
Showing posts from March, 2010 mvc - How to render a view from the Service layer? -

I am including a feature in my web application which notifies a user by e-mail. Now when I want to format HTML to this email, I am wondering if it is to reuse the main functionality of ASP.NET MVC and partial view for a string , So that I can make a partial view with the contents of the e-mail. The service level will provide the necessary models for the code view. You can see the renderview method of the view. Keep in mind that these methods take an object, which you will need to look at yourself, relevant data and one. I'm not sure that the properties in the ControllerContext are actually used by the view.

coldfusion - Notes database to MySQL (with CF?) / or how to get the NSF-datastructure -

I have a professional ColdFusion application that is running on a MySQL database. A potential new customer has contacted me, they are now working in a Lotus Notes environment (and their database) for many years. At all they want to migrate their data in their application before this step. I am trying to get a hold of the complete data, structure and interdependencies in my current database - the application There is a tool to look at the database structure of an NSF-file (such as in RDBMS), or any method that can dump the structure using Coldfusion etc. .... I have Lotus Notes (In the meantime A local Lotus client and their database). I need a good starting point to be able to determine that I can find a way to migrate data. Any ideas ?? To get the data in the notes, a good option is to use NotesSQL Notes A quick overview of the data structure is this: Note is a document-centric database, which includes non-relational data within each document Notes in any of the note

clearcase - how to find out all the activities happend in a branch in the last month? -

My problem is that the branch in which I am working for some reason is now corrupt, but I did not Create any label in it so that the code is difficult to "roll back" in a valid state. But I am sure that the code is in very healthy condition a month ago, so I want to know that if all the activities occurring in the branch last month, then I can roll back every activity. So as a title, can any of you tell me how to list all the activities in the last month's branch? Thanks in advance Do not forget the timing instructions of the selection rule. element / MyPath / ... / main / {! Created_since (16-Sep-2009)} element / myPath / ... / main / latest You can enable versions to view from one See also. From there, you can branch and update your code from this old permanent point of view.

JQuery UI dialog: how can i get dialog settings? -

If I want to create a JQuery UI dialog, then I do something like this: < Code> var settings = {autoOpen: incorrect, dragable: wrong, and similar ...}; Var dialog = $ ("# container"). Dialog (settings); But now I want to know how I can retrieve communication settings as shown above, such as dialog.getSettings (); I need this because I have an application that uses many dialogs with a default behavior in some way function doAfterSubmit (dialogSettings } {// some code} var dialogSettings = {user: {add: {title: "add user", button: {"add": function () {var settings = $ (this) .getSettings (); // Answer goes here // some content doAfterSubmit to send AJAX (settings); }}, Other properties}, remove: {title: "remove user", button: {"remove": function () {var settings = $ (this) .getSettings (); // Answer goes here // some content doAfterSubmit to send AJAX (settings); }}, OtherProperties}, remove all: {title: "remove

latex - How do I break a long equation over lines? -

I am trying to add an equation to a new line. The problem is that the equation for line is too long, and I need to break it manually, otherwise it is covered on the right column, or on the right margin (and looks ugly ...). Latex can break the equation for me, so does it look good? I am adding my latex code: \ begin {align *} f (N) -f (0) and = A (n) -b ( N) -C (N) -D (n) \ cedote D-left (A (0) -B (0) -C (0) -D (0) \ cdot d \ right) \\ & amp; = A (n) -0-XD (n) \ cdot d- \ left (0-0-0-0 \ right) \\ & amp; = A (n) -xd (n) \ cdot d \ end {align *} The problem line is the first row, which is too long breqn package is designed to automatically split long equations. It works very well in most situations, but it is not mature as the amsmath package. Here's how you write your example equation: \ Documentclass {article} \ usepackage {breqn} \ start {document} \ start {dmath} f (n) -f (0) = a (n) -b (n) -c (n) -d (n) \ cedot D- \ left (A (0) -B (0) -C (0) -D (0

jquery - Json "Parser Error" from server to client -

I use the ASP (classic utility file) to create JSN objects from the SQL database, see: I get what I get from the server side: {"result": [{"Opt_Name": "BARR", "Opt_FirstName": "TomTest", "Comp_Name": " My_Company "}]} Jason is valid, at least valid for jsonlint. But this never triggers my callback function (get) and I get a parser error from myself error function (myFunc) here below: $ (Document) .ready (function () {function myfunc (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {warning ("call failed" + text position + "error" error "+" "Xhr" + XMLHttpRequest); $ $ .ajaxSetup {Error: myfunc}); $ .getJSON (get "jsonGETdataTest.asp",); fetch function (data) {warning ("droplets");}}); Do not know what to do next! If anyone has any direct connection to this, I am very grateful, thanks for stopping anyway. OK, thanks to everyone for helping

sql - Set AUTO_INCREMENT starting value in a InnoDB table to zero? -

0O1 To start counting from an InnoDB, there is someone to get the AUTO_INCREMENT field? create tab 'df_mainevent` (`idDf_MainEvent` int (11) faucet atomgriment, primary key (` idDf_MainEvent`) engine = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1; MySQL documentation: If a user specified Does the value of zero or 0 for the AUTO_INCREMENT column in INSERT, considers the INODB row as if the value was not specified and generates a new value for it. So that means 0 is a 'special' value which is similar to zero even when you use AUTO_INCREMENT = 0, the initial value is set to 1 Will go Starting with MySQL 5.0.3, InnoDB supports AUTO_INCREMENT = N table option support table and optional table statement, set the initial counter value or change the current counter value. The effect of this option has been canceled by a server restart, for the reasons discussed earlier in this section.

unit testing - Python Singletons - How do you get rid of (__del__) them in your testbench? -

Thanks a lot for the advice you gave me, using TestBench is a platform that has really shown me light And for this I am commendable. My problem is that I am playing with a singleton and generally I will not give it, but in a testbank I will need it, so how can anyone show me this thing? I have started with one and have made it in a testbank so that I can see what is going on. Now I do not know how to get rid of it! Many thanks! unify import siz import logging import LOGLEVEL = logging.DEBUG class singleton: "" "a dragon singleton" "class __impl:" "" singleton implementation of interface "" def __int_ ( Self): self.log = logging.getLogger (__instance = None def __init __ (self) for the context of self.log.debug ("init% s"% self example: "" "Create Singleton Example" "Healthy" : "" "ID" "# Check whether we already have an example if the singleton .__ example is none

javascript - Should I use ScriptSharp -

I am developing my first ASP.NET MVC application and I think the script # can be of great help to me but It can not find the necessary resources to support my development. I did not find the codeplaces site; There is only one manual, which is very good, but it is not enough; I can get a lot of tutorials; I know that script # was used to develop ASP.NET MVC scripts and that the source of the MVC distributes the library. But it seems that it is used internally in Microsoft only. Where can I find other resources ??? Do you really think that the script # will continue and new versions will be deployed and should be used by third-party projects ??? Thank you in advance Do not be afraid of javascript, it's another language and frameworks With, and, DOM manipers and AJAX are very simplistic and cross-browser issues are mostly history. About script #, I agree with the last release of a year ago + closed source = nobody came for me. Update January / 2010: Since the ori

c# - App.config namespace issue -

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Workflow for writing ARM assembly code on the iphone -

I would like to start writing ARM codel and would like to run it on the iPhone This release in the app store I do not intend to use the app to be in - originally I want to solve problems in using ARM and iPhone, just for hobbies and educational purposes How do I do this Can I go I am not able to use any handwritten hand in the way of running a project. I could not find any information about how to write an assembly code specifically for the iPhone , But as mentioned by other people here, you can either: 1) write inline AMM statement in C / C ++ / ObjC code, or 2) standalone in a 's file' Write assembly functions and simply add them to your XCode sources or 3) Standalone assembly function for an external sensor like NASM Kit. You write the assembly code in an '.s' file and use an '.o' object file from NSAM and link the object file to the xcode. So if you want to write just a few assembly instructions then the inline assembler will be the easiest - proliferation of rocket tray icons -

Every time I run an exam using the test driver, it is another "rocket" on my system tray I make the icon. I have to manually release right-click to get rid of them. How can I avoid this? Check for any open file that you can create in your tests. Depending on the size of your test suite, which can be very time consuming and exhausting, there is an option to stop caching of the test process between test run in options for TestDriven.Net. It looks like what you are looking for is designed for examples. From your documents: Cash test procedures between running tests By default the external test process will be cached when the 'run test (s)' command Has been used This process appears as a rocket icon in the tool tray, which can be used to kill the process. It's okay unless any of your tests can tilt the native resources (like opening the file handle). The best solution is to fix the processing leakage, but now you have to choose the option to solve this

design patterns - I'm going to write 'Unit of Work', please help me find out all gimmicks -

I am going to write my own DAL in C #. I decided to use the 'work unit' with the request as an identity and identification stored in 'http contact.atimes'. I still have a question about the implementation of the CRUD methods. How do I / where they are implementing? Have they been implemented in every single business category (as an active record pattern) or have been implemented in the UV category somehow (if yes, how)? I also believe that I just do not need to use Scope as a request, but how to do it on DB connection? Every advice is strongly appreciated, especially the experiences of your "real world". Thank you to all:) With its voice, Trying to grow I will say, do not try to go to your own writing too. On-topic, one of the active contributors in the NHibernate ORM package, Davy Brian has written a tutorial that says a simple ORM step-by-step. She says that she spends 24 hours in writing the tutorial, so do not expect it to happen to a

javascript - Facebook Connect help -

According to the Facebook API documentation, most of the work is done via Javascript This means that All processing is done, and then front end checks that the user is connected to facebook / authorized. right? My question is: Suppose a user first visits my site. He clicks on "Facebook Connect" Javascript verifies it as authentic, and it "redirects" to the second page on my server, since then, how will I know that the user is actually authenticated on my website because Everything is done on the forehead? I think this is correct, but there are not some security problems ..: - Login after user, a page on Facebook Redirects my site to And they also make a cookie with a specific "Facebook ID" that is only obtained from this user. Please "read" my supported cookies and grab that ID ... and then add it to my user id. If this is correct ... then it does not understand. What if people steal other people's "Facebook IDs"

c# - Dynamics CRM migration from 3.0 to 4.0 resources -

We are about migrating our CRM 3.0 installation to CRM 4.0. We have many custom organizations, and have written a lot of code using web service SDK, stored procedures, killing ideas for organizations in SQL, and even using some workflow and callout DLL. However, of course workflow and callouts 1.1 The environment of development is not being missed, I suspect of hiding in the intestines of the CARM. I have no experience at 4.0. My present intestine feels that it is either quite simple or completely painful, there is no middle ground. Google searches have not given a good context, so I'm going to ask here: Do anyone have any signals, either links to resources, recommending books Or even the personal experience which will reduce the pain of infection? Some meet, but first things travel first and this is a Microsoft paragraph Dishes. I have made about a dozen upgrades and are mostly smoother but there are some things to consider: Do you have a multi-tenancy Going i

mkmapview - iphone updateToLocation works differently over 3G versus wireless network? -

I have a simple map view that has the following viewdidload method and is unusable for location: < Code> - (zero) viewDidoad {NSLog (@ "loaded in view"); [Super viewedload]; Self.mapView.showsUserLocation = Yes; Self.put_url = Zero; LocationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; [Location Manager SetCitizer Qualification: KCL LocationExecisioneEnestitimeter]; [Location Manager Set Deliaget: Self]; NoUpdates = 0; [LocationManager startUpdatingLocation]; Self.availableParking = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; //self.availableParking = zero; } - (zero) Location Manager: (CLLocationManager *) Manager updated location: (CLLocation *) newLocation fromLocation: (CLLocation *) old location {NSLog (@ "in MandateTolocatin"); If (add new annotations horizontal rituals) & lt; 100 & amp; amp; [new location horizontal accuracy] gt; {// add annotation to the DDNotation map * annotation = [[DDNnetation Eloc] initWithCoordinate: newLocation.coordtit title: @

.Net Send message at midnight based on TimeZone? -

I have some datapoints that contain offset from GMT (in seconds). I want to send a message through a socket at midnight, sending a message is not a problem, just having trouble determining the time based on the offset. Anyone have any suggestions for this? Since UTC and GMT are identical, you can use this code. int secondsOffset = 100; Date Time UTCMDriday = DateTime Specify the quad (date-time. Today, DateTimeCent.UTC); Date time utcWithOffset = utcMidnight.AddSeconds (second offset); Console.light line ("offset at UTC: + UTCWith Offset"); Console.light line ("Offset at local time:" + UTCWide Offset.Tolic Time ()); The first writeline shows time in the UTC timezone. The second Wrightline shows time in the local time zone. Difficult parts may be found in the base time, whether it was midnight today or midnight last night?

Finding Fibonacci sequence in C#. [Project Euler Exercise] -

I have a problem with this problem in Project Oller. Here's the question: Each new word is generated in the Fibonacci sequence by adding the last two words. Starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 words will be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... In addition to the sum of all the important positions in the sequence which is 4 lakhs Not much. My code is still: Edited with the new code that still does not work. static zero main (string [] args) {int a = 1; Int b = 2; Int container = 0; Int sum = 0; While (B & L; 4000000) {if (a% 2 == 0) {container + = A; } Yoga = A + B; A = B; B = Yoga; } Container + = B; Console.WriteLine (Container.ToString ()); Console.ReadLine (); } One of the fun features in C # is the "yield" keyword, which is Very useful for this type of thing: IEnumerable & lt; Int & gt; Fibonacci () {int n1 = 0; Int n2 = 1; Yield returns 1; Whereas (true) {int n = n1 + n2; N1 = N2; N2 = N; Yield yields n; }} Longer result = 0;

c# - Invoking .Net Web Service with Php -

I have a C # net web service and PHP client to open the web service. Web service takes the form of C # object parameters and returns C # objects site getSite (siteID) {return Site.load (siteID) } or zero new site (site site) { (); } I know that the WSDL tool generates the C # class and is a code generator for web services in Java. How can I add this service to PHP? Does anybody prepare codes for utilities, libraries, such as pears, or any framework, such as Zend, PHP? If I create objects in PHP, and initializing them, will I pass them to call service and will it work? Should they be serial? Here's a pre-question: By visiting the generated URL, the .NET webservice can go to wsdl: Http: //url/service.asmx?wsdl http: //url/service.svc?wsdl

how to zoom in an image using jquery -

I was wondering how it is possible to zoom in a photo, Like the site, When you click on the big image, it will zoom in and you can move your cursor and while zooming in, the other parts of the picture I can appreciate it, I appreciate it if someone can show me a link or put me in the right direction. Thanks They do not zoom in, what is actually happening This is that when you click on the zoom text, the image inside the div is replaced by a larger version of that image. And overflow is hidden. As you move your cursor to deal with some clever javascript and dom, the image is moved accordingly, so that you are actually zooming in the picture. I will try to make a simple example for you. Sorry it took a while but here it is: / W3C / DTD XHTML 1.0 strict // n" " DTD / xhtml1-strict.dtd "& gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" xml: lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt

c++ - How can I convert from DWORD RGBA to ints? -

मुझे एक DWORD (अहस्ताक्षरित लंबी) RGBA को चार int vars (R, G, B, और A) में परिवर्तित करना होगा अब तक, मुझे 4 ints को एक DWORD में कनवर्ट करने के लिए यह फ़ंक्शन है: अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे आरजीबीए 2 डी वर्ड (इंट आईआर, इंट आईआईजी, इंट आईबी, इंट आईए) {वापसी ((आईए & lt; & lt; 24) | (आईआर & लेफ्टिनेंट; & lt; 16) | (आईजी और लेफ्टिनेंट; 8; आईबी); } मैं इसे कैसे वापस कन्वर्ट कर सकता हूँ? कुछ ऐसा struct आरजीबीए {इंट आर, जी, बी, ए; }; आरजीबीए DWORD2RGBA (अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे dwColor) {स्थिर आरजीबीए टीएमपी; //....... रूपांतरण प्रक्रिया रिटर्न टीएमपी; } किसी भी तरह की सहायता की सराहना की जाएगी! :) धन्यवाद अगर मैं आप थे, तो मैं गुणात्मक पैकिंग / अनपैकिंग फ़ंक्शन में अतिरिक्त संचालन कुछ ऐसा अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे आरजीबीए 2 डी वर्ड (इंट आईआर, इंट आईजी, इंट आईबी, इंट आईए) {वापसी ((आईए * 256 + आईआर) * 256 + आईजी) * 256 + आईबी; } एक सममित अनपैकिंग फ़ंक्शन के साथ आरजीबीए DWORD2RGBA (अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे डीवोलोर) {आरजीबीए टीएमपी; / * आपने इसे स्थिर क्यों घोषित किया ??? * /

java - Creating mail application for project -

I am currently creating mail applications for my project, and I am currently trying to figure out, How the mail application, such as Gmail, transfers all messages to a specific email address, which I clicked as spam in the Spam folder on runtime, whenever they send messages again to that marked spam address. What do they configure? I want to enable this functionality in my application, how can I do this? I am using my application, Jemail API. They are definitely receiving e-mail filters at that time if they are triggered by some kind of triggers Or hook that checks every e-mail for validity. If the mail server / API works with your application, does not provide such functionality, then you probably have to vote on the e-mail inbox on a regular basis, checking against a blacklist of the restricted email address. Although I do not know the answer, it is possible that someone has more specific for it.

c# - Update UI by code in WPF -

I am trying to update some user controls via code to wpf, no luck. This is the Xaml: & lt; UserControl x: class = "" xmlns = "" Xmlns: x = " Com / winfx / 2006 / xaml "xmlns: propertygrid =" clr-namespace: deepfernst. Pp. Control "& gt; & Lt; DockPanel & gt; & Lt; StackPanel X: Name = "StackPanel" width = "300" height = "600" horizontal alignment = "center" & gt; & Lt; Property Grid: Property Grid Control Height = "300" x: Name = "MyProperty Grid" /> & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / DockPanel & gt; and that is the C # code: public zero set instance (object obj) {MyPropertyGrid = New PropertyGridControl {instance = Obj, height = 300}; StackPanel.Children.Clear (); StackPanel.Children.Add (MyPropertyGrid)

c++ - How to find free memory within a specific address range -

I want to write a small amount of memory within a specific address range of my process. example Quantity of memory to allocate: 5 bytes Addresses Less bound for: 0x 00 40 00 00 Upper limit for address: 0x 00 a0 00 00 The range in which I want to write is already allocated by the process, therefore, I can not allocate new memos only with VirtualAlloc . However, because the desired address space pages are used for the program code, they do not use 100%. There is enough space anywhere to write my 5 bytes. What do I have to do to ensure that I can not overwrite the required memory? I do not think there is a good, normal way to do what you want. Since it seems that you are talking about Windows and where the original location is about loading the PE, here are some assumptions that can help you. If you are PE-directors, you can usually get dull position in there. See the areas before sections and works, depending on how the application was made, you can fi

php - Convert date format from mysql TIMESTAMP help -

There is a problem, I need dates in the Swedish format, for example, October is in the Swedish octroi ... I How can I do this? It works for English dates so far: $ date = date ("j f", strtotime ($ row [insert_date])); $ display_table. = "$ Date"; Something like this can help: $ date =

c# - Implicit Type Inference only for lambda expressions ? Why ? Confused ! -

I have the following sample code (C # 3.5 for study purposes only!). I am making a call to the Sort function which accepts an IEnumerable and sort function. If I call it using Lambda Expression (Case A), then the compiler can retrieve the return type trashleਟ, but when I pass through the funcent (case B), the compiler throws an error! I am unable to understand why the compiler can not bring a tracheal in another case! I think that really going to the same information or is it not right? Please help! int [] intArray = {1, 3, 2, 5, 1}; IEnumerable & LT; Integer & gt; IntArray2 = Sort (intere, x = & sortInt (x)); // & lt; = Case A - OK! IEnumerable & LT; Integer & gt; NextIntArray = sort (intere, sorted); // & lt; = Case B - Compilation Error: Can not Type! Public stable IEnumerable & lt; TResult & gt; Sort & lt; T, TResult & gt; (IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; toBeSorted, Func & lt; IEnumerable & lt; T & gt ;, IEnume

wpf - ControlTemplate for second level of TreeView -

I am trying to create a TreeView which has two levels but I can not find anywhere I have a ItemTemplateSelector (which works - to select any of the first two templates listed below), but I have not populated children using DataTemplate This is my code: Public class planned group group: INotifyPropertyChanged {public supervision collection & lt; PlannedMeal & gt; food; Public Stability Miletime militancy; ... // These change inotipproperty} & lt; Hierarchical DataTemplate X: Key = "GroupTemplate" Item Source = "{Binding Food}" & gt; & Lt; Text block text = "{binding path = miles}" /> & Lt; HierarchicalDataTemplate.ItemContainerStyle & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "{x: Type Tree VIIIIT}" & gt; & Lt; EventSaverter Event = "Trivitim. Predictmouse Right Buttonsdown" Handler = "Tray_ PreviewMouseRightButtonDown" /> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /HierarchicalDataTempl

Proper way to pass along many variables in an OOP design (PHP) -

How do I pass correctly the data referenced in this structure: - main For example the index, but I would like to avoid it: New Page Operational ('' Page-Builder) '' Top, 'How To Cook', $ Keywords, $ Details, $ Script, $ css); The above control looks and sounds terrible. And that figure has so much data, which should not be passed! The data needs to be supplied by many users to class, head, body and leg, but what is the best way to send it along with the data that some data should be hard-coded , While some have to be set on a database basis or in some cases should depend on the default settings. Why does an object not display your parameter set? So you pass only one object, but there are your personal criteria in it. One advantage is that you can easily reapply the method to add / remove the data, but the method does not change invocations because they are still handling parameter objects. A (contrived) example is in the following (in Java),

some kind off variable problem within php class -

I have this in my class When another function is called php errors with incorrect datatype And can only be past with variable references. I do not know what it means This code comes from if the same code is outside the square, / P> do I do wrong here Am I working in the classroom? $ extensies valid = array (); Function __ composition () {$ this-> Extensies Valid = array ("txt", "pdf"); $ This- & gt; Filename = $ _FILES ['file']; } Private function isAllowedExtensie ($ fileName) {return_array (end (explosion (".", $ FileName)), $ this-> extensies are allowed;} public function check_upload () {if ($ this-> ; Filename ['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {If the extension is valid ($ this-> filename ['name'])) {back true; arre ([best band] => ACCOUNT INFO .txt [extensies valid] = & gt;) > Thanks, Richard < P> Try putting an end and exploding in separate statements - I think the e

dynamic - How do I set a Silverlight Grid layout ColumnDefinition width to "*" programatically? -

So I'm dynamically creating columns for a grid layout in Silverlight (V3.0, C #): < / P> Layouts Column Definition. Add (New Column Definition ()); and you can specify that the width of the column is "Auto" with LayoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add (New Column Definition () {Width = GridLength Eto}); But how can you set it "*" (share it with other columns)? I know that you can set it up in XML, but how do you do it in code? A grid of the star grid with the type of internet type: New Column width {width = new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star)}; The bonus is that this technology also supports proportional vacancy, that is equal to XAM2 *, 3 *, etc.

Finding the function caller in C -

All of them, I am thinking that it is possible to get the name of the program running inside the function? Here's an example: I said: . / RunProgram main () {A (); } Function A () {// If I can not use the main argc (argv) constant / is it possible to get "runprogram" ?? } The compiler is dependent, therefore: $ Cc - version i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (gcc) 4.2.1 (build 5696 of apple Inc.) Program $ More xc int main (int argc, char * argv []) {printf ("Program:% s \ n", argv [0]); Foo (); } 'Make' in the 'main': xc: 2: warning: The built-in function 'printf' $ ./x The incompatible declaration of the program: ./x int foo () {} $ make x cc xc -ox xc: Get the global name of argc / v vars $ nm. / X 0000000100000 fees stub assistants 0000000100001048 D _ Anaksaarjisi 0000000100001050 D _ Anaksaarjivi 0000000100001060 D ___ certificate 0000000100000000 a __mh_execute_header 0000000100001058 D _ Where do you _

transactionscope - NHibernate transaction: Why does this result in committed data? -

The following code displays a misleading state in which the data is committed to the database, even if it never calls on less transactions Can anyone be explained? [TestFixture] Public class testfactext {[test] Public Zero Test () {var config = DoConfiguration (); (Var factory = config.BuildSessionFactory ()) ({var session = factory.OpenSession ()) {CallSessionContext.Bind (session); (New TransactionEdit ()) using {session.BeginTransaction ()) {var myEntity = session. Cutte ("From My Entity"). List & lt; MyEntity & gt; () [0]; MyEntity.Name = "test name"; } Var myEntity2 = session. Cutte ("From My Entity"). List & lt; MyEntity & gt; () [0]; MyEntity2.Name = "test name"; Session.Flush (); } CallstationTontex. Uniband (factory); }}}}} explicitly calling session.flush () Continues your changes, discussed in detail in this

c# - loop through an array and find partial string -

If I have an array array [0] = "jack"; Array [1] = "jill"; Array [2] = "Lisa"; Array [2] = "jackie"; And I want to find all the elements of "ack" in it. In this case it will come back "Jack", "Jackie" What is the fastest way to do this? array. Where (s = & gt; s.Contains ("ack")); (Gladly ignoring any localization / string collation / case sensitivity issues.)

iphone - How do I create a thumbnail view in my UIView? -

I want to add a thumbnail image viewer to my application. I am trying to do it in many ways but I have not succeeded anyway.I am quite new to the development of the iPhone. Anybody please help? .... I am currently making a UIIMAview with CIGRTEC and adding an image to it and changing the status of the UIMAJVview. . Do I want to know what the standard process is for creating thumbnail view ... and can someone direct me to a sample code that will help me solve this problem? ?? <.... The picture above shows how I want to show my view ..... Thanks ..... ARM, since you are using it as your example, What do you want to do it, why not either a) use that class in your app, or b) use its code as an example of how to implement this kind of thing?

f# - Datamining models in FORTRAN or C (or managed code)? -

We are planning to develop a datamining package for windows. In program core / calculation engine, F # will be included in GUI accessories / DB binding etc. in C # and F #. However, we have not yet decided on model implementation. Since we need high performance, we can not use the managed code here (is there any objection?). The question is, is it fair to develop models in Fortran or should we be on C (or maybe C ++)? We are trying to use OpenCL at some point for suitable models - for these situations -> FORTRAN -> C -> OpenCL seems strange to go from managed code for invoval. Any suggestions? F # collects CLR, which has a compiler from time to time, it's a ML The dialect, which is strongly typed, can lead to all types of adaptations that go with the type of architecture; This means that you will probably get proper performance from F #, for comparison, you can also try porting your code to OCAML (to compile the IIRC in the original code) and see whether it i

windows - Is there a way to decrease overhead associated with out-proc COM calls? -

Our program uses an out-call COM server and makes thousands of calls on its interface. It takes a very long time - like one minute for almost 50k calls, COM component vendor says that calls are themselves too fast and this problem is in overhead calls related to over-call calls. In such cases, can anything be done to reduce the overhead? I really do not think that a lot can be done without the help from the seller, because of its nature The process requires a comm oscillation more marshaling than an in-process. If you can get the seller to help, there are two possible options. / P> Ask them to provide in-process version (DLL) which you can host in COM + and create more than one instance (if appropriate) and can help Are there. As suggested by BAsilevs and ask them to update the API so that you can reduce the traffic by making less calls. The main thing to save the type of traffic you are about to get is that COM + can not be used with an out-of-process COM object

show image from my web server to my iPhone application -

I have a mon image (.jpg, .png etc) stored in my web server. I am creating an iPhone app Which can upload or download images from my webserver. I can upload images to my web server. But I can not download images from my web server for my application How can I do it ???? The easiest technique using UIKit NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; NSDTa * Data = [NSDTATA DataWith Content of URL: URL]; UIImage * image = [UIImage imageWith data: data]; UIImageView * imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: Image];

c# - How does screen savers work on Mac OS X and Linux? -

A screen saver in Windows is only executable .scr and it has three The switch is controlled with the switch (/ P, / C and / S, I think). How does the screen saver work on Mac OS X and Linux? Do they do the same thing in Mac OS X and Linux (Genome, KDE, Ubuntu, or wherever the difference is) or is it completely different? In addition, can they grow in C # / Mono? Screensaver system in OSX is that a screensaver (usually but not necessarily) is an Objective C library, there is a good tutorial on writing detail . While the purpose-language is expected, this objective is quite straightforward for couples with a C / C ++ implementation behind the API. An API to allow other languages ​​to be inter-operated with the Objective-C API. This is used to allow, for example, OSX screen saver written in Python. I imagine a similar approach is possible for Mono. Most of the time has been developed on OSX, and there's something else on the OSX screensaver API and X11.

objective c - Detecting UITableView scrolling -

I have subclassed as UITWV and have applied four touch-based methods (touching brinjals, touching touches, touching, and touching) ) so that I can find out when a touch-based event is being controlled at the UITableView. Essentially what do I need to know when UITableView is scrolling or down. However, UITableView subclassing and creating the above methods only shows when the movement of the scrolling or finger is happening within a UITableViewCell, not on the entire UITableView. As soon as my finger goes to the next cell, the touch event does not do anything. In this way I'm subclassing the UITableView: #import "KRTableView.h" Implementation KRTableView - (zero) touchesBegan: Event with touch (NSSet *) :( UIEvent *) Event {[Super touches eggplant: Duchess with missed: event]; NSLog (@ "Start Touched ..."); } - (zero) touch: Affected: (NSSET *) touches the event: (UIEvent *) event {[Super touches: left with touch: incident]; NSLog (@ "Touched"

c - Make a cosine table with the gcc preprocessor -

I want to create a cosine table at compile time. Is it a way to do anything without coding? Why not hardcode it? I do not know about any change in the result of the cosine function, which they are planning, well, not for another 100 years or even for this.

c++ - OpenCV on Embedded Platform -

What is a trial / development embedded platform for using with OpenCVI suggests I developed an embedded video analytics solution I want to do it, but I do not know where to start with some tips / ideas / HW starter kits? Perhaps some PC-103 solution with Intel Atom? Has anyone done some tests about performance on this platform or any other embedded platform? Thanks A Pentium / PC on OpenCV application on any Atom platform The same OS will be run on unsmoded. The reason for this is that Atom is originally Pentium executable If you are looking for more embedded solutions, then OpenCivi ports are for. Sees OpenCiv is a portable code, it can be compiled for most systems that provide the C / C ++ compiler. I have successfully used OpenCV at ARM, MIPS and XSCL processors For mobile platforms, there are ports for iPhone, Android and Windows CE / Mobile / Embedded versions.

Complex query in Django -

Maybe there is a simple question, but after a few years of php experience I started working with Django: - ) Problem: We have a pair of models - "Categories" and "Posts". "Categories" has set up a post-series tree, "Post" is a plain list of blog posts with fields of foreigners related to category models. Here's an example: Category categories (ns_node): title = model.ccarfield (max_long = 150) slug = model. Slufffield (Exclusive = True) Class Post (model.model): Title = Model Serifield (Max_Lange = 150) Slug = Model Slufffield (Exclusive = True) Text = Model Textfield () category = model FERNKEY (categorias) NS_Node - Class library with Pérebere, enforces nested set data model. The user can view the post by looking at the page with the URL '/ books / sci-fi /' for a specific category. In the category "Categories" we just have to select the posts associated with the 'SIS-Fi' category. Now I am doing it l

Greasemonkey (JavaScript) textarea question -

I have written a basic Greasemonkey script that passes an output like this: < Code> var obj = document.getElementById ("comment"). InnerHTML = "\ n" + "Note:" + "\ n" + "\ n" + output_string; It works like a magic, if you change the value from the source, then it will update the texture. However, as soon as you write anything inside Textera and select the value, what is written inside the textera will not be written on it. Why do you have to completely refresh the page to use the function again? texture 's value As soon as you have something set in it, it overrides any internal HTML value. You should use the value attribute to set the content of input elements such as textarea . Try it instead: var obj = document.getElementById ("comment"). Value = "\ n" + "Note:" + "\ n" + "\ N" + Output_String;

php - my insert query is working in my localhost but not in web server -

I am using Flex Builder 3 to insert mysql database using phsb and everything in my localhost It's working perfectly, the problem occurs when I deploy the project to a web server and run it, it connects to the database, but I can not insert the data (anything when inserting this data Does not show) Another stupid Another piece (select the code to get f thing again) data which works fine on both my local host and web servers. Here is the PHP code: You also need to: '`` Infrat' `` meter '(`TF2_Nickname`,` Steam_User_Name`, `class1`,` class2`, `class 3`,' value 'in value (' $ nickname ',' $ steam ',' $ c1 '), $ C2 ',' $ c3 ', NOW ()) "and and you should be prepared to avoid it in any way so that they accidentally get the form of SQL Command (see) To be believed in. PHP has to do this: Include in 'Phant'. 'Member' (`tf2_namename`,` steam_user_name`, `class1`,` class2`, `square 3` , '

java - QuickTime HTTP Basic Authentication on Safari 4 -

I'm using Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8, which is running Safari 4.0.3. My Cross Platform Java app has an embedded native web browser with its own internal web server, whenever the browser tries to run a file that requires QuickTime (mov, mp4, m4v, etc.), give me the username Get / Password Credential Dialog I am getting every request and being certified (at least the HTML file is authenticated) ... so I see the request for mp4 for example and it is never proven. The more of its QuickTime is not trying to hand over the credentials and is trying to prove itself. I pass these credentials internally and every other file type works well with the original proof. I can also run Extreme with Clitime 7.6.4 and the same exact files on Windows and they play as expected (Windows is running IEEE as an embedded browser in this case). Have problems with Quick Authentication on QuickTime 7.6.4 and Safari 4? I searched a little online with no luck. This is not an issue with Safari 4, but a

c# - Flatten List in LINQ -

मेरे पास एक LINQ क्वेरी है जो IEnumerable & lt; list & lt; int & gt; & gt; देता है, लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं केवल सूची & lt; int & gt; पर लौटें तो मैं अपने सभी रिकॉर्ड को अपने IEnumerable & lt; सूची & lt; int & gt; & gt; में केवल एक सरणी में विलय करना चाहता हूं। उदाहरण: IEnumerable & lt; सूची & lt; int & gt; & gt; IList = संख्या से (विधि से कोई नहीं) (कोई नहीं चुनें) संख्या चुनें; मैं अपने सारे परिणाम IEnumerable & lt; सूची & lt; int & gt; & gt; को केवल एक सूची & lt; int & gt; इसलिए, स्रोत एरे से: [1,2,3,4] और [5,6,7] मुझे केवल एक सरणी [1,2,3,4,5, 6,7] धन्यवाद कोशिश करें < कोड> var परिणाम = iList.SelectMany (i = & gt; i);

perl - How can I extract values from the XML::Simple's data structure? -

I'm trying to explain that & lt; Current & gt; & Lt; / Current & gt; I do not understand the value in this XML first 2 ( 37% and 61.8F ) because it seems that they have the same field names And they are all under 'sensors' ... any help would be appreciated ... Code in Perl: #! / Usr / bin / perl XML :: Simple; Use data: Dumper; LWP :: Simple; $ Url = 'http: //localhostmachine/output/XML/output.xml'; # Create my $ xml = XML :: Simple-> new () item; #xml file $ data = $ xml- & gt; XMLin (get ($ url)); #print output print dumper ($ data); The output of the XML file I am reading: 42 (10/19/2009 @ 04:05 pm) & lt; / High & gt; & Lt; Less & gt; 28 (10/17/2009 @ 11:26 AM) & lt; / Low> & Lt; / Sensor & gt; & Lt; Sensor & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Combo sensor (temperature) & lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; ComboSensor000 & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Status & gt;

string - Find the rightmost occurence of a character in C? -

O all, I am trying to find the numerical position of one character or the number of characters in a string. I am able to know where the character "a" is in the string "abcd", but if I put "abcda", then it is printed only 0, which means that it only calculates the first example I want to find the last or the topmost part of this string. Here's what I've done so far: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Main () {Four S [20]; Four t [20]; Intestinal PP; Printf ("Enter a full string: \ n"); Scanf ("% s", s); Printf ("Enter what you want to find: \ n"); Scan ("% s", t); Pp = strandex (s, t); Printf ("% d", pp); } / * String index * / int strandend (four s [], four t []) {int i, j, k, c; For (i = 0; s [i]! = '\ 0'; i ++) {for (j = i, k = 0; t [k]! = '\ 0' and & amp; [h ] == T [K]; J ++, K ++); If (k & gt; 0 & amp; t [k] == '\ 0') comes back i; } Return -1; } I

actionscript 3 - Possible to programmatically enable "show redraw regions" in Flash debug player? -

Is it possible to enable the "area to show redro area" program? By AS3 code, I mean. Or is this a special feature of the context menu? Our current C ++ hosting app passes through the right clicks and I want to avoid changing that code. It is all for testing, it is not necessary to be beautiful. Yes, it should be able to with this line of code: flash.profiler.showRedrawRegions (true) Read for some more details.

Resources for What and how NOT to use ASP.NET AJAX? -

An UpdatePanel is very easy to enter and AJAX is working. I am looking for resources to best utilize ASP.NET AJAX for maximum performance and security. Resources for best practices, guidance, design patterns, mixing, losses while using ASP.NET AJAX I'm not looking for books on ASP.Net AJAX. Amazon lists those people. I really like using jQuery and ASP.Net Ajax in united. Especially his article

reload the sourcecode of a C# app on command -

I have a C # application, and ID is capable of creating a system, so that in the program you can display the application The source code is easy enough yet correct? OK, I need to be able to edit those code, almost new code like debug break option ... and continue to stop the program. So my problem is, when this app loads several thousand lines of it, and it takes a good block of time. After loading, it requires several hundred functions before allowing user input to be loaded for the first time. Also, there is a TCP customer in it, and it is very important that it has not been disconnected. I want people to edit the source, click on a button, and wait a few seconds, without breaking the overall work of the application, the new code is inserted and the "re-share " is done. Ins can see completely code examples where possible and input weather is possible or not ~ thanks If you want to allow people to make arbitrary changes in your program, it will be very compl

Determine if variable is defined in Python -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: आप कैसे जानते हैं कि एक चर एक रनटाइम पर कोड में किसी विशेष स्थान पर सेट किया गया है? यह हमेशा स्पष्ट नहीं होता है क्योंकि (1) वैरिएबल को सशर्त सेट किया जा सकता है, और (2) वेरिएबल को सशर्त रूप से हटाया जा सकता है। मैं PHP या परिभाषित? रूबी में परिभाषित () जैसे कुछ के लिए देख रहा / रही हूं / isset () में Pre> यदि कंडीशन: a = 42 # है "a" यहां परिभाषित है? यदि अन्य कंडिशन: डेल ए # है तो "ए" यहां परिभाषित है? प्रयास करें: nameError को छोड़कर thevariable: प्रिंट "ठीक है, यह नहीं था सभी के बाद परिभाषित! " Else: प्रिंट "निश्चित है, यह परिभाषित किया गया था।"

c# - What term is used to describe when two classes depend on each other? -

मेरे पास सी # में निम्न दो वर्ग हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyFirstClass: IMyFirstClass {MySecondClass mySecondClass; सार्वजनिक MyFirstClass (IMySecondClass mySecondClass) {this.mySecondClass = mySecondClass; } सार्वजनिक MyFirstClass (): यह (नया MySecondClass ()) {}} सार्वजनिक वर्ग MySecondClass: IMySecondClass {MyFirstClass myFirstClass; सार्वजनिक MySecondClass (IMyFirstClass myFirstClass) {this.myFirstClass = myFirstClass; } सार्वजनिक MySecondClass (): यह (नया MyFirstClass ()) {}} आप देखेंगे कि जब इन कक्षाओं में से किसी एक के लिए डिफॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर इंस्टीटिव होता है तो सिस्टम क्रैश हो जाता है अनंत प्रत्याशाओं की आवश्यकता होती है। क्या कोई आधिकारिक शब्द है जो इस समस्या का वर्णन करता है? इसे एक के रूप में जाना जाता है: एक परिपत्र संदर्भ, जिसे कभी-कभी रन-एफ़ के रूप में संदर्भित किया जाता है, संदर्भों की श्रृंखला है जहां अंतिम वस्तु पहले का संदर्भ देती है, इस तरह से संदर्भों की पूरी श्रृंखला बेकार होने के कारण होती है।

c# - string.replace function bug? -

स्ट्रिंग s1 = "[quote = useruk1] & lt; p & gt; im useruk1 & lt; / p & gt; [/ उद्धरण] & Lt; p & gt; हाय IM mod1 - जांच & lt; / p & gt; "; स्ट्रिंग s2 = "हे IM mod1-probe"; स्ट्रिंग एस 3 = "ब्ला ब्ला"; स्ट्रिंग s4 = s1। Replace (s2, s3); Console.Write (S4); काम नहीं कर रहा है कोई विचार? इस समस्या को कैसे हल करें? अद्यतन: समस्या अंतरिक्ष के साथ थी, सामान्य स्थान ASCII मान 32 है और स्ट्रिंग एएससीआईआई मान 160 से ऊपर है इसलिए मैंने किया < पूर्व> s1 = Regex.Replace (s1, @ "\ u00A0", ""); कभी भी ठीक काम किया! बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! जब मैं कोड चलाता हूं, तो यह आउटपुट होता है: < पूर्व> [उद्धरण = यूजरुक 1] & lt; p & gt; im useruk1 & lt; / p & gt; [/ उद्धरण] & lt; p & gt; ब्लाह ब्ला & lt; / p & gt; ऐसा नहीं है कि आप क्या उम्मीद करते हैं? संपादित करें: आह हाँ ... जैसा कि पॉल ने बताया, अंतरिक्ष बनाम टैब इसे समझाता है।

Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugging Annoyances -

I have a solution of about 6 projects, and when I debug on a machine, any unmanaged exceptions Reasons are created to break the environment at that point that the exception is thrown, allows me to debug it. However, on a different machine with the same solution (in the same version of VS), when I throw an exception, then I get a "Visual Studio bus-in-time debugging" window pop up It is happening, which tells me the name of exception, and something else - it offers to open a new visual studio example to debug, but that does not work because it is already being debugged by the IDE ! What's going on, and how can I get the Visual Studio back where the exception happened? Cheers You want to check exceptions in the debug menu (by default From Ctrl + Alt + E) and verify that only one exception is selected in both machines. Perhaps on the second machine you have less exception types selected in that window. When one of the exceptions is not selected: Debugger - ObjectDataSource and null parameters -

I used Visual Databet (.xsd) to develop an invoice application using Visual Web Developer 2008 EE I'm having trouble creating a custom search query. I have an ObjectDataSource which expects 4 control parameters like: & asp: ObjectDataSource id = "odsInvoices" runat = "Server" SelectMethod = "getInvoices" typename = "blowwoice" & gt; & Lt; SelectParameters & gt; & Lt; Asp: ControlParameter ControlID = "drpProjectsFilter" type = "int32" name = "intProject" property name = "selected value" ConvertEmptyStringToNull = "True" /> & Lt; Asp: ControlParameter ControlID = "drpMonthsFilter" type = "int32" name = "intMonth" property name = "selected value" ConvertEmptyStringToNull = "True" /> & Lt; Asp: ControlParameter ControlID = "drpYearFilter" type = "int32" name = "intyear" propert

C# / .NET : when structures are better than classes? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 25 उत्तर का डुप्लिकेट: क्या Microsoft .NET 2.0 / 3.5 में कुछ वर्गों के बजाय संरचनाओं का उपयोग करने के लिए व्यावहारिक कारण हैं? "संरचनाओं और वर्गों के बीच अंतर क्या है?" - यह संभवतः ".NET डेवलपर" रिक्तियों के लिए intrviews पर सबसे लोकप्रिय सवाल है। एकमात्र जवाब है कि साक्षात्कारकर्ता सही मानता है कि "संरचनाओं को ढेर पर आवंटित किया जाता है और कक्षाओं को ढेर पर आवंटित किया जाता है" और इसके बारे में और कोई सवाल नहीं पूछा जाता है। कुछ Google खोज ने दिखाया है कि: < ब्लॉकक्ॉट> a) संरचनाओं में कई सीमाएं होती हैं और कक्षाओं की तुलना में कोई अतिरिक्त क्षमता नहीं होती है और ख) स्टैक (और इस तरह की संरचनाएं) तेज हो सकती हैं बहुत विशेष परिस्थितियों सहित: डेटा का आकार कम है जो 16 बाइट्स कोई व्यापक मुक्केबाजी / अनबॉक्सिंग संरचना का (कृपया इस सूची में सही / जोड़ें, यदि यह है तो यह पूरी तरह से डेटा का पूरा सेट बड़ा नहीं है (अन्यथा हम स्टैक अतिप्रवाह प्राप्त करते हैं) गलत है या नहीं

wpf - Basing On a style defined inside a custom control library -

I am increasing the available WPF t reeView control for the checkbox < / Code> Behavior like I want to add. My goal is to finish all checkbox behavioral concerns from the end user (which is a different approach to Josh Smith). I want to use a style for TreeViewItem to add some properties and bindings as mentioned in the article. That's why I have created a style, it's normal. Pushed to XML and it is called TreeViewItemStyle . My requirement is that I still want the end user to add a style of color and theme). One way of doing this is using the property's BaseOn property, but it should use static resources and it fails to find my style , Code> TreeViewItemStyle . Is there any workaround? Is this really a good approach? What do you do Arial Have you generic Are you trying to create XML file in the new resource dictionary? & lt; Resource Tools xmlns = "" xmlns: x = &

Internet Explorer won't download an updated ActiveX control -

We've got an ActiveX control posted in large numbers of machines (in an intranet site). It is referred to in HTML (name has been changed to protect innocent): object object = "foo" style = "DISPLAY: none" codebase = " # Version = "height =" 10 "width =" 10 "square =" CLID: F00F00F0-0F00-F00F-00F0-0F00F00F00F0 "& gt; & Lt; / Object & gt; We are going to release v3.1 of our product, so the page now reads: & lt; Object id = "foo" style = "DISPLAY: none" codebase = " # version =" height = "10" width = "10" classid = "clsid: F00F00F0-0F00-F00F-00F0-0F00F00F00F0 "& Gt; & Lt; / Object & gt; However, Internet Explorer does not want to download the new CAB file. What are we doing wrong? id = "foo" style = "display: none" codebase = " # version = 3,1,0,0" h

jquery - IE border on opacity change -

When I want to animate a semi-transparent image with jquery (such as a div with a background that has a shadow Every element seems to be that the semi transparenter has a black border in IE (6 - 8) An example of the code is: $ ( "Prevpage"). Chetan ({opacity: "1"}, 250); $ ("Next page"). Chetan ({opacity: "1"}, 250); Image of problem: I have not found any Answer this on the internet Feel free to share if anybody else is fixing I just created 2 versions of the image, a semi Transparent,

gdb - Debugger Status in Xcode Console -

I have a query about debugger status such as debugger status ended with 0 debugger ended with position 1 And what is the status of debugger on this ?? Can be classified based on that criteria ?? Please tell me the different types of situation and tell about its uses, what are the consequences when we get the status of the application have you seen?