linux - How to handle unicode strings in a XeLaTeX document? -
An earlier question led me to XeLaTex (it was about latex and unicode). So I have received this document:
\ documentclass [a4paper] {article} \ usepackage [cm-default] {fontspec} \ usepackage {xunicode} \ usepackage {xltxtra} \ setmainfont [mapping = Text-text] {aael} \ start {document} ca aa ͷ \ and {document}
with the font "ail" only one and ai is shown, the other two letters There are only one box if I remove \ setmainfont-command, then only one is displayed. If I change "Array" to "Linux Libertine", I get an error message:
Invalid font name 'Linux Libertine': ''
is upset because XeLaTeX has a font-name with empty space about Wikipedia's example.
What do I have to do to show all my characters in my pdf document?
If fonts are installed correctly, they should work as expected (at least they Work for me). However, neither Ariel nor Linux Libertin has all four letters. Specifically the first character is supported by only a small number of fonts (see). The following example correctly uses and displays all the characters:
\ documentclass [a4paper] {article} \ usepackage {fontspec} \ usepackage {xunicode} \ usepackage {xltxtra} \ setmainfont { Code2000} \ start {Document} c ä ͷ \ end {document}
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