What is the C# equivalent of java.util.regex? -

I am converting the Java code into C # and needing to change the use of Java's regex. One specific use

  import is java.util.regex.Matcher; Import java.util.regex.Pattern; // ... string mestring = "b12"; Pattern Pattern = Pattern.compile ("[A-Za-z] (\\ d +)"); Matcher matcher = pattern. MyString; String Serial = (matcher.matches ())? Matcher.group (1): Faucet;  

A capture group should be removed from a matching target string. I am grateful for simple examples.

Edit : I've now added the equivalent of C # as an answer.

Edit : On the use of actual expressions.

Edit : C # and Java (and Perl.)

. Net Framework Equivalent The MSDN page is a simple example of what I am connected to.


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