
Showing posts from July, 2015

java - How to get a list of all possible exceptions that could happen within a specific scope -

मेरे पास एक वर्ग class_A एक अन्य वर्ग class_B से निपटना है HTTP और JSON से निपटने वाले अन्य ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए कॉल के साथ तरीके हैं अब मैं इन अपवादों को class_B के भीतर नहीं लेना चाहता बल्कि बल्कि एक उच्च स्तर पर और इस तरह उन्हें throw code e से class_A के माध्यम से आगे बढ़ाना चाहता हूं। अब मैं सोच रहा हूं कि जब मेरे वर्ग ए को class_B की एक विधि के आसपास कॉल करने के लिए कोशिश / पकड़ कैसे मैं सभी संभावित अपवाद प्राप्त कर सकता हूँ उस पद्धति या उप-वर्गों (जैसे कि HTTP और JSON) की विधियों से अग्रेषित किया जा सकता है। पसंदीदा होगा सीधे एक्लिप्से में संभावित अपवाद प्राप्त करने के लिए, लेकिन अन्य समाधानों की भी सराहना की जाती है। (कृपया मुझे बताएं कि मेरी समस्या का विवरण स्पष्ट नहीं है।) अपडेट: मैं जो देख रहा हूं वह वास्तविक क्रियान्वयन नहीं है, बल्कि संभावित अपवादों की एक सूची है, इसलिए मैं देख सकता हूं और तय किया है कि किस मामलों में मुझे एक विशिष्ट कैच ब्लॉक बनाना चाहिए और किस अपवाद को एक सामान्य कैच ब्लॉक द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। इसे प्राप्त करना अस

Software that can read an RSS feed and re-publish it on a new URL -

For various reasons, I'm looking for a feature or feed reader that can read the RSS feed sitting on the server. URL and republish it on new URL. Free tools are better, obviously I can also do my own code but I think that this should be the current device to do so, but my googling has not done so much yet. . Make a polling service that checks RSS feeds, which is a PHP RSS feed reader and publisher I use FeedForAll, but you have to do it yourself for voting.

What is the best way to validate XML against XML Schema, parsing it and storing data back to MySQL Database using Perl? -

Currently I am working with XML and I want to know that to validate XML against XML Schema What would be the best way, parse it and keep it again using Perl in MySQL database? I think the XML :: for the purpose of parsing Xerces, but it is not certain that this is the correct approach Note: I have a very large XML file of 1 GB Shape. XML excerpts will match your needsI'm using it and I really like it. In addition to your first edit: Since your XML file is very large, you have to consider optimizing many parsing process Add another : If you do not want to write simple XML in your database ... it is important that you have a look at your data, because your validation is outdated when you have written it in a different database in the database . Make sure that you are valid with a good plan and some additional assumptions, the larger XML can sometimes be tricky.

actionscript 3 - How do you handle live video streaming in Flash AS3? -

I am dubbed the socket server in Java and now I am ready to wet my feet with an idea. . I would like to use a python for my socket server and obviously I am able to make a full chat using ASL 3 for my client, using my own python socket server, but now I Do not know what to do that I want to add to the live video (want to "chat" a live video) I have found the tutorial, but they are for FMS and I can not afford it, Red5 also looked good, but could not get a live video tutorial with hand (and I could not find myself on Red5 Switch the socket server itself). So if someone can push me on some of these resources (subject to live video without using FMS), which would be very useful, Google is still failing me. Some FMS server options ... about their features, they need to be checked individually - - < - - Errang - Ruby - C ++ - C ++ - C ++

javascript - Is there a way to get a Telerik RadEditor to not show the toolbar by default when editor.set_html(value) is called in ShowOnFocus mode? -

I am trying to simulate keypresses and clicks in jQuery, which work to blur the toolbar in IE6 But Firefox seems to be open to stay open Is there a way to blur the editor or some people I'm missing, which makes it so much that it stole the focus And shows toolbar by default? This is updating because I am calling editor.set_html (value); Event for OnClientLoad () editor. set_html () function? After going a long way, I found out: When the set_html () method is removed, the operation is added to the undo list. Therefore, instead of using using instead of editor.set_html (value), use the internal HTML attribute of the editor's content area to use Should> editors.gate_contentArea (). InnerHTML = value; and now the Toolbar does not open by default!

How do you store an image(itself not the path) in a javascript varialble and then render it to the web page using javascript also (all process shoul be client-side)? -

I am trying to find a way to put a small JPG in a JavaScript variable so that it sings on a webpage Could. Although I think it should be possible I do not know at all how to go about this. That's why everyone should be in the client-side. > Does anyone have to do this? Thank you in advance Mario this is helpful Could.

c++ - CMake Visual Studio linking executable with static library -

I have a very simple (currently only one main.cpp) CMake C ++ project which I have both Mac OS X And Windows depends on this libgsasl, which I have compiled on both platforms as a stable library. There is no problem in Mac OS X, and does not complain during windows build and produces an EXE when I try to run XES on Windows, it gives an error message This application can not run because it can not get libgsasl.dll. I am also not trying to link against dynamic library, just static library (.lib version). Am I forgetting something? It seems that in the visual studio, the gsasl.lib file is found and is included in the linking command. These include an MS library, either an .lib or an import library in the actual library or actual DLL. May be. You can use the dumpbike to peek into the library to see the actual type. There are a few different ways to handle the details, but using my preferred technique / summary option will be section in an import library. Edata $ n (where N i

linq to sql - Can Entity Framework deal with multiple result sets (each from joined tables) from a stored procedure? -

In SQL, in SQL, I can not find an easy way to deal with many result sets returned from an archived method. Joins the table Each result set does not map directly to a table. (Can not change this behavior). For now, it is very easy to use a dataset. Can the existing unit framework or the next one, 4.0, handle these types of scenarios directly from the designer? Or can it be easily by code? This new EF is not supported outside of the box. But there is a project on CodeGallery that shows how to do it easily. Hope this helps Alex

ASP.NET MVC "View" coding -

When I write inline C # / MVC in the view, I get very upset with the way the Visual Studio works I am going I think it is horrible to see the source, and I'm surprised that there are some options available to make the code look beautiful. Perhaps some kind of extension-language or pre-processing formatting ... ** Edit ** found: Spark NHalm Any other suggestions? If you want to make the current engine beautiful ... well, harder - it is What is this. To reduce the noise, you can try to keep a note of the move, and the normal code can be taken in the methods (maybe HtmlHelper on the extension methods for the normal code), but It's about. However, you can not limit this engine - you can use any appropriate template engine (or write your own).

mysql - Max Tables & Design Pattern -

I am currently working on an app that has the potential to grow significantly. The whole application is run through a domain, customers are given sub-domains, which means that it all runs through a normal code-base. What I'm doing is database design. I'm not sure that to specify the customer ID, it would be better to have a column in each table or create a new set of tables (in the same database), or create a whole new database per customer. The good thing about the "flag" in the customer ID designated database is that everything is in one place, the flaws are clear-Tables can get very much, and maintenance can be a complete nightmare If development happens, it is a great pain to split on many servers. Good thing about creating a new table is easy to do, and keeps tables tiny and since there is no need to interact for customer data, there is no problem at all. But then, maintenance can be an issue (although I have a migration library that will update on the

ruby on rails - how to emulate a good pattern -

I look a bit like Edison in search of elusive filament. I am still searching for the right fundamental design foundation for my web application. I believe that I have found a pattern on the basis and hoped that the community will implement it Can suggest some strategies. I want to duplicate the continuous control flow of tax software. The leading tax software houses have released web versions that allow you to click the next and the last time because you fill out tax forms to create a form for Uncle Sam. A part of this work is recursive, so if you have two things, you will go to the section for your W2 twice, because you have two W2, there are also many different classes, such as the dependents, investments etc. Identify. And in these sections you allow a big job to break into small tasks. When I try to model the flow of this user with state machine plugin, then it's repetitive nature is one of the constraints. I just could not understand how to loop the state machine .

c - How can I use Linux's splice() function to copy a file to another file? -

Here is another question about the bench (). I am hoping to use it to copy files, and I am trying to use two splice calls joining the pipes, such as the example on the Wikipedia page of the wedding. I wrote a simple test case that reads the 32 bytes just before one file and tries to write them in the other: #define _GNU_SOURCE #include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; # Include & lt; Errno.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {int pipefd [2]; Full result; FILE * in_file; File * out_file; Results = pipe (pipe); In_file = fopen (argv [1], "rb"); Out_file = fopen (argv [2], "wb"); Results = Partition (Filino (In_File), 0, PipPyD [1], Faucet, 32768, SPLICMFMear | SPLICIMFAMOEF); Printf ("% d \ n", result); Result = Benzene (Pipid [0], Faucet, Fino (Out_file), 0, 32768, SPLICM FMM | SPLICIMFAMOEF); Printf ("% d \ n", result

css width interval -

OK, this is a problem I've never played before. I want to use CSS to specify that the width of an element should always be in 10 pixels interval. Therefore, for example, if the width of an element is 11, then it will collapse to 20, 56 => 60, 138 => 140, etc. ... I suspect that one way of CSS Do this but thought I would ask anyway. Something good would be like this: div {width-interval: 10px; } There is no such asset in CSS, but you are capable of width of style Elements with extra JavaScript such as: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {var widthInterval = 20; $ ('div'). (Function () {var $ this = $ (this); var divisions = parseInt ($ this.width () / widthInterval) + 1; Var resWidth = (divisions * width interval) + "px"; $ this.css ('width', resWidth); console.log ("result width:" + resWidth;));}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Hope it helps.

html - download webpage and dependencies, including css images -

I often have to download a webpage and then edit it offline. I have tried some tools and due to the main feature they have to download the referenced images in the CSS files. Is there any such tool (for Linux) which will download everything so that the webpage is one offline offline except AJAX)? wget - page-requirements Wgets are the reason for downloading all the files that are required to display a given HTML page properly. It includes things like inline images, sounds and referenced stylesheets. Edit: Midter is correct: share wget does not parse images and download files. However, there is a patch connecting this feature: [/] UPDATE: The above mentioned patches, issued on September 22, 2009: ** Added support for css. It includes: - Parsing links from css files, and css content have been found in HTML style tags and attributes. - Auxiliary conversion of links found in css content, when - convert-link is specified. - Ensurin

iis - Server Error : The server closed the connection while reading the response -

I have Windows XP and IIS installed, when I want to access the local host to view the ASP page, Error: Server Error The following error occurred: [code = SERVER_RESPONSE_CLOSE] Closed the server response and closed the connection. Contact your system administrator. Please include There are a few reasons, including a corrupt IIS metabase (whose root As you need to remove \ inetsrv folder from your PC and reinstall IIS). Most likely you have more than 10 connections at one time in your local IIS. For more support, you must use a server operating system such as Windows Server 2003.

php - selecting field text with javascript -

I'm using code below to select field text with javascript but it does not work much: // Automatically select field text field to easily coop material = paint document. Getalment BIID ('share_field_ & lt ;? php echo $ id;? & Gt;'); Content.focus (); (); To select the field: // Share field echo & lt; Div class = "name" style = "display: none" id = "share_field _". $ Line ['id']. ' '& Gt; & lt; input name = "share" type = "text" value = "' $ Line ['id']. '"Size =" 53 "> I think you should use something like this: var content = parent.document.getElementById ('share_field_ & lt ;? php echo $ id ;? & gt; ; ';); Content.firstChild.focus (); ();

Change output language in Flash CS4? -

I am using Flash CS4 and almost everything except in the output window is in English ... < / P> Like: Logic Error: Error # 2180: AVM1 (AS1 or AS2) can be used for AEGLabel, which is listed for additional devices , While AVM2 (AS3) has been used. On Flash.display: at: com.gabrielbianconi.web :: DisplayObjectContainer / addChild :: ContentLoader $ / loadComplete () I want to get these errors in English ... Is this possible? You can try to install an Apple Locale with your computer set again. Another idea, if you are on Mac, you can try right-clicking on the application and can show package contents. This folder will contain some localization settings You can try to change the contents of content / resources / it.lproj with any elses English folder. If you try it on, then back up your copy of the flash because you can break it and I am not responsible for it!

What is the C# equivalent of java.util.regex? -

I am converting the Java code into C # and needing to change the use of Java's regex. One specific use import is java.util.regex.Matcher; Import java.util.regex.Pattern; // ... string mestring = "b12"; Pattern Pattern = Pattern.compile ("[A-Za-z] (\\ d +)"); Matcher matcher = pattern. MyString; String Serial = (matcher.matches ())? (1): Faucet; A capture group should be removed from a matching target string. I am grateful for simple examples. Edit : I've now added the equivalent of C # as an answer. Edit : On the use of actual expressions. Edit : C # and Java (and Perl.) . Net Framework Equivalent The MSDN page is a simple example of what I am connected to.

objective c - NSPredicate and simple Regular Expression problem -

मुझे साधारण NSPddicates और नियमित अभिव्यक्तियों में समस्या हो रही है: NSString * mystring = @ "file: // प्रश्न / 123456789 / desc-पाठ यहाँ"; NSString * regex = @ "फाइल: // प्रश्न +"; NSPredicate * regextest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "स्वयं मिलान% @", रीगेक्स]; BOOL है मैच = [रेजस्टेस्टस्ट का मूल्यांकन करेंऑब्जेक्ट: माइस्स्ट्रिंग]; उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में isMatch हमेशा गलत है / नहीं। मुझे क्या याद आ रहा है? मुझे एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति नहीं मिल सकती है जो फ़ाइल: // प्रश्न से मेल खाएगा। NSPedicates पूरे स्ट्रिंग की कोशिश करते हैं और मेल खाते हैं, न कि केवल एक सबस्ट्रिंग। आपका अनुगामी + का अर्थ केवल एक या अधिक वर्णों का मिलान करना है। आपको किसी भी अनुगामी पात्रों के लिए एक मैच की अनुमति देने की आवश्यकता है। यह काम करता है: regex = @ "फ़ाइल: //questions.*"

Do Unit Tests target Multiple Cores in Visual Studio? -

As our unit test number has increased, we are finding it difficult to run all the tests on our developer machines continuously . Does anyone know if Visual Studio 2008: Concepts many core visually Automatically does not target many cores, but it is configured No Run the test in a single thread , So only one core is used. This is the desired behavior, because by running on more threads, tests can cause unexpected behavior if you are using a stable variable, or any type of global condition (for example, a test is a stable variable It changes, and when this change ends it is returned. If another test is running at the same time, then it can expect a different value).

php - Microsoft API to export MYSQL data to Microsoft project -

I need to generate a Microsoft project file with some data MySQL database. Since I am applying, it is a There is a PHP application, so Microsoft is a way to create project files like we export data to excel the file using some libraries. Any help would be highly appreciated. You can use e-mail to create MPX or MSPDI files that can be read by Microsoft Project You can do it directly from PHP. John Disclaimer: I maintain MPXJ. - sql database connection on remote server -

Let me create my web site on and I use the inbuilt SQL Server database to create it, I use the step to make it. database 1. right click on Solution Explorer then add new SQL database then OK, if I connect it to coding then This will work on my local PC, but I am creating a website, so I want to store it on my web server, if I load a database file (.mdf) file in my web server where all my files are loaded Then this error "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred when setting up a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the name of the instance is correct and allow remote connections to SQL Server (Provider: SQL Network Interface, Error: 26 - Error specifying server / instance) "Please help me and let me know all the data Send the password and what coding do I use to connect to the remote server ....... thanks ... ...... If you want to see the connection string to get acquainted with their format, it is

events - C# - Make form semi-transparent while moving -

Is there a way to create semi-transparent forms while converting and then it is no longer transferred when it becomes irreversible is being done ? I have tried the Form_Move event with no luck. I got stuck, any help? Form is loaded in the form of semi-transparent because the form is to be moved to the initial state , Which hit trigger the event. ResizeEnd event is set on fire after a form is fired, something like this should be done: bool canMove = false; Private Zero Form 1_load (Object Sender, EventAgds E) {canMove = true; } Private Zero Form 1_Move (Object Sender, EventAGRS E) {if (Canvov) {this.Opacity = 0.5; }} Private Zero form1_rescind (object sender, eventAgps E) {this.Opacity = 1; }

Non-HID Mouse driver on NT -

I am looking to write a custom touchpad driver for my laptop because it has very little support under Windows The pass protocol is detected and I am ready to go ahead and implement it, but how do I go about it? It is a bit confused. It is a multitouch touchpad, so I have the option of using the Windows Touch interface To support I am laughing, but the examples present in the WDK (Elotoch is most relevant) show only HID support, in my Googling around, I find someone to write a shim driver in a proper manner to handle it. Level protocol, but I could not find good information about it, from which to start. What example should I take a look (WDK or otherwise) and is it the right way to know HID Shim? I'm looking at least targeting Vista +, XP will also be good. Thank you Edit: A little clarification Touchpad is USB but non-hiding; Also, if HID is the best way to move, can I use KMDF there, Or do I have to go to the WWMD? Most of my experience is WDM, but I'm not sure how

C# /Linq Yet another Brain Teaser -

Friends, there is still another scenario to solve, I am working without implementing Linq. But I hope that if you share your code in linux, then I have a great chance to learn Linq. L - Lover A <-> / P> M - (husband) e - enemy s - sister Description of problem: Two names will be given (male, female). We have to exclude common papers from both names, then we will have to calculate the number of remaining letters after killing common characters with both names. In the end, we have to repeat the stem flames and by the time we do not reach the letters alone, we have to extract the letters in the flames. The remaining single character shows the relation I will explain the process in more detail in the following examples. (Ignore case and spaces). Example: Step 1 Men: Albert Women: The letter "A", "E", "B" is common in both names. (Strike those letters with both strings, even in two "A" names in the "

visual studio - VS 2008 Lost all Project Templates -

Three times soon after trying to establish an expression studio, and every time a system was restored, suddenly My visual studio is almost lost All its project templates (except other project types) when I try to repair a run from the install disk, it says that it can not load the file and is canceling the install. Anyone have any experience for this situation? Fortunately not. A displacement / install cycle is your best choice.

html5 - How to draw a 3D sphere? -

I want to make a 3D ball or sphere in the HTML5 5.0 canvas. I have to understand the algorithm how to attract a 3D area. Who can share this with me? Update: This code is too old and limited now to 3D areas There are libraries to create: Ten years ago I wrote a Java applet to actually perform a texture field for mathematics where the surface of the goal was the view (not using the triangle). I have written it again in the javascript for canvas and let me know : 22 fps on my machine, which was based on as fast as the Java version, which render it, if not a little faster! Now that I wrote the Java code, it's a very long time since then - and it is very low - so I really remember this really how it works, I just got it javascript Although it is from the slow version of the code and I am not sure if the Java version has a faster version due to the traffic used to manipulate the script or works faster in mathematics It renders what pixel to pixel to work texture. I wa

regex - Grep multi-layered iterable for strings that match (Python) -

Say we have a multilayered iterable with some strings at the "final" level, yes the string is dynamic, but I think Is that you get my meaning: ['some', ('def', ('diff', 'udiff'), ('* .diff', '* .patch '(' 'Text / X-Difference' ',' Text / X-Patch ')), (' Delphi ', (' Delphi ',' Pass ',' Pascal ',' Object Skull '), (' *. Pass ', (' text / x-pascal ', [' walk ',' put one '],)), (' javascript + maco ', (' js + maco ',' javascript + mac '), (' App / X ...) Is there a convenient way to implement that? A search that will give me the index of match strings? I want something that Such a thing will work (where the list above is data ): gt; grep ('javascript', data) And this [[2,1,1], (2,2,0), (2,2,1), (2, 2, 2)] Perhaps I can not find a comparable solution Nothing returns like this, but I hav

java - Call hierarchy and/or data flow tool for Scala -

Is there an IDE / device / script / something that can show call hierarchy and / or data flow in Scala + Java programs (Preferably from source code). Or (as a backup scheme) is a device that can show it using Java bytecode? (And preferably give the option to go to the source code, if provided by the user). All this, which is usually integrated into an IDE and / or Maven :-) The need to support Scala is important in this question. In 3 IDE, I already detect such devices for Java and I do not use them very well (actually: exactly) when Scala is included TIA Poor man's call hierarchy: Expose the method and see how your red carcinoma shows up. [/ Duck me]

php - How To ? Form Post to Multiple Locations -

I have a form that I have to post on many scripts. How can I do this the easiest way? I know that it can be done with javascript, curls or snappy classes, but this is actually the easiest and best way. > sends one of the scripts and it is a php file, the other is hosted by others. Both the scripts need to collect data. The best way to go about this is to submit the form in your local script first, then the CRL Use the post (filtered) data that was received on the remote script. So just look for the reaction. Then just send an email and process the response from the remote script in your local one.

ajax - Form response for many different pages in Ruby on Rails -

In Ruby on Rail, I have an admin in an update method, called by AJAX request from both different HTTP requests and many different pages. For example, the user can use the edit page of the controller, which update depends on the user's JS either through the normal HTTP or AJAX. On the other hand, users can call the index method by update via AJAX. How do I send different responses to all these scenarios? A separate RJS file for edit and index ? Is it a good idea to create different update methods for each "scenario"? How much responses do we have in common with different pages? Obviously JS response is not going back which will react to HTML. As you probably know, the JS version should be used only to update parts that need to be updated, while the HTML version can update the entire page. If most HTML reactions are the same / all common, the JS responses are the same, you should break the bits that partially not appear in all the reactions. You ca

html - What is real purpose of ismap attribute in img tag? -

Never used the IMAP feature in the image tag referenced and it says Specifies an image as a server-side image-map. Used very little. Consider the usemap instead Since I am a front end web developer, I can not get an opportunity to use it. Will any server have some light on this server? You specify the map file for an anchor with the ismap image As a target map file defines the areas of the target so that clicking on the image will take you to different pages, where you click. (The instructions are slightly IUPUI-specific, but not the basics are not doing) some things do not explain. usemap is priority though, I believe - see an example of that.

datarepeater - Use data in repeater when Checkbox is check in -

I have a repeater to show my data Now, I check the check box How can I read after doing? I want to use LINQtoSQL to get data from the database and set the data page ... & asp: checkbox id = "chkBoxID" runat = "server" OnCommand = "doSomething_Checked" CommandArgument = " & Lt;% # Some Binding Information% & gt; Commandname = "NameForArgument" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Checkboxes & gt; Behind the code ... DoSomething_Checked (Object Sender, CommandEventArgs E) {checkbox ctrl = (checkbox) Sender to Secure Zero; Repeater item rpItem = ctrl.NamingContainer as repeater item; If (rpItem! = Null) {checkbox chkBox = (LinkButton) rpItem.FindControl ("chkBoxID"); ChkBox.DoSomethingHere ...}}

ruby on rails - Monitoring Delayed Jobs on Heroku -

How to use late jobs on Heroica How do I (easily) monitor the results of this worker? Should I activate only one mailer who sends me an email (this may be a burden for every minute). Check my friend Eric If you stop deleting a failed job, Use the page to see your failed jobs, what's wrong with it, and also seeing the pending work that is not yet running.

regex - Is Regular Expressions the best way to go about matching and replacing text? -

I have a regular expression, so please avoid giving me a definition. I'm only looking for an opinion, and maybe even some advice. I am graduating soon with my degree in computer science, and at this point, I have got on regular expressions, only through a course on education, PL design and development. We actually have not really educated about the actual application and the program itself, using the Reggae with the programming language, which we are writing. I have a question, am I right, Regex is the most powerful tool in Milan, and dealing with text? If I am wrong, then what happens there that I should teach myself (as opposed to being good with the reges)? In addition, any Eclipse knows any good Regex plugins for the IDE (preferably Galileo). I am looking for something that allows me to test the document and focus on what is probably being done. Thanks It depends on what it means to be powerful. In the complexity period, Regx can hardly handle recursive, for exampl

How to do Select All(*) in linq to sql -

आप linq को sql करते समय सभी पंक्तियों का चयन कैसे करते हैं? चुनें TableA से * कृपया दोनों क्वेरी वाक्यविन्यास और विधि वाक्यविन्यास कृपया। < कोड> पंक्ति पंक्ति से चयन पंक्ति या बस: TableA विधि सिंटैक्स में, अन्य के साथ ऑपरेटर्स: TableA.Where (पंक्ति = & gt; पंक्ति.आईस्सकीजिंग) // no। चयन करें (), पूरी पंक्ति वापस आती है मूलतः, आप पहले से ही सभी कॉलमों का चयन कर रहे हैं, फिर चुनें कि आप जिन कॉलम की परवाह करते हैं, उन्हें बदल देता है, ताकि आप ये भी कर सकें: उपयोगकर्ता में उपयोगकर्ता से उपयोगकर्ता का चयन करें। LastName + "," + user.FirstName

visual studio - SlimDX Assembly Reference -

I have installed SlimDex but assembly reference has not come as an option in Visual Studio, and for the life I can not know that SlimDex has established itself! Any help would be appreciated! thanks, First of all, make sure Make sure that you have installed SlimDex Developer SDK, do not redistribute runtime. If you did this, by default, this program files \ slimdex SDK (release date) \ bin \ x86 (and x64, depending on the platform).

shell - BASH: Find highest numbered filename in a directory where names start with digits (ls, sed) -

I have a directory with those files that look like this: 001_something .php 002_something_else Php 004_xyz.php 005_do_good_to_others.php I would eventually like to create a new, empty PHP file whose name starts with the next number in the series. LIST = 'exec ls $ MY_DIR | Sed 's / \ ([0- 9] \ + \). * / \ 1 / g '| The previous code gives me a string like this: LIST = '001 002 004 005' > < P> I want to capture that 005, the rise of one, and then how can I do this in the bash to create a new file name to use that number < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> $ list = ($ LIST) $ newfile = 'printf% 03d-whatever $ ($ 10 $ $ {LIST [$ {# LIST} }} + 1)) $ $ resonance $ new file 006-whatever then, specific. Below is a any-posix-shell-cum-bash solution, but I think that's something simple possible. $ cat / tmp / zf () {eval echo \ $ {$ #} | Sed -e 's / ^ 0 * //'} LIST = '001 002 004

javascript - Stop reloading flash file when using show and hide methods -

I have a web page where a flash file has been embedded in it. There is a quiz in Flash file that has 4 questions. When the user first shows the second question of the question, the second question will be shown. This flash is called devflash content. Now I want to hide and want to show quiz in it. X: When the user clicks on a button ("pause"), I want to hide the quiz and when he clicks on the "Continue" button, I want to continue the quiz. I am using the jquery show () method and hide method for this but the problem is that when I call the show method then flash content is being reloaded (showing the quiz from the beginning). He is not showing the stage, where we clicked the pause button. How can I solve this ? I want to flash in a single stage, where it is hidden internal $ Hide () Method is a CSS: Display: None; This will be the reason for reloading the Flash every time on my element. I suggest to hide your flash in a different way, because it gives a

plsql - PL/SQL - Working with a string! -

Suppose I have a string: "ABCDAA" I must find out that using an anonymous pl / sql block What is the most used letter in this string? How can I do this? declare str varchar2 (6 characters): = 'ABCDA'; Alphabet varchar2 (26 characters): = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; Most_frequent char: = ''; Max_count INTEGER: = 0; V_count INTEGER: = 0; Check CHAR: = ''; 1..26 Loop checking can begin in: = SUBSTR (alphabet, i, 1); For 1..length (str) loop if SUBSTR (str, k, 1) = TH_IN v_count: = v_count + 1; end if; End loop; If v_count & gt; Maximum count then maximum count: = v_count; Most_frequent: = checking; end if; V_count: = 0; End loop; Dbms_output.put_line ('The most often letter is'' most_frequent || '' ''); End;

html - Should HTTP 304 Not Modified-responses contain cache-control headers? -

I have tried to understand it, and have searched SO for similar questions, but I still have 100% Do not understand Response header server Apache-Coyote / 1.1 Date Mon, 19 Oct 2009 09:04:04 GMT End Mon, 19 Oct 2009 09:06:05 GMT Share this: , Maximum age = 120 etag image_a70703fb393a60b6da346c112715a0abd54a3236 content-dispersion inline; File name = "binary-216-420" content-type image / jpg; Charset = UTF-8 content-length 4719 The desired behavior is that the customer should cache it for 120 seconds, then request it again to the server within 120 seconds, the server No request is sent on. Then, after 120 seconds, a request is sent and a 304 response is received: Response headers server Apache-Coyote / 1.1 Date Mon, 19 October 2009 09:06:13 GMT Request header host localhost: 8080 User-agent Mozilla / 5.0 (Macintosh; U. Intel Mac OS X 10.5; N-US; RV .: Gecko / 20090824 Firefox / 3.5 .3 image / png, image / *; Q = 0.8, * / *; Q = 0.5 Accept language-N-us, n - How to use System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem - mvc नियंत्रक के लिए System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem का उपयोग कैसे करें < P> 1.वर्तमान चुनेंआइटमलिस्ट कंट्रोलर / एक्शन मेथड में कोड उत्पन्न करें। ViewData ["list"] = नई सूची & lt; SelectListItem & gt; {नई चयन लिस्ट आईटम}, नई SelectListItem {Text = "March", Value = "3"}}, नई SelectListItem {Text = "February", Value = "2"}, New SelectListItem {Text = "January", Value = "1"} 2.उपर्ट एस्पक्स में कोड को प्रस्तुत करना। & lt;% का उपयोग करके (Html.BeginForm ()) {% & gt; & Lt;% = Html.DropDownList ("सूची")% & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" मान = "भेजें" / & gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; 3. मॉडल-बिन्डर के साथ नियंत्रक / कार्य पद्धति में पोस्ट किए गए मान कोड प्राप्त करें। [एचटीपीपीओस्ट] सार्वजनिक कार्यवाही सूचकांक (स्ट्रिंग सूची) {// प्रोसेस कोड } इस कोड के बारे में कैसे? सर्वश्रेष्ठ, संबंध।

python - Caching system for dynamically created files? -

I have a web server that is dynamically making different reports in different formats (PDF and doctor files). The files are required to be generated in a reasonable amount of CPU, and are quite common in situations where two people are making similar reports with the same input. Input: Version of the report creation tool / ul> When a user tries to generate a report, I would like to check to see if a file exists with the already existing input, and if so If a file is not already available, then I would like to generate it as needed. What solutions are already present? I have cached simple HTTP requests before, but the keys are very simple (usually the database id) If I have to do this, then what is the best way to input several hundred words And I was thinking how I should go about changing the strings in the key sent in the cache. // The whole input uses a lot of memory, a mapping cache ['one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven ...'

ASP.NET MVC view engine performance -

I am developing a high load solution with the last version of mvc. Recently, our team noticed that most of the time the server takes the server for feedback, dedicated to page rendering. The simple timetable looks like this: Page Start - Launching module 1140 / module / owners from 1.8608363 - Complete the module 1140 / module / owner from 1.86859 - 1.9081751s module 829 / module Presenting / Linking Start - 1.9081788 S Module 829 / Module / Link Full - 2.3380648 S Module 1036 / Submitting Module / Advertisement Start - 2.3459101 S Module 1036 / Module Present / Advertisement Full - 2.34822 9 8 Raider Module 1110 / Module / GuiseStart - 2.3482322 Module 1110 / Module / Guigez Full - 2.6300744 S Module 1004 / Start Module / Topic Links - 2.6300784 S Module 1004 / Module / Subject Link Full - 3.8852529s Module 1048 / Module / News Start - 3.8927697 S Module 1048 / Module / News Full - 4.4958795 S Module 1128 / Start Recommended Links - 4.4958832s Module 1128 / Module / Rec

c# - DeSerialize XML into Class, Subclass & Properties making SubClass not null -

I have some XML that I am de-serialing and all works fine except for one of my properties in a serialized class For example a class; Person.Address.Postcode The person in the know is a property but the address is a property that has properties like postcode. If the incoming XML does not contain address information and deserialization, place when I see the person. The address is empty. What I would like to do is for the person. The address is not empty and does not have zero like postcode, but empty strings. I have tried the IsNullable = false attribute on the property, but it does not work. How is this possible? You can create a codec in a code that gives a string. If this is not set, otherwise the value. Or make it impossible to set it in a set block to make a null addition, apart from this, you can become null by making the address in a structure. In that case you can set the postcode in the string. Empty in the manufacturer with no parameters. Or you can apply you

C# Composite pattern and Database Access -

Assuming that I have a composite class pharma product (which is the product of a pharmaceutical company The hierarchy shows) And for this, in the database table, I have thought of loading data in two ways in the pharma product object. (1) Create an entire object-paste when the object is instatable. Make changes in the tree and continue these changes by applying a recursive loop to the tree (it actually works like C # Dataset ). (2) Load a node only when the other nodes are loaded Pharma product gateparents () Or, list & lt; PharmaProduct & gt; GetChldren () (which actually access the direct database) Change the node to save only that node. This type of tables can have a thousand entries, depending on how many types of drugs a company makes. So in that case, the first approach would be very unnecessary (and even memory consumption) I think. How do I use the database in case of any overall pattern problem? Take a look at the proxy pattern, you

c# - How to refactor this? -

I am struggling with a small issue how I am recalculating it for a decent pattern. Public class DocumentLibrary {Private IFile System File System; Private IDocumentLibraryUser User; Public DocumentLibrary (IDocumentLibraryUser User): This (User, FileSystemFrom (user)) Public DocumentLibrary (IDocumentLibraryUser user, IFileSystem file system) {this.user = user; This.fileSystem = fileSystem; } Create Public Zero (IWorkerDocument Document) {document.SaveTo (fileSystem); } Public IWorkerDocument AttemptContractRetrieval () {new contract (file system, user) returned; } Public IWorkerDocument AttemptAssignmentRetrieval () {new assignments (file system, user); } Private Static IFileSystem FileSystemFrom (IDocumentLibraryUser User) {var userLibraryDirectory = New Directory Info ("/ DocLib /" + Environmental () + "/" + user.Id); Return the new file system (User Library Directory); } Private Static String Environment () ({var edmxContext = new entities ()) {return (fr

Java and .NET. Software written using both technologies -

I am trying to understand the trends in languages This can not be a "real programming question", but I hope people will immediately correct me. I am currently interested in two languages ​​/ trends / techniques: Java and .NET. These are two worlds: One opinion is that: 1. Java is the often used in connection with Oracle for ERP / CRM / banking system. 2. NET Frequently Inter company communication software (simple ERP / CRM) is used in connection with MSSQL (Captain Explained) for websites, portals. I want you to note that I stressed sometimes sometimes Java is actually used for websites and for the complicated CRM, .net's It can be used, it is not holy or angry or an attempt to insult Java. Simple curiosity What are you using your device? Java /. What are the related techniques to come up with the net, though the question is very abstract, try to be concrete on the answer. Hope you will also enjoy reading the answers too. Rich desktop app. Having been

version control - UCM Clear Case: Hiereachy of streams in one project vs multiple projects -

We have a project and otherwise adding a new piece of functionality to a stable codebase, without fixing a big change. This scheme is making intermediate construction and testing of new facility for different time (maybe one month) and the facility is ending and merged the code of new facility in the main branch in the quality admissible. The question below is better in case of a clear case of two scenarios: A new project based on the baseline in the existing project integration stream With the intermediate distribution for the integration of the developing new project, the construction of this new project in a separate project and the integration from the stream created. And ultimately delivers changes to the new project integration stream for the main project (aka or dev). Using the hierarchy of streams in the main project: Child stream of integration stream (it is called template_in) in main project and a child stream of temp_iit (it is called temp_adv ). Develops a ne

Silverlight datagrid synchronized scrolling -

I have two silver light (2 or 3) of datagrids (a Silverlight Toolkit from July 2009) Contains the top datagrid value, the datagrid below holds the summary value (e.g. total). I want to combine all the related columns at all times, such as the width of the user column header, the column order changes, and the user changes the scroll horizontally. How can this be done? I am using two datagrids because I want that the total values ​​in the lower datagrid are visible at all times, because the user scrolls the contents of the top lathe vertically. I have tried to access the horizontal scrollbar of the datagrid using GetVisualDescendants (), but it does not give any element how can this be done? I think this can be done because the Silverlight detective shows the visual hierarchy. I suggest you put both of the grid inside the grid with the width set to the width of the grid. Then put a grid inside a scroll viewer. You will have a single scrollbar below that will scroll both grid

html - How to use libtidy with tidyParseBuffer()? -

I'm trying to clean some HTML with libtidy (C language), the problem is: I want to create a TidyDoc (a tree-like structure) with TidyParseBuffer (). I have no problem with tidyParseFile (); About tidyParseBuffer (): I'm sure that I read the file properly and the TidyBuffer structure that I give to tidyParseBuffer () is filled properly. Any thoughts? Here is the code: // declaration tidyInput = malloc (TidyBuffer); TidyOutput = malloc (TidyBuffer); Do {len = fread (pbInputData, 1, nInputData, h-> File); TidyBufAttach (tidyInput, (zero *) pbInputData, len); TDPers Buffer (H-> Dock, TDI Input); // Doctor is tidydoc} while (lane> = nInputData); TidyOptSetBool (h-> Doc, TidyForceOutput, Yes); Clean Savfile (Handler-> Doctor, "C: // Test. XHTML"); I have simplified the code. The problem arises from the fact that you are trying to break the contents of a file Are calling each segment in buffer and calling tidyParseBuffer () for each se

c# - lazy loaded NHibernate collections into ViewModels? -

I have hibernate mapping that is lazy loading = true. I have something in my client view model: foreach (_customerRepository in Customer C) {this.Customers.Add (New Single Custom Consumer Model (C)); } This clearly kills all lazy loading, because customers pass each other one by one. How can I get my collections (sub-selections and sub-subcollections ASF) in the related Observation Collection of my View Models to bind the UI with the Model object? It seems like there is a common problem, but I did not get any answers, neither here nor here on the googles ... I am not sure I fully understood the question. But I was wondering why not your getCustomers method IEnumerable & lt; SingleCustomerViewModel & gt; Choose Singular CustomerViewModel (c) from C in GetCustomers () {_customerRepository; } Since LINQ expressions have been evaluated lightly, therefore, anesthetized collection will not be started until it is actually bound to the UI.

How can I filter by file type in an IExplorerBrowser in Windows 7 Libraries? -

I created an example of IExplorerBrowser in my code to create a custom I / O view in one of my dialogues. The host class has implemented the ISISprovider and ICMML Browser Interface. I use the IExplorerBrowser :: BrowseToIDList method to fill the view. I would like to filter the displayed file type (i.e. only PNG files) if I call BrowseToIDList with FOLDERID_Pictures (ie "My Pictures"), then I will call ICommDlgBrowser: : Include Object Method or IFolderFilter :: ShouldShow can restrict the files I allow to display. However, if I browse the Picture Library on Windows 7 ( FOLDERID_Pictures library ), then the ICommDlgBrowser :: Not included object and IFolderFilter :: ShouldShow is sometimes called. Is there some limit for filtering files in libraries on Win7 which I am unaware of? Maybe I can not find an interface or maybe I have specified the wrong flag somewhere. Any ideas will be highly appreciated. I have had the opportunity to do further research, inclu

php - how to add image-border around an image? -

Is there an easy way to add an image border around an image? The reason I want to create a drop-shadow effect around the image. Images are loaded as thumbnails and are 110x75 px ... I'm thinking of creating a shadow border, but it does not know how to add around the image, Know the way PHP preference ... You can use real image in PDP GD library or imagemagic to replace, but you can get similar effects in CSS, if it is only needed on a web page. There is a complete tutorial on doing this with PHP and here's GD:

qt - QGraphicsItem unselect redraw problem -

Very easy QT GUI applications: On this view I have multiple circles that QGraphicsItem boundingRect gives square around this circle. The method is not 'shape' override. The problem occurs when 'Ve' is added to the Paint () method: if (selected) (painter-> Direct (Re);} The selection is well-prepared, but unselected does not cause redering. At the log level, I can see that this item was actually lost in the selection flag. It is also worthwhile to change calling updates () from the item. Thank you in advance for any suggestions. 10 Days after i Back to this problem and found that my QGraphicsItem created with setCacheMode (DeviceCoordinateCache); OMG! Stupid mistake, when this line was removed (by default QGraphicsItem :: NoCache used) selection It is again prepared again.

jquery - How can I move TinyMCE's toolbar into a modal popup? -

I have a TinyMCE & amp; JQuery and I'm having trouble moving TomMMEE's external toolbars to another location in the DOM. To make things more complicated, there are many TinyMCE examples on the page. I want a toolbar for the currently being edited. Here are some sample codes: $ (textarea). Tinymce (Setup: Ocean (Ed, Component ID, DisplaySpacePan)}, script_url: '/ clubs / data / shared / scripts / tti_mcti_mcds', subject: "advanced", plugins: "safari, pagebreake, Style, Layer, Table, Save, Adr, Edible, Action, Ispell, InlinePopups, Datadatite, Preview, Media, Search, Print, Containmenu, Paste, Directionality, Fullscreen, Non-Project, Visual Talkers, nonbreaking, xhtxtras, templates ", theme_advanced_batone1:" save, new document, bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, | busfilfet, justifier, ethics, justifiable, stylize, format selection, fonts added, fontes selection ", theme_ AdvancedButenance 2: "Cut, Copy, Paste, Past

python - Clojure prime numbers lazy sequence -

What's the closing equivalent of the following Python code (Exact Algorithm)? Calculation import from mathematics by import number sqrt def prime_gen (): primes = [] in count (2) n: if all (in p% p pimes for p & lt; = Sqrt (n)): primes.append (n) yield n This Python As is as I can: (def prime-gene (let [prime] (atom []) (for [n (iterized inc 2): when (no-none ? # (Zero? (Rim N%)) (filter # (& lt; =% (math / sqrt n)) @primes) ((swap; primes conj n) n)))) (take 10 prime joints) ; = & Gt; (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29) Close the Closer The number 0 is not considered a boolean false. It took me a few minutes to find out that your Python code is taking advantage of it. There are some other major number algorithms in the closures. clojure There is also a major number of implementation in contrib.lazy-seqs .

compression - .NET GZipStream compress and decompress -

What is wrong with this code below I mean, after compression, my meaning always goes wrong, matching the data that is decompressed with the original value Does not eat. Public Strength Test () {string sample = "This is Microsoft's pure compression test .net gzip compression method and Deccpression methods"; System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Encoding = New System. Text.ASCIIEncoding (); Byte [] Data = Encoding Getbytes (sample); Bull results = False; // Insert memorystream cmpStream; Cmpstream = new memorystream (); Gzipstream hg = new gzipstream (CMPstream, compression mod. Compress); Hgs. Write (data, 0, data. Lang); Byte [] cmpData = cmpStream.ToArray (); Memorystream decomstream; DecomStream = new memorystream (CMPData); Hgs = new gzipstream (decomostream, compression mode.decpress); Hg. Read (Data, 0, Data. Lang); String sampleOut = System.BitConverter.ToString (data); Results = string. Ecloss (sample, sample auto); Return result; } I really appreciate it if you can

Delphi - unmangle names in BPL's -

Is it possible to resolve their names in Delphi? If so, where do I get more information? An example of an error message where he can not find a certain entry in DBRL 100. BPL, I have to know that this is not the exact job (unit, class, name), parameters, etc. ). --------------------------- myApp.exe - Entry Point Not Found ----- ---------------------- Methodology entry point @ DBMON @GetTableNameFromSQLEx $ qqrx17 System @ WideString25Dabman @ IDETFeropen Dynamic Link could not be located in library dbrtl100.bpl - ------------------------- Fine ---------------------- -- --- I know that this is GetTableNameFromSQLEx in the debombon unit (Delphi with my RTL / VCL sources), but sometimes I Will bump into where all code (yes, clients should always buy the source code for third party accessories, but sometimes they do not). But is this an example for which I do not have the code, or only the interface files (any person?) What is the parameter (i.e. the potential surcharge)?

Initialize Array to Blank custom type OCAML -

ive एक कस्टम डेटा प्रकार सेट करें टाइप वेक्टर = {a: float; b : नाव}; और मैं टाइप वेक्टर की एक सरणी को प्रारंभ करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं है, बस एक्सरे की लंबाई x। निम्नलिखित < Code> let vearr = array.create! Max_seq_length {a = 0.0; b = 0.0} सरणी init को {a = 0; b = 0} बना देता है, और उसे रिक्त रूप से छोड़ देता है मुझे त्रुटि देता है क्या आईएम भी संभव करने की कोशिश कर रहा है? आप OCaml में एक अनिर्धारित सरणी नहीं कर सकते लेकिन इसे इस तरीके से देखें: आपके प्रोग्राम में बिना किसी प्रारंभिक मानों के कारण आपके प्रोग्राम में कभी भी एक मुश्किल-से-प्रतिलिपि बग नहीं होगा। यदि आपके मानों को आप अपनी सरणी में रखना चाहते हैं, तो संभवत: आप सरणी को बहुत जल्दी बना रहे हैं? Array.init का उपयोग करने पर विचार करें इसे आवश्यक समय पर बनाने के लिए आवश्यक है, बिना इसे पहले बनाने और इसे अस्थायी रूप से अनिर्धारित करने के बिना। फ़ंक्शन Array .init तर्क में एक फ़ंक्शन लेता है जो प्रत्येक सेल के प्रारंभिक मान की गणना करने के लिए उपयोग करता है।

c# - Error with implicitly typed variables -

एक अन्तर्निहित टाइप किए गए स्थानीय चर "var" के लिए एक linq चयन निर्दिष्ट करते समय मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है। त्रुटि: एक निहित-टाइप लोकल वैरिएबल पर रूट: var मेल समूह = Emails.Where (पी = & gt; IsValidFormat (p.Value))। चयन करें; तत्वों का शब्दकोश शब्दकोश & lt; int, string & gt; ईमेल = नया शब्दकोश & lt; int, string & gt; (); ईमेल। जोड़ें (1, "मैरी @ याहू।"); ईमेल। जोड़ें (2, ""); ईमेल। जोड़ें (3, "गुलाब"); ईमेल। जोड़ें (4, "एना"); ईमेल। जोड़ें (5, "धिया @"); शब्दकोश & lt; int, string & gt; डीसी = नया शब्दकोश & lt; int, string & gt; (); इसे कैसे ठीक किया जाए? आप इसे क्या उम्मीद कर रहे हैं करने के लिए? आप शायद वहां एक वास्तविक पद्धति कॉल करना चाहते हैं, जैसे: var mailgroup = emails.Where (पी = & gt; IsValidFormat (p.Value))। चयन करें (पी = & gt; p .Value); या यदि आप कुंजी / मान युग्म चाहते हैं, तो आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं:

ruby on rails - Create a wizard that works with multiple Resources -

I'm writing an app that has the "Wizard" type input section, think of MS Windows Installer. I find it difficult to find out how fast the best way to do this with rail. I can do it in a non-pure way (already done for version 1), But I am trying to be a bit idiotic at this time. Here's the situation I have a 5 step wizard that has to collect information. Deal with steps 1, 2, and 4 resources. Phase 3 deals with multiples of Resource B and they have to be associated with Resource A. Step 5 is only a confirmation. So I have my resource controller and my resource B_controller ... but they save / update only one resource I'm guessing that I have a wizard for each step in the process- the controller Should be installed, but I'm not sure how routing should work. For example ... Wizard Controller & lt; ApplicationController def stepOne @resourceA = end def stepTwo @resourceA = params [: id] end ... def stepFive end end and then see m

c# - How to match these strings with Regex? -

& lt; div & gt; & Lt; a href = "http: // website / forum / f80 / थ्रेड लिंक-नया /" id = "thread_gotonew_565407" & gt; & lt; img class = "inlineimg" src = "http: // वेबसाइट / फ़ोरम / चित्र / बटन /firstnew.gif "alt =" पहली नई पोस्ट पर जाएं "सीमा =" 0 "/> & lt; / a & gt; [बहु] & lt; a href = "http: // वेबसाइट / मंच / एफ 80 / थ्रेड लिंक /" आईडी = "धागा_टाइटिलि_65407" शैली = "फ़ॉन्ट-वजन: बोल्ड" & gt; THREAD TITLE & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं एक सच्चाई के बारे में जानता हूं कि जिस लिंक में मुझे दिलचस्पी है, वह बोल्ड होगा: font-weight: bold लेकिन लिंक खुद से पहले आता है। मैं कैसे लिंक पता दोनों से मेल कर सकता हूं: http: // वेबसाइट / फ़ोरम / एफ 80 / थ्रेड लिंक / और थ्रेड शीर्षक: THREAD TITLE संपादित करें: इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर HTML कोड बहुत अलग है: & lt; ए शैली = "फ़ॉन्ट -वेइट: बोल्ड "आईडी = थ्रेड_टाइटि

VHDL How to add a std_logic_vector with a std_logic signal together? -

मुझे मिला है douta: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); Doutb: std_logic_vector (3 से डाउन 0); C0: std_logic में; F1: std_logic में; F0: std_logic में; Res: बाहर std_logic_vector (3 डाउन डाउन 0); मैं एक साधारण एएलयू बनाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं, और यह एएलयू प्रदान करता है फ़ंक्शन में से एक है जब f1 और f0 both = 1 res = douta प्लस बी प्लस सी 0 तो मैंने लिखा f1 = '1' और f0 = '1' फिर res & lt; = douta + doutb + c0; लेकिन जाहिर है यह काम नहीं करने वाला है क्योंकि douta और doutb का डेटाटाइप है std_logic_vector जहां के रूप में < कोड> सह बस std_logic और मुझे संकलन करते समय यह त्रुटि मिली 'त्रुटि 603 लाइन 34: असंगत प्रकार के लिए अंकगणित ऑपरेटर: एलएचएस = std_logic_vector! 18, आरएचएस = std_logic कोई समस्या है कि मैं इस समस्या को ठीक कैसे कर सकता हूं? संपादित करें: कोशिश की f1 = '1' और f0 = '1' फिर res & lt; = douta + doutb + ("000" & amp; c0); लेकिन अभी भी कोई भाग्य नहीं है, इस बार संकलक कहत

linux - How to use sed to delete a string with wildcards -

फ़ाइल 1: & lt; a & gt; हैलो & lt; / b & gt; & LT; ग & gt; foo & lt; / घ & gt; & Lt; a & gt; दुनिया & lt; / p & gt; & LT; ग & gt; बार & lt; / घ & gt; फ़ाइल का एक उदाहरण है जो यह काम करेगा। "post-text" itemprop का उपयोग करके & lt; c & gt; * & lt; / d & gt; = "Text"> निम्न पंक्ति & lt; c & gt; से & lt; / d & gt; सर्व पाठ को निकाल देगी: < Code> sed -e's / & lt; c & gt;। * & Lt; \ / d & gt; // ' इसमें s /...// एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति है, वास्तव में एक वाइल्डकार्ड नहीं है, जैसे कि शेल उपयोग करता है, इसलिए जो कुछ भी आप एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति में डाल सकते हैं उसे आप इसमें डाल सकते हैं।

unix - Is there any simple way to benchmark python script? -

Usually I use shell command time . My purpose is that if the data is a small, medium, large or very large set, then how much time and memory will be used. Any device for Linux or just python to do this? Take a look at , and. timeit def test (): "" "stupid test function" "for category (100): lst.append (i) if __name__ == '__main__': Import time print (Time time ("test ()", setup = "__main__ import test")) Basically, you can call it a Python code of a string parameter And it will run in the specified time and will execute the execution time. Important bits from docs: timeit.timeit (stmt = 'pass', Setup = 'Pass', Timer = & gt; Default Timer & gt; ;; Number = 1000000) Create a timer example with the given statement, Setup code And run the timer function and number with fusion timeit . . And: timer. Time (number = 1000000) time number the execution key statement