c# - Dynamics CRM migration from 3.0 to 4.0 resources -

We are about migrating our CRM 3.0 installation to CRM 4.0. We have many custom organizations, and have written a lot of code using web service SDK, stored procedures, killing ideas for organizations in SQL, and even using some workflow and callout DLL. However, of course workflow and callouts 1.1 The environment of development is not being missed, I suspect of hiding in the intestines of the CARM. I have no experience at 4.0.

My present intestine feels that it is either quite simple or completely painful, there is no middle ground.

Google searches have not given a good context, so I'm going to ask here:

Do anyone have any signals, either links to resources, recommending books Or even the personal experience which will reduce the pain of infection?

Some meet, but first things travel first and this is a Microsoft paragraph Dishes.

I have made about a dozen upgrades and are mostly smoother but there are some things to consider:

  • Do you have a multi-tenancy Going into the environment? If so, then you have to type your callouts again for plugins.

  • If you have a large code-base, then you should find any references or

  • Currently on Server 2000 or SQL Server 2000?

  • There is a list of items that will not be upgraded and

I will try and Provide some more information, but without knowing more about your system, I would not know where from the beginning, in all, however, the move from 3.0 to 4.0 is vast from an administrator / developer's perspective. I'm sure you'll enjoy the new system.


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