rubygems - gltail "Missing gem net-ssh" -

I am trying to remotely install the GLTL on my local system to monitor logs.

I have installed all dependencies, but when I go to run gltail ...

  ./ gl_tail configfile ../config.yaml  

I get this output:

  unavailable gem Net-SSH Ubuntu: Sudo Mani Install - I Net-SS-R Admin, which I have done many times . Here's the output:  
  dev @ Ubuntu: ~ / desktop / fuse-gallet-a5b252d / bin $ sudo gem install net-ssh successfully installed net-ssh-2.0 15 1 Re-documentation for installed gem installed Net-ssh-2.0.15 ... RDoc documentation installation for net-ssh-2.0.15 ...  

But when I do it again If I go to run from, then I'm missing the same missing Gum-SSI error

  dev @ Ubuntu: ~ / desktop / fuse-gallet-a5b252d / bin $ ruby ​​/ usr / bin / ruby ​​dev @ubuntu: ~ / desktop / Fuse-gallet-a5b252d / bin / $ gem / usr / bin / gem  

Why is not the Net-SSH being installed properly?

This works for me on Ubuntu 10.04:

  sudo Gem uninstall net-ssh sudo gem install net-ssh - V 1.1.4 sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby1.8 sudo gem install net-ssh-gateway  



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