dynamic - How do I set a Silverlight Grid layout ColumnDefinition width to "*" programatically? -

So I'm dynamically creating columns for a grid layout in Silverlight (V3.0, C #): < / P> Layouts Column Definition. Add (New Column Definition ());

and you can specify that the width of the column is "Auto" with

  LayoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add (New Column Definition () {Width = GridLength Eto});  

But how can you set it "*" (share it with other columns)?

I know that you can set it up in XML, but how do you do it in code?

A grid of the star grid with the type of internet type:

  New Column width {width = new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star)};  

The bonus is that this technology also supports proportional vacancy, that is equal to XAM2 *, 3 *, etc.


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