
Showing posts from April, 2010

c# - Clearing a double-linked list -

I have a double-linked list (queue) I have made on my own. I'm thinking, to clear the linked list, is it enough to just remove the reference of the head and tail? example clear public zeros () {head = zero; Tel = faucet; } I am doing a domino imaging imaging, but I have been having a hard time testing it. This whole object will appear at least blank. All data requests (such as peek, deckies etc) return to zero. You can easily preview some new objects. It appears that it is functional properly. But I really want to know if I am doing it correctly.

sql server - what's the catch (select new in LINQ vs simply filling the object) -

Anyone can understand the difference between these two pieces of code: var Temp = (In context, select some fresh new objects from C. {name = c.Name, created = c. Created}). ToList (); And this: var temp = (c in the selection from c.) Some selection; Forech (template in some tape) {SomeObject then = new object (); So.Name = t.Name; Hence. Created = t. ready; } Some table.Created databases have a ductable datetime type field in the database. While the first piece throws an exception: Sqldatetime overflow 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM Should be between. The second works. Thank you! In the first code, type c by nothingtable Will be read or an example of SomeObject will be created unless any code is Temp . The second is the calculation. So I hope that there is a problem with the validity of context.setable first code has been computed in temporary . Test it by changing the first block on it: var temp = (from context to c)

java - Project to isolate entities in Seam -

Is it possible to have a seam project for institutions (source / main) and other projects? I have a situation on which 6 organizations of an organization are reaching the same institutions and I do not want to repeat them in every project. If this is possible, how can I do this? Where can I find a document about this? Thanks, Katén Wiglio Yes, this There is a very common method. See if you have domains with the EasyBy module and have been used as dependency in the web module. Of course you must remember to remember the blank file as a result of jar file. PS This example is created by Maven and uses ejb (entities and session beans) if you wish, you can use seam-gene and Pajo.

performance - Scripting YSlow and/or PageSpeed -

As I'm starting to do some front-end engineering at work, I guess the speed achieved properly Would like to I would like to be able to use the average page value measured by YSlow or Google Page Speed, using the 50 page load times. Of course, I do not want to reload 50 times and do not want to write the value. Is there any FF plugin for this or should I have to write myself a firebug extension? Or maybe there is a non-FF command line tool that I'm planning? I recently talked about this at the Google Test Automation Conference in Zurich. There are slides for this And I posted a blog about it on my company's site and which can be found We have YSlow Beacon Were able to use and Selenium together to automate the whole process. I hope that helps!

ruby on rails - Spree e-Commerce within Existing Application -

I am trying to install spree within my application (I use gem or run it in vendor mode I'm opening up). I have reviewed the documentation and the wiki and I am still a little confused how this can work in my existing application. There is no problem in using a different database for spry to pass data between my database, but there is no problem in customizing my applications to pass data between my databases, but my application When does spry run? I do not find the spray mailing list to run the existing application in the form of expansion, but as an extension of a small part of my overall application / my optimum application is not optimal to change. Has anyone thought this is out? How to run Sprilla inside an existing rail app? You might actually expand your application to compete. Spree is a great application, and as the extension is handled (separate directory trees that override core files) it will look like the back to handle any other way. If you need a co

iphone - iPhoneSDK : view is not loading data for the first time but loads it subsequently -

The problem I am trying to load a UIView with multiple data is that the data is not displayed in the first load , But loads it in subsequent clicks. Can you help me figure out the problem. First view controller #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Class second view controller; @ Interface firstview controller: UIViewController {IBOletlet II Visual Controller * mySecondViewController; IBOutlet UIImageView * myimage1; IBOutlet UIImageView * myimage2; IBOutlet UILabel * mylabel1; IBOutlet UILb * mylabel2; } @ Property (Nonomatic, Rectangle) IBotlotte II Visual Controller * mySecondViewController; @protecti (nontomic, write) IBOutlet UIImageView * myimage1; @protecti (nanatomic, raten) ibotlet UIImage weave * MyMej2; @property (non-monitored, reserved) IBOutlet UILabel * mylabel1; @protecti (nontomic, raten) IBotlate uilable * milebayle 2; - (IABTION) LearningEXview: (ID) sender; - (IABTION) LearnEXActVV2: (ID) sender; @endFirstViewController M # Imports "FirstviewCent

text formatting - Why does Vim add spaces when joining lines? -

I want to open the text in the VIM when I get in lines then I get an extra space between sentences. Why is that so? destroys formatting information There are several different blocks of text that will result in formatting once. Therefore, there is no way to reverse the operation without prior knowledge (i.e. undo). Upgrade: Duplicate text is all a single line or several, yet formatted when look the same. Unformatted text may start either by looking at all one line, or many, even if formatted. Formatted : Formatted text can start as a single line or several, yet it looks the same when formatted . If you want your paragraph to be all in one line, or if you are ok with a little manual negligible, then you include j in lines together Can use to You can use visual mode to apply the j command to multiple lines at a time, perhaps to select a paragraph, maybe ap or Together with ip , e.g. vipJ . Again, you will still lose some information - before the formatting

types - Rails Single table inheritance problem -

I set up a single table heritage in my rail app for a user model and its subclass members, subscribers, and staff I am trying. I have a model file for each: user.rb, member.rb, etc. User model is defined: class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base; the ending; I subclassed other models like this: class members & lt; the user; In the end; and so on. In my user table, I need every square plus type field now when I go to the console and try to try to create a new example, the member or customer receives the following error: TypeError: NilClass / Library / Ruby / Gem / 1.8 / Gems / Active Records -2.3.4 / lib / active_record / base.rb: 2184: / 'Library / Rabby / Games / 1.8 / Game / Actylactor-2.3.3 / Lib / Active_Record / Base. In 'Dup' with RB: 2184: / Library / Rabi / Games / 1.8 / Games / Action Special to Family-2.3.3 / Lib / Active_Record / Base RB 1818: 'Active_screens_sms' ActiveContact- 2.3.4 / lib / active_record / base.rb: 2171: 'In Sc

How can I pass a pointer to an integer in C# -

मेरे हस्ताक्षर के साथ एक सी एपीआई है: int GetBuffer (char * बफर, Int * maxSize) में, मैं इसे इस तरह से कॉल करूंगा: चार बफर [4096]; Int maxSize = 4096; GetBuffer (बफर, और maxSize); अधिकतम साइज़ बफर आकार पर सेट है, और वास्तविक आकार भर गया है। मुझे इसे सी # से कॉल करना है। मैं "सुरक्षित मोड" के अंतर्गत कैसे कर सकता हूं? एक विकल्प सी # सूचक प्रकार का उपयोग करने के लिए बस है - इसके लिए असुरक्षित ब्लॉक (या विधि / वर्ग पर संशोधक) की आवश्यकता है, और / असुरक्षित : [DllImport (...) के साथ संकलन ] स्थिर एक्सटर्न इंटबफर (बाइट * बफर, रेफरी एफ़ अधिकतमसिस); बफ़र को कई अलग-अलग तरीकों से आवंटित किया जा सकता है। एक पिन किए गए ढेर सरणी का उपयोग करना होगा: तय (बाइट * बफर = नया बाइट [4096]) {int maxSize = buffer.Length; GetBuffer (बफर, रेफरी मैक्ससिज़); } एक और स्टैकॉलोक का उपयोग करना है, हालांकि यह केवल छोटे बफ़र्स के लिए संभव है: बाइट * बफर = स्टैकॉलॉक बाइट [4096]; Int maxSize = 4096; GetBuffer (बफर, रेफरी मैक्ससिज़); यह विशेष रूप से कार्यप्रणाली और

unit testing - Basic NMock database examples for CRUD application -

I'm looking for some basic examples of using NMock2 to duplicate database calls for CRM applications. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> setup: code> [setup ] Public zero setup () {vocal = new joke (); Mokdibeiler = _mocks.NewMock & lt; IDBLayer & gt; (); // Dependence inject anyway = new SUT (_mockDBLayer); } Test: [test] Public Zero testMethodName_TestCase () {var dbRetrunValue = // Whatever is expected. Once. On (mockDBLayer) Method ("dbMethod") will (Return.Value (dbRetrunValue)). // Exercise var real = sut.methodName (); // Corruption ...} Verification if you want it [Tyrund] Public Zero Tyrund () {mocks.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet (); } I like though:

java - How to know when there's too much logging messages? -

I came across a pretty good library for parsing cue files. But when I started reading its source code, I realized that it is almost unreadable: Public Zero Setpants (Final Cushite Parents) {FileData.logger.entering (FileData.class. GetCanonicalName (), "setteacher (cushet)", parent); This.parent = parents; FileData.logger.exiting (FileData.class.getCanonicalName ()), "Setrentant (Cushet)"); } Each method has logger.enting () and logger.exing () messages. Is not it too much? There is another Java library to parse the audio tag. There were also 15 log messages for each file that read it. It was disturbing, so I commented on every caller about logger. And the library was fast twice, because they used string consonants for log messages. So the question is: Am I really going to log everything, even if it is not a big enterprise application? Because these libraries do not explicitly require any logging except error messages. And my experience shows that logg

Unidentified problem with jQuery's .click() function -

I'm trying to add an 'onclick' function to an image on jQuery and for some reason it does not stick to it. My code looks like this: Create an arrow icon / button for // Li var img = $ ('& lt; img & gt; & lt; / & gt;') Attr ('id', i + 5) .attr ("src", "images / 16-arrow-right.png") .addClass ("expImg"). Click (function () {extension (this, 'tdb', 'years', 'danwoods')}) .appendTo (Lee); and the resulting element looks; & lt; Img id = "6" src = "image / 16-arrow-right.png" square = "expImg" /> This leaves the onclick function completely, but everything else works well. Does anyone see a problem in my code, or what error is elsewhere? Thanks in advance ... I hope the click event handler is defining to show you In an HTML rendering of an element, you are not actually "setting a code; click on; click on "; You are bound to creat

c++ - Perspective disappeared in Eclipse -

I run Fedora 11 x86_64 and I use Fedora Eclipse. The perspective I was compiling the code in my C ++, I did not have any other reason than another Fedora. No big deal, I just restart my system, but when I reopen the eclipse for me to continue coding. Eclipse has put me in a strange "resource" perspective. So, I wanted to open my C ++ perspective easily, but now I was not in the choice I liked. I then check for software updates to see if my C ++ and Java packages were still present and they were. Therefore, C ++ and Java perspectives were installed but I can not use them. Did you reset window-> perspective? You also want to delete or rename your .metadata folder ...

java ee - how to obtain the relative path of a resource in a j2ee project -

I have a dynamic web project (or text file) with a successful file I have created a servlet in which I Need to use My code is as follows: Secure zero code (HTTPSvette request), servlet throws excitation, IOException {// string processing = request.getParameter ("Jason") ; If (resource! = Null & amp;! Resources.equals ("")) {// use getResourceAsStream () to use the file properly, InputStream = getServletContext () .getResourceAsStream ("JSON" "); If (is! = Zero) {// resource is present.setContentType ("application / json"); Response.setHeader ("Pagera", "No-Cash"); Response.setDateHeader ("End", 0); Response.setHeader ("cache-control", "no-cache"); Stringwright SW = new stringwriter (); (Int c = (); c! = -1; c = ()) {sw.write (c); } PrintWriter out = response.getWriter (); outside. Print (sw.toString ()); Out.flush (); }} } The problem is that InputStream is

c# - Why can't we define a variable inside a while loop? -

हम कर सकते हैं: का उपयोग कर (स्ट्रीम एस ..) < / Pre> और: के लिए (int i ...) हम ऐसा कुछ भी क्यों नहीं कर सकते हैं: जबकि ((int i = NextNum ()) gt; {..} मुझे यह बहुत उपयोगी और समझदार लगता है। < / Div> मैं भाषा डिजाइनर नहीं हूं, लेकिन मैं इसे शिक्षित अनुमान दूँगा। के अंदर का खंड जबकि () को हर बार निष्पादित किया जाता है, लूप निष्पादित होता है। (अंत में 1 और समय।) कथन int i = NextNum () एक स्थानीय चर घोषित करता है आप एक स्थानीय चर को एक से अधिक बार घोषित नहीं कर सकते हैं। अद्यतन शब्दावली से, यह समझ में आता है कि यह संभव होना चाहिए। वास्तव में, जैसा कि टिप्पणियों में बताया गया है, यह अन्य भाषाओं में संभव है। हालांकि, सी # में कुछ प्रमुख सिंटैक्स नियमों को पुनः लिखने के बिना यह संभव नहीं होगा। स्थानीय चर को एक बयान में घोषित किया जाना चाहिए। मुझे विश्वास है कि भाषा को इस तरीके से अलग करना है क्योंकि एक चर घोषणा वास्तव में निष्पादित नहीं की गई है। जब आप कोड की एक पंक्ति देखते हैं जो एक चर बनाता है और उसे एक मान प्रदान करता है, तो वास्तव में यह के

for loop - How to generate a range of numbers in PHP with increment of 0.25? -

I want to make a list of numbers with a 0.25 difference between them, e.g. 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 1.25 ..... 9.75 10 How can this be done? Just use a loop. For the ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; = 10; $ i + = 0.25) echo $ I, '& lt; Br / & gt; ';

c++ - Virtual non-method members -

Is this possible? This way it generates an error. class A {public: virtual std :: string key; }; Class B: Public A {Public: std :: string key; }; Int main (A); A.key = "Foo"; Return 1; } No, because it really does not make sense to remember that sub- In the class there are all members of its original class; Therefore, b is still a 's std :: string key . Also, since b is of std :: string key is the same type, it is very similar to a s - So, what was the issue of overriding it? Also, note that during the construction, when we will not be asked the virtual methods of the creator of A , it means that If we arrive at the construction of A during the key , then we get the key of A - but then when B < / Code> is created, that key is shaded, its data is completely inaccessible. He said, if you really want to do something like that, you will need to use a virtual accelerator function: class A {private: std: : String m_key; Public: Vir

c# - ASP.NET MVC Application Variables? -

Are there application variables in ASP.NET? I want to store an object for all users which should be updated independently every 5 minutes. But all users should always look at its final version. Any suggestions (C #)? You can store application-wide data in ASP.NET. Add your item to the cache using the method. Set Sliding End Value in 5-minute Timespace Write a cover class to access the object in the cache. The wrapper class can provide a method for obtaining object cache. For example: public static class CacheHelper {get public static MyObject} () {MyObject obj = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get ("myobject") of MyObject in the form of; If (obj == faucet) {// Create an object to be inserted into the cache obj = CreateObjectByWhateverMeansNecessary (); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert ("myobject", obj, null, dateTime.Now.AddMinutes (5), system.web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); } Return obj; }}

regex - String matching in python with re -

मेरे पास इस संरचना में एक फाइल है: 009 / foo / bar / hi23123 / Foo / bar231123 / foo / bar / yo232131 मुझे स्ट्रिंग के सटीक मिलान को खोजने की आवश्यकता है; जैसे केवल / फू / बार के बीच / foo / bar / hi और / foo / bar / yo मेरे दिमाग में एक समाधान आया है जैसे इनपुट स्ट्रिंग के लिए "/" क्योंकि अगर संभव परिणाम में "/" समाप्त हो रहा है, तो इसका अर्थ है कि यह केवल / foo / bar से कुछ अलग है। इस समाधान के लिए, मुझे यह कहना चाहिए: < कोड> इनपुट = / एफयू / बार और समाप्त किए बिना इनपुट मैच "/" कैसे कर सकते हैं मैं अजगर में अजगर से ऐसा करता हूं? बीटीडब्ल्यू, यदि कोई अन्य समाधान सुझाव है, तो आप यहां साझा करने के लिए स्वागत है। तो आप / foo / bar नहीं एक / के बाद? यदि ऐसा है, तो आप एक "नकारात्मक लुकआहेड" की तलाश कर रहे हैं, r = re.compile (r / / foo / bar (?! /) ') और फिर अपने दिल की सामग्री पर।

Javascript for CSS style modification inside Google Chrome browser -

I am facing a strange problem that is developing web applications, as much as possible with the most popular browsers : I have found an HTML code that I want to click on a button from its original position inside the page to move to another position. Here is the HTML code: & lt; Div id = "content" & gt; Text content ... & lt; / Div & gt; Related CSS: div # content {padding: 15px 15px 15px 215px; } and javascipt to move the block when clicking on a button: document.getElementById ('content'). Style.padding = "15px 15px 15px 15px"; => It works fine in Firefox, IE and Opera (basically, it expands a content block, basically fills the page half of the page on the full page ) => In Chrome, the javascript code does not extend the block width but transfers it with a fixed width of 200px (but if I fix the padding modifications at once to the hard code Lets ...) Umi to me If there is a solution for anyone then thanks

javascript - Threading for iframe elements in IE -

Which of the following is not running in the same thread as the current page in IE8 ? An iframe with the same domain as the current page. An iframe with the sub-domain of the current page's domain. With an iframe domain of a super-domain of the current page's domain An IFam with a completely different domain from the current page. I want to know to implement it in IE which are in separate threads. Edit : Is any the way a window is post message IE Threading is not associated with the domain resource. An IFrame Dome is created and the main thread is tied as the main browser document.

c - Populating Heap (malloc) with a string array -

I am trying to populate the pile with a string array, but when I compiled the console gave me something I did not know what I did ... zero spell check (four articles [4], four dictionaries []) {int i = 0; Char * tempArticle; While (article [i]! = '\ 0') {i ++; } TempArticle = malloc (i); I = 0; While (article [i]! = '\ 0') {strcpy (temp article, article [i]); } Printf ("% s", tempArticle); } You can use strlen for the length of the string. In addition, you are using strcpy many times. Finally, you're just copying the Null Terminator function strakpy for you it works. The Strcpy copy takes each character up to the required tap terminator in its new buffer. In other words, you do not use it to make a letter copy at a time, but at a time, a string. However, I'm not sure what the purpose of your function is at this time. zero spell check (four articles [4], four dictionaries []) {int i = 0; Char * tempArticle; / * While (article [i]! = '

php - Downloading SQL schema for SVN in Eclipse -

I develop a PHP application in Eclipse and I wonder, there is an easy to download my MySQL schema in a specific folder. The method is so that when I commit to SVN then it has been included? EDIT: I am using phpMyAdmin to export my schema. I am just thinking that if I can automate this phase in eclipse. Create a small script that contains: mysqldump - someone Data DBNAME & gt; /path/to/your/file.sql and run before doing it (svn support client based hook?) - How to get schema of our table without filling its DataTable before calling NewRow method? -

I know that before adding a new row to a DataTable, I should have a table schema before calling the NewRow method. .. But as you know, placing a schema of a table means to fill the datatable with DB records. This means connecting with DB and getting records. Do you have any schema without any choice? set debo.uppers above The query only retrieves the table schema.

how to redirect to new page with javascript , after submit html form? -

I am using html, javascript & Mod_python I want to submit the html form. To do this, I used document.formName.submit (); After submitting, I want to redirect to the new page. I tried location = "newpage.html" but it is not working. Unless you submit the form with AJAX, submitting a user to a The new page will take you so that you can not redirect to a javascript. You can redirect to the server side or change the form of the form.

How to merge two arrays in Javascript and de-duplicate items -

मेरे पास दो जावास्क्रिप्ट सरणियाँ हैं: var array1 = ["विजेंद्र", "सिंह "]; Var सरणी 2 = ["सिंह", "शाक्य"]; मुझे आउटपुट होना चाहिए: var array3 = ["विजेंद्र", "सिंह", "शाक्य"]; आउटपुट सरणी को दोहराए गए शब्द दोहराए जाने चाहिए। मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट में दो सरणियों को कैसे मर्ज करूँगा ताकि मैं एक ही क्रम में प्रत्येक सरणी से अनन्य आइटम्स प्राप्त कर सकूं वे मूल सरणियों में डाली गई थीं? बस सरणियों को मर्ज करने के लिए (डुप्लिकेट को हटाने के बिना) सरणी.संकेत : var array1 = ["विजेंद्र", "सिंह"]; Var सरणी 2 = ["सिंह", "शाक्य"]; Var सरणी 3 = सरणी 1। संकल्प (array2); // डुप्लिकेट को निकालने के रास्ते में कोई 'बनाया' नहीं है (वास्तव में है) / / ['विजेंदर', 'सिंह', 'सिंह', 'शाक्य'] / Array.forEach जो इसके लिए बहुत अच्छा होगा ..), इसलिए हम इसे स्वयं करते हैं: Array.prototype.unique = function () {var a = this .concat (); के लि

linux - How to run an X program from outside the X session (e.g. from the console or SSH) -

Person without logging in to the console, how can I run an X application and display it on that X session? Suppose I am either a root, or I am the only user who is logged in, so in principle I have overtaken it to do so. Login with SSH and run the program that is displayed on the screen of the remote computer (< Amazon import command < Li> Running a keystroke logger for audit purposes This No Li The answer in short is to set you the DISPLAY environment variable Hoog And then the app will run. The long answer is that we have Xauth, and as long as you are not running on the same machine as the same user who is not likely to work Going on, you do not export Xauth credentials with the account running X client X account. ssh -X handles it for you, which is why it is great, but in the manual process X Run xauth extract - $ DISPLAY on the server account And the data is fed to the xauth merge - to the client account. (Warning: Data is binary.) On the

How to "freeze" git submodule -

I am using some repositories that I do not host myself and I am wondering what will happen if I Deploying my application when they are not available? It just can not be right now Is there any way when I will pull from my repository submodules are already init and updated? Any help is appreciated. I am using some repositories which I do not host myself and I Am I being deploying my application, while they are not available? It just can not be right now. Host your own mirrors through those clones, and use your mirrors as submodules.

.net - Serial Comms programming structure in c# / net / -

I am an embedded programmer trying to do a little bit coding for a communication app and I started it I have successfully sent serial data packets, but some types of sending / response protocol are required to avoid overflow over the target system and to ensure that the packet was properly received. Right now - I have all the communication codes under a button click and it sends a whole lot without any control. What is the best way to setup this code, such as sending some packs - waiting for feedback ... sending more etc ... etc. until all of this is complete, then take with the main program. I have not used threads or callback or will learn this way before in this environment - I just need an indicator in the most Stratford way to do this. Thanks Rob .NET uses serialport buffers, work with them learn how to. The packet is being sent which can be threaded w / o from the sender buffer (far away) small. Receiving can be done from the event receiving the data, but be ca

How to get the image from the fingerprint scanner? -

I am using C ++ and I have to capture the image from the fingerprint scanner. Are there some libraries for this matter? I need a free solution and a better cross-platform solution, but the goal is- OS Vista. Maybe there are some ways in QT4? This would be the best solution for me. Your best bet is that which maker created a scanner (this is not ASUS - in the laptop There are only two or three manufacturers of capacitive sensors to be used. My condition is that it is a UPE scanner) and what is this model, go to the manufacturer's web site and see which tools they provide. If there is no one on the web site, contact the manufacturer. Keep in mind that the SDK (A) for scanners is available only when you sign a non-disclosure agreement and (b) cost money. If you are lucky, then the manufacturer's SDK can be used for the BioAPI standard Which will make it easier to use your code with scanners from other vendors (note: "not easy").

java - Does Eclipse look like native GUIs? -

I am currently reading about SWT, often written that the eclipse will be used as a SWT application in the host platform or OS The standard GUI looks like but I do not think so. At least under the windows, tabs of eclipse scenes do not look like standard windows tabs. Why is this? Was it ever different? What about other SWT applications? On some platforms, you do not find the original version of all the controls in SWT and then they have to be emulated. . About "tab control", SWT supports standard tab control which is part of Win32 (and when you run it on OSX, you will see one of the standard OSX tab controls, blue ) But Eclipse has created a new control that is more flexible than you see in the Eclipse GUI. It is not entirely an Eclipse specific thing, you can see that the development of extended control for Microsoft Office And are not standard differential control all software available to do. Anybody can argue that the control is worth making, which does not

Reflection in Rebol: Is it possible to know the script/object/function that is executing? -

यदि आर 3 में यह संभव नहीं है? हाँ और नहीं। तकनीकी तौर पर, नहीं ..... फ़ंक्शंस के नाम नहीं हैं, वे अनाम हैं एक ही समारोह एक से अधिक शब्द को सौंपा जा सकता है, इसलिए वास्तविक नाम समस्याग्रस्त है। do func [] [प्रिंट "हे विश्व"] ;; इस फ़ंक्शन का स्पष्ट रूप से सभी नामों पर कोई नाम नहीं है: फ़्ंटक [] [प्रिंट "यो विश्व"] ;; यहां तीन नामों के साथ एक समारोह है f2:: f1 f3:: f2 कुछ मामलों में अभ्यास में, हां .... आप वर्तमान नाम (यदि कोई है) को पकड़ कर सकते हैं एक चाल: एक त्रुटि को कैप्चर करें, और त्रुटि ऑब्जेक्ट में स्टैक पर नाम होता है: f3: func [/ स्थानीय ईओ] [ईओ: निहृ € ा प्रयास करें [0/0] प्रिंट ["नाम है "ईओ / कहां]] एफ 4:: एफ 3 इसे आज़माएं: & gt; & gt; एफ 3 नाम एफ 3 है & gt; & gt; एफ 4 नाम एफ 4 है यहां एक व्यापक चर्चा है:

css - setting font color of <a> inside a li tag -

मेरा मार्कअप ऐसा दिखता है: & lt; div class = "c1" & gt; & Lt; li वर्ग = "सी 2" & gt; & lt; a href = "" & gt; ब्ला & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मुझे टेक्स्ट ब्ला लाल होना है। सी 1 अन्य स्थानों का उपयोग किया जाता है, इसलिए मैं अन्य मार्कअप को प्रभावित किए बिना जितना संभव हो सके नीचे ड्रिल करना चाहता हूं। अपनी सीएसएस-फाइल में इस शैली परिभाषा का प्रयोग करें: div.c1 Li.c2 एक {रंग: लाल; } < पुनश्च: अपने ; > ; और -tag बिना एक -tag की अनुशंसित नहीं है।

vmware - Remotely debug Linux Kernel from Windows? -

I was thinking that anyone knows how to remotely debug Linux kernel running under VMware (And if so, the way in Windows like me scares me like Linux ...). Both are x86 I know that VMWar has supported it (I saw a post about remote debugging via GDB), but if it was a way to do this from Windows (i.e. Eclipse CDT or something) Which would be horrible. Thank you! - Robert You are not going to debug the Linux kernel (especially away from) anything But with GDB {{code> kdb | kgdb } In-kernel extension, unless you type your debug hook.

bazaar - How do I get Bzr to run an arbitrary command on commit -

When I try and am committed to a branch, I need the ability to run an arbitrary command it occurs. This command should return 0 or any other code of failure, and if the command fails, then bzr should refuse to commit. I want to run the test suits primarily, however, other things (for example, checking the fridge at the branch, who is trying to be committed, etc. ) I want to be able to do this You have to write a pre-commit hook, for example check Do:

exception - OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android) -

Exception in the bitmap factory is not sure what the problem is (ok, I can guess this issue, but Not sure why this is happening) Error / Android Randomime (7906): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Bitmap size is more than VM budget error / AndroidRuntime (7906): Graphics on Android .BitmapFactory.decodeFile (BitmapFactory.javamore95) My code is very straight forward, I have an XML layout w / The default image is defined I try to load a BM on the SDCard (if present - this is) if it does not show the default image anyway .. Here is the code: public Category increases activity activity (public spaces crate (bundle saved instances) {/ ** Remove menu / status bar ** / Request WindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Last window win = getWindow (); win.setFlags (WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLA G_FULLSCREEN); Bitmap bm; Super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.showpicture); Try {ImageView mImageButton = (ImageView) findViewB

windows - Checking if a Socket has closed in C++ -

I have a small application that redirects stdout to another app (usually command prompt or Bash for Windows) is. The problem is that if the connection is interrupted then my process has no idea and it never stops due to this line: WaitForSingleObject (childProcess.hThread, INFINITE) < / Code> I was thinking of having a loop with something like this: while (true) {if (ProcessIsDead (childProcess.hThread)) / / Off socket and exit if (SocketIsDisocnected (hSocket)) // stop process and exit} What will I do to complete this? For the process I know that there is a WinPi to get the exit code, but I do not know how the socket has been called without calling (which I can not do) Note: I agree that the connected socket is communicating over a network link, because I'm not sure how it will be disconnected if it was a local pipe Except one process or other death. Use the Selection () function in the Socket API to query the reading state of the socket. If the call

chat - p2p video conference -

I have developed a colleague to make wpf application co-worker and in this I am broadcasting my video to other colleagues. , But I also want to see their video at the same time, I do not currently know how to pass my video stream in another peer machine so that they can process it on themselves. I want this to be P2P video conferencing. I want a colleague to send his video to other colleagues as well as get the video from other colleagues. Which approach should I use? Threads for managing multiple client requests at the same time? It seems that you will have the same thread (or more) of your video process in the conference For the transmissions of participants, while handling the video input from each other participants for a thread display on their screen, any kind of threads, etc., to control the layout. (Therefore, if N people are in the conference, there will be 1 Transmission thread, N-1 display threads and one controller thread, as well as other suitable sounds like

Java string to bytearray back to string -

I have a client and server Java application for which the encrypted text needs to pass through each other. I am using encryption which encrypts the text I want. The problem is that readline () does not accept wire strings that are XORed and will only be accepted if it is in bytes. So I changed my plain text (string) into a byte array on the client side, and tried to convert it back to the server side on the string. Unfortunately, the result is me, I'm still looking for white text. Does anyone know how to change the bitter in the original string? Or is there a better way to send XROM encrypted text through the readline () function? After you have applied something like XOR, you end up with uncontrolled binary data - < Em> not an encoded string The arbitrary binary is to be used in conventional way of changing the text - Do not try to create a new string from now, then your process will be something like this: / P> Start with plain text in the form of

c# - WPF Richtextbox FontFace/FontSize -

I am currently trying to create some basic word processor features in a WPF project. I am using RichTextBox and have information about all editing commands (togglebold, toggletick ... ect.) The object I am stuck on allows the user to change fonts and font faces such as MS Office where the value only changes to the selected text and if there is no selected text, then the value will be changed to the current state of the situation. I have received a decent amount of code for working, but there is no problem with any of the selected text. I am here for RichTextBox. Selection. Text Selection Text = Rich Textbox Selection; If (text.IsEmpty) {// This will change the entire word that current Carat Status // does not have expected / expected result Text.ApplyPropertyValue (RichTextBox.FontSizeProperty, Value); } Else // This works as expected Text.ApplyPropertyValue (RichTextBox.FontSizeProperty, Value); So my question is how should I go about doing this? Is there a better / more con

haskell - Haddock for Cabal-installed modules? -

I am using GHC and installed several packages through KABAL. One of the web sites from the package says that "Look at the Headoc document" Haddock command only works on source files, and cabal hasdock only one . Cabal works in a project's top-level directory, code> build file is there a way to say "show me a Hawk dock" for a module? I'm waiting for pydoc -p 12345 which starts with an HTTP server that is installed locally. Around the work, I removed the source turbal from under ~ / .cabal and cabal configure; Cabal hasdock in the source directory, but it's like a pain. Edit your configured file: ~ / .cabal / Config There is an option to enable the default installation doctor: Documents: True Existing packages To set up a doctor, use: cabal install xxx --reinstall again from the original package to the upper-level package docs -Uninstall, so other modules "Hyper-Link" generated properly Will.

indentation - Copy of "Format Document" function in Visual Studio? -

I'm looking for an app that does the "Stot Format Document" function in Visual Studio. Something really stupid (probably add-on even on a normal text editor) that will basically turn it on: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; ? Php echo 'Earth'; ? & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; In: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo 'earth'; ? & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Use notepad ++ with the plugin more look for information.

sql server - How to make a select query for sql and access databases? -

एसक्यूएल सर्वर 2000 और एक्सेस 2003 का प्रयोग एक्सेस डाटाबेस नाम - History.mdb एक्सेस टेबल नाम - ईवेंट एसक्यूएल डाटाबेस नाम - स्टार.एमडीएफ एसक्यूएल टेबल नाम - व्यक्ति मैं फ़ील्ड को व्यक्ति तालिका से लेना चाहता हूं, और अंदरूनी प्रवेश का उपयोग करके ईवेंट तालिका में शामिल करना < P> प्रश्न की कोशिश की चुनिए * घटनाओं से अंदरूनी व्यक्ति में शामिल हो जहां = तो प्रवेश और एसक्यूएल के लिए एक क्वेरी कैसे करें डेटाबेस। मैं केवल उपयोग में क्वेरी का चयन करना चाहता हूँ एक एसक्यूएल डेटाबेस नहीं। प्रश्न पूछने की आवश्यकता है? आप एक सेट कर सकते हैं लिंक की गई तालिका में आपके एसक्यूएल सर्वर तक पहुंच, और ऐसा करने के निर्देश एक्सेस संस्करणों में थोड़ा भिन्न होते हैं। "लिंक्ड टेबल" के लिए मदद फ़ाइल देखें, या यदि आपके पास एक्सेस 2007 है, तो जाएं। एक बार आपके पास एक लिंक की गई तालिका सेट हो जाने के बाद, आप अपनी क्वेरी में SQL सर्वर तालिका का उपयोग कर सकेंगे। ध्यान दें कि लिंक किए गए तालिका में शामिल होने के लिए कुछ काम लेना चाहिए।

c# - Where are webaccess dll in tfs2010 ? (WebAccessUserControl) -

We've created a plugin for webaccess 2008. The problem is that we are trying to upgrade our version with a use with tfs2010, but we can not find DLL which we were using using Microsoft. TAM Foundation Can anyone help us? I check the documentation on Google and MSDN, but can not find anything useful ... DLL was in GAC but I did not know that at the command prompt, we can copy it directly from GAC. - Jquery Overlay with Button (ImageButton/AspButton) -

I want to use a button in When I ckick on it, an overlay will be over and the overlay will be filled with data. How can I do this with Jquery? My problem is, when I send the button, the whole page is returned to the server Thank you for your help! A asp: button will create postback on click to prevent it JavaScript can be used, as @jaraj has made a suggestion in the comment after returning false at the end of the comment clicked on Use a simple button instead of an asep button: & lt; Input type = 'button' value = 'click me' id = 'justbutton' /> If you use the designer (if you want) to use this type of button like HTML & gt; Input (button) .

mod rewrite - Pointing a subdomain to a subfolder using .htaccess -

My webhost automatically sends all requests from * to upper domain I wanted to map a subdomain to a specific folder on my topical domain i.e. to to change the ( without address bar) Must be mapped. After digging around on the net, I came up with it: Reverteign on RiverBase / Rev.% {HTTP_HOST} ^ (www \.)? [^.] + \. Example \ .com * $ RewriteRule (. *) Http: //$1 [L] It works well, except for a problem: when I enter URL sub If I go to, the URL changes in the in the address bar, but when I do something like - this map is called "" Without making changes in the bar Any help greatly appreciated! Only small changes are required: Rewrite on rewrite / Rewrite% {HTTP_HOST} ^ (www ..)? [^.] + \. Example \ .com * $ RewriteRule (. *) Myfolder / $ 1 [L] On the http: // rule, which asks Apache to send the

How does "this" escape the constructor in Java? -

मैंने अनावश्यक रूप से निर्मित ऑब्जेक्ट्स के कारण गैर धागा-सुरक्षित कोड में यह हो रहा है गेट्स की किताब में पढ़ने के बाद भी, मुझे वास्तव में अवधारणा नहीं है। मैं इस कोड की गंध की मेरी समझ को मजबूत करना चाहूंगा क्योंकि मैं शायद यह कर रहा हूं और यह भी महसूस नहीं कर रहा हूं। कृपया इसे छड़ी करने के लिए अपने स्पष्टीकरण में कोड प्रदान करें, धन्यवाद। वाकई सरल उदाहरण: सार्वजनिक वर्ग की परीक्षा {निजी स्थिर परीक्षण lastCreatedInstance; सार्वजनिक टेस्ट () {अंतिम क्रांतिकारी = यह; }}

wpf - How to get pixel shaders version from .NET? -

I am writing a WPF application and need to show information about the video card installed in the system. I have encountered a problem that I can not get the pixel version supported by the current video card. How can I use .NET? (Importing external code can be DirectX Libs, this is also a suitable solution). Only WPF provides basic information about the system's capabilities in detail, but unless you In Tier 2, you can use pixel shader, however, level 2 actually actually shows that DX9 or higher is available, so you should avoid using any pixel shader functionality beyond that. Maybe they've added another level or more details in WPF4, but I do not have my .NET 4VM work to check this time. Besides, you can possibly use, which is now, to get low level information.

python - How to prepare a django project for future changes -

As I work on my first degena power site, I am constantly learning new things and all my changes And as soon as I go I am trying to follow the dry and dragon principles and smart in my coding but eventually I have to keep the site alive and I am pretty sure that I do not do it for a long time, Something new and nick W will come down and I would like to implement it. Preparation for the future: Keeping this in mind, people have a suggestion about how I now future -Ready Is currently possible for uneducated / unknown upgrades / additional for these codes? Hindusthh is 20/20: Do you want to do that in the beginning that makes your life easier that your site is up and running? Little Things I have learned (example): Use UTC as the default timezone (and use datetime.datetime.utcnow () ) Use to help future database changes (it has not yet been done, but it seems intelligent) Not having hard code links in my templates (Use get_absolute_url ()) / code> and reverse

Where do I add my RSS feed into WordPress -

I have a feed burner code to insert in WordPress, but it is not known where to put it in WordPress. Put yourself in the following file: wp-include / general-template.php < / Code> function feed_link ($ args) {// - endurance of the function} Note the two (2) rows just before the end of the function: echo & lt; Link rel = "alternate" type = "'.' 'Title ="' Esc_attr (sprintf ($ args ['feedtitle'], get_bloginfo ('name'), $ args ['separator']).). ' 'Href =' '. Get_feed_link). "\" / & Gt; \ N "; echo" & lt; link rel = "alternate" type = "'. Feed_content_type () '' Title = "'. Esc_attr (sprintf ($ args [' comstitle '], get_bloginfo (' name '), $ args [' separator '])).' '' Href = ''. Get_feed_link ('comments_'. Get_default_feed ()). "\" / "; \ N"; Ed

How to use JSON to re-build the Javascript Object? -

मेरे पास एक वस्तु है: var someObj = Class.create ({initialize : फ़ंक्शन (objName) {this.objName = objName;}}); मैं o = new someObj ("objName") का उपयोग कर सकते हैं; एक obj बनाने के लिए मैं एक JSON स्ट्रिंग बनने के लिए ओ को बदलने के लिए ऑब्जेक्ट। टू जेसन (ओ) का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं कि जेएसओएन स्ट्रिंग कुछ ओबजे में वापस बदल ले, तो, मैं एक ऑब्जेक्ट बनने के लिए JSON स्ट्रिंग पास करने के लिए eval () का उपयोग करता हूं, लेकिन सवाल है, यह एक JS Obj बन सकता है, लेकिन "ओ" के निर्माता कुछ ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं है जेएसओएन स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट का प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं कर सकता है I "someObj" का उपयोग करके कन्स्ट्रक्टर के रूप में JSON स्ट्रिंग कैसे बना सकता है? सदस्य कार्यों के साथ, इसलिए केवल एक चीज जिसे आप JSON स्ट्रिंग से बाहर निकाल लेंगे वह कच्चा डेटा है। TOJSON पद्धति के परिणामों को मानते हुए एक वस्तु का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए JSON स्ट्रिंग में आपकी कक्षा के उदाहरण के सभी गैर-फ़ंक्शन वाले सदस्यों के साथ, आपको परिणामी वस्तु लेने में सक्षम होना - How to use extensions and utility methods in markup? -

Okay maybe this is actually a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it in any way ... < / P> How can I use extensions and utility methods in my ASP.NET markup? For example, (say) I have a date time extension named "ToExampleString ()" (in my normal date is included in the date extension). And I want to use it in my markup on the list item: gt; pre & lt; & Lt; Span & gt; & Lt;% # (DateTime) Eval ("Date Starred"). ToExampleString ()% & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; I am getting the following error: There is no definition for 'ToExampleString' in 'System.DateTime' and no extension method to 'ToExampleString' The first argument of the 'System.DateTime' type can be accepted (Do you have access direction or assembly reference available?) The page can not be seen just by extension method. Thanks What do I do to get this work done? Need to take action

javascript - How to force a page to reload if all what was changed in url is hash? -

I am trying to reload the current page with current URL hash, but it does not work as expected . (Explanation How do I want to do this: Reload the page and then scroll to the new hash.) Approach # 1: Window.location.hash = "#" + NewHash; Approach # 2: window This anchor only scrolls without reloading the page Please. .location.hash = "#" + NewHash; Window.location.reload (true); Works a bit but it first scrolls the anchor, then reloads the page, then scroll over the anchor. Approach # 3: window.location.href = window.location.pathname + + "& amp; Random = "+ Math.round (Math.Rendum (* 100000) +" # "+ NewHash; Works but I will not add random garbage to URL. Is there a better solution? Remove anchor which you are about to navigate, then use Approach # 2? Because there is no anchor, setting hashes should not scroll the page.

java ee - What Coldfusion 8 standard edition performance monitoring free tools are available? -

The company I work for is only the Standard Edition, and can not provide a valuable monitoring solution. And it has been installed on Windows 2003, IIS 6, ColdFusion 8. But we need to look at the remote performance of the coldfusion server, because intelligence can not send the data remotely. And we do not want to keep many data in SQL Server, store and watch from a distance. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks for the reply, but we are only the standard version, and need to resolve that version. Charlie Aherart's CF 411, some free, nothing. Here's the current list: , free from Dave Spire, CF desktop Yahoo Desktop Widget. , free from Steve Brownlie , from Den Switzer , free from David Bauer, , intergral (Fusionrector's) Access the application, session and memory information From Tariq Ahmed to CF Monitor, free, , from InterGrile to Commercial, < Li>, free from Mark Lynch , from Open Source, Shane Zander , free from Steve Brownie Ul>

.net - Alternatives to windows hooks in C#? -

I would like to receive a notification when any / all programs are being actively used To do this through the windows hook, I use an unmanaged C ++ dll that talks to C #. I was thinking that although the system hook There is no option to use. I have not seen all the details of this library, but it can help you.

javascript - Form calculator using Each() and Children() in jQuery -

I am trying to create a form that calculates the total value based on string values ​​such as a series of drop down boxes It's like "this option costs £ 30" I know this is not ideal but IM is putting together an existing script as a hack For most part Iive is working on it But I'm not sure that each function for each function How to not run child of #productconfig I can input every drop down id manually into an array and it does the calculation, but it would be nice if it comes with all children of #productconfig Works > pre & lt; & Lt; Div id = "# productconfig" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Model type & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Select Name = "Product [220] [Data] [Model Type]" ID = "Data-Model-Type-220" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "M-type £ 500" & gt; M-Type £ 500 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "P-type £ 500" & gt; P-Type £ 500 & lt; /

c++ - Embedded scripting engine for DSL -

I am working on a project for which an embedded DSL is required to meet its expected requirements. DSL user based event will be based here, a mockup of the desired syntax goes: User Defined-event -1 (// Event Body) User-defined-Event -2 {// event body} Perhaps, based on the events I find the most common language. Therefore, after reading such other questions on SO, I have the best embeddable scripting engine (Ruby, Lua, Python, etc.) on C ++ (I work in QT) Allows DSL to be created. In my project, I will test that the script properly defines the DSL syntax (at least one event defined) and give the user all the power of the built-in scripting engine and, if possible, QT. This is not a requirement for embedded language to work with Qt. It can be done separately, but some integration will also be very good. is out there. Lua can do something to the syntax shown above you; Specifically, {} indicates a table (associative array) in Lua, and if you are passing an anony

rubygems - gltail "Missing gem net-ssh" -

I am trying to remotely install the GLTL on my local system to monitor logs. I have installed all dependencies, but when I go to run gltail ... ./ gl_tail configfile ../config.yaml I get this output: unavailable gem Net-SSH Ubuntu: Sudo Mani Install - I Net-SS-R Admin, which I have done many times . Here's the output: dev @ Ubuntu: ~ / desktop / fuse-gallet-a5b252d / bin $ sudo gem install net-ssh successfully installed net-ssh-2.0 15 1 Re-documentation for installed gem installed Net-ssh-2.0.15 ... RDoc documentation installation for net-ssh-2.0.15 ... But when I do it again If I go to run from, then I'm missing the same missing Gum-SSI error dev @ Ubuntu: ~ / desktop / fuse-gallet-a5b252d / bin $ ruby ​​/ usr / bin / ruby ​​dev @ubuntu: ~ / desktop / Fuse-gallet-a5b252d / bin / $ gem / usr / bin / gem Why is not the Net-SSH being installed properly? This works for me on Ubuntu 10.04: sudo Gem uninstall net-ssh sudo gem install net-ssh - V 1.

Working with huge files in VIM -

I tried to open a huge (~ 2GB) file in VIM, but it is suppressed. I do not really need to edit the file, just jump around efficiently. How can I go about working with huge files in VIM? Today, I had a 12 GB file to edit. The Vim LargeFile plugin did not work for me. Also uses all of my memory and then prints an error message :-( I can not use hexadec in any form, because it can not contain anything, just overwrites it. This is an alternative approach : You edit the file, then the parts are not And then reconstruct it. You still need two disk space. Grep for anything around the line that you want to edit Want: Remove the category of the grep -n 'something' HUGEFILE | head-n 1 Row 4 and 5. Repeat: sed -n -e '4,5p' -e '5q' huge file & Gt; SMALLPART 4,5 p print line / P> Combine the file: (head -n 3 HUGEFILE; Cat SMALLPART; Sed -e '1,5d' large fire) & gt; i.e.: Select

user interface - What's the best size for toolbar icons? -

Windows *. ICO files and Mac * .ins file have multiple size icons You can buy Many icons also come in different sizes. But, as far as I know, most of Toolbar's implementations display the size that is displayed. Are there any guidelines for the best size to use on different platforms? I think the 16x16 standard is ...

cocoa - Setting up relationships while importing core data? -

I have a memory-managed object context that is called import make, which I use to import records (e.g. Staff). I've parsed a file and established an employee object in import items with an important exception. Users confirm that they want to take action on% d employees but I did not know how and when to set up the "parent" relationship of employees (such as establishing their department). For my purposes they are all imported into a single department (the user has already been selected inherently). Obviously I can not establish relationships in two contexts, so I: Create a department in the import mock and then when I merge the changes, Real "department is merged with the" Import "section? 2) Join the employees and then all the newly imported employees (somehow !!!) and then determine their department? 3) Whatever other solution I have overlooked It seems like a simple problem, but for some reason (sluggishness, exhaustion? Stupidity?) I u - How to update a database table using ssis? -

I have successfully run an SSIS package from a table in the first database in the database and the second database is put in another database. But in this case all the rows are inserted. I have kept an Oleb source control, a character map control and an Oleb destination control. No queries have been written in this. I source table and destination table are specified in 2 sources only. But I have to move only some column values ​​to one place in another table, not the entire table data. What can be done for that? Not quite right that I understand your question correctly, but I have recently I am working like this and I need to do this. Run the job> Import Data schema You want to end the data Select your DB source, in my case it was SQL Server, the name of the server name Select, and schema Select the next destination database NDI schema, in my case this SQL Server was again I think the next screen will allow you to select the data, or Gives an option to write your o

PHP function confusion -

मेरे पास निम्न परिदृश्य (सरलीकृत) है: फ़ंक्शन परिवर्तन फर्म ($ फलों) { changeAgain ($ फल); } फ़ंक्शन परिवर्तनआगेन ($ फलों) {$ फल = "ऑरेंज"; } मुख्य: $ फल = "ऐप्पल"; changeFruit ($ फल); $ फोकस गूंज / "एप्पल" के रूप में दिखाई देगा, मैं इसे "ऑरेंज" के रूप में कैसे दिखा सकता हूं ?? संपादित करें: जोड़ने के लिए हटाएं SCENARIO वापस स्टेटमेंट्स का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता - केवल & amp; $ चर धन्यवाद! मैट म्यूएलर जब आप कुछ पास करते हैं जो PHP में फ़ंक्शन के लिए ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं है, तो php एक प्रतिलिपि बनाता है फ़ंक्शन के भीतर इसका उपयोग करने के लिए। इसे किसी प्रति का उपयोग नहीं करने के लिए, आपको एक PHP संदर्भित करने की आवश्यकता है। यह & amp; ऑपरेटर फ़ंक्शन परिवर्तन फर्म (और $ फलों) {changeAgain ($ fruit); } फ़ंक्शन परिवर्तनआगेन (और $ फलों) {$ fruit = "ऑरेंज"; } $ फल = "ऐप्पल"; changeFruit ($ फल); प्रतिफल $ फलों; फ़ंक्शन के रिटर्न वैल्यू का उपयोग करने के लिए यह अधिक समझदार और बेहतर अभ्यास होगा (क्योंकि इससे ची

.net - F# equivalent in C#? -

Is the list of F # .map function in C #? That is, apply a function for each element in the list and return a new list containing the result. Something like this: Public stable IEnumerable & lt; TResult & gt; Maps & lt; TSource, TResult & gt; (This IEnumerable & lt; TSource & gt; source, function & lt; TSource, TResult & gt; Farka) {foreach (TSource element in source) yield returns rewarding. Invoke (element); } Is it already built in a way or should I write custom extensions? this will be the of LINQ - that is < Code> var newSequence = originalSequence.Select (x = & gt; {translation}); Choose the solution in x from or var newSequence = original {translation};

Algorithm - Searching all loops in a network topology -

I have been given the network set by nodes and links. I have to find all the ends in the network No coordinates will be given for the nodes. Is there an existing algorithm or library that can do this? Or can you give me some ideas on how I can reach this problem? I am programming at NAT. I understand what I want Try < P> This algorithm searches the shortest path for all other nodes in a network from a node. - A simple Sitemap editor? -

I wonder if there is a simple application that allows me and others to see a sitemap for ASP.NET and more . For me, it is not hard to understand the XML format, but I want someone else to modify an existing Sitemap for me and this person is unfamiliar with XML and does not understand the non-graphical interface. Is there a simple tool that allows me to visually edit Sitemaps? Try

nunit - Ignore Test or TestFixture based on condition -

We have got some integration tests in our solution. To run these tests, simulation software should be installed on the developer pc. Although this software is not installed on every developer PC, if the simulation software is not installed then these tests should be omitted otherwise ==> NullRefException I now have a "conditionally ignored" test for testers I am looking for the route. If something (simulationFilesExist) performs testfixture then leave the second testfixture NIITs give some useful things unseen and clearly, but it is not silent what I want Thanks Use some code in your test or stability set up method Which detects whether the simulation software is installed or not and if it is not. [Set-up] Public Zero teststetup () (If TestHelper.SimulationFilesExist ()) {Assert.Ignore ("do not install simulation files") or [TestFixtureSetUp] Public Zero Stability Setup () (If TestHelper.SimulationFilesExist (!)) {Assert.Ignore ("Simulat

statistics - Statistical data on the software business -

Is there a good source information on the software business (in the US)? Specifically, I am looking for such things: The number of people employed in the software business (not just developers, but also fellow employees) Break Current Software Developer Workforce's Age, Gender, etc. Number of businesses whose primary product is software development. The number of universities offering BS, MS, PhD in computer science. You get the idea ... I know that this information is scattered on different websites, but I wanted to know whether there was a single source that "All the data on the computer software industry "Was. Some answers are about America and interest may not be a single resource, though.

Which language to use for implementing few Linux shell commands (homework) - plain C or C++? -

I have to apply some commands to open Linux for my homework - 5 or 6 of them, which contains LS. There is not much information about which parameters to implement ... I plan to use C ++, but when I advised my colleague to choose which language to be - plain C C ++, then he said that interpreter was not a traditional means Not the program, it is a functional tool, and it should be applied in all c. My debate on C ++ reuse great code, better segregation of concerns and actually does not know me very well - in fact, I learned C ++ and enjoyed it. So, what do you mean by this? thank you in advanced. This is a separate assignment - I mean for every person in my group, so no cooperation was considered. I have experience of low level programming, pointers arithmetic, zero *, etc. first : use whatever you know . If you can get there by a familiar route, then there is no reason to enter without any unknown water. C ++ is a very viable option in your situation, anyway. So,

Java Encryption C# Decryption -

I have found a module that encrypts RSA data and passes to C #. C # need to be decrypted based on public key (64 bit encoded) and passed token. I have tokens, 64-bit encoded public, something can help me get samples to get started. I know from all the java end, it is using. I got the results from Java end and need to write parser in C # to decrypt it. I get both a public key and a token in the form of a string value. cipher cipher = cipher Past insertion (algorithm); // algorithm = "RSA" cipher. It (cipher dircp_mode, key); Thanks To get started, you need to decrypt the message To do this from the Private key "Public Key (64 bit encoded)", I think that in fact you have base-64 & ndash; Encoded certificate, which has a header line which is "----- BEGIN certificate -----" and a footer that says "----- end certificates -----". If this is correct, you will need to find a private key. It is sometimes stored in a PKCS # 12 form