actionscript 3 - Fail-safe way of round-tripping Flash swf files to text-representation and back -

I am looking for a failed-safe way to travel between a Flash SVF file and a text rendering and back again .

A strict requirement is that the resulting flip flash SVF file is equal to the original Flash SVF file, unless the representation of the text is unchanged.

In addition, the text representation should be human-readable and editable.

Is there any failure? It is possible to make small changes in the representation of the text (such as changing the text string or class name etc). Flash sgf file / text-rendering / safely round tripping according to above requirements to achieve flash SOF file?

is not a failure?

In fact, what do you want to do that device ...

Besides, I can only suggest learning, and SWF Read and use it to convert the type of text you want to represent ...


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