for but the only recognized search engine which I know is for sale offers end-to-end solutions Unfortunately I lose faceted a cheaper or free nat Engines do not know. Update: It seems that one is also called.

Document ranking strategy for P2P file sharing system -

Recently, I found work to create a P2P file sharing system. A requirement: The system should have a document ranking algorithm so that it can help users find more valuable files. Many strategies can be useful: User Documents containing some key words are highly ranked The manager may More file was downloaded, it would get higher rank. Do you know any other strategies or methods suitable too? Or is there a real world example? I have to go with a combination of 1 and 4 but giving robustness to the users, though in the algorithm Users want to give more weight rather than ranking, because the download only indicates how often it was not downloaded, how useful it was to the user. The problem of compelling the user to give a ranking is that they can not give a ranking before downloading the file, because they do not know its contents without getting it. If it is a system for which users need to login, you can submit them to some types of communication or to

algorithm - calculating a hash of a data structure? -

Suppose I want to calculate the hash of a data structure using a hash algorithm such as MD5 which is serial Accept the stream for the purpose of checking the equivalence (I want to record the hash, then want to re-do the hash on the same or an equivalent data structure, and hash to measure equivalence with high probability Investigating.) Do not Do It The methods? Problems I can see that are problematic If there is an array of binary string in the data structure, then I add them after ["abc", "defg Can not "] and [" AB "," CDF "] are not equivalent arrays If there is a collection of data structures which are not guaranteed in the same sequence, e.g. A key-value dictionary {a: "bc", d: "efg", h: "ijkl"} that should be considered as a key-value pair {d: "efg", h: "ijkl", a: "BC"}. For the first digit, the length of the string hash too. This will separate their swan For t

Any particular advantage to using json over xml with Flash -

What's right? I have read everything from, it seems that the answer is no, but was thinking that someone has a different opinion. JSON is usually a more efficient data encoding method than XML. It matters in your case with the download time. Another idea is whether the E4X query syntax can have attractive advantages for your particular use, that you can do it as you wish by repeatedly on the results of a single query line, and the occasional action script code is long Time will be paused while interacting with JSON. I will also consider whether this app is to communicate with the JavaScript code, such as the flash app lives in a browser and have to communicate with other things on the page. If so, I used to go with JSON because the browser is very hard to deal with JSON in JS (unlike the E4X with modern JS 1.8) JSON.

c# - Is there a better Regex for parsing DTD -

I have got DTD for OFX 1.03 (despite their latest version of development and 1.60 release, but I want to get back I would like to use regex for groups that divide a group, element, and other tags into further processing, such as I would take a tag like this: / P> & lt ;! ENTITY% ACCTTOMACRO "(BankCacto | CCACCTTO | INVACCTTO)" & gt; and create an object like this New EntityTag {string name = "% ACCTTOMACRO"; String [] ChildTypes = new string [] {"BANKACCTTO", "CCACCTTO", "INVACCTTO"}}; I have found a regular expression that looks like this: Reggae again = new reggae (@ "& lt ;! (\ B) + ([\ s \ S])? [^ & Gt;] + & gt; "); It is being accepted that, I am new to regx again, so I have done well which is getting me so far so that I can not comment on every tag without comment To get a match collection on DTD. I want to group the first thing mentioned for the construction of the item. I - What does error ORA-12571 (TNS:packet writer failure) mean in a Web Service? -

Background : I am calling a web service written in ASP.NET which is Oracle database. I know that the web service works only because I have used it before other applications, so I have a web application in Visual Studio, which is a web application for testing from 'one' web service. Switching the configured version back and forth is not a problem pointing to the 'DEV' configured web service, but by calling the production version, Ulate and get an exception: was unable to respond to user code was by bad soap Apokshns server request. --- & gt; Could not execute query [SELECT this_.FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, it_FIELD2 as FIELD12_18_0_ as ABC. TABLE_A is__ where it_. FIELD1 such as: p0 ORDER BY_.FIELD1 asc] Position parameter: # 0> 00073% [SQL: SELECT this_. FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, this_.FIELD2 as AIC.TABLE_A to FIELD12_18_0_this_where it_. FIELD1 like: p0 ORDER BY this_.FIELD1] --- & gt; ORA-12571: TNS: failure of packet author I run SQL queries against p

php - REALLY basic mod_rewrite question -

I am trying to use a SEO friendly URL for a website. Website displays information in hierarchical way For example, if my website was about cars then I would like to url to show all Ford models stored in the 'My' cars table. Then the URL will show all Ford Explorer models (V-6, V-8, Premium, etc.). For the question now: Is mod_rewrite used to write a query string-style url in a semantic URL, or on the other side? In other words, when I use javascript to set the window.location = $ URL , the URL should be a string string version of "or I will use internally" Should the query string access the variable? Hopefully, anyone can see my confusion with this issue, what is the cost of it, I have created all my top tier categories (especially, not about site cars) 'Slug' is there. Thanks for all help so far. I'm getting rewrite work but this site (CSS, JavaScript, images) is affecting other paths. I am using the correct path structure for all of these (i.

c++ - Are these placement new macros correct? -

I made some macros to make the placement a little easier. I was just wondering if there is a clear case where it Will not work. Thank you. ( I'm not an expert in the placement, but there you can use the macro There are some issues about how to define problem1 The most obvious problem is the use of cast (TYPE *) STORAGE for storage space This is incorrect The appointment is just another C ++ function and it participates in tasks such as overload resolution. Due to voluntary covering of a particular type of storage, the appointment can bind to a different operator which the user expects. For example, the following two definitions of appointment are valid: your macro will likely call the wrong call. Zero * _cdecl operator new (size_t cbSize, Zero * PV); Zero * _cdecl operator new (size_t cbSize, SomeType * pv) - ... // These two calls separate overload Zero * p = malloc (Sizeof (SomeType)); SomeType * f1 = CONSTRUCT_INPLACE (some type, p, ()) some type * f2

c# - How do I create a read only entity in the entity framework? -

I am loading the graph of the organizations related to the database using the ADO.NET MVC and the unit framework. One institution needs to be modified in memory, but whenever there are other institutions in the graph, then there is no change in the database in the change. At this time I have tried to use MergeOption.NoTracking and MergeOption.OverwriteChanges but both of them are being ignored and have not modified any changes in the unit set to retain the store. should go. A snippet of code that I use to load an entity graph is given below: Quiz Objects Organizations = New Quiz (); ObjectParameter [] Search Parameters = {New Object Parameter ("Competitive ID", Competitive ID)}; Institutions QuizSet Mergeoption = mergeopation .tracking; Var query = entities.ContestantSet Include ("Quiz Questions. Categories Option Answers"). Include ("Answer"). Include ("Quiz.Filter.FiltersFilterAnwers"). Where ("it.ContestantID == @ CONSTESTIDID&

actionscript 3 - Fail-safe way of round-tripping Flash swf files to text-representation and back -

I am looking for a failed-safe way to travel between a Flash SVF file and a text rendering and back again . A strict requirement is that the resulting flip flash SVF file is equal to the original Flash SVF file, unless the representation of the text is unchanged. In addition, the text representation should be human-readable and editable. Is there any failure? It is possible to make small changes in the representation of the text (such as changing the text string or class name etc). Flash sgf file / text-rendering / safely round tripping according to above requirements to achieve flash SOF file? is not a failure? In fact, what do you want to do that device ... Besides, I can only suggest learning, and SWF Read and use it to convert the type of text you want to represent ...

solaris - Making a Perl script detect changes in a separate config module also in Perl -

G'day, हमारे पास पर्ल स्क्रिप्ट है जो सिर-ओवर से जियोलोकेशन अनुरोधों को प्रोसेसिंग कर रही है एक प्रमुख वेब साइट में सर्वर स्क्रिप्ट एक ब्रोकर है, जो कि सीओटीएस उत्पाद द्वारा दिए गए डेटा की व्याख्या में अतिरिक्त व्यावसायिक तर्क प्रदान करता है जो किसी दिए गए IP पते के लिए डेटा प्रदान करता है, उदा। देश, कनेक्शन प्रकार, रूटिंग प्रकार, कैरियर, आदि। इस भौगोलिक सेवा वर्तमान में सीओटीएस बैकएंड में प्रति सेकंड लगभग 1,000 अनुरोधों का चरम भार संभाल रही है। बीटीडब्लू यह वास्तव में 5,000 अनुरोधों पीडीएस की सेवा कर रहा है। अपने समर्पित भारबोलेंस / कैश परत से जो सीधे ब्रोकर परत से पहले रहता है। मुझे हाल ही में इस दलाल के व्यवहार को संशोधित करना पड़ा है ताकि हम उन नए कनेक्शन के कनेक्शन की अनुमति दे सकें जो हम देख रहे हैं साइट जो कुछ समस्याएं पैदा कर रही है। स्क्रिप्ट का मूल संस्करण, मेरा डिज़ाइन नहीं! बीटीडब्ल्यू, स्क्रिप्ट में खुद की कॉन्फ़िग आइटम्स और अलग पर्ल टुकड़ों में अन्य मदों के मिश्रण का उपयोग करके बनाया गया है। जैसा कि मेरे परिवर्तनों की पीअर समीक्षा के दौरान काफी सही तरीके स - Looking for a .NET version of PHPMotion -

I realize that the .NET "version" is not, but I'm looking for an app similar to PHPMotion running in AP I'm Net Does anyone know something like this? Maybe this one ...

objective c - Folders (directories) not being detected properly -

I am seeing error with 'bug standard' purpose-folder identification code. I am scanning files and folders with a given path and keeping count of how many files are present and how many folders are present. Strangely, I'm actually counting another folder instead of being present! By looking at each file / folder name through the routine, proceeding through the routine shows that if there is an object file or folder, then any file is showing a folder Passing the test?!? !? The file that was found incorrectly is an 'RTF attachment' file type. I have not yet checked the other folders to see if there are more file types that are themselves Can report incorrectly. In addition to this file, everything in my program is working properly. Do anyone have any ideas that I am doing wrongly? Or is this a known bug in Objective-C? Here is a part of the code using: BOOL isDir; NSString * file; NSString * docsDir = [auto path]; NSFileManager * manager = [NSFileMan

html - javascript and greasemonkey question -

I want to get a value within a page and then get multiple values ​​by 0.93, Write the result after. But I could not get the value from the page. For example, I want to suppress the "900 TL" string from "900 TL " Can see thx a lot Edit: The string "f16 bold" counts only 1 on that page. So we can get "900 TL" with it. Try it: document.getElementsByClassName ('f16 bold') [0] .textcontent = document.getElementsByClassName ('f16 bold') [0] .textcontent + '(' + parseInt (document.getElementsByClassName ('f16 bold' ) [0] .text content) * 0.93 + ')'; Note: GetElementsByClassName has poor browser support (in Firefox, 3.0+ I believe).

Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition - line numbers not appearing? -

In the Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition, lines are no longer visible next to lines I have seen in settings and I do not have anything Any thoughts can be found? This setting is text editor - & gt; All languages ​​- & gt; Check the general , line number option.

c++ - Is this the right approach for a thread-safe Queue class? -

I am thinking that this is the right way to write thread-safe queues in C ++? template & lt; Class T & gt; Square line {public: q () {} zero push (t & a) {m_mutex.lock (); M_q.push_back (a); M_mutex.unlock (); } T & amp; Pop () {m_mutex.lock (); T & amp; Temp = m_q.pop (); M_mutex.unlock (); Return temporary; } Private: std :: queue & lt; T & gt; M_q; Promotion: Mute x m_mutex; }; You get this idea ... I'm just thinking that this is the best way thank you! Edit: The question I am getting is, I want to make it clear that Mute X Promotions: Mute X single Consumer queue implementation (which had improved on the implementation published last month.) On the same concurrent subjects, with a full-fledged discussion of possible losses and performance issues as well as dealing with a more general viewpoint for a multi-user concurrent queue in the issue. Enjoy.

forms - Can I use a base class method to enable a variety of ui controls in .net? -

I have to write a delegate for a worker thread, which is different form control (buttons, textbox, list ... ..) method Enable I am thinking that all of them should be obtained from a base class which enables the property, but I am not getting any documents, nor do I want to know how to call the method. div class = "text-post "Itemprop =" text ">

c# - Which Json deserializer renders IList<T> collections? -

I am trying to desegregate an object model to Jason, where the collection is IList < T & gt; Type The actual deserializing is here: JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer (); Return Serializer. Dairyialize & lt; IList & lt; Contacts & gt; & Gt; (New Streamer (Normal.GetEmbeddedFile ("contacts.json")). ReadToEnd ())); Before I am getting an exception, you should know what the underlying conversion is, it is the type of contact : public class contacts {public id id {get; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public LazyList & lt; ContactDetail & gt; Details {Receive; Set; } // public list & lt; ContactDetail & gt; Details {Receive; Set; }} and this is ContactDetail type: public class ContactDetail {public entry id {get; Set; } Public int commandindex {received; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public string value {get; Set; }} LazyList & lt; T & gt; The important thing to kno

multithreading - Is there any comprehensive overview somewhere that discusses all the different types of threads? -

Is there any comprehensive overview that discusses all different threads and their relation with OS and scheduler What is it? I've heard very contradictory information whether you want some types of threads, or whether thread pooling is an executable profit or performance hit, or this thread is heavy, so you should use these other types of threads that do not map Doing directly on real threads, but how is it different from thread pooling .... I am paranoid how can anyone understand this? Assuming the use of a language that actually links directly to the thread (I know about concurrent languages, underlying parallelism, etc.) as an alternative to knowing this material, but I'm curious about this at the moment Here's my short summary, please wish and comment: There is no hyperthread, as long as you're about the hyperthreading of Intel They are not talking, in that case it is only a virtual core. "Green" is usually "not OS-level" (schedule

PHP, Python, Ruby application with multiple RDBMS -

When I see all these SQL-based database abstraction layers and all those ORMs from there, I am beginning to feel, though I am far away from old age, I consider it necessary for them, but their use spreads to those places which are not usually those. I believe that the use of database architecture layers for SQL generation is not the right way to write database applications, run on many database engines, especially when you throw in expensive databases like Oracle and more Or is less global, it does not apply to only a few languages. Just a simple example by using query paging and insertion: FIRST_ROWS and append indication (where appropriate) when Oracle is used. By visiting advanced examples, I can tell about stored procedures / packages in the database where this is understandable. And they are different for each RDBMS. By using a limited set of commonly available features for many RDBMS, it does not take advantage of the possibilities to provide those expensive and advance

Switching from Silverlight to Flash for Games - Recommended Reading? -

I'm working on some games in Silverlight. However, community and portal support at this point are still elementary though I hope this improvement will improve in the next two years, I do not want to wait for it. I am coming from a huge development background. What did I study and recommend to practice my game in flash? The action script required by Colin 3.0 suggests the mock as Clonbaby. Very good book for catching AS3 in general. Move things to make the ActionCheptup 3.0 animation! Keith Peters is great for more advanced topics and genuine gaming accessories. Good resource: & lt; - The author of another & lt; - A useful tool for optimization & lt; & lt; - Sound content, and other cool things & lt; - A wonderful collection of vidoes by Lee Brimlo There are a lot of great blogs in it, it's just over my head

javascript - Rounded corners AND shadow applied to one div? -

How? Any suggestions other than CSS? I have tried JQuery (dropCurves, shadow, shadedborder, corner osv). General array of options: with both circular and shadow Use background images and a series of divs to make rounded corners. Use CSS3 border-radius and box-shadow (FF3.5 +, reliable in Safari 4+, and Chrome 2+. No IE support.) Incremental look Use javascript to create a series of small divs (stairs full of steps) and then add roundness. Normal CSS, JavaScript techniques with CSS3, background images, in order of difficulty for you. Most JavaScript Cone Outings are Out of Going Techniques Shortcuts for # 1 (Applying Background Images with CSS) So one that adds circularity and uses second which adds shadow does not work is. They are contradictory ends and whichever last runs usually only one applies.

javascript - Delay load of iframe? -

I know there are some tools and techniques to delay loading javascript, but I have an IFrame that I delay I want to download and rendering (iframe is a hidden, which will not be visible until a particular tab is clicked on a page, it is loading.) To delay the loading of an iframe Is there any way? Thanks for any suggestions! It's easy with jquery! Either attach your code to $ ( ) Loads iframe within or use $ (document) .ready (function () {}) These are both the same and DOM is ready after your code! < / P> For example $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('iframe # iframe_id'). Attr ('src', 'iframe_url'); }); See more

c# - Is there an equivalence to CDOSYS AutoGenerateTextBody in .NET -

I am porting some VBScript code which generates email using standard CDOSYS message objects. The message oject has an asset AutoGenerateTextBody , when you specify the HTML for the HTMLBody property, then the value is automatically written to the TextBody property Will create the value. Therefore, the message creates typical text / plain and text / HTML options in the body. However, this function appears to be a .NET. The object has the ability to create alternative ideas in the Mailmage object, but HTML content does not easily show how to create text body content. I'm not necessarily searching for an auto magic option but I need a solution to take an HTML string and convert it to a fair plain text presentation. Except not just all HTML markup, it is not cut. Is any existing device buried somewhere in the existing NAT framework that can do this? I do not know anything in the .NET framework, but you do not know anything about the CD Can use Of course this soun

java - How to toggle the option returned by ConnectivityManager.getBackgroundDataSetting()? -

Does anyone see the flag? How do toggle the option given by connectivity manager.atbackgrounddata settings () in the amulator? The short answer is that you can not The long answer is that you Do not want it is one of them, and should not be tampered directly Docks in the link above the state: < P> Secure system settings, which have System Preferences, which can read applications but are not allowed to write. These are the preferences for which the user should be modified for these values ​​via the system UI or special API, which are not directly modified by the applications. The easiest way to do this is to point users to the correct settings using the SYNC_SETTINGS verb: Please. Intent = intent ("android.settings.SYNC_SETTINGS"); Intent.addCategory ("android.intent.category.DEFAULT"); StartActivity; This is most likely to break your app's flow, but it will ensure that the user knows about the change in settings.

php - button for annual report -

I need to get an annual report in my system. How can I get an annual report once a year? Have a button that prepares the report but it should be only once in a year. Therefore, it should not be a button because it means that the report can be obtained more than once a year. Any suggestions? I am using php on the way. You can consider creating tables in your database, whether or not they already have a flag View annual reports for a given year: Create table annual_port_view_id (ID INT (11) Unacled faucet AUTONCRR Primary key, DATETIME no tap default '0000-00 Saw-00 00:00: 00 '); After you first click on the user's button, you will want to enter date in the YYYY-MM-DD HH: II: SS format in this table. You can then ask this table every time when the user is on the page whose annual report button is to compare the date using a variable: $ Date = date ('ymd h: i: s', strotomom ('- 1 year')); If a date in the table is more than the date rece

javascript - Help! TinyMCE is reformatting my code! -

जब मैं HTML स्रोत को निम्न में से संपादित करता है: & lt; div / & gt; परिणाम हमेशा ऐसा ही होता है: & lt; div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; मुझे यह नहीं चाहिए ... यह अकेला मेरा कोड छोड़ देना चाहिए;) यहां कॉन्फ़िग है: tinyMCE .init ({// सामान्य विकल्प मोड: "पाठ", थीम: "उन्नत", तत्व_ प्रारूप: "एक्सएचटीएमएल", हटाए गए_ लाइनभ्रष्ट: गलत, हटाए गए_अरेन्डेंट_बीआरएस: गलत, क्लीनअप_ऑन_स्ट्रीमअप: गलत, सफाई: गलत, // सफाई: सच - & gt; Custom_elemts काम नहीं कर रहे हैं ... verify_html: झूठी, मजबूर_सोट_ब्लॉक: झूठी, apply_source_formatting: गलत, फिक्स_निस्टिंग: गलत, फिक्स_table_elements: गलत, fix_list_elements: गलत, fix_content_duplication: गलत, preformatted: false, extended_valid_elements: "pbo: * [*]", }); कोई भी विचार? आप प्रारूप को निर्दिष्ट कर रहे हैं एक्सएचटीएमएल और div एस आत्म-बंद नहीं हो सकता - यही कारण है कि यह आपके लिए इसे ठीक कर रहा है। यदि आप चाहते हैं कि आप ठीक उसी तरह हों, तो आपको element_format स

SQL Server statement with subselect is invalid -

Hey, I'm using iBATIS with SQL Server compact version 3.5 and try to make a subcategory INSERT (ID, ID_FM) SELECT # ID #, f.ID fROM form f WHERE ID_PROCESS = '10804' SqlCeException ( SSCE_M_QP_PARAMETERNOTALLOWED ). The symbol ' @ ' is in the wrong place, I think it is #ID # which is unexpected in SELECT # ID # not the name of the column That is the value that should be put in FORMINSTANCE. How can I fix this? ty if # part of the column name ... Login Accreditation (ID, ID_FORM) SELECT [# ID #], f.ID If you want to select a dynamic column on the position # 1, it's not that I really do This is what you are up, but by any means), you may be away with: Please enter accreditation (ID, ID_FAM) when the @ID = 'Foo' then foo when @ID = 'bar' THEN times ELSE L'END, FID F F F WHERE Aidi_ PROCESS = '10804'

Clover+Maven+Eclipse -

I am using eclipse + maven2 to create my applications. I have to start working with clover. My question is: What is the best way to combine these 3 with your experience? I mean, I know that there is a clover plugin for eclipse, there is also a trifle plugin for maven2 and certainly the maven plugin for the eclipse (m2eclipse - which I previously used I am doing). What should I do and how? Thank you. Use, under Eclipse. Use Maven to add site generation below: & lt; Project & gt; [...] & lt; Build & gt; & Lt; Plugins & gt; & Lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Com.atlassian.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven-clover2-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Configuration & gt; [...] & lt; / Configuration & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Pre-site & lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Goals & gt; & Lt; Goal &am

python - What are the use cases for non relational datastores? -

I am using CouchDB for a project and in the second I use postgres for GAE app engine datastore relational accessories. I do, however I like ORM. Anyway, what use best of non-relational datastores suits? Here's a nice small article (spreads on three pages) which is used for non-relational databases -Case covers. In short, when you need large scalability, But if you really need that scalability, then the relational DB option is usually more expensive and very difficult for the architect.

language agnostic - Minimax algorithm -

I have a simple question about minimal algorithms: for example Tic Tac-Toe games, how do I set Can I have utility functions for each player plays? It does not do it automatically, right? I should work hard in the game, it can not learn them, right? No, no mini-Max learns. This is a better version of the search for an animal-force tree.

objective c - Drag and drop .app files into NSImageView and get the file path -

I have an NSWindow and NSImageView. I want the user to drop the '.app file' in the NISMage view, and see my application which file has been dropped, there is a way to do this (well, I'm sure that One way is -_- but what: P)? So that iWeb does with image files. A tutorial would be good (English or Dutch). Thanks in advance.

xml rpc - Python XMLRPC with concurrent requests -

I am looking for a way to prevent more than one host from issuing a Python XMLRPC listener. The listener is responsible for the script working on the system that will fail if multiple users have tried to issue these commands at the same time. Is there any way that I can fulfill all incoming requests as an example? I think the Python is the SimpleXMLRPCServer module that you want I believe that model The default behavior is blocking new requests when the current request process is processed. The default behavior gave me a lot of trouble and I changed that behavior by mixing it in the ThreadingMixine class so that my xmlrpc server responded to multiple requests at the same time. If I understand your question correctly, then there is a simple XMLRPS server solution. Just use it directly.

website - Large blank space below banner but only on IE6 -

I am trying to fix this issue for three days, but still there is no success. The site displays correctly on all browsers except IE 6. Only large white space on IE6. What could be the problem? Is there a known bug with IE 6? Here's a screenshot: Special problem without code The reason for this is difficult to say but the general guidelines are that you need specific stylesheets. You need a more specific 6 stylesheet. You may need to create several stylesheets for each version and add something like this to your site. & lt ;! - [if IE] & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; @import url (/styles/ie_fixes.css'); & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt ;! [Andif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If LT IE 7] & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; @import url (/styles/ie_fixes_6.css'); & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 7] & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css&

python - Iterating over arbitrary dimension of numpy.array -

Is there a function to get an Iterator on an arbitrary dimension of a narrow array? The first dimension is simple ... in [63]: c = numpy.arange (24). In Renewal (2,3,4) [64]: For R: c:. ...: Print R ...: [[1 2 3] [4 5 6 7] [8 9 10 11]] [[12 13 14 15] [16 17 18 19] [20 21 22 23] ] But it is difficult to walk on other dimensions, for example, the last dimension: in [73]: for c.swapaxes (2,0) .swapaxes (1,2): ....: print r .. ..: [[4] 8] [12 16 20]] [[1 5 9] [13 17 21]] [[6 6] [14 18 22]] [[3 7 11] [15 1923]] I'm making myself a generator to do this, but I wonder how to do this Nominated is not a function such as numpy.ndarray.iterdim (axis = 0) to do this automatically. The proposal that you offer is very fast, but clearly clarity can be corrected: / P> for i category (c.shape [-1]): print c [:,:, i] or, better (faster, more Normal and more obvious): for category i (c.shape [-1]): print c [..., i] However, the first approach given above is swapax

sql - Implementing a "distinct" select in an existing query -

I have an existing, long, SQL query. I want to select the records which is a separate mt.ID. I have tried to put "selection variants" in different places without any success. Can anyone tell me where he should go? thanks a lot. Select << p> SELECT * FROM (ROW_NUMBER () as roam, mt_id as mt.ID, mt.title as mt_title, [[ORDER "+ orderField + @"]). ..] st'title as st'title, [...] can be included in the mt internal as mt stt as = sttable on where not (st.field = 0) and Where @ mr.title = @title ") DerivedTableName between WHERE RowNum (@ PageIndex - 1) * @ PageSize + 1) and @ Page Index * @ Page Size The problem is that many sttable records for each mttable record So you do not need DISTINCT but a GROUP BY . I will try something like the following for internal selection: SELECT ROW_NUMBER () over (ORDER BY "+ OrderField + @") AS Ronam, MTID AS MTiID, MTTTL AS MT_CHITAL, [...] Max (STT) as SST_title, othe

.net - HTTP Request only works in browser -

I have the following GET request that returns HTML for a login form, indicating that my authentication, i.e. wrong credentials When I authenticate in a browser session, and manually request the same URL, then I hope the blank XML document will be found as a response. What am I missing? var getRequest = WebRequest.Create ("") as HttpWebRequest; GetRequest.Credentials = New network credentials ("", "password"); (Var response = getRequest.GetResponse () using HttpWebResponse) {var sr = New StreamReader (response.GetResponsestream ()); Response.Write (sr.ReadToEnd ()); } You already know the answer: when you get certified in a browser session What you get is the correct response means that you are not authenticated when using WebRequest . Used for the credentials you provide, but your web site is used for some type of HTML form-based authentication. To solve this problem, you must use

c# - Share data in LAN -

I am creating a music library program, and I have the ability to share libraries in the LAN. How can I find other people sharing my library? I want to find other libraries without typing in IP and accessories. Perhaps the easiest way to use UDP is to send a message from time to time (some information in which The presence of your library is advertising). This will be received by all hosts on your subnet (and, perhaps, depending on your router configuration) If your app listens for these messages from other hosts, then it will be able to find all other instances of your app on this subnet . EDIT: It has been found that which are the answers that go into more specifications I am talking about.

subclipse - Ignoring Eclipse project files in SVN project -

I have a PHP project with SVN support in Eclipse Now, Eclipse connects its project files. BuildBeath and Projects and subclips for the project want to add it to the repository. Now I can only ignore SVN so that SVN files can be ignored, but this is not an option for various reasons, is Eclipse and subclipse a way to ignore files ( Who should do it in any way)? Preferences > Team > Unseen Resources

java - Where is the displaytag of scheduled reporting? -

Then I am creating some reports and display these reports for output in html, csv, excel, pdf etc. I am using. Are paginated, and take a simple object graph ... and produce excellent results every time with very good code. However, I need to use displaytag or its equivalent outside of a jsp. So that a user can schedule a report to run, and that report is stored in DB, or emailed to look after it. I have seen Jasper based reporting solutions, but creating a jasper jrxml file is just a nightmare. I know that there are GUI tools to help, but I'm making the content with simple output of the display, so I'm glad to leave that control for ease of implementation. In fact, if I display: Configuring table with JSP, so please keep in mind that while offering a solution, keep in mind. BTW, Java solutions will be my cup tea. Why do you need to get it out of JSP? This is a perfectly good job of formatting your data. You can write some code that makes web reporting to your r - Cannot select grid element through jQuery -

This is a follow-up question Darin Dimitrov has provided using kindness, But for some reason, I was not able to select the grid line I wanted. Here jQuery has been used to select the row. (Function () {$ ('#_trustgrid input [name = = trustdocidtextbox]'). (Function (index) {$ (this). Click (function () {Warning ('Hello world =' + index); SetGridInEditMode (index);});});}); The actual output here is HTML markup. & lt; Input id = "_ TrustGrid_ctl16_ctl05_ctl00_trustDocIDTextBox" type = "text" value = "198327493" name = "_TrustGrid $ ctl16 $ ctl05 $ ctl00 $ trustDocIDTextBox" / & gt; I have started using jQuery tonight and going through the official document but have failed. Am I missing something here? What I did to save the whole ID I used in my .aspx page Control: & lt; Input type = "hidden" id = "sub-contractor dropdown ID" value = "& lt;% = sub-contractor

Call assembly in buffer in C -

Is this possible? I want to put the Intel assembly code in four buffers, and then execute If I put the assembly code in buffer, can I put it in the function pointer? And can I call it? I would like to write Intel assembly code or machine GCC and Linux Want to execute code? If you want to execute the machine code, yes, you, the character buffer on the memory page is turned on, NX (no execution) is not marked. If you are talking about the assembly code, then you will need to run the code for the first time through an assembler (unit on Linux * standard on system which is usually Form is called ), it should be the same as gas ) and then run the resulting machine code.

language agnostic - How to display local time of the browser in a web app -

I am writing a web app and I would like to display the timestamp on the page in the user's local time. There are several ways to do this, but it is not clear what is a good way. Use the geographic location from the IP address to get the time zone - it seems like too much land. / Li> Use Javascript to provide date time on the page - it looks like complex client-side javascript. Use javascript to retrieve timezone and locale with user preferences, and save it In a cookie, the server can use it to format this date, the server side code is good, but the first page There is not a great way to get it for load. Any options for the http request titles? which one? How reliable are they in all browsers? Any advice to apply it well? try me This converts UTC timestamp into fuzzy time phrases (Like "about 2 hours ago"). You output HTML like this: & lt; Abbr class = "timgo" title = "2008-07-17T0 9: 24: 17Z" & gt; July 17, 2008 &

java - How can I obtain the message resources object in a servlet? -

I am developing a project with Straits and I was wondering if it is possible to get message resources in message server , Which is included in the same project. There is no possibility of receiving that object with the getResources (HTTPServletRequest) because the servlet does not extend the action class. OK, what's the way to do this? In the end I found how to do this. If anyone is stuck on this issue, then the solution is to: Use the java.util.ResourceBundle class in your servlet. You will have to pass the resource bundle with the name of the property class, the location you want to use, as you can see below: ResourceBundle RB = new Resource Bundle ("", myLocale); // and then get the message from the RB object rb.getMessage ("myPropertiesKey");

c# - Excel to XML in .NET3.5 -

एक्स्ट्रा फाइल को एक्सएमएल फ़ाइल में एनएटी ढाँचा 3.5 का उपयोग कैसे करें कृपया दृष्टिकोण बताएं P> एक्सेल शीट का प्रारूप xls है और मानक एक्सएमएल फॉर्मेट में कनवर्ट आप एक कार्यपुस्तिका खोलें (एक्सएलएस या एक्सएलएसएक्स प्रारूप), इरेंज के साथ स्वरूपित पाठ (जैसे $ 5.00) प्राप्त करें। टेक्सट प्रॉपर्टी या आईआरजे के साथ अपरिवर्तित कच्चे मान। वैल्यू प्रॉपर्टी आप मूल्यों को संशोधित भी कर सकते हैं और पुन: निर्धारित कर सकते हैं यदि आवश्यक हो। आपको एक्सएमएल फाइलों को स्वरूपित पाठ या अपरिवर्तित मानों को लिखने के लिए .NET XML API का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होगी। यदि आप इसे स्वयं की कोशिश करना चाहते हैं, तो आप नि: शुल्क परीक्षण डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। < P> अस्वीकरण: मेरे पास स्प्रेडशीट गेयर एलएलसी है

How to get the return from php to javascript? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मुझे एक्सएमएल में उपयोगकर्ता के सत्यापन के लिए एक PHP कोड रहा है उदाहरण के लिए: ValLogin.php & lt;? Php $ userName = $ _REQUEST ["उपयोगकर्ता नाम"] ; $ पासवर्ड = $ _REQUEST ["पासवर्ड"]; $ ICount = 0; $ LoginArray = array (); $ Xml = सरल एक्सएमएललोड_फ़ाइल ("लॉगिंटस्ट। एक्सएमएल"); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 2; $ i ++) {foreach ($ xml- & gt; उपयोगकर्ता नाम [$ i] - & gt; विशेषताएं ($ a = & gt; $ b) के रूप में {$ loginArray [$ iCount] = $ B; $ ICount ++; } यदि ($ उपयोगकर्ता नाम == $ लॉगिनअरेरा [0] & amp; $ password == $ लॉगिनअरे [1]) {हेडर ("स्थान: EHP_Configuration.html"); वापसी ; } $ ICount = 0; } गूंज "& lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = 'javascript' & gt; अलर्ट ('एडी') & lt; / SCRIPT & gt;"; हैडर ("स्थान: लॉगिनओ"); ? & Gt; HTML & lt; form method = "post" action = "vallogin.php" & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; ईको अपे

php - Command line script to create user passwd -

I am very new to Linux and PHP so please forgive me if this is a dumb question. I need to create a PHP command line script which will add the user to the system, which will be used by the FTP server. I have installed it at this point that this account creates just fine. The problem I am experiencing is that even if I pass an account by creating an account I -p $ password, I still have to run the "passwd" command on the account and manually set the password before it That proftpd will log into that account. For my life, I can not understand how to run the passwd command within php, obviously I can run it, but I do not know how to ask the program to enter the password. / P> For more information, I run it when I create an account that passes in the $$ username and $ password function. shell_exec ("useradd" .username. "-g ftpusers -m -p". $ Password. "-d / home / ftp Now looking for something to add to the lines of: shell_exec (/ &quo

wpf - Combine multiple Ellipses -

I need to combine several fault coalitions to create a union between them, but the alliance is only geometry class 2 geometry The ideal way to add a class is to combine the same combination which accepts more than geometry 1 and geometric sizes 2. Does anyone know such things that behaves like this? Linear geometry is a geometry, so that you can add it like this: < Pre> & lt; Combined geometry geometry combinemode = "union" & gt; & Lt; CombinedGeometry.Geometry1 & gt; & Lt; EllipseGeometry RadiusX = "70" RadiusY = "30" Center = "100,150" /> & Lt; /CombinedGeometry.Geometry1> & Lt; CombinedGeometry.Geometry2 & gt; & Lt; EllipseGeometry RadiusX = "70" RadiusY = "30" Center = "200,150" /> & Lt; /CombinedGeometry.Geometry2> & Lt; / CombinedGeometry & gt; Edit You can use this mechanism by adding three or more indexed combinations &

Which version of the .net framework will Sharepoint 2010 use? -

Now that the Sharepoint conference has started and at least some NDA restrictions have been removed. I was wondering which version of NetWorkwork SharePoint 2010 would use. The Sharepoint workflow has been built on Net 4.0 in the workflow, especially interested in it since we have problems with performance in the workflow for NAT 3.5. this .NET 3.5 Clearly the release timeframe was unable to work . SharePoint 2010 did not work to work with .NET Framework 4.0. One look

c# - Passing func inline as a parameter (eg a => a....) -

How can I provide a function for a method, so I can write something: Method Test (a => a.IsAltTagAvailable); The signature of this method takes a func, which gives an object (called HtmlImage) when the situation is complete (basically just one word). EDIT: I need to pass the way I am working as a T (parameter). I forgot to do this, how clumsy! thanks A suspicious bool There is a habit of going back, not an object when the situation has not been completed, then what are you returning? Given your example, you do not really mean that returns is an object - this means that takes returns an object and bool is. Note that if you are going to a parameter in Lambda expression, then you have to use a representative who also takes the parameters. We must have a definite or zero law test (funk & lt ; HtmlImage, bool & gt; (Personally I like the descriptive nature of using the nominated representative, but others like using Func / . Code for a

qt creator - QtCreator for windows: is it possible to build 64 bit .exe? -

Is it anyway for windows to make a 64-bit executable in Qt Creator? (I need to use the COM object as INPROC and this object is only available for 64 bit architecture) I do not see any reason why not. You will need the following: To work on 64-bit processors, Make sure that you have Visual Studio 64 bit version Compile QT to 64bit setup Compile Qt Creator on that setup Email says that the debugging tool must also be compiled. I'm not sure that the debugger uses QtCreator, but I think it would be an open source and you can compile it on that setup. QT probably does not do this by default because they already generate loads of different builds for all platforms they support and yet there is not a huge demand for 64-bit window desktop applications.

java - Refactoring JSP scriptlet loop to be more readable -

I have a few JSP code, which writes a tree representing reputable data. This data is displayed using nested layers. The JSP code has many code snippets similar to the following code (which is the numeric value of variable differences in many closing tag tags): Using scriptlets is not rude, and reading the code is not very easy at first sight. How can the code be re-applied to be more readable? tag of JSTL (Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library).

.net - C# Non-Windows Remote Desktop -

I want to create a simple remote desktop application (you can see the screen remotely and interact with it) . As the first step, I have tried to take screenshots, 1 second per second, by compressing them to JPEG and sending them (without contact), I've found that it is too slow on the LAN too. Is there any indication for doing this better? Is there a C # sample code for projects like this? You may consider looking at the implementation of VNC. VNC is an open source source for VNC and whatever you want. I know about Net Clients: Hope this will give you some direction for your project.

.net - What are the specific security risks of this web services architecture? -

I need ammunition to try to promote the set of available web services that directly support our production Chat with customer service application. My approach is to implement the IPassword provider and authenticate it from our Edi Store. The architecture recommendation that came from high is SSL, which has an IP filter on the router, allowing only some IP addresses to call web services. Entry will be given with a GUID key, no login or password is required. Each key authorized to use our web services will be given a key, it will be generated by us and will probably be emailed to them. There is no end policy about which I know. It seems wrong to me, but they are not buying the logic that there is no real certification in the game. What are the specific safety risks with this architecture? What is really the attack scenario, and how easy would it be to compromise our system? I should be able to expand the risks, probably even even they should be displayed in our architecture team.

c# - What are JScript case sensitivity rules? -

I am using ScriptControlClass for reference and I thought the JScript case was sensitive ... However, my The user base has surprised me ... I have several ways which I have provided users all over the top such as: IF, Empty, AGE, PARSE, etc ... OK , Today a user has filed a fault that the Isammam Group was not working. I checked the user and informed that the function was ISSAMPGROUP and it was working properly ... the user answered, all the functions except the IF work in a lesser case. I therefore ran a quick test and all 5 Worked in an insensitive way in the work ... I was surprised to see age and age as well as all other changes and to work correctly. How below are my functions declared and I have verified that the JSScript function is calling my C # every time ... this.scriptEngine.AddCode (@ "Function Edge (Birthday) { Return cmd.Age (birthday);}; "); This.scriptEngine.AddCode (@ "function ISSAMPGROUP (value) {return cmd.IsSampleGroup (value);};"); F - Can I create an inheritance-based filesystem in my webapp? -

I have an app that has different "skins", and most of these skins share the same picture For each skin, we are making a copy of the image directory, just one of the files is different. Is there something like an object oriented legacy for an IIS directory? Meaning if a file exists, use it, otherwise drag the file from a root directory? Suppose that my parent image folder contains A.png, B.png and C.png I just have A in my "skin" image folder. I want to refer it to my web app so that I can get the skin A.png, but parents B. I do not feel so, is there any way I can repeat in You can create your own ASP: IMAGE control by subclassification which knows how to Structure to find specific heritage image

c# - How can I speed up the animations when using FluidKit? -

I used in a WPF application and would like to speed up the animation. slide transition slide transition = resource ["slide transition"] as slide transition; Slide transition Direction = Direction. Leftautoite; SlideTransition.Duration = New Period (New System. TimeSpain (1000)); // Transition Container does not work. Transition = Slide Transition; There is a "duration" property that is of a type of period that expects for the time span, but at some point of time it causes no animation to me. is. How can I decide for a period to control the motion of the animation? (If someone is looking for an answer to this, then I am also on CodePlex Forum.) This works: slideTransition.Duration = Timespan From Milliseconds (200);

javascript - Multiple buttns on a page - not working -

Can anyone tell me why the following is not working? & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Script language = "javascript" src = "/ property / js / jazzery-1.3.2.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ("Button"). Bind ("click", function () {warning ("you clicked" + $ (this) .attr ("id"));}; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Untitled document & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "Button 1" & gt; Click me! & Lt; / Button & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; & Lt; Button ID = "Button 2" & gt; Click me! & Lt; / Button & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; & Lt; Button ID = "Button 3" & gt; Click me! & Lt; / Button & gt; &a

Creating C macro with ## and __LINE__ (token concatenation with positioning macro) -

I want to create a macro that creates a function with a name based on the line number. I thought I could do something like this (the actual function will contain statements within the braces): #define UNIQUE static zero unique _ ## __ line __ (zero) {} which I hoped would be an extension to do something like this: static zero unique_23 (zero) {} This does not work, with the token insertion, the positioning macros is really treated: static zero unique ___ line __ (zero) {} Is it The Nbv? (Yes, there is a real reason that I want to do this, no matter how bad it is). The problem is that when you have a macro replacement, the preprocess increases the macros only When neither the stringing operator # and the tokens-pasteing operator ## apply to it, you will have to use some extra layers, you can use a token-pasteing operator Recurring can be used with extended logic: #tokenpeste (x, w E) x ## y #define Define TOKENPASTE2 (x, y) tokenpeste (x, y) # Unique st

.net - Calling a COM+ Component remotely using C# -

I have a COM + component as a service on a remote server. I am trying to execute this method by using this component: type type =. GetTypeProprog ("ComPlusTest.ComTestClass", serverName); // Create a service object service = activator Create Instances (Type); // Execution Method String result = service.GetType (). InvokeMember ("LaunchPackage", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, blank, parameter, empty) .restring (); The type is returned as zero What's the best way to do this ?? The server is Windows 2003 Enterprise, the service is a .NET component that COM + (I know I do not have to do this, but its purpose is to create a legacy app with a .NET component Its purpose is to test only that .NET COM + Component works. Thanks in advance! I have not tried to do this, but your attitude is understandable. Perhaps you are running in another issue (such as configuration or permission)? Some troubleshooting suggestions: Try to run your test program di

.net - Set a proxy individually for each WebBrowser? -

I just found it, but it sets all the WebBrowser controls on my form I want to be able to set a different proxy for each control. Is it possible? If not, is there any move to come around this? Maybe some type of demon sees the port and the proxy translates that request into the request? For example: Request on port 12345 - & gt; Connect to URL at port 80, but use proxy on port 12346 - Request - & gt; Connect to URL at port 80, but use proxy In our application we launched every browser in a different process and reparted it. We do not reach the same process to set up a proxy for all WebBrows.

user interface - How do I design a C# visual motif that looks like visual studio error list -

How can I design a C # visual shape that looks like a visual studio error list? - I is a program that checks the inputs provided by the user, and I would like to send the error back to the user in the same format as the "Error list" display in Visual Studio 2005. A list view with visual providers set on "details".

assembly - Is IAR assembler possible to import #define from C header to assembler? -

I have mixed assembler and C project based on the IAR ARM. I have some # defined in the C header, (Embedded file). Can anyone tell me that this is possible? Many thanks. Of course, as long as you can play syntax well, just through your preprocessor assembly file Run before running.

visual studio 2008 - referencing 32 assemblies on a 64 bit windows dev box -

I and my co-developer have installed Microsoft Expression Studio 3. I get a reference from the new media player and my project co-god gets the project from TFS and can not be created due to missing references. Oh I said --- until I did not realize that I was walking on a 64 bit environment and it was not. This means that the expression is "machine-installed" in the program file (x86) "on the machine and on its machine it is a" program file " so how does it work? If we have this thing then we are referencing (in this case expression or anything for that matter) is established in various places? Note that this is VS 2008. When I have external assemblies I would usually copy it to the normal folder that is also checked in your version control system. In this way, all developers have the same DLL with which they need to be compiled.

python - Specific use case for Django admin -

I have some special use cases for the Django administrator, and I'm curious about other people's opinions: / P> I want to use a customized version administrator so that users can edit some objects on the site (optimized to see more like the rest of the site). At this point, users can edit only the objects of which they own, but I can finally open it to some other wiki-style where none of the user objects can edit. In other words, I am specifying all users as 'staff' and am allowing them to edit. I was also considering doing this for other things where all users will be able to edit all the objects I use a custom view to make sure The advantage of the user to edit only their object is that I have a starting point for the editing interface (as the administrator automatically creates) that I can only customize from ModelAdmin The front because administrative functionality is already like. I think the first suggestion would be considered acceptable, while