mkmapview - iphone updateToLocation works differently over 3G versus wireless network? -

I have a simple map view that has the following viewdidload method and is unusable for location:

 < Code> - (zero) viewDidoad {NSLog (@ "loaded in view"); [Super viewedload]; Self.mapView.showsUserLocation = Yes; Self.put_url = Zero; LocationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; [Location Manager SetCitizer Qualification: KCL LocationExecisioneEnestitimeter]; [Location Manager Set Deliaget: Self]; NoUpdates = 0; [LocationManager startUpdatingLocation]; Self.availableParking = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; //self.availableParking = zero; } - (zero) Location Manager: (CLLocationManager *) Manager updated location: (CLLocation *) newLocation fromLocation: (CLLocation *) old location {NSLog (@ "in MandateTolocatin"); If (add new annotations horizontal rituals) & lt; 100 & amp; amp; [new location horizontal accuracy] gt; {// add annotation to the DDNotation map * annotation = [[DDNnetation Eloc] initWithCoordinate: newLocation.coordtit title: @ "Park here?"]; MKCoordinateRegion area; MKCoordinateSpan period; Span.latitudeDelta = 0.05; Span.longitudeDelta = 0.05; Region.span = span; = newLocation.coordinate; Self.mapView.region = Area; NSLog ( @ "InDudeDataLocation"); noUpdates ++; NSLog (@ "In updated NOPDATS =% d", noepadates); if (noUpdates == 1) {[Self.mapView addNnotation: annotation]; NSLog (@ "Eduction Announcement in Do Update to Knowledge!"); [LocationManager stopUpdatingLocation]; [Self Settings Viewer Setset: Self MapView.userLocation.subtitle andCity: @ "Rubbish" ]; NSLog (@ "Suspended Update Location"); UpdateLocation * updatedLocation = [[[Update Location Allocated] initWithUserid: @ "Rubbish" and Coordination: newLocation.coordinate withMapViewController: Self] autorelease]; NSLog (@ "wave =% F, long =% F", new location.Cordinate.latitude, new location, co-ordinatorLangitality); // [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector (getLocations) Target: Object with self: zero]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: Self Selector: @selector (sendUpdate) Name: @ "Note One" item: Update Location]; } // We update the place only once, and users want to drag the annotation to the place and let the remaining changes take place} Other {nslog (@ "Accuracy not enough enough% lf", [New location horizontal integration ]); }}  

When I'm connected to a wireless network, it leaves zooming and an annotation pin in my current location without any zoom. On the 3G network, this pin does not zoom or drop any idea why this is? thank you in advanced.

Here are some screen shots:

With 3G:

With WiFi:

If you receive the same update, it may be possible that your 3G cellular connection is simply not quite powerful or is clearly available, so that you can not get the map. Try testing the speed of your 3G network from the same place.

A related consideration should allow you to work with the GPS unit until the time specified for a specified amount is over (20 seconds to use, use NSTimer for this) or until You can not reach the specified level of accuracy, whichever occurs first, otherwise you can consume a lot of battery.


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