jquery - Json "Parser Error" from server to client -

I use the ASP (classic utility file) to create JSN objects from the SQL database, see:

I get what I get from the server side:

  {"result": [{"Opt_Name": "BARR", "Opt_FirstName": "TomTest", "Comp_Name": " My_Company "}]}  

Jason is valid, at least valid for jsonlint.

But this never triggers my callback function (get) and I get a parser error from myself error function (myFunc) here below:

  $ (Document) .ready (function () {function myfunc (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {warning ("call failed" + text position + "error" error "+" "Xhr" + XMLHttpRequest); $ $ .ajaxSetup {Error: myfunc}); $ .getJSON (get "jsonGETdataTest.asp",); fetch function (data) {warning ("droplets");}});  

Do not know what to do next!

If anyone has any direct connection to this, I am very grateful, thanks for stopping anyway.

OK, thanks to everyone for helping, it seems that I finally got the Asp classic

  feedback.Address "Content type", "Text / Jason"  



This was the missing part of my response: -s


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