
Showing posts from January, 2013

Allow quoted values in mysql integer columns? -

तालिका 1 के लिए तालिका स्कीमा पर विचार करें: आईडी: int country_id: int विवरण: varchar (50) और क्वेरी: तालिका 1 (आईडी, देश_आईडी, विवरण) मूल्यों में सम्मिलित करें (1, '20', 'टेस्ट डिस्को'); यह MySQL 4x के तहत काम करेगा लेकिन MySQL 5x (त्रुटि 1067 (42000) के तहत विफल हो जाएगा .. के लिए अमान्य डिफ़ॉल्ट मान ..)। मुझे इसका कारण होने के कारण पता है - country_id है int और इसलिए उद्धृत नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। क्या ऐसा 5x के नीचे एक MySQL स्विच है, जिससे इसे 4x जैसा व्यवहार करने के लिए कोई क्वेरी विफल नहीं होगी? मुझे इस तरह से प्रश्नों का उपयोग करने वाला एक अनुप्रयोग मिला है और मैं एक त्वरित सुधार की तलाश कर रहा हूं जब तक कि मैं सभी प्रश्नों को ठीक करने के लिए समय पा सकता हूं। धन्यवाद यह डाले एक मान्य डालें है

c# - Looping through dynamically build form -

I have created a questionnaire in C # and when the user has entered his responses, I have to capture the answer and the database Have to save I am making the content in the code and putting it in the placeholder on the page. I can get a handle on the placeholder Find Placeholder A = (Placeholder) Find Control ("Placeholder 1"); But when I try to reach the text box within the placeholder, it says that he has no control! Any help would be appreciated thanks Richard You will need to rebuild your Dynamic Control Structure for every page request. The server can create all the static control structures on the basis of your ASPX, and then fill its values ​​with the data posted. Since you added your extra controls, however, you have to add them again if you want to find their values ​​again.

django - Build a compare list -

I have to keep a vehicle comparison view for my app design app where the user has selected several vehicles from the list, all Selected How should I go about this? > From this templates

Good approach to learning to use WPF design tools? -

I want to learn WPF but listening to tooling in Visual Studio is weak from all commentary and I'll need to write XAML manually Which is disabled. I have seen devices like Express Blend used to make XML, although I did not complete the understanding of the WPF, I had to make enough decisions to make enough decisions to get enough "mileage" for testing Should work hard. Buy the software. My question is, do I want to learn tooling that Microsoft provides for WPF? Interpretation As I will suggest that he learns WPF what approach you? For tooling, is there an express version of Blend that I can use to learn before upgrading to a professional license? Thanks! Honestly, I have realized that I have learned WPF XAML hand By writing to best I am VS 2010 beta 1 and the designer has got better (intelligencia and so on) and it looks like when Beta 2 comes out it would be better. When you learn WPF and get comfortably with the basics and functionality, using Blend is usefu... - Treeview Nested in a GridView -

I've dynamically added a treeview to a cell in a grid view control. The problem is that the initial entry in the first node of TreeView can be very long. When the page is projected, the preview increases the size of my gridview column width because the first node does not wrap in the next line. When I see the table HTML created by TreeView in the source HTML, the first node looks like this: & lt; Td style = "white-space: aboper;" & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; The style is being dynamically generated by TreeView control and I am thinking how can I override it? I have tried to use CSS, but I believe inline code override everything in CSS? Set the nodeweep property to correct when you create your treeview. This will prevent that CSS from being generated.

Transform Java-project to .NET-project -

I have a project in Java, I want to convert it to NAT-project. How to make it the easiest? You may have a look at this: This is a JVM and Java compiler implementation. With it, you can recompile your project under .NET and then replace all the libraries without the call from the Java Library that breaks the app.

c# - ASP.NET Menu control and Safari 4.0.3 -

Then I am using a menu control on my page, and contains dynamic items that should be drop down menu item. This Safari works in all browsers except 4.0.3. I have looked around and there are many solutions to this problem: Add this code to page_load event: If requested (user.exe.exe index ("Apple WebKit")> 0) {Request.Browser.Adapters.Clear (); } Add this code to the Page_PreInit event: If (Request.UserAgent.IndexOf ("AppleWebKit")> 0) { This.ClientTarget = "uplevel"; } Add a browser file to this thread: Well, I have tried all of them, and no one Not seem to work from them. I should mention that it was used to work in earlier versions of Safari using Option # 2. But it is not working for me with the latest version of Safari. Does anyone know how to fix this? Have you tried adding client target = "uplift" to the actual @page directive?

tomcat - Still Need To Write a Connection Pool Class in J2EE 6 with MySQL 5? -

I'm trying to see if someone has asked this before. I do not think so. Whatever other questions I have seen, start talking a little bit about this and it indicates that using JNDI dataset setup in Tomcat is the best way of database stuff, now your J. 2EE app. Ever since I had developed a serious J-2 EEE, it has been three or four years since. NAT is coming and ASP I was always stupid to have thought that it needed to write its own connection pool. I want to know that you still need to do this. No, available publicly available libraries there connection pooling at different levels. You can look at Google, or just check the head.

xaml - Triggering on a ScrollViewer's scroll bar visibility (WPF) -

Is it possible to create a trigger that is based on the Scroll Bar visibility of ScrollViewer is triggered ? I have the ScrollViewer set from its VerticalScrollBarVisibility to Auto and I want to change the properties of some ScrollViewer only when scrolling The bar actually appears. Something like this: & lt; ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility = "Auto" & gt; & Lt; ScrollViewer.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "EyewearBarvigi" value = "true" & gt; & Lt ;! - Sets - & gt; & Lt; / Catalyst & gt; & Lt; /ScrollViewer.Triggers> & Lt; / ScrollViewer & gt; trigger trigger. - Twitter notification ajax bar, how did they do it? -

I'm trying to get that cool, Ajax sliding bar that Twitter (its slightly transparent, white) I tried to see html / css, but it seems that they inject dynamically different DOM layers. Do anyone know how they implemented it? I really want to know how to do it. Run this code in firebug or on the document .ready () $ ("id id = 'notification' & gt; notification text here & lt; / div & gt;"). CSS ("Position": "Fixed", Top: "0 Pixel", Left: "0 Pixel", Height: "20px", Width: "100%", Background Color: "#CCCC", Color: "Blue" Padding: "5px", FontWeight: "bold", Text Alliance: "Center", Opacity: "0.5"}) .appendTo ("body"); And you should have an instant notification time ... If you are familiar with jQuery (which I think is you, because with the question jquery Tag), you can change the CSS and HTML values ​​accor...

php - php5 extend main class and use statics -

मैं ऐसा क्यों नहीं कर सकता? & lt;? Php वर्ग कोर { सार्वजनिक स्थिर $ db; फ़ंक्शन __ रचना () {$ this- & gt; db = new mysql ('होस्ट', 'उपयोगकर्ता', 'पीडब्लू', 'डीबी'); }} वर्ग स्टेट कोर {सार्वजनिक स्थिर फ़ंक्शन लॉग () {core :: $ db- & gt; क्वेरी ("mytable मानों में डालें (अब ())"); }} // कुछ स्टेट :: लॉग (); ? & Gt; अपने कोड के दिखने से, क्योंकि आप $ db में कुछ भी असाइन नहीं करते हैं । कन्स्ट्रक्टर को केवल तभी बुलाया जाता है जब आप क्लास का एक उदाहरण बनाते हैं, स्टैटिक्स के साथ नहीं। इसके अलावा, आपका कोड भी कोर क्यों बढ़ा रहा है? आपको स्थिर विधियों / चर का उपयोग करने के लिए इसे विस्तारित करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है शायद यह वास्तव में इसे एक इंस्टेंस प्रॉपर्टी बनाने के लिए अधिक समझदारी बनायेगा, और स्थैतिक के बजाय एक नया इंस्टालेशन का उपयोग करेगा?

Drupal issue accessing custom content type -

I have a problem where a standard content type is not unique by standard user accounts and users. The content type is the page (not one but the one I created). There is no special, just static text in it. When I try and see a page, my title is displayed, but below it, html is not included from tpl. So the problem is not that I get an access denied page. (The text is displayed in the box along the top and bottom of the round corners. The top ones are but the ones below, so I know that the HTML is not showing at all) This account can access everyone In other content permissions, the access content is definitely checked and I did not get any entry that would determine the simple viewing of a specific content type. What can be done with it? If you use the CCK field with your new content type, you will need to re-enter your permissions : CCTV areas should have their own view and editing permissions and by default the most restrictive permissions are missed. (note: comment h...

ajax - Problems passing jQuery $.post a variable as a parameter -

I'm trying to send a name: $ pair value in php script. Value variables I have sent the variable to the console in FF, so I know that they are being set properly, but when I send the header, only the value variable is being evaluated, the name is The name of the variable being sent as a literal string. Here the task is completely: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# forms form fieldet & gt; input'). Blur (function () {if ( $ (This) .val () == '' & amp; amp; $ (this) .prev (). ('IMG')) {$ (this) .prev (). Remove (); Return;} If (($ (This) .is ('# forms form fieldet'; input [id * = mail] ')) ($ (this) .is (' # forms form fieldet '; input [id * = name ]] '))) & Amp; ($ (this) .val ()! = "")) {Var email_field = $ (this); if (! $ (This) .prev () is (' img ' }) {$ ('& Lt; img src = "" alt = "" style = "width: 16px; height: 16px;" />').insertBefore(this);} v...

5 ways to use the static keyword in Java -

I was just an interview where one of the questions was "description of 5 ways to use stable keywords in Java Please do. " I could only think of 2 on the spot, and later I got 2 more What is the 5th? Declare a class related field in opposition to an example. Declaring a method that can be called on the opposing class Declaring a nested class as a static A stable class initiator Define ??? (since Java 1.5): import Fixed my.package.MyClass *;

windows - Running C++ binaries without the runtime redistributable (Server2k3, XPSP3) -

A CGI application has been written in Visual Studio 2008 and it has been debited locally, I have uploaded it to a Windows Server 2003 OS where it was sent immediately. I'm guessing that I need to install the unfortunate runtime, but after reading it: I wonder if it's more understandable Comes in to avoid this side by side content and rewrite the app. I'm guessing that MScRVT version is not needed in Windows Server 2003. Is Windows Server 2003 near? When it comes to deployment of thick clients, I would like to distribute the required DLL with my app. What do they believe that I just include iostream, sstream, string? Does this change quite if I add windows.h? Added: / recommend MT switch below C / C ++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library -> Multi-Threaded (/ (You may need to clean one: build -> clear to avoid error messages "Failed to save the updated manifest to file") From 38k to 573k bloated my app What I call importan...

When is it time to move from an in-IDE build system to a script-based build? -

When should the developer be able to use the default build capability of their IDE to write and use a custom build script? I know that it is subjective and I am interested in hearing all opinions; So, community wiki It also depends on which IDE you are using, which language and For example, in Java it is common to use ante or Maven scripts, which can be used in both IDEs and different build processes. In PHP however, there is usually no manufacturing process, so guit can be used to make changes in any deployment server (manually or automatically). Whenever, you will need it: You are a number of developers working on the project; You have released the project at least once; Basically the automated build process is required when you want or a continuous integration process is required. If someone has broken the build ("But it works on my pc!"), It is useful for viewing automatically.

c# - Deserializing using XElement -

I had to write my own deserializer, because XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer are not good for my needs, so it's the basis of my deserializer Is: Fixed base element perclosure (excelment element) {var E = (element) catalyst. Create Ention (Type GateType ("Element." + Element.Name)); Variable attribute (value, attr.Value, property.PropertyType), property attribute (attr.Name.LocalName); property value (E., convert.change type) in front (element.Attributes ()) var attr {var property = e.GetType () Empty);} varach in element.Elements () var e.Elements.Add (ParseXml (x)); return e;} baseAlment class: Public abstract class baselment {public base element} {Elements = New list & gt; Element & gt; ();} Public IList & lt; Element & gt; Elements {get; set;} } The only limitation is that I have a custom type There can not be attributes because I can not convert to a custom type using Convert.ChangeType thanks An example from your custom ...

Java garbage collector - When does it collect? -

What determines when the garbage collector actually collects? Does it happen after a certain time or in a certain amount of memory is used? Or are there other factors? It runs when it determines that it's time to run. A common strategy in generational garbage collectors is to run the collector when allocation of generation-memory fails. That is, every time you allocate a small block of memory (large blocks are usually placed directly into "old" generation), then the system checks whether there is enough space in the General-8 stack, and if not So, it gets run to evacuate the place for allocation to succeed GC. The old data is then moved to the General-1 stack, and when the space is over there, GC runs a collection on it, enhances the data, which is the longest for General-2 stack, and Similarly So GC does not just "run" it can only run on the GN-0 heap (and most of the collection will do the same), or it can actually check each generation to free up a l...

objective c - Accessing an object created in another class in cocoa -

How can I use an object that was created in another class? I have a class that creates a web query and pulls back online. It is such a thing that I have all the information. I want to be able to get the status of different variables in that object. There will probably not be a change after creating the object class sections are not; They are the codes behind the objects. You have information in one object, and there is one more thing to access this information. I think you should look for guidance. Decide how each of these classes plays a role. If a class does not serve any of them, then you probably have something new to do. Once each class is strongly looking for a model, view or controller, the communication flow between them should be more clear for you.

C#: Oracle Data Type Equivalence with OracleDbType -

Status: I am creating an app in C # which is Oracle Uses DataAccess.Client (11G) to perform some operations on an Oracle database with stored procedures. I know that there is a definite enum (Oracled type) that contains the Oracle data types, but I'm not sure how to use it for a particular type. question: OracleDbType enumeration for each enumerated type, Oracle PL / SQL data type What is the equivalent? OracleDbType has three types of integers (Int16, Int32, Int64) ... how to know which one to use or what they all are - to work think for? OracleDbType calculation values ​​are defined in documents . Read. Regarding choosing between Int16, Int32 and Int64, they should all work. Corresponds to the expected size of its net size: Int32 for the difference between -32768 and 32767, int32 for values ​​between 2147483648 and 2147483647, and for anything bigger Int64 inputs and PL / SQL data types There are some funnels related to changing. Check.

SVN More repositories for working copy -

I have a repository with read-only access to the remote server on my computer I am just working on that repository On which I am working and I need to complete the copy of the full work in my own repository with full access. Just looks: update WC, add / edit some code, command it on your own repository. Is it possible because I do not know how to do it in Eclipse (with subclassified plugin) or TortoiseSVN. Since you can only use a remote copy, so you can export it by copying the work , And believe that as you can be any third-party code. It has been advised to merge the management of the vendor branches, changes in your repositories and changes from the remote repository.

selecting specific text node with xpath? -

& lt; html & gt; सेब & lt; br & gt; नारंगी & lt; br & gt; ड्रग्स & lt; / html & gt; क्या आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं // html / text () [2] टी काम। & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0"? & Gt; & LT; html & gt; सेब & lt; br / & gt; नारंगी & lt; br / & gt; ड्रग्स & lt; / html & gt; // html / text () [2] रिटर्न नारंगी मेरे लिए @ आप किस भाषा से संबंधित हैं?

c# - What is the difference between explicit and implicit type casts? -

Would you please tell the difference between clear and underlying type Can you? This is a bit tricky because the "cast" syntax in C # is actually Things (Cast, Primitive Convert, Bespoke Convert, etc.) In an underlying cast, there is a clear context-protection conversion between the two: list From & lt; Integer & gt; L = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); IList & LT; Integer & gt; IL = L; The compiler can prove that this static analysis ( list & lt; int & gt; is always a IList & lt; int & gt; With a clear artist, either you are saying the compiler that you know more than - "Please believe me, but Check anyway ": from the list & lt; Integer & gt; L = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); IList & LT; Integer & gt; IL = L; & Lt; Integer & gt; L2 = (list & lt; int & gt;); Although this artist is possible , then the compiler will not accept that all IList & lt; Int ...

treeview - Delphi, VirtualStringTree - rebuilding tree, restoring state (expanded nodes) -

How can I restore the position of nodes in VirtualStringTree on tree reconstruction (which were expanded)? My application uses VirtualStringTree (one of the best components ever!). Now, what do I need to do to rebuild the tree every time the application starts? In most cases though the "new" tree is the same as the last time created ... or at least very similar. What is the best way to restore the position of nodes? Whose expansions were expanded and so on ... I do not understand how to extend all the nodes manually all the time when I start the app ... and so my user, I believe. Unfortunately, due to privacy restrictions, I can not save any actual tree in a file and then load it, and compare the existing nodes when it is rebuilt (add / delete if necessary). I want some more way, please ... Store only the topology of the tree, e.g. Indexed extended nodes for each level. Alternatively, you can make a list of hashes for some unchanging nodes values ​​and can only h...

c++ - LoadLibraryW doesn't work while LoadLibraryA does the job -

I wrote some sample programs and DLL to know the concept of DLL injection. \ Path \\ from \\ my \\ DLL dll "); LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pLoadLibraryW = (Lpathred_ROTEN) GetProcAddress (hKernel32, "LoadLibraryW"); Int bytescified = wide-chromatomultibite (CP_UTF8, 0, DLCR_st (), DLL. Lamp (), zero, 0, zero, zero); Std :: vector & lt; Byte & gt; DllName (bytesNeeded); Wide-chartomultibite (CP_UTF8, 0, DLL, C.R.), DLL. Lamp (), (LPTR) and DLNmem [0], bytes, null, faucet); To simplify memory memory, memory is a class written by me // Constructor takes the desired permission Memory mem (Paid, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, False ); // ensures extinction of the allotted range // True / True / False = Read and write, no execution permission is std :: tr1 :: shared_ptr & lt; Void & gt; Allocated = mem.AllocateBytes (dllName.size (), true, true, false); Mem.WriteBytes ((unsigned int) allocated .get (),...

html - DOM javascript Navigation -

I want to show the hidden divCommentBody div related to the "check" checkbox, but it is not able to use javascript . This is a Javascript function: Function ExpandClick (state) {var TargetBaseControl = document.getElementById ("commentsTable"); Var inputs = Tarbatebase control.GetAllementsBigename ('Input'); (Var n = 0; n & lt; Inputs.length; ++ n) If (inputs [n] .type == 'checkbox' & amp; amp; input [n] .id.indexOf (' ChkBox ', 0) & gt; = 0) {if (input [n] checked) == true) {// get DivXModebody div that is related to this checkbox}}} This markup is: & lt; Table cellpadding = "0" limit = "0" id = "comments enabled" & gt; & Lt; Tr square = "comment" & gt; & Lt; Td square = "check the comment" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "ctl00_col2_rptComments_ctl01_chkBox" type = "checkbox" name = "ctl00 $ col2 $ rpt note $ ctl01 $ chkB...

python - easy_install -f vs easy_install -i -

This is related to the question, I had asked some time ago. The last game I want to be able to install my package "identity.model" and all dependencies. Like ... easy_install -f search for identity.model identification.reading Index page for 'identity.model' was not found (probably misspelled?) Index of all packages is being scanned (this may take some time) http: // Pypi.python No local packages or download links found for .org / simple / identity.model error: The appropriate distribution could not be found for Requirement.parse ('identity.model'). The reason for running this is the easy_install hit page by which I my index.html & lt ; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Sadafatan Egg Repository & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; A rel = "homepage" href = ...

Display context menu over MFC application mainframe menubar -

I have a VC + + MFC app and I need to display a context menu on CMainFrame menubar. I used WM_CONTEXTMENU in CMainFrame I've been able to display my context menu on the toolbar (window title too), but when I right click on Manbar, the handle does not apply detective ++ usage and client, toolbar or co Title Message trace a specific application results to click down the message information: & lt; 02620 & gt; 005503 AE P WM_RBUTTONDOWN fwKeys: Mk_RBitton xPos: 1048 yPos: 7 & lt; 02621 & gt; 005503 AE P WM_RBUTTONUP fwKeys: 0000xPos: 1048 yPos: 7 & lt; 02622 & gt; 005503 AE WM_CONTEXTMENU hwnd: 005503EE xPos: 1174 yPos: 63 But right-clicking on the menu creates no relevant information in the spy ++ message window. So I think this is standard Windows behavior. I suspect that the message is being generated by sending WM_CONTEXTMENU message to WM_RBUTTONDOWN and I WM_RBUTTONUP and the message Right click on the menu, no popup contact menu is...

linux - How to handle unicode strings in a XeLaTeX document? -

An earlier question led me to XeLaTex (it was about latex and unicode). So I have received this document: \ documentclass [a4paper] {article} \ usepackage [cm-default] {fontspec} \ usepackage {xunicode} \ usepackage {xltxtra} \ setmainfont [mapping = Text-text] {aael} \ start {document} ca aa ͷ \ and {document} with the font "ail" only one and ai is shown, the other two letters There are only one box if I remove \ setmainfont-command, then only one is displayed. If I change "Array" to "Linux Libertine", I get an error message: Invalid font name 'Linux Libertine': '' is upset because XeLaTeX has a font-name with empty space about Wikipedia's example. What do I have to do to show all my characters in my pdf document? If fonts are installed correctly, they should work as expected (at least they Work for me). However, neither Ariel nor Linux Libertin has all four letters. Specifically the first character is supported ...

java - What's the difference between instantiating in the field and instantiating in the constructor? -

ऐसा करने में क्या अंतर है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग someClass {SomeObject obj = new SomeObject (); // कोड के बाकी कोड} और यह सार्वजनिक वर्ग SomeClass {SomeObject obj; सार्वजनिक कुछ क्लास () {obj = new SomeObject (); } // शेष कोड} जावा भाषा विशिष्टता के अध्याय के अनुसार : नव निर्मित ऑब्जेक्ट के संदर्भ से पहले परिणाम के रूप में लौटा दिया गया है, संकेतक निर्माता निम्नलिखित प्रक्रिया का उपयोग करके नए ऑब्जेक्ट को इनिशियलाइज़ करने के लिए संसाधित है: इस निर्माता अभिविन्यास के लिए नए बनाए गए पैरामीटर चर पर निर्माता के लिए तर्क असाइन करें। यदि यह कन्स्ट्रक्टर उसी श्रेणी में किसी अन्य कन्स्ट्रक्टर के एक स्पष्ट निर्माता आवाज़ के साथ शुरू होता है (इस का उपयोग करके), तो तर्कों का मूल्यांकन करें और प्रक्रिया है कि कन्स्ट्रक्टर इनवोकेशन इन पांच चरणों का पुन: उपयोग कर रहा है। यदि उस निर्माता का आह्वान अकस्मात पूरा होता है, तो यह प्रक्रिया एक ही कारण के लिए अचानक पूरी होती है; अन्यथा, चरण 5 के साथ जारी रखें। यह कन्स्ट्रक्टर उसी क्लास के किसी अन्य कन्स्ट्रक्टर के स्पष्ट निर्माता के सा...

How much percentage of your day would you like to spend on writing Documentation as Software Develoeper? -

How much time do you spend on the documents as a software developer and how much time should you give the ideal document? S I spend a very short time documenting and most of the time "percent of time" is zero. This is an "old school" question is time and experience proven it Have done that code documentation is not the best use of your resources. Instead, the code should be written to be readable from the beginning - it should be self-documentary. Documentation, which is used less, can be applied to those areas where the underlying logic can not be explained through code If you know more about the roots of this idea Want - and how to create self-documentation code - reference work Robert C. Martin's. For deep analysis of art (but to pay less attention to coding standards and documents) I also strongly recommend that you get "the Bible": Update: Here is an example that I What I'm talking about is to say that you want a customer to verif...

apache - mod_rewrite rewrite all but index.php -

मेरे htaccess में मेरे पास RewriteRule ^ ([^ /] +) /? $ Cms.php? Seotitle = $ 1 [एल] यह विचार है कि index.html ठीक से लोड होगा और फिर पर अनुरोधित कुछ भी हथियाने के नियम का उपयोग करेगा Cms.php से फाइल। हालांकि यह काम नहीं कर रहा है - कोई सुराग? वास्तव में इस sorted asap की आवश्यकता है। इस नियम को आज़माएं: RewriteCond $ 1! ^ (सीएमएस \ .php | index..html) $ पुनर्लेखनकंड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f पुनर्वापरा नियम ^ ([^ /] +) /? $ Cms.php? Seotitle = $ 1 [एल]

caching - What algorithms do DNS servers use for faster lookups? -

DNS servers should be fast to avoid latency Whether algorithms use DNS servers to reduce latency? Are there any caching mechanisms that can be used effectively to improve the speed? There is a big problem with latency DNS. The slowest part of the DNS is reaching out to the 'net' and inquiries from other servers. Any A customer or server will speed up the caching process. In fact, what exactly is this? When a DNS server responds to a query, the answer comes back to TTL (time-to-live). The TTL value tells the querying server how much time to cache the response. The TTL value zone is set by the official server. Usually this is about a day, but depending on how many times the admin thinks that the DNS entry can change. The DNS client (which can act on behalf of an end user from another user) caches the response when it exceeds TTL, it will exit the cache. Until that time, questions from that specific hostname will come out of the cache. I used to run my own DNS ser...

regex - Matching Chinese characters with regular expressions (php) -

Can you tell me about the mistake in your regular expression? / [\ X {4e00} - \ x {9fa5}] * [. My string is a Chinese character ( [\ x} {\ xx} {/ x} 4e00} - \ x {9fa5}] ), then with any character and ends with '[/ m]' and another Chinese character, the string probably looks like this : My ... some text goes here (includes an alphabet with spaces and new rows) ... [/ m] My But unfortunately my regular expression does not work as expected is. It looks like you probably wants to replace '*' with '+' first so that You may have at least one matching letter in the starting space and you can skip the '' ss' character group and just use '.' As with any character, if it is the whole line, then I will start rajx with '^' and will end it with '$'.

how do radio buttons work with mvc binding -

I have a strongly typed object that represents all the text box properties of a form and when I post on the controller I am Now I need to add a radio button to this form. How can I make that map firmly in typed objects? If you use HtmlHelper.RadioButton, you will be fine unless your name is your property name Matches Below is a snippet of code from one of my projects: & lt; Span & gt; & Lt;% = Html.RadioButton ("date", "MMMM / dd / yy", Model.DateFormat.Equals ("MMMM / dd / yy"), new dictionary & lt; string, object & gt; {{" Class "," normalwidth "}})%> & Lt; Label class = "displayinline" & gt; & Lt;% = DateTime.Now.ToString ("MMMM dd, yyyy")%> & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; & Lt;% = Html.RadioButton ("date format", "yay / mm / dd", model.dataformat.quals ("yyyy / mm / dd"), new dic...

Running in to some issues with Tumblr's Theme Parser -

I am working under a Tumbler topic and you will see that I {block: PostType} Syntax to declare the opening tag for each post, which is a & lt; Li & gt; element does not allow me to set the li square dynamically on the basis of the type of post, but instead of frequent me, I call stock as js, which is actually the page below Was slipping. This creates a new issue, though I believe there is a flaw in the tumbler's parser. Each order has been given in each order, in which one and gt; is the element. I know that I will send each post to a & lt; Div & gt; but I really like the control and semantics to use a list. Tumblr master? suggestion? Code sample: {block: post} & lt; Ol class = "posts" & gt; {Block: text} & lt; Li class = "post type_text" id = "{PostID}" & gt; {Block: title} & lt; H2 & gt; & Lt; A href = "{permalink}" heading = "post" {title} '. " & Gt; {Titl...

filenames - Bash globbing - autoexpand for a few specific cases? -

I think the wildcard * (by itself) will expand in such a way that its meaning "All non-hidden files in the current folder" are prefixed to a period with hidden files. In two useful cases I feel useful, but I do not know how to do it correctly: How can you globe for All files in the current folder including hidden files, but . or . " How do you Globe for the ... "All hidden files (and hidden files only) in the current folder, but . or .. "? to expand and answer the second part of your question For all files except and .. can be specified as such: {. !!!] *, *} This dotglob shell option based on the case of your precise use, so that in default by * in bash Dotfile included: $ shopt -s dotglob $ echo * .tst mvc - How can I get the name of the view in master page -

Actually, the question is in the title; I have an mvc application, and in the master page, Need to acquire and use. For example, I use the word "Vignem" in the header of each page. I would like to include JS or use it in a render action call. Of course, I can make asp: ContentPlaceHolder in the main section of the main page, but I have noticed that the subject I am considering is with the exception of the same name, therefore, I am trying to rephire, and I do not see anything in either the page or any vexax variable. Thank you You should be able to get the name of this view: IView view = ((ViewPage) this.Page) .ViewContext.View; String ViewName = (see WebFormView) .ViewPath;

xml - SQL Server 2005 Xquery namespaces -

I am trying to exclude certain values ​​from the XML datatype. Data looks like this: & lt; Personalized xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns: xsd = "http: // www."> & Lt; Firstname xmlns = "" & gt; Liria & lt; / FirstName & gt; & Lt; LastName xmlns = "" & gt; Latimore & lt; / LastName & gt; & Lt; / Indvidual & gt; Note the presence of xmlns in elements first and last name - it is added when we make XML by serializing C # commercial object, it seems that elements in this The presence of the namespace is causing the XQuery expression to fail, such as: SELECT MyTable.value ('(// personal / last name) [1]', 'Newcomer (100) ') First name This return is taped. But when I remove namespace from elements in XML (for example use a T-SQL statement), then...

linux - how do i source .bashrc remotely -

I am currently writing a script to set some paths in a remote machine using ssh. I have successfully set the variable in .bashrc. However, this is the last step of my script "source .bashrc" However, when I manually ssh on the machine, then PATH is still not set. What's the problem? If on computer A, you set PATH on Computer B , A script that runs through a script in

windows xp - DOS legacy application with USB printer -

The unfortunate task of doing (minimum) maintenance work on two heritage applications developed in DBII + + / K8PER. I have full access to the source and if there is a minimum toolchain for compiling the application, if needed Due to various (most psychological) reasons from the main user, I do not have permission to complete it again from scratch. Anyway, while applications work fine under XP, hardware support is a home work user failure printer (an old effect HP with parallel interface) and 486 (!) Desktop Changes where applications are hosted. The main problem is now to find a printer that can be used under XP, probably the USB (ASUEEEE box will be perfect, and it does not play parallel port) and it is called "visible" Makes it So far I have found a workaround: Plus some utilities: Utilities Looks better because they offer some sort of filters for the old escape sequences (epson or HP's bid for EPS / P), making the printer transparent. Either they say...

.net - FileNotFoundException in Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project when trying to load custom config -

I'm trying to call a custom action call within my setup; To update some items within app.config on my app, deployment project I've wrapped the custom configuration section in general, for example: [Configuration property ("Service Provider", ISRAEFire = true)] Public String Service Provider {Received {Return (String) Base {"Service Provider"]; } Set {base ["dataProviderFactory"] = value; }} I have called custom action after the base during the installation section of the installation. The installer code is: string exePath = string.format ("{0} MyApp.exe", reference parameter ["DP_TargetDir"]); SysConfig.Configuration config = ConfigManager.OpenExeConfiguration (exePath); Configuration. MyApp section = Configuration.MyApp) config.GetSection ("MyApp"); When I run it, I get this error: The system Configuration. Configuration eroser exception: There was an error in creating configuration section handles ...

c# - where can I download the assembly MPF.Project.NonShipping.dll? -

I want to use HierarchyNode class in Microsoft. Visual Studio.Package Namespace and Assembly MPF.Project.NonShipping is dll. There was no assembly on Net Reference or on COM. I searched the file, but it was not on the machine. I tried to pass DLL to download it, but there was no link to download. Thank you in advance the way I am using VS 2008 SP1. For those of you, VS Download the SDK.

input - Read two variables in a single line with Python -

I'm familiar with the input () function, to read a variable from user input Is there an easy easy way to read two variables? I am looking for equals: scanf ("% d% d", & amp; i, & j); // "10 20 \ n" Accepts in a way I am able to get it to raw_input () and then split What is a more beautiful way of what was recorded? It is not for live use. Just to learn .. No , The normal way is raw_input (). Split () In your case you can use the map (int, raw_input (), split ()) if you want them to have string Instead of integer do not use input () for that code import os; Os.system ('do something bad') / html>

ASP.NET Filename encoding while sending file -

I am sending a file from the ASP.NET page to the browser. I'm adding a header to send a file name properly: response. Contact Type = "app / octet-stream"; Response.AddHeader ("content-dispute", "attachment; file name =" + file name); The problem is that when I received the "ABC Deaf" part of a white file (like "ABC Def") in the file, I have tried it with: Server.HtmlEncode But it does not help / P> Do you have any ideas to solve this problem? Enter a filename in quotation marks: - response. Contact Type = "app / octet-stream"; Response.AddHeader ("content-dispute", "attachment; file name =" "+ filename +" \ "");

Postgresql compiled from source WAL file compatibility with ubuntu package -

Forgive my ignorance. Is it possible to use the files made by PostGrassCloud compiled from the source (version 8.3.5) a Ubuntu PostGrasecl Package (8.3.4)? Thanks in advance. This depends on the compilation options. Normally - is it the same architecture (same OS, 32/64 bit?), And "integer dataset" setgreses on the same value set to both? If yes - this should work.

zlib iPhone - files get crap in beginning -

Some .tgz-files have been found in my bundle that I want to uncompress the file and write I got the job - The kind of problem is that the written file gets 512 bytes of crap data in front of it, but in addition, the file has been successfully uncompressed. I do not want to rubbish. If it is always 512 bytes, then writing is easy to write to others, but is it always so? Something is risky to do that if no one knows why these bytes are in the first place. gzFile f = gzopen ([[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: Type the file type: @ "TGG"] CStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding], [@ "RB" cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]); Unsigned full length = 1024 * 1024; Zero * buffer = maul (length); NSMutableData * Data = [NSMutableData new]; Whereas (true) {int read = gzread (f, buffer, length); If (Read & gt; 0) {[Data EditedBits: Buffer Length: Reading]; } And if (read == 0) break; Else if (read == -1) {throwing with NSE exception exception: @...

c# - Multithreading in .NET - implementing a counter in the background -

As a training exercise, I am creating a counter that runs in a background thread, one. 3.5 3.5 in WPF app. The idea is that the counter increases and outputs on the screen every few seconds. Because it is a training practice, the foreground thread does not really do anything, but imagine that it does! There is a start and stop button to start and stop the counter. The problem is that I want to update the foreground thread in every second and update it in the text box of the form. When I try this, the whole app goes 'no answer'. Currently I have got it to update the count for a certain time after it started. I will dump all the codes here so that you can get the full picture: public partial squares window 1: window {public representative zero endingInteractivity (int presentcount) ; Number of private int reports; Private thread work thread; Public Window 1 () {InitializeComponent (); } Events in # field private zeros-window-loaded (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e...

c++ - Do pointers to string literals remain valid after a function returns? -

क्या निम्न फ़ंक्शन द्वारा पॉइंटर वापस आया है? const char * bool2str (bool) Flg) {लौटें flg? "हाॅं नही"; } यह दृश्य सी ++ और जी ++ में अच्छी तरह से काम करता है सी ++ मानक इस बारे में क्या कहता है? भंडारण अवधि पर: 2.13.4 साधारण स्ट्रिंग लीटरल और यूटीएफ -8 स्ट्रिंग लीटरल को संकीर्ण स्ट्रिंग लीटरल के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। एक संकीर्ण स्ट्रिंग का शाब्दिक प्रकार "सर constitute of array" है, जहां n नीचे परिभाषित स्ट्रिंग का आकार है, और स्थिर भंडारण अवधि 3.7.1 के साथ संयोजन के रूप में पढ़ा 3.7.1। सभी ऑब्जेक्ट्स जिनमें डायनामिक स्टोरेज अवधि नहीं है, में थ्रेड स्टोरेज अवधि नहीं है, और स्थानीय में स्थिर नहीं हैं भंडारण की अवधि इन ऑब्जेक्ट्स के लिए स्टोरेज प्रोग्राम की अवधि (3.6.2, 3.6.3) के लिए रह जाएगा। प्रकार: अनुलग्नक सी उपक्लेज़ 2.13.4: बदलें : स्ट्रिंग लीटरल्स ने कॉन्स्ट को स्ट्रिंग का प्रकार बनाया है शाब्दिक "चारों की सरणी" से "चार प्रकार की सरणी" में बदल दिया गया है। एक चार 16_t स्ट्रिंग का प्रकार "...

Biztalk orchestration request-response exception handling -

I have an orchestration that uses a request feedback port to call a web service and a response Waits for It's working perfectly. I am now testing to handle errors and I am calling a web service that divides by zero exception, orchestration does not catch exceptions as an exception; It works like I'm returning a SOAP mistake is a regular string. However, when I only tested this behavior with a request port, I ended up with the division of noise, the exception ended within orchestra's catch block. I need to get requests in the response ports and catch web service exceptions at the port in only one way. You are seeing this type of error because there is a problem with the HTTP response coming from the web service. Parsing the answer received and tries to break it into the header and body and then parses the header. If the response is distorted HTTP, it causes such error This SOAP is using LIBRARY to explain the message and the message is bad because it is going to...

c++ - Assigning vector::iterator to char array post VS 2003 -

I compiled under VS 2008 for some C ++ files originally written in Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) 2003 I am trying to get the code and I am having a Vector :: Eratator to get the beginning of the four arrays to solve an efficient solution. I know that the watters were defined as a simple indicator type (T *), which is VS For class type between 2003 and VS 2005. Here's a simple example of what I'm talking about: type-up speed :: vector & lt; Char & gt; CharContainer; Typedef CharContainer :: Iterator input it; Int FindNumMsgs (InputIt _inputIter, int _len); Int Process Buffer Forums (Four Buffs [], Constant Arm_T MaxLen) {Int Newmumbs = Fickle Nummass (Input (Buff), MaxLen); ...} Then, VS In 2003, it compiles and works with any problem (since the Iterator is defined as T *). V.S. In 2008, these errors with the C440 (Function-Style-Cast), because I can not specify an interpreter with buffer pointer. 2008 What do I do to do this work in VS 2008 that the itater are ...

iPhone real time notification from a server, without using Apple push notification -

I'm exploring a way to get real time notifications from a server in an iPhone app. I do not want to use apple push notifications because I have too many notifications, my web service has been coded in PHP, and I have not figured out an easy way to implement this functionnality. What should I consider? Many thanks for your help! EDIT: I'm looking for a way to get the notification only when the app is launched (Otherwise, the only option is not Apple Push.). If the app is running then you can open an http connection from the app and server on the server When you open, you are pushing data through it, how it basically works. This will only work if your app is running. If you need notifications, even if the user closes the app, then Apple Push Notifications are your only choice.

html - Programming Resources for Non-English Speakers -

I teach a course in basic web programming in a public university. I often have such students who are working hard to take English at the same time that they are taking their course. In many cases I have thought that I want to take additional course material in different languages ​​to keep some technological barriers associated with linguistic people. Can someone recommend "stevavourflow" whose primary language base is Japanese, Chinese, Polish or Spanish? Or likewise, in one of the listed languages ​​targeting web development? Edit: One thing I ask is that the recommendations are based on the use of the site and based on familiar information about the language or the sites reputation as a respondent Has been mentioned, Google can ask questions which students can ask in their native language. Although this can be a great strategy, it does not always focus on quality information. Thank you! is a site that you want to see is a Chinese clone of this stack overfl...

Is there a jQuery plugin for list sorting? -

Is there a jQuery plugin that will allow a list of items to sort ( & lt; li & gt; ; ... & lt; / li & gt; ) according to their meta data stored as a hidden element? For example, each list item contains two hidden information: author and year . I want to sort the list using those hidden elements. I'm surprised that jQuery is ready to use the plugin or not. So far, I have not found such a plugin. Only I have found that for table sorting. & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Status 1 & lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "author" value = "peter" /> & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "year" value = "2004" /> & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Status 2 & lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "author" value = "john" /> & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "year" value = "2005" /> & Lt; / Li & gt; ...

c# - response.redirect and throw in catch block -

What will happen in the following scenario? What will throw this job after the reaction? Forward? Or I need to use the feedback. Redirects to the main block of catch blocks where this exception throws the call stack .... try {// code} hold (exception before) {Response.Redirect ("Error.aspx") ; throw; } Since you are not supplying parameters to indicate that current By implementing the page or not, it will automatically end the page by calling End (). Using the method with one parameter is similar to calling the method with two parameters, the second (endresports) is set to true . Since an end () result is an exception being thrown, it will never reach your throw statement. Reference: When you use this method in a page handler, complete a request for a page and start a new request for the second page, Set end to Reply or call redirection method overload. This method ends the call for the original request, which throws the ThreadAboutException exception upo...

types - Haskell lexer problems -

मैं haskell में एक lexer लिख रहा हूँ यहां कोड है: lexer :: स्ट्रिंग - & gt; [टोकन] लेक्सर एस | S = ~ whitespace :: bool = टोकन = s = ~ whitespace :: स्ट्रिंग में लेक्स (ड्रॉप (लंबाई टोकन) s) | S = ~ number :: bool = टोकन = s = ~ number :: वाल में स्ट्रिंग (टोकन पढ़ें): लेक्स (ड्रॉप (लंबाई टोकन) s) | S = ~ operator :: Bool = टोकन = s = ~ ऑपरेटर: ऑपरेशन टोकन में स्ट्रिंग: लेक्स (ड्रॉप (लंबाई टोकन) s) | अन्यथा = त्रुटि "अपरिचित वर्ण" जहां सफेद स्थान = "^ [\ t \ n]" संख्या = "^ [0- 9] * (\ [0- 9] +)?" ऑपरेटर = "^ [+ - * / ()]" डेटा टोकन = वैल इन्ट | ऑपर स्ट्रिंग मेरी दो समस्याएं हैं I एक, संख्या regex "^ [0-9] * (\ [0-9] +)?" इस त्रुटि को फेंकता है: स्ट्रिंग / चरित्र में शाब्दिक त्रुटि शब्दशः चरित्र '[' और जब मैं इसे युक्त रेखा और उस फ़ंक्शन का हिस्सा टिप्पणी करता हूं जिसका उपयोग करता है, तो मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: अपेक्षित प्रकार से मिलान नहीं किया जा सका ' अनुमानित प्रकार: [टोकन] अनुमानित प्रकार: [(स्ट्र...

Is it ok to return application/octet-stream from a REST interface? -

Am I removing application / octat-stream for my responses and breaking any law in the REST Bible? The remaining end point 5 receives the image url. {"image1": "", "image2": "http: // www" } and it will download them and return them as an application / octet-stream. Clarification : This customer, who invites the rest of the interface, is a mobile app. Each additional network connection made will reduce the battery life to a few million. I am compelled to use the rest because it is a company standard. If not, then I will do my own binary protocol. This is not very good, as the client does not know what to do with these binary data, But to store those bytes somewhere or forward them to any other process (if this is all your data, then it's fine). IMO can put a look at content types, a multiparted message that has many image / gif parts, will be a better option.

python - Convert hex to float -

How to change the following hex string for float (single precision 32-bit) in Python? "41973333" - & gt; 1.88999996185302734375 E1 "41995C29" - & gt; 1.91700000762939453125 E1 "470FC614" - & gt; 3.6806078125E4 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import structure & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Struct.unpack ('! F', '41973333'.decode (' hex ')) [0] 18.899999618530273 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Struct.unpack ('! F', '41995C29' DXOD ('HEX')) [0] 19.170000076293945 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Struct.unpack ('! F', '470FC614'.decode (' hex ')) [0] 36806.078125 Update: How to do it See comment on Python 3.

PHP inclusion behaving oddly with multiple includes -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: यदि (include_once (dirname (__ FILE__)। ' यह एक त्रुटि कारण है क्योंकि PHP में शामिल करने की कोशिश करता है " 1 " (संभवत: डायनेम (__ फ़ाइल __)। '/ File.php' || डायनेम (__ फाइल __)। '/ Local / file.php' ) टिप्पणी दूसरी पंक्ति से यह काम इस रूप में करना है, इस तथ्य के अलावा यह दूसरी फ़ाइल का उपयोग नहीं करेगा। क्या मुझे वास्तव में elseif और कोड दोहराव का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है, या क्या यह काम करने का कोई तरीका है? $ php --version PHP 5.2। 6-3ubuntu4.2 सोहोसिन-पैच (सीएलआई) (निर्मित: अगस्त 21 2009 1 9 -44 -44) कॉपीराइट (सी) 1997-2008 पीएचपी समूह जेड इंजन v2.2.0, कॉपीराइट (सी) 1998-2008 ज़ेंड टेक्नोलॉजीज समूह शामिल करें बयान: यदि ((include_once dirname (__ फ़ाइल __)। '/ File.php') () में शामिल करें (डायनेस डायनेम (__ फाइल __)। '/ Local / file.php')) मैन्युअल पृष्ठ में देखें: & lt;? Php // काम नहीं करेगा, के रूप में मूल्यांकन किया गया (('vars.php') == ' ठीक है ...

Create array from the contents of <div> tags in php -

मेरे पास एक वैरिएबल $ html P> यहां $ html की सामग्री का एक उदाहरण है: & lt; div class = "content" & gt; यहाँ कुछ & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; span & gt; कुछ यादृच्छिक & lt; मजबूत & gt; यहां & lt; / strong & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "सामग्री" & gt; अधिक सामान & lt; / div & gt; PHP का उपयोग कैसे कर सकता हूँ मैं उस सरणी को उस कोड से जो & lt; div class = "content" & gt; & gt; / div & gt; क्षेत्रों इस तरह (इसके बाद के संस्करण के लिए): $ array [echo] [0] "\ N"। $ सरणी [1]; // आदि आउटपुट यहाँ कुछ अधिक सामान यह मानना ​​है कि ओपी में एक सरल मामला है और वास्तविक स्थिति अधिक जटिल है, आप XPath का उपयोग करना चाहेंगे। यदि यह वास्तव में जटिल है, तो आप (के साथ) का उपयोग करना चाह सकते हैं, लेकिन यहां SimpleXML का उपयोग करना एक सरल उदाहरण है $ xml = नया SimpleXMlelement ($ html); $ परिणाम = $ xml- & gt; xpath ('// div [@ class ...

Umbraco - postbacks caching problemm -

I am having problems with a page which I am developing in umbraco. I am quite new to this, so some guidance will be appreciated. The problem seems to be linked to umbraco's cache pages. I have a map of stock locksmith, a map of Australia in my case). From this page the user can select an area to see the stockist inside that area. I have a bigger search button in which the checkbox for some users should choose which area they want to search. When I say 'Sydney' and press my search button, it's all right. This result gives me hope. But ... if I'm going and click the Search button directly (again) - the search results will disappear. It's talking about some strange caching like its umbraco, I've tried negligible with the caching setting within the developer area (i.e. 'cash period'), but any analog pattern that highlights the problem Have not seen Oh, one more thing - its not to load the page load and PageInst Event (when it is rec...

crystal reports - How to display a total of time values? -

क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट 8.5 का प्रयोग क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट समय कॉलम मान में स्ट्रिंग हैं I मैं व्यक्ति आईडी से एक रिकॉर्ड ऑर्डर करता हूं। इस तरह से। पर्सनियट इंटेम आउटटाइम 001 08:00:00 17:00:00 001 14:00:00 22:00:00 002 07:00:00 10:00:00 002 04:00:00 21:00:00 ..., उपरोक्त रिपोर्ट से मुझे इंटिमेट की कुल जरूरत है, व्यक्ति के द्वारा आउट आउट समूह की कुल अपेक्षित आउटपुट Personid Intime Outtime 001 08:00:00 17:00:00 001 14:00:00 22:00:00 कुल 22:00:00 39:00:00 002 07:00:00 10:00:30 002 04:00:00 21:00:30 कुल 11:00:00 31:01:00 ..., मैं कुल मिलाकर सभी मूल्यों को व्यक्तिगत रूप से प्रदर्शित करूंगा। क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट फ़ॉर्मूला सहायता की आवश्यकता है। अपने समय को सेकंड में कन्वर्ट करें और फिर अपना कुल प्राप्त करें। सेकंड के रूप में आपके प्रदर्शन स्वरूप में सेकंड्स। सेकंड के लिए, क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट में, क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट में, अपने विवरण अनुभाग में एक फार्मूला बनाएं: @IntimeSeconds ToNumber (वाम ({ तालिका (समय सारणी), 2) * 3600) + ToNumber (मध्य ({table.Intime}, 4, 2) * 60) + ToN...